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中国生物化学与分子生物学会于2005年10月12-15日在西安召开了第九届会员代表大会暨全国学术会议。出席此次会议的有中国生物化学与分子生物学会会员代表及参加学术交流活动的科技工作者近500人,此外还有来自海外的生物化学与分子生物学领域的同行和朋友。学会第八届理事会副理  相似文献   

<正>为促进我国生物化学与分子生物学领域专家的交流与合作,中国生物化学与分子生物学会第十一届全国会员代表大会暨2014年全国学术会议将于2014年8月21~23日在厦门市国际会议中心召开。会议规模约为1500人。一、大会主办、承办单位:大会主办:中国生物化学与分子生物学会大会承办:厦门市生物化学与分子生物学学会、厦门大学生命科学学院、细胞应激生物学国家重点实验室、中科院上海生科院生化与细胞研究所、厦门市科学技术协会  相似文献   

为促进我国生物化学与分子生物学领域专家的交流与合作,中国生物化学与分子生物学会第十一届全国会员代表大会暨2014年全国学术会议将于2014年8月21~23日在厦门市国际会议中心召开。会议规模约为1500人。  相似文献   

<正>为促进我国生物化学与分子生物学领域专家的交流与合作,中国生物化学与分子生物学会第十一届全国会员代表大会暨2014年全国学术会议将于2014年8月21~23日在厦门市国际会议中心召开。会议规模约为1500人。一、大会主办、承办单位:大会主办:中国生物化学与分子生物学会大会承办:厦门市生物化学与分子生物学学会、厦门大学生命科学学院、细胞应激生物学国家重点实验室、中科院上海生科院生化与细胞研究所、厦门市科学技术协会  相似文献   

江西省生物化学与分子生物学会于2005年6月23—25日在江西省九江市召开了第六届会员代表大会暨第九次学术会议。共有73人参加了这次会议。本次会议共收到论31篇,内容涉及核酸、蛋白质与酶学、糖等活性物质,生物技术与基因工程、蛋白质工程、医学生化与分子生物及农业生物化学与分子物学等。学会主管单位江西省科协、挂靠单位江西医学院及本次会议协办单位的领导均到会指导,并分别作了重要讲话。本次会议开得很成功,气氛活跃、紧张有序,通过全体会员的共同努力,园满完成了大会各项议程。由第五届理事会推荐,全体会员代表以无记名投票选举产生了第六届理事会理事。经理事会讨论并选举产生了新一届理事会的理事长、副理事长和秘书长,同时授予李金生和王曼莹教授为名誉理事长。  相似文献   

浙江省生物化学与分子生物学学会第九届会员代表大会于2006年10月27日在浙江理工大学国际会展中心隆重召开,出席本次大会的代表共120余人。本次大会选举产生浙江省生物化学与分子生物学学会第九届理事会并召开第九届理事会第一次会议。  相似文献   

第21届国际生物化学与分子生物学联盟(International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,IUBMB)学术大会暨第12届亚洲大洋洲生物化学家与分子生物学家(The Federation of Asian and Oceanian Biochemists and Molecular Biologists,FAOBMB)学术大会(简称2009年国际生化大会)将于2009年8月2—7日在上海召开。中国生物化学与分子生物学会和中国细胞生物学学会将共同主办这次盛会。  相似文献   

吉林省生物化学与分子生物学学会于2006年8月5日在长春市召开了第六届会员代表大会暨学术交流会。出席此次会议的有吉林省生物化学与分子生物学会会员代表及参加学术交流的科技工作者100多人,此外还有来自海外的同行。本次大会由学会第五届常务理事兼秘书长王丽颖教授主持,首先  相似文献   

中国共产党党员、我国著名生物化学家、教育家,中国生物化学与分子生物学会名誉理事、北京大学基础医学院生物化学与分子生物学系张昌颖教授突发心肌梗塞、不幸于2006年7月25日凌晨4时逝世,享年100周岁。张昌颖教授是我国生物化学界广受尊敬的老前辈和先驱。我们怀着万分悲痛的心情悼念张昌颖教授!张昌颖教授热爱社会主义祖国,热爱中国共产党。先生一生历经清王朝、半封建半殖民地的旧中国和欣欣向荣的新中国,亲眼目睹了中国的衰胜、变迁和发展,所以张教授深刻理解“没有共产党就没有新中国”的真理,立志发展、建设中国现代科学和医学教育成…  相似文献   

