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The goal of the present study was to testthe hypothesis that local Ca2+ release events(Ca2+ sparks) deliver high local Ca2+concentration to activate nearby Ca2+-sensitiveK+ (BK) channels in the cell membrane of arterial smoothmuscle cells. Ca2+ sparks and BK channels were examined inisolated myocytes from rat cerebral arteries with laser scanningconfocal microscopy and patch-clamp techniques. BK channels had anapparent dissociation constant for Ca2+ of 19 µM and aHill coefficient of 2.9 at 40 mV. At near-physiological intracellularCa2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i; 100 nM) and membrane potential (40 mV), the open probability of a singleBK channel was low (1.2 × 106). A Ca2+spark increased BK channel activity to 18. Assuming that 1-100% of the BK channels are activated by a single Ca2+ spark, BKchannel activity increases 6 × 105-fold to 6 × 103-fold, which corresponds to ~30 µM to 4 µM sparkCa2+ concentration.1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acidacetoxymethyl ester caused the disappearance of all Ca2+sparks while leaving the transient BK currents unchanged. Our resultssupport the idea that Ca2+ spark sites are in closeproximity to the BK channels and that local[Ca2+]i reaches micromolar levels to activateBK channels.


Ca2(+)-sensitive K+ channel in aortic smooth muscle of rats   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We measured K+ channel activity in inside-out patches of cell membrane from aortic vascular smooth muscle cultured (Passages 1-3) from Wistar, Wistar-Kyoto, and spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). With [Ca2+]i between 25 and 100 nm and 150 mm K+ on both sides of the membrane, the conductance of this channel was 55 +/- 7 pS (slope of current-voltage curve through 0 mV) and the current was outwardly rectified. There was no difference in single-channel conductance among the three rat strains. Increasing negative holding voltages or increasing [Ca2+]i, increased the probability of this type channel being open (Npo; P less than 0.01); SHR had a larger NPo (P less than 0.01). Compared with cells from Wistar and Wistar-Kyoto, cells from SHR also had the longest mean open time. The increased NPo and mean open time we observed in this K+ channel of cells from SHR could contribute, at least in part, to the increased membrane K+ permeability, reported previously.  相似文献   

Smooth muscle gelsolin, termed smooth muscle 90-kDa protein in our previous paper (Kanno et al. FEBS Lett. 1985; 184:202-206), was purified from bovine aorta. Antibody prepared against smooth muscle gelsolin was used to detect the presence of gelsolin in human lung fibroblast MRC-5 cells permeabilized with Triton X-100 (MRC-5 cell models). These cells contracted in the presence of MgATP and Ca2+ in doses over 1 microM. Immunofluorescence microscopy using phalloidin and antigelsolin antibody showed that gelsolin was distributed along the stress fibers, except for a marginal bundle of cells, when MRC-5 cells were growth-arrested in serum-depleted medium. Making use of immunoblotting and indirect immunofluorescence techniques, we demonstrated that gelsolin is not retained in the MRC-5 cell models. We used purified smooth muscle gelsolin as a specific agent to sever the actin filaments. Preincubation of MRC-5 cell models with gelsolin led to a destruction of stress fibers, in a dose- and Ca2+ -dependent manner. The contractility was also lost, in the same manner described above, thereby indicating that a continuous distribution of actin filaments within the stress fibers is required for cell contraction. Treatment of MRC-5 cells with the Ca2+ ionophore A23187 induced an extracellular Ca2+ -dependent contraction but not a massive destruction of stress fibers, thereby indicating that most of the endogenous gelsolin was inactive under these conditions. Our interpretation of these results is that increases in cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentrations are sufficient for the contraction but may be too transient to activate endogenous gelsolin and thereby disrupt the stress fibers. Indeed, the inhibition of contraction of the MRC-5 cell, as induced by smooth muscle gelsolin, required preincubation in the presence of Ca2+, before the addition of MgATP. These results suggest that destruction of the stress fibers by endogenous gelsolin, which leads to inhibition of cell contraction, may occur if the cytoplasmic Ca2+ is maintained at high concentrations for a few minutes.  相似文献   

