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Ultrasound-guided transvaginal follicle aspiration has been described as a noninvasive and repeatable procedure for oocyte collection in several species, but its use has not been described for any of the members of the family, Camelidae. A study was designed to determine the feasibility of an ultrasound-guided transvaginal approach for oocyte collection in llamas. Fifteen non-pregnant, adult female llamas (10 non-stimulated and 5 superstimulated) were examined by transrectal ultrasonography with a 7.5-MHz linear-array transducer to determine the number and diameter of follicles available for aspiration. After caudal epidural anesthesia was induced, the 7.5-MHz linear-array transducer was fastened to a long rigid handle and inserted intravaginally. The free hand was placed into the rectum to manipulate the ovaries, one at a time, in position against the vaginal wall over the face of the transducer. A 20-gauge, 55-cm-long, single-lumen needle was advanced through the vaginal fornix and into follicles > or = 3 mm in diameter. Follicular contents were aspirated using a regulated vacuum pump (flow rate = 33 mL/min; approximately 150 mm Hg) into a tube containing 3 mL of phosphate buffered saline and 0.2% BSA. Fluid was filtered (75 microm mesh), and oocytes were located and morphologically evaluated using a stereomicroscope. Overall, 134 follicles were aspirated, and 76 oocytes were collected (collection rate = 57%). Thirty-two oocytes (42%) were surrounded by multiple layers of compacted granulosa cells and had homogenous dark ooplasm; 13 oocytes (17%) were surrounded by the corona radiata layer only and had heavily granulated ooplasm; 9 oocytes (12%) were denuded and had homogenous dark ooplasm; and 22 oocytes (29%) were denuded and displayed signs of ooplasm degeneration. The ultrastructure of llama oocytes was similar to that of cattle except for conspicuous accumulation of large lipid droplets in the cytoplasm. Twenty-four hours after follicle aspiration, the ovaries were examined by transrectal ultrasonography and intrafollicular hematomas were detected in 3 llamas (9 of 48 follicles aspirated). Results demonstrate the potential utility of a transvaginal ultrasound-guided technique for oocyte collection and in vitro embryo production in llamas. Oocytes of llamas bear an ultrustructural resemblance to those of cattle, but are distinguished by a predominance of cytoplasmic lipid.  相似文献   

The developmental competence of domestic pig oocytes that were transferred to somatic cell nuclei of miniature pig was examined. A co-culture system of oocytes with follicle shells was used for the maturation of domestic pig oocytes in vitro. Co-cultured oocytes progressed to the metaphase II stage of meiosis more quickly and more synchronously than non co-cultured oocytes. Oocytes were enucleated and fused with fibroblast cells of Potbelly miniature pig at 48 h of maturation. The blastocyst formation rate of nuclear transfer (NT) embryos using cocultured oocytes (24%) was significantly higher (p < 0.05) than that of non-co-cultured oocytes (13%). Cleaved embryos at 48 h after nuclear transfer using co-cultured oocytes were transferred to the oviducts of 14 G?ttingen miniature pigs and four Meishan pigs. Estrus of all G?ttingens returned at around 20-31 days of pregnancy. Two of the four Meishans became pregnant. Three and two cloned piglets were born after modest number of embryo transfer (15 and 29 embryos transferred), respectively. These results indicated that oocytes co-cultured with follicle shells have a high developmental competence after nuclear transfer and result in full-term development after embryo transfer.  相似文献   

The interest for South American camelids has increased in the last years. The aim of the present research was to compare the in vitro production of Lama glama embryos using two techniques: in vitro fertilization (IVF) and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). For IVF technique, we compared the effect of adding or not, heparin, penicillamine and hypotaurine as sperm capacitating agents. In the oocyte group subjected to ICSI, activation with or without, ionomycin and 6-dimethylaminopurine (6-DMAP) was assessed. Semen samples were obtained by electroejaculation and incubated at 38 degrees C in a 25% (v/v) collagenase solution. The cleavage and embryo development rates were compared between the different experimental groups. Only the number of cleaved oocytes was less when ICSI with no activation was used (p<0.05).  相似文献   

