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This study set up two flow-through pilot-scale constructed wetlands with the same size but various flow patterns (free water surface flow (FWS) and subsurface flow (SSF)) to receive a nitrate-contaminated groundwater. The effects of hydraulic loading rate (HLR) on nitrate removal as well as the difference in performance between the various types of wetlands were investigated. Nitrate removal rates of both wetlands increased with increasing HLR until a maximum value was reached. The maximum removal rates, occurred at HLR of 0.12 and 0.07 m d(-1), were 0.910 and 1.161 g N m(-2)d(-1) for the FWS and SSF wetland, respectively. After the maximum values were reached, further increasing HLR led to a considerable decrease in nitrate removal rate. Nitrate removal efficiencies remained high (>85%) and effluent nitrate concentrations always satisfied drinking water standard (<10mg NO3-NL(-1)) when HLR did not exceed 0.04 m d(-1) for both FWS and SSF wetlands. The first-order nitrate removal rate constant tends to decrease with increasing HLRs. The FWS wetland provided significantly higher (p<0.05) organic carbon in effluent than the SSF wetland, while the SSF wetland exhibited significantly (p<0.05) lower effluent DO than the FWS wetland. However, there was no significant difference (p>0.05) in nitrate removal performance between the two types of constructed wetlands in this study except in one trial operating at HLR of 0.06-0.07 m d(-1).  相似文献   

A nitrate ion-selective electrode has been used to follow the kinetics of the reduction of nitrate by a bacillus isolated from the rumen of a sheep. The electrode system and the microbial culture were found to be quite compatible, although the formation of nitrite limits the utility and precision of the measurement. The formation of nitrite was followed simultaneously by a colorimetric method. Nitrate was converted quantitatively to nitrite. The rate of the reaction was found to increase to a plateau value, then drop abruptly when the nitrate was exhausted.  相似文献   

Biological denitrification of nitrate to nitrogen gas was examined in a freshwater and a marine aquarium. Nitrate removal in the aquarium water was accomplished with denitrifiers immobilized in a freeze-dried, alginate-starch matrix. Starch served as a bacterial carbon source and cellular matrix-strengthening filler. Freeze-dried beads were placed in canisters through which nitrate-rich aquarium water was recirculated. The freshwater aquarium (100 L) contained goldfish (Carassius auratus) at a total biomass of 390 g, whereas cichlids (Oreochromis mossambicus) were kept at a similar stocking density in the marine aquarium. Denitrification resulted in low ambient nitrate concentrations in both aquariums. The specific nitrate removal rate of the freshwater beads was significantly higher (50 microg of NO(3)-N/bead/day) than that of seawater beads (5 microg of NO(3)-N/bead/day). Differences in ambient nitrate concentrations between both aquariums and diffusion limitation of nitrate to the active denitrification sites within the beads might explain these observed differences.  相似文献   

The columnar denitrification method of nitrate-nitrogen removal from high-density, closed system, salmonid aquaculture was investigated and found to be feasible. However, adequate chemical monitoring was found to be necessary for the optimization and quality control of this method. When methanol-carbon was not balanced with inlet nitrate-nitrogen, the column effluent became unsatisfactory for closed-system fish culture due to the presence of excess amounts of nitrite, ammonia, sulfide, and dissolved organic carbon. Sulfide production was also influenced by column maturity and residence time. Methane-carbon was found to be unsatisfactory as an exogenous carbon source. Endogenous carbon could not support high removal efficiencies. Freshwater columns adpated readily to an artificial seawater with a salinity of 18% without observable inhibition. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that the bacterial flora was mainly rod forms with the Peritricha (protozoa) dominating as the primary consumers. Denitrifying bacteria isolated from freshwater columns were tentatively identified as species of Pseudomonas and Alcaligenes. A pilot plant column was found to behave in a manner similar to the laboratory columns except that nitrite production was never observed.  相似文献   

A branching processZ(t) which behaves as Markov branching processesZ 1(t) andZ 2(t) during the free and dead times of a counter process is considered. Expression forE[Z(t)] is given.  相似文献   

Nitrate and phosphate removal by chitosan immobilized Scenedesmus   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The effect of chitosan immobilization of Scenedesmus spp. cells on its viability, growth and nitrate and phosphate uptake was investigated. Scenedesmus sp. (strains 1 and 2) and Scenedesmus obliquus immobilized in chitosan beads showed high viability after the immobilization process. Immobilized Scenedesmus sp. strain 1 had a higher growth rate than its free living counterpart. Nitrate and phosphate uptake by immobilized cells of Scenedesmus sp. (strain 1), freely suspended cells and blank chitosan beads (without cells) were evaluated. Immobilized cells accomplished a 70% nitrate and 94% phosphate removal within 12h of incubation while free-living cells removed 20% nitrate and 30% phosphate within 36 h of treatment. Blank chitosan beads were responsible for up to 20% nitrate and 60% phosphate uptake at the end of the experiment. Chitosan is a suitable matrix for immobilization of microalgae, particularly Scenedesmus sp., but this system should be improved before its application for water quality control.  相似文献   

