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The evolution of adaptive behaviours can influence population dynamics. Conversely, population dynamics can affect both the rate and direction of adaptive evolution. This paper examines reasons why sink populations – populations maintained by immigration, preventing local extinction – might persist in the habitat repertoire of a species over evolutionary time-scales. Two such reasons correspond to standard explanations for deviations from an ideal free habitat distribution: organisms may not be free to settle in whichever habitat has the highest potential fitness, and may be constrained by costs, perceptual limitations, or mode of dispersal in the acuity of their habitat selectivity. Here, I argue that a third general reason for persistent sink populations is provided by unstable population dynamics in source habitats. I present a simple model illustrating how use of a sink habitat may be selectively advantageous, when a source population has unstable dynamics (which necessarily reflects temporal variation in local fitnesses). Species with unstable local dynamics in high-quality habitats should be selected to utilize a broader range of habitats than species with stable local dynamics, and in particular in some circumstances should utilize sink habitats. This observation has implications for the direction of niche evolution, and the likelihood of niche conservatism.  相似文献   

Theoretical studies of adaptation to sink environments (with conditions outside the niche requirements of a species) have shown that immigration from source habitats can either facilitate or inhibit local adaptation. Here, we examine the influence of immigration on the evolution of local adaptation, given an Allee effect (i.e., at low densities, absolute fitness increases with population density). We consider a deterministic model for evolution at a haploid locus, and a stochastic individual-based model for evolution of a quantitative trait, and several kinds of Allee effects. We demonstrate that increased immigration can greatly facilitate adaptive evolution in the sink; with greater immigration, local population sizes rise, and because of the Allee effect, there is a positive indirect effect of immigration on local fitness. This makes it easier for alleles of modest effect to be captured by natural selection, transforming the sink into a locally adapted population that can persist without immigration.  相似文献   

To understand the evolution of genetic diversity within species--bacterial and others--we must dissect the first steps of genetic adaptation to novel habitats, particularly habitats that are suboptimal for sustained growth where there is strong selection for adaptive changes. Here, we present the view that bacterial human pathogens represent an excellent model for understanding the molecular mechanisms of the adaptation of a species to alternative habitats. In particular, bacterial pathogens allow us to develop analytical methods to detect genetic adaptation using an evolutionary 'source-sink' model, with which the evolution of bacterial pathogens can be seen from the angle of continuous switching between permanent (source) and transient (sink) habitats. The source-sink model provides a conceptual framework for understanding the population dynamics and molecular mechanisms of virulence evolution.  相似文献   

Organisms construct their own environments and phenotypes through the adaptive processes of habitat choice, habitat construction, and phenotypic plasticity. We examine how these processes affect the dynamics of mean fitness change through the environmental change term of the Price Equation. This tends to be ignored in evolutionary theory, owing to the emphasis on the first term describing the effect of natural selection on mean fitness (the additive genetic variance for fitness of Fisher's Fundamental Theorem). Using population genetic models and the Price Equation, we show how adaptive niche constructing traits favorably alter the distribution of environments that organisms encounter and thereby increase population mean fitness. Because niche-constructing traits increase the frequency of higher-fitness environments, selection favors their evolution. Furthermore, their alteration of the actual or experienced environmental distribution creates selective feedback between niche constructing traits and other traits, especially those with genotype-by-environment interaction for fitness. By altering the distribution of experienced environments, niche constructing traits can increase the additive genetic variance for such traits. This effect accelerates the process of overall adaption to the niche-constructed environmental distribution and can contribute to the rapid refinement of alternative phenotypic adaptations to different environments. Our findings suggest that evolutionary biologists revisit and reevaluate the environmental term of the Price Equation: owing to adaptive niche construction, it contributes directly to positive change in mean fitness; its magnitude can be comparable to that of natural selection; and, when there is fitness G × E, it increases the additive genetic variance for fitness, the much-celebrated first term.  相似文献   

Maternal genetic effects (MGEs), where genes expressed by mothers affect the phenotype of their offspring, are important sources of phenotypic diversity in a myriad of organisms. We use a single‐locus model to examine how MGEs contribute patterns of heritable and nonheritable variation and influence evolutionary dynamics in randomly mating and inbreeding populations. We elucidate the influence of MGEs by examining the offspring genotype‐phenotype relationship, which determines how MGEs affect evolutionary dynamics in response to selection on offspring phenotypes. This approach reveals important results that are not apparent from classic quantitative genetic treatments of MGEs. We show that additive and dominance MGEs make different contributions to evolutionary dynamics and patterns of variation, which are differentially affected by inbreeding. Dominance MGEs make the offspring genotype‐phenotype relationship frequency dependent, resulting in the appearance of negative frequency‐dependent selection, while additive MGEs contribute a component of parent‐of‐origin dependent variation. Inbreeding amplifies the contribution of MGEs to the additive genetic variance and, therefore enhances their evolutionary response. Considering evolutionary dynamics of allele frequency change on an adaptive landscape, we show that this landscape differs from the mean fitness surface, and therefore, under some condition, fitness peaks can exist but not be “available” to the evolving population.  相似文献   

