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Fibronectin and its major receptor, integrin α5β1 are required for embryogenesis. These mutants have similar phenotypes, although, defects in integrin α5-deficient mice are milder. In this paper, we examined heart development in those mutants, in which the heart is formed, and discovered that both fibronectin and integrin α5 were required for cardiac morphogenesis, and in particular, for the formation of the cardiac outflow tract. We found that Isl1+ precursors are specified and migrate into the heart in fibronectin- or integrin α5-mutant embryos, however, the hearts in these mutants are of aberrant shape, and the cardiac outflow tracts are short and malformed. We show that these defects are likely due to the requirement for cell adhesion to fibronectin for proliferation of myocardial progenitors and for Fgf8 signaling in the pharyngeal region.  相似文献   

During vertebrate development, neural crest cells are exposed to multiple extracellular cues that drive their differentiation into neural and non-neural cell lineages. Insights into the signals potentially involved in neural crest cell fate decisions in vivo have been gained by cell culture experiments that have allowed the identification of instructive growth factors promoting either proliferation of multipotent neural crest cells or acquisition of specific fates. For instance, members of the TGFβ factor family induce neurogenesis and smooth muscle cell formation at the expense of other fates in culture. In vivo, conditional ablation of various TGFβ signaling components resulted in malformations of non-neural derivatives of the neural crest, but it is unclear whether these phenotypes involved aberrant fate decisions. Moreover, it remains to be shown whether neuronal determination indeed requires TGFβ factor activity in vivo. To address these issues, we conditionally deleted Smad4 in the neural crest, thus inactivating all canonical TGFβ factor signaling. Surprisingly, neural crest cell fates were not affected in these mutants, with the exception of sensory neurogenesis in trigeminal ganglia. Rather, Smad4 regulates survival of smooth muscle and proliferation of autonomic and ENS neuronal progenitor cells. Thus, Smad signaling plays multiple, lineage-specific roles in vivo, many of which are elicited only after neural crest cell fate decision.  相似文献   

In vertebrates, the sensory neurons of the epibranchial (EB) ganglia transmit somatosensory signals from the periphery to the CNS. These ganglia are formed during embryogenesis by the convergence and condensation of two distinct populations of precursors: placode-derived neuroblasts and neural crest- (NC) derived glial precursors. In addition to the gliogenic crest, chondrogenic NC migrates into the pharyngeal arches, which lie in close proximity to the EB placodes and ganglia. Here, we examine the respective roles of these two distinct NC-derived populations during development of the EB ganglia using zebrafish morphant and mutants that lack one or both of these NC populations. Our analyses of mutant and morphant zebrafish that exhibit deficiencies in chondrogenic NC at early stages reveal a distinct requirement for this NC subpopulation during early EB ganglion assembly and segmentation. Furthermore, restoration of wildtype chondrogenic NC in one of these mutants, prdm1a, is sufficient to restore ganglion formation, indicating a specific requirement of the chondrogenic NC for EB ganglia assembly. By contrast, analysis of the sox10 mutant, which lacks gliogenic NC, reveals that the initial assembly of ganglia is not affected. However, during later stages of development, EB ganglia are dispersed in the sox10 mutant, suggesting that glia are required to maintain normal EB ganglion morphology. These results highlight novel roles for two subpopulations of NC cells in the formation and maintenance of EB ganglia: chondrogenic NC promotes the early-stage formation of the developing EB ganglia while glial NC is required for the late-stage maintenance of ganglion morphology.  相似文献   

Here, we review recent studies that suggest that Notch signaling has two roles during neural crest development: first in establishing the neural crest domain within the ectoderm via lateral induction and subsequently in diversifying the fates of cells that arise from the neural crest via lateral inhibition. The first of these roles, specification of neural crest via lateral induction, has been explored primarily in the cranial neural folds from which the cranial neural crest arises. Evidence for such a role has thus far only been obtained from chick and frog; results from these two species differ, but share the feature that Notch signaling regulates genes that are expressed by cranial neural crest through effects on expression of Bmp family members. The second of these roles, diversification of neural crest progeny via lateral inhibition, has been identified thus far only in trunk neural crest. Evidence from several species suggests that Notch-mediated lateral inhibition functions in multiple episodes in this context, in each case inhibiting neurogenesis. In the 'standard' mode of lateral inhibition, Notch promotes proliferation and in the 'instructive' mode, it promotes specific secondary fates, including cell death or glial differentiation. We raise the possibility that a single molecular mechanism, inhibition of so-called proneural bHLH genes, underlies both modes of lateral inhibition mediated by Notch signaling.  相似文献   

