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Photoaffinity labeling of the epithelial sodium channel   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Sodium enters tight epithelia across the apical plasma membrane through a sodium channel, a process inhibited by submicromolar concentrations of amiloride and benzamil. Using membrane vesicles from bovine kidney cortex, we found that sodium transport through the sodium channel was inhibited by benzamil with an IC50 of 4 nM. Amiloride (IC50 = 400 nM) was a weaker inhibitor of sodium transport. [3H]Benzamil bound to the vesicles at a single class of high affinity binding sites with a Kd of 5 nM, the similarity of which to the IC50 suggests that these binding sites are associated with the sodium channel. Amiloride displaced bound [3H]benzamil with a Ki of 2,500 nM. Bromobenzamil is a photoactive amiloride analog with potency similar to benzamil in inhibiting sodium transport (IC50 = 5 nM) and binding to the sodium channel (Kd = 6 nM). [3H]Bromobenzamil was specifically photoincorporated into three molecular weight classes of polypeptides with apparent Mr values of 176,000, 77,000, and 47,000. The photoincorporation of [3H]bromobenzamil into these three classes of polypeptides was blocked by addition of excess benzamil and by amiloride in a dose-dependent manner. These data suggest that these polypeptides are components of the epithelial sodium channel.  相似文献   

Na(+) transport across epithelia is mediated in part by the epithelial Na(+) channel ENaC. Previous work indicates that Na(+) is an important regulator of ENaC, providing a negative feedback mechanism to maintain Na(+) homeostasis. ENaC is synthesized as an inactive precursor, which is activated by proteolytic cleavage of the extracellular domains of the alpha and gamma subunits. Here we found that Na(+) regulates ENaC in part by altering proteolytic activation of the channel. When the Na(+) concentration was low, we found that the majority of ENaC at the cell surface was in the cleaved/active state. As Na(+) increased, there was a dose-dependent decrease in ENaC cleavage and, hence, ENaC activity. This Na(+) effect was dependent on Na(+) permeation; cleavage was increased by the ENaC blocker amiloride and by a mutation that decreases ENaC activity (alpha(H69A)) and was reduced by a mutation that activates ENaC (beta(S520K)). Moreover, the Na(+) ionophore monensin reversed the effect of the inactivating mutation (alpha(H69A)) on ENaC cleavage, suggesting that intracellular Na(+) regulates cleavage. Na(+) did not alter activity of Nedd4-2, an E3 ubiquitin ligase that modulates ENaC cleavage, but Na(+) reduced ENaC cleavage by exogenous trypsin. Our findings support a model in which intracellular Na(+) regulates cleavage by altering accessibility of ENaC cleavage sites to proteases and provide a molecular explanation for the earlier observation that intracellular Na(+) inhibits Na(+) transport via ENaC (Na(+) feedback inhibition).  相似文献   

The epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) is a key element for the maintenance of sodium balance and the regulation of blood pressure. Three homologous ENaC subunits (alpha, beta and gamma) assemble to form a highly Na+-selective channel. However, the subunit stoichiometry of ENaC has not yet been solved. Quantitative analysis of cell surface expression of ENaC alpha, beta and gamma subunits shows that they assemble according to a fixed stoichiometry, with alpha ENaC as the most abundant subunit. Functional assays based on differential sensitivities to channel blockers elicited by mutations tagging each alpha, beta and gamma subunit are consistent with a four subunit stoichiometry composed of two alpha, one beta and one gamma. Expression of concatameric cDNA constructs made of different combinations of ENaC subunits confirmed the four subunit channel stoichiometry and showed that the arrangement of the subunits around the channel pore consists of two alpha subunits separated by beta and gamma subunits.  相似文献   