Germinal vesicle (GV) oocytes matured in vitro are an alternative source for cytoplasmic recipients of nuclear transfer (NT). However, the developmental potential of oocytes matured in vitro is limited. In this study, we developed a protein-free maturation medium for mouse GV oocytes. Following parthenogenetic activation, the oocytes matured in the protein-free medium develop to blastocyst stage with a high efficiency, even up to the rate obtained from in vivo MII-oocytes (90.6% vs. 92.8%). Using the oocytes matured in the protein-free medium as the recipient, NT embryos develop to the blastocyst stage (17.6%). To further improve the developmental potential of NT embryos, we performed serial NT and compared the effect of three different activated cytoplasm samples derived from in vitro matured oocytes as the second recipient, that is, the effect of in vitro fertilized (IVF) zygote, the preactivated cytoplast and the IVF cytoplast, on the development of NT embryos. We found that when the pronucleus of NT zygote was transferred into the cytoplasm of the IVF zygote, the blastocyst formation increased to 39.4%. This is the first report to demonstrate the IVF zygote from oocytes matured in protein-free medium can be used successfully as the recipient for serial NT to enhance the developmental potential of mouse NT embryos from oocytes matured in the protein-free medium.  相似文献   

A study was designed to determine the feasibility of developing in vitro maturation, fertilization and culture systems utilizing follicular oocytes and epididymal spermatozoa collected from llamas at slaughter. From a total of 1324 cumulus oocyte complexes (COCs) recovered, 972 were cultured in 50-ul drops of TCM-199 medium with 10% heat inactivated steer serum (DBS) and hormones for 30 h. After maturation, the oocytes were randomly allocated into 4 groups in a 2x2 factorial design: cumulus-enclosed oocytes, 2 ug/ml heparin (Group 1); cumulus-enclosed oocytes, 5 ug/ml heparin (Group 2); denuded oocytes, 2 ug/ml heparin (Group 3); and denuded oocytes, 5 ug/ml heparin (Group 4). Denuded oocytes were obtained for groups 3 and 4 by vortexing. Epididymides were also collected at slaugther and fresh spermatozoa (for each replicate) were obtained by mincing the cauda epididymis with a scalpel blade. A total of 721 oocytes were inseminated with 2-3 x 10(6) epididymal spermatozoa/ml in a 50-ul drop of FERT-TALP medium. After 18 h of in vitro insemination, 234 oocytes were placed in a llama oviductal epithelial cell (LLOEC) co-culture in TCM-199 for 9 d. All cultures were done at 38.5 degrees C under 5% CO(2) in air with high humidity. The rate of fertilization, initial cleavage and development in co-culture were evaluated and compared. Of 192 oocytes examined for signs of fertilization, 56 (29.2%) were penetrated by spermatozoa with 57.1% (32 56 ) of the penetrated oocytes having a male and female pronucleus. There were no differences among treatment groups in total fertilization. However, the frequency of oocytes fertilized normally tended to be higher in the denuded oocytes 67.7% (21 31 ) than the oocytes inseminated with cumulus cells 44.0% (11 25 ) independent of heparin concentration (P<0.06). The total embryo development rate to the 2 cells to blastocyst stage was 32.1% (75 234 ). There was no difference in development rate between groups. From the 234 oocytes co-cultured in LLOEC for 9 d, 15.8% developed into 2 to 16 cells, 5.6% into morulae, 6.0% into early/expanded blastocysts and 4.7% into hatching/hatched blastocysts. The results indicate that an in vitro fertilization system is possible in the llama utilizing slaughterhouse material and that llama oocytes can be fertilized in the presence of heparin and epididymal spermatozoa.  相似文献   

Slavik T  Fulka J  Goll I 《Theriogenology》1992,38(4):749-756
Randomly chosen sheep oocytes isolated from 2- to 5-mm follicles of hormonally nonstimulated slaughtered females were matured and fertilized in vitro. Using heparin for the induction of ram sperm capacitation, a fertilization rate close to 80% was recorded. After the transfer of 29 embryos cultured to the 2- to 4-cell stage to 4 recipients, each delivered 1 lamb. In another experiment, 34 2-cell embryos stage were transferred (1 to each oviduct) to 17 synchronized recipients; 8 pregnancies were established and each of 5 recipients delivered a single lamb. The remaining 3 recipients aborted at the third month of gestation. These results show that sheep embryos can be produced in vitro from randomly chosen oocytes and by using relatively simple procedures. However, the viability of the embryos was low, with approximately only 15% developing to term after transfer at the 2-cell stage.  相似文献   