C W Smith  S B Marston 《FEBS letters》1985,184(1):115-119
The Ca2+-sensitive thin filaments of aorta smooth muscle have been, disassembled into their constituent proteins, actin, tropomyosin and a 120-kDa protein. The 120-kDa protein bound to aorta actin-tropomyosin and inhibited its ability to activate myosin MgATPase. This inhibition correlated with the binding of one 120-kDa protein molecule per 29 actin monomers. Upon the addition of calmodulin to the actin-tropomyosin-120-kDa protein complex, the inhibition was relieved in 10(-4) M Ca2+ but not 10(-9) M Ca2+. The full release of inhibition was not accompanied by a full release of 120-kDa protein binding to actin-tropomyosin. A fully active, Ca2+-sensitive aorta thin filament has thus been reconstituted from just four components: actin, tropomyosin, 120-kDa protein and calmodulin.  相似文献   

The interactions between troponin I and troponin C are central to the Ca(2+)-regulated control of striated muscle. Using isothermal titration microcalorimetry we have studied the binding of human cardiac troponin C (cTnC) and its isolated domains to human cardiac troponin I (cTnI). We provide the first binding data for these proteins while they are free in solution and unmodified by reporter groups. Our data reveal that the C-terminal domain of cTnC is responsible for most of the free energy change upon cTnC.cTnI binding. Importantly, the interaction between cTnI and the C-terminal domain of cTnC is 8-fold stronger in the presence of Ca(2+) than in the presence of Mg(2+), suggesting that the C-terminal domain of cTnC may play a modulatory role in cardiac muscle regulation. Changes in the affinity of cTnI for cTnC and its isolated C-terminal domain in response to ionic strength support this finding, with both following similar trends. At physiological ionic strength the affinity of cTnC for cTnI changed very little in response to Ca(2+), although the thermodynamic data show a clear distinction between binding in the presence of Ca(2+) and in the presence of Mg(2+).  相似文献   

The 20,000 dalton light chain (L2) was isolated from rabbit and chicken striated muscle myosins, and the Ca2+-induced conformational changes of these proteins were investigated. 1) The reaction of thiol groups of L2 with dithiobisnitrobenzoic acid (DTNB), 2) measurements of the UV difference absorption spectrum, 3) measurements of Stokes radius (Rs) by gel filtration and 4) measurements of the ESR spectrum of L2 whose cysteine or tyrosine residues were spin-labeled were used for the structural studies. The effect of Ca2+ on phosphorylated L2 was also investigated. The long axis of chicken L2 was calculated as 136A from the Stokes radius, suggesting that the L2 is an asymmetrical molecule. After the addition of Ca2+ the long axis was reduced to 104 A. The same effect of Ca2+ has been reported with rabbit L2 (Alexis, N.M. & Gratzer, W.B. (1978) Biochemistry 17, 2319-2325). Besides this large shape change, the addition of Ca2+ to L2 induced environmental changes around tyrosine residues and also changes in the reactivity of cysteine residues with DTNB. Ca2+ is supposed to be bound to the N-terminal region of the molecule, while the tyrosine and cysteine residues are located at the C-terminal region, which is probably sterically remote from the N-terminal region. The reason for the remote effect of Ca2+ may be related to the structural rigidity of the L2 molecule. The functions of two properties of L2, Ca2+-binding and phosphorylation, are discussed in relation to muscle contraction.  相似文献   

Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release (CICR) plays an important role in the generation of cytosolic Ca2+ signals in many cell types. However, it is inherently difficult to distinguish experimentally between the contributions of messenger-induced Ca2+ release and CICR. We have directly tested the CICR sensitivity of different regions of intact pancreatic acinar cells using local uncaging of caged Ca2+. In the apical region, local uncaging of Ca2+ was able to trigger a CICR wave, which propagated toward the base. CICR could not be triggered in the basal region, despite the known presence of ryanodine receptors. The triggering of CICR from the apical region was inhibited by a pharmacological block of ryanodine or inositol trisphosphate receptors, indicating that global signals require coordinated Ca2+ release. Subthreshold agonist stimulation increased the probability of triggering CICR by apical uncaging, and uncaging-induced CICR could activate long-lasting Ca2+ oscillations. However, with subthreshold stimulation, CICR could still not be initiated in the basal region. CICR is the major process responsible for global Ca2+ transients, and intracellular variations in sensitivity to CICR predetermine the activation pattern of Ca2+ waves.  相似文献   

