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Summary The ultrastructure and cytochemistry of the secretory granules of the male hamster submandibular salivary gland were studied. After fixation in glutaraldehyde followed by osmium tetroxide the granules exhibit a characteristic bipartite substructure, with an electron lucid crescenteric rim and a more dense central core. A differentiation into two regions of the granules could also be visualized in specimens primarily fixed in Millonig's osmium tetroxide or in potassium permanganate. The electron lucid peripheral portion of the membrane bounded secretory granules further displays a strong positive reaction after staining of ultrathin sections with the periodic acid-chromic acid-(PA-CrA)-silver technique. The strong periodate reactivity of the rim relative to the core, suggests a difference in mucin composition of the two granule regions. With the PA-CrA-silver staining technique a positive reaction was also observed within the Golgi apparatus of the acinar cells.  相似文献   

The proteins of the secretory granules of the rat parotid gland were characterized by sodium dodecylsulfate gel electrophoresis, by chromatography of [3H]prolinelabeled proteins on DEAE-cellulose and by amino acid analysis.Sodium dodecylsulfate gel electrophoresis of the secretory granule content showed five principal proteins and a limited number of minor components. Only two of the principal bands could be identified as known secretory enzymes of the parotid gland. One was identified as the α-amylase and one as deoxyribonuclease. Peroxidase and ribonuclease form minor portions of the secretory proteins.The other three major proteins constitute, together, about 60% by weight, of the secretory granule content proteins. Of these, one which represents more than 30% of the total granule protein was found to contain uniquely high amounts of leucine residues (21 mole%). Another one of these principal proteins was relatively rich in cysteine residues (7 mole%).The fifth principal protein was found to contain high amounts of proline (28 mole%) glutamic acid (17 mole%) and glycine (18 mole%) residues. Its amino acid composition was very similar to that of the proline-rich proteins that were previously shown to be present in the membrane isolated from these granules. This protein, however, differed from the “membranous” proline-rich proteins by several criteria.Two minor glycoproteins of the secretory granule content were also found to be rich in proline residues (37 mole%). As with the other proline-rich proteins of the granule, they contained no sulphur-containing amino acids, stained faintly pink with Coomassie Blue and were underestimated by the Lowry method. They differ however, from all the other proline-rich proteins of the granule by having a significantly higher content of threonine, less glycine (9 mole%) and much less glutamic acid (3 mole%).Of the principal proteins, only the deoxyribonuclease and the half-cystine-rich proteins were positively stained by periodic acid Schiff staining.The possible functions of the leucine-rich, the half cystine-rich and the various proline-rich proteins are discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of chronic ethionine intoxication on the secretory granules of the parotid gland in rats has been investigated. Young adult (160–180 gm) Sprague-Dawley rats were placed on a protein-free diet and given six daily injections of 2% ethionine in saline equivalent to 0.5 gm ethionine/gm body weight/day. On day 7, the survivors were sacrificed and the parotid gland excised. The secretory granules were isolated; granules from both normal and experimental animals were disrupted by osmotic lysis and the membrane and granule contents obtained by centrifugation. Amino acid analysis of the respective membrane preparations showed little, if any, difference between the normal and the ethionine-treated animals. Analysis of the granule contents of DNAse activity showed again little difference between the control and experimental animals. Analysis of the membrane proteins by discontinuous polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed small differences in the ethionine-treated animals when compared to control membrane preparations. When these gels were stained for carbohydrate, it was observed that a major membrane glycoprotein was missing in the granule membranes obtained from the ethionine-treated animals. These results suggest that the abnormal secretory response observed in the ethionine-treated animals is a reflection of an alteration in membrane biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Synposis The granules of parotid acinar cells and submandibular granular tubule cells of rats contain one or more periodic acid-Schiff positive substances that are extracted during fixation with lipid solvents or acidic solutions or if frozen sections are stained in aqueous solutions. The granules in these cells can be stained by Schmorl's reaction, Luxol Fast Blue and a permanganate-Aldehyde Fuchsin sequence. The results obtained with these stains after a variety of fixation procedures strongly suggest that the secretory granules of these two cell types contain several components and that in parotid acinar and submandibular granular tubule cells, at least one of these components is a lipoidal substance.  相似文献   

