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We propose a general model of the relationships connecting fertility motivations, desires, and expectations in which motivations are antecedent to desires, which in turn are antecedent to expectations. We describe differences in the model as it applies to women early in their reproductive careers, specifically, after marriage but before their first birth and after their first birth but before their second. We test the model with data from 311 just‐married and 318 just‐mothered women, using LISREL to estimate structural equations for both groups. The general model fits the data well. There are three primary differences in the model with respect to the two groups of married women. How soon a woman expects her next child affects how many children she expects only among the just‐married woman. The number of children expected by the woman is the only antecedent to how soon she expects her next child among the just‐mothered women. Both positive and negative maternal motivation has effects among the just‐married women, but only negative maternal motivation has effects among the just‐mothered women. These and other differences are discussed in terms of psychological and situational developments occurring early in women's reproductive careers.  相似文献   

Life-history theory, fertility and reproductive success in humans   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
According to life-history theory, any organism that maximizes fitness will face a trade-off between female fertility and offspring survivorship. This trade-off has been demonstrated in a variety of species, but explicit tests in humans have found a positive linear relationship between fitness and fertility. The failure to demonstrate a maximum beyond which additional births cease to enhance fitness is potentially at odds with the view that human fertility behaviour is currently adaptive. Here we report, to our knowledge, the first clear evidence for the predicted nonlinear relationship between female fertility and reproductive success in a human population, the Dogon of Mali, West Africa. The predicted maximum reproductive success of 4.1+/-0.3 surviving offspring was attained at a fertility of 10.5 births. Eighty-three per cent of the women achieved a lifetime fertility level (7-13 births) for which the predicted mean reproductive success was within the confidence limits (3.4 to 4.8) for reproductive success at the optimal fertility level. Child mortality, rather than fertility, was the primary determinant of fitness. Since the Dogon people are farmers, our results do not support the assumptions that: (i) contemporary foragers behave more adaptively than agriculturalists, and (ii) that adaptive fertility behaviour ceased with the Neolithic revolution some 9000 years ago. We also present a new method that avoids common biases in measures of reproductive success.  相似文献   

Thirty-eight normally cycling women provided daily reports of sexual interests and feelings for 35 days. Near ovulation, both pair-bonded and single women reported feeling more physically attractive and having greater interest in attending social gatherings where they might meet men. Pair-bonded women who were near ovulation reported greater extra-pair flirtation and greater mate guarding by their primary partner. As predicted, however, these effects were exhibited primarily by women who perceived their partners to be low on hypothesized good genes indicators (low in sexual attractiveness relative to investment attractiveness). Ovulation-contingent increases in partner mate guarding were also moderated by female physical attractiveness; midcycle increases in mate guarding were experienced primarily by less attractive women, whereas more attractive women experienced relatively high levels of mate guarding throughout their cycle. These findings demonstrate ovulation-contingent shifts in desires and behaviors that are sensitive to varying fitness payoffs, and they provide support for the good genes hypothesis of human female extra-pair mating. The daily assessment method provides an important supplement to existing studies using scheduled laboratory visits as the purpose of the study (examining cycle-related variation) is not known by participants.  相似文献   

Summary Microsporogenesis, reproductive behavior, pollen fertility and seed set were studied in Pennisetum basedowii Summerhayes and C. E. Hubbard, 2n = 54; P. macrostachyum (Brough.) Trin., 2n = 54; P. macrourum Trin., 2n = 36; P. polystachion (L.) Schult, 2n = 54; and P. squamulatum Fresen 2n = 54. Meiosis was regular in P. basedowii with primarily bivalent pairing. As many as 54 univalents were observed at metaphase I in P. macrostachyum. A high frequency of univalents at metaphase I in P. macrourum resulted in lagging chromosomes and micronuclei at anaphase I and telophase I, respectively. Pennisetum polystachion and P. squamulatum showed frequent multivalent chromosome associations. Studies of megasporogenesis and embryo sac development in P. basedowii showed sexual reproduction. Pennisetum macrostachyum was highly male sterile with predominantly aposporous apomictic embryo sac development. Pennisetum macrourum, P. polystachion, and P. squamulatum had only aposporous embryo sac development. Seed propagated progenies of these latter three species were uniform and matromorphic, confirming the obligate apomixis nature.  相似文献   

