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We delineated the role of Ca2+-activated K+ channels in the phenomenon of spike frequency adaptation (SFA) exhibited by neurons in the caudal region of nucleus tractus solitarius (cNTS) using intracellular recording coupled with the current-clamp technique in rat brain slices. Intracellular injection of a constant depolarizing current evoked a train of action potentials whose discharge frequency declined rapidly to a lower steady-state level of irregular discharges. This manifested phenomenon of SFA was found to be related to extracellular Ca2+. Low Ca2+ (0.25 mM) or Cd2+ (0.5 mM) in the perfusing medium resulted in a significant increase in the adaptation time constant (adap) and an appreciable reduction in the percentage adaptation of spike frequency (Fadap). In addition, the evoked discharges were converted from an irregular to a regular pattern, accompanied by a profound increase in mean firing rate. Intriguingly, similar alterations in adap, Fadap, discharge pattern and discharge rate were elicited by apamin (1 µM), a selective blocker for small-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ (SK) channels. On the other hand, charybdotoxin (0.1 µM), a selective blocker for large-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channels, was ineffective. Our results suggest that SK channels of cNTS neurons may subserve the generation of both SFA and irregular discharge patterns displayed by action potentials evoked with a prolonged depolarizing current. 相似文献
The molecular mechanisms controlling fluid secretion within the oviduct have yet to be determined. As in other epithelia, both secretory and absorptive pathways are likely to work in tandem to drive appropriate ionic movement to support fluid movement across the oviduct epithelium. This study explored the role of potassium channels in basolateral extracellular ATP (ATP(e))-stimulated ion transport in bovine oviduct epithelium using the Ussing chamber short-circuit current (I(SC)) technique. Basal I(SC) in bovine oviduct epithelium comprises both chloride secretion and sodium absorption and was inhibited by treatment with basolateral K(+) channel inhibitors tetrapentlyammonium chloride (TPeA) or BaCl(2). Similarly, ATP-stimulated chloride secretion was significantly attenuated by pretreatment with BaCl(2,) tetraethylammonium (TEA), tolbutamide, and TPeA. Basolateral K(+) current, isolated using nystatin-perforation technique, was rapidly activated by ATP(e), and pretreatment of monolayers with thapsigargin or TPeA abolished this ATP-stimulated K(+) current. To further investigate the type of K(+) channel involved in the ATP response in the bovine oviduct, a number of specific Ca(2+)-activated K(+) channel inhibitors were tested on the ATP-induced ΔI(SC) in intact monolayers. Charbydotoxin, (high conductance and intermediate conductance inhibitor), or paxilline, (high conductance inhibitor) did not significantly alter the ATP(e) response. However, pretreatment with the small conductance inhibitor apamin resulted in a 60% reduction in the response to ATP(e). The presence of small conductance family member KCNN3 was confirmed by RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry. Measurements of intracellular calcium using Fura-2 spectrofluorescence imaging revealed the ability of ATP(e) to increase intracellular calcium in a phospholipase C-inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate pathway-sensitive manner. In conclusion, these results provide strong evidence that purinergic activation of a calcium-dependent, apamin-sensitive potassium conductance is essential to promote chloride secretion and thus fluid formation in the oviduct. 相似文献
目的:研究氧化还原药物对三叉神经节细胞离子通道的调节作用。方法:采用全细胞膜片钳电生理方法,记录氧化还原药物对三叉神经节细胞大电导钙激活钾通道(BKca)的影响。结果:蛋氨酸特异性氧化剂chloramine-T(Ch—T)1mmol/L可轻微增加通道电流幅值,但该作用不能被半胱氨酸还原剂1,4-dithio-DL-threitol(DTT)所逆转。相反,半胱氨酸特异性氧化剂5,5’-dithio-bis(2-nitribenzoic acid)(DTNB)500μmol/L降低BKCa的电流幅值,此作用可被DTT 2mmol/L所逆转。结论:ROS通过氧化调节BKCa通道而参与三叉神经节细胞的功能调节,BKCa通道在氧化应激相关性生理、病理状态下起重要的调节作用。 相似文献
Jeffrey D. Owen 《The Journal of membrane biology》1974,16(1):65-78
Contribution of cyclic-nucleotide-gated channels to the resting conductance of olfactory receptor neurons

