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The Mechanism of the Action of Caffeine on Sarcoplasmic Reticulum   总被引:20,自引:6,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
Evidence is presented that caffeine does not act on the mitochondrial Ca uptake system and that its effect cannot be attributed to the accumulation of adenosine 3',5'-phosphate. Two distinct caffeine effects are described. At high ATP concentrations caffeine decreases the coupling between ATP hydrolysis and Ca inflow. It either inhibits inflow without any inhibition of the rate of ATP hydrolysis, or it stimulates the ATPase activity without stimulating Ca inflow. These high ATP concentrations (much higher than needed for the saturation of the transport ATPase) greatly reduce the control of the turnover rate of the transport system, by accumulated Ca. At low ATP concentrations when the transport system is under maximal control by accumulated Ca, caffeine inhibits the ATPase activity without affecting the rate of Ca inflow.  相似文献   

 用超声波破碎心肌细胞,差速离心法纯化大鼠心肌肌浆网(CSR)。SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳测得Ca~(2+)-ATPase分子量为98kD;电镜观察膜制备为完整的CSR微囊;标志酶哇巴因敏感型Na~(+),K~(+)-ATPase和叠氮化钠敏感型Mg~(2+)-ATPase活性表明膜制备中肌膜含量很低,但仍有线粒体污染。 用~(45)Ca~(2+)示踪微孔滤膜法研究Ca~(2+)跨膜转运,CSRCa~(2+)蓄集最大值为57nmol/mg蛋白。CSR Ca~(2+)-ATPase在4℃—21℃和21℃—49℃两区间反应活化能不同,前者大于后者。酶的最适pH为7.4。以ATP为底物,该酶有两个表观Km值:Km_1为3.7μmol/LKm_2为713μmol/L。  相似文献   

Calcium (Ca) sparks are the fundamental sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca release events in cardiac myocytes, and they have a typical duration of 20–40 ms. However, when a fraction of ryanodine receptors (RyRs) are blocked by tetracaine or ruthenium red, Ca sparks lasting hundreds of milliseconds have been observed experimentally. The fundamental mechanism underlying these extremely prolonged Ca sparks is not understood. In this study, we use a physiologically detailed mathematical model of subcellular Ca cycling to examine how Ca spark duration is influenced by the number of functional RyRs in a junctional cluster (which is reduced by tetracaine or ruthenium red) and other SR Ca handling properties. One RyR cluster contains a few to several hundred RyRs, and we use a four-state Markov RyR gating model. Each RyR opens stochastically and is regulated by cytosolic and luminal Ca. We varied the number of functional RyRs in the single cluster, diffusion within the SR network, diffusion between network and junctional SR, cytosolic Ca diffusion, SERCA uptake activity, and RyR open probability. For long-lasting Ca release events, opening events within the cluster must occur continuously because the typical open time of the RyR is only a few milliseconds. We found the following: 1) if the number of RyRs is too small, it is difficult to maintain consecutive openings and stochastic attrition terminates the release; 2) if the number of RyRs is too large, the depletion of Ca from the junctional SR terminates the release; and 3) very long release events require relatively small-sized RyR clusters (reducing flux as seen experimentally with tetracaine) and sufficiently rapid intra-SR Ca diffusion, such that local junctional intra-SR [Ca] can be maintained by intra-SR diffusion and overall SR Ca reuptake.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic mobility data of SR vesicles reconstituted with uncharged and two mixtures of charged and uncharged lipids (Brethes, D., Dulon, D., Johannin, G., Arrio, B., Gulik-Krzywicki, T., Chevallier, J. 1986. Study of the electrokinetic properties of reconstituted sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 246:355–356) were analyzed in terms of four models of the membrane-water interface: (I) a smooth, negatively charged surface; (II) a negatively charged surface of lipid bilayer covered with an electrically neutral surface frictional layer; (III) an electrically neutral lipid bilayer covered with a neutral frictional layer containing a sheet of negative charge at some distance above the surface of the bilayer; (IV) an electrically neutral lipid bilayer covered with a homogeneously charged frictional layer. The electrophoretic mobility was predicted from the numerical integration of Poisson-Boltzmann and Navier-Stokes equations. Experimental results were consistent only with predictions based on Model-III with charged sheet about 4 nm above the bilayer and frictional layer about 10 nm thick. Assuming that the charge of the SR membrane is solely due to that on Ca++-ATPase pumps, the dominant SR protein, the mobility data of SR and reconstituted SR vesicles are consistent with 12 electron charges/ATPase. This value compares well to the net charge of the cytoplasmic portion of ATPase estimated from the amino acid sequence (-11e). The position of the charged sheet suggests that the charge on the ATPase is concentrated in the middle of the cytoplasmic portion. The frictional layer of SR can be also assigned to the cytoplasmic portion of Ca++-ATPase. The layer has been characterized with hydrodynamic shielding length of 1.1 nm. Its thickness is comparable to the height of the cytoplasmic portion of Ca++-ATPase. Received: 15 June 1998/Revised: 8 October 1998  相似文献   

