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青海湟水流域植物区系研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
湟水流域位于青海省的东部,约处于北纬35°56′~37°38′,东经100°35′~103°05′。属于青藏高原和黄土高原的过渡地带,海拔1650~4395m,全区面积约16600km~2,属于大陆性气候和高原大陆性气候类型。本区共有野生种子植物83科、400属、1234种。分别占本区所属的青藏高原植物亚区唐古特地区总科数的92.22%、总属数的78.74%、总种数的54.00%。研究表明,湟水流域植物区系特征为:①在唐古特地区中种类相对较丰富;②温带成分占92.80%,以绝对优势确定了本区系为明显的温带性质(属于以北温带成分,特别是欧亚大陆温、寒地带典型成分为优势的,兼具温性、寒温和高寒类型的温带区系性质,或可称为在温带区系中的过渡区系所具有的“复合型”区系特征);③木本类型少,大多数种类为多年生草本植物,缺乏古老和原始类群,一些中国特有种衍生于其广布的亲缘种中,表明本区系具有年轻和衍生的性质;④我国西南高山区系和华北区系对该区系具有双重影响;⑤为青藏高原植物亚区唐古特植物地区同华北植物地区相互过渡的代表区系之一;⑥特有属和特有种少。在中国种子植物区系分区中,本区属于青藏高原植物亚区中的唐古特地区。  相似文献   

Vegetation structure, defined by the height, cover, and types of plants, is an important component of habitat suitability for plant species or communities. The identification of potential habitat is a crucial knowledge gap for endangered Atlantic Coastal Plain Flora (ACPF), a group of taxonomically unrelated plants that share common habitat types and are mostly found on lakeshores and wetlands in the Atlantic coastal region of North America. Our objectives were to assess spatial patterns and relationships of ACPF richness and structural diversity indices at different scales and positions along the lakeshore-to-forest gradient. We sampled 16 sites at 7 lakes in southwestern Nova Scotia using contiguous 20 × 20 cm quadrats along 20 m transects, perpendicular to the waterline, and in 5 × 5 m grids, between the lake and the forest edge. We measured the cover of 19 ACPF species and structural elements at different heights and calculated structural diversity indices using the Shannon index. Spatial patterns were assessed using one- and two-dimensional wavelet variance and covariance. The edge of the zone of high ACPF richness coincided with greater structural diversity at the lakeshore edge. Herbaceous ACPF richness was positively associated with structural diversity at finer scales and on lakeshores, but negatively associated at coarser scales and farther from the waterline. A strong association of structural diversity with ACPF richness suggests it could be used as a habitat indicator for ACPF on lakeshores, which could help the identification and conservation of potential suitable shorelines for ACPF populations in Nova Scotia.  相似文献   

Clinical hematology and biochemistry are recognized as useful aids in health diagnosis in birds. The Little Penguin (Eudyptula minor) is endemic to Australia and numbers are declining due to a number of factors including declining health. This 2-year study on both Bowen and Lion Island populations aimed at assessing the potential causes of their declining health. Blood was collected from a total of 294 adult Little Penguins. R.B.C., Hb, P.C.V., M.C.V., M.C.H., M.C.H.C., W.B.C. and differential counts, thrombocytes and T.P.P. were measured. Multiple regression was used to identify relationships between hematological values and the following predictor variables: site, season, sex, time held prior to sampling and body condition. Values obtained showed some differences compared to the values for other penguin species reported in the literature. P.C.V., R.B.C., Hb, M.C.H.C. and T.P.P. showed major differences in comparison with a previous study on little penguins. Considering the influence of predictor variables, it appeared that: P.C.V., R.B.C., M.C.V., M.C.H., M.C.H.C. varied according to seasons; P.C.V., R.B.C., M.C.H., T.P.P. were correlated to body condition; P.C.V. was higher in birds on Bowen Island compared to birds on Lion Island; and T.P.P. was higher in females. These ecological and biological predictor variables have a strong influence upon hematological values. As a consequence, they must be taken into consideration when interpreting results of future studies.  相似文献   