The basal conductance of unstimulated frog olfactory receptor neurons was investigated using whole-cell and perforated-patch recording. The input conductance, measured between -80 mV and -60 mV, averaged 0.25 nS in physiological saline. Studies were conducted to determine whether part of the input conductance is due to gating of neuronal cyclic-nucleotide-gated (CNG) channels. In support of this idea, the neuronal resting conductance was reduced by each of five treatments that reduce current through CNG channels: external application of divalent cations or amiloride; treatment with either of two adenylate cyclase inhibitors; and application of AMP-PNP, a competitive substrate for adenylate cyclase. The current blocked by divalent cations or by a cyclase inhibitor reversed near 0 mV, as expected for a CNG current. Under physiological conditions, gating of CNG channels contributes approximately 0.06 nS to the resting neuronal conductance. This implies a resting cAMP concentration of 0.1-0.3 micro M. A theoretical model suggests that a neuron containing 0.1-0.3 micro M cAMP is poised to give the largest possible depolarization in response to a very small olfactory stimulus. Although having CNG channels open at rest decreases the voltage change resulting from a given receptor current, it more substantially increases the receptor current resulting from a given increase in [cAMP]. 相似文献
A small conductance chloride channel has been identified on the apical membrane of porcine thyroid cells using the patch-clamp technique. In cell attached membrane patches with NaCl in the pipette, the single channel conductance is 5.5 pS. The channel is highly selective for chloride over gluconate and iodide, and is impermeable to Na+, K+ and tetraethylammonium ions. The open state probability of the channel is not affected by voltage. The channel activity disappears after excision of the patch. The Cl- channel blocker 5-nitro-2-(3-phenylpropylamino)-benzoate (NPPB) did not affect the activity of the thyroid Cl- channels. Treatment of thyroid cells with 8-(4-chlorophenylthio)adenosine-3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (8-chloro-cAMP) (0.5 mM) prior to giga-seal formation increased Cl- channel activity in the apical membrane of thyroid cells. 相似文献
《Channels (Austin, Tex.)》2013,7(1):46-56
KV2.1 is the prominent somatodendritic sustained or delayed rectifier voltage-gated potassium (Kv) channel in mammalian central neurons, and is a target for activity-dependent modulation via calcineurin-dependent dephosphorylation. Using hanatoxin-mediated block of KV2.1 we show that, in cultured rat hippocampal neurons, glutamate stimulation leads to significant hyperpolarizing shifts in the voltage-dependent activation and inactivation gating properties of the KV2.1-component of delayed rectifier K+ (IK) currents. In computer models of hippocampal neurons, these glutamate-stimulated shifts in the gating of the KV2.1-component of IK lead to a dramatic suppression of action potential firing frequency. Current-clamp experiments in cultured rat hippocampal neurons showed glutamate-stimulation induced a similar suppression of neuronal firing frequency. Membrane depolarization also resulted in similar hyperpolarizing shifts in the voltage-dependent gating properties of neuronal IK currents, and suppression of neuronal firing. The glutamate-induced effects on neuronal firing were eliminated by hanatoxin, but not by dendrotoxin-K, a blocker of KV1.1-containing channels. These studies together demonstrate a specific contribution of modulation of KV2.1 channels in the activity-dependent regulation of intrinsic neuronal excitability. 相似文献
Activation-inactivation of potassium channels and development of the potassium-channel spike in internally perfused squid giant axons 总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3

I Inoue 《The Journal of general physiology》1981,78(1):43-61
A spike that is the result of calcium permeability through potassium channels was separated from the action potential is squid giant axons internally perfused with a 30 mM NaF solution and bathed in a 100 mM CaCl2 solution by blocking sodium channels with tetrodotoxin. Currents through potassium channels were studied under voltage clamp. The records showed a clear voltage-dependent inactivation of the currents. The inactivation was composed of at least two components; one relatively fast, having a time constant of 20--30 ms, and the other very slow, having a time constant of 5--10 s. Voltage clamp was carried out with a variety of salt compositions in both the internal and external solutions. A similar voltage-dependent inactivation, also composed of the two components, was recognized in all the current through potassium channels. Although the direction and intensity of current strongly depended on the salt composition of the solutions, the time-courses of these currents at corresponding voltages were very similar. These results strongly suggest that the inactivation of the currents in attributable to an essential, dynamic property of potassium channels themselves. Thus, the generation of a potassium-channel spike can be understood as an event that occurs when the equilibrium potential across the potassium channel becomes positive. 相似文献
