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  • 1 We examined the effects of variation in the timing of spring leaf production and autumn leaf fall on the survival, mortality and abundance of Cameraria hamadryadella on Quercus alba and Q.macrocarpa.
  • 2 We monitored and manipulated the timing of foliation on field and potted Q.alba trees and observed the abundance of C.hamadryadella on those trees. We also monitored and manipulated the timing of leaf fall on Q.alba and Q.macrocarpa trees in the field and observed its effects on survival, mortality and abundance of C.hamadryadella.
  • 3 Variation in the timing of spring leaf production has no effect on C. hamudryadella abundance. However, a warm winter and spring in 1991 led to accelerated development and the imposition of a facultative third generation in one out of ten years of observation.
  • 4 In 1989, leaves fell relatively early and leaf fall in the autumn accounted for more than 50% of the mortality of C.hamudryadella. in 1990 and 1991 leaves fell relatively late and leaf fall induced mortality was substantially reduced and overwinter survival was markedly increased.
  • 5 The abundance of C.hamadryadella remained constant in the spring and summer of 1990 following the previous autumn's relatively early leaf fall, but increased by 10-fold in the spring of 1991 following the relatively late leaf fall of autumn 1990. The abundance of C.hamadryadella also increased 4-fold between the summer of 1991 and the spring of 1992 after another autumn of relatively late leaf fall. We attribute these increases in abundance in part to reduced mortality because of later leaf fall.
  • 6 Variation in the timing of autumn leaf fall may be responsible for initiating outbreaks of C.hamadryadella.

Abstract 1 Paropsine chrysomelid beetles defoliate commercial eucalypt plantations in Australia. Adults and larvae feed on the same host, with the larval food source determined by the oviposition choice of females. Most eucalypt species are heterophyllous, with their foliage undergoing distinct morphological and chemical changes between adult and juvenile growth. 2 The intra‐plant foliage feeding and oviposition preference adults and the larval development of Chrysophtharta agricola were examined using adult and juvenile foliage of a heterophyllous plantation species, Eucalyptus nitens. The foliage types differ in chemistry, toughness, waxiness and timing of production. 3 In the field, feeding damage caused by adult beetles was 15% more frequent on adult foliage than on juvenile foliage; however, egg batches were three times more common on juvenile than on adult foliage. 4 Oviposition preference for juvenile foliage over adult foliage was confirmed in choice trials in the laboratory, with adult fecundity and longevity not significantly different between foliage types. 5 Larval survival, development time and subsequent pupal weight were also unaffected by foliage type, suggesting that neither foliage type is nutritionally superior for adults or for larvae. However, adult foliage was significantly thicker than juvenile foliage and this may prove a physical constraint to larval establishment. Biotic and abiotic factors (including interactions with natural enemies, competition, microclimate and mate location) that may affect patterns of host plant utilization are discussed.  相似文献   

1 The degree of discrimination shown by a herbivore when selecting oviposition sites has been suggested as a key factor to understanding herbivore population dynamics. Chrysophtharta bimaculata (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) is a primary pest of Tasmanian eucalypt forests and can cause severe defoliation. Previous work suggests that females show discrimination when selecting oviposition sites. Our aim was to test the degree of oviposition discrimination exhibited by C. bimaculata with regards to leaf toughness, a character that is critical to neonate survival. 2 We conducted an experiment examining the leaf toughness critical for neonate survival and found that significant larval mortality occurs above a toughness of 46.9 g. We also determined that the maximum toughness of leaves upon which larvae established in the field was 48.2 g, supporting the laboratory result. 3 Field surveys showed that although the majority of eggs were laid on leaves suitable for larval establishment, many eggs were laid on unsuitable, tougher leaves. However, all eggs were normally placed within 20 cm of suitable leaves and glasshouse trials demonstrated the neonates could move this distance without mortality occurring. 4 We conclude that egg batch distribution and larval performance of C. bimaculata will influence the population dynamics of C. bimaculata in two ways. Firstly, the availability of expanding/newly expanding leaves of eucalypt hosts will determine larval carrying capacity. Secondly, at a more localized level, the deposition of large numbers of egg batches on both suitable and unsuitable leaves followed by successful neonate migration increases the risk of resource depletion and poor larval development.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. The herbaceous plant Solanum carolinense (L.) (Solanaceae) is host to a number of specialist insects, including the leaf-feeding beetles Epitrix fuscula (Crotch) and Leptinotarsa juncta (Germar) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Potted individuals of S. carolinense were subjected to one of two treatments: exposure to herbivory by E. fuscula or exclusion of all herbivores. The effects of E. fuscula herbivory on larval performance and oviposition preference of L. juncta were investigated.
2. Although the masses of the L. juncta pupae did not differ between the two treatments, larvae feeding on damaged plants developed more slowly than those feeding on undamaged plants.
3. In both paired leaf choice trials and whole plant choice trials, larvae of L. juncta showed no preference for undamaged versus damaged hosts.
4. In a field transplant experiment, adult L. juncta females showed slight feeding preferences and strong oviposition preferences for undamaged plants versus plants that had been fed on by E. fuscula .
5. The results are discussed with reference to their implications for plant-mediated competition among herbivores and constraints on the evolution of plant resistance.  相似文献   