Milner  Victoria S.  Yarnell  Sarah M.  Peek  Ryan A. 《Hydrobiologia》2019,829(1):291-305
Hydrobiologia - In regulated rivers, dams alter longitudinal gradients in flow regimes, geomorphology, water quality and temperature with associated impacts on aquatic biota. Unregulated...  相似文献   

玛纳斯河流域盐渍化灌区生态环境遥感监测研究   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
张添佑  王玲  王辉  彭丽  罗冲 《生态学报》2017,37(9):3009-3018
土壤盐渍化已成为全球性问题,给生态环境及农业生产带来严重的威胁。为了快速、准确评价土壤盐渍化给区域生态坏境带来的影响,该文提出了新的完全基于遥感数据的遥感生态指数(SSEI,Soil Salinization Ecology Index)来监测玛纳斯河流域盐渍化灌区生态环境变化。该指数利用主成分分析的方法耦合与土壤盐渍化相关的土壤盐度、地表反照率、植被覆盖度和土壤湿度四大地表参数,指数构建是数据本身性质所决定,不同于以往遥感与非遥感指数加权叠加易受人为影响。研究结果表明:耦合与盐渍化信息相关的各遥感指数得到的生态指数,能够对土壤盐渍化影响区域的生态环境进行快速、定量、客观的监测。将该指数应用到新疆玛纳斯河流域灌区,结果表明在近26年优和良等级生态环境面积增加了12.89%,这说明灌区生态环境有所改善。该研究对土壤盐渍化监测与评价具有一定参考意义。  相似文献   

The epidemiology of vector-borne diseases is complex due to the variability in the ecology of the different actors involved, i.e. hosts, parasites and vectors. The transmission of African animal trypanosomosis in the West-African savannah region is an excellent example of this complexity: riverine tsetse flies have an heterogeneous distribution along the rivers, depending of suitable habitats, and transmit pathogenic trypanosomes were they use domestic animal as feeding hosts. Contrasting epidemiological situations may thus occur at the local scale, and a broad view of the overall environment is necessary to quantify the interfaces in time and space between hosts and vectors. Geographical Information Systems (GIS) can provide new insight into the study of such complex epidemiological processes. GIS is a powerful technology that has been used mainly in map-making, and an enormous amount of knowledge can be gained simply by geographical data projection. GIS also allows juxtaposition of different types of information, creation of new variables, testing of theories and correlation, and generating of predictive models. The purpose of the present paper is to exemplify the potential application of GIS using a recent study carried out on animal trypanosomosis in a cattle-raising area of Burkina Faso.  相似文献   

Polyploidy is a major process in plant evolution. Surprisingly, no study has examined its role in species diversification and ecological distribution in relation to other life history traits. In this study, we examine to what extent polyploidy and the other traditionally examined biological traits (pollination mode, dispersal mode and growth form) account for ecological and taxonomic diversity in the flora of the Pyrenees. Fifty genera (in 22 angiosperm families) were classified according to ploidy level, growth form, pollination mode and dispersal mode, and 451 species and/or subspecies in these 50 genera were classified according to ploidy level and growth form. We examined the contribution of ploidy level, pollination and dispersal modes and growth form to (i) the ecological range of species and genera, i.e., the number of natural habitats (defined by a combination of ecological characteristics) where they occur, and (ii) the taxonomic diversity of the 50 genera. Ploidy level and dispersal mode had significant effects on the taxonomic diversity of the 50 genera. Taxonomic diversity, but not polyploidy per se, was significantly correlated with ecological range of genera. For individual species, diploids had a larger ecological range than polyploids, and herbaceous growth forms had wider ecological distributions than other growth forms. Our results indicate that polyploidisation may be a source of ecological diversification of genera, not by increasing the ecological range of particular polyploid species compared to diploids, but rather by creating taxonomic diversity that leads in some genera to a diversification of the habitats occupied by different ploidy levels. This observation is consistent with previous observations of ecological divergence of chromosomal races in some species in the Alps and in the Pyrenees. As found in other studies, species diversification in the studied flora appears to be greatly influenced by the occurrence of multiple dispersal modes, while ecological range of species or subspecies is significantly increased by the presence of herbaceous species.  相似文献   