Ion conductance and selectivity of single calcium-activated potassium channels in cultured rat muscle 总被引:8,自引:11,他引:8

《The Journal of general physiology》1984,84(1):1-23
The conductance and selectivity of the Ca-activated K channel in cultured rat muscle was studied. Shifts in the reversal potential of single channel currents when various cations were substituted for Ki+ were used with the Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz equation to calculate relative permeabilities. The selectivity was Tl+ greater than K+ greater than Rb+ greater than NH4+, with permeability ratios of 1.2, 1.0, 0.67, and 0.11. Na+, Li+, and Cs+ were not measurably permeant, with permeabilities less than 0.05 that of K+. Currents with the various ions were typically less than expected on the basis of the permeability ratios, which suggests that the movement of an ion through the channel was not independent of the other ions present. For a fixed activity of Ko+ (77 mM), plots of single channel conductance vs. activity of Ki+ were described by a two-barrier model with a single saturable site. This observation, plus the finding that the permeability ratios of Rb+ and NH+4 to K+ did not change with ion concentration, is consistent with a channel that can contain a maximum of one ion at any time. The empirically determined dissociation constant for the single saturable site was 100 mM, and the maximum calculated conductance for symmetrical solutions of K+ was 640 pS. TEAi+ (tetraethylammonium ion) reduced single channel current amplitude in a voltage-dependent manner. This effect was accounted for by assuming voltage-dependent block by TEA+ (apparent dissociation constant of 60 mM at 0 mV) at a site located 26% of the distance across the membrane potential, starting at the inner side. TEAo+ was much more effective in reducing single channel currents, with an apparent dissociation constant of approximately 0.3 mM. 相似文献
神经元钙激活钾电流的特征和功能 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
钙激活钾电流是由动作电位激活的一类外向钾电流,它是由不同类型的钙激活钾通道所介导。钙激活钾电流参与动作电位复极化和后超极化的电位的形成,并通过调节神经元的放电频率和影响神经元的放电类型参与神经元的多种上生理功能。 相似文献
内向整流钾离子通道(inwardly-rectifying potassium channels, Kir)在动物体内承担着重要的生理功能。有关昆虫Kir的研究虽然不多,但近5年来却取得许多重要进展,本文就昆虫Kir近年来的研究进展进行评述。目前对昆虫Kir的研究主要集中在双翅目与半翅目,对基因组的分析以及基因克隆研究表明,昆虫Kir基因数量较少,远低于哺乳动物。双翅目的冈比亚按蚊Anopheles gambiae与埃及伊蚊Aedes aegypti有5~6个Kir基因,黑腹果蝇Drosophila melanogaster仅3个Kir基因,半翅目的褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens与热带臭虫Cimex lectularius也只有3个Kir基因,而大豆蚜Aphis glycines的Kir基因数则减少到2个,第3个Kir基因的丢失可能与其马氏管的退化有关。系统进化分析表明昆虫Kir具有3个亚家族,但与哺乳动物的7个Kir亚家族没有直系同源关系。尽管如此,昆虫Kir具有与哺乳动物Kir类似的基本结构特征:由4个亚基组成四聚体通道,每个亚基具有2个跨膜区(TM1与TM2),TM1与TM2之间具K^+选择过滤序列。昆虫的Kir基因主要在唾液腺与马氏管中高水平表达,Kir抑制剂可阻断唾液腺与马氏管的分泌活性,从而影响昆虫的取食与排泄活动并使昆虫致死,说明这2类组织器官的分泌活性与Kir有关,Kir介导的K^+跨膜转运驱动了这类组织中上皮细胞的分泌活动。更为重要的发现是氟啶虫酰胺对褐飞虱Kir具有很高的阻断活性,并影响其唾液分泌与排泄功能,证明了Kir就是该杀虫剂的分子靶标。最后本文还对昆虫Kir研究中存在的科学问题进行了分析,展望了开发靶向Kir的新型杀虫剂的研究前景。 相似文献
R MacKinnon 《Current opinion in neurobiology》1991,1(1):14-19
Potassium channels are surprisingly modular proteins. Well-defined regions that determine functional properties such as ion conduction and gating have recently been identified. 相似文献
Previously, we have shown that nitric oxide (NO) directly activates the Maxi-K channels. In the present study, we have investigated whether NO has prolonged effects on the Maxi-K channels reconstituted in lipid bilayer. Application of S-nitroso-N-acetyl-D, L-penicillamine (SNAP), a NO donor, induced an immediate increase of open probability (Po) of Maxi-K channel in a dose-dependent manner.When SNAP was removed from the cytosolic solution, the Po did not simply returned to, but irreversibly decreased to a level lower than that of the control Po. At 0.2 mM, (Z)-[N-(3-Ammoniopropyl)-N-(n-propyl)amino] diazen-1-ium-1,2-diolate (PAPA-NO), another NO donor, produced a similar increase of Po and decrease of Po upon washout.The increasing effects of SNAP on Po were not blocked by either 50 U/ml superoxide dismutase (SOD) or 2 mM Nethylmaleimide (NEM) pre-treatments. However, NEM appears to be ineffective when applied after SNAP. These results suggest that NO can modulate Maxi-K channel via direct interaction and chemical modification, such as Snitrosylation in the brain. 相似文献