By RNA in situ hybridization and immunohistochemical analyses of early stage mouse embryos, we find that alpha 4 integrin gene is expressed in migratory cranial neural crest cells originating from the presumptive forebrain, midbrain, and rhombomeres 1 and 2 of the presumptive hindbrain. alpha 4 is also expressed in epicardial progenitor cells in the septum transversum that migrate to the heart.  相似文献   

In vitro clonal analysis of quail cardiac neural crest development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The developmental potentials of cardiac neural crest cells were investigated by in vitro clonal analysis. Five morphologically distinct types of clones were observed: (1) "pigmented" clones contained melanocytes only; (2) "mixed" clones consisted of pigmented and unpigmented cells; (3) "unpigmented dense" clones consisted of flattened, closely aligned unpigmented cells; (4) "unpigmented loose" clones consisted of a few loosely arranged, flattened cells; and (5) "unpigmented large" clones included a large number of small, stellate cells that were highly proliferative. The binding patterns of antibodies against lineage-specific markers showed that cells in the different clones expressed characteristic phenotypes. The following phenotypes were expressed in addition to pigment cells: smooth muscle cells, connective tissue cells, chondrocytes, and cells in the sensory neuron lineage. Mixed clones expressed all five phenotypes. Unpigmented dense clones contained smooth muscle cells, connective tissue cells, chondrocytes, and sensory neurons. Unpigmented loose clones exclusively consisted of smooth muscle cells, whereas unpigmented large clones contained chondrocytes and sensory neuron precursors. Based on these results, the following conclusions can be drawn: (1) Pigmented and unpigmented loose clones are most likely formed by precursors that are committed to the melanogenic and myogenic cell lineages, respectively. (2) Mixed and unpigmented dense clones are derived from pluripotent cells with the capacity to give rise to four or five phenotypes. (3) Unpigmented large clones originate from progenitor cells that appear to have a partially restricted developmental potential, that is, these cells are capable of generating two phenotypes in clonal cultures. Thus, the data indicate that the early migratory cardiac neural crest is a heterogeneous population of cells, consisting of pluripotent cells, cells with a partially restricted developmental potential, and cells committed to a particular cell lineage.  相似文献   

Although numerous in vitro experiments suggest that extracellular matrix molecules like laminin can influence neural crest migration, little is known about their function in the embryo. Here, we show that laminin alpha5, a gene up-regulated during neural crest induction, is localized in regions of newly formed cranial and trunk neural folds and adjacent neural crest migratory pathways in a manner largely conserved between chick and mouse. In laminin alpha5 mutant mice, neural crest migratory streams appear expanded in width compared to wild type. Conversely, neural folds exposed to laminin alpha5 in vitro show a reduction by half in the number of migratory neural crest cells. During gangliogenesis, laminin alpha5 mutants exhibit defects in condensing cranial sensory and trunk sympathetic ganglia. However, ganglia apparently recover at later stages. These data suggest that the laminin alpha5 subunit functions as a cue that restricts neural crest cells, focusing their migratory pathways and condensation into ganglia. Thus, it is required for proper migration and timely differentiation of some neural crest populations.  相似文献   

Wnt signalling regulates cell proliferation and cell fate determination during embryogenesis. However, little is known about the developmental role of one Wnt family member, Wnt‐3, during avian development. To investigate the possible functions of Wnt‐3, its expression pattern was determined using whole‐mount in situ hybridization. Wnt‐3 is expressed in important signalling centres, including the dorsal neural tube, Hensen's node and the AER (apical ectodermal ridge). Most interestingly, Wnt‐3 is expressed in the dorsal neural tube as a gradient, with the strongest expression anterior in the trunk. Furthermore, this study showed that Wnt‐3 and Wnt‐3a play a different role in neural crest lineages derived from different axial level of neural tube. Wnt‐3 might be involved in proliferation of neural crest lineages, whereas Wnt‐3a plays an important role in melanogenesis in vagal. However, both Wnt‐3 and Wnt‐3a cause a significant increase in melanogenesis in the trunk neural crest lineage.  相似文献   

