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The New River Wetlands Project is comprised of two constructed treatment wetland sites supplied with water from the New River and agricultural drainage water from the Imperial Valley in California. Bioaccumulation of selenium has created toxic conditions for wildlife in similar wetlands in other areas. Selenium levels in water (at wetland inflow and outflow), sediments, plants, invertebrates, and fish were analyzed for both wetland sites from 2006 to 2007. An average of 56% of the total mass of selenium in the inflow was removed at the Imperial site, and 70% was removed at the Brawley site. Most of the retained selenium (8 kg at the Imperial site and 2 kg at the Brawley site) was in the sediments. Less than 1% of the selenium accumulated in plant tissues. Mass balance calculations estimated that 17–61% of the selenium was lost through volatilization. After 6 years of operation of these wetlands, concentrations of selenium in fish and invertebrates were at or above threshold ranges for reproductive effects in birds and fish. Constructed wetlands are an efficient method for removing selenium from agricultural drainwater, although they need to be monitored over the long-term for potential risks posed by bioaccumulation of selenium.  相似文献   

We examined the patterns of male pink bollworm (PBW), Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders), moth catches in gossyplure-baited traps over a 15-year period from 1989 to 2003 in the Imperial Valley, California, USA. Monitoring was conducted during periods when different pink bollworm areawide control strategies were being used. Numbers of male pink bollworm moths caught in gossyplure-baited traps progressively decreased each year from 1990 to 1994 during short-season cotton production. High numbers of male moths caught in traps from 1995 to 1997 may have been related to moth migrations from the large cotton acreages grown in the Mexicali Valley bordering the Imperial Valley. Transgenic Bollgard (Bt) cotton was planted in 3% of the cotton area in 1996 and thereafter in 80%- 94% of the cotton area from 1997 to 2003. Pink bollworm moth trap catches were significantly lower from 1998 to 2003 than catches in 1995 to 1997, except for 1999. The trapping results suggested that Bt cotton had significant input on reduction of pink bollworm populations, confirming results of other investigators and providing additional documentation on the benefits of the Bt cotton culture.  相似文献   

An outbreak of the sweetpotato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius), biotype B occurred in the Imperial Valley, California in 1991. The insects destroyed melon crops and seriously damaged other vegetables, ornamentals and row crops. As a result of the need for sampling technology, we developed a whitefly trap (named the CC trap) that could be left in the field for extended time periods. We used the traps to monitor populations ofB. tabaci adults during year-round samplings from 1996 to 2002 to study variations in the weekly trap catches of the insect. The greatest number ofB. tabaci adults was recorded in 1996, followed by a continuing annual decrease in trap catches each year through 2002. The overall decline of B. tabaci is attributed in part to the adoption of an integrated pest management (IPM) program initiated in 1992 and reduced melon hectares from 1996 to 2002. Other factors may also have contributed to the population reductions. Seasonally, B. tabaci trap catches decreased during the late summer and fall concurrent with decreasing minimum tempera- tares that are suggested to be a significant factor affecting seasonal activity and reproduction.  相似文献   

Differences in plant resistance to water flow, patterns of water transport through stems, and stomatal behavior were studied on three species native to the exceptionally hot and dry habitat of Death Valley, California (—, and Larrea divaricata). Dawn xylem water potentials in July for Atriplex were — 27.5 bar under natural conditions. Corresponding values for Tidestromia and Larrea were respectively — 8.0 bar and -32.0 bar (natural) and — 7.5 bar and — 18.0 bar (irrigated). Recovery of xylem water potential in covered field plants of an irrigated transplant garden reached a maximum value in July of — 9.5 bar in Atriplex, — 5.7 bar in Tidestromia and — 7.0 bar in Larrea. Resistance to free-energy transfer was used to study resistance to water transport through the plants. Under field conditions irrigated Atriplex plants gave a whole plant resistance of 20.70 × 106 s cm-1, as compared lo 18.37 × 106 s cm-1 for Larrea and 10.01 × 106 s cm-1 for Tidestromia. Plant resistance to water How computed by this method on Atriplex plants grown under laboratory conditions gave a value of 3.73 × 106 s cm-1 at 35C. Paths of water flow in field plants as investigated with injected acid fuchsin indicated a sectorial straight type vessel. The relationship between transpiration rates and xylem water potentials in Atriplex hymenelytra was linear between transpiration 1.28 μg cm-2 s-1 and 2.35 μg cm-2 s-1 at 35°C. These results indicate that according to the Van den Honert model for water transport, plant resistance to water flow remained rather constant at this temperature. In Atriplex grown under laboratory conditions there was an adjustment of plant resistance so change in water flux at 9.5°C and 25°C. When laboratory-grown plants of Atriplex and Tidestromia were subjected to water stress by withholding water. Tidestromia closed stomata and reduced transpiration rates at higher water potentials than in Atriplex. The ratio of vapor pressure gradients of leaf/air to leaf diffusion resistance was proportional lo transpiration rates. It is suggested that Atriplex hymenelytra is a species that combines strong regulation of water loss by stomata with low efficiency of the water transport system. These plants are unable to prevent depression of plant water potential as transpiration increases. On the other hand. Tidestromia oblongifolia has little stomatal regulation of transpiration and a highly efficient water transport system. These plants sustain very high rates of transpiration without significant decrease in plant water potential.  相似文献   