中国生理学会定于2006年11月3-6日在北京召开全国会员代表大会,改选理事会。同时举行学会成立八十周年庆祝大会。  相似文献   

The burgeoning field of proteomics plays a powerful and relevant role in the discovery of biomarkers, which are biometric measurements that convey information about the biological condition of the subject being tested. Biomarkers have changed the manner in which we diagnose disease, monitor the effect of therapy, classify disease, detect toxicity, and develop new drugs. The central part that proteins command in both disease etiology and treatment make them prime biomarker candidates. Indeed, the majority of clinical tests in use today measure proteins. This perspective introduces the Journal of Proteome Research Special Issue on Proteomics and Biomarkers. It outlines the major applications of biomarkers, discusses the basics of statistically assessing them and considers the crucial choice of sample type. Central considerations of biomarker discovery and validation, particularly with respect to their intended clinical and research applications, are highlighted.  相似文献   

The Congress covered the broad field of rheumatology, with participants from China, the Asia Pacific League of Associations for Rheumatology (APLAR) region and the rest of the world. The programme consisted of a mix of plenary lectures, concurrent symposia, workshops, free paper sessions and poster presentations. Basic sciences were well represented, with the general theme of inflammatory cytokines being of particular interest. One plenary lecture and a number of other presentations addressed the problem of atherosclerosis and rheumatic diseases. Diseases prominent in the region, such as Behcet's disease and Takayasu's disease, were represented with large series. Other areas of interest were musculoskeletal infections in HIV-positive patients and the management of spondyloarthritis. Although the use of the most recently developed drugs is restricted in the APLAR region because of cost factors, there were symposia on the latest pharmacological advances such as COX-2 technology, leflunomide and anti-tumour necrosis factor (TNF) therapy.  相似文献   

Why circumcision is a biomedical imperative for the 21(st) century   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Circumcision of males represents a surgical "vaccine" against a wide variety of infections, adverse medical conditions and potentially fatal diseases over their lifetime, and also protects their sexual partners. In experienced hands, this common, inexpensive procedure is very safe, can be pain-free and can be performed at any age. The benefits vastly outweigh risks. The enormous public health benefits include protection from urinary tract infections, sexually transmitted HIV, HPV, syphilis and chancroid, penile and prostate cancer, phimosis, thrush, and inflammatory dermatoses. In women circumcision of the male partner provides substantial protection from cervical cancer and chlamydia. Circumcision has socio-sexual benefits and reduces sexual problems with age. It has no adverse effect on penile sensitivity, function, or sensation during sexual arousal. Most women prefer the circumcised penis for appearance, hygiene and sex. Given the convincing epidemiological evidence and biological support, routine circumcision should be highly recommended by all health professionals.  相似文献   

The 20th IUPAB Congress took place online, together with the annual meetings of the Brazilian Biophysical Society and the Brazilian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, from the 4th to the 8th of October, 2021. The ten keynote lectures, 24 symposia, two poster sessions, and a series of technical seminars covered the full diversity of current biophysical research and its interfaces with other fields. The event had over 1000 attendees, with an excellent gender balance. Although the Americas dominated, there were also significant numbers of participants from Europe, Asia, and Africa.