EDTA-binding and acylation of the Ca2+-sensitive photoprotein aequorin   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The rate of phosphorylation and concomitant inactivation of purified pig heart muscle pyruvate dehydrogenase complex by intrinsic kinase (EC is markedly accelerated by the addition of coenzyme A to the incubation medium, showing a half-maximum effect at 1.8 μM. The pantetheine moiety is the effective part of the coenzyme A molecule. The free thiol group is prerequisite for the stimulatory action, acetyl-CoA, benzoyl-CoA or CoAS-SCoA being ineffectual. The thiol's specificity is evidenced by showing that dithiothreitol, 2-mercaptoethanol or glutathione up to 5 mM failed to replace coenzyme A. The possibility is considered that coenzyme A might act as a physiological modifier of pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase activity.  相似文献   

The intracellular Ca2+ content of nontransformed Balb/c3T3 cells is two to three times higher than that of a spontaneously transformed derivative. Depriving either cell type of extracellular Mg2+ causes a 2- to 3-fold increase in their Ca2+ content over a 24-hr period. Restoring Mg2+ to the medium decreases the Ca2+ content of the cells to their original values in about the same time. The increase in Ca2+ content is not blocked by cycloheximide suggesting that normal rates of protein synthesis are not required to produce this effect. Mg2+ deprivation also decreases the initial rate of Ca2+ efflux from the transformed cells and increases the size of the slowly exchanging fraction of Ca2+ to the levels found in the nontransformed cells. Since Mg2+ deprivation normalizes the appearance and growth behavior of the transformed cells, the possible intermediary role of Ca2+ in this normalization was studied. Large changes in extracellular Ca2+ produced large changes in the Ca2+ content of the transformed cells with little change in appearance or thymidine incorporation rate. Ca2+ deprivation did inhibit thymidine incorporation in early passage nontransformed cells; however with repeated passage, this effect decreased, as did the Ca2+ content of these cells. The possible role of Mg2+ in regulating cellular Ca2+ content and distribution is discussed, as is the relation of Ca2+ content and distribution to the development of the transformed state.  相似文献   

The influence of Ca2+ on the enzymatic and physical properties of smooth muscle myosin was studied. The actin-activated ATPase activity of phosphorylated gizzard myosin and heavy meromyosin is higher in the presence of Ca2+ than in its absence, but this effect is found only at lower MgCl2 concentrations. As the MgCl2 concentration is increased, Ca2+ sensitivity is decreased. The concentration of Ca2+ necessary to activate ATPase activity is higher than that required to saturate calmodulin. The similarity of the pCa dependence of ATPase activity and of Ca2+ binding to myosin and the competition by Mg2+ indicate that these effects involved the Ca2+-Mg2+ binding sites of gizzard myosin. For the actin dependence of ATPase activity of phosphorylated myosin at low concentrations of MgCl2, both Vmax and Ka are influenced by Ca2+. The formation of small polymers by phosphorylated myosin in the presence of Ca2+ could account for the alteration in the affinity for actin. For the actin dependence of phosphorylated heavy meromyosin at low MgCl2 concentrations, Ca2+ induces only an increase in Vmax. To detect alterations in physical properties, two techniques were used: viscosity and limited papain hydrolysis. For dephosphorylated myosin, 6 S or 10 S, Ca2+-dependent effects are not detected using either technique. However, for phosphorylated myosin the decrease in viscosity corresponding to the 6 S to 10 S transition is shifted to lower KCl concentrations by the presence of Ca2+. In addition, a Ca2+ dependence of proteolysis rates is observed with phosphorylated myosin but only at low ionic strength, i.e. under conditions where myosin assumes the folded conformation.  相似文献   

