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Many mutant variants of the P22 Arc repressor are subject to intracellular proteolysis in Escherichia coli, which precludes their expression at levels sufficient for purification and subsequent biochemical characterization. Here we examine the effects of several different C-terminal extension sequences on the expression and activity of a set of Arc mutants. We show that two tail sequences, KNQHE (st5) and H6KNQHE (st11), increase the expression levels of most mutants from 10- to 20-fold and, in some cases, result in restoration of biological activity in the cell. A third tail sequence, HHHHHH (st6), was not as effective in increasing mutant expression levels. All three tail sequences are functionally and structurally silent, as judged by their lack of effects on the DNA binding activity and stability of otherwise wild-type Arc. The properties of the st11 tail sequence make it an efficient system for the expression and purification of mutant Arc proteins, both because mutant expression levels are increased and because the proteins can be rapidly purified using nickel-chelate affinity chromatography. Arc mutants containing the EA28, RL31, and SA32 mutations were purified in the st11 background. The thermodynamic stability of the EA28 mutant (delta delta Gu approximately -0.4 kcal/mol) is reduced modestly compared to the st11 parent, whereas the RL31 mutant (delta delta Gu approximately -3.0 kcal/mol) and SA32 mutant (delta delta Gu approximately -3.3 kcal/mol) are substantially less stable.  相似文献   

Twenty-one maize (Zea mays L.) inbred lines were analysed using isozyme electrophoresis, restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP), and two-dimensional electrophoresis of denatured proteins (2-D PAGE). Our goal was (1) to assess the genetic variability among these lines which are potential progenitors for the development of forage maize hybrids in Europe, and (2) to compare the relationship pattern revealed by the polymorphism at marker loci with the one derived from the amount of protein variability assessed by computer-assisted analysis of the 2-D electrophoregrams. Fourteen markers were obtained from isozyme polymorphism, 84 from the restriction fragment length polymorphism, and 70 from protein shifts revealed by 2-D PAGE. The Rogers' distance computed on the set of molecular markers was the most efficient to describe the pedigree relationships between lines. Quantitative protein data gave a picture of relationships between lines clearly different from the monogenic markers. When unrelated pairs of lines were considered, the Rogers' distance was weakly correlated to distances based on quantitative variations in the amount of protein which may be consistent with their polygenic control and the occurrence of gene interactions.  相似文献   

Arc repressor is a 53-residue sequence-specific DNA binding protein. We report the assignment of the proton NMR spectrum and the secondary structure for the thermostable PL8 variant of Arc. This mutant, which differs from wild type by a Pro-8----Leu substitution, was chosen for study because its enhanced stability allows spectra to be acquired at elevated temperatures where spectral resolution is higher. The first five residues of the protein play important roles in DNA binding but appear to be disordered in solution. Residues 6-14 form the remaining part of the N-terminal DNA binding region of the protein and assume an antiparallel beta-conformation. This indicates that Arc is a member of a new class of DNA binding proteins. The observed interresidue nuclear Overhauser effects are consistent with a beta-strand, gamma-turn, beta-strand structure for the residue 6-14 region, although other structures are also consistent with the data. The remaining portion of the protein is predominantly alpha-helical. Residues 16-26 and 35-50 form amphipathic alpha-helices which may pack together in a four-helix bundle in the protein dimer.  相似文献   

The case of diploid selfing organisms which present monosomy and nullisomy for a certain pair of homologous chromosomes is considered. Three cases of dominance for fitness (i) no dominance, (ii) complete dominance and, (iii) overdominance are considered. Expressions for the average, coefficient of variation and coefficient of asymmetry for distribution which represent the number of generations needed to reach an absorbing state for a process which begins in a transient state are obtained. Expressions for the parameters are from by the application of Markov's theory of chains which was developed by Kemeny & Snell (1960, Finite Markov Chains, Princeton, NJ: Van Nostrand) and Bosso et al. (1969, Biometrics 22, 17-26).  相似文献   

Cis proline mutants of ribonuclease A. I. Thermal stability.   总被引:3,自引:5,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
A chemically synthesized gene for ribonuclease A has been expressed in Escherichia coli using a T7 expression system (Studier, F.W., Rosenberg, A.H., Dunn, J.J., & Dubendorff, J.W., 1990, Methods Enzymol. 185, 60-89). The expressed protein, which contains an additional N-terminal methionine residue, has physical and catalytic properties close to those of bovine ribonuclease A. The expressed protein accumulates in inclusion bodies and has scrambled disulfide bonds; the native disulfide bonds are regenerated during purification. Site-directed mutations have been made at each of the two cis proline residues, 93 and 114, and a double mutant has been made. In contrast to results reported for replacement of trans proline residues, replacement of either cis proline is strongly destabilizing. Thermal unfolding experiments on four single mutants give delta Tm approximately equal to 10 degrees C and delta delta G0 (apparent) = 2-3 kcal/mol. The reason is that either the substituted amino acid goes in cis, and cis<==>trans isomerization after unfolding pulls the unfolding equilibrium toward the unfolded state, or else there is a conformational change, which by itself is destabilizing relative to the wild-type conformation, that allows the substituted amino acid to form a trans peptide bond.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of Taka-amylase A was studied by an X-ray diffraction method at 3 A resolution. A total of 452 amino acid residues were found from the electron density map at the present stage. The four disulfide bonds and the branched carbohydrate were also located on the map. The difference electron density map of the maltotriose-soaked crystal showed that a maltose unit was bound in the active center left. The binding of iodine atoms to the enzyme was also studied.  相似文献   