Genetic analysis has demonstrated that Na absorption in the aldosterone-sensitive distal nephron (ASDN) critically determines extracellular blood volume and blood pressure variations. The epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) represents the main transport pathway for Na+ absorption in the ASDN, in particular in the connecting tubule (CNT), which shows the highest capacity for ENaC-mediated Na+ absorption. Gain-of-function mutations of ENaC causing hypertension target an intracellular proline-rich sequence involved in the control of ENaC activity at the cell surface. In animal models, these ENaC mutations exacerbate Na+ transport in response to aldosterone, an effect that likely plays an important role in the development of volume expansion and hypertension. Recent studies of the functional consequences of mutations in genes controlling Na+ absorption in the ASDN provide a new understanding of the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of salt-sensitive hypertension.  相似文献   

The genetic disease cystic fibrosis is caused by mutation of the gene coding for the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR). Controversial studies reported regulation of the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) by CFTR. We found that uptake of 22Na+ through ENaC is modulated by activation of CFTR in oocytes, coexpressing CFTR and ENaC, depending on extracellular chloride concentration. Furthermore we found that the effect of CFTR activation could be mimicked by other chloride channels. Voltage– and patch–clamp measurements, however, showed neither stimulation nor inhibition of ENaC-mediated conductance by activated CFTR. We conclude that the observed modulation of 22Na+ uptake by activated CFTR is due to the effect of CFTR-mediated chloride conductance on the membrane potential. These findings argue against the notion of a specific influence of CFTR on ENaC and emphasize the chloride channel function of CFTR.  相似文献   

Amiloride-sensitive ion channels are formed from homo- or heteromeric combinations of subunits from the epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC)/degenerin superfamily, which also includes the acid-sensitive ion channel (ASIC) family. These channel subunits share sequence homology and topology. In this study, we have demonstrated, using confocal fluorescence resonance energy transfer microscopy and co-immunoprecipitation, that ASIC and ENaC subunits are capable of forming cross-clade intermolecular interactions. We have also shown that combinations of ASIC1 with ENaC subunits exhibit novel electrophysiological characteristics compared with ASIC1 alone. The results of this study suggest that heteromeric complexes of ASIC and ENaC subunits may underlie the diversity of amiloride-sensitive cation conductances observed in a wide variety of tissues and cell types where co-expression of ASIC and ENaC subunits has been observed.  相似文献   

The first step in net active transepithelial transport of sodium in tight epithelia is mediated by the amiloride-blockable sodium channel in the apical membrane. This sodium channel is the primary site for discretionary control of total body sodium and, therefore, investigating its regulatory mechanisms is important to our understanding of the physiology of fluid and electrolyte balance. Because essentially all of the regulatory sites on the channel are on the intracellular surface, patch clamp methods have proven extremely useful in the electrophysiological characterization of the sodium channel by isolating it from other channel proteins in the epithelial membrane and by allowing access to the intracellular surface of the protein. We have examined three different regulatory mechanisms. (1) Inhibition of channel activity by activation of protein kinase C; (2) activation of the channel by agents which activate G-proteins; and (3) modulation of channel kinetics and channel number by mineralocorticoids. Activation of protein kinase C by phorbol esters or synthetic diacylglycerols reduces the open probability of sodium channels. Protein kinase C can be activated in a physiological context by enhancing apical sodium entry. Actions which reduce sodium entry (low luminal sodium concentrations or the apical application of amiloride) increase channel open probability. The link between sodium entry and activation of protein kinase C appears to be mediated by intracellular calcium activity linked to sodium via a sodium/calcium exchange system. Thus, the intracellular sodium concentration is coupled to sodium entry in a negative feedback loop which promotes constant total entry of sodium. Activation of G-proteins by pertussis toxin greatly increases the open probability of sodium channels. Since channels can also be activated by pertussis toxin or GTP gamma S in excised patches, the G-protein appears to be closely linked in the apical membrane to the sodium channel protein itself. The mechanism for activation of this apical G-protein, when most hormonal and transmitter receptors are physically located on the basolateral membrane, is unclear. Mineralocorticoids such as aldosterone have at least two distinct effects. First, as expected, increasing levels of aldosterone increase the density of functional channels detectable in the apical membrane. Second, contrary to expectations, application of aldosterone increases the open probability of sodium channels. Thus aldosterone promotes the functional appearance of new sodium channels and promotes increased sodium entry through both new and pre-existant channels.  相似文献   