  • 1 The abundance, survival, and causes of mortality of Cameraria hamadryadella (Clemens) (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) were examined on four host plant species in Virginia, U.S.A. Quercus alba L. and Q.rubra L. are native within the geographic range of C.hamadryadella, and Q.robur L. and Q.benderi Baenitz are exotic. Q.robur is native to Europe, North Africa, and Asia and was probably introduced prior to 1850, and Q.benderi is of hybrid origin and introduced to cultivation before 1900. Q.alba and Q.robur are in the subgenus Lepidobalanus (white oaks), and Q.rubra and Q.benderi are in the subgenus Erythrobalanus (red oaks).
  • 2 Larval mines of C. hamadryadella were abundant on both white oak species, including the exotic Q.robur, but were rare on host plants in the red oak subgenus. Un-hatched eggs of C.hamadryadella were not observed on red oaks. Other observations on host distribution indicate that C.hamadryadella is rarely found on red oaks. These observations are interpreted as circumstantial evidence that C. hamadryadella generally avoids ovipositing on red oaks.
  • 3 Survival of C.hamadryadella to the adult stage was similar among all host species, but larvae tended to survive longer on hosts in the red oak subgenus. The observation of higher survival rates of early instar larvae on red oaks suggests that no nutritional or secondary chemical barrier reinforces the observed pattern of oviposition.
  • 4 Significant differences in the distribution of the causes of mortality were detected between native and exotic host plant species. Larvae and pupae on native hosts were more likely to die because of predation, while those on exotic host plants were more likely to die because of parasitism and host feeding by adult female parasitoids. This pattern could arise because parasitoids prefer to forage on exotic host plants or because predators avoid foraging on exotic plants.
  • 5 This study shows for C. hamadryadella that the only barriers to colonization and use of exotic hosts, in the white and red oak subgenera, are the presence of cues sufficient to stimulate oviposition and/or the absence of cues to deter oviposition. It also suggests that the presence of closely related native host plants in the region of introduction will increase the probability that exotic plants will be colonized by phytophagous insects.

Techniques for rearing the leaf‐mining moth Acrocercops transecta successively over several generations are described. Based on continuous rearing, some life historical parameters in A. transecta were determined. Because of its short generation time, successive rearing makes the moth suitable for mating experiments and a model organism to elucidate the mechanism of host‐associated speciation.  相似文献   

Doubling of the current atmospheric CO2 concentration, and an increase in global mean annual temperatures of 1.5–6 °C, have been predicted to occur by the end of this century. Whilst the separate effects of CO2 and temperature on plant–insect interactions have been examined in a number of studies, few have investigated their combined impact. We carried out a factorial experiment to explore the effect of a doubling of CO2 concentration and a 3 °C temperature increase on the development of a complete generation of the leaf‐miner, Dialectica scalariella, in the host plant Paterson's Curse, Echium plantagineum. Elevated CO2 increased biomass, reduced leaf N and increased C:N ratios in the host plants. Leaf thickness also increased under elevated CO2, but only in the high‐temperature treatment. Female D. scalariella did not discriminate between plants grown at the different CO2 levels when ovipositing, despite the reduction in foliage quality under elevated CO2. Overall, the negative response of D. scalariella to elevated CO2 was greater than for many species of free‐living insects, presumably because of the limited mobility imposed by the leaf‐mining habit. Development was accelerated at the high temperature and slowed under elevated CO2. The net result was a reduction in development time of ~14 days in the elevated CO2/high temperature treatment, compared to the ambient CO2/low temperature treatment. Larval survivorship and adult moth weight were both affected by a significant interaction between CO2 and temperature. At the low temperature, CO2 had little effect on survivorship, but at the high temperature, survivorship was significantly reduced under elevated CO2. Similarly, elevated CO2 had a stronger negative effect on adult moth weight when combined with the high‐temperature treatment. A possible explanation for these results is that the high temperature accelerated insect development to such an extent that the larvae did not have sufficient feeding time to compensate for the poorer quality of the foliage. The frequency with which interactions between CO2 and temperature affected both plant and insect performance in this study highlights the need for caution when predicting the effects of future climate change on plant–insect interactions from single‐factor experiments.  相似文献   

