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Mutation and sexual selection: a test using barn swallows from Chernobyl   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Abstract Secondary sexual characters have been hypothesized to be particularly susceptible to the deleterious effects of mutation because the expression of such characters is usually influenced by many more metabolic pathways than are ordinary morphological characters. We tested this hypothesis using the elevated mutation rates in the barn swallow ( Hirundo rustica ) of the Chernobyl region of Ukraine as a model system. A great deal is known about the relative importance of different characters for male mating success in this species. The importance of phenotypic characters for male mating success was quantified based on a long-term study of a Danish breeding population, by expressing phenotypic differences between mated and unmated males as the difference between log-transformed mean values. For field samples from Ukraine we likewise expressed the difference in male phenotype between individuals living in a relatively uncontaminated area and individuals from the Chernobyl region as the difference between log-transformed mean values. The standardized difference in male phenotype between the two regions in Ukraine for the 41 different characters was strongly positively correlated with the standardized difference in male phenotype between mated and unmated males from Denmark. The standardized difference in male phenotype between the two regions in Ukraine was significantly positively associated with sexual size dimorphism. However, the standardized difference in male phenotype between mated and unmated males was a much better predictor of standardized difference in male phenotype between the two regions in Ukraine than was the standardized difference in sexual size dimorphism, expressed as the difference between log-transformed mean values for males and females. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that traits most important for sexual selection are particularly susceptible to the effects of deleterious mutations.  相似文献   

Telomere length and dynamics are increasingly scrutinized as ultimate determinants of performance, including age-dependent mortality and fecundity. Few studies have investigated longevity in relation to telomere length (TL) in the wild and none has analysed longevity in relation to TL soon after hatching, despite the fact that telomere shortening may mostly occur early in life. We show that TL in nestling barn swallows (Hirundo rustica) in the wild does not predict longevity. However, TL positively covaries with body size, suggesting that individuals with large TL can afford to grow larger without paying the cost of reduced TL, and/or that benign rearing conditions ensure both large body size and low rates of telomere shortening. Overall, our study hints at a role of TL in developmental processes, but also indicates a need for further analyses to assess the expectation that TL in young individuals predicts longevity in the wild.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that sexual signals can rapidly diverge among closely related species. However, we lack experimental studies to demonstrate that differences in trait‐associated reproductive performance maintain sexual trait differences between closely related populations, in support for a role of sexual selection in speciation. Populations of Northern Hemisphere distributed barn swallows Hirundo rustica are closely related, yet differ in two plumage‐based traits: ventral color and length of the outermost tail feathers (streamers). Here we provide experimental evidence that manipulations of these traits result in different reproductive consequences in two subspecies of barn swallow: (H. r. erythrogaster in North America and H. r. transitiva in the East Mediterranean). Experimental results in Colorado, USA, demonstrate that males with (1) darkened ventral coloration and (2) shortened streamers gained paternity between two successive reproductive bouts. In contrast, exaggeration of both traits improved reproductive performance within H. r. transitiva in Israel: males with a combination treatment of darkened ventral coloration and elongated streamers gained paternity between two successive reproductive bouts. Collectively, these experimental results fill an important gap in our understanding for how divergent sexual selection maintains phenotype differentiation in closely related populations, an important aspect of the speciation process.  相似文献   

Models of sexual selection in a cline predict the patterns of clinal variation in female mate preference and male secondary sexual characters. These predictions were tested for the nominate subspecies of the barn swallow Hirundo rustica which demonstrates clinal variation in morphology, with several characters in both sexes showing increasing size at higher latitudes. Sexual size dimorphism in the length of the tail ornament and the short, central tail feathers increase with increasing latitude while size dimorphism in other morphological characters is independent of latitude. The main reason for the two divergent patterns of sexual size dimorphism appears to be the higher foraging cost of having a long tail ornamental at low latitudes. The control of development decreases with increasing latitude as demonstrated by an increasing latitudinal cline in fluctuating asymmetry of tail length. Phenotypic variance in tail length increases with latitude in males, but not in females, as shown by the coefficients of variation. Clinal variation in morphology is not due to natural selection associated with a latitudinal increase in the distance between breeding and wintering areas. The geographic patterns of morphological variation suggest that the tail character has diverged geographically as a result of a sexual process of reliable signalling.  相似文献   

