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Summary Choline, betaine and N,N-dimethylglycine as the sole carbon and nitrogen source induced a periplasmic acid phosphatase activity in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This enzyme produced the highest rates of hydrolysis in phosphorylcholine and phosphorylethanolamine among the various phosphoric esters tested. At saturating concentrations of Mg2+, the Km values were 0.2 and 0.7 mM for phosphorylcholine and phosphorylethanolamine respectively. At high concentrations both compounds were inhibitors of the enzyme activity. The K inf1 sups values for phosphorylcholine and phosphorylethanolamine were 1.0 and 3.0 mM respectively. The higher catalytic efficiency was that of phosphorylcholine. Considering these results it is possible to suggest that the Pseudomonas aeruginosa acid phosphatase is a phosphorylcholine phosphatase. The existence of this activity which is induced jointly with phospholipase C by different choline metabolites, in a high phosphate medium, suggests that the attack of Pseudomonas aeruginosa on the cell host may also be produced under conditions of high phosphate concentrations, when the alkaline phosphatase is absent.  相似文献   

A simple method to screen trichomonacides, based on the quantification of acid phosphatase (AP) activity, has been designed. Using p-nitrophenyl phosphate as chromogenic substrate, we first determined the optimal conditions for enzyme reaction. After seeding, a linear correlation between number of trichomonads and optical densities at 405 nm was obtained at 24 hr but not at 48 hr. Then, the inhibitory effect of metronidazole was assessed both by microscope counts and by AP determination. Similar values for 50% inhibitory concentrations (2.6 microM), with 95% confidence limits of 1.91-3.33 for microscopic and 2.21-3.05 for colorimetric method, were obtained. We concluded that the colorimetric method described in this investigation is suitable for pharmacological studies and for the screening of new, potential antitrichomonal agents.  相似文献   

The effect of phosphorus deficiency on acid phosphatase activity in the apical, middle and basal parts of the root of maize plants was followed. The supernatant obtained by centrifuging the homogenate of plant tissue at 1500 ×g was further centrifuged at 18 000 ×g, the sediment being marked as fraction II and the supernatant as fraction III. The results obtained document the fact that acid phosphatase activity of the two fractions of all analyzed root segments was higher in plants cultured in nutrient medium without phosphate than in those containing phosphorus in nutrient medium. In most cases this difference was significant to highly significant. The results of experiments proved unambiguously a higher enzymatic activity in all root segments in fraction III than in fraction II. In fraction III the highest acid phosphatase activity was found in the apical part, in fraction II in the basal part of the root.  相似文献   

Human prostate acid phosphatase (EC has been shown to dephosphorylate different phosphoproteins with the maximum rate at pH 4.0-4.5. The activity with phosvitin is distinctly higher than with beta-casein, casein and most of all than with riboflavin-binding protein. The native phosvitin is homogeneous on isoelectric focusing with pI value of 2.1, whereas phosvitin partially dephosphorylated (in about 15%) by the prostate acid phosphatase shows multiple bands with pI values of 3.5 - 6.8 or higher. The phosphate groups bound to serine residues are removed enzymatically twice as fast as phosphothreonine residues. The apparent Km value for phosvitin was 2.4 X 10(-7) M, and is by three orders of magnitude lower than Km of p-nitrophenyl phosphate (2.9 X 10(-4) M). The competitive inhibitors of prostate acid phosphatase, fluoride and L(+)-tartrate, show the same Ki values for phosvitin and p-nitrophenyl phosphate.  相似文献   