Due to wide spatial distribution, high annual resolution, calendar-exact dating, and high climate sensitivity, tree-rings play an important role in reconstructing past environment and climate change over the past millennium at regional, hemispheric or even global scales, so tree-rings can help us to better understand climate behaviour and its mechanisms in the past and then predict variation trends for the future. In this paper, we will review latest advances in tree-ring-based climate reconstructions in China and their applications in modelling past local/regional climate change, capturing historical climatic extreme events, as well as analyzing their link to large-scale climate patterns.  相似文献   

An assessment system suitable to support implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive's local water management plans should build on quantitative knowledge about a suite of well-documented indicator and umbrella species’ requirements for different stream orders. Assuring high communication value for improving local public awareness and participation for restoring ecological integrity in impaired headwater streams is critical. Loss and fragmentation of forests are major threats to ecological integrity. The aquatic macroinvertebrate order Plecoptera is commonly used as an indicator of the ecological integrity of streams. We measured abundance and taxonomic richness of Plecoptera in relation to land cover and water chemistry in second and third order catchments’ in 25 headwater streams in Central Europe's Carpathian Mountains. Plecoptera abundance and Plecoptera taxa richness were positively correlated to each other, as well as to forest proportion in the catchments, but negatively correlated to catchment area, inorganic carbon, alkalinity and conductivity. Segmented linear regression was then used to identify thresholds associated to forest proportion as a surrogate for catchment integrity. No threshold was found for Plecoptera abundance, but for taxa richness a threshold of 54% forest cover was found, below which Plecoptera was affected in second order streams. Using Plecoptera as a proxy for ecological integrity this study indicates that forest cover is an effective bioindicator in headwater catchments for predicting the ecological status of headwater streams. The non-linear relationship between forest cover and Plecoptera can be used as a science-based norm whereby land cover monitoring can be used to assess the ecological status of streams.  相似文献   

The potential value of MODIS satellite sensor data on Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and land surface temperatures (LST) for describing the distribution of the Schistosoma mansoni-"Biomphalaria pfeifferi"/Biomphalaria sudanica parasite-snail system in inland Uganda, were tested by developing annual and seasonal composite models, and iteratively analysing for their relationship with parasite and snail distribution. The dry season composite model predicted an endemic area that produced the best fit with the distribution of schools with > or =5% prevalence. NDVI values of 151-174, day temperatures of 26-36 degrees C, and night temperatures of 15-20 degrees C were used as criteria for the prediction model. Using the same approach with host snail data indicated that most of Uganda is suitable "B. pfeifferi"/B. sudanica habitat, except for possibly the north-eastern region of the country. The parasite, however, appears to be restricted in its distribution in both the north-eastern and the south-western regions of Uganda. The absence of disease in the south-west can not be attributed to the absence of snail hosts. Results suggest a combination of satellite sensor data on temperature and standard climate data on precipitation, as the best ecological determinants of the S. mansoni-"B. pfeifferi"/B. sudanica system. Satellite composite models and logistic regression analysis, suggest low night time temperature as one of the significant factors inhibiting S. mansoni transmission in the south-western highland areas of Uganda. The developed models are, however, unique, representing species-specific ecologic preferences of the S. mansoni-"B. Pfeifferi"/B. sudanica system in inland Uganda. Further validation studies are needed to test the value of the model in other countries in East Africa.  相似文献   