In a previous study, sarcolipin (SLN) was shown to form channels selective toward chloride ion when incorporated in a mercury-supported tethered bilayer lipid membrane (tBLM). Its incorporation had only a modest permeabilizing effect on phosphate ion. In this note the resistance of a tBLM membrane incorporating sarcolipin was investigated by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy in aqueous solutions of 0.05 M sodium phosphate of pH ranging from 5.3 to 8, in the presence of ATP, adenosine monophosphate, and phenylphosphonic acid. At pH 5.3, submicromolar additions of ATP increase the conductivity of the tBLM incorporating SLN up to a maximum limiting value. The dependence of the conductivity on the ATP concentration satisfies the Michaelis-Menten equation, with an association constant of 0.1 μM. Phenylphosphonium ion and adenosine monophosphate exert an inhibitory effect on membrane permeabilization to phosphate ions by ATP if they are added before ATP, but not if they are added after it. An explanation for this behavior is provided. In conclusion, SLN acts as an ATP-induced phosphate carrier exhibiting a behavior quite similar to that of the unidentified Pi transporter described previously. No ion-channel activity is exhibited by the T18A mutant of SLN.  相似文献   

ATP has dual roles in the reaction cycle of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase. Upon binding to the Ca2E1 state, ATP phosphorylates the enzyme, and by binding to other conformational states in a non-phosphorylating modulatory mode ATP stimulates the dephosphorylation and other partial reaction steps of the cycle, thereby ensuring a high rate of Ca2+ transport under physiological conditions. The present study elucidates the mechanism underlying the modulatory effect on dephosphorylation. In the intermediate states of dephosphorylation the A-domain residues Ser186 and Asp203 interact with Glu439 (N-domain) and Arg678 (P-domain), respectively. Single mutations to these residues abolish the stimulation of dephosphorylation by ATP. The double mutation swapping Asp203 and Arg678 rescues ATP stimulation, whereas this is not the case for the double mutation swapping Ser186 and Glu439. By taking advantage of the ability of wild type and mutant Ca2+-ATPases to form stable complexes with aluminum fluoride (E2·AlF) and beryllium fluoride (E2·BeF) as analogs of the E2·P phosphoryl transition state and E2P ground state, respectively, of the dephosphorylation reaction, the mutational effects on ATP binding to these intermediates are demonstrated. In the wild type Ca2+-ATPase, the ATP affinity of the E2·P phosphoryl transition state is higher than that of the E2P ground state, thus explaining the stimulation of dephosphorylation by nucleotide-induced transition state stabilization. We find that the Asp203-Arg678 and Ser186-Glu439 interdomain bonds are critical, because they tighten the interaction with ATP in the E2·P phosphoryl transition state. Moreover, ATP binding and the Ser186-Glu439 bond are mutually exclusive in the E2P ground state.  相似文献   

