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We analysed changes in cuticular hydrocarbon signatures of workers in orphaned colonies of the paper wasp Polistes dominulus. In natural conditions, workers and foundresses possess characteristic cuticular signatures, and foundresses are further distinguishable, both behaviourally and chemically, on the basis of their rank in a reproductive dominance hierarchy. In our study, several workers were found to develop their ovaries and produce cuticular signatures resembling those of dominant foundresses, while remaining workers possessed undeveloped ovaries and had cuticular blends characteristic of subordinate foundresses. Workers that did not develop their ovaries had changed epicuticular signatures, demonstrating that the mixture of hydrocarbons of worker individuals is strongly dependent on social role and environment. Our results suggest that the composition of epicuticular lipids is not determined at the pre-imaginal stage, and that physiological pathways leading to cuticular chemical changes are similar in foundresses and workers of P. dominulus.  相似文献   

In social insects, cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) play an important role in nestmate discrimination processes, but young individuals are usually not discriminated. We studied CHC changes in young workers of the social wasp Polistes dominulus. A quantitative estimation demonstrated that total quantities of CHCs increased after emergence, with branched alkanes increasing drastically when compared with other classes of hydrocarbons. The relative quantity of longer-chain compounds increased with respect to shorter ones; unsaturated compounds decreased. These changes might reduce the capacity of the cuticle to acquire compounds of environmental origin. We then tested whether individuals acquire hydrocarbons from the environment, and whether this capability equally characterises newly emerged and mature wasps. We exposed wasps of two age classes (adults younger or older than 24 h) to four linear hydrocarbons in turn, and observed how nestmates reacted to their re-introduction into the natal colony. Exposed young wasps elicited significantly more aggressive responses than control sisters; but treated wasps older than 24 h were generally accepted by nestmates. Chemical assays showed that exposed young wasps readily absorbed hydrocarbons; older ones did not incorporate hydrocarbons, suggesting that the chemical profiles of mature wasps are less prone to chemical shifts than those of newly emerged wasps.  相似文献   

Polistes foundresses can behave as facultative social parasites when, instead of founding their own nest, they usurp colonies of the same or a different species and temporary use the host workforce to raise their own brood. Conspecific usurpation appears to be common among Polistes wasps, but nothing is known about the mechanisms that these facultative social parasites use to have themselves accepted within usurped colonies. Using behavioural tests, we studied the chemical strategies employed by females of Polistes nimphus when they behave as facultative social parasites in colonies of the same or of a different species. We hypothesized that usurpers would mark host nests with their own odours and/or acquire host nest odours in order to camouflage their real identity from host workers. Our results indicated that P. nimphus usurpers used different chemical strategies depending on host nest species: they acquired conspecific host odours but marked heterospecific host combs with their own odours.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 91 , 505–512.  相似文献   

柑马蜂Polistes mandarinus在不同的环境中会利用植物材料制作各种不同的蜂巢。我们在2009年5-8月间观察研究了西藏自治区波密县的柑马蜂筑巢习性, 并收集62个蜂巢。柑马蜂利用植物纤维和树脂将它们的巢穴筑于当地居民的木屋檐下。收集的42个在用蜂巢中, 8月末平均拥有79.64±65.28个蜂房, 13.1±10.68个蜂蛹。20个弃用蜂巢中, 平均拥有12.95±3.99个蜂房。8月末, 成功的柑马蜂群拥有约80个个体。研究地的柑马蜂采取3种方式来筑巢, 但以第1种方式最为普遍。第1种筑巢方式筑造的蜂巢以两个蜂房连接巢柄, 结构最为稳定, 所以也应用最广, 后两种筑巢方式筑造的蜂巢均以一个蜂房连接巢柄, 是由于越冬雌蜂在找不到合适的筑巢材料时才采取的建巢方式。  相似文献   

We isolated 13 microsatellite markers for the Japanese paper wasp Polistes chinensis antennalis. Null alleles were ruled out in the loci because we could detect polymerase chain reaction products for 578 haploid males. Our results indicate that these markers are excellent tools for the analysis of pedigrees within colonies for species with a complicated pedigree structure due to worker reproduction (male production by workers in queen‐right colonies).  相似文献   

