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A qualitative and quantitative analysis of airborne pollen and spores was carried out over 2 years (from September 1987 to August 1989) in the city of León. Slides were prepared daily using a volumetric pollen trap, which was placed on the Faculty of Veterinary Science building (University of León) 12m above ground-level. Fifty-one pollen types were observed; the most important of these were: Cupressaceae during the winter,Pinus andQuercus in spring, and Poaceae, Leguminosae and Chenopodiaceae in the summer. The results also showed the existence of a rich mould spore assemblage in the atmosphere. The group of Amerospores (Penicillium, Aspergillus andCladosporium) as well as Dictyospores (Alternaria) were the most abundant;Puccinia was common in the air in August. Fluctuations in the total pollen and spores m3 of air were compared with meteorological parameters (temperature, relative humidity and rainfall). From the daily sampling of the atmosphere of León, considering the maximum and minimum temperature and duration of rainfall, the start of the pollen grain season was observed generally to coincide with a rise in temperature in the absence of rain.  相似文献   

Winter-flowering trees such as the alder (Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertner) can survive periods of adverse climatic conditions, entering a period of dormancy in the early fall. The end of dormancy and the start of the pollen season require a period of low temperatures followed by another of warm temperatures. These requirements were studied from 1995 to 2002, in order to develop a model to predict the onset of the alder pollen season in Ponferrada (Spain). Chilling accumulation took place from late October to late December or early January. The best result was obtained with a threshold temperature of 6.5 °C and an average of 848 chilling hours (CH). Heat requirements were calculated at maximum temperature, an average 143 growth degree days (GDD) were needed, with a threshold temperature of 0 °C. In order to validate models, predicted values were compared with real values for 2002–2003, 2003–2004 and 2004–2005, years not used in developing the models. Predictions for the pollen-season start-date differed only slightly from observed dates: in 2002–2003 predicted and observed dates were the same, in 2003–2004 there was a difference of 7 days and in 2004–2005 a difference of 3 days.  相似文献   

The Mexicans residing in the Monterrey metropolitan area in Nuevo León, Mexico, were grouped by generation and birthplace [Monterrey Metropolitan Area (MMA), San Luis Potosi (SLP), and Zacatecas (ZAC)] of the four grandparents to determine the extent of genetic variation within this population and the genetic differences, if any, between the natives living in the MMA and the immigrant populations from SLP and ZAC. Nine genetic marker systems were analyzed. The genetic distance analysis indicates that SLP and ZAC are similar to the MMA, irrespective of birthplace and generation. Gene diversity analysis (GST) suggests that more than 96% of the total gene diversity (HT) can be attributed to individual variation within the population. The genetic admixture analysis suggests that the Mexicans of the MMA, SLP, and ZAC, stratified by birthplace and generation, have received a predominantly Spanish contribution (78.5%), followed by a Mexican Indian contribution (21.5%). Similarly, admixture analysis, conducted on the population of Nuevo León and stratified by generation, indicates a substantial contribution from the MMA (64.6%), followed by ZAC (22.1%) and SLP (13.3%). Finally, we demonstrate that there is no nonrandom association of alleles among the genetic marker systems (i.e., no evidence of gametic disequilibrium) despite the Mestizo origin of this population.  相似文献   

Ozone is a secondary air pollutant that has received extensive attention in the literature, mainly because of the adverse effects that exposure to it can cause, particularly in vegetation during the growing season. Because meteorological conditions strongly influence the efficiency of photochemical processes leading to ozone formation and destruction, ground-level ozone air pollution is currently being considered as a regional-scale phenomenon rather than a local one. This role of O3 as a regional-scale pollutant often implies the handling of large data sets in order to obtain information about its spatial and temporal variability patterns over a given broad region. Rotated principal component analysis (RPCA) is known to be one of the most powerful mathematical tools that can be used to achieve this aim. RPCA was applied in this paper to the summer and winter hourly time series of ground-level O3, concentrations recorded during 2 consecutive years (1996–1997) at 26 urban and suburban sites in Castilla-León (Spain). This procedure permitted the identification of different subregions where O3 concentrations show different spatio-temporal variability patterns. These variability patterns are mainly associated with the interaction of regional-level meteorological and anthropogenic factors. Some differences between winter and summer patterns were also found. Received: 5 April 1999 / Revised: 27 December 1999 / Accepted: 27 December 1999  相似文献   

