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Marriott  C.A.  Hudson  G.  Hamilton  D.  Neilson  R.  Boag  B.  Handley  L.L.  Wishart  J.  Scrimgeour  C.M.  Robinson  D. 《Plant and Soil》1997,196(1):151-162
As preparation for a below ground food web study, the spatial variability of three soil properties (total N, total C and pH) and two stable isotopes (13C and 15N of whole soil) were quantified using geostatistical approaches in upland pastures under contrasting management regimes (grazed, fertilised and ungrazed, unfertilised) in Scotland. This is the first such study of upland, north maritime grasslands. The resulting patterns of variability suggest that to obtain statistically independent samples in this system, a sampling distance of 13.5 m is required. Additionally, temporal change (a decline of 1) was observed in whole soil 15N for the grazed, fertilised plot. This may have been caused by new inputs of symbiotically-fixed atmospheric N2.  相似文献   

Mycorrhizal and saprotrophic (SAP) fungi are essential to terrestrial element cycling due to their uptake of mineral nutrients and decomposition of detritus. Linking these ecological roles to specific fungi is necessary to improve our understanding of global nutrient cycling, fungal ecophysiology, and forest ecology. Using discriminant analyses of nitrogen (δ15N) and carbon (δ13C) isotope values from 813 fungi across 23 sites, we verified collector-based categorizations as either ectomycorrhizal (ECM) or SAP in > 91% of the fungi, and provided probabilistic assignments for an additional 27 fungi of unknown ecological role. As sites ranged from boreal tundra to tropical rainforest, we were able to show that fungal δ13C (26 sites) and δ15N (32 sites) values could be predicted by climate or latitude as previously shown in plant and soil analyses. Fungal δ13C values are likely reflecting differences in C-source between ECM and SAP fungi, whereas 15N enrichment of ECM fungi relative to SAP fungi suggests that ECM fungi are consistently delivering 15N depleted N to host trees across a range of ecosystem types.  相似文献   

Stable isotope analysis has been extensively used as an effective tool in determination of trophic relationship in ecosystems. In freshwater ecosystem, aquatic invertebrates represent main component of a river food web. This study was carried out to determine potential food sources of freshwater organism together with pattern of trophic position along the river food web. In this study, rivers of Belum-Temengor Forest Complex (BTFC) has been selected as sampling site as it is a pristine area that contains high diversity and abundance of organisms and can be a benchmark for other rivers in Malaysia. Stable isotope ratios of carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) were applied to estimate trophic position and food web paradigm. Analysis of stable isotopes based on organic material collected from the study area revealed that the highest δ13C value was reported from filamentous algae (? 22.68 ± 0.1260/00) and the lowest δ13C was in allocthonous leaf packs (? 31.58 ± 0.1870/00). Meanwhile the highest δ15N value was in fish (8.45 ± 0.1770/00) and the lowest value of δ15N was in autochthonous aquatic macrophyte (2.00 ± 1.2340/00). Based on the δ15N results, there are three trophic levels in the study river and it is suggested that the trophic chain begins with organic matter followed by group of insects and ends with fish (organic matter < insects < fish).  相似文献   

Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were used to analyse genetic diversity within and between Hordeum spontaneum populations sampled from Israel. Nei's index of genetic differentiation was used to partition diversity into within and between population components. Fifty-seven per cent of the variation detected was partitioned within 10 H. spontaneum populations. Using principal component and multiple regression analysis, part of the variation detected between populations was seen to be associated with certain ecogeographical factors. Fifty-eight per cent of the distribution of the phenotypic frequencies of three RAPD phenotypes detected using a single primer in 20 H. spontaneum populations could be accounted for by four ecogeographical variables, suggesting adaptive variation at certain RAPD loci.  相似文献   

Electroporation was used to introduce DNA into excised scutella of immature embryos of Hordeum vulgare L. cvs Golden Promise and Delita. Using the firefly luciferase gene as reporter, parameters were analyzed for high transient gene expression while maintaining tissue viability. Enzymatic wounding was necessary for DNA uptake. The optimized protocol involves use of linearized DNA and addition of 15% (w/v) polyethylene glycol at a field strength of 950 V cm−1 and approximately 56 ms pulse length. A one-day preculture was required for obtaining callus after electroporation. Transient gene expression was further demonstrated using the β-glucuronidase gene. Blue spots were detected at the abaxial scutellar surface, indicating that cells competent for somatic embryogenesis are also amenable to transfection by electroporation.  相似文献   