The uncoupling of Ca2+ transport from ATP hydrolysis in the sarcoplasmic reticulum (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase by trypsin digestion was re-investigated by comparing ATPase activity with the ability of the enzyme to occlude Eu3+ (a transport parameter) after various tryptic digests. With this method, re-examination of uncoupling by tryptic digest of the ATPase revealed that TD2 cleavage (Arg-198) had no effect on either occlusion or ATPase activity. Digestion past TD2 in the presence of 5 mM Co2+ and at 25°C resulted in the loss of about 70% of the ATPase activity, but no loss of occlusion. Digestion past TD2 in the presence of 5 mM Ca2+, 3 mM ATP, and at 25°C resulted in a partially uncoupled enzyme complex which retained about 50% of the ATPase activity, but completely lost the ability to occlude Eu3+. Digest past TD2 in the presence of 5 mM Ca2+ and 3 mM AMP-PNP. (a non-hydrolyzable ATP analog) at 25°C resulted in no loss of occlusion, thus revealing the absolute requirement of ATP during the digest to eliminate occlusion. From these findings we conclude that uncoupling of Ca2+ transport from ATPase activity is possible by tryptic digestion of the (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase. Interestingly, only after phosphorylation of the enzyme do the susceptible bond(s) which lead to the loss of occlusion become exposed to trypsin.  相似文献   

Fosinopril, an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor, is known to attenuate cardiomyopathy induced by doxorubicin (DOX); however, the mechanisms of this cardioprotection are not fully elucidated yet. In the present study, experimental cardiomyopathy was induced in rats by administration of DOX with or without co-treatment with fosinopril. Fosinopril was utilized on day 1 or 14 of the treatment with DOX to compare efficacies of early versus late co-treatments. We observed that fosinopril attenuated changes induced by DOX (e.g., less increased heart and left ventricular weights, diminished lung congestion and ascites, attenuated LVEDP and LVSP, and less decreased +dP/dt and ?dP/dt). Further, fosinopril diminished the levels of markers of cardiac toxicity (i.e., plasma levels and activities of cardiac enzymes and proteins AST, LDH, CPK, cTnI, and BNP). Fosinopril also prevented DOX-induced decreases in Ca2+ uptake and restored activity of Ca2+-stimulated ATPase in left ventricular sarcoplasmic reticulum. We next tested whether the improved Ca2+ transport activity in sarcoplasmic reticulum was due to modulation of SERCA2 and phospholamban expressions by fosinopril. Fosinopril attenuated the decrease in SERCA2 and phospholamban expressions caused by DOX. In conclusion, cardioprotective effects of fosinopril in the DOX-induced cardiomyopathy appear to be due to its ability to prevent remodeling of the cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane.  相似文献   

Interactions between delipidated Ca2+-ATPase from sarcoplasmic reticulum and four nonionic detergents—dodecyl octaoxyethyleneglycol monoether (C12E8), Triton X-100, Brij 58, and Brij 35—were characterized with respect to activation of ATPase activity, binding, and solubilization. C12E8 and Triton X-100 activated the delipidated ATPase to at least 80% of the original activity at the critical micelle concentrations (CMCs), whereas Brij 58 and Brij 35 activated no more than 10% of the original activity. The inability of Brij 58 and Brij 35 to activate the delipidated enzyme was probably a result of reduced binding of these detergents below the CMCs; both detergents exhibited a sixteenfold reduction in binding at the CMC compared with C12E8. The two Brij detergents were also unable to solubilize the delipidated enzyme and form monomers, as determined by sedimentation experiments. Thus the reduced binding levels of these detergents may result from an inability to overcome protein/protein interactions in the delipidated preparation. However, the Brij detergents were capable of solubilizing active enzyme from membrane vesicles, although with lower efficiency than C12E8 and Triton X-100. These results suggest that Brij 58 and 35 may be useful for solubilization of membrane proteins without disrupting protein/protein interactions, while Triton X-100 and C12E8 are more useful when bulk solubilization is the goal.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2019,116(11):2212-2223
Heart muscle contraction is normally activated by a synchronized Ca release from sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR), a major intracellular Ca store. However, under abnormal conditions, Ca leaks from the SR, decreasing heart contraction amplitude and increasing risk of life-threatening arrhythmia. The mechanisms and regimes of SR operation generating the abnormal Ca leak remain unclear. Here, we employed both numerical and analytical modeling to get mechanistic insights into the emergent Ca leak phenomenon. Our numerical simulations using a detailed realistic model of the Ca release unit reveal sharp transitions resulting in Ca leak. The emergence of leak is closely mapped mathematically to the Ising model from statistical mechanics. The system steady-state behavior is determined by two aggregate parameters: the analogs of magnetic field (h) and the inverse temperature (β) in the Ising model, for which we have explicit formulas in terms of SR [Ca] and release channel opening and closing rates. The classification of leak regimes takes the shape of a phase β-h diagram, with the regime boundaries occurring at h = 0 and a critical value of β (β1) that we estimate using a classical Ising model and mean field theory. Our theory predicts that a synchronized Ca leak will occur when h > 0 and β > β1, and a disordered leak occurs when β < β1 and h is not too negative. The disorder leak is distinguished from synchronized leak (in long-lasting sparks) by larger Peierls contour lengths, an output parameter reflecting degree of disorder. Thus, in addition to our detailed numerical model approach, we also offer an instantaneous computational tool using analytical formulas of the Ising model for respective ryanodine receptor parameters and SR Ca load that describe and classify phase transitions and leak emergence.  相似文献   