Prior to an outbreak in Castilla y León in December 1997, tularaemia was practically non-existent in Spain. In this paper we studied the prevalence of antibodies against Francisella tularensis in a representative sample of the population (4825 people) from Castilla y León (Spain) in samples collected before this outbreak. Antibodies against F. tularensis were detected in nine (0.19%) of the 4825 sera, with antibody titres ranging from 1/20 to 1/160. Of these nine sera, one was positive in seroagglutination against Brucella. Seroagglutination against other bacteria (Yersinia enterocolitica O:9 and O:3 and Proteus OX19) was negative in all sera. Seroprevalence of antibodies in females was 0.20% and 0.17% in males; no statistically significant differences were found in prevalence in terms of sex, age or province.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken in order to understand thebehaviour of airborne pollen grains, namely therelationship between their concentrations andconcomitant meteorological parameters, at differentaltitudes (ground level, 200, 400 and 600 m) of thelower atmosphere and its daily variations over onesite (the experimental farm of the University ofLeón). The experimental design involved a tetheredballoon (2.25 m3), an ADAS remote meteorologicalstation and an original radio controlled three headedpollen and spore sampler (called GABIS) using theRotorod design. Each head sampled a differentaltitude, while two control samples were taken atground level. Twenty-one takeoffs could be realized inthe 5 weeks period between end of May and end of June1997. Sampling was done early in the morning and sampling time at each altitudewas of 15 minutes. Results show that 45 differenttypes of pollen grains could be collected at this timeof the year and that significant variations could beobserved in the behaviour of the pollen cloud on a dayto day basis, probably because of differentmeteorological situations. Contrary to what isgenerally believed, pollen was in most cases moreabundant at higher altitude – on average by 30% ascompared to ground level – making evident anaerobiological layer of transport at about 500 m aboveground. This was especially the case for trees (Quercus and Castanea). The atmosphere MixingRatio was the most explicative factor at 200 m, whiletemperature dominated significance analysis at both400 and 600 m.  相似文献   

The royal burial chamber of what is today the Collegiate-Basilica of St. Isidoro in León, Spain, built and remodeled between the 10th and 13th centuries and in the 20th century renamed the Kings' Pantheon, has 13 royal tombs that were opened in the presence of the Abbot-Prior of the Collegiate to enable a group of researchers to obtain all possible information from the royal remains. Several samples were sent to the Parasitology Unit of the Animal Pathology (Animal Health) Department at the Veterinary Faculty of León (Spain). In all the tombs, eggs and remains of nonparasitic mites were observed. In a piece of linen cloth from the bottom of 1 tomb, an Anoplocephala perfoliata egg was found. Furthermore, 4 mummified bodies were found. In 2 of these, those belonging to Infantes María and Fernando, Ascaris lumbricoides eggs were found and in the latter Trichuris trichiura eggs. We have not found in the literature reviewed any records of studies of this kind carried out in Spain.  相似文献   

《Acta Oecologica》2000,21(1):29-35
Ecological correlates of the distribution of nine common leiodid species were studied in three river valleys on the southern side of the Cantabrian Range in León, in northern Spain. Soil moisture content, substrate temperature variability and type of organic matter proved to be the key factors determining the distribution of species of this group. These factors may have important effects not only at the local level but also on the medium scale.  相似文献   



Studies in the literature have indicated that the timing of seasonal influenza epidemic varies across latitude, suggesting the involvement of meteorological and environmental conditions in the transmission of influenza. In this study, we investigated the link between meteorological parameters and influenza activity in 9 sub-national areas with temperate and subtropical climates: Berlin (Germany), Ljubljana (Slovenia), Castile and León (Spain) and all 6 districts in Israel.