【目的】苹褐带卷蛾Adoxophyes orana在陕北红枣种植区对枣树Ziziphus jujube的危害有逐年加重的趋势。本研究旨在明确以枣树为寄主的苹褐带卷蛾发育历期、繁殖能力及雌虫对产卵基质的选择性,为准确预测、高效治理该虫提供理论依据。【方法】在室温25±1℃、相对湿度70%±5%、光周期15L∶9D的条件下,以枣树叶片为食料,观察苹褐带卷蛾实验种群的生长发育及繁殖能力;通过测定补充不同营养物质后雌蛾的单雌产卵量,评价外源营养对苹褐带卷蛾繁殖力的影响;通过观察苹褐带卷蛾雌蛾在硫酸纸、滤纸、白纸、PE保鲜膜及装订胶片5种基质上的总落卵量,确定其对无机产卵基质的选择性。【结果】苹褐带卷蛾卵、幼虫、蛹和成虫的平均发育历期分别为7.38±1.22, 16.59±2.16, 7.01±0.79和16.65±5.15 d,平均世代历期为33.87±3.64 d。苹褐带卷蛾在枣树上的内禀增长率(rm)、周限增长率(λ)和种群加倍时间(Dt)分别为0.15 d^-1,1.16 d^-1和4.67 d,平均产卵量达339.52±129.93粒/雌。雌虫可多次产卵,表现出明显的昼夜节律(多在0:00-8:00时段内);平均产卵次数6.26±2.09次,雌虫羽化后第3-5天达到产卵盛期。雌蛾在PE保鲜膜上的总落卵量显著大于在其他产卵基质上的总落卵量。补给不同浓度白糖水的雌蛾,其产卵量与补给纯净水的雌蛾的产卵量差异不显著。【结论】苹褐带卷蛾能够以枣树叶片为食物完成发育并繁殖可育后代,PE保鲜膜是其雌蛾适宜的无机产卵基质。  相似文献   

The occurrence of herbivores in nature is limited by biotic and abiotic factors which affect their development and survival. Udranomia spitzi is an endemic butterfly in the Brazilian savanna (cerrado) that feeds on young leaves of two sympatric plants, Ouratea hexasperma and O. spectabilis. It is not known which factors affect the occurrence of larvae on their hosts. Therefore, in this study we: (i) evaluated the oviposition preference of U. spitzi; (ii) evaluated the larval performance in both Ouratea species; (iii) investigated plant phenology; (iv) investigated climate (temperature and rainfall); and (v) investigated plant architecture (measured as plant height) on the abundance of skippers. Results showed that U. spitzi immatures (eggs and larvae) were far more abundant (n = 41, 96.7%) on O. spectabilis, whereas on O. hexasperma, the number of larvae was negligible (n = 1). In the laboratory, U. spitzi performed better on O. spectabilis than on O. hexasperma. The occurrence of larvae was not related to host phenology or environmental variations, but rather to plant height, since 92.7% (n = 38) of larvae were found on small O. spectabilis trees. A previous study showed that U. spitzi was not influenced by biotic factors (aggressive ants) and this study showed that plant structure plays a major role in skipper choice. The preference of U. spitzi for O. spectabilis is discussed.  相似文献   