Abstract.  The active and coordinating capacity of defending the nest is a key feature of social insects. The present study investigates the presence of alarm pheromones in the venom of workers of the social wasp, Polistes dominulus . Laboratory experiments were performed with caged colonies of P. dominulus using a wind tunnel apparatus to test the behavioural response of workers to venom released by other workers and to venom extracts. Contrary to that previously reported for European paper wasps, the present results show that the venom is the source of alarm pheromones. Field experiments combining a visual (black target) and a chemical stimulus (venom extract) were performed to test the effect of the venom on the reaction of colonies. Wasps leave the nest, land on the visual target and attack the target significantly more once exposed to venom extract plus target than to solvent plus target. This work shows that the venom of P. dominulus workers elicits an alarm response, reduces the threshold for attack and acts as an attractant on targets. These results using P. dominulus indicate that, in both American and European species, colony defence is based on the same features, suggesting that chemical alarm is a widespread trait in the genus Polistes .  相似文献   

We developed 10 polymorphic microsatellite loci for the Japanese paper wasp Polistes rothneyi using the magnetic particle method. Eight of the 10 loci tested were highly polymorphic, having four to eight alleles in P. rothneyi with an expected heterozygosity of 0.60–0.75. They also appeared to be applicable to other related species such as Polistes jokahamae. These loci can be used to study parameters concerning genetic relatedness such as worker reproduction and kin structure.  相似文献   

The ability of two species of Polistes wasps to distinguish their own from nearby nests was tested, following the procedure used by Espelie et al. Our experiments demonstrated that, in the laboratory, females of Polistes dominulus and Polistes nimphus preferentially selected their own nests rather than nearby nests. We also evaluated the role of odor cues in nest recognition by washing nests in hexane to remove the apolar solvent-soluble components of nest odor. Although P. nimphus females continued to discriminate nests even after washing, P. dominulus individuals failed to discriminate between their own and a foreign neighboring nest. In both species, wasps were able to recognize their own nests when nest extracts were subsequently reapplied to the nest surface. These results indicate that P. dominulus wasps recognize their nests through perception of nest odor. The ability of P. nimphus wasps to distinguish their own nests even after presumed removal of the nest odor is discussed. Received: January 27, 2000 / Accepted: May 22, 2000  相似文献   

Circulating hemocytes from larval stages of the paper wasp Polistes dominulus were characterized by light and transmission electron microscopy. Three types were identified: prohemocytes, plasmatocytes and granulocytes. The first two are agranular cells while the latter present typical cytoplasmic inclusions called granules. Plasmatocytes differ from prohemocytes being larger, showing lower nucleus/cytoplasm ratio and they possess many phagolysosomes. The substantial uniformity of most subcellular features and the presence of "intermediate forms" support the "single-cell theory" i.e., there is only one cell line that originates from the prohemocyte and leads to the granular cell passing through the plasmatocyte. This hypothesis seems to be confirmed by functional tests. Indeed, most part of cells adheres to the glass and is able to phagocytize fluorescent microspheres.  相似文献   

The communicative meaning of an oscillation (lateral vibration) performed by foundresses of social wasps (Polistes fuscatus) was investigated by sampling larval saliva from 12 postworker, single-foundress colonies and by viewing videotapes of 17 multiple-foundress (139.3 h) and 16 single-foundress (32 h) preworker colonies. Foundresses spent significantly more time inspecting cells before performing a lateral vibration (LV) than after and commonly became inactive after performing an LV. The proportion of departures temporally proximate to LVs was significantly greater in single- than in multiple-foundress colonies. Departures and LVs were significantly temporally associated in single-foundress colonies. Single foundresses were significantly more likely to perform an LV prior to departing on longer than shorter trips. In multiple-foundress colonies there was a significant temporal relationship between LVs and departures that left the nest unattended. Larvae secreted significantly less saliva, a nutritious substance provided to adults, immediately after an LV than in the absence of an LV. Contextual evidence and results of sampling larval saliva indicate that LVs by foundresses signal larvae to withhold or reduce their secretion of saliva.  相似文献   

Summary Polistes dominulus females were subjected to the following changes of social environment as soon as they emerged: females which emerged in young colonies (presumably most workers) were transferred to more mature colonies, and conversely, females which emerged in mature colonies (presumably mostly gynes) were transferred to younger colonies. The behavioural and biological data obtained here show that when exposed to the new social environment, females from young colonies were able to lengthen their life span and become gynes. Only the very first females to emerge from colonies were less able to survive hibernation. Conversely, females from mature colonies were able to become workers and, as a result of their participation in social tasks, had a shorter life span. This great plasticity in the roles which young adult females can adopt constitutes an important characteristic of primitively eusocial species.  相似文献   

袁峰  赵延会  张彦周  朱朝东 《昆虫学报》2009,52(9):1055-1057
本文报道普通马蜂Polistes nimphus (Christ, 1791)的雌雄嵌体一例,并提供其形态特征图。研究标本的采集地为北京门头沟区东灵山,现保存在中国科学院动物研究所动物标本馆。  相似文献   

