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Aurora 激酶是肿瘤研究领域的热点, 近年来有研究表明该激酶家族在卵母细胞减数分裂中也起着重要的调节作用, 但对于其在哺乳动物早期胚胎发育中的研究鲜有报道. 本研究通过实时荧光定量PCR、免疫印迹、免疫荧光检测了Aurora 激酶 B(Aurora kinase B, AURKB)在小鼠受精卵中的表达和定位, 运用RNA 干扰技术观察了AURKB 功能缺失后对小鼠受精卵发育早期的影响, 并检测丝裂原激活蛋白激酶 (mitogen-activated protein kinase, MAPK)通路抑制后小鼠受精卵卵裂及AURKB 表达、 活性变化. 结果表明, 在小鼠受精卵第一次卵裂进程中, G2/M 期为AURKB 的稳定表达时相, 其蛋白在G1/S 期少量分布于细胞浆, G2 期聚集于染色质周围, 进入有丝分裂后分布于全细胞. AURKB 的功能缺失可导致受精卵发生异常分裂. MAPK 通路的抑制亦可破坏受精卵的正常卵裂, 并下调AURKB的蛋白表达及活性. 结果提示, Aurora 激酶B 是小鼠受精卵早期发育所必需的, 并与MAPK 通路的激活相关.  相似文献   

为研究小鼠体内l-细胞期受精卵蛋白激酶A(PKA)对M/G1期进程的影响,应用热稳定性抑制剂PKI显微注射入l-细胞期受精卵内,观察M期促进因子(MPF)及PKA活性变化以及MPF调节亚基Cyclin B含量情况。发现PKI显微注射后PKA活性低,而MPF活性在hCG后27.5h即达高峰,较对照组提前30分钟。PKI达一定浓度则MPF活性不下降,出现M/G1阻滞;与此同时Western blotting法显示PKI注射后Cyclin B含量在M末期相当于M中期水平。结果表明,PKI显微注射抑制PKA活性后MPF活性呈高峰值,高浓度PKI显微注射可引起M/Gl阻滞,其机制与PKI干扰了Cyclin B降解有关。  相似文献   

哺乳动物雷帕霉素靶(mTOR)是细胞生长的中心调控因子,应用RT-PCR、免疫印迹、放射性同位素体外测定酶活性等方法,研究mTOR在小鼠受精卵第一次有丝分裂过程中在卵中的表达、活性变化以及对卵裂的影响.研究发现mTOR在小鼠卵母细胞和受精卵中都有表达,在mRNA水平,mTOR从G2期开始降解,在蛋白水平,则各期没有明显变化;mTOR的激酶活性在受精后明显升高,并且在整个1-细胞期保持较高活性;mTOR的特异性抑制剂雷帕霉素能抑制卵裂,并且能抑制成熟促进因子MPF的调节亚基cyclin B的表达,从而抑制了MPF的活性.结果表明mTOR可能通过促进MPF的激活而促进小鼠受精卵的分裂.  相似文献   

丝裂原活化蛋白激酶(MAPK)信号通路介导多种重要的细胞生理反应.对下游蛋白激酶的磷酸化是MAPK家族成员发挥生理作用的重要方式.在MAPK的下游存在3个结构上相关的MAPK激活蛋白激酶(MAPKAPKorMK),即MK2,MK3和MK5.在被MAPK激活后,MK可将信号传递至细胞内不同靶标,从而在转录和翻译水平调节基因表达,调控细胞骨架和细胞周期,介导细胞迁移和胚胎发育.最近,在基因敲除研究的基础上,不同MK亚族成员之间的功能区分已经逐渐明晰,使我们对于MK的认识有了长足的进步.  相似文献   

初步探讨在小鼠受精卵早期发育过程中PKB/Akt对p21蛋白表达及定位的影响。通过显微操作技术注射野生型、持续激活型及激酶失活型的PKB的mRNA,用免疫荧光方法检测p21蛋白的细胞定位、Western blot方法检测p21蛋白的表达。结果显示在注射不同形式的PKB mRNA后p21蛋白的表达无明显差别,但是细胞定位发生改变,PKB被激活后,p21蛋白滞留在胞浆中。因而初步认为在小鼠受精卵中,PKB/Akt通过影响p21的细胞定位而影响细胞周期的进程。  相似文献   