We determined individual nest placement patterns for female leatherbacks nesting at Awa:la-Ya:lima:po, French Guiana, by measuring distance from the nest to several landscape features, such as the highest spring tide line (HSTL) and the vegetation line. Distance from the nest to the HSTL differed significantly between females, indicating the existence of individual nesting patterns. There was a significant repeatability of nest site choice relative to the HSTL, indicating that females showed within-individual consistency in their nest placement. Despite individual preferences, there was much within-individual variation and a lack of predictability in the nesting patterns; that is, the locations of subsequent nests could not be predicted based on knowledge of previous nest choices, indicating a certain degree of scatter. The significant repeatability suggests that nest choice behaviour in female leatherbacks is heritable and may show the potential for further evolution. We tested sea-finding ability of hatchlings, a potential consequence of nest site choice, in Matapica, Suriname, by using orientation arenas to quantify the strength and direction of travel after emergence. The orientation tests showed that hatchlings were unable to move seaward in vegetated arenas, providing evidence that vegetation acts as a strong selective pressure driving nest placement seaward. It appears that leatherbacks have adopted a regional rather than a local optimum for nest placement patterns, possibly resulting from their weak beach fidelity and the frequent erosion and destruction of their nesting beaches. We discuss the evolutionary and conservation implications for this species in the context of current environmental changes.  相似文献   

The evolution of segregation distortion is governed by the interplay of selection at different levels. Despite their systematic advantage at the gamete level, none of the well-known segregation distorters spreads to fixation since they induce severe negative fitness effects at the individual level. In a deme-structured population, selection at the population level also plays a role. By means of a population genetical model, we analyse the various factors that determine the success of a segregation distorter in a metapopulation. Our focus is on the question of how the success of a distorter allele is affected by its segregation ratio and its fitness effects at the individual level. The analysis reveals that distorter alleles with high segregation ratios are the best invaders and reach the highest frequencies within single demes. However, the productivity of a deme harbouring a distorter with a high segregation ratio may be significantly reduced. As a consequence, an efficient distorter will be underrepresented in the migrant pool and, moreover, it may increase the probability of deme extinction. In other words, efficient distorters with high segregation ratios may well succumb to their own success. Therefore, distorters with intermediate segregation ratios may reach the highest frequency in the metapopulation as a result of the opposing forces of gamete, individual and group selection. We discuss the implications of this conclusion for the t complex of the house mouse.  相似文献   

Natural and sexual selection arise when individual fitness varies according to focal traits. Extra‐pair paternities (EPPs) can affect the intensity of selection by influencing variance in fitness among individuals. Studies of selection require that individual fitness is estimated using proxies of lifetime reproductive success (LRS). However, estimating LRS is difficult in large, open populations where EPPs cause reallocation of biological paternity. Here, we used extensive field sampling to estimate LRS in a population of barn swallows (Hirundo rustica) to estimate selection on lifespan and ornamental traits of males. We found selection on lifespan mediated both by within‐ and extra‐pair fertilization success and selection on tail length mediated by within‐ but not extra‐pair fertilization success. In addition, we found selection on tail white spots via extra‐pair fertilization success after controlling for selection on other traits. These results were not confounded by factors that hamper studies of LRS, including nonexhaustive sampling of offspring and biased sampling of males. Hence, natural and sexual selection mediated by LRS operates on lifespan, tail length, and size of the tail white spots in barn swallows.  相似文献   

Exaggerated tail feathers of birds constitute a standard exampleof evolution of extravagant characters due to sexual selection.Such secondary sexual traits are assumed to be costly to produceand maintain, and they usually are accompanied by morphologicaladaptations that tend to reduce their costs. The aerodynamiccosts for male barn swallows Hirundo rustica of having longtails were quantified using aerodynamics theory applied to morphologicaldata from seven European populations. Latitudinal differencesin tail length were positively correlated with differences inflight costs predicted by aerodynamics theory. A positive relationshipbetween aerodynamic costs of long tails and the degree of sexualsize dimorphism was found among populations. Latitudinal differencesin foraging costs may result in tail length being relativelysimilar in males and females in southern populations, whereasthe low foraging costs for males in northern populations mayallow them to cope with higher aerodynamic costs, giving riseto large sexual size dimorphism. Enlargement of wingspan inmales can alleviate but not eliminate the costs of tail exaggeration,and therefore differences in aerodynamic costs of male ornamentswere maintained among populations. Sexual size dimorphism in thebarn swallow arises as a consequence of latitudinal differencesin the advantages of sexual selection for males and the costsof long tails for males and females.  相似文献   

Studies that provide estimates of the form and magnitude of selection on herbivore traits at the level of individual plants in natural populations represent a vital step in understanding the interaction of selection and gene flow among host-affiliated insect populations when individual plants equate to differing selective regimes. We analyzed phenotypic selection on the trait gall size for a host-specific gall former at both the individual host plant and population level (across host plants) in each of two years. Linear and nonlinear selection and the fitness function relating gall size to the probability of survivorship in the absence of natural enemies were estimated for each level and year. Selection imposed by the host plant was observed in 19 of the 22 subpopulations monitored. At the population level, linear and nonlinear selection were evident each year. However, population-level estimates masked the significant heterogeneity in the form and direction of selection evident among plants each year. Heterogeneity among gall-former subpopulations is emphasized by our findings that selection varied from directional to stabilizing among plants and the majority of selection gradients estimated for individual plants did not fall within the 95% CIs of the population-level estimates.  相似文献   