草地贪夜蛾Spodoptera frugiperda是一种多食性昆虫,为明确该害虫对不同寄主的选择性和适生性,本文比较了草地贪夜蛾对玉米Zea mays、豇豆Vigna unguiculata和四季豆Phaseolus vulgaris等3种寄主的取食及产卵偏好性,并分析了取食不同寄主对其生长发育及繁殖的影响。结果表明:草地贪夜蛾低龄幼虫(初孵幼虫和2龄)对玉米叶和豇豆叶表现出取食偏好性,而高龄幼虫(3龄和5龄)对3种寄主不同组织的取食选择性无明显差异;草地贪夜蛾取食3种寄主植物均可以完成世代发育,但取食豇豆叶和四季豆叶的幼虫历期、蛹历期显著变短,化蛹率、羽化率显著降低;取食豇豆叶对其蛹重、成虫寿命无显著影响,但取食四季豆叶的蛹重显著变轻、雄成虫寿命显著变短;种群生命表参数显示,草地贪夜蛾在3种寄主上的繁殖力表现为玉米叶(1 138.29)>豇豆叶(1 179.00)>四季豆叶(585.50),处理间差异显著;取食2种非嗜好寄主的种群内禀增长率(rm)和周限增长率(λ)均显著降低,平均世代历期(T)显著延长,取食豇豆叶的雌雄性比显著降低;草地贪夜蛾对寄...  相似文献   

In this paper we tested the behavior of gravid Epiphyas postvittana in selecting the most‐appropriate site for oviposition thus benefitting offspring performance. Our hypothesis was built on Jaenike's preference–performance hypothesis (also referred to as the “mother‐knows‐the‐best” hypothesis). To test this, we used the interacting Epiphyas postvittana, its host Vitis vinifera, and the pathogenic microbe Botrytis cinerea system. Populations of E. postvittana and B. cinerea often exist concurrently on V. vinifera in Australasia and their interaction and mutual influence are currently being explored, although the suggestion presently is that the relationship between E. postvittana and B. cinerea is mutualistic. We tested the effect of volatiles from B. cinerea‐infected berries and uninfected (control) berries of V. vinifera on the oviposition behavior of E. postvittana. We also characterized the effects of B. cinerea infection on the berries of V. vinifera on the growth and development of E. postvittana. Contrary to the preference–performance hypothesis, oviposition choices made by gravid E. postvittana did not result in the best offspring survival, development, and performance. The preference for oviposition by E. postvittana was strongly influenced by the olfactory and tactile cues. She laid fewer eggs on B. cinerea‐infected berries compared to uninfected berries of V. vinifera. The larvae of E. postvittana showed no preference to uninfected berries of V. vinifera. The larvae fed on B. cinerea‐infected berries of V. vinifera showing greater survival rate, shorter time to pupation, greater pupal mass, and on becoming adults they laid more numbers of eggs than the larvae that were enabled to feed on uninfected berries. The larvae of E. postvittana transport the conidia of B. cinerea and transmit grey‐mould disease to uninfected berries of V. vinifera.  相似文献   

The effect of different bean varieties on the performance of the bruchid beetle Zabrotes subfasciatus Boheman (Coleoptera: Bruchidae), was determined by using wild and cultivated seeds of the genus Phaseolus. Results showed that the quality of the host plant affected the performance and the oviposition behavior of female beetles. Overall, bruchid performance was higher on cultivated seeds than on wild seeds. It was also found that the oviposition behavior and the performance of their offspring differed between females that originated from wild versus cultivated seeds. We also demonstrated the importance of a genetic component in bruchid performance: longevity, fecundity, larval development, adult size, and the sex ratio of the progeny varied according to their maternal lineage (‘familyrsquo;). For example, on the same host type, some females laid twice as many eggs as females from other ‘familiesrsquo;, and the sex ratio among the offspring correlated with that of their mother. Thus, the performance and behavior of Z. subfasciatus are not only affected by environmen tal factors such as the quality of the seeds on which they develop, but also have a genetic basis which can counterbalance a less suitable quality of the host plant. For a crop pest such as Z. subfasciatus, its ability to survive and adapt on host plants of differing quality may be an important attribute to consider for pest management.  相似文献   

Abstract We studied oviposition preference of Plutella xylostella for four cultivars of cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower in the field. There were no differences in the number of eggs found on the various cultivars of broccoli or cauliflower. Significantly more eggs were laid on cultivar Savoy King than any of the other cabbage cultivars tested. We then compared the development time and feeding damage of larvae reared on Savoy King and Green Coronet cabbages. Larvae developed more rapidly and fed more and for longer on Green Coronet than Savoy King. Thus, while Savoy King is more attractive to oviposition in the field, net impacts on the crop may be lessened to some degree through lower feeding proficiency of the larvae on that cultivar.  相似文献   