The gene for a major salivary gland secretion protein (Sgs-1) in Drosophila melanogaster has been mapped to chromosome 2 between dp (13.0) and cl (16.5). In the late third instar larva, a puff forms in this region. This puff (25 B) regresses as the ecdysteroid concentration increases prior to puparium formation. Quantitative analysis of the secretory protein 1, showed that, when present in extra dose, region 25 B results in a significant elevation in its relative amount. This suggests that the structural gene for this protein is localized in this region and that its synthesis is directly correlated to the activity of the 25 B puff.  相似文献   

Synopsis The existence of disulphide groups in the granules of the secretory portion of the ducts of rat submandibular glands has been demonstrated with methods that reveal thiol groups formed after reducing the disulphide groups first. Disulphide groups were also demonstrated with cationic dyes by staining the cysteic acid residues obtained after oxidation with permanganate. Alcian Blue at pH 3.0 was used for this purpose. Two kinds of granules, characterized by their reactions with Alcian Blue at different pH levels, were apparent in differing stages of the same secretion.  相似文献   

The composition of the segregated content of rat prolactin granules was investigated taking advantage of the fact that these organelles, isolated as a pure fraction, retain their structural organization after solubilization of their limiting membrane by mild detergent treatment. We found that these membraneless granules contain not only the hormone, but also a number of minor macromolecular components including sulfated glycosaminoglycans, which are labeled when pituitary slices are incubated in vitro with [35S] sulfate. In order to characterize the latter components, the isolated radioactive granules were solubilized (by treatment with either a high ionic strength solution orNaOH) and 35S-labeled acidic glycosaminoglycans precipitated by complexing with cetylpirydinium chloride. A high degree of heterogeneity was observed when the ensuing precipitates were analyzed by cellulose acetate electrophoresis: different components were found to co-migrate with authentic heparin and chondroitin sulfate A and C standards. Another component, which accounts for approx. 50% of the glycosaminoglycan-bound radioactivity, might be heparin sulfate. These acidic glycosaminoglycans are linked to peptide moieties to form proteoglycans.  相似文献   

Lectin cytochemistry was performed in vitro on primary cultures from the rat submandibular gland. For this purpose, prepubertal rats (17, 27, 33 days old) of both sexes were used. Several types of medium supplements were tested and it was found that cells survived until 15 days in presence of all medium supplements and extracellular matrix gel. The binding patterns of all FITC/TRITC-labeled lectins, with and without prior sialidase digestion and deacetylation, were analyzed in a confocal laser scanning microscope. In particular, the occurrence of C4 acetylated sialic acid linked to beta-galactose at day 27 and the presence of fucose residues at day 33 indicated that lectin probes applied to cultured cells give results similar to those obtained in intact tissues and can be used as markers of growth and differentiation.  相似文献   