1. A full understanding of changes to river ecosystem structure and functioning along the continuum from relatively pristine to profoundly perturbed requires knowledge of physical, chemical and ecological properties at many spatial and temporal scales. Perturbations may span broad spatio-temporal scales or be spatially and temporally discrete. 2. The relevant scale for study depends on the manner in which perturbations move through two kinds of pathways – through the physical space of the catchment hierarchy and through the ecological space of river food webs. Different kinds of perturbation (e.g. inputs of sediment, nitrogen or phosphorus, changes to shading or discharge) vary in the degree and manner in which they are propagated downstream and through food webs. 3. The fundamental importance of disturbance regimes and refugia to river health is now clear and managers need to take this into account when devising river management schemes. 4. A comparison of the physics, chemistry and ecology of streams in catchments of native tussock and exotic pasture grassland in New Zealand serves to emphasize (i) the extreme complexity of interacting factors resulting from land use change, (ii) the importance of disturbance regime (not encapsulated in biotic indices) and biogeographic patterns (usually unmeasured) in determining ecosystem structure and functioning, and (iii) the lack of concordance between any single index of health and various fundamental features of ecosystem functioning. 5. Practical considerations limit most evaluations of river health to a small suite of indices, though it is important that researchers continue to evaluate the spatial, temporal and biological limitations of these indices. The vagaries of history and geography (extinction and colonization trajectories in relation to natural disturbance regimes) and the complexity of interacting physical, chemical and ecological responses to perturbation suggest that multi-scale, multi-temporal studies of river function offer the best opportunity to evaluate river health.  相似文献   

Elevation gradients of diversity for rodents and bats in Oaxaca, Mexico   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1  This study documents patterns of rodent and bat diversity related to abiotic and biotic factors along elevational gradients in the Sierra Mazateca (640–2600 m a.s.l.) and Sierra Mixteca (700–3000 m a.s.l.) in Oaxaca, Mexico.
2  The two transects share similar faunas: 17 and 23 rodent species were captured in the sierras Mazateca and Mixteca, respectively, 14 of which occurred on both transects. Rodent species richness was similar in the wet season and the dry season along both transects. Rodent species richness peaked at 1025–1050 m in tropical semi-deciduous forest on both transects. Endemic species were restricted to high-elevation habitats.
3  Sixteen and 17 bat species were captured in the sierras Mazateca and Mixteca, respectively; 11 occurred on both transects. Bat species richness was higher in the wet season than in the dry season in the Sierra Mazateca. Bat species richness peaked at 1850 m in pine–oak forest in the Sierra Mazateca, and at 750 m and 1050 m in tropical semi-deciduous forest in the Sierra Mixteca, decreasing abruptly at higher elevations on both transects.
4  Patterns of trophic diversity of rodents and bats coincided with those of species richness on each transect. Species richness increased with increasing habitat diversity; increased with increasing rainfall and productivity; increased with increasing resource diversity; and increased in areas with high rates of speciation (rodents only).
5  The need for conservation action in Oaxaca is urgent and proponents should promote establishment of protected areas linking lowland habitats with high species richness to high-elevation habitats harbouring large numbers of endemic forms.  相似文献   

1. At two organically polluted sites in the River Nethravathi, banyan and eucalypt leaves were colonized by one or two species of aquatic hyphomycetes. A total of three or four species were identified at the two sites in samples of water and naturally occurring leaves.
2. Spore production from stream‐exposed leaves by aquatic hyphomycetes was lower by a factor of up to 1 million compared with an earlier study in geographically close but unpolluted streams.
3. Exponential decay rates and loss rates of phosphorus and calcium, were not statistically different from an earlier study in unpolluted streams. Nitrogen increased during decomposition more slowly in the current study.
4. The microbial community on both leaves released enzymes active against starch, pectin, cellulose and xylan.
5. Banyan leaves conditioned for 12 weeks were more palatable to the gastropod Notopala sp. than unconditioned leaves.
6. Together with earlier data from unpolluted streams, the study provides evidence that organic pollution severely restricts diversity of aquatic hyphomycetes and their reproductive output, but does not have an equally strong effect on ecological functions generally associated with this group.  相似文献   