The epithelial sodium channel (ENaC), a heterotrimeric complex composed of alpha, beta, and gamma subunits, belongs to the ENaC/degenerin family of ion channels and forms the principal route for apical Na(+) entry in many reabsorbing epithelia. Although high affinity ENaC blockers, including amiloride and derivatives, have been described, potent and specific small molecule ENaC activators have not been reported. Here we describe compound S3969 that fully and reversibly activates human ENaC (hENaC) in an amiloride-sensitive and dose-dependent manner in heterologous cells. Mechanistically, S3969 increases hENaC open probability through interactions requiring the extracellular domain of the beta subunit. hENaC activation by S3969 did not require cleavage by the furin protease, indicating that nonproteolyzed channels can be opened. Function of alphabetaG37Sgamma hENaC, a channel defective in gating that leads to the salt-wasting disease pseudohypoaldosteronism type I, was rescued by S3969. Small molecule activation of hENaC may find application in alleviating human disease, including pseudohypoaldosteronism type I, hypotension, and neonatal respiratory distress syndrome, when improved Na(+) flux across epithelial membranes is clinically desirable.  相似文献   

Number of subunits comprising the epithelial sodium channel.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The human epithelial sodium channel (hENaC) is a hetero-oligomeric complex composed of three subunits, alpha, beta, and gamma. Understanding the structure and function of this channel and its abnormal behavior in disease requires knowledge of the number of subunits that comprise the channel complex. We used freeze-fracture electron microscopy and electrophysiological methods to evaluate the number of subunits in the ENaC complex expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes. In oocytes expressing wild-type hENaC (alpha, beta, and gamma subunits), clusters of particles appeared in the protoplasmic face of the plasma membrane. The total number of particles in the clusters was consistent with the whole-cell amiloride-sensitive current measured in the same cells. The size frequency histogram for the particles in the clusters suggested the presence of an integral membrane protein complex composed of 17 +/- 2 transmembrane alpha-helices. Because each ENaC subunit has two putative transmembrane helices, these data suggest that in the oocyte plasma membrane, the ENaC complex is composed of eight or nine subunits. At high magnification, individual ENaC particles exhibited a near-square geometry. Functional studies using wild-type alphabeta-hENaC coexpressed with gamma-hENaC mutants, which rendered the functional channel differentially sensitive to methanethiosulfonate reagents and cadmium, suggested that the functional channel complex contains more than one gamma subunit. These data suggest that functional ENaC consists of eight or nine subunits of which a minimum of two are gamma subunits.  相似文献   

The epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) is composed of three homologous subunits termed alpha, beta, and gamma. Previous studies suggest that selected residues within a hydrophobic region immediately preceding the second membrane-spanning domain of each subunit contribute to the conducting pore of ENaC. We probed the pore of mouse ENaC by systematically mutating all 24 amino acids within this putative pore region of the alpha-subunit to cysteine and co-expressing these mutants with wild type beta- and gamma-subunits of mouse ENaC in Xenopus laevis oocytes. Functional characteristics of these mutants were examined by two-electrode voltage clamp and single channel recording techniques. Two distinct domains were identified based on the functional changes associated with point mutations. An amino-terminal domain (alpha-Val(569)-alpha-Gly(579)) showed minimal changes in cation selectivity or amiloride sensitivity following cysteine substitution. In contrast, cysteine substitutions within the carboxyl-terminal domain (alpha-Ser(580)-alpha-Ser(592)) resulted in significant changes in cation selectivity and moderately altered amiloride sensitivity. The mutant channels containing alphaG587C or alphaS589C were permeable to K(+), and mutation of a GSS tract (positions alpha587-alpha589) to GYG resulted in a moderately K(+)-selective channel. Our results suggest that the C-terminal portion of the pore region within the alpha-subunit contributes to the selectivity filter of ENaC.  相似文献   