Studies on the molecular organization of rat insulin secretory granules   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Secretory granule-enriched fractions prepared from isolated rat islets of Langerhans, previously labeled in culture for 18 h with [3H]leucine, have been lysed and separated into pH 5.4 soluble and insoluble fractions by zonal sucrose gradient centrifugation. A high proportion of both labeled and immunoreactive rat insulins I and II were recovered in the insoluble granule core fraction in the expected ratio of approximately 60/40, respectively. Essentially equivalent amounts of the rat C-peptides on a molar basis were recovered in the granule supernatant fractions. The proportion of labeled proinsulin in the granule core fraction was less than 2% relative to insulin, while the soluble fraction contained about 8%, which probably arose mainly from disrupted proinsulin-rich noncrystalline prosecretory vesicles. Electron microscopic examination of the granule core fraction revealed large numbers of well preserved crystalline cores exhibiting typical dimensions and regular internal spacings of normal mature rat beta-granule inclusions. These results provide direct biochemical evidence that the beta-granules are nonuniform in composition with the insulin contained mainly in a crystalline state in the electron-dense central inclusions while the C-peptide is dissolved in the fluid bathing the crystalline hormone. The significance of this structural organization of the beta-granule is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Rat anterior pituitary glands were examined by electron microscopy after staining with five different histochemical stains. Histochemical reactions were observed in the cell coat, cell membrane and the membrane surrounding the secretory granules in all anterior pituitary cells following staining with phosphotungstic acid (PTA), chromic acid and PTA, the periodic acid-thiosemicarbazide-silver protein method (PA-TSC-SP) of Thiéry, ruthenium red and concanavalin A. The staining was abolished when the sections were preincubated with pronase, neuraminidase or trypsin and subsequently exposed to PTA, chromic acid and PTA or PA-TSC-SP. The possible functional role of the glycoproteins present in the membrane surrounding the secretory granules is considered.  相似文献   

A secretory granular fraction isolated from rat parotid glands was remarkably different from a microsomal fraction in its phospholipid composition. It had higher levels of lysophospholipids (8%) and phosphatidylethanolamine (31%), while there were lower levels of phosphatidylcholine (40%) and phosphatidylserine (2.1%) than the microsomal fraction. However, fatty acid compositions of individual phospholipid classes from the two subfractions were found to be nearly similar to each other. ESR analysis demonstrated that extracted phospholipids from the secretory granular fraction were more fluid than those from microsomes. The relevance of these observations to physiological function of secretory granules is discussed.  相似文献   

The spinal origin of the sympathetic vasoconstrictor and secretory fibres to the submaxillary gland of the rat was identified in the pithed rat preparation by means of selective stimulation of small segments of the spinal outflow. Secretory and vascular responses were similar following stimulation in pithed rats to those following stimulation of the isolated superior cervical nerve trunk in anaesthetized rats. The spinal origin of the secretory and vascular fibres was coincident and it is concluded that if a separate control of blood flow and secretion by sympathetic fibres does exist that it must occur at the level of C.N.S. but that the nerves share a common pathway to the gland.  相似文献   

Rat anterior pituitary glands were examined by electron microscopy after staining with five different histochemical stains. Histochemical reactions were observed in the cell coat, cell membrane and the membrane surrounding the secretory granules in all anterior pituitary cells following staining with phosphotungstic acid (PTA), chromic acid and PTA, the periodic acid-thiosemicarbazide-silver protein method (PA-TSC-SP) of Thiéry, ruthenium red and concanavalin A. The staining was abolished when the sections were preincubated with pronase, neuraminidase or trypsin and subsequently exposed to PTA, chromic acid and PTA or PA-TSC-SP. The possible functional role of the glycoproteins present in the membrane surrounding the secretory granules is considered.  相似文献   

1. A study has been made of the potency of a number of dopamine antagonists to inhibit dopamine-induced secretion from the cockroach salivary gland in vitro. 2. Chlorpromazine (0.5-5 microM), SCH23390 (10-100 microM), haloperidol (10-100 microM) and metoclopramide (2 mM) competitively inhibited the secretory response to dopamine. In contrast (+/-)sulpiride (1-100 microM) and domperidone (1-100 microM) had no effect on either basal or dopamine-induced secretion. 3. Apparent dissociation constants (KDapp) were obtained using a 'three point assay'. The rank order of potency (KDapp in parentheses) was as follows: chlorpromazine (0.2 microM) greater than SCH23390 (2.2 microM) greater than haloperidol (17.5 microM) much greater than metoclopramide (1.2 mM). 4. It is concluded that the receptor mediating dopamine-induced secretion in the cockroach salivary gland is similar to the D1/DA1 dopamine receptor and distinct from the D2/DA2 receptor found in mammalian systems.  相似文献   

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