1. ‘Ecological fitting’ is the process whereby the suites of traits an organism carries from previous evolutionary relationships are used to enable colonisation of novel environments or resources. 2. The concept has much explanatory power in studies of novel host associations, particularly when data suggest a deviation from optimal foraging theory, but is often overlooked in studies of herbivore host selection behaviour in favour of evolutionary hypotheses. 3. In the present study, the concept was used to explain the unusual host selection behaviour of the New Zealand endemic oligophagous butterfly Lycaena salustius Fabricius, the larvae of which feed on endemic Polygonaceae species and the introduced and closely related Fagopyrum esculentum Moench. 4. In field cage oviposition choice assays involving only endemic plants, females preferred to oviposit on the rare Muehlenbeckia astonii Petrie. However, the novel host F. esculentum was overwhelmingly preferred in an additional greenhouse assay. In larval no‐choice performance assays, fitness indicators were variable for the novel host. 5. This imperfect relationship between oviposition preference and larval performance is discussed as a possible example of ecological fitting and highlights the potential use of the concept as an explanatory tool in novel host selection behaviour studies.  相似文献   

四种十字花科蔬菜上小菜蛾自然种群连续世代生命表   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
吕利华  何余容  庞雄飞 《生态学报》2003,23(12):2624-2630
利用作用因子生命表技术,组建芥菜、芥蓝、小白菜和菜心4种十字花科蔬菜上小菜蛾自然种群连续世代生命表,分析寄主植物和生物因子对小菜蛾种群数量的控制作用。结果表明:在4种十字花科蔬菜的一造菜上,小菜蛾均能完成两个世代。虽然小菜蛾在芥菜上的初始卵量最高,但害虫种群总增长倍数在芥蓝上最高,其次为小白菜,菜心和芥菜,分别为17.64、11.90、11.43和3.76。这说明尽管芥菜对小菜蛾成虫的产卵有一定的吸引作用,但不适合小菜蛾生长发育。芥蓝是最适宜小菜蛾种群增长的寄主。生物因子在小菜蛾自然种群控制中起着重要的作用,但是在不同种类十字花科蔬菜上,天敌类群对小菜蛾控制作用存在一定差异。除芥菜之外,寄生性天敌对芥蓝、菜心和小白菜上的小菜蛾种群控制作用最大,其次为“捕食及其它”,病原微生物的控制作用最小。“捕食及其它”对芥菜上小菜蛾种群的作用非常明显,如果排除此因子作用,小菜蛾种群两代后将增长126.03倍。该因子是导致芥菜小菜蛾自然种群增长趋势指数低的主要原因。因此在制定小菜蛾防治策略时,应考虑蔬菜的种类和布局,加大对芥蓝小菜蛾种群的防治力度;芥菜可作为一种诱杀植物种植,以吸引小菜蛾产卵,并集中防治。这些防治策略在小菜蛾综合治理中具有重要的实际意义。  相似文献   

The preference‐performance or ‘mother‐knows‐best’ hypothesis states that female insects choose to oviposit on a host plant that increases the performance of their offspring. This positive link between host plant choice and larval performance is especially important for leaf miners with non‐motile larvae that are entirely dependent upon the oviposition choice of the female for host plant location. Preference and performance of the ash leaf coneroller, Caloptilia fraxinella (Ely) (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae), a specialist on ash trees, Fraxinus spp. (Oleaceae), were tested in a series of laboratory and field experiments. Female C. fraxinella were exposed to two closely related hosts, black ash, Fraxinus nigra Marshall, and green ash, Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall var. subintegerrima (Vahl), in oviposition choice and wind tunnel flight experiments to determine which host is most attractive for oviposition. Caloptilia fraxinella females were inconsistent in host choice, yet performance of larvae was greater on green than black ash. In preference studies, C. fraxinella preferred to oviposit on black ash when leaflets were removed from the tree, but preferred intact green ash over black ash seedlings for oviposition and host location in a wind tunnel. In the field, however, more C. fraxinella visited black ash var. ‘Fallgold’ at leaf flush than green ash at the same sites. Age of the ash leaflet also influences oviposition in this leaf miner and females preferred new over old leaflets for oviposition. Performance of C. fraxinella larvae was evaluated in field and laboratory experiments and was greater on green ash than on black ash in both experiments based on larval survival and development time parameters. The stronger oviposition and host location preference in the field for black ash were not linked to enhanced performance of offspring, as green ash was the superior host, supporting higher larval survival and faster development. A stronger host location preference in the wind tunnel for green ash over black ash, however, suggests that under certain circumstances with this moth species, ‘mother (may) know best’.  相似文献   