To meet various breeding objectives and to conserve the existing genetic resources of mulberry for future use, the present study was undertaken to investigate the amount of genetic diversity and to establish the relationships between mulberry genotypes using fluorescence-based AFLP markers. Genetic diversity was estimated in 45 mulberry accessions from different eco-geographic regions of Japan and other parts of the world. Five primer combinations amplified an average of 110 AFLP markers per primer combination, ranging in size from 35 to 500 bp. A high degree of polymorphism was revealed by these combinations that ranged from 69.7 to 82.3% across all the genotypes studied. Several rare genotype-specific bands were also identified which could be effectively utilized to distinguish different genotypes. The wide range in genetic similarity coefficients (0.58–0.99) indicated that the mulberry germplasm collection represents a genetically diverse popu-lation. The phenetic dendrogram generated by the UPGMA method grouped 45 accessions into four major clusters, which was in agreement with the results from conventional methods. Clustering of some genotypes into strictly separate groups was not readily apparent and no clear interrelationships could be depicted, in spite of their different geographic origin. In addition, AFLP analysis provided sufficient polymorphism for DNA typing and contributed additional insights into the genetic structure of the mulberry germplasm. These results will help in the formulation of appropriate strategies for conservation and variety improvement in mulberry, for which little or no knowledge of genetic diversity is currently available. Received: 30 December 1999 / Accepted: 14 March 2000  相似文献   

Hydrobiologia - Human activities have disrupted the functioning of river ecosystems around the world. In the Amazon basin, hydropower expansion has affected diversity patterns, but no study has...  相似文献   

SUMMARY. Growth of Lemna minor fronds in the River Frome during summer was found to be logarithmic with time and the growth rate (log10) was 0.066 day−1. This is equivalent to a doubling time of 4.5 days. The life expectancy of the fronds was 34 days.
The net change in the density of bacteria epiphytic on the lower surface of Lemna fronds in the R. Frome was monitored using a direct microscopic technique. The observed increase in bacterial numbers has been partitioned into the components of attachment and growth, assuming that attachment occurred at a constant rate and that the bacterial population grew logarithmically. The line which fitted the data best gave an attachment rate of 5.7 × 105 bacteria cm−2 day−1 and a growth rate (log10) for the bacteria of 0.044 day−1 which is equivalent to a doubling time of 164 h.
Estimates of the rate of detachment of bacteria from Lemna plants were obtained from a laboratory experiment which assumed negligible growth of bacteria in 1 h. The number of bacteria which detached per hour and the sizes of the bacterial populations on the plants before and after detachment were estimated using a plating technique. Different detachment rates were monitored. The detachment rate (analogous to growth rate) which is judged to be most similar to an in situ value was 0.0031 h−1 (0.074 day−1). This rate added to the specific growth rate given above resulted in a corrected growth rate of 0.118 day−1 equivalent to a doubling time of 61 h.  相似文献   

The chemical and biological characteristics of a Corsican river that drains contaminated waters and sediment from an abandoned realgar mine were studied. The concentrations of pollutants such as As and Sb were found to be notably high. For example, in the Presa River, downstream the realgar mine, the mean As concentrations in the water and in the sediment were 3010 g 1-1 and 9450 g g-1 respectively. Species richness and abundance of benthic invertebrates decreased downstream the As mine. The disappearance of oligochaetes, leeches and a rarity of mayfly populations have been evidenced. On the contrary, a large increase in species belonging to stoneflies and gastropods was found. Some species like Baetis cyrneus, Ephemerella ignita, Sericostoma clypeatum and Ibisia marginata were more sensitive to As and Sb concentrations while others species like Ancylus fluviatilis, Isoperla insularis, Hydropsyche cyrnotica, Caenis luctuosa and Silonella aurata were less sensitive. The benthic invertebrates show different reactions in this contaminated environment, which could be explained by their feeding behaviours and certain morphological characteristics.  相似文献   

利用SSR标记与毛细管电泳对甘蔗属进行的遗传分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为探讨甘蔗属内不同种之间的遗传多样性,利用SSR标记与毛细管电泳技术,对来自甘蔗属3个不同种的12个材料19对引物进行检测,共检测到229个DNA多态性条带,19对引物扩增的DNA条带范围集中在100~260bp之间。12个甘蔗材料的Jaccard遗传相似度,最小0.09,最大0.65,平均为0.26。通过遗传相似性系数分析,UPGMA聚类图内12个甘蔗材料可分为两个群,三个割手密种材料分为一个亚群,甘蔗栽培品种与甘蔗热带种合为一个亚群。结果表明:热带种比割手密种具有和甘蔗栽培品种更亲近的遗传关系;SSR分子标记与毛细管技术结合,相比别的分子标记技术或电泳技术,具有更准确、简便、自动化等优点。  相似文献   

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