Dalerum F  Angerbjörn A 《Oecologia》2005,144(4):647-658
Assessments of temporal variation in diets are important for our understanding of the ecology of many vertebrates. Ratios of naturally occurring stable isotopes in animal tissues are a combination of the source elements and tissue specific fractionation processes, and can thus reveal dietary information. We review three different approaches that have been used to resolve temporal diet variation through analysis of stable isotopes. The most straightforward approach is to compare samples from the same type of tissue that has been sampled over time. This approach is suited to address either long or short-term dietary variation, depending on sample regime and which tissue that is sampled. Second, one can compare tissues with different metabolic rates. Since the elements in a given tissue have been assimilating during time spans specific to its metabolic rate, tissues with different metabolic rates will reflect dietary records over different periods. Third, comparisons of sections from tissues with progressive growth, such as hair, feathers, claws and teeth, will reveal temporal variation since these tissues will retain isotopic values in a chronological order. These latter two approaches are mainly suited to address questions regarding intermediate and short-term dietary variation. Knowledge of tissue specific metabolic rates, which determine the molecular turnover for a specific tissue, is of central importance for all these comparisons. Estimates of isotopic fractionation between source and measured target are important if specific hypotheses regarding the source elements are addressed. Estimates of isotopic fractionation, or at least of differences in fractionation between tissues, are necessary if different tissues are compared. We urge for more laboratory experiments aimed at improving our understanding of differential assimilation of dietary components, isotopic fractionation and metabolic routing. We further encourage more studies on reptiles and amphibians, and generally more studies utilizing multiple tissues with different turnover rates.  相似文献   

植物LEC蛋白是NF-Y转录因子的一类B亚基,在植物胚状体形成过程中起重要作用。为了研究大麦小孢子体外培养形成胚状体的机理,本研究利用RACE技术在大麦中克隆了一个新的LEC基因,该基因cDNA全长为1004 bp,开放阅读框全长为597 bp,编码198个氨基酸,其蛋白1~59位氨基酸含有LEC结构域,命名为HvLEC1。HvLEC1在大麦的根、茎、叶和小孢子培养过程中均能表达,其中小孢子培养7 d时表达量最高,且HvLEC1在大麦品系BI04中的表达量比基19高,BI04愈伤产量也比基19高,表明HvLEC1表达量和愈伤产量有相关性,受盐胁迫后HvLEC1在大麦的根中快速上调表达,提示HvLEC1可能不仅参与小孢子胚状体发生,而且参与盐胁迫响应。  相似文献   

Retrotransposon-like sequences are ideal tools for initial screening assays to distinguish between closely related species because of their ubiquitous presence, high copy number, chromosome coverage and rapid sequence evolution. A retrotransposon-like sequence, pSc119.1, cloned from Secale cereale (rye) has been used to obtain PCR primers that are capable of detecting small introgressions of Hordeum bulbosum (bulbous barley grass) chromatin in a Hordeum vulgare (cultivated barley) background. Combining this PCR-based assay with a crude but effective high-throughput DNA extraction has enabled the rapid identification of plants possessing H. bulbosum introgressions from large numbers of progeny from H. vulgare×H. bulbosum crosses. These plants are then further characterized by more-refined cytological, molecular and pathological techniques to locate and map the introgressed chromatin and to evaluate their disease resistance. Received: 18 April 2001 / Accepted: 23 August 2001  相似文献   

The expression of 34 transmitter-related genes has been examined in the cholinergic neurones of rat striatal brain slices, with the aim of correlating gene expression with functional activity. The mRNAs encoding types I, II/IIA, and III alpha subunits of the voltage-sensitive sodium channels were detected, suggesting the presence of these three types of sodium channel. Similarly, mRNAs encoding all four alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionate (AMPA)-type glutamate receptor subunits and the NR1 and NR2A, 2B, and 2D subunits of the NMDA-type glutamate receptors were detected, suggesting that various combinations of these subunits mediate the cellular response to synaptically released glutamate. Other mRNAs detected included the NK1 and NK3 tachykinin receptors, all four known adenosine receptors, and the GABA-synthesising enzyme glutamate decarboxylase. Subpopulations of these cholinergic neurones have been identified on the basis of the expression of the NK3 tachykinin receptor in 5% and the trkC neurotrophin receptor in 12% of the cells investigated.  相似文献   