Dear Editor, Ten-eleven translocation(Tet)enzymes play important roles in DNA demethylation involved in various biological pro-cesses including stem cell pluripotency and differentiation,and tumorigenesis(Dawlaty et al.,2013;Wu and Zhang,2017).Tet2 deficiency or mutation leads to severe hematopoietic defects or myeloid malignancies in mice(Delhommeau et al.,2009;Ko et al.,2010;Moran-Crusio et al.,2011).Restoration of TET2 blocks aberrant self-re-newal and leukemia progression in patients possessing TET2 mutations(Cimmino et al.,2017).DNA methylation-based biomarkers,or"epigenetic clocks",link developmental and maintenance processes to biological aging(Horvath and Raj,2018).Interestingly,age-associated TET2 mutations have been found to drive myeloid dysfunction,cancer and cardiovascular disease(review(Ferrone et al.,2020)).Nevertheless,there has been lack of direct evidence demonstrating that Tet2 mutations or deficiency can actually accelerate aging.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to assess the basic motor abilities that determine top performance in women's handball, and to identify test panel for primary selection at handball school. The study included 155 female attendants of the Split Handball School, mean age 12.5 years. Differences in the basic motor abilities between the subjects that developed into elite handball players after 7-year training process and those that abandoned handball for being unable to meet the competition criteria were evaluated by use of discriminative analysis. The former were found to have also been superior initially in all variables analyzed, and in arm coordination, overall body coordination, throw and jump explosive strength, arm movement frequency and repetitive trunk strength in particular. Motor superiority based on the abilities of coordination, explosive strength and speed determines performance in women's handball, qualifying these abilities as reliable selection criteria. Based on this study results, a new model of selection in women's handball, with fine arm coordination as the major limiting factor of performance, has been proposed.  相似文献   

This article presents a biosocial model of fertility decline, which integrates ecological‐economic and informational‐cultural hypotheses of fertility transition in a unified theoretical framework. The model is then applied to empirical data collected among 500 women from San Borja, Bolivia, a population undergoing fertility transition. Using a combination of event history analysis, multiple regression, and structural equation modeling, we examine the pathways by which education responds to birth cohort, parental education and network ties, and how age at first birth and total fertility, in turn, respond to birth cohort, social network ties, education, expectations about parental investment, work, and contraceptive use. We find that in addition to secular trends in education, respondent's education is associated with the education of parents, the investment she received from them, and the education of older siblings. Total fertility has dropped over time, partly in response to increased education; moreover, the behavior of other women in a woman's social network predicts both initiation of reproduction and total fertility, while expected parental investment in offspring negatively predicts total fertility. Involvement in paid work that is incompatible with childcare is associated with a later age of first reproduction, but not subsequent fertility. Contraceptive use partially mediates the effect of education and birth cohort on total fertility, but is not a mediator of the effect of social network or expected parental investment on total fertility. Overall, the empirical results provide support for a biosocial model of fertility decline, particularly the embodied capital and cultural pathways. Am J Phys Anthropol 154:322–333, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Leptin regulation of reproductive function and fertility.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Leptin, a 16-KD protein secreted primarily by adipose tissue, was first discovered in the search for a satiety signal. When administered into the brain, leptin depresses appetite. Interestingly, hyperphagic, obese, transgenic mice with leptin deficiency were noted to be reproductively incompetent, and administration of leptin restored their fertility. These pivotal observations led to numerous studies on the site of action of leptin within the hypothalamo-hypophyseal-gonadal axis, and a variety of models have been used ranging from the prepubertal condition to fasting suppression of reproductive hormones. The preponderance of studies thus far has focused on how leptin serves as a metabolic signal of energy balance within the neuroendocrine system, particularly as a regulator of GnRH/LH secretion. Less research has been conducted with other components of the reproductive system, but local effects of leptin have been demonstrated in the gonads where hyperleptinemia suppresses steroidogenesis and potentially affects gamete maturation. This presentation will review the major concepts for the role of leptin in the modulation of fertility and will consider the potential use of leptin in assisted reproductive technology and embryo transfer.  相似文献   

While chlamydial infections cause abortions in cattle, its role in other reproductive disorders is uncertain. This study identified the risk factors for chlamydial infection in herds with history of subfertility. We investigated the possible effects of coinfections, different metabolic parameters, abortion, ovarian cysts, pathological vaginal discharge, length of the open period, milk yield, housing conditions and age. In cows from 34 farms with elevated reproductive disorders, 41.5% had antibodies against chlamydia, while chlamydia antigen was detected in the vagina and uterus of 46.7%. A statistical relationship between seropositivity and antigen positivity was not found. Abortion (OR = 6.6) and loose housing (OR = 2.3) were risk factors for the presence of chlamydia antibodies. Furthermore, there were significant relationships between metabolic disorders and chlamydial infections. Increased levels of beta-hydroxybutaric acid (OR = 6.8) and hypocalcaemia (OR = 6.0) often accompanied chlamydia antigen in the vagina. Increased age (OR = 1.2) and pathological vaginal discharge (OR = 2.4) were identified as risk factors for chlamydia antigen in the vagina. The largest risk factor was for the association of ovarian cysts (OR = 21.5) with uterine antigen. In conclusion, chlamydial infection in dairy herd cows is best understood as a multifactorial disease.  相似文献   