The Angora Fire (summer of 2007) was the largest and most severe wildfire in recent history within the Lake Tahoe basin of the Sierra Nevada. To determine the watershed response and to assess the potential for downstream impacts of nutrient and sediment delivery to Lake Tahoe, we monitored the post-fire hydrology and stream water chemistry for 2 years at four locations along the length of Angora Creek, a perennial stream draining the burned watershed. When compared with unburned streams, the hydrology of Angora Creek indicated an earlier and faster melting of the spring snowpack. Peak stream water concentrations of total N (TN) and ammonium occurred within the burned area, whereas peak concentrations of nitrate (NO3 ?), total P, soluble reactive P, total suspended solids, turbidity, electrical conductivity (EC), and dissolved organic C occurred below the burned area. In comparison to pre-fire data, TN, NO3 ?, TP, total dissolved P, EC, and turbidity increased following the fire, particularly in the wetter second year. Yields for subwatershed areas suggest that the burned urban subwatershed was the largest source of nutrients and sediments, whereas the wet meadow subwatershed downstream of the burned area retained materials. Erosion control efforts, below-average annual precipitation and the timing of its arrival (absence of summer and fall rainstorms), and the existence of a wet meadow below the burned watershed likely reduced the negative impacts that would have been expected from such a severe wildfire.  相似文献   

Wetlands worldwide, the fisheries they support, and the communities that depend on them are threatened by habitat modification. We describe strategies being used for wetland conservation in the Gulf of California, Mexico, their effectiveness, and challenges for implementation. We base our analysis on the authors’ experience working for local environmental non-governmental organizations and available literature. The strategies discussed include public and private policy instruments such as Environmental Impact Evaluations, environmental land easements, concessions and transfer agreements, Natural Protected Areas, and international agreements such as the Ramsar convention and the North American Wetlands Conservation Act. We present examples from the Gulf of California that highlight some of the challenges to wetland conservation. These challenges range from governmental failure to enforce existing environmental legislation, lack of verification of requirements for development projects, to low economic penalties for wetland modification or destruction. We found that in the Gulf of California successful conservation of coastal wetlands required a combination of policy instruments and relied on integrating science, management, and public participation through partnerships between non-governmental institutions, academic institutions, community stakeholders, and government agencies.  相似文献   

Male tule elk (Cervus elaphus nannodes) are susceptible to high rates of antler breakage in Owens Valley, California. We hypothesized that a mineral deficiency in the diet predisposed male elk to antler breakage. We analyzed elk antler, liver, and forage samples to identify mineral imbalances. We compared the mineral content of livers and antlers from elk in Owens Valley to samples taken from tule elk at Grizzly Island Wildlife Area, a population experiencing normal rates (<5%) of antler breakage. Antler and liver samples were collected from 1989 to 1993, and in 2002, and were tested for calcium (Ca), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), magnesium (Mg), manganese (Mn), molybdenum (Mo), phosphorus (P), sulfur (S), and zinc (Zn). Mineral levels from antler and liver samples were compared to reference values established for elk and deer. We also compared the mineral content of elk forage in Owens Valley, collected in 2002-03, to dietary reference values established for cattle. In antlers, Ca, Fe, and Mg levels were higher in Owens Valley elk than in Grizzly Island elk, although all mineral levels were lower than reference values established for deer antlers. In liver samples, Cu levels from elk in Owens Valley were lower than those from Grizzly Island and lower than minimum reference values; liver Ca and Mo levels were higher in elk from Owens Valley than in those from Grizzly Island. Compared to reference values, elk forage in Owens Valley had high levels of Ca and Mo, and low levels of Cu, P, and Zn. Mineral analyses from antlers, livers, and forage suggest that tule elk in the Owens Valley are Cu and/or P deficient. High levels of Mo and Ca may exacerbate Cu and P deficiencies, respectively. Bone fragility is a symptom of both deficiencies, and an imbalance in Cu, P, or a combination of both, may predispose male tule elk in the Owens Valley to antler breakage.  相似文献   