PlexinA2 and semaphorin signaling during cardiac neural crest development.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Classic studies using avian model systems have demonstrated that cardiac neural crest cells are required for proper development of the cardiovascular system. Environmental influences that perturb neural crest development cause congenital heart defects in laboratory animals and in man. However, little progress has been made in determining molecular programs specifically regulating cardiac neural crest migration and function. Only recently have complex transgenic tools become available that confirm the presence of cardiac neural crest cells in the mammalian heart. These studies have relied upon the use of transgenic mouse lines and fate-mapping studies using Cre recombinase and neural crest-specific promoters. In this study, we use these techniques to demonstrate that PlexinA2 is expressed by migrating and postmigratory cardiac neural crest cells in the mouse. Plexins function as co-receptors for semaphorin signaling molecules and mediate axon pathfinding in the central nervous system. We demonstrate that PlexinA2-expressing cardiac neural crest cells are patterned abnormally in several mutant mouse lines with congenital heart disease including those lacking the secreted signaling molecule Semaphorin 3C. These data suggest a parallel between the function of semaphorin signaling in the central nervous system and in the patterning of cardiac neural crest in the periphery.  相似文献   

Fate of the mammalian cardiac neural crest   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
A subpopulation of neural crest termed the cardiac neural crest is required in avian embryos to initiate reorganization of the outflow tract of the developing cardiovascular system. In mammalian embryos, it has not been previously experimentally possible to study the long-term fate of this population, although there is strong inference that a similar population exists and is perturbed in a number of genetic and teratogenic contexts. We have employed a two-component genetic system based on Cre/lox recombination to label indelibly the entire mouse neural crest population at the time of its formation, and to detect it at any time thereafter. Labeled cells are detected throughout gestation and in postnatal stages in major tissues that are known or predicted to be derived from neural crest. Labeling is highly specific and highly efficient. In the region of the heart, neural-crest-derived cells surround the pharyngeal arch arteries from the time of their formation and undergo an altered distribution coincident with the reorganization of these vessels. Labeled cells populate the aorticopulmonary septum and conotruncal cushions prior to and during overt septation of the outflow tract, and surround the thymus and thyroid as these organs form. Neural-crest-derived mesenchymal cells are abundantly distributed in midgestation (E9.5-12.5), and adult derivatives of the third, fourth and sixth pharyngeal arch arteries retain a substantial contribution of labeled cells. However, the population of neural-crest-derived cells that infiltrates the conotruncus and which surrounds the noncardiac pharyngeal organs is either overgrown or selectively eliminated as development proceeds, resulting for these tissues in a modest to marginal contribution in late fetal and postnatal life.  相似文献   

BMP signaling is essential for a wide variety of developmental processes. To evaluate the role of Bmp2/4 in cranial neural crest (CNC) formation or differentiation after its migration into the branchial arches, we used Xnoggin to block their activities in specific areas of the CNC in transgenic mice. This resulted in depletion of CNC cells from the targeted areas. As a consequence, the branchial arches normally populated by the affected neural crest cells were hypomorphic and their skeletal and neural derivatives failed to develop. In further analyses, we have identified Bmp2 as the factor required for production of migratory cranial neural crest. Its spatial and temporal expression patterns mirror CNC emergence and Bmp2 mutant embryos lack both branchial arches and detectable migratory CNC cells. Our results provide functional evidence for an essential role of BMP signaling in CNC development.  相似文献   