We estimated weekly influenza-associated influenza-like-illness (ILI) or Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) incidence to represent influenza activity using data from each country’s sentinel surveillance during 2000–2011 (Spain) and 2006–2011 (all others). Meteorological data was obtained from ground stations, satellite and assimilated data. Two generalized additive models (GAM) were developed, with one using specific humidity as a covariate and another using minimum temperature. Precipitation and solar radiation were included as additional covariates in both models. The models were adjusted for previous weeks’ influenza activity, and were trained separately for each study location.


Influenza activity was inversely associated (p<0.05) with specific humidity in all locations. Minimum temperature was inversely associated with influenza in all 3 temperate locations, but not in all subtropical locations. Inverse associations between influenza and solar radiation were found in most locations. Associations with precipitation were location-dependent and inconclusive. We used the models to estimate influenza activity a week ahead for the 2010/2011 period which was not used in training the models. With exception of Ljubljana and Israel’s Haifa District, the models could closely follow the observed data especially during the start and the end of epidemic period. In these locations, correlation coefficients between the observed and estimated ranged between 0.55 to 0.91and the model-estimated influenza peaks were within 3 weeks from the observations.


Our study demonstrated the significant link between specific humidity and influenza activity across temperate and subtropical climates, and that inclusion of meteorological parameters in the surveillance system may further our understanding of influenza transmission patterns.  相似文献   

Verbesina hintoniorum, an endemic gypsophile belonging to the sect.Saubinetia, is described from south-central Nuevo León. Only two collection sites are known, both from gypsum outcrops about Cerro Potosí.  相似文献   

Age and sex differences in the occurrence of some metazoan parasites were investigated in 243 cod (Gadus morhua L.) from Balsfjord, a subarctic fjord in northern Norway. Thirteen species of parasite were studied, comprising seven nematodes, three parasitic copepods, one acanthocephalan, one cestode and one digenean. The nematode Anisakis simplex showed significant increases in both prevalence and mean abundance with host age, while the digenean Hemiurus levinseni showed a significant increase in mean abundance with age. The increases probably result from a long parasite life-span for A. simplex and changes in the feeding pattern of cod with age for H. levinseni. Prevalence of the nematode Contracaecum sp. and mean abundance of the acanthocephalan Echinorhynchus gadi were significantly higher in male than in female cod, whereas mean abundance of H. levinseni was significantly higher in female cod. These results suggest that there may be differences in feeding behaviour between male and female cod in Balsfjord. Accepted: 14 November 1999  相似文献   

Small hydropower plants (SHP) affect river flow and sediment transport and thus impact river morphology. Eight hydropower schemes were studied along the meandering middle and lower reaches of Aragón River (Spain) to assess their effects on channel morphology and sediment dynamics from 1927 to 2010. GIS tools were used to measure changes in fluvial surfaces, channel planform and lateral and vertical dynamics. Three periods (early, middle and late twentieth century) were analysed to discern the effects of the main pressures, such as changes in land use, large reservoirs upstream and SHPs. Results were combined with field and topographical measurements and hydrological analysis. Active channel width and channel migration suffered a clear reduction in the whole period. They started as a consequence of land cover changes in the drainage basin, but their speed increased after a large reservoir was built upstream. More recent changes occurred since most of the SHPs were put into operation in the 1990s, especially in their short-circuited reaches and in the four more downstream ones. These changes are interpreted as a consequence of reduced discharge, transitory sediment trapping and reactivation of sediment transport after weirs became filled as well as by the impact of flood hydrology.  相似文献   