Effect of varying freezing and thawing rates in experimental cryosurgery   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Six different freezing/thawing programs, which varied freezing rate, duration of freezing, and thawing rates, were used to investigate the effect of these factors on cell destruction in dog skin. The range of tissue temperatures produced was from -15 to -50 degrees C. The extent of destruction was evaluated by skin biopsies 3 days after cold injury. In single, short freezing/thawing cycles, the temperature reached in the tissue was the prime factor in cell death. Longer freezing time and slow thawing were also important lethal factors which increased destruction of cells. Cooling rate, whether slow or fast, made little difference in the outcome. The experiments suggested that present-day, commonly employed cryosurgical techniques, which feature fast cooling, slow thawing, and repetition of the freeze/thaw cycle, should be modified by the use of maintenance of the tissue in the frozen state for several minutes and slow thawing. Thawing should be complete before freezing is repeated. These modifications in technique will maximize tissue destruction, an important consideration in cancer cryosurgery.  相似文献   

A field experiment on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) ev. Shera grown at 120 kg N ha?1 was conducted. Half of the dose of fertilizer N was applied at the pre-sowing stage and the other half when the seedlings were one month old. The leaf blades were examined for their NO3? content and NO3? assimilatory activity at various stages of growth and development. Soil nitrate level at 50 cm depth was determined throughout the wheat growing season in terms of cencentration (μg/ml) and total amount (kg ha?1). The upper leaf blades were examined for their capacity to assimilate NO3?. Highly significant correlation between NR (nitrate reductase) activity and NO3? content in the leaf blades. NR activity and soil NO3?, and between soil NO3? and leaf blade NO3? was observed. Findings on low soil NO3? status during the reproductive phase and the capacity of the upper leaf blades to assimilate additional amounts of NO3?, point to the need for developing a programme of soil fertilizer application whereby all the leaf blades can utilize the NO3? optimally and thus result in greater N harvest.  相似文献   

Summary The relative importance of massflow and diffusion in supplying nutrients to plant roots under various drainage conditions is tested. Rice (Oryza sativa L. variety Jaya) plants were grown in field lysimeters. Transpiration, nutrient content and root length were measured along with the soil solution composition at four stages of growth. The mean inflow, apparent massflow and root demand coefficients were calculated for different nutrients.The mean inflow values of N and P were highest in continuous drainage followed by no drainage and flooding followed by 2– and 4-day drainage conditions. Inflow values of K, Ca, Mg and Na, however, were lowest in no drainage. The apparent massflow of K was lower and that of Na, Ca as well as well as Mg was higher than the corresponding inflow values. Mean solution concentration of K at the root surface decreased, but that of Ca, Mg and Na increased slightly. Root demand coefficients of K, Ca, Mg and Na were highest in continuous drainage. Under different water management practices, the values of inflow rate can be used for judging the efficiency of root.Contribution of G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar-263145, India.  相似文献   

The response of bovine spermatozoa to media of different osmolalities and tonicities was studied by several methods. Packed cell volumes of cells in a dilute medium were greater than in a reference medium (similar to seminal plasma), and were less in a more concentrated medium, but the changes were not correlated quantitatively with the changed properties of the media. Specific effects on the configuration of the midpiece and tail were observed by phase-contrast microscopy. All these effects were elicited by changes in osmolality rather than tonicity. Electronic volume sensing and optical density measurements did not detect these changes in the cells. The morphological changes were not uniform in the cells of any one sample, some cells being unresponsive; in a small proportion of responsive cells the effects of raised osmolality appeared to be reversible.  相似文献   

Denitrifying bioreactors are currently being tested as an option for treating nitrate (NO3?) contamination in groundwater and surface waters. However, a possible side effect of this technology is the production of greenhouse gases (GHG) including nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4). This study examines NO3? removal and GHG production in a stream-bed denitrifying bioreactor currently operating in Southern Ontario, Canada. The reactor contains organic carbon material (pine woodchips) intended to promote denitrification. Over a 1 year period, monthly averaged removal of influent (stream water) NO3? ranged from 18 to 100% (0.3–2.5 mg N L?1). Concomitantly, reactor dissolved N2O and CH4 production, averaged 6.4 μg N L?1 (2.4 mg N m?2 d?1), and 974 μg C L?1 (297 mg C m?2 d?1) respectively, where production is calculated as the difference between inflow and effluent concentrations. Gas bubbles entrapped in sediments overlying the reactor had a composition ranging from 19 to 64% CH4, 1 to 6% CO2, and 0.5 to 2 ppmv N2O; however, gas bubble emission rates were not quantified in this study. Dissolved N2O production rates from the bioreactor were similar to emission rates reported for some agricultural croplands (e.g. 0.1–15 mg N m?2 d?1) and remained less than the highest rates observed in some N-polluted streams and rivers (e.g. 110 mg N m?2 d?1, Grand R., ON). Dissolved N2O production represented only a small fraction (0.6%) of the observed NO3? removal over the monitoring period. Dissolved CH4 production during summer months (up to 1236 mg C m?2 d?1), was higher than reported for some rivers and reservoirs (e.g. 6–66 mg C m?2 d?1) but remained lower than rates reported for some wastewater treatment facilities (e.g. sewage treatment plants and constructed wetlands, 19,500–38,000 mg C m?2 d?1).  相似文献   