Understanding range limits is a fundamental problem in ecology and evolutionary biology. In 1963, Mayr argued that "contaminating" gene flow from central populations constrained adaptation in marginal populations, preventing range expansion, while in 1984, Bradshaw suggested that absence of genetic variation prevented species from occurring everywhere. Understanding stability of range boundaries requires unraveling the interplay of demography, gene flow, and evolution of populations in concrete landscape settings. We walk through a set of interrelated spatial scenarios that illustrate interesting complexities of this interplay. To motivate our individual-based model results, we consider a hypothetical zooplankter in a landscape of discrete water bodies coupled by dispersal. We examine how patterns of dispersal influence adaptation in sink habitats where conditions are outside the species' niche. The likelihood of observing niche evolution (and thus range expansion) over any given timescale depends on (1) the degree of initial maladaptation; (2) pattern (pulsed vs. continuous, uni- vs. bidirectional), timing (juvenile vs. adult), and rate of dispersal (and hence population size); (3) mutation rate; (4) sexuality; and (5) the degree of heterogeneity in the occupied range. We also show how the genetic architecture of polygenic adaptation is influenced by the interplay of selection and dispersal in heterogeneous landscapes.  相似文献   

One of the most important shifts in evolutionary biology in the past 50 years is an increased recognition of sluggish evolution and failures to adapt, which seem paradoxical in view of abundant genetic variation and many instances of rapid local adaptation. I review hypotheses of evolutionary constraint (or restraint), and suggest that although constraints on individual characters or character complexes may often reside in the structure or paucity of genetic variation, organism‐wide stasis, as described by paleontologists, might better be explained by a hypothesis of ephemeral divergence, according to which the spatial or temporal divergence of populations is often short‐lived because of interbreeding with nondivergent populations. Among the many consequences of acknowledging evolutionary constraints, community ecology is being transformed as it takes into account phylogenetic niche conservatism and the strong imprint of deep history.  相似文献   

Characterizing the relationships between genotype and phenotype for developmental adaptive traits is essential to understand the evolutionary dynamics underlying biodiversity. In holometabolous insects, the time to reach the reproductive stage and pupation site preference are two such traits. Here we characterize aspects of the genetic architecture for Developmental Time (decomposed in Larval and Pupal components) and Pupation Height using lines derived from three natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster raised at two temperatures. For all traits, phenotypic differences and variation in plasticity between populations suggest adaptation to the original thermal regimes. However, high variability within populations shows that selection does not exhaust genetic variance for these traits. This could be partly explained by local adaptation, environmental heterogeneity and modifications in the genetic architecture of traits according to environment and ontogenetic stage. Indeed, our results show that the genetic factors affecting Developmental Time and Pupation Height are temperature-specific. Varying relationships between Larval and Pupal Developmental Time between and within populations also suggest stage-specific modifications of genetic architecture for this trait. This flexibility would allow for a somewhat independent evolution of adaptive traits at different environments and life stages, favoring the maintenance of genetic variability and thus sustaining the traits’ evolvabilities.  相似文献   

Knowledge of geographic and temporal scales of adaptive genetic variation is crucial to species conservation, yet understanding of these phenomena, particularly in marine systems, is scant. Until recently, the belief has been that because most marine species have highly dispersive or mobile life stages, local adaptation could occur only on broad geographic scales. This view is supported by comparatively low levels of genetic variation among populations as detected by neutral markers. Similarly, the time scale of adaptive divergence has also been assumed to be very long, requiring thousands of generations. Recent studies of a variety of species have challenged these beliefs. First, there is strong evidence of geographically structured local adaptation in physiological and morphological traits. Second, the proportion of quantitative trait variation at the among-population level ( Q ST) is much higher than it is for neutral markers ( F ST) and these two metrics of genetic variation are poorly correlated. Third, evidence that selection is a potent evolutionary force capable of sustaining adaptive divergence on contemporary time scales is summarized. The differing spatial and temporal scales of adaptive v. neutral genetic divergence call for a new paradigm in thinking about the relationship between phenogeography (the geography of phenotypic variation) and phylogeography (the geography of lineages) in marine species. The idea that contemporary selective processes can cause fine-scale spatial and temporal divergence underscores the need for a new emphasis on Darwinian fishery science.  相似文献   