Negative conductance caused by entry of sodium and cesium ions into the potassium channels of squid axons 总被引:19,自引:25,他引:19

Internal Cs+, Na+, Li+, and, to a lesser degree, Rb+ interfere with outward current through the K pores in voltage clamped squid axons. Addition of 100 mM NaF to the perfusion medium cuts outward current for large depolarizations about in half, and causes negative conductance over a range of membrane voltages. For example, suddenly reducing membrane potential from +100 to +60 mv increases the magnitude of the outward current. Internal Cs+ and, to a small extent, Li+, also cause negative conductance. Na+ ions permeate at least 17 times less well through the K pores than K+, and Cs+ does not permeate measurably. The results strongly suggest that K pores have a wide and not very selective inner mouth, which accepts K+, Na+, Li+, Cs+, tetraethylammonium ion (TEA+), and other ions. The diameter of the mouth must be at least 8 A, which is the diameter of a TEA+ ion. K+ ions in the mouths probably have full hydration shells. The remainder of the pore is postulated to be 2.6–3.0 A in diameter, large enough for K+ and Rb+ but too small for Cs+ and TEA+. We postulate that Na+ ions do not enter the narrower part of the pore because they are too small to fit well in the coordination cages provided by the pore as replacements for the water molecules surrounding an ion. 相似文献
The peculiar pseudounipolar geometry of primary sensory neurons can lead to ectopic generation of "extra spikes" in the region of the dorsal root ganglion potentially disrupting the fidelity of afferent signaling. We have used an explicit model of myelinated vertebrate sensory neurons to investigate the location and mechanism of extra spike formation, and its consequences for distortion of afferent impulse patterning. Extra spikes originate in the initial segment axon under conditions in which the soma spike becomes delayed and broadened. The broadened soma spike then re-excites membrane it has just passed over, initiating an extra spike which propagates outwards into the main conducting axon. Extra spike formation depends on cell geometry, electrical excitability, and the recent history of impulse activity. Extra spikes add to the impulse barrage traveling toward the spinal cord, but they also travel antidromically in the peripheral nerve colliding with and occluding normal orthodromic spikes. As a result there is no net increase in afferent spike number. However, extra spikes render firing more staccato by increasing the number of short and long interspike intervals in the train at the expense of intermediate intervals. There may also be more complex changes in the pattern of afferent spike trains, and hence in afferent signaling. 相似文献
Increased chloride conductance as the proximate cause of hydrogen ion concentration effects in Aplysia neurons 总被引:2,自引:6,他引:2
A fall in extracellular pH increased membrane conductance of the giant cell in the abdominal ganglion of Aplysia californica. Chloride conductance was trebled whereas potassium conductance was increased by 50%. Half the giant cells were hyperpolarized (2–8 mv) and half were depolarized (3–10 mv) by lowering the pH. The hyperpolarizing response always became a depolarizing response in half-chloride solutions. When internal chloride was increased electrophoretically, the hyperpolarization was either decreased or changed to depolarization. The depolarizing response was reduced or became a hyperpolarizing response after soaking the cell in 10.0 mM chloride, artificial seawater solution for 1 hr. Depolarization was unaffected when either external sodium, calcium, or magnesium was omitted. A glass micropipette having an organic liquid chloride ion exchanger in its tip was used to measure intracellular chloride activity in 14 giant cells; 7 had values of 27.7 ± 1.8 mM (SEM) and 7 others 40.7 ± 1.5 mM. Three of the first group were hyperpolarized when pH was lowered and three of the second group were depolarized. In all six cells, these changes of membrane potential were in the direction of the chloride equilibrium potential. Intracellular potassium activity was measured by means of a potassium ion exchanger microelectrode. 相似文献