Microinjection and in vitro culture procedures were developed to produce transgenic bovine embryos after in vitro fertilization of in vitro matured oocytes. In Experiment I, zygotes were subjected to pronuclear microinjection of DNA 18 or 24 h following addition of spermatozoa to oocytes. Microinjections were performed in either Hepes-buffered TCM-199 or modified Dulbecco's phosphate-buffered saline without glucose. Viability of embryos was similar at both injection times and for both media, as determined by morphological evaluation after culturing embryos in vitro for 10 d. In Experiment II, microinjected embryos were cultured 1) in rabbit oviducts, 2) in vitro in a 5% CO(2) in air, or 3) in a 5% CO(2) / 5% O(2) / 90% N(2) incubator. There were no significant differences between the 2 in vitro culture environments. The in vitro culture systems supported development of embryos significantly better than the rabbit oviducts; 33% of cleaved ova developed to blastocysts in vitro vs 10% in vivo; 98% of transferred ova were recovered from the rabbit oviducts. From both experiments, 6 of 92 blastocysts were positive for the microinjected DNA as determined by a polymerase chain reaction followed by gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   

The exploitation of the domestic animals species of South American camelids is of great social importance for the native people living in the High Andes. The reproductive physiology of these species is a unique challenge in the development of advanced breeding techniques. At present, the cryopreservation of embryos has not been developed and very few investigations have been conducted. The objective of the present work was to evaluate the in vivo survival of vitrified llama embryos after transfer to recipient females. Donors females were treated with a CIDR-estradiol benzoate-eCG regimen and were mated naturally 6 days after CIDR withdrawal. One ovulatory dose (8 microg) of GnRH was administered immediately after mating. A second mating was allowed 24 h later. Embryo recovery was performed nonsurgically between 8 and 8.5 days after the first mating. Twenty-two ova/embryos were recovered from 12 donor females. Hatched blastocysts were exposed to vitrification solution (20% glycerol + 20% ethylene glycol + 0.3 M sucrose + 0.375 M glucose + 3% polyethylene glycol (P/V)) in three steps, and after loading into 0.25 ml straws, were plunged into liquid nitrogen. For embryo transfer, recipients animals were ovulation-synchronized using GnRH administered at the same time as donors. A total of eight vitrified-warmed embryos and 12 fresh embryos were nonsurgically transferred to four and six recipient females, respectively (two embryo per recipient). The pregnancy rates were 50 and 33.3% for recipients that had received vitrified embryos and fresh embryos, respectively. The results demonstrated the effectiveness of this simple vitrification method for cryopreservation of llama embryos.  相似文献   