In heterogeneous landscapes, the genetic and demographic consequences of dispersal influence the evolution of niche width. Unless pollen is limiting, pollen dispersal does not contribute directly to population growth. However, by disrupting local adaptation, it indirectly affects population dynamics. We compare the effect of pollen versus seed dispersal on the evolution of niche width in heterogeneous habitats, explicitly considering the feedback between maladaptation and demography. We consider two scenarios: the secondary contact of two subpopulations, in distinct, formerly isolated habitats, and the colonization of an empty habitat with dispersal between the new and ancestral habitat. With an analytical model, we identify critical levels of genetic variance leading to niche contraction (secondary contact scenario), or expansion (new habitat scenario). We confront these predictions with simulations where the genetic variance freely evolves. Niche contraction occurs when habitats are very different. It is faster as total gene flow increases or as pollen predominates in overall gene flow. Niche expansion occurs when habitat heterogeneity is not too high. Seed dispersal accelerates it, whereas pollen dispersal tends to retard it. In both scenarios very high seed dispersal leads to extinction. Overall, our results predict a wider niche for species dispersing seeds more than pollen.  相似文献   

One of the oldest and most persistent questions in ecology and evolution is whether natural communities tend to evolve toward saturation and maximal diversity. Robert MacArthur’s classical theory of niche packing and the theory of adaptive radiations both imply that populations will diversify and fully partition any available niche space. However, the saturation of natural populations is still very much an open area of debate and investigation. Additionally, recent evolutionary theory suggests the existence of alternative evolutionary stable states (ESSs), which implies that some stable communities may not be fully saturated. Using models with classical Lotka-Volterra ecological dynamics and three formulations of evolutionary dynamics (a model using adaptive dynamics, an individual-based model, and a partial differential equation model), we show that following an adaptive radiation, communities can often get stuck in low diversity states when limited by mutations of small phenotypic effect. These low diversity metastable states can also be maintained by limited resources and finite population sizes. When small mutations and finite populations are considered together, it is clear that despite the presence of higher-diversity stable states, natural populations are likely not fully saturating their environment and leaving potential niche space unfilled. Additionally, within-species variation can further reduce community diversity from levels predicted by models that assume species-level homogeneity.  相似文献   

Local adaptation and dispersal evolution are key evolutionary processes shaping the invasion dynamics of populations colonizing new environments. Yet their interaction is largely unresolved. Using a single‐species population model along a one‐dimensional environmental gradient, we show how local competition and dispersal jointly shape the eco‐evolutionary dynamics and speed of invasion. From a focal introduction site, the generic pattern predicted by our model features a temporal transition from wave‐like to pulsed invasion. Each regime is driven primarily by local adaptation, while the transition is caused by eco‐evolutionary feedbacks mediated by dispersal. The interaction range and cost of dispersal arise as key factors of the duration and speed of each phase. Our results demonstrate that spatial eco‐evolutionary feedbacks along environmental gradients can drive strong temporal variation in the rate and structure of population spread, and must be considered to better understand and forecast invasion rates and range dynamics.  相似文献   

The evolutionary trajectories of ecological niches have profound impacts on community, population and speciation dynamics, yet the underlying causes of niche lability vs. stasis are poorly understood. Here, we conducted a field experiment to quantify the effects of competition and, conversely, competitive release on the microevolutionary processes driving microhabitat niche evolution in an annual plant population restricted to California vernal pool wetlands. Removing competitors generated a strong increase in mean fitness, the exposure of genetically based niche variation and directional selection for niche evolution in the experimental population. In contrast, genetic variation in the microhabitat niche and directional selection for niche evolution were not detected in individuals growing with competitors. These results indicate that ecological opportunity (here, the removal of competitors) can trigger the immediate expression of latent, heritable niche variation that is necessary for rapid evolutionary responses; conversely, competitors may restrict niche evolution, contributing to niche conservatism in saturated communities.  相似文献   

Plant reproductive systems and evolution during biological invasion   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
Recent biological invasions provide opportunities to investigate microevolution during contemporary timescales. The tempo and scope of local adaptation will be determined by the intensity of natural selection and the amounts and kinds of genetic variation within populations. In flowering plants, genetic diversity is strongly affected by interactions between reproductive systems and stochastic forces associated with immigration history and range expansion. Here, we explore the significance of reproductive system diversity for contemporary evolution during plant invasion. We focus in particular on how reproductive modes influence the genetic consequences of long-distance colonization and determine the likelihood of adaptive responses during invasion. In many clonal invaders, strong founder effects and restrictions on sexual reproduction limit opportunities for local adaptation. In contrast, adaptive changes to life-history traits should be a general expectation in both outbreeding and inbreeding species. We provide evidence that evolutionary modifications to reproductive systems promote the colonizing ability of invading populations and that reproductive timing is an important target of selection during range expansion. Knowledge of the likelihood and speed at which local adaptation evolves in invasive plants will be particularly important for management practices when evolutionary changes enhance ecological opportunities and invasive spread.  相似文献   