Non-random sex allocation in relation to parental, ecological and phenological factors has been investigated in several correlational studies of birds, mostly based on few breeding seasons and relatively small sample sizes, which have led to different results. We investigated sex ratio of nestling barn swallows (Hirundo rustica) in relation to adult sex ratio, laying date, clutch size, colony size and meteorological conditions in a sample of 553 broods (>2200 nestlings) during 10 years. At the population level, nestling sex ratio varied among years and deviated from parity in two years. Sex ratio among adults did not predict offspring sex ratio in the current or the following year. At the within-family level, the proportion of sons increased with laying date in large clutches, did not vary among clutches of intermediate size, and tended to decline with laying date in small clutches. Large colonies harbored more sons. The proportion of males increased with temperature during laying whereas the effects of temperature during the pre- or post-laying periods and that of rainfall were non-significant. These patterns of variation of offspring sex ratio did not differ between years. Thus, we identified several potential causal sources of variation in barn swallow offspring sex ratio, including temporal, phenological and ecological factors. The observation of an association of offspring sex with temperature during laying is novel for birds and may be mediated by effects on maternal steroid hormones profile. The ecological and evolutionary implications of present findings are discussed in the light of adaptive sex allocation theory.  相似文献   

Group selection has historically been an important and controversial subject in evolutionary biology. There is now a compelling body of evidence, both theoretical and experimental, that group selection not only can be effective, but can be effective in situations when individual selection is not. However, experiments in which true population-level traits have been shown to evolve in response to group selection are currently limited to two species of flour beetle in the genus Tribolium and RNA viruses. Here we report the results of an experiment wherein we imposed group selection via differential extinction for increased and decreased population size at 6-week intervals, a true population-level trait, in the poeciliid fish Heterandria formosa. In contrast to most other group selection experiments, we observed no evolutionary response after six rounds of group selection in either the up- or down-selected lines. Populational heritability for population size was low, if not actually negative. Our results suggest that group selection via differential extinction may be effective only if population sizes are very small and/or migration rates are low.  相似文献   

Recent studies of long-distance migratory birds show that behavioural and physiological changes associated with predictable or unpredictable challenges during the annual cycle are distinctively regulated by hormones. Corticosterone is the primary energy regulating hormone in birds. Corticosterone levels are elevated during stresses but they are also modulated seasonally according to environmental conditions and life-history demands. We measured the baseline and stress-induced levels of corticosterone in the barn swallow (Hirundo rustica L.) just before spring and autumn migrations in South Africa and Finland, respectively. Barn swallows completing their pre-breeding moult had low body condition (residual body mass) and high baseline corticosterone levels in the wintering grounds. In contrast, baseline corticosterone levels in Finland were low and not related to residual mass. These data contradict the first prediction of the migration modulation hypothesis (MMH) by showing no association with baseline corticosterone levels and pre-migratory fuelling. Yet, the adrenocortical response to the capture and handling stress was notably blunted in South Africa compared to a strong response in Finland. Further, individuals that had started fuelling in Finland showed a reduced response to the handling stress. Taken together, elevated baseline corticosterone levels and high residual mass may blunt the adrenocortical response in long-distance migrants and aerial feeders such as the barn swallow. This observation lends support to the second prediction of the MMH.  相似文献   

To investigate whether or not oviposition on substrates other than host plants (e.g., non‐host plants, abiotic materials) would affect the evolution of egg size in phytophagous insects, we studied the winter cherry bug, Acanthocoris sordidus (Thunberg) (Heteroptera: Coreidae), as a model organism for its interpopulation variation in oviposition preference. The rate of oviposition off host plants is much higher in the Amami Island population than in either the Kyoto or Kochi populations. We compared egg size and number among the three local populations from Kyoto, Kochi, and Amami Island. In addition, to evaluate the adaptive significance of larger eggs for offspring in terms of searching for host plants, we examined the relationship between egg size and first‐instar body size. We also searched for a relationship between egg size and starvation tolerance in the second instars because first instars can develop to second instars without food intake, and thus the substantial host‐searching stage is the second instar, when females lay their eggs off host plants. Females from the Amami population produced fewer larger eggs than females from either the Kyoto or Kochi population. Regardless of the local population, the body size of first instars that emerged from larger eggs was larger, and the second instars originating from larger eggs had a higher starvation tolerance. The larger body size and higher starvation tolerance should enable nymphs to disperse further, which may enhance the probability of successfully reaching host plants. These results suggest that egg size in A. sordidus may be determined in relation to its oviposition habits to maximize reproductive success, resulting in interpopulation variation in egg size.  相似文献   

Oviposition site selection and clutch size in parasitic insects can be viewed as problems in foraging theory. In this paper, a number of models for site selection and clutch size are developed, based on a dynamic state variable approach to optimal oviposition strategies. The models lead to predictions that are consistent with existing experimental data and suggest future experiments. Using these models shows the importance of constraints and state variables in the analysis of behavioral problems.  相似文献   

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