Follicular oocytes collected from prepubertal gilts at a local slaughter house were matured (36 h), fertilized and developed in vitro. Of 785 embryos, 190 (24%) embryos cleaved to the 2-4 cell stages with blastomeres of regular size by 33 h after insemination. These cleaved embryos were surgically transferred into the oviducts of 4 synchronized recipient gilts and recovered from the uterine horns 4 or 7 days later: 13 morulae, 2 blastocysts and 1 expanded blastocyst were recovered after 4 days and 3 hatched blastocysts were recovered 7 days after transfer. Re-culture in vitro sustained further development of morulae recovered 4 days after transfer: 11 of 13 morulae had developed to the blastocyst/hatched blastocyst stages. Overall, 17 of 190 (9%) embryos developed to the blastocyst stage. The results indicate that pig oocytes can be matured and fertilized in vitro, and subsequently develop to the blastocyst stage.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to obtain normal pregnancy following laparoscopic oviductal transfer of in vitro matured and fertilized bovine oocytes. Methods for in vitro maturation and in vitro fertilization were similar to those previously reported (1). Primary oocytes judged to be potentially viable were cultured for 26 h in modified TCM 199 supplemented with heat-treated fetal calf serum (20% v/v), 5mug/ml FSH (USDA-bFSH-B-1), and 1mug/ml estradiol 17-beta. Oocyte cumulus complexes were microscopically evaluated for maturation (first polar body formation) following a brief treatment with hyaluronidase. Mature oocytes were inseminated with heparin-treated spermatozoa and incubated at 39 degrees C under paraffin oil and moist 5% CO(2), 5% O(2), 90% N(2). In this work, 450 oocytes were recovered at slaughter from ovaries of 42 random cows of unknown reproductive status and 336 oocytes (74.7%) with compact cumulus were selected for culture. Of these, 322 (95.4%) matured in vitro. Of 218 inseminated oocytes, 198 (90.8%) were penetrated by sperm and 83 (38.1%) cleaved, with 102 (46.6%) of the embryos reaching four- to eight-cell stages. None of 40 oocytes not exposed to sperm and none of 30 oocytes inseminated with untreated sperm showed signs of activation. In a control experiment with hormones added, 105 of 115 (91.3%) oocytes matured in vitro and 20 of 105 (19.5%) cleaved following in vitro insemination. Laparoscopy was performed on four synchronized recipients under local anesthesia. A catheter containing three embryos in the two to four cell stages was passed through the operating channel of a direct viewing bronchoscope for deposition in the oviduct ipsilateral to the recipients developing corpus luteum while the fimbria and the mesovarium were manipulated with Semm's forceps. A normal term pregnancy confirmed in vitro fertilization and provides feasibility data for use of laparoscopic methodology developed in this work for testing viability of bovine oocytes and embryos. These results are encouraging for the application of in vitro maturation and in vitro fertilization for overcoming infertility in domestic and endangered species.  相似文献   

To determine the effect of barley diets on digestibility, nitrogen balance, and blood metabolites, mature gelded llamas and alpacas (n = 8; 4 llamas, 36 ± 4 months, 90 ± 10.7 kg; 4 alpacas, 24–36 months, 50 ± 4 kg) were randomly fed 100% barley (B) and 20% alfalfa/80% barley (BA) hay. Animals were housed in metabolism crates and diets were fed for a 7 days adjustment period followed by a 5 days collection period. Feed, feed refusal, feces and urine were collected, dried and N content determined by combustion analysis. Blood samples were collected on day 12 at 30 min intervals over a 6 h period. Plasma was harvested and analyzed for electrolytes (Na, K, Cl, Ca, Ca2+, P, Mg), metabolites glucose, non-esterified fatty acids (NEFAs), urea N, creatinine, albumin, total protein (TPP), osmolality (Osm). Plasma glucose, urea N, albumin, osmolality, electrolyte and metabolite levels were similar between species, and were unaffected by diet. On a metabolic weight basis, only diet was significant for N intake, urinary and fecal N, and total N excreted. Dry matter intake was not significantly different; however, BA consumption was greater than B, (B) 1272 g N/day and (BA) 1636 g N/day for llamas, and for alpacas (B) 835 g N/day and (BA) 1034 g N/day, respectively. Nitrogen intake followed the same pattern, (B) 21.4 g N/day and (BA) 33.9 g N/day, respectively for llamas, and (B) 13.6 g N/day and (BA) 20.6 g N/day, respectively for alpacas (diet, P < 0.002). Diet affects were significant for urine N excretion (P < 0.02), (B) 11.2 g/day and (BA) 18.2 g/day for llamas, and (B) 6.8 and (BA) 10.8 g N/day for alpacas. Fecal N excretion was different for diet (P < 0.03), with fecal excreted N of 9.0 g N/day and 11.9 g N/day for B and BA in llamas, and 5.9 g N/day and 9.1 g N/day for B and BA respectively in for alpacas, respectively. Nitrogen retention, DM digestibility and N digestibility were unaffected by diet or species. However, the llamas in this study displayed an increase in nitrogen intake of 64.6% between the B and BA diets with a 381% increase in N retention. Alpacas increased their N intake by 57.4% when they consumed the BA forage, which only increased N retention by 22.2%. These species differences indicate that alpacas have a lower N requirement to meet metabolic needs than llamas, which are likely related to the smaller body size of the alpaca. When examining the biological value of N from the respective diets, alpacas and llamas had a value of 56.2% when consuming barley. The BA diet had a higher biological value of 65.0% in llamas compared to 57.4% in alpacas. Therefore, on the basis of this study, extrapolations between llamas and alpacas with respect to nitrogen requirement and balance are not valid.  相似文献   