The International Union of Pure and Applied Biophysics (IUPAB) came into existence in Stockholm in 1961 and has been a member of the International Science Council since 1966 (Solomon 1968). Its overall objectives aim to foster international collaboration in all aspects of biophysics and related areas and to catalyze the advancement of basic biophysical research as well as its many applications. Although IUPAB is active on many fronts, undeniably one of its showcase events is the IUPAB Congress, traditionally organized every three years in different locations worldwide. In 2021, the event was organized and run from Brazil, albeit for the very first time in a virtual format due to travel restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic. On this occasion, the Congress was organized in conjunction with the annual meetings of both the Brazilian Biophysical Society (SBBf, in its 45th edition) and the Brazilian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SBBq, in its 50th edition). Even with the united forces of these well-established local societies, it turned out to be a bumpy ride to bring the event to fruition.Plans for the 20th Congress began in 2016, almost immediately after the decision to hold the event in Brazil, a cause championed by the then-president of the Brazilian Biophysical Society, Marcelo Morales. The original plans had the meeting to be held in the Cidade Maravilhosa (The Wonderful City) of Rio de Janeiro in October 2020. However, it soon became apparent that the political and economic difficulties that the State of Rio was facing at the time meant that it would be wise to search for an alternative venue. The previous experience of SBBq in organizing similar events in the city of Foz do Iguaçu, on the borders with Argentina and Paraguay, made this an obvious choice. Furthermore, the natural attraction of the spectacular Iguaçu waterfalls seemed to be an ideal compensation for Sugar Loaf Mountain, Copacabana beach, and the statue of Christ the Redeemer on Corcovado Mountain.Then came the pandemic. By mid-2020, it had become apparent that there were too many unknowns to make it possible to proceed with an in-person event in October of that year. It was decided to postpone the congress to 2021 but with a firm belief that things would be “back to normal.” Sweet delusion! As 2020 turned into 2021 and the severity and longevity of the pandemic became clearer and clearer (not to mention the abysmal performance of the Brazilian government in failing to rise to the challenge), the inevitable decision was taken to transform the event into an “on-line” congress. This was a first for both the local organizers and the IUPAB.The move to an online format immediately had an impact on the organization of the Young Scientist Program. This was initially envisaged to be a combination of formal and informal activities aimed at uniting about 40 early carrier scientists and post-docs for a couple of days prior to the main event in a stimulating atmosphere conducive to networking. Skillfully conceived, organized, and executed by Eneida de Paula (Campinas) and Eduardo Reis (São Paulo), this too had to be adapted to a “virtual reality.” The successful solution turned out to be a series of fortnightly thematic webinars, including a talk from a recognized authority in the field followed by three or four short presentations from the participants themselves (Table (Table1).1). The standard was extremely high and the YSP ended up being a highly effective warm-up to the congress itself. Furthermore, there was excellent geographical diversity among the participants with Europe, Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and both North and South America represented.Table 1Young Scientist Webinar Program
DateGeneral subject areaInvited speaker
19th MayBiomimetic Structures and Systems/Multiscale Biophysics of MembranesManuel Prieto, Portugal
26th MayCell Biophysics and Phase TransitionClifford Brangwynne, USA
9th JunePlant biotechnology/Biofuels/BioenergyIgor Polikarpov, Brazil
23rd JuneApplications in Biomedical and Materials Science
7th JulyMechanisms of Membrane ProteinNatalie Strynadka, Canada
21st JulyMembrane Permeation: Channels and TransportersEduardo Perozo, USA
4th AugustBioenergetics and MetabolismAlicia Kowaltowski, Brazil
18th AugustProtein Structure to Function/Structural BiologyWah Chiu, USA
1st SeptemberComputational Biophysics and BiochemistryIngemar André, Sweden
15th SeptemberDrug Discovery and DeliveryFabio Sonvico, Italy
Open in a separate windowThe main event attracted over 1000 participants, with an excellent gender balance. Although the Americas dominated, there were also significant numbers of participants from Europe, Asia, and Africa (Fig. 1). Table Table22 gives an excellent idea of the diverse subject matter covered during the 5 days of the congress itself. As to be expected, the way in which biophysics naturally interfaces with biochemistry, molecular biology, cell biology, chemistry (including medicinal chemistry), physics, engineering, etc. was more than apparent. Nevertheless, several themes appeared to be particularly recurrent throughout the event. Notwithstanding the plethora of other topics, several main threads permeated the proceedings, and these included (1) lipids, membranes, their assembly, and dynamics; (2) bioimaging at all levels; (3) drug targets and drug development/delivery; and (4) molecular recognition including membrane/protein interactions. This special issue aims to cover the main topics of the event as comprehensively as possible in similar vein to previous efforts (Hall and dos Remedios, 2017). In over 50 articles, including reviews, commentaries, letters, and editorials, we aim to convey the full flavor of the congress. It is hoped that this will serve simultaneously as both a useful source of reference and a historical record. The short, focused review articles are all up-to-date and expected to be of particular value to a broad readership. We hope that you enjoy them as much as we have and find them to be instructive and beneficial.Open in a separate windowFig. 1Participants by continentTable 2Symposia organized during the 20th IUPAB Congress