The regulatory properties of the Ca2+-sensitive intramitochondrial enzymes (pyruvate dehydrogenase phosphate phosphatase, NAD+-isocitrate dehydrogenase and 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase) in extracts of rat kidney mitochondria were found to be essentially similar to those described previously for other mammalian tissues; in particular each enzyme could be activated severalfold by Ca2+ with half-maximal effects (K0.5 values) of about 1 microM and effective ranges of approx. 0.1-10 microM Ca2+. In intact mitochondria prepared from whole rat kidneys incubated in a KCl-based medium containing respiratory substrates, the amount of active, nonphosphorylated pyruvate dehydrogenase could be increased severalfold by increases in extramitochondrial [Ca2+]; these effects could be blocked by ruthenium red. Similarly, Ca2+-dependent activations of NAD+-isocitrate dehydrogenase and 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase could be demonstrated in intact, fully coupled, rat kidney mitochondria by either following O2 uptake (in the presence of ADP) and NAD(P)H reduction (in the absence of ADP) on presentation of non-saturating concentrations of either threo-Ds-isocitrate or 2-oxoglutarate, respectively, under appropriate conditions, or for the latter enzyme only, also by following 14CO2 production from 2-oxo[1-14C]glutarate (in the absence or presence of ADP). Effects of Na+ (as a promoter of egress) and Mg2+ (as an inhibitor of uptake) on Ca2+-transport by rat kidney mitochondria could be readily demonstrated by assaying for the Ca2+-sensitive properties of the intramitochondrial Ca2+-sensitive dehydrogenases within intact rat kidney mitochondria. In the presence of physiological concentrations of Na+ (10 mM) and Mg2+ (2 mM), activation of the enzymes was achieved by increases in extramitochondrial [Ca2+] within the expected physiological range (0.05-5 microM) and with apparent K0.5 values in the approximate range of 300-500 nM. The implications of these results on the role of the Ca2+-transport system of kidney mitochondria are discussed.  相似文献   

Demaurex N 《Cell calcium》2005,38(3-4):213-222
The recent improvement in the design and use of genetically encoded fluorescent Ca2+ indicators should foster major progress in three aspects of Ca2+ signaling. At the subcellular level, ratiometric probes with expanded dynamics are now available to measure accurately the local Ca2+ changes occurring within specific cell compartments. These tools will allow to determine precisely the role of organelles and of cellular microdomains in Ca2+ handling. At the cellular level, the permanent labeling offered by the genetic probes enables large-scale, long-term Ca2+ measurements with robotic multiplexing technologies such as fluorescence plate readers or automated microscopes. This opens the way to large-scale pharmacological or genetic screens based on organelle-specific functional assays. At the whole animal level, probes with improved dynamics and reduced interference with endogenous proteins will allow to generate transgenic animals bearing Ca2+ sensitive indicators in specific cells and tissues. With this approach, Ca2+ signals can be recorded in neurons, heart, and pancreas of live animals during physiological and pathological stimulations. In this chapter, I will review the progress made in the design and use of genetic Ca2+ indicators, and discuss how these new tools provide an opportunity to challenge several unsolved questions in Ca2+ signaling.  相似文献   

Influenza virus added to Lettré cells at pH 5.3 induces a permeability change similar to that elicited by Sendal virus at pH 7.4: K+ and Na+ equilibrate across the plasma membrane and low-molecular-weight phosphorylated compounds leak out of cells, which remain impermeable to trypan blue.  相似文献   