Analysis of melanins and melanosomes in eight hair and skin samples taken of adult pigmented Argentine llamas (Lama glama L.) has been carried out. In each sample, eumelanins, pheomelanins and alkali-soluble melanins were identified. The total amount of melanins and the amount of eumelanins both decreased from black to reddish brown colour, while pheomelanins were found to be present in small quantities in each sample. Eumelanosomes were round and oval-shaped, displaying transverse striations clearly visible at low magnification. Dark brown samples revealed all four melanosomes stages. Stages I and II melanosomes appeared as large, asymmetrical vacuoles containing numerous microvesicles randomly scattered within an amorphous proteinaceous material (vesiculo-globular bodies). Stage III melanosomes had microgranular melanin deposits in the microvesicles and in the matrix. The fully melanized melanosomes (stage IV) were primarily round-shaped, showing an irregular outline and the electron-dense pigment was arranged to form large clusters. In light brown melanocytes, numerous melanosomes at different maturation stages could be found. Premelanosomes appeared ovoid, containing amorphous proteinaceous material and spotty and microgranular deposits. Mature melanosomes were fully melanized, homogeneously electron-dense, ovoid granules.  相似文献   

The fertilizability of hamster oocytes matured in vitro was examined along with two factors potentially affecting nuclear maturation in culture. The four amino acids (isoleucine, methionine, phenylalanine, and glutamine) necessary for nuclear maturation of cumulus-free oocytes (Gwatkin and Haidri, '74) were not required if oocytes recovered on the morning of proestrus (day 4) were cultured with intact cumuli. Although follicular oocytes recovered on day 3 of the estrous cycle (late diestrus) had somewhat lower frequencies of maturation in vitro compared to those recovered on day 4 (76 vs. 95%, respectively), they still had a substantial frequency of spontaneous maturation. Follicular oocytes recovered on day 3 and matured in vitro were fertilized at frequencies equivalent to oviducal oocytes (80 vs. 82%, respectively) when incubation of oocytes with precapacitated sperm was continued for 6 h. Penetration of follicular oocytes was lower (37.4%) after only 4 h of sperm/egg incubation, indicating a delay in sperm penetration with follicular oocytes matured in vitro. Incubation for 4 h is sufficient time for penetration of 80% or more of oviducal oocytes. While 98% of penetrated oviducal oocytes were fertilized normally, only 2% of penetrated follicular oocytes were normal. The majority (85%) of follicular oocytes, unlike oviducal oocytes, were unable to cause decondensation of sperm nuclei after 6 h of sperm/egg incubation. Use of a highly defined system for in vitro fertilization of hamster gametes has provided rigorous proof that isolated cumulus-oocyte complexes do not undergo complete maturation in vitro.  相似文献   

Assisted reproductive technologies in the llama (Lama glama) are needed to provide alternative methods for the propagation, selection and genetic improvement; however, recovery of adequate quantity and quality of spermatozoa for conventional IVF is problematic. Therefore, an effort was made to adapt the intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) procedure for the in vitro production of llama embryos. The specific objectives of this study were: (1) to determine in vitro maturation rates of oocytes recovered by transvaginal ultrasound-guided oocyte aspiration (TUGA) or flank laparotomy; (2) to evaluate the effects of activation treatments following ICSI; (3) to evaluate the development of llama ICSI embryos in CR1aa medium or in an oviduct cell co-culture system. Llamas were superstimulated by double dominant follicle reduction followed by oFSH administered in daily descending doses over a 3-day interval. Oocytes were harvested by flank laparotomy or TUGA and matured in vitro for 30 h. Mature oocytes were subjected to ICSI followed by no chemical activation (Treatment A), ionomycin only (Treatment B) or ionomycin/DMAP activation (Treatment C). More oocytes were recovered by flank laparotomy procedure compared with TUGA (94% versus 61%, P<0.05) and a greater number of oocytes harvested by flank laparotomy reached the metaphase-II stage (77% versus 44%, P<0.05). After ICSI, the proportion of cleaved and 4-8-cell stages embryos was significantly greater when injected oocytes were activated with ionomycin/DMAP combination (63% and 38%, respectively, P<0.05). The co-culture of ICSI embryos with llama oviduct epithelial cells resulted in progression to morula (25%) and blastocyst (12%) stages; whereas, all embryos cultured in CR1aa medium arrested at the 8-16-cell developmental stage.  相似文献   