Effects of mothers' eclosion and oviposition timing on the survival of their offspring in the pierid butterfly Anthocharis scolymus (L.) was examined. I recorded the performance of individual eggs and larvae that differed in their mother's eclosion and oviposition timing in a natural population, where A. scolymus feeds on Turritis glabra (L.) Bernh. Eggs laid early in the season, and larvae emerging from these eggs, had higher survival than eggs laid later, and larvae emerging from eggs that were laid later in the season, the causal factor being egg cannibalism by larvae on the same host plant. Logistic regression showed that females eclosing early in the season had higher offspring survival than females eclosing later. I conclude that optimal timing of adult eclosion in A. scolymus is a trade-off between eclosing early with associated higher offspring survival but lower egg-laying rate, and eclosing later with associated lower offspring survival but higher egg-laying rate. Received: 4 August 1997 / Accepted: 19 October 1997  相似文献   

Anthocorids are important predators of insect pests in pome fruit. Their choice of oviposition site determines the later distribution of nymphs. In two-choice experiments it was tested whether A. nemorum and A. nemoralis would show oviposition preference with regard to simulated insect damage, mimicked by piercing leaves with a fine pin, and whether the oviposition preference of A. nemoralis was affected by the presence of honeydew or eggs of their prey C. pyri. Leaves with simulated damage were preferred by A. nemoralis, but this was not the case for A. nemorum. Honeydew-treated leaves attracted more oviposition than honeydew-free leaves. On honeydew-treated leaves significantly more eggs were laid on the surface where honeydew had been applied, rather than the opposite. When C. pyri eggs were placed along the abaxial midvein, prey infestation attracted more oviposition. On the infested leaf more eggs were laid near the prey along the abaxial midvein than along the adaxial midvein. In contrast, when prey was placed along the adaxial midvein, no overall preference was found for prey-infested leaves, but on infested leaves, more eggs were laid near the prey along the adaxial midvein than along the abaxial midvein. Results showed that prey cues and presence of prey guide predator oviposition, even within the single leaf. The perspectives for biological control in orchards are discussed.  相似文献   

A classical biological control programme against Hydrilla verticillata (L.f.) Royle (Hydrocharitaceae) was initiated in South Africa following the discovery of extensive mats in Jozini Dam in northern KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) in 2006. However, in mid-2008, high densities of a phytophagous insect, Parapoynx diminutalis Snellen (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) were discovered on the H. verticillata infestation, causing high levels of defoliation and dieback of the weed. In order to quantify the impact of the moth and to assess the long-term threat of H. verticillata to South African water bodies, a monitoring programme was initiated in 2013. Although P. diminutalis did not demonstrate a preference for H. verticillata over a native aquatic plant, Potamogeton schweinfurthii A. Bennett (Potamogetonaceae), moth populations followed a cyclical pattern of abundance, with rapid population increases coinciding with increases in the abundance of H. verticillata. High damage levels to H. verticillata were associated with high densities of immature P. diminutalis, which consistently led to population crashes of H. verticillata. Parapoynx diminutalis appears to have great potential to contribute to the management of H. verticillata in South Africa. However, the moth's oligophagous habits will probably preclude its intentional introduction into water bodies with H. verticillata where it does not already occur.  相似文献   

The effects of deposits of commercial formulations of azinphos-methyl, an organophosphorous insecticide and acaricide, and pyrifenox, a systemic fungicide, on artificial surfaces on the survival and reproductive performance of codling moth adults, Cydia pomonella L., were examined in the laboratory. In contrast to pyrifenox, which did not influence the codling moth significantly, azinphos-methyl affected the insect in a number of ways: (1) it exhibited a strong direct insecticidal activity on adults, eggs and larvae; (2) at low concentrations, it decreased copulation significantly, as reflected by a reduction in the number of spermatophores contained per female; and it inhibited oviposition strongly; (3) at low concentrations moths copulated more often initially and produced more eggs than the controls. However, if the moths were kept in contact with the azinphos-methyl residues, they and their progeny died the following day so that the total number of eggs laid was reduced. Possible implications of the stimulatory effects, as well as repellency, of combined use of azinphos-methyl in the phermone mating disruption technique are discussed.  相似文献   

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