In immortalized GnRH neurons, cAMP production is elevated by increased extracellular Ca2+ and the Ca2+ channel agonist, BK-8644, and is diminished by low extracellular Ca2+ and treatment with nifedipine, consistent with the expression of adenylyl cyclase type I (AC I). Potassium-induced depolarization of GT1-7 neurons causes a dose-dependent monotonic increase in [Ca2+]i and elicits a bell-shaped cAMP response. The inhibitory phase of the cAMP response is prevented by pertussis toxin (PTX), consistent with the activation of G(i)-related proteins during depolarization. Agonist activation of the endogenous GnRH receptor in GT1-7 neurons also elicits a bell-shaped change in cAMP production. The inhibitory action of high GnRH concentrations is prevented by PTX, indicating coupling of the GnRH receptors to G(i)-related proteins. The stimulation of cAMP production by activation of endogenous LH receptors is enhanced by low (nanomolar) concentrations of GnRH but is abolished by micromolar concentrations of GnRH, again in a PTX-sensitive manner. These findings indicate that GnRH neuronal cAMP production is maintained by Ca2+ entry through voltage-sensitive calcium channels, leading to activation of Ca2+-stimulated AC I. Furthermore, the Ca2+ influx-dependent activation of AC I acts in conjunction with AC-regulatory G proteins to determine basal and agonist-stimulated levels of cAMP production.  相似文献   

Ca(2+)-induced Ca(2+) release (CICR) from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) occurs in smooth muscle as spontaneous SR Ca(2+) release or Ca(2+) sparks and, in some spiking tissues, as Ca(2+) release that is triggered by the activation of sarcolemmal Ca(2+) channels. Both processes display spatial localization in that release occurs at a higher frequency at specific subcellular regions. We have used two-photon flash photolysis (TPFP) of caged Ca(2+) (DMNP-EDTA) in Fluo-4-loaded urinary bladder smooth muscle cells to determine the extent to which spatially localized increases in Ca(2+) activate SR release and to further understand the molecular and biophysical processes underlying CICR. TPFP resulted in localized Ca(2+) release in the form of Ca(2+) sparks and Ca(2+) waves that were distinguishable from increases in Ca(2+) associated with Ca(2+) uncaging, unequivocally demonstrating that Ca(2+) release occurs subsequent to a localized rise in [Ca(2+)](i). TPFP-triggered Ca(2+) release was not constrained to a few discharge regions but could be activated at all areas of the cell, with release usually occurring at or within several microns of the site of photolysis. As expected, the process of CICR was dominated by ryanodine receptor (RYR) activity, as ryanodine abolished individual Ca(2+) sparks and evoked release with different threshold and kinetics in FKBP12.6-null cells. However, TPFP CICR was not completely inhibited by ryanodine; Ca(2+) release with distinct kinetic features occurred with a higher TPFP threshold in the presence of ryanodine. This high threshold release was blocked by xestospongin C, and the pharmacological sensitivity and kinetics were consistent with CICR release at high local [Ca(2+)](i) through inositol trisphosphate (InsP(3)) receptors (InsP(3)Rs). We conclude that CICR activated by localized Ca(2+) release bears essential similarities to those observed by the activation of I(Ca) (i.e., major dependence on the type 2 RYR), that the release is not spatially constrained to a few specific subcellular regions, and that Ca(2+) release through InsP(3)R can occur at high local [Ca(2+)](i).  相似文献   

Effects of gelsolin on the actomyosin system in platelet have been studied. MgATPase activity of platelet actomyosin is enhanced up to two folds by 200 nM of platelet gelsolin in the presence, but not in the absence of Ca ion. The half maximum enhancement is observed at the concentration of Ca2+ around 10(-5) M. The effect of gelsolin to enhance the ATPase activity of actomyosin is potentiated by tropomyosin, which is a Ca2+-insensitive actomyosin enhancer. The results indicate that gelsolin may control the activity of actomyosin system in platelets.  相似文献   