Notexin belongs to a class of snake venom neurotoxins and myotoxins that have phospholipase A2 activity. Previous studies have shown that these toxins affect target cells differently from phospholipases that are not neurotoxic or myotoxic. Notexin inhibited the Ca2+ uptake into fragmented sarcoplasmic reticulum from rabbit skeletal muscle, but it did not cause an efflux of previously accumulated Ca2+ or inhibit the Ca2+–ATPase activity. It is suggested that notexin specifically binds to and decreases the conductance for Ca2+ of the Ca2+ pump and/or the conductance of a channel for an ion that facilitates Ca2+ transport. The K+ ionophore valinomycin reversed the notexin-induced inhibition of Ca2+ uptake into sarcoplasmic reticulum, suggesting that the molecular target of notexin could be a K+ channel. Two types of reconstitution experiments make it unlikely that notexin acts by degrading a minor lipid that is resistant to hydrolysis by nontoxic phospholipases A2. Notexininactivated sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles were reactivated (with respect to Ca2+ uptake) by simple solubilization with detergent and subsequent reconstitution by detergent removal. Second, notexin was still active on sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles after >94% of the lipids were replaced by soybean phosphoglycerides during the reconstitution procedure.  相似文献   

Anionic (NO3-, Br-, I-, and SCN-) and cationic (Zn++ and Cd++) potentiators of the twitch output of skeletal muscle depress the active binding of Ca by sarcoplasmic reticulum isolated from rabbit skeletal muscle. Zinc and Cd exchange for Ca and Mg at the binding sites of the reticular membranes, whereas the anions effectively induce a replacement by Mg of Ca bound actively in the presence of ATP. In the absence of ATP, the passive binding of both Ca and Mg is increased by the anions tested. Furthermore, the anions increase the total capacity of the membrane fragments for passive cation binding. The Ca-stimulated ATPase activity of the membranes is inhibited by Zn and Cd, but not by the anions. Shifts in cations bound to muscle membrane systems caused by agents that increase the force of contraction developed during the twitch are considered to be the primary event modifying excitation-contraction coupling, and thus leading to potentiation.  相似文献   

The sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium pump (SERCA) is regulated by the small integral membrane proteins phospholamban (PLN) and sarcolipin (SLN). These regulators have homologous transmembrane regions, yet they differ in their cytoplasmic and luminal domains. Although the sequences of PLN and SLN are practically invariant among mammals, they vary in fish. Zebrafish (zf) appear to harbor multiple PLN isoforms, one of which contains 18 sequence variations and a unique luminal extension. Characterization of this isoform (zfPLN) revealed that SERCA inhibition and reversal by phosphorylation were comparable with human PLN. To understand the sequence variations in zfPLN, chimeras were created by transferring the N terminus, linker, and C terminus of zfPLN onto human PLN. A chimera containing the N-terminal domain resulted in a mild loss of function, whereas a chimera containing the linker domain resulted in a gain of function. This latter effect was due to changes in basic residues in the linker region of PLN. Removing the unique luminal domain of zfPLN (53SFHGM) resulted in loss of function, whereas adding this domain to human PLN had a minimal effect on SERCA inhibition. We conclude that the luminal extension contributes to SERCA inhibition but only in the context of zfPLN. Although this domain is distinct from the SLN luminal tail, zfPLN appears to use a hybrid PLN-SLN inhibitory mechanism. Importantly, the different zebrafish PLN isoforms raise the interesting possibility that sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium handling and cardiac contractility may be regulated by the differential expression of PLN functional variants.  相似文献   

Calcium-ATPase pumps are critical in most cells, to sequester calcium into intracytoplasmic stores and regulate general calcium signalling. In addition, cell-specific needs for calcium signals have been described and employ a diversity of calcium ATPases in adult tissues and oocytes. A major family of such calcium pumps is ATP2A/SERCA family, for Sarcoplasmic/Endoplasmic Reticulum Calcium ATPases. Although largely studied in adults, the developmental expression of the atp2a/serca genes remains unknown. Here, we provide genome organisation in Xenopuslaevis and tropicalis and phylogeny of atp2a/serca genes in craniates. We detail embryonic expression for the three X. laevis atp2a/serca genes. We found that the three atp2a/serca genes are strongly conserved among vertebrates and display complementary and tissue-specific expression in embryos. These expression patterns present variations when compared to the data reported in adults. Atp2a1/serca1 is expressed as soon as the end of gastrulation in a subset of the myod-positive cells, and later labels prospective slow muscle cells in the superficial part of the somite. In contrast atp2a2/serca2 is found in a larger subset of cells, but is not ubiquitous as reported in adults. Notably, atp2a2/serca2 is prominently expressed in the neural-related tissues, i.e. the neural plate, cement gland, but is excluded from premigratory neural crest. Finally, atp2a3/serca3 expression is restricted to the ectoderm throughout development.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2020,118(2):518-531
The sequential rise and fall of cytosolic calcium underlies the contraction-relaxation cycle of muscle cells. Whereas contraction is initiated by the release of calcium from the sarcoplasmic reticulum, muscle relaxation involves the active transport of calcium back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum. This reuptake of calcium is catalyzed by the sarcoendoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA), which plays a lead role in muscle contractility. The activity of SERCA is regulated by small membrane protein subunits, the most well-known being phospholamban (PLN) and sarcolipin (SLN). SLN physically interacts with SERCA and differentially regulates contractility in skeletal and atrial muscle. SLN has also been implicated in skeletal muscle thermogenesis. Despite these important roles, the structural mechanisms by which SLN modulates SERCA-dependent contractility and thermogenesis remain unclear. Here, we functionally characterized wild-type SLN and a pair of mutants, Asn4-Ala and Thr5-Ala, which yielded gain-of-function behavior comparable to what has been found for PLN. Next, we analyzed two-dimensional crystals of SERCA in the presence of wild-type SLN by electron cryomicroscopy. The fundamental units of the crystals are antiparallel dimer ribbons of SERCA, known for decades as an assembly of calcium-free SERCA molecules induced by the addition of decavanadate. A projection map of the SERCA-SLN complex was determined to a resolution of 8.5 Å, which allowed the direct visualization of an SLN pentamer. The SLN pentamer was found to interact with transmembrane segment M3 of SERCA, although the interaction appeared to be indirect and mediated by an additional density consistent with an SLN monomer. This SERCA-SLN complex correlated with the ability of SLN to decrease the maximal activity of SERCA, which is distinct from the ability of PLN to increase the maximal activity of SLN. Protein-protein docking and molecular dynamics simulations provided models for the SLN pentamer and the novel interaction between SERCA and an SLN monomer.  相似文献   