Single blastomeres from eight-cell stage bovine embryos matured and fertilized in vitro were electrically fused with enucleated oocytes matured in vitro. In experiment 1, The percentage of these reconstituted embryos developed to the two- to eight-cell stage 48 hr after electrofusion was increased when both the eight-cell embryos and the enucleated oocytes were derived from oocytes cultured with granulosa cells (14% vs. 38%). In experiment 2, the relationship between activation of oocytes and developmental ability of reconstituted embryos was examined. Although both ethanol and electrical stimulation efficiently induced parthenogenetic activation of oocytes matured in vitro for 26–28 hr (ethanol, 89%; electrical stimulation, 73%), the ratio of the second polarbody extrusion differed (80% vs. 22%). Ethanol-treated enucleated oocytes, however, were not significantly different from the early cleavage of the reconstituted embryos 48 hr after electrofusion (nontreated, 38%; treated, 43%). In experiment 3, reconstituted embryos at the two- to eight-cell stage 48 hr after the electrofusion were cocultured with granulosa cells for 6–7 days. Of 69 embryos, one developed to a morula and three developed to blastocysts. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The present study examines the use of buffalo preantral follicles as a source of oocytes for in vitro embryo production. Preantral follicles were isolated from abattoir-derived buffalo ovaries and were grown for 100 days in five different culture systems: (1) minimum essential medium (MEM); (2) coconut water; (3) MEM + ovarian mesenchymal cell (OMC) co-culture; (4) MEM + granulosa cell (GC) co-culture; or (5) MEM + cumulus cell (CC) co-culture. Low growth rates for the preantral follicles were observed when follicles were cultured in MEM or coconut water medium. Moderate growth rates were seen for OMC and GC co-cultures, and high rates of growth were observed when follicles were grown in CC co-culture. The survival of preantral follicles was low in the MEM culture (<25%), but was over 75% in the other culture systems. Oocytes were not recovered from the MEM group, while an oocyte recovery rate of 80-100% was observed when the follicles were cultured with coconut water/somatic cells. Transferable embryos could be produced only with the oocytes obtained from preantral follicles grown in the OMC and CC co-culture systems. This study demonstrates, for the first time, that it is possible to produce buffalo embryos by in vitro fertilization of oocytes derived from in vitro grown preantral follicles.  相似文献   