Low-density lipoprotein receptor-related proteins 5 and 6 (Lrp5 and Lrp6) are co-receptors of Wnt ligands and play important roles in Wnt/β-catenin signal transduction. Mice homozygous for a germline deletion of Lrp6 die at birth with several associated defects, while Lrp5-deficient mice are viable. Here, we conditionally deleted Lrp5 and/or Lrp6 in the mouse gut ((gut-/-)) by crossing mice carrying floxed alleles of Lrp5 and Lrp6 to a strain expressing Cre recombinase from the villin promoter (villin-Cre). The changes in morphology, differentiation, and Wnt signal transduction were validated using immunohistochemistry and other staining. Consistent with observations in mice carrying a homozygous germline deletion in Lrp5, intestinal development in Lrp5(gut-/-) mice was normal. In addition, mice homozygous for villin-Cre-induced deletion of Lrp6 (Lrp6(gut-/-)) were viable with apparently normal intestinal differentiation and function. However, mice homozygous for villin-Cre inactivated alleles of both genes (Lrp5(gut-/-) ; Lrp6(gut-/-)) died within 1 day of birth. Analysis of embryonic Lrp5(gut-/-); Lrp6(gut-/-) intestinal epithelium showed a progressive loss of cells, an absence of proliferation, and a premature differentiation of crypt stem/precursor cells; no notable change in differentiation was observed in the embryos lacking either gene alone. Further immunohistochemical studies showed that expression of the Wnt/β-catenin target, cyclin D1, was specifically reduced in the intestinal epithelium of Lrp5(gut-/-); Lrp6(gut-/-) embryos. Our data demonstrate that Lrp5 and Lrp6 play redundant roles in intestinal epithelium development, and that Lrp5/6 might regulate intestinal stem/precursor cell maintenance by regulating Wnt/β-catenin signaling.  相似文献   

Sulfurtransferases (STRs) catalyze the transfer of a sulfur atom from a donor to a suitable acceptor molecule. The Arabidopsis thaliana genome encodes 20 putative STR proteins. The biological functions of most are unclear. We found that STR1 and STR2 play important roles in embryo/seed development. Mutation of STR1 alone resulted in a shrunken seed phenotype, although growth and development of vegetative and reproductive organs were not affected. The shrunken seed phenotype was associated with the delayed/arrested embryo development, in most cases, at the heart stage. The embryo defect of str1 mutant is not fully penetrant. Approximately 12.5% of embryos developed further and formed normal looking seeds. In severely shrunken seeds, no embryo could be identified after seed collection. Partially shrunken seeds that contained viable embryos could still germinate. However, cotyledons of the seedlings from such seeds were abnormal. An STR1-GUS fusion reporter revealed that the STR1 gene was universally expressed, with high levels of expression in specific tissues/organs including embryos. The incomplete penetrance of str1 embryo/seed phenotype is a result of functional STR2. Single str2 mutant had no phenotype. However, no str1(-/-)/str2(-/-) double mutant embryos were able to develop past the heart stage. Furthermore, STR2 is haplo-insufficient in str1 mutant background, and str1(-/-)/str2(+/-) embryos were 100% lethal. These data provide new insights into the biological functions of the ubiquitous sulfurtransferase in Arabidopsis embryogenesis and seed development.  相似文献   

The cardiac neural crest contains ectomesenchymal and neural anlagen that are necessary for normal heart development. It is not known whether other regions of the neural crest are capable of supporting normal heart development. In the experiments reported herein, quail donor embryos provided cardiac, trunk, or mesencephalic neural crest to replace or add to the chick host cardiac neural crest. Neither trunk nor mesencephalic neural crest was capable of generating ectomesenchyme competent to effect truncal septation. Addition of mesencephalic neural crest resulted in a high incidence of persistent truncus arteriosus, suggesting that ectomesenchyme derived from the mesencephalic region interferes with ectomesenchyme derived from the cardiac neural crest. Derivatives from the trunk neural crest, on the other hand, did not result in abnormal development of the truncal septum. While mesencephalic neural crest seeded the cardiac ganglia with both neurons and supporting cells, this capability was limited in the trunk neural crest to the more mature regions. These studies indicate a predetermination of the ectomesenchymal derivatives of the cranial neural crest and a possible competition of neural anlagen to form neurons and supporting cells in the cardiac ganglia.  相似文献   

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