Quinidine potentiates twitch tension and (at higher concentrations) causes contracture of skeletal muscle whereas the same drug reduces tension development of cardiac muscle. To gain insight into the possible differences in the excitation-contraction coupling mechanism of the two types of muscle the effect of quinidine on calcium accumulation by isolated sarcoplasmic reticulum from skeletal and cardiac muscle was investigated. In a medium containing ATP, Mg++, oxalate, and 45Ca, pharmacologically active concentrations of the drug inhibited calcium accumulation by both skeletal and cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum. The inhibition of the rates of calcium, uptake by the skeletal muscle preparation ranged from 11% with 10-4 M quinidine to 90% with 10-3 M quinidine. With the cardiac muscle preparation the inhibition ranged from 16% with 3 x 10-6 M quinidine to 100% with 10-3 M quinidine. With both preparations the inhibition of calcium transport was accompanied by an inhibition of the Ca++-activated ATPase activity of the sarcoplasmic reticulum. The effect of quinidine on the skeletal sarcoplasmic reticulum supports the hypothesis that this compound produces twitch potentiation and contracture by interfering with intracellular calcium, sequestration. Its effect on cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum. has been interpreted in terms of the hypothesis that cardiac contractility is a function of the amount of calcium released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum which is in turn dependent upon the absolute calcium content of the reticulum. Hence, following inhibition of calcium transport there would be less calcium available for coupling.  相似文献   

Calcium release and binding produced by alterations in pH were investigated in isolated sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) from skeletal muscle. When the pH was abruptly increased from 6.46 to 7.82, after calcium loading for 30 sec, 80–90 nanomoles (nmole) of calcium/mg protein were released. When the pH was abruptly decreased from 7.56 to 6.46, after calcium loading for 30 sec, 25–30 nmole of calcium/mg protein were rebound. The calcium release process was shown to be a function of pH change: 57 nmole of calcium were released per 1 pH unit change per mg protein. The amount of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) bound to the SR was not altered by the pH changes. The release phenomenon was not due to alteration of ATP concentration by the increased pH. Native actomyosin was combined with SR in order to study the effectiveness of calcium release from the SR by pH change in inducing super-precipitation of actomyosin. It was found that SR, in an amount high enough to inhibit superprecipitation at pH 6.5, did not prevent the process when the pH was suddenly increased to 7.3, indicating that the affinity of SR for calcium depends specifically on pH. These data suggest the possible participation of hydrogen ion concentration in excitation-contraction coupling.  相似文献   

建立了一种亲和层析纯化肌质网Ca2+-ATP酶的方法.用非离子型去污剂C12E8 溶解肌质网,再通过反应红-120琼脂糖亲和层析柱使肌质网Ca2+-ATP酶纯度从粗品中的65%提高到99%,并具有较高ATP水解活性.经SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳检测,为电泳纯.  相似文献   

Abstract: Pumiliotoxins (PTX) A, B, and 251D, members of a new class of indolizidine alkaloids isolated from the skin of poison frogs of the family Dendrobatidae, inhibit Ca2+-ATPase activity in sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles from frog and rat hind-limb muscles. PTX-B and PTX-A appear to be relatively specific inhibitors of Ca2+-ATPase; PTX-A is much less potent than PTX-B. PTX-251D is a potent inhibitor of Ca2+-ATPase, and was also found to inhibit Na+, K+, and Mg2+-ATPases in rat brain synaptosomes. Caffeine and verapamil, two drugs known to affect calcium translocation, are very weak inhibitors of the Ca2+-ATPase. The K, values for inhibition of the Ca2+-ATPase of rat and frog sarcoplasmic reticulum by PTX-B were comparable and ranged between 22 and 36 μM. Inhibition of calcium-dependent ATPase in sarcoplasmic reticulum by pumiliotoxin-B is noncompetitive with calcium and is not readily reversible. Based on structure-activity profiles, it is concluded that inhibition of Ca2+-ATPase by the indolizidine alkaloids is responsible for the alkaloidelicited prolongation of twitch in intact muscle.  相似文献   

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