The activity and modulation of antioxidant components were comparatively analyzed in two varieties of Azolla (Azolla pinnata and Azolla filiculoides) under different concentrations of NaCl. The total superoxide dismutase (SOD) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) activity increased in A. pinnata, whereas both enzyme activities decreased in A. filiculoides. The plants of A. pinnata exposed to 30 mM NaCl contained a lower amount of Na+ ions and showed a lower electrolyte leakage than A. filiculoides. Our studies indicate a differential response of antioxidant enzymes in relation to salt tolerance in Azolla plants. On the basis of our comparative analysis, A. pinnata has been ranked salt tolerant as compared with A. filiculoides, which is salt sensitive.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a potential physiological target of okadaic acid (OA), the toxin metabolite responsible for shellfish poisoning and, consequently, human intoxication. OA is a potent promoter of tumor activity, most likely by inhibiting protein phosphatase 1 and 2A (Adv. Cancer. Res. 61 (1993) 143). However, all of its cellular targets have not yet been characterized. The interaction of OA with alkaline phosphatase (ALP) has been investigated in view of its protein phosphatase inhibition activity. Kinetic analysis of ALP from Escherichia coli, human placental and calf intestinal ALP has shown that OA acts as a non-competitive inhibitor of ALP. The bacterial enzyme displays a higher affinity for OA (K(i) 360 nM) than the eukaryotic proteins (human placental ALP, K(i) 2.05 microM; calf intestinal ALP, K(i) 3.15 microM). The inhibition by OA suggests a putative role of ALP in the phosphorylation status, through regulation of the phosphorylation/dephosphorylation equilibrium of proteins with phosphoseryl or phosphothreonyl residues.  相似文献   

We have partially purified an 18-kDa cytoplasmic protein from 3T3-L1 cells, which dephosphorylates pNPP and the phosphorylated adipocyte lipid binding protein (ALBP), and have identified it by virtue of kinetic and immunological criteria as an acid phosphatase (EC The cytoplasmic acid phosphatase was inactivated by phenylarsine oxide (PAO) (Kinact = 10 microM), and the inactivation could be reversed by the dithiol, 2,3-dimercaptopropanol (Kreact = 23 microM), but not the monothiol, 2-mercaptoethanol. Cloning of the human adipocyte acid phosphatase revealed that two isoforms exist, termed HAAP alpha and HAAP beta (human adipocyte acid phosphatase), which are distinguished by a 34-amino acid isoform-specific domain. Sequence analysis shows HAAP alpha and HAAP beta share 74% and 90% identity with the bovine liver acid phosphatase, respectively, and 99% identity with both isoenzymes of the human red cell acid phosphatase but no sequence similarity to the protein tyrosine phosphatases (EC HAAP beta has been cloned into Escherichia coli, expressed, and purified as a glutathione S-transferase fusion protein. Recombinant HAAP beta was shown to dephosphorylate pNPP and phosphoALBP and to be inactivated by PAO and inhibited by vanadate (Ki = 17 microM). These results describe the adipocyte acid phosphatase as a cytoplasmic enzyme containing conformationally vicinal cysteine residues with properties that suggest it may dephosphorylate tyrosyl phosphorylated cellular proteins.  相似文献   

A partially purified bovine cortical bone acid phosphatase, which shared similar characteristics with a class of acid phosphatase known as tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase, was found to dephosphorylate phosphotyrosine and phosphotyrosyl proteins, with little activity toward other phosphoamino acids or phosphoseryl histones. The pH optimum was about 5.5 with p-nitrophenyl phosphate as substrate but was about 6.0 with phosphotyrosine and about 7.0 with phosphotyrosyl histones. The apparent Km values for phosphotyrosyl histones (at pH 7.0) and phosphotyrosine (at pH 5.5) were about 300 nM phosphate group and 0.6 mM, respectively, The p-nitrophenyl phosphatase, phosphotyrosine phosphatase, and phosphotyrosyl protein phosphatase activities appear to be a single protein since these activities could not be separated by Sephacryl S-200, CM-Sepharose, or cellulose phosphate chromatographies, he ratio of these activities remained relatively constant throughout the purification procedure, each of these activities exhibited similar thermal stabilities and similar sensitivities to various effectors, and phosphotyrosine and p-nitrophenyl phosphate appeared to be alternative substrates for the acid phosphatase. Skeletal alkaline phosphatase was also capable of dephosphorylating phosphotyrosyl histones at pH 7.0, but the activity of that enzyme was about 20 times greater at pH 9.0 than at pH 7.0. Furthermore, the affinity of skeletal alkaline phosphatase for phosphotyrosyl proteins was low (estimated to be 0.2-0.4 mM), and its protein phosphatase activity was not specific for phosphotyrosyl proteins, since it also dephosphorylated phosphoseryl histones. In summary, these data suggested that skeletal acid phosphatase, rather than skeletal alkaline phosphatase, may act as phosphotyrosyl protein phosphatase under physiologically relevant conditions.  相似文献   