In most industrially developed countries an increasing degree of nitrification can be observed in potential water reservoirs. High nitrate content is unacceptable by public health standards. Since contamination seems to be unavoidable, the only realistic solution is purification prior to utilization. One of the potential variations is biological denitrification with a highly intensive facility, a fluidized- or expanded-bed bioreactor. Based on laboratory and pilot plant experiments, a detailed analysis is presented on the problems arising and solutions offered in the construction of a purification system meeting high quality requirements of drinking water purification. The crucial point is selection of the denitrifying microorganisms and organic matter required for denitrification, which simultaneously determines the attachment of bacteria to the support material (autoimmobilization), the intensity of nitrate removal and the character of post-purification.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Three recent publications have examined the quality and completeness of public database single nucleotide polymorphism (dbSNP) and have come to dramatically different conclusions regarding dbSNPs false positive rate and the proportion of dbSNPs that are expected to be common. These studies employed different genotyping technologies and different protocols in determining minimum acceptable genotyping quality thresholds. Because heterozygous sites typically have lower quality scores than homozygous sites, a higher minimum quality threshold reduces the number of false positive SNPs, but yields fewer heterozygotes and leads to fewer confirmed SNPs. To account for the different confirmation rates and distributions of minor allele frequencies, we propose that the three confirmation studies have different false positive and false negative rates. We developed a mathematical model to predict SNP confirmation rates and the apparent distribution of minor allele frequencies under user-specified false positive and false negative rates. We applied this model to the three published studies and to our own resequencing effort. We conclude that the dbSNP false positive rate is approximately 15-17% and that the reported confirmation studies have vastly different genotyping error rates and patterns.  相似文献   

We develop methods for the analysis of infectious disease data when age-specific contact rates vary over time. Our methods are valid when contact rates vary slowly on the time scale of the infection process, and are applicable to a variety of data types including serial seroprevalence surveys and case reports. The methods exploit approximate endemic equilibria, and require numerical solution of an associated integral equation in age and time. We also estimate summary statistics such as time-dependent analogs of the basic reproduction number and critical immunization threshold. We illustrate the methods with data on varicella (chickenpox) in the United Kingdom.  相似文献   

Haloferax mediterranei is a denitrifying halophilic archaeon, able to assimilate nitrate or nitrite in the presence of oxygen by the assimilatory nitrate pathway. It can also grow in the presence of high nitrate or nitrite concentrations under anoxic conditions, using both nitrogen species as electron acceptors. In this study, the ability of H. mediterranei to remove high nitrate and nitrite concentrations from culture media has been demonstrated. This suggests that this haloarchaeon could be applied in water bioremediation processes to repair damage caused by anthropogenic activities. This could be beneficial in regions such as Comunidad Valenciana or Murcia (Spain), where the water tables contain high nitrate and nitrite concentrations due to fertiliser addition, and high salt concentrations due to marine intrusions.  相似文献   

Simple technologies that remove nitrate from effluents and other point discharges need to be developed to reduce pollution of receiving waters. Denitrification beds are lined containers filled with organic carbon (typically wood chip or coarse sawdust) and are a technology that is proving promising. Water containing NO3? (treated effluent or agricultural drainage) is passed through the bed and the wood chips act as an energy source for denitrifying bacteria that convert NO3? to N gases. There are few data on the efficiency of NO3 removal in large-scale beds. We report here NO3? removal results from three large denitrification beds with volumes of 83, 294, and 1320 m3 treating dairy shed effluent, treated domestic effluent and glasshouse effluent, respectively. Nitrate was nearly completely removed from the dairy shed effluent (annual load of 31 kg N) and domestic effluent (annual load 365 kg N). In these beds, NO3? removal, presumably by denitrification, was limited by NO3? concentration. However, the bed treating glasshouse effluent was overwhelmed by very high NO3? concentration (about 250 g N m?3) and high flow rates (about 150 m3 d?1) but still reduced NO3? concentration to about 150 g N m?3. For this bed, long-term NO3? removal was between 5 and 10 g N m?3 of bed material when NO3? was non-limiting and was similar to rates reported for other smaller denitrification beds. As expected, organic N, ammonium and phosphorus were not removed from any of the effluents following passage through the beds. Our results suggest that denitrification beds are a relatively inexpensive system to construct and operate, and are suitable for final treatment of a range of NO3?-laden effluents.  相似文献   

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