为研究小鼠体内 1 细胞期受精卵M期蛋白激酶A(PKA)对M期促进因子 (MPF)活性的影响 ,应用PKA激动剂cAMP及热稳定性抑制剂PKI显微注射入 1 细胞期受精卵内 ,观察MPF及PKA活性变化 .未经注射的对照组MPF活性在分裂期增高 ,分裂间期下降 ;而PKA活性在进入分裂期下降 ,分裂间期升高 .cAMP组PKA活性维持高峰值 ,直至注射HCG后 2 8h ,MPF活性高峰延迟 30min出现 ;PKI显微注射组PKA活性低 ,而MPF活性在注射HCG后 2 7 5h即达高峰 ,且维持高峰时间达1 5h .结果表明 ,PKA活性在细胞周期中也呈波动性 ,间期活性高 ,分裂期活性低 ;PKA高活性抑制MPF活性 ,而抑制PKA活性则MPF活性高峰提前出现 .  相似文献   

为了观察Cdc25B蛋白及PKA/Cdc25B 信号途径在小鼠受精卵发育中的作用,将突变型和野生型Cdc25b转录成 mRNA,显微注射到小鼠受精卵中,放入含有或不含有dbcAMP的M16中,相差显微镜下观察受精卵卵裂情况;用蛋白激酶活性测定方法检测MPF的活性;利用Western 印迹检测Cdc2-Tyr15的磷酸化状态.结果显示,未加dbcAMP的Cdc25b- S321A mRNA注射组与Cdc25b-WT组相比,能够提前使受精卵发生G 2/M期转变,导致卵裂,并明显提高卵裂率;MPF的活性测定和Cdc2-Tyr15磷酸化状态的检测结果也显示,Cdc25b-S321A组先于Cdc25b-WT组提前激活MPF.此外, Cdc25b-S321A mRNA注射组可以有效恢复由PKA引起的受精卵G 2期阻滞,显著增加卵裂率;MPF的活性测定和Cdc2-Tyr15磷酸化状态的检测结果也显示,在PKA持续激活的情况下,对比于Cdc25b-WT组,Cdc25b-S321A组提前激活MPF.因此,在小鼠受精卵发育过程中PKA主要通过磷酸化Cdc25B的321位丝氨酸,从而调控MPF的激活与失活来控制有丝分裂进程.  相似文献   

初步探讨在小鼠受精卵早期发育过程中PKB/Akt对p21 蛋白表达及定位的影响。通过显微操作技术注射野生型、持续激活型及激酶失活型的PKB的mRNA,用免疫荧光方法检测p21蛋白的细胞定位、Western blot 方法检测p21蛋白的表达。结果显示在注射不同形式的PKB mRNA 后p21蛋白的表达无明显差别,但是细胞定位发生改变,PKB被激活后,p21蛋白滞留在胞浆中。因而初步认为在小鼠受精卵中,PKB/Akt通过影响p21 的细胞定位而影响细胞周期的进程。  相似文献   

真核生物细胞通过有丝分裂将遗传物质均等地分配到两个子细胞中,从而维持基因组的稳定性。有丝分裂的每一环节都需要精准而细致的调控,这依赖于一系列调节机制,尤其需要多个相关激酶的共同协调。Aurora B是一个关键的有丝分裂调控激酶,伴随有丝分裂的进行,其先后在染色体臂、内着丝粒、中央纺锤体、中体上动态分布。与其高度时空动态性相一致的是,Aurora B在有丝分裂的多个环节,如姐妹染色体粘连、动粒微管连接、纺锤体检验点和胞质分裂过程中都发挥着一系列重要功能。本文将概述近年来Aurora B激酶功能与调控方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

为研究蛋白激酶Cζ (proteinkinaseCζ ,PKCζ)在小鼠受精卵细胞早期发育过程中对胚胎基因组活化影响 ,采用免疫印迹和细胞免疫荧光的方法 ,观察PKCζ的抑制剂对小鼠受精卵 1 细胞期G1和G2 不同时期小鼠受精卵基因组活化的影响 .小鼠 1 细胞期受精卵蛋白激酶C (PKC)的活性不断增加 ,并在G2 期达到最高 .PKC的抑制剂calphostinC可以明显抑制PKC的活性达 4 7% .同时calphostinC对受精卵 1 细胞期基因组的早期活化具有显著的抑制作用 (P <0 0 1) .在小鼠 1 细胞期受精卵的G2 期 ,具有活性的磷酸化PKCζ的含量明显多于G1期和卵母细胞MⅡ期 ,分别比它们高2 7%和 110 % .PKCζ的特异性抑制剂可以抑制受精卵 1 细胞期基因的转录和活化 (P <0 0 5 ) .实验结果表明 ,PKCζ参与了小鼠受精卵基因组早期转录的调控  相似文献   