Phosphatase activities were compared quantitatively among selected species of pseudomonads. P. pseudomallei showed the highest activity of a bell-shaped pH pattern with a peak at around pH 5.0. P. cepacia had a similar pattern of milder intensity. In contrast, P. aeruginosa revealed an alkaline phosphatase activity with a pH optimum higher than 8.0, but the level of activity was much lower than those of the above two species. The enzymatic reactions of other species were slight or negligible at their optimum pH in the same test system. These data were discussed in reference to their growth behavior in different pH environments and also in connection with such recent information that the high activity of microbial acid phosphatase may be a favorable attribute to their intracellular parasitism.  相似文献   

Wetlands of northern Belize, distributed along a salinity gradient, are strongly phosphorus limited and dominated largely by three species of emergent macrophytes: Eleocharis cellulosa, Cladium jamaicense, and Typha domingensis. We assessed changes in root and sediment phosphatase activities of each species to simultaneous changes of nutrients (N, P) and salinity in a mesocosm experiment. Phosphorus and nitrogen treatment effects on both root and sediment phosphatase were highly significant for all the species, while salinity significantly affected root phosphatase activity in Cladium only. All species showed a significant negative correlation between root phosphatase activity and increasing tissue P content until a threshold of 0.2% P, 0.15% P and 0.12% P in Eleocharis, Cladium and Typha, respectively. There was also a significant negative correlation between soil available P and root and sediment phosphatases in all species. Activity of root phosphatases of Eleocharis and Typha were positively correlated with root tissue N. Both root and sediment phosphatases of all three species were positively correlated with soil available N. The strongest (positive) correlation was found between phoshatase activites and N/P ratios. The results confirmed that these systems are P-limited and that extracellular phosphatases respond to P enrichment by decreasing their activities. Expression of root phosphatase activity by dry root weight, sediment volume, or whole plant biomass gave very different relative results across nutrient treatments and species, suggesting that root phosphatase activities need to be interpreted in a wider context that considers root density.  相似文献   

Dehydrogenase activity was determined in a variety of soil samples to assess the assay's suitability as an indicator of soil microorganism activity. This technique, like others in soil ecology, has shortcomings. The work outlined below demonstrates that the dehydrogenase assay can provide a valid indication of soil microorganism activity. Although dehydrogenase activity can be correlated with the numbers of microorganisms isolated, the application of herbicides, which are not greatly toxic to microorganisms, results in a reduction in dehydrogenase activity but little alteration in the number of microorganisms isolated. As this reduction can be accounted for, the use of the assay could be advocated in determining soil microbial activity in ecological investigations.  相似文献   