A new hydraulic index was derived according to residence time distribution theory. The approach quantifies hydraulic inefficiencies according to the juxtaposition of the hold back parameter relative to the residence time distribution. The index was evaluated for its ability to detect variation, for conformity with qualitative assessments, and for correlation to effluent pollutant fractions in order to assess its suitability as a predictor of treatment.The moment index overcomes many of the weaknesses inherent in existing indices. The index can be computed from a dataset considering just one volume exchange so arbitrary truncation of data due to the finite nature of data collection has no impact on the moment index. The moment index appears to be more sensitive than existing indices in detecting attenuation of a residence time distribution as well. The new index demonstrated excellent correlation to the effluent pollutant fraction predicted by a first-order reduction implying the index could be the good predictor of treatment. In addition to correlation with treatment, the moment index matched qualitative assessment precisely for eight specific cases considered.The moment index could substantially aid in the design and management of treatment wetlands for balancing cost and efficacy by resolving some of the uncertainty associated with residence time. The index could be used to help identify the optimal wetland configuration for maximizing residence time. Not only would it be useful in quantifying the effects of vegetation, bathymetry, and wetland shape on residence time; it could have utility in supplying the bounds for pollutant reduction.  相似文献   

Supplying polluted river water to nature reserves in The Netherlands often leads to eutrophication of the reserve. The eutrophication can be caused directly by the high nutrient input (external eutrophication) or indirectly by altering nutrient availability due to changes in nutrient desorption or mineralization. This paper investigates the potential of a ditch system that is tested for its potential to improve the water quality of polluted river water prior to supplying to the wet meadow reserve De Meije in The Netherlands. Concentrations of the macro-ions chloride, sulphate, calcium and bicarbonate in the polluted river water were much higher than original background values, measured in the reserve. During transport of the river water through the ditch system, no decline was observed in the concentrations of these macro-ions. The phosphorus concentration, however, decreased along the flow path and was significantly negatively correlated with the distance from the inlet point. High phosphorus removal occurred in a stretch of the ditch system where submerged and free floating species such as Fontinalis antipyretica and Lemna trisulca were dominant. The N: P ratio of F. antipyretica was especially low (N : P < 5) at sampling stations where high phosphorus concentrations were measured. The high N: P ratio indicated a luxury consumption of phosphorus. With decreasing phosphorus concentrations, the N: P ratio of F. antipyretica increased to a maximum of N: P = 25. The nutrient budget of the ditch system showed that supply of river water was the main input of phosphorus (12 kg P) whereas the main inputs of nitrogen of the ditch system were atmospheric deposition (66 kg N) and leaching from the wet meadows (44 kg N). For both nutrients, harvesting the aquatic vegetation in September was the main removal mechanism from the ditch system with 92 kg of nitrogen (80% of the annual input N) and 14 kg of phosphorus (95% of the annual P input) removed. It was concluded that the ditch system with aquatic vegetation could successfully remove nutrients from polluted river water. The concentrations of macro-ions, however, are not influenced by the ditch systems and internal eutrophication due to changes in adsorption or mineralization may still occur.  相似文献   

Constructed wetlands that mimic natural marshes have been used as low-cost alternatives to conventional secondary or tertiary wastewater treatment in the U.S. for at least 30 years. However, the general level of understanding of internal treatment processes and their relation to vegetation and habitat quality has not grown in proportion to the popularity of these systems. We have studied internal processes in surface-flow constructed wastewater-treatment wetlands throughout the southwestern U.S. since 1990. At any given time, the water quality, hydraulics, water temperature, soil chemistry, available oxygen, microbial communities, macroinvertebrates, and vegetation each greatly affect the treatment capabilities of the wetland. Inside the wetland, each of these components plays a functional role and the treatment outcome depends upon how the various components interact. Vegetation plays a uniquely important role in water treatment due to the large number of functions it supports, particularly with regard to nitrogen transformations. However, it has been our experience that vegetation management is critical for achieving and sustaining optimal treatment function. Effective water treatment function and good wildlife quality within a surface-flow constructed wetland depend upon the health and sustainability of the vegetation. We suggest that an effective tool to manage and sustain healthy vegetation is the use of hummocks, which are shallow emergent plant beds within the wetland, positioned perpendicular to the water flow path and surrounded by water sufficiently deep to limit further emergent vegetation expansion. In this paper, we describe the use of a hummock configuration, in conjunction with seasonal water level fluctuations, to manage the vegetation and maintain the treatment function of wastewater-treatment wetlands on a sustainable basis.  相似文献   