The Hippo pathway controls organ size and tumorigenesis by inhibiting cell proliferation and promoting apoptosis. KIBRA was recently identified as a novel regulator of the Hippo pathway. Several of the components of the Hippo pathway are important regulators of mitosis-related cell cycle events. We recently reported that KIBRA is phosphorylated by the mitotic kinases Aurora-A and -B. However, the role KIBRA plays in mitosis has not been established. Here, we show that KIBRA activates the Aurora kinases and is required for full activation of Aurora kinases during mitosis. KIBRA also promotes the phosphorylation of large tumor suppressor 2 (Lats2) on Ser83 by activating Aurora-A, which controls Lats2 centrosome localization. However, Aurora-A is not required for KIBRA to associate with Lats2. We also found that Lats2 inhibits the Aurora-mediated phosphorylation of KIBRA on Ser539, probably via regulating protein phosphatase 1. Consistent with playing a role in mitosis, siRNA-mediated knockdown of KIBRA causes mitotic abnormalities, including defects of spindle and centrosome formation and chromosome misalignment. We propose that the KIBRA-Aurora-Lats2 protein complexes form a novel axis that regulates precise mitosis.  相似文献   

The p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade transduces multiple extracellular signals from cell surface to nucleus and is employed in cellular responses to cellular stresses and apoptotic regulation. The involvement of the p38 MAPK cascade in opioid- and opioid receptor-like receptor-1 (ORL1) receptor-mediated signal transduction was examined in NG108-15 neuroblastoma x glioma hybrid cells. Stimulation of endogenous delta-opioid receptor (DOR) or ORL1 resulted in activation of p38 MAPK. It also induced the activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERKs), another member of the MAPK family, with slower kinetics. Activation of p38 MAPK was abolished by selective antagonists of DOR or ORL1, pretreatment with pertussis toxin, or SB203580, a specific inhibitor of p38 MAPK. Inhibition of p38 MAPK had no significant effect on opioid-induced ERK activation, indicating that p38 MAPK activity was not required for ERK activation, though its stimulation preceded ERK activation. Inhibition of protein kinase A (PKA) strongly diminished p38 activation mediated by DOR or ORL1 but had no significant effect on ERK activation, and protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitors potentiated stimulation of p38 while inhibiting activation of ERKs. Taken together, our results provide the first evidence for coupling of DOR and ORL1 to the p38 MAPK cascade and clearly demonstrate that receptor-mediated activation of p38 MAPK both involves PKA and is negatively regulated by PKC.  相似文献   

用电激法将GFP基因成功转入分离的小麦(Triticum aestivumL.)合子及早期原胚中。在电场强度150V/cm,电容25μF。线性DNA浓度200μg/mL,电激缓冲液pH7.2的条件下,得到GFP基因在早期原胚中的高频瞬间表达(46.7%)。与开花后5d胚胎的最适电场强度相比,合子和早期原胚因较幼嫩而最适电场强度较低。电激后的一些早期原胚可以在KM8p培养基中培养并继续分裂,分裂后的细胞中也能观察到GFP基因的表达。此外,电激后的合子及2细胞。4细胞和8细胞原胚中没有看到基因表达的嵌合现象。  相似文献   

用电激法将GFP基因成功转入分离的小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)合子及早期原胚中.在电场强度150 V/cm、电容25 μF、线性DNA浓度200 μg/mL、电激缓冲液pH 7.2的条件下,得到GFP基因在早期原胚中的高频瞬间表达(46.7%).与开花后5 d胚胎的最适电场强度相比,合子和早期原胚因较幼嫩而最适电场强度较低.电激后的一些早期原胚可以在KM8p培养基中培养并继续分裂,分裂后的细胞中也能观察到GFP基因的表达.此外,电激后的合子及2细胞、4细胞和8细胞原胚中没有看到基因表达的嵌合现象.  相似文献   