Prediction of protein stability upon amino acid substitutions is an important problem in molecular biology and it will be helpful for designing stable mutants. In this work, we have analyzed the stability of protein mutants using three different data sets of 1791, 1396, and 2204 mutants, respectively, for thermal stability (DeltaTm), free energy change due to thermal (DeltaDeltaG), and denaturant denaturations (DeltaDeltaGH2O), obtained from the ProTherm database. We have classified the mutants into 380 possible substitutions and assigned the stability of each mutant using the information obtained with similar type of mutations. We observed that this assignment could distinguish the stabilizing and destabilizing mutants to an accuracy of 70-80% at different measures of stability. Further, we have classified the mutants based on secondary structure and solvent accessibility (ASA) and observed that the classification significantly improved the accuracy of prediction. The classification of mutants based on helix, strand, and coil distinguished the stabilizing/destabilizing mutants at an average accuracy of 82% and the correlation is 0.56; information about the location of residues at the interior, partially buried, and surface regions of a protein correctly identified the stabilizing/destabilizing residues at an average accuracy of 81% and the correlation is 0.59. The nine subclassifications based on three secondary structures and solvent accessibilities improved the accuracy of assigning stabilizing/destabilizing mutants to an accuracy of 84-89% for the three data sets. Further, the present method is able to predict the free energy change (DeltaDeltaG) upon mutations within a deviation of 0.64 kcal/mol. We suggest that this method could be used for predicting the stability of protein mutants.  相似文献   

The amino-acid sequences of soluble, globular proteins must have hydrophobic residues to form a stable core, but excess sequence hydrophobicity can lead to loss of native state conformational specificity and aggregation. Previous studies of polar-to-hydrophobic mutations in the β-sheet of the Arc repressor dimer showed that a single substitution at position 11 (N11L) leads to population of an alternate dimeric fold in which the β-sheet is replaced by helix. Two additional hydrophobic mutations at positions 9 and 13 (Q9V and R13V) lead to population of a differently folded octamer along with both dimeric folds. Here we conduct a comprehensive study of the sequence determinants of this progressive loss of fold specificity. We find that the alternate dimer-fold specifically results from the N11L substitution and is not promoted by other hydrophobic substitutions in the β-sheet. We also find that three highly hydrophobic substitutions at positions 9, 11, and 13 are necessary and sufficient for oligomer formation, but the oligomer size depends on the identity of the hydrophobic residue in question. The hydrophobic substitutions increase thermal stability, illustrating how increased hydrophobicity can increase folding stability even as it degrades conformational specificity. The oligomeric variants are predicted to be aggregation-prone but may be hindered from doing so by proline residues that flank the β-sheet region. Loss of conformational specificity due to increased hydrophobicity can manifest itself at any level of structure, depending upon the specific mutations and the context in which they occur.  相似文献   