The present study was carried out to explore the feasibility of using buffalo fetal skin fibroblasts as donor nuclei and to find out the developmental competence of embryos following transfer of these nuclei to in vitro matured enucleated buffalo oocytes. Skin cells were isolated from 1 to 2-month-old fetuses obtained from slaughterhouse, by enzymatic digestion (0.5% w/v trypsin +0.05% w/v collagenase in Dulbecco's PBS) for 15-20 min. The cells were washed 4 times with Dulbecco's PBS and then once with RPMI-1640+10% FBS by centrifugation at 600 x g. The cells were then cultured in the same medium in a CO2 incubator (5% CO2 in air) at 38.5 degrees C for 2-3 days. Cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) collected from slaughterhouse buffalo ovaries were subjected to IVM in the IVM medium (TCM-199 + 5 microg/ml FSH-P + 10 microg/ml LH+10% FBS) for 20-22 h in a CO2 incubator (5% CO2 in air) at 38.5 degrees C. Oocytes were denuded with 0.1% trypsin followed by repeated pipetting and then enucleated by aspirating the first polar body with 10-15% of nearby cytoplasm with a micromanipulator. Two different types of donor cells (growing cells and those arrested with cytochalasin-B) were used for reconstruction of oocytes. The reconstructs were electro fused and incubated in the activation medium (TCM-199 + 8 microg/ml cytochalasin-B+10% FBS) for 4 h. These were then cultured in IVC medium (TCM-199+10% FBS) in a CO2 incubator (5% CO2 in air) at 38.5 degrees C for 48 h. The cleaved embryos were then co-cultured with buffalo oviduct cells in embryo development media (EDM). Out of 119 denuded matured oocytes which were enucleated and reconstructed with growing cells, 78 (65.5%) were electro fused, activated and cultured, out of which 4 (5.1%) reconstructs cleaved and developed to 2-cell stage, 3 (3.8%) reached to 4-cell stage and 3 (3.8%) reached to 8-cell stage. In the synchronized group, out of 62 denuded matured oocytes which were reconstructed with cytochalasin-B blocked cells, 40 (65%) were electrofused, activated and cultured, out of which 4 (10%) developed to 2-cell stage, 3 (7.50%) to 4-cell stage, 2 (5.0%) to early morula stage and 1 (2.50%) to blastocysts stage. These results suggest that buffalo fetal skin fibroblasts could be used as donor nuclei for the production of buffalo embryos after nuclear transfer to enucleated in vitro matured buffalo oocytes.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to examine the effect of the length of in vitro maturation of oocytes on the efficiency of enucleation, parthenogenetic activation and blastomere fusion by electric stimulus. In vitro development of reconstituted oocytes receiving a blastomere from 8 to 16-cell bovine embryos fertilized in vitro was investigated to assess the effect of aging of the oocytes. The proportion of oocytes with a first polar body at 22 to 24 hours after maturation was high (80%) compared with those obtained at 16 to 18, 28 to 30 or 42 to 44 hours (50 to 75%). The success rate of enucleation significantly decreased with aging (88, 85, 74 and 55%). The activation rate significantly increased with the length of maturation in vitro (P<0.01) (1 to 4, 24 to 41, 57 to 70 and 80 to 87%). The proportion of oocytes fused with a blastomere from 8- to 16-cell embryos was not dependent on the age of the oocytes (54 approximately 59%). The ability of the reconstituted oocytes to develop to the 2-cell and the 8- to 16-cell stage increased with the length of maturation of recipient oocytes. When oocytes enucleated and a blastomere at 22 to 24 hours were incubated further for 22 to 23 hours until electrofusion. The proportions of oocytes which developed to the 2-cell and the 8- to 16-cell stages (74 and 17%) were similar to those obtained at 42 to 44 hours after maturation. However, only 1 to 6% of reconstituted eggs receiving a blastomere from 8- to 16-cell embryos fertilized in vitro developed into a blastocyst in vitro.  相似文献   

As part of a larger project investigating the development and heritability of choanal atresia glama), it was necessary to develop a protocol for aborting llamas at various stages of gestation. Twenty-seven animals between 4 and 7 mo of gestation were successfully aborted a total of 53 times following two 250 microg intramuscular injections of cloprostenol at 24 h intervals. Abortion was induced once in 10 animals and multiple times (range 2 to 5) in 17 animals. Twenty-four animals (45.2%) aborted 3 d following the first injection, with 20 animals (37.7%) aborting 4 d post prostaglandin administration. Other animals aborted at 2 d (n=6, 11.3%), 5 d (n=2, 3.8%), and 7 d (n=1, 1.9%) following drug administration. Forty-nine (92.5%) of the abortions occurred following a single series of injections, while 4 animals (7.5%) aborted following a second series of injections. No confirmed pregnant animals failed to abort following the second series of cloprostenol injections. Conception rates in animals rebred 2 to 4 wk following an abortion were comparable to those of untreated animals in the research herd. Unlike the severe hypertension and death that has been reported following dinoprost tromethamine administration in the llama, no adverse reactions were observed in this study following cloprostenol administration. The results demonstrate that llamas can be safely and effectively aborted up to 7 mo of gestation (normal full term gestation = 342 +/- 10 days) without adverse effects on subsequent fertility.  相似文献   

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