Pupae of the Queensland fruit fly or Q‐fly Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt) are irradiated routinely to induce reproductive sterility in adults for use in sterile insect technique programmes. Previous studies suggest that adult sexual performance and survival under nutritional and crowding stress are compromised by the current target dose of radiation for sterilization (70–75 Gy), and that improved mating propensity and survival under stress by irradiated males may be achieved by reducing the target sterilization dose without reducing the level of induced sterility. This raises the question of the amount by which the irradiation dose can be reduced before residual fertility becomes unacceptable. The present study measures the levels of residual fertility in male and female irradiated Q‐flies at different irradiation doses (20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70 Gy), and investigates the possibility that fecundity and fertility increase between 10–15 and 30–35 days post emergence. Male flies require a higher dose than females to induce sterility, with no residual fertility found in females irradiated at doses of 50 Gy or above, and no residual fertility found in males irradiated at doses of 60 Gy or above. Irradiated females are more fecund at 30–35 days post emergence than at 10–15 days. However, fertility does not increase between 10 and 15 days post emergence and 30–35 days, even at doses below 50 Gy. The present study shows that there is scope to reduce the target sterilization dose for Q‐flies below that of the current dose range (70–75 Gy) at the same time as retaining an adequate safety margin above radiation doses at which residual fertility can be expected.  相似文献   

When a pair of male and female ring doves in breeding condition is introduced in a breeding cage containing a nest bowl and a supply of nesting material, a regular and predictable sequence of behavioral changes can be observed. A complete breeding cycle consists of courtship and nesting (7–10 days), incubation (14–15 days), and parental care (21 days). A new cycle (recycling) starts following the departure of the fledglings. This study concerns itself with the occurrence of recycling before completion of a breeding cycle, with a special reference to the fertility of eggs. The fertility of eggs before and after oviposition regulates the timing of recycling. Laying infertile eggs as a result of having mated with impotent males (castrated + oil or castrated + testosterone proprionate) and then sitting on such eggs led to a 100% recycling with the shortest latency. In contrast, no doves recycled in the normal breeding pairs (females paired with intact males) until eggs were hatched and squabs fledged. For bird laying fertile eggs and sitting on infertile eggs or vice versa, half recycled, while the other half did not. The possibility that prolactin plays a role in mediating the onset of recycling was tested, and the significance of the results was discussed.  相似文献   

Summary This article examines how the sex composition of women's current children at the start of a pregnancy interval influences both fertility desires and the full range of reproductive actions women may take to realize them, including temporary contraception, abortion and sterilization, in Madhya Pradesh, India, where popular notions of ideal family size and sex composition are dominated by son preference. The analysis is conducted using a dataset of 9127 individual pregnancy intervals from a 2002 statewide representative survey of 2444 women aged 15-39 with at least one child. The results indicate that women's preferences go beyond a singular preference for male children, with the preferred composition of children being two boys and one girl. Women with this composition are 90% less likely to report having wanted another pregnancy (OR 0.097, p<0.01) relative to those with two girls. These preferences have significant implications for reproductive actions. While sex composition has no statistically significant effect on the use of temporary contraception, those with the preferred sex composition are twice as likely to attempt abortion (OR 2.436, p<0.01) and twelve times more likely to be sterilized (OR 12.297, p<0.01) relative to those with two girls only.  相似文献   

A statistical study of data from the Egyptian census for 1960 points up the influence of the employment of women on their fertility. Results show that the child/woman ratio rises with the level of female employment in the rural areas, but falls as the level of employment rises in the urban areas. Subject to confirmation by more detailed methods, it seems that, in urban areas, provision of opportunities for women to work is of major importance in attempting to reduce national fertility levels, but this will have the opposite effect to what is intended in rural areas. Rural and urban fertility levels appear to be similar at a low level of economic activity; however, when this economic activity surpasses 10%, a noticeable fertility differential appears. Industrial or commercial work opportunities change a woman's pattern of living, and are essential to the permanent lowering of fertility to replacement levels.  相似文献   