Protoplasts of a barley ( Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Golden Promise) suspension cell line were used for PEG-mediated gene transfer. Transient gene expression in barley protoplasts was studied using a chimeric CaMV 35S cat construct, which was only poorly expressed in barley cells. However, insertion of exon 1 and intron 1 of the maize Shrunken-1 (Sh1) gene in the 5'-untranslated leader of the construct strongly stimulated gene expression. By using the optimized chimeric cat construction the amount of CAT protein that was reached 19 hours after DNA uptake was 0.5% of total protein, which was calculated from western blot data.
As an alternative marker gene for expression studies, we also tested the firefly luciferase gene in barley protoplasts. Low level expression of chimeric CaMV 35S luciferase genes could be highly stimulated when Sh1 exon1 and intron1 were inserted in the 5'-untranslated leader of the constructs. Enhanced luciferase gene expression by Shrunken-1 intronic sequences enabled us to monitor gene integration events early after DNA uptake using a promoterless luciferase marker gene, which could only be expressed after integration behind an endogenous promoter.  相似文献   

黎道洪  苏晓梅 《生态学报》2012,32(11):3497-3504
稳定性同位素技术已经成为研究生态系统食物网结构和营养级关系及其动态变化的重要手段。应用稳定同位素技术(δ13C和δ15N)研究了东风洞的食物网结构和营养级关系。研究结果表明,东风洞主要为腐食食物链,由于在洞穴内黑暗带中无光照也无植物生长,所以碳源主要为东风洞中的土壤有机质,作为第一营养级;主要摄食关系为马陆与土壤有机物质,螺类与土壤有机物质等;在该洞生态系统中,将3种马陆直接作为初级消费者,以隅蛛和其它马陆平均值之间的差值(2.04‰)作为东风洞食物网稳定氮同位素的富集因子。根据营养级模型可知,马陆类群、细长钻螺等土壤动物,裸灶螽和涂闪夜蛾形成第二营养级,即初级消费者;第三营养级包括蜘蛛类、盲蛛、地蜈蚣以及黑眶蟾蜍,为次级消费者。  相似文献   

Salinity levels and drought status of coastal wetlands may be strongly affected by climate change, and changes in the nitrogen cycle of mangrove wetlands may also be affected. We established combinations of three salinity and water levels with applied stable isotope 15N to study the δ15N distributions in the sediment and plants of a greenhouse-based simulated mangrove Aegiceras corniculatum wetland system. The stable isotope 13C and 15N, C and N contents and the C:N ratio were determined. Results showed that increasing in salinity significantly increased the δ13C value in plant organs. The δ15N value of plant organs increased with increasing water level in low salinity (10‰) and medium salinity (20‰) treatment groups but not in the high salinity (30‰) treatment group. This may attributed to A. corniculatum adjusting the δ15N distribution in different organs in response to high salinity stress. Compared to the δ13C, the δ15N values of plant were strongly affected by salinity and water level treatments, indicating that the behavior of N cycle was somewhat different than the C cycle, and affected by the combined effects of both salinity and water level. Most of 15N absorbed by plant tissues were in leaves except for the highest salinity and high water level treatment, showing at increasing water level, the proportion of 15N increased in root. Overall, the measured indicators exhibited different responses to salinity level and water level, suggesting that the changes in salinity and water levels have an impact on N cycling processes of wetland systems.  相似文献   

Abstract. This Introduction to the Special Issue of Plant, Cell and Environment on 'Sensing the Environment'is concerned with the molecular mechanisms that may link the perception of environmental signals with the evocation of those specific developmental responses that collectively are known as phenotypic plasticity. The significance of phenotypic plasticity at the evolutionary, developmental and ecological levels is outlined, and it is argued that the extent of an individual's adaptability to environmental conditions must be a reflection of the extent and sophistication of the controls over the synthesis and action of specific proteins. Reviewing evidence from a selected range of plant enzymes and regulatory proteins, it is proposed that differential regulation of the expression of members of multigene families may represent the molecular basis of phenotypic plasticity.  相似文献   