1. Spermine has previously been reported to be an activator of mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake [Nicchitta & Williamson (1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259, 12978-12983]. This is confirmed in the present studies on rat heart, liver and kidney mitochondria by using the activities of the Ca2+-sensitive intramitochondrial dehydrogenases (pyruvate, NAD+-isocitrate and 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenases) as probes for matrix Ca2+, and also, for the heart mitochondria, by using entrapped fura-2. 2. As also found previously [Damuni, Humphreys & Reed (1984) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 124, 95-99], spermine activated extracted pyruvate dehydrogenase phosphate phosphatase. However, it was found to have no effects at all on the extracted NAD+-isocitrate or 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenases. It also had no effects on activities of the enzymes in mitochondria incubated in the absence of Ca2+, or on the Ca2+-sensitivity of the enzymes in uncoupled mitochondria. 3. Spermine clearly activated 45Ca uptake by coupled mitochondria, but had no effect on Ca2+ egress from mitochondria previously loaded with 45Ca. 4. Spermine (with effective Km values of around 0.2-0.4 mM) caused an approx. 2-3-fold decrease in the effective ranges of extramitochondrial Ca2+ in the activation of the Ca2+-sensitive matrix enzymes in coupled mitochondria from all of the tissues. The effects of spermine appeared to be largely independent of the other effectors of mitochondrial Ca2+ transport, such as Mg2+ (inhibitor of uptake) and Na+ (promoter of egrees). 5. In the most physiological circumstance, coupled mitochondria incubated with Na+ and Mg2+, the presence of saturating spermine (2 mM) resulted in an effective extramitochondrial Ca2+ range for matrix enzyme activation of from about 30-50 nM up to about 800-1200 nM, with half-maximal effects around 250-400 nM-Ca2+. The implications of these findings for the regulation of matrix and extramitochondrial Ca2+ are discussed.  相似文献   

D Halachmi  Y Eilam 《FEBS letters》1989,256(1-2):55-61
Cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were loaded with indo-1, by incubation in a medium of pH 4.5, which contained penta-potassium indo-1. Cells were then washed and resuspended in a buffer of pH 4.0. The emission fluorescence spectra were recorded between 390 and 500 nm (excitation at 355 nm) and the autofluorescent spectra of the matched controls were subtracted. A 19-fold cellular accumulation of indo-1 was achieved. By permeabilization of plasma membranes, leaving the vacuolar membrane intact, it was proved that indo-1 was accumulated in the cytosol. It was also shown that intracellular indo-1 did not leak out of the cells and was not modified by cellular metabolism. Using the emission fluorescence ratio at 410/480 nm, the concentration of a free cytosolic Ca2+ was found to be 346 nM. Vacuolar Ca2+ concentration, calculated from indo-1 fluorescence after lysis of vacuolar and cellular membranes, was found to be 1.3 mM.  相似文献   

Chemically skinned anterior byssus retractor muscle (ABRM) preparations were prepared by treatment with the nonionic detergents saponin and Triton X-100. Both maximum peak tension and rate of contraction were found to be greater in saponin-treated ABRM than in ABRM treated with Triton X-100. Active tension was initiated at a concentration of free Ca2+ above 0.1 microM, and maximum tension development was found at a [Ca2+] = approximately 32 microM. During exposure of the muscle preparation to optimal Ca2+ concentration, a high and almost constant tension level was sustained. The force recovery was high after a quick release during this period indicating the presence of an "active" state rather than a "catch" state. Actually, a state equivalent to the catch state in the living ABRM could not be induced, if the Ca2+ concentration was above 0.1 microM. Variations in the ionic strength in the range of 0.07--0.28 M had no influence on active state and only slightly affected the maximum tension developed. The influence of Mg2+ on the Ca2+-activated tension was examined by studying the tension-pCa relation at two concentrations of free Mg2+ (0.43 and 4.0 mM). The tension-pCa relation was found to be S-shaped with tension increasing steeply over approximately 1 pCa unit, indicating the existence of cooperativity between Ca2+ sites. Increasing the free concentration of Mg2+ shifted the tension-pCa relation to lower pCa as in striated muscles, demonstrating a decreasing Ca2+ sensitivity with increasing Mg2+. At [Mg2+] = 4.0 mM the half-maximum tension was found at [Ca2+] = 0.43 microM, decreasing to 0.20 microM at [Mg2+] = 0.43 mM. At both Mg2+ concentrations studied, plots of log Prel/(1--Prel) vs. log [Ca2+] were nonlinear with a shape indicating a rather complicated model for cooperativity, probably involving four sites for Ca2+. These Ca2+--Mg2+ interactions are most probably taking place at the myosin head itself because troponin is absent in this myosin-regulated muscle.  相似文献   

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