Diet investigations were carried out on 0-, 1- and 2-year-old Northeast Arctic cod (Gadus morhua) sampled in the Barents Sea during 1984–2002. Stomach-content analyses showed that the 0 and 1 group cod fed mainly on crustaceans, with krill and amphipods composing up to 70% of their diet. Krill (Thysanoessa spp. and Meganyctiphanes norvegica) and amphipods (Themisto spp.) were mainly found in cod stomachs sampled in the central and close to the Polar Front region in the Barents Sea where these prey organisms are reported to be abundant in summer. A shift in the main diet from crustaceans to fish was observed from age 1 to age 2. The diet of 2-year-old cod mainly comprised capelin (Mallotus villosus) and other fish, and to a lesser degree, krill and amphipods. Shrimp (mainly Pandalus spp.) was also an important prey in both age 1 and 2 cod. A statistically significant positive relationship was obtained between capelin stock size and the amount of capelin in the diet of 2-year-old cod. Results from this study also show that the larger age-2 cod preyed more on capelin in winter and that larger cod (>22 cm) prefer larger capelin (>12 cm). During periods of low capelin abundance, the 2-year-old cod shift their diet more to crustaceans, such as krill and amphipods. A positive significant relationship was also obtained between Total Fullness Index (TFI) and the amount of capelin in the diet and between TFI and the growth of 2-year-old cod, indicating that the growth of age-2 cod is to a large extent dependent on the amount of capelin consumed. Growth of age-1 cod was also positively correlated to TFI.  相似文献   

Number of larval instars, age structure and environmental effects on these parameters represent basic information in the study of insect population biology. When species have economic importance, this information is essential in order to choose the best period to apply different control methods and to determine the stages of the life cycle of the insect that are most susceptible to each treatment. The family Simuliidae has many species of medical/veterinary importance in the world, and some studies in the temperate region have suggested that the number of larval instars and the larval size can vary according to the season, gender and some environmental factors, such as temperature and diet. This study, with the zoophilic species Simulium perflavum Roubaud, is the first in the Neotropics observing some of these factors and will serve as a template for other species of medical importance in the region. S. perflavum larvae were collected in five streams in Central Amaz?nia (Manaus and Presidente Figueiredo counties, State of Amazonas), in Sept./Oct. 1996 (dry season) and Feb./Mar. 1997 (rainy season). These larvae were measured (lateral length of head capsule and width of cephalic apodema) to determine the number of larval instars (n=3985), to compare the larval size between seasons and genders (last and penultimate larval instars, n=200). Seven larval instars were determined for this species using frequency distributions, t-tests and Crosbys growth rule. Significant differences were not detected (t-test, p>0.05) in larval size between seasons and genders. Our results differ from some found in temperate regions suggesting that in the Neotropical region the larval size in different seasons and different genders remains constant, although some environmental parameters, such as diet, change depending on the season.  相似文献   

BackgroundWe investigated Se levels along the Tapajós River basin - which is an important tributary of the Amazon River - and the possible antagonistic effect of Se in Hg availability. This is the first study to investigate Se transfer from abiotic to biotic compartments and along the food chain in aquatic ecosystems of the Amazon basin.MethodsSe concentrations were measured in superficial sediment (n = 29), plankton (n = 28) and fishes (n = 121) along two stretches of the Tapajós River basin (Tapup/mi and Taplow), comprising approximately 500 km with different hydrological characteristics.ResultsSe concentrations in sediment were significantly higher in the Taplow (345−664 μg kg−1) than in the Tapup/mi (60−424 μg kg−1). The seasonal flooding of the Amazon River probably helps to carry selenium-rich sediment to the Tapajós mouth (Taplow stretch). We suggest that Se in sediment could decrease the bioavailability of Hg resulting in lower MeHg concentrations in fish, as observed in the Taplow (45−934 μg kg−1). Sediment and plankton were positively correlated in relation to their Se concentrations (r = 0.62; p = 0.001) suggesting that sediment can possibly be the main source of Se to plankton. Our data indicate Se uptake by primary consumers, as noted in phytoplankton levels. The decrease of Se concentrations along the food chain was also noteworthy.ConclusionThis work elucidates some aspects of Se biogeochemistry in the Amazon basin and shows its importance regarding Hg cycles in aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   