The Dufour's gland of the paper wasp, Polistes fuscatus,is a source of the cues used by dominant females to recognize the eggs laid by subordinates or nonnestmates on pre (worker)-emergence nests. When dominant wasps were presented with an egg covered with either (1) the Dufour's gland extract of a subordinate cofoundress, (2) the extract of an egg from the same subordinate, or (3) the solvent alone, the dominant female destroyed and replaced the eggs covered with the Dufour's extract significantly more frequently than the other eggs. Eggs with the extract of a nonnestmate's Dufour's gland were also eaten significantly more frequently than those with the solvent. Given similar choices, subordinates did not destroy any eggs. The Dufour's gland appears to have little or no role in communicating dominance directly among aggressively interacting cofoundresses.  相似文献   

Females in hibernation site (FH) were significantly larger than foundresses (FO), suggesting that larger FH were less successful in founding their nest. Body size of FO did not correlate with two nest characters, i.e., the number of cells at pupal stage (CP) and the timing of nest foundation (DP). However, CP negatively correlated with DP in 2 of 3 studied years, suggesting that foundress who founded her nest earlier than others tended to construct larger number of cells irrespective of her body size.  相似文献   

Nestmate recognition was observed inPolistes metricus Say workers only if the workers were exposed to their nest surface hydrocarbons after eclosion. If the newly emerged workers were never exposed to the nest hydrocarbons as adults, they showed no discrimination between nestmates and nonnestmates. Furthermore, the newly emerged workers were accepted more readily by their experienced nestmates than by experienced nonnestmates only if the newly emerged wasps had been exposed to the nest surface hydrocarbons. This reciprocal recognition implies that the nest recognition cues are nest surface hydrocarbons that are learned and that may be acquired byP. metricus workers as adults on the natal nest.  相似文献   

The wasps of the genus Polistes have been considered the key to understanding the evolution of social behavior in Hymenoptera. Several studies have shown that the development of organized insect societies was accompanied by the evolution of structures like exocrine glands, which became specialized to perform specific functions. This article investigates the ultrastructural and cytochemical features of the hypopharyngeal glands of Polistes versicolor. These glands have been studied in depth in social bees, where they occur only in nurses and produce the royal jelly. Our results revealed that these glands basically did not vary among individuals or between sexes. They are constituted by spherical cells, each with a large nucleus and well‐developed rough endoplasmic reticulum. Secretion vesicles are abundant, but lipid droplets were not observed, indicating that these glands may not have a role in pheromone synthesis. Acid phosphatase was detected in lysosomes, and also free in the cytosol, but did not seem to be related with cell death. Thus, our results suggest that the hypopharyngeal glands of P. versicolor may not have a specialized social role, but could produce digestive enzymes.  相似文献   

In the present study, we investigated whether venom volatiles have a species-specific composition and could possibly be used to discriminate between related paper wasp species. We compared venom volatile chemical profiles, obtained through gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analyses, of three non-parasitic European Polistes species ( P. dominulus , P. gallicus and P. nimphus ). The results show that the venom volatile composition is indeed species specific and can thus be a useful systematic tool.  相似文献   

Alarm pheromones are used in many social insects to elicit an alarm response of nestmates towards disturbances. This chemical alarm channel is especially used by species nesting in closed environments. Polistes gallicus paper wasps typically found their nests on open substrates where visual and vibrational stimuli could be more important than the chemical one to alarm the colony. We investigated, through field bioassays, if, also in this species, workers venom is still the source of alarm pheromones. Our results show that venom volatiles are able to increase the colony defence reaction stimulating more individuals to attack and sting the object of disturbance. Therefore our results suggest the hypothesis that chemical alarm is independent of nesting habit (concealed vs exposed) within the Polistes genus.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The venoms of Polistes fuscatus (subspecies fuscatus) (F.) and P. exclamans Viereck from sympatric populations in North Carolina, U.S.A., contain a pheromone which attracts males and stimulates sexual behaviour in both conspecific and heterospecific males. Males of P. fuscatus (subspecies variatus Cresson), a subspecies from Wisconsin, respond to venom of P. fuscatus fuscatus, P. exclamans, and Vespula maculifrons (Buysson) from North Carolina, although the levels of response to P. exclamans and V. maculifrons venom are less than that to P. fuscatus variatus venom.
Caged Wisconsin P. fuscafus males do not attempt to mate with P. exclamans females, but will attempt to mate with conspecifics. A series of bioassays indicates that males discriminate between females of P. fuscatus and P. exclamans on the basis of chemical, rather than behavioural or visual cues. The venom apparently is not important in species recognition. Instead, the results of two sets of bioassays suggest that species recognition is mediated by a surface pheromone on the cuticle of females.  相似文献   

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