A 17-kilodalton (kDa) human placental acid phosphatase was purified 21,400-fold to homogeneity. The enzyme has an isoelectric point of pH 7.2 and a specific activity of 106 mumol min-1 mg-1 using p-nitrophenyl phosphate as a substrate at pH 5 and 37 degrees C. This placental acid phosphatase showed activity toward phosphotyrosine and toward phosphotyrosyl proteins. The pH optima of the enzyme with phosphotyrosine and with phosphotyrosyl band 3 (from human red cells) were between pH 5 and 6 and pH 5 and 7, respectively. The Km for phosphotyrosine was 1.6 mM at pH 5 and 37 degrees C. Phosphotyrosine phosphatase activity was not inhibited by tartrate or fluoride, but vanadate, molybdate, and zinc ions acted as strong inhibitors. Enzyme activity was also inhibited by DNA, but RNA was not inhibitory. It is a hydrophobic nonglycoprotein containing approximately 20% hydrophobic amino acids. The average hydrophobicity was calculated to be 903 cal/mol. The absorption coefficient at 280 nm, E1% 1cm, was determined to be 5.7. The optical ellipticity of the enzyme at 222 nm was -5200 deg cm2 dmol-1, which would correspond to a low helical content. Free sulfhydryl and histidine residues were necessary for the enzyme activity. The enzyme contained four reactive sulfhydryl groups. Chemical modification of the sulfhydryls with iodoacetate resulted in unfolding of the protein molecule as detected by fluorescence emission spectroscopy. Antisera against both the native and the denatured protein were able to immunoprecipitate the native enzyme. However, upon denaturation, the acid phosphatase lost about 70% of the antigenic determinants. Both antisera cross-reacted with a single 17-kDa polypeptide on immunoblotting.  相似文献   

We used histological and biochemical methods to determine the cellular origin of bone matrix fluoride-sensitive acid phosphatase in chicken bone. Embryonic chicken calvariae were embedded in plastic and sections stained for acid phosphatase at various concentrations of substrate and fluoride. Acid phosphatase activity was observed in osteoblasts and osteoclasts but not in fibroblasts. Striking inhibition of osteoblastic acid phosphatase occurred at 100 microM fluoride, a concentration that had no apparent effect on osteoclastic acid phosphatase. Inhibition of osteoblastic and osteoclastic acid phosphatase by fluoride was also examined using extracts of embryonic chicken calvarial cells, mouse osteoblasts (MC3T3-El cell line), and purified chick osteoclasts, respectively. Fluoride is a partial competitive inhibitor of both chicken and mouse osteoblastic acid phosphatases, with apparent inhibition constants of 10-100 microM. These concentrations of fluoride correspond to those that increase bone formation in vitro and in vivo. In contrast, the apparent inhibition constant for fluoride of osteoclastic acid phosphatase was much higher (i.e., 0.5 mM). In summary, this study demonstrates that chicken osteoblasts contain an acid phosphatase that is sensitive to inhibition by low concentrations (i.e., microM) of fluoride.  相似文献   

C Frank  H Keilhack  F Opitz  O Zsch?rnig  F D B?hmer 《Biochemistry》1999,38(37):11993-12002
Activation of the SH2 domain-possessing protein-tyrosine phosphatase SHP-1 by acidic phospholipids as phosphatidic acid (PA) has been described earlier and suggested to participate in regulation of SHP-1 activity toward cellular substrates. The mechanism of this activation is poorly understood. Direct binding of phosphatidic acid to recombinant SHP-1 could be demonstrated by measuring the extent of [(14)C]PA binding in a chromatographic assay, by measuring the extent of binding of SHP-1 to PA-coated ELISA plates or silica beads (TRANSIL), and by spectroscopic assays employing fluorescently labeled PA liposomes. In addition to PA, phosphatidylinositol 3,4, 5-trisphosphate (PIP3), dipalmitoylphosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate, and phosphatidylserine (PS) were found to bind to SHP-1, albeit to a lesser extent. A high-affinity binding site for PA and PIP3 was mapped to the 41 C-terminal amino acids of SHP-1. This site was absent from the related protein-tyrosine phosphatase SHP-2 and conferred activation of SHP-1 by PA toward two different substrates at low lipid concentrations. A SHP-1 mutant missing this binding site could, however, still be activated toward phosphorylated myelin basic protein as a substrate at high PA concentrations. This activation is likely to be mediated by a second, low-affinity binding site for PA in the N-terminal part of SHP-1 within the SH2 domains. High-affinity phospholipid binding to the C-terminus of SHP-1 may present a specific mechanism of regulating activity and/or cellular localization.  相似文献   

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