This article focuses on the analysis of plant remains (seeds/fruits, charcoal, pollen, spores, and non-pollen palynomorphs) from two archaeological sites (pre-Roman and Roman) located in Las Médulas, a cultural landscape, in the northwestern part of the Iberian Peninsula. The article explores the way the communities living in the area managed their environment and the impact of productive activities on the landscape. This research has shown the multiplicity of needs this landscape satisfied and the various ways these communities managed the surrounding environment through different productive activities (agriculture, animal husbandry, and mining amongst others).  相似文献   

The sites of Barranco León D (BL-D) and Fuente Nueva 3 (FN-3) in the Guadix-Baza Basin (Granada, Spain), together with the site of Sima del Elefante in the Sierra de Atapuerca (Burgos, Spain), constitute one of the oldest records of the earliest hominid population in the European continent west of Dmanisi (Georgia, Lesser Caucasus). In the Guadix-Baza Basin, evidence of human occupation has been found to date in the form of lithic industry (Mode 1) and cut marks in large-mammal fossil remains (mainly of hippopotamuses and elephants), and recently a human tooth considered as the oldest in Europe has been discovered. Although in the case of Sima del Elefante there is unanimity among the scientific community regarding the chronology of the unit in which the hominid remains were found (Unit TE9c, 1.22 Ma), there is continuing debate on the chronology of the sites of the Guadix-Baza Basin (FN-3 and BL-D). This applies especially to BL-D, as the numerical datings published for this site have a very high error range (1.4 ± 0.38 Ma). In this paper, the chronology of these two sites is determined using as a marker the morphological and morphometric changes undergone by Mimomys savini in its first lower molar (m1) over the course of its evolutionary history. It has been possible to confirm that the oldest human presence in the Guadix-Baza Basin and at Sima del Elefante (Atapuerca) share a similar chronology, dated to between 1.1 and 1.4 Ma. Apparently, the oldest site with human remains in Europe is seen to be BL-D, dated to 1.26 ± 0.13 Ma, followed by Level TE9c, dated to 1.22 ± 0.16 Ma, and FN-3, dated to 1.20 ± 0.12 Ma.  相似文献   

In the locality of Colle (Cantabrian Zone, NW Spain), the upper part of the Valporquero Shale Formation (Emsian, La Vid Group) contains an interval of shales and marlstones (barren, greenish-grey shales and fossiliferous, greenish-grey or reddish shales/marlstones) with beds and packages of homogeneous and cross-bedded skeletal limestones. Metre-scale mud mounds and coral biostromes occur encased in the fossiliferous reddish and greenish-grey shale/marlstones, respectively, with the coral biostromes overlying conspicuous skeletal limestone bodies. These rocks were deposited on a carbonate ramp, ranging from above storm wave base for the cross-bedded skeletal limestones to below the storm wave base for the remaining deposits, organic buildups included. The vertical stacking of these facies and the occurrence of the two types of buildups are interpreted to reflect the interplay among several (possibly 4th and 5th) orders of relative sea-level variations, during a 3rd-order highstand. Coral biostromes occur in early 5th-order transgressive system tracts developed within late 4th-order highstand, and are interpreted to have thrived on a stable granular substrate (skeletal limestones) in non-turbid waters, being later aborted by the onset of muddy sedimentation. Biostrome features suggest that they developed under environmental conditions essentially different from those related to the sedimentation of their granular substrate. Mud mounds occur in 5th-order transgressive and early highstand system tracts tied to early 4th-order sea-level rise. Field relationships suggest that mud mounds grew coevally with muddy sedimentation, with high-frequency variations in carbonate vs. terrigenous mud sedimentation influencing their development.An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

We present the results of a paleoparasitologic, paleogenetic and paleobotanic analysis of coprolites recovered during the excavation of the church La Concepción in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Coprolites (n = 4) were rehydrated and a multidisciplinary analysis was conducted. The paleobotanic analysis showed numerous silicates, seeds and fruits of the family Moraceae. In the paleoparasitologic study, Ascaris sp. eggs (n = 344) were identified. The paleogenetic results confirmed the Ascaris sp. infection as well as the European origin of human remains. These findings contribute to our knowledge of ancient helminthes infections and are the first paleoparasitological record of Ascaris sp. infection in Spain.  相似文献   

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