Divergent evolution of dispersal in a heterogeneous landscape   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The evolution of dispersal is investigated in a landscape of many patches with fluctuating carrying capacities and spatial heterogeneity in temporal fluctuations. Although asynchronous temporal fluctuations select for dispersal, spatial heterogeneity in the distribution of fluctuating environmental variables selects against it. We find evolutionary branching in dispersal rate leading to the evolutionarily stable coexistence of a high- and a low-dispersal phenotype. We study how the opposing forces of selection for and against dispersal change with the relative size and the environmental qualities of the source and sink habitats. Our results suggest that the evolution of dispersal dimorphism could be a first step towards speciation and local adaptation.  相似文献   

Adaptive responses to autocorrelated environmental fluctuations through evolution in mean reaction norm elevation and slope and an independent component of the phenotypic variance are analyzed using a quantitative genetic model. Analytic approximations expressing the mutual dependencies between all three response modes are derived and solved for the joint evolutionary outcome. Both genetic evolution in reaction norm elevation and plasticity are favored by slow temporal fluctuations, with plasticity, in the absence of microenvironmental variability, being the dominant evolutionary outcome for reasonable parameter values. For fast fluctuations, tracking of the optimal phenotype through genetic evolution and plasticity is limited. If residual fluctuations in the optimal phenotype are large and stabilizing selection is strong, selection then acts to increase the phenotypic variance (bet‐hedging adaptive). Otherwise, canalizing selection occurs. If the phenotypic variance increases with plasticity through the effect of microenvironmental variability, this shifts the joint evolutionary balance away from plasticity in favor of genetic evolution. If microenvironmental deviations experienced by each individual at the time of development and selection are correlated, however, more plasticity evolves. The adaptive significance of evolutionary fluctuations in plasticity and the phenotypic variance, transient evolution, and the validity of the analytic approximations are investigated using simulations.  相似文献   

The role of adaptation in determining invasion success has been acknowledged recently, notably through the accumulation of case studies of rapid evolution during bioinvasions. Despite this growing body of empirical evidence, there is still a need to develop the theoretical background of invasions with adaptation. Specifically, the impact of mating system on the dynamics of adaptation during invasion of a new environment remains only partially understood. Here, we analyze a simulation demo-genetic model of bioinvasion accounting for partial asexuality rates. We simulate two levels of recurrent immigration from a source population at mutation–drift–selection equilibrium to a new empty environment with a different adaptive landscape (black-hole sink). Adaptation relies on a quantitative trait coded explicitly by 10 loci under mutation, selection and genetic drift. Using this model, we confirm previous results on the positive effects on invasiveness of migration, mutation and similarity of local phenotypic optima. We further show how the invasion dynamics of the introduced population is affected by the rate of asexuality. Purely asexual species have lower invasion success in terms of probability and time to invasion than species with other mating systems. Among species with mixed mating systems, the greatest invasiveness is observed for species with high asexual rates. We suggest that this pattern is due to inflated genetic variance in the source population through the Hill-Robertson effect (i.e., clonal interference). An interesting consequence is that species with the highest genetic load in their source environment have greatest invasiveness in the new environment.  相似文献   

Metal hyperaccumulation in plants is an ecological trait whose biological significance remains debated, in particular because the selective pressures that govern its evolutionary dynamics are complex. One of the possible causes of quantitative variation in hyperaccumulation may be local adaptation to metalliferous soils. Here, we explored the population genetic structure of Arabidopsis halleri at fourteen metalliferous and nonmetalliferous sampling sites in southern Poland. The results were integrated with a quantitative assessment of variation in zinc hyperaccumulation to trace local adaptation. We identified a clear hierarchical structure with two distinct genetic groups at the upper level of clustering. Interestingly, these groups corresponded to different geographic subregions, rather than to ecological types (i.e., metallicolous vs. nonmetallicolous). Also, approximate Bayesian computation analyses suggested that the current distribution of A. halleri in southern Poland could be relictual as a result of habitat fragmentation caused by climatic shifts during the Holocene, rather than due to recent colonization of industrially polluted sites. In addition, we find evidence that some nonmetallicolous lowland populations may have actually derived from metallicolous populations. Meanwhile, the distribution of quantitative variation in zinc hyperaccumulation did separate metallicolous and nonmetallicolous accessions, indicating more recent adaptive evolution and diversifying selection between metalliferous and nonmetalliferous habitats. This suggests that zinc hyperaccumulation evolves both ways—towards higher levels at nonmetalliferous sites and lower levels at metalliferous sites. Our results open a new perspective on possible evolutionary relationships between A. halleri edaphic types that may inspire future genetic studies of quantitative variation in metal hyperaccumulation.  相似文献   

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