In January 2001, we surveyed streams and ponds above 300 m a.s.l. in Taylor Valley, South Victoria Land, Antarctica. One pond was examined in detail. Organic materials covered nearly 100% of the adjacent soil to 5–20 m from the shore, with intermittent patches to 80 m. Organic matter averaged 257 g C/m2, and totaled 1,388 kg organic C on the soil around the pond. Soil-moisture content (0.56–12.41%) decreased with distance from shore, whereas pH (7.8–10.8) increased with distance. Electrical conductivity was lowest in the soils <10 m from the pond (416±94 µS/cm). Mineral soil organic C and total N concentrations were greatest between 10 and 30 m from the edge of the pond (1.21±0.37 and 0.13±0.05 mg/g soil, respectively). Soil invertebrates were present in only 50% of samples and included tardigrades, rotifers, and two nematodes, Scottnema lindsayae and Plectus antarcticus. A non-parametric, discriminant function analysis based on soil moisture, soil organic carbon, and electrical conductivity correctly predicted 87.0% of sites that had invertebrates and 70.8% of sites for which invertebrates were absent. Tardigrades, rotifers, and P. antarcticus were found only in the wettest soils nearest the pond whereas S. lindsayae was restricted to drier soils further from shore. Other ponds and streams also showed substantial accumulations of organic matter, suggesting that upland wetlands serve as resource islands in these polar deserts that provide a source of organic matter to nearby soils.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented for the occurrence of a second allele in the albumin system of the donkey ( Equus asinus ). Samples were collected from 127 feral donkeys in four locations within the Panamint Mountains of Death Valley National Monument, California. A common phenotype, electrophoretically characterized by a single band, was recorded from all four locations. A rare, double-band phenotype was recorded from two locations.  相似文献   

Microbial processes influencing performance of treatment wetlands: A review   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This review summarizes the microbial mechanisms responsible for removal of carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur compounds in treatment wetlands (TWs) and identifies, categorizes and compares various techniques, from plate count to more modern genomic methods used to elucidate these mechanisms. Removal of a particular pollutant is typically associated with a specific microbial functional group, therefore employment of design and operational methodologies that enhance the activity of that group will better optimize performance. Redox condition is a manipulable parameter that can be used to optimize growth of a targeted functional group, therefore factors influencing the TW redox condition and its influence on organic carbon removal mechanisms are emphasized. Environmental factors influencing growth and activity of N and S cycling microbes (including temperature, pH, salinity, plant species selection and availability of organic carbon and/or inhibiting substances) are discussed with particular attention to factors that might be manipulated. This information is used to offer design and operational methodologies that might enhance growth of a desirable microbial functional group and project what additional microbially-focused research is required to better optimize TW performance.  相似文献   

Halophilic Archaea cultured from ancient fluid inclusions in a 90‐m‐long (0‐ to 100 000‐year‐old) salt core from Death Valley, California, demonstrate survival of bacterial cells in subsurface halite for up to 34 000 years. Five enrichment cultures, representing three genera of halophilic Archaea (Halorubrum, Natronomonas and Haloterrigena), were obtained from five surface‐sterilized halite crystals exclusively in one section of the core (13.0–17.8 m; 22 000–34 000 years old) containing perennial saline lake deposits. Prokaryote cells were observed microscopically in situ within fluid inclusions from every layer that produced culturable cells. Another 876 crystals analysed from depths of 8.1–86.7 m (10 000–100 000 years old) failed to yield live halophilic Archaea. Considering the number of halite crystals tested (culturing success of 0.6%), microbial survival in fluid inclusions in halite is rare and related to the paleoenvironment, which controls the distribution and abundance of trapped microorganisms. Two cultures from two crystals at 17.8 m that yielded identical 16S rRNA sequences (genus: Haloterrigena) demonstrate intra‐laboratory reproducibility. Inter‐laboratory reproducibility is shown by two halophilic Archaea (genus: Natronomonas), with 99.3% similarity of 16S rRNA sequences, cultured from the same core interval, but at separate laboratories.  相似文献   

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