Drug design and deliveryJoke Bouwstra (Leiden, Netherlands)
Protein Structure, Dynamics and FunctionRichard Garratt (São Carlos, Brazil)
Biological Photosensors and their Applications in OptogeneticsSilvia Braslavsky (MPI, Germany)
Macromolecular Machines and Switching DevicesAlejandro Buschiazzo (Montevideo, Uruguay)
RSC–Chemical BiologyRandall Peterson (Utah, USA)
Young Talent in Life Sciences (Cytiva Award)Juliana Fietto (Viçosa, Brazil)
Deforming MembranesPatricia Bassereau (Curie Institute, France)
Systems Biology and Biomarkers for Human DisordersPeter Nilson (KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)
PABMB Symposium: Metabolism and BioenergeticsAlicia Kowaltowski (São Paulo, Brazil)
BiophotonicsGeorg Wondrak/Martha Ribeiro (Arizona, USA/São Paulo, Brazil)
Microbiomes: human and environmentalLeda Vieira (Belo Horizonte, Brazil)
Molecular and Cell ImagingPaulo Bisch (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Ionic Channels and Membrane TransportersJohn Baenziger (Chicago, USA)
Biomolecular Association and DynamicsPaul Whitford (Boston, USA)
Gender in ScienceCristina Nonato/David Crossman (Ribeirão Preto, Brazil/Aukland, New Zealand)
Protein Folding, Misfolding and UnfoldingVladimir Uversky (Tampa, USA)
EBSA Symposium on Translational BiophysicsAnthony Watts/Jesús Pérez-Gil (Oxford, UK/Madrid, Spain)
Autophagy: Mechanisms and ApplicationsMarcelo Mori (Campinas, Brazil)
Membrane SimulationMikko Karttunen (Ontario, Canada)
Systems Biologics: at the interface…Stephen Michnick (Montreal, Canada)
IUBMB Symposium: Science EducationManuel João Costa (U. Minho, Portugal)
Scissioning MembranesRumiana Dimova (Potsdam, Germany)
Redox BiologyRafael Radi (Montevideo, Uruguay)
Biophysics of the Immune SystemJean-Marie Ruysschaert (Brussels, Belgium)
Open in a separate windowAll of the Keynote lectures (Table (Table3)3) were very well attended. The Nobel laureate Richard Henderson set the ball rolling with a beautifully clear historical overview of how cryo-EM got to be where it is now and what we might expect for the near future. Tony Watts (the new president-elect of IUPAB) closed the event with the Avanti/IUPAB award lecture and a clear message that biophysics is not all about proteins—lipids are important (also)! Midweek, a second Nobel prize winner, Michael Levitt, gave his take on the COVID-19 pandemic by applying his talent for mathematical modeling in much the same way as he so successfully applied it to macromolecular systems in the past. At the very least, his talk gave plenty of food for thought to those who were present.Table 3Keynote speakers
Richard Henderson (LMB, Cambridge)Impact of Single Particle Cryo-electron Microscopy on Structural Biology
Carlos Bustamante (University of California, Berkeley)Co-temporal Force and Fluorescence Measurements Reveal a Ribosomal Gear-shift Mechanism of Translation Regulation by mRNA Secondary Structures
Giorgio Trinchieri (Center for Cancer Research, NIH, Maryland)Targeting the microbiome in cancer immunotherapy
Tao Xu (Chinese Academy of Sciences)The Bei Shizhang Lecture: Cryogenic superresolution correlative light and electron microscopy on the frontier od subcellular imaging
Michael Levitt (Stanford)Lessons from 620 days Studying COVID-19
Ohara Augusto (São Paulo)Carbon Dioxide Redox Metabolites in Eustress and Oxidative Distress
Ramon Latorre (Valparaíso)Calcium-driven Voltage Sensingand the role of Charged Residues in the voltage sensor domain of BK
Angela Gronenborn (Pittsburgh)The Awesome Power of Fluorine NMR
Yoav Shechtman (Haifa)IUPAB Young Investigator Lecture: Next Generation Localization Microscopy—or How and Why to Ruin and Perfectly Good Microscope
Anthony Watts (Oxford)Avanti/IUPAB Award Lecture: Lipids are important
Open in a separate windowOverall, the sessions were very well attended with typically over 200 participants. The ease of moving from one session to another under the virtual format proved to be a notable advantage. Furthermore, since many of the talks were pre-recorded, most of the sessions kept to time rather better than is often the case at traditional events. The two poster sessions were also very well frequented, and the pre-recorded videos were generally of high quality. Approximately 10% of all poster presenters were awarded prizes during the closing ceremony, and six special prizes were generously provided by the Royal Society of Chemistry.Several special activities were held throughout the week. These included technical seminars by some of the sponsors, including Cytiva, Thermo-Fisher, and Sartorius as well as sessions devoted to Brazil-German exchange programs and one on “Gender in Science.” The latter was particularly motivational for the congress participants, whose demographic was heavily biased towards early-career scientists, post-docs, and students (Fig. 2). Biophysical Reviews organized two early-morning sessions, one of which was an editorial board meeting whilst the other was open to all interested parties and represented an opportunity to promote the journal within the community. The IUPAB held its general assembly on the 6th of October. Manuel Prieto formally took over as President with Marcelo Morales stepping down but continuing as a council member in the role of immediate Past President. Tony Watts becomes the new President Elect.Open in a separate windowFig. 2The distribution of participants according to their stage in the careerDespite the challenges of organizing a widely diverse international event online, we came away with the feeling of a mission accomplished and the hope that we will be able to meet up in person in the very near future. From the extremely high standard of the presentations and the overall satisfaction of the participants, we think it can be considered to have been a success. See you all in Kyoto!  相似文献   

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