Computational methods that predict protein stability changes induced by missense mutations have made a lot of progress over the past decades. Most of the available methods however have very limited accuracy in predicting stabilizing mutations because existing experimental sets are dominated by mutations reducing protein stability. Moreover, few approaches could consistently perform well across different test cases. To address these issues, we developed a new computational method PremPS to more accurately evaluate the effects of missense mutations on protein stability. The PremPS method is composed of only ten evolutionary- and structure-based features and parameterized on a balanced dataset with an equal number of stabilizing and destabilizing mutations. A comprehensive comparison of the predictive performance of PremPS with other available methods on nine benchmark datasets confirms that our approach consistently outperforms other methods and shows considerable improvement in estimating the impacts of stabilizing mutations. A protein could have multiple structures available, and if another structure of the same protein is used, the predicted change in stability for structure-based methods might be different. Thus, we further estimated the impact of using different structures on prediction accuracy, and demonstrate that our method performs well across different types of structures except for low-resolution structures and models built based on templates with low sequence identity. PremPS can be used for finding functionally important variants, revealing the molecular mechanisms of functional influences and protein design. PremPS is freely available at https://lilab.jysw.suda.edu.cn/research/PremPS/, which allows to do large-scale mutational scanning and takes about four minutes to perform calculations for a single mutation per protein with ~ 300 residues and requires ~ 0.4 seconds for each additional mutation.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Characterization of a protein family by its distinct sequence domains is crucial for functional annotation and correct classification of newly discovered proteins. Conventional Multiple Sequence Alignment (MSA) based methods find difficulties when faced with heterogeneous groups of proteins. However, even many families of proteins that do share a common domain contain instances of several other domains, without any common underlying linear ordering. Ignoring this modularity may lead to poor or even false classification results. An automated method that can analyze a group of proteins into the sequence domains it contains is therefore highly desirable. RESULTS: We apply a novel method to the problem of protein domain detection. The method takes as input an unaligned group of protein sequences. It segments them and clusters the segments into groups sharing the same underlying statistics. A Variable Memory Markov (VMM) model is built using a Prediction Suffix Tree (PST) data structure for each group of segments. Refinement is achieved by letting the PSTs compete over the segments, and a deterministic annealing framework infers the number of underlying PST models while avoiding many inferior solutions. We show that regions of similar statistics correlate well with protein sequence domains, by matching a unique signature to each domain. This is done in a fully automated manner, and does not require or attempt an MSA. Several representative cases are analyzed. We identify a protein fusion event, refine an HMM superfamily classification into the underlying families the HMM cannot separate, and detect all 12 instances of a short domain in a group of 396 sequences. CONTACT: jill@cs.huji.ac.il; tishby@cs.huji.ac.il.  相似文献   

The hydrogen exchange rates of the backbone amide and labile side-chain protons of the dimeric Arc repressor have been measured. For the slowly exchanging amides in the α-helical regions, these rates show a concentration dependence. To account for this dependence, the role of the monomer–dimer equilibrium was considered. Extrapolating the observed exchange rates to zero dimer concentration provides estimates of these rates in the monomer and shows that they are significantly retarded compared to those of an unfolded polypeptide. This suggests that the monomer is in a structured “molten globule” like state. In particular, the two helices of Arc retain a high degree of their secondary structure and it is proposed that the two amphiphilic helices are packed together with their hydrophobic faces. Evidence for a partially folded structure in the Arc monomer was reported earlier in two other studies [J. L. Silva, C. F. Silveira, A. Correia, Jr., and L. Pontes (1992) Journal of Molecular Biology, Vol. 223, pp. 545–555: X. Peng, J. Jonas, and J. L. Silva (1993) Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA, Vol. 90, pp. 1776–1780]. By combining the results of these studies and ours, a folding pathway of the dimeric Arc repressor involving four different stages is proposed. Due to the low concentration of Arc repressor in the cell, the protein is present either as a free monomer or it is bound to DNA presumably as a tetramer. Therefore the folding pathway can be regarded as an integral part of the overall DNA binding process. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The accessible surface areas of 58 monomeric and dimeric proteins, when measured in the crystalline environment, are found to be simply related to molecular weight. The loss of accessible surface when the proteins go from a free to their crystalline environment is well defined, implying that the hydrophobic interaction, which has been found to contribute to protein folding and stability in living systems, also contributes to protein crystal stability.  相似文献   

We continue investigations into the physical chemistry of intestinal fatty acid binding protein, I-FABP, and its interaction with ANS and other ligands [cf references [Kirk, W., E. Kurian, and F. Prendergast. 1996. Characterization of the sources of protein-ligand affinity: 1-sulfonato-8-anilinonaphthalene binding to intestinal fatty acid binding protein. Biophys. J. 70: 69-83., Kurian, E., W. Kirk, and F. Prendergast. 1996. Affinity of fatty acid for rRat intestinal fatty acid binding protein: Further examination. Biochemistry. 35:3865-74]. The photophysics of the wt protein is compared with that in two mutants which lack respectively one or the other of two trp moieties, one of which, trp 82, is located near the binding region for the polar head group of ligands. These studies afford a look into how the fluorescence of the wt protein is established, that is, as an almost direct sum of the fluorescence of the two individual trp residues, and how this fluorescence is quenched upon binding to ANS. Though we have access to all the relevant spectroscopic and geometric information necessary to specify in detail the Foerster-Dexter energy transfer model, the quenching process is not explicable in terms of very-weak coupling, as is usually assumed in fluorescence studies in protein systems, but in terms of a stronger effect which goes beyond the simple very-weak dipole:dipole formalism. The quenching of trp emission by bound ANS is not as great as that anticipated by ordinary resonance energy transfer, neither is the quenching observed in the reduced lifetimes of the trp emission upon ANS binding as great as that observed in steady-state intensity. However the observed steady-state quenching is explicable in terms derived from the lifetime measurements, together with observed spectral band shifts, by the exciton coupling model we invoke here.  相似文献   

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