We hypothesize that rapid eye movement or REM sleep evolved, in part, to mediate sexual/reproductive behaviors and strategies. Because development of sexual and mating strategies depends crucially on early attachment experiences, we further hypothesize that REM functions to mediate attachment processes early in life. Evidence for these hypotheses comes from (1) the correlation of REM variables with both attachment and sexual/reproductive variables; (2) attachment-related and sex-related hormonal release during REM; (3) selective activation during REM of brain sites implicated in attachment and sexual processes; (4) effects of maternal deprivation on REM; (5) effects of REM deprivation on sexual behaviors; and (6) the REM-associated sexual excitation. To explain why we find associations among REM sleep, attachment, and adult reproductive strategies, we rely on recent extensions of parent-offspring conflict theory. Using data from recent findings on genomic imprinting, Haig (2000) and others suggest that paternally expressed genes are selected to promote growth of the developing fetus/child at the expense of the mother, while maternally expressed genes counter these effects. Because developmental REM facilitates attachment-related outcomes in the child, developmental REM may be regulated by paternally expressed genes. In that case, REM may have evolved to support the “aims” of paternal genes at the expense of maternal genes. Patrick McNamara, Ph.D., is an assistant professor of neurology at Boston University School of Medicine and a member of the Department of Neurology at the Boston VA Medical Center. He specializes in study of catecholaminergic mechanisms of cognitive disorders in Parkinson’s and related disorders. He has a long-standing interest in anthropological and evolutionary approaches to medicine and to human cognition. His recent book Mind and Variability applied Darwinian models to problems of memory and identity. He is currently writing a book on the evolutionary psychology of sleep and dreams. Sanford Auerbach, M.D., is an associate professor of neurology and psychiatry at Boston University School of Medicine and medical director of the Neurophysiology Laboratories at the Boston Medical Center. He is a behavioral neurologist and a board-certified sleep specialist. He is also director of the Sleep Disorders Center at Boston Medical Center. He has been associated with the NIH-sponsored Sleep Heart Health Study and other sleep-related research. He has been a member of the executive committee of the Sleep Section of the American Academy of Neurology and a past chair of the Neurology section of the American Sleep Disorders Association. Jayme Dowdall is a medical student at Boston University School of Medicine who plans to specialize in molecular approaches to medical and sleep disorders.  相似文献   

女性体检人群生殖道病原体的分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解体检妇女人群生殖道感染情况,为女性生殖道感染的防治提供进一步的资料。方法对1157例参加健康体检的妇女的阴道后穹窿及宫颈分泌物标本进行显微镜镜检以检测阴道清洁度、真菌、滴虫等,同时采用培养法对淋球菌、解脲支原体、人型支原体、真菌等进行检测,沙眼衣原体则采用免疫层析法;检测结果进行统计学分析。结果女性生殖道感染的感染率为54.0%,其中混合感染率为9.3%,而清洁度异常率仅为23.8%;前3位病原体依次为解脲支原体(35.3%)、衣原体(22.2%)、真菌(5.5%);年轻妇女组与年老组支原体的检出率差异有显著性(P<0.05)。结论女性生殖道感染情况严重,支原体、衣原体等感染隐匿,加强对育龄妇女的监测尤为重要。  相似文献   

Francos G  Mayer E 《Theriogenology》1988,29(2):413-427
Semiannual computer printouts of reproductive disorders diagnosed in high producing Israeli dairy herds were evaluated for a comparison of fertility indices of diseased and normal cows in low (LFH) and normal fertility herds (NFH). In 16,910 cows, conception rates to first AI in cows with reproductive disorder were >50% below those in normal cows (P<0.001). For both groups of cows, conception rates were lower in LFH (P<0.0001). A comparison of fertility indices between LFH (5, 171 cows) and NFH (14,573 cows) revealed, in addition a higher overall conception rate and a lower percentage of cows still open on Day 150 post partum (problem cows, (P<0.0001), as well as a higher pregnancy rate for NFH (P<0.001), for cows with reproductive disorder and for normal cows in these herds. In herds with predominantly uterine-related reproductive disorder, a high incidence of postpartum anestrus was seen infrequently; while in herds with a high incidence of postpartum anestrus, postbreeding anestrus was equally high (P<0.05 - 0.001). In general reproductive disorder have been shown to have long-term negative effects on fertility indices in both LFH and NFH, but with more serious consequences in LFH. Since a sizeable percentage of normal cows can be identified, reproducing normally under identical management conditions, cows in both kinds of herds with reproductive disorder must be less resistant to environmental stress. Thus, while cows with reproductive disorders maintained their general health and their high level of productivity, they responded either immediately with uterine disturbances or they refused to cycle properly, and they conceived later. A case can be made that all reproductive disorders represent disease entities influenced by management factors.  相似文献   

Social animal species present a vast repertoire of social interactions when encountering conspecifics. Reproduction-related behaviors, such as mating, parental care, and aggression, are some of the most rewarding types of social interactions and are also the most sexually dimorphic ones. This review focuses on rodent species and summarizes recent advances in neuroscience research that link sexually dimorphic reproductive behaviors to sexual dimorphism in their underlying neuronal circuits. Specifically, we present a few possible mechanisms governing sexually-dimorphic behaviors, by hypothalamic and reward-related brain regions. Sex differences in the neural response to social isolation in adulthood are also discussed, as well as future directions for comparative studies with naturally solitary species.  相似文献   

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