To investigate how seed reserves affect early seedling performance, we conducted a factorial greenhouse experiment using Lithocarpus densiflora (Tanoak). Seedlings were grown from large (5.8±0.7 g) and small (3.2±0.4 g) seeds and, following shoot emergence, seeds were either removed or left attached. Seedlings were harvested for quantification of biomass and 13C at seven time periods following seed removal (2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 days) and seedling photosynthesis was measured three separate time periods (2–4, 49–82, 95–128 days after seed removal). Biomass increased for all seedlings, but the increase was significantly larger for seedlings with attached seeds than with removed seeds. Seed removal just after shoot emergence significantly decreased seedling biomass, but seed removal 64 days after shoot emergence had no effect on seedling biomass. Seedling photosynthesis per unit leaf area varied by time and seed presence, but not by seed size. At the first period, seedlings with attached seeds had significantly higher photosynthetic rates than seedlings with removed seeds, at the second period there was no effect of seed removal, and at the third time period seedlings with attached seeds had significantly lower photosynthetic rates than seedlings with removed seeds. Despite temporal variation in photosynthesis per unit leaf area, seedlings with attached seeds always had significantly greater leaf area than seedlings with removed seeds, resulting in significantly higher total plant photosynthesis at all three time periods. The 13C values of both the leaves and roots were more similar to that of the seed for seedlings with attached seeds than for seedlings with removed seeds, however, seed removal and seed size strongly affected root 13C. This study demonstrates that seed reserves have important effects on the early growth, physiology, and 13C of L. densiflora seedlings.  相似文献   

A method is evaluated that employs variation in stable C and N isotopes from fractionations in C and N acquisition and growth to predict root biomasses of three plant species in mixtures. Celtis laevigata Willd. (C3), Prosopis glandulosa Torr. (C3, legume) and Schizachyrium scoparium (Michx.) Nash (C4), or Gossypium hirsutum L. (C3), Glycine max (L.) Merr. (C3 legume), and Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench (C4) were grown together in separate, three-species combinations. Surface roots (0–10 cm depth) of each species from each of the two combinations were mixed in various proportions, and the relative abundances of 15N and 14N and 13C and 12C in prepared mixtures, surface roots of single species, and roots extracted from the 80-cm soil profile in which each species combination was grown were analyzed by mass spectrometry. An algebraic determination which employed the δ 13C, % 15N, and C and N concentrations of root subsamples of individual species accounted for more than 95% of the variance in biomass of each species in prepared mixtures with G. max, G. hirsutum, and S. bicolor. A similar analysis demonstrated species-specific differences in rooting patterns. Root biomasses of the C4 monocots in each combination, S. scoparium and S. bicolor, were concentrated in the upper 20 cm of soil, while those of G. hirsutum and the woody P. glandulosa were largest in lower soil strata. Analyses of stable C and N isotopes can effectively be used to distinguish roots of species which differ in ratios of 15N to 14N and 13C to 12C and thus to study belowground competition between or rooting patterns of associated species with different C and N isotope signatures. The method evaluated can be extended to quantify aboveground and belowground biomasses of component species in mixtures with isotopes of other elements or element concentrations that differ consistently among plants of interest.  相似文献   

Logan J  Haas H  Deegan L  Gaines E 《Oecologia》2006,147(3):391-395
Nitrogen stable isotopes are frequently used in ecological studies to estimate trophic position and determine movement patterns. Knowledge of tissue-specific turnover and nitrogen discrimination for the study organisms is important for accurate interpretation of isotopic data. We measured δ15 N turnover in liver and muscle tissue in juvenile mummichogs, Fundulus heteroclitus, following a laboratory diet switch. Liver tissue turned over significantly faster than muscle tissue suggesting the potential for a multiple tissue stable isotope approach to study movement and trophic position over different time scales; metabolism contributed significantly to isotopic turnover for both liver and muscle. Nitrogen diet-tissue discrimination was estimated at between 0.0 and 1.2‰ for liver and –1.0 and 0.2‰ for muscle. This is the first experiment to demonstrate a significant variation in δ15 N turnover between liver and muscle tissues in a fish species.  相似文献   

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