Here, we report the presence of two splice variants of the human epithelial sodium channel alpha subunit (h alpha ENaC) containing Alu cassette, namely h alpha ENaC+22 and h alpha ENaC+Alu, in various tissues. Functional expression of these splice variants with hENaC beta and gamma subunits produced loss-of-channel activity in the Xenopus oocyte expression system. Interestingly, coexpression of h alpha ENaC+22 or h alpha ENaC+Alu, respectively, with wild type hENaC alpha, beta, and gamma subunits enhanced the expression of amiloride-sensitive current in oocytes. The presence of Alu sequences in the 3'-untranslated region of h gamma ENaC was also identified.  相似文献   

Sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis of the radioiodinated native amiloride-sensitive epithelial sodium channel protein isolated from bovine renal papilla and cultured amphibian A6 cells under denatured and nonreduced conditions revealed an 125I-labeled protein band of Mr approximately 730,000. Upon reduction, this protein was resolved into five major polypeptide bands with apparent average Mr values of 315,000, 149,000, 95,000, 71,000, and 55,000. The amiloride analog [3H]methylbromoamiloride has been used as a photoaffinity label to determine the location of the binding site for amiloride on the epithelial sodium channel protein. [3H]Methylbromoamiloride binds covalently to the sodium channel at high affinity binding sites with a half-maximal binding concentration of 0.2 microM. [3H]Methylbromoamiloride was specifically photoincorporated into the Mr approximately 150,000 polypeptide and this incorporation was blocked by addition of excess amiloride. These data suggest that the epithelial sodium channel protein is composed of at least five nonidentical polypeptide subunits, only one of which specifically binds amiloride.  相似文献   

Epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) is a heteromultimeric Na+ channel at the apical membrane in the kidney, colon, and lung. Because ENaC plays a crucial role in regulating Na+ absorption and extracellular fluid volume, its dysregulation causes severe phenotypes including hypertension, hypokalemia, and airway obstruction. Despite the importance of ENaC, its protein quality control mechanism remains less established. Here we firstly show the role of calreticulin (CRT), a lectin-like molecular chaperone in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), on the regulation of ENaC. Overexpression and knockdown analyses clearly indicated that CRT positively affects the expression of each ENaC subunit (α, β and γ). CRT overexpression also up-regulated the cell surface expression of α-, β- and γ-ENaC. Moreover, we found that CRT directly interacts with each ENaC subunit. Although CRT knockdown did not affect the de novo synthesis of ENaC subunits, CRT overexpression decreased α-, β- and γ-ENaC expression in the detergent (RIPA)-insoluble fraction, suggesting that CRT enhanced the solubility of ENaC subunits. Consistent with the increased intracellular and cell surface expression of ENaC subunits, increased channel activity of ENaC was also observed upon overexpression of CRT. Our study thus identifies CRT as an ER chaperone that regulates ENaC expression and function.  相似文献   

The epithelial sodium channel ENaC is physiologically important in the kidney for the regulation of the extracellular fluid volume, and in the lungs for the maintenance of the appropriate airway surface liquid volume that lines the pulmonary epithelium. Besides the regulation of ENaC by hormones, intracellular factors such as Na(+) ions, pH, or Ca(2+) are responsible for fast adaptive responses of ENaC activity to changes in the intracellular milieu. In this study, we show that ENaC is rapidly and reversibly inhibited by internal sulfhydryl-reactive molecules such as methanethiosulfonate derivatives of different sizes, the metal cations Cd(2+) and Zn(2+), or copper(II) phenanthroline, a mild oxidizing agent that promotes the formation of disulfide bonds. At the single channel level, these agents applied intracellularly induce the appearance of long channel closures, suggesting an effect on ENaC gating. The intracellular reducing agent dithiothreitol fully reverses the rundown of ENaC activity in inside-out patches. Our observations suggest that changes in intracellular redox potential modulate ENaC activity and may regulate ENaC-mediated Na(+) transport in epithelia. Finally, substitution experiments reveal that multiple cysteine residues in the amino and carboxyl termini of ENaC subunits are responsible for this thiol-mediated inhibition of ENaC.  相似文献   