The events of cell division are regulated by a complex interplay between kinases and phosphatases. Cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdks), polo-like kinases (Plks) and Aurora kinases play central roles in this process. Polo kinase (Plk1 in humans) regulates a wide range of events in mitosis and cytokinesis. To ensure the accuracy of these processes, polo activity itself is subject to complex regulation. Phosphorylation of polo in its T loop (or activation loop) increases its kinase activity several-fold. It has been shown that Aurora A kinase, with its co-factor Bora, activates Plk1 in G2, and that this is essential for recovery from cell cycle arrest induced by DNA damage. In a recent article published in PLoS Biology, we report that Drosophila polo is activated by Aurora B kinase at centromeres, and that this is crucial for polo function in regulating chromosome dynamics in prometaphase. Our results suggest that this regulatory pathway is conserved in humans. Here, we propose a model for the collaboration between Aurora B and polo in the regulation of kinetochore attachment to microtubules in early mitosis. Moreover, we suggest that Aurora B could also function to activate Polo/Plk1 in cytokinesis. Finally, we discuss recent findings and open questions regarding the activation of polo and polo-like kinases by different kinases in mitosis, cytokinesis and other processes.  相似文献   

Aurora kinase A (AURKA) is a conserved kinase that plays crucial roles in numerous cellular processes. Although AURKA overexpression is frequent in human cancers, its pleiotropic functions and multifaceted regulation present challenges in its therapeutic targeting. Key to overcoming these challenges is to identify and characterize the full range of AURKA interactors, which are often weak and transient. Previous proteomic studies were limited in monitoring dynamic and non‐mitotic AURKA interactions. Here, we generate the proximity interactome of AURKA in asynchronous cells, which consists of 440 proteins involving multiple biological processes and cellular compartments. Importantly, AURKA has extensive proximate and physical interactions to centriolar satellites, key regulators of the primary cilium. Loss‐of‐function experiments identify satellites as negative regulators of AURKA activity, abundance, and localization in quiescent cells. Notably, loss of satellites activates AURKA at the basal body, decreases centrosomal IFT88 levels, and causes ciliogenesis defects. Collectively, our results provide a resource for dissecting spatiotemporal regulation of AURKA and uncover its proteostatic regulation by satellites as a new mechanism for its ciliary functions.  相似文献   

Aurora kinase A and B share great similarity in sequences, structures, and phosphorylation motif, yet they show different localizations and play distinct crucial roles. The factors that determine such differences are largely unknown. Here we targeted Aurora A to the localization of Aurora B and found that Aurora A phosphorylates the substrate of Aurora B and substitutes its function in spindle checkpoint. In return, the centrosome targeting of Aurora B substitutes the function of Aurora A in the mitotic entry. Expressing the chimera proteins of the Auroras with exchanged N termini in cells indicates that the divergent N termini are also important for their spatiotemporal localizations and functions. Collectively, we demonstrate that functional divergence of Aurora kinases is determined by spatial compartmentalization, and their divergent N termini also contribute to their spatial and functional differentiation.  相似文献   

In mammalian cells entry into and progression through mitosis are regulated by multiple mitotic kinases. How mitotic kinases interact with each other and coordinately regulate mitosis remains to be fully understood. Here we employed a chemical biology approach using selective small molecule kinase inhibitors to dissect the relationship between Cdk1 and Aurora A kinases during G2/M transition. We find that activation of Aurora A first occurs at centrosomes at late G2 and is required for centrosome separation independently of Cdk1 activity. Upon entry into mitosis, Aurora A then becomes fully activated downstream of Cdk1 activation. Inactivation of Aurora A or Plk1 individually during a synchronized cell cycle shows no significant effect on Cdk1 activation and entry into mitosis. However, simultaneous inactivation of both Aurora A and Plk1 markedly delays Cdk1 activation and entry into mitosis, suggesting that Aurora A and Plk1 have redundant functions in the feedback activation of Cdk1. Together, our data suggest that Cdk1, Aurora A, and Plk1 mitotic kinases participate in a feedback activation loop and that activation of Cdk1 initiates the feedback loop activity, leading to rapid and timely entry into mitosis in human cells. In addition, live cell imaging reveals that the nuclear cycle of cells becomes uncoupled from cytokinesis upon inactivation of both Aurora A and Aurora B kinases and continues to oscillate in a Cdk1-dependent manner in the absence of cytokinesis, resulting in multinucleated, polyploidy cells.  相似文献   

Several potent Aurora kinase inhibitors derived from 5H-benzo[c][1,8]naphthyridin-6-one scaffold were identified. A crystal structure of Aurora kinase A in complex with an initial hit revealed a binding mode of the inhibitor within the ATP binding site and provided insight for structure-guided compound optimization. Subsequent SAR campaign provided a potent and selective pan Aurora inhibitor, which demonstrated potent target modulation and antiproliferative effects in the pancreatic cell line, MIAPaCa-2. Furthermore, this compound inhibited phosphorylation of histone H3 (pHH3) in mouse bone morrow upon oral administration, which is consistent with inhibition of Aurora kinase B activity.  相似文献   

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