Sodium 4-phenylbutyrate (4-PBA) has been shown to correct the cellular trafficking of several mutant or nonmutant plasma membrane proteins such as cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator through the expression of 70-kDa heat shock proteins. The objective of the study was to determine whether 4-PBA may influence the functional expression of epithelial sodium channels (ENaC) in human nasal epithelial cells (HNEC). Using primary cultures of HNEC, we demonstrate that 4-PBA (5 mm for 6 h) markedly stimulated amiloride-sensitive sodium channel activity and that this was related to an increased abundance of alpha-, beta-, and gamma-ENaC subunits in the apical membrane. The increase in ENaC cell surface expression (i) was due to insertion of newly ENaC subunits as determined by brefeldin A experiments and (ii) was not associated with cell surface retention of ENaC subunits because endocytosis of ENaC subunits was unchanged. In addition, we find that ENaC co-immunoprecipitated with the heat shock protein constitutively expressed Hsc70, that has been reported to modulate ENaC trafficking, and that 4-PBA decreased Hsc70 protein level. Finally, we report that in cystic fibrosis HNEC obtained from two cystic fibrosis patients, 4-PBA increased functional expression of ENaC as demonstrated by the increase in amiloride-sensitive sodium transport and in alpha-, beta-, and gamma-ENaC subunit expression in the apical membrane. Our results suggest that in HNEC, 4-PBA increases the functional expression of ENaC through the insertion of new alpha-, beta-, and gamma-ENaC subunits into the apical membrane and also suggest that 4-PBA could modify ENaC trafficking by reducing Hsc70 protein expression.  相似文献   

Amiloride-sensitive sodium channels mediate sodium entry across the apical membrane of epithelial cells in variety of tissues. The rate of Na(+) entry is controlled by the regulation of the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) complex. Insertion/retrieval of the ENaC complex into the apical membrane as well as direct kinetic effects at the single channel level are recognized mechanisms of regulation. Recent data suggest that the syntaxin family of targeting proteins interact with and functionally regulate a number of ion channels and pumps. To evaluate the role of these proteins in regulating ENaC activity, we co-expressed rat ENaC cRNA (alpha, beta, gamma subunits) with syntaxin 1A or 3 cRNAs in Xenopus oocytes. Basal ENaC currents were inhibited by syntaxin 1A and stimulated by syntaxin 3. Both syntaxin 1A and syntaxin 3 could be co-immunoprecipitated with ENaC subunit proteins, suggesting physical interaction. Interestingly, immunofluorescence data suggest that with either syntaxin isoform the ENaC-associated epifluorescence on the oocyte surface is enhanced. These data indicate that (i) both syntaxin isoforms increase the net externalization of the ENaC channel complex, (ii) that the functional regulation is isoform specific, and (iii) suggest that ENaC may be regulated through mechanisms involving protein-protein interactions.  相似文献   

The activity of the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) is modulated by multiple external factors, including proteases, cations, anions and shear stress. The resolved crystal structure of acid-sensing ion channel 1 (ASIC1), a structurally related ion channel, and mutagenesis studies suggest that the large extracellular region is involved in recognizing external signals that regulate channel gating. The thumb domain in the extracellular region of ASIC1 has a cylinder-like structure with a loop at its base that is in proximity to the tract connecting the extracellular region to the transmembrane domains. This loop has been proposed to have a role in transmitting proton-induced conformational changes within the extracellular region to the gate. We examined whether loops at the base of the thumb domains within ENaC subunits have a similar role in transmitting conformational changes induced by external Na(+) and shear stress. Mutations at selected sites within this loop in each of the subunits altered channel responses to both external Na(+) and shear stress. The most robust changes were observed at the site adjacent to a conserved Tyr residue. In the context of channels that have a low open probability due to retention of an inhibitory tract, mutations in the loop activated channels in a subunit-specific manner. Our data suggest that this loop has a role in modulating channel gating in response to external stimuli, and are consistent with the hypothesis that external signals trigger movements within the extracellular regions of ENaC subunits that are transmitted to the channel gate.  相似文献   

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