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We have produced a monoclonal antibody that specifically recognizes the adrenocorticotropic receptor on rat adrenal cells. The immunogen was designed from an RNA sequence complementary to the mRNA coding for ACTH1-24. This complementary peptide, termed HTCA, has been shown to specifically bind ACTH and was proposed to mimic the ACTH binding site of the hormone receptor. The monoclonal anti-HTCA antibody recognized a restricted domain of the HTCA peptide, bound to Y-1 adrenal cells with a KD of 1.8 nM, and blocked the binding of 125I-ACTH to rat adrenal cells. These findings show that anti-HTCA competes with ACTH for binding to the ACTH receptor.  相似文献   

V Gerke  J A Steitz 《Cell》1986,47(6):973-984
A HeLa cell nuclear extract active in splicing of pre-mRNA has been fractionated to identify the component that interacts with the 3' splice site. The activity that binds this region in an RNAase T1 protection assay copurifies with a 70 kd protein which is recognized by anti-Sm antibodies. Protein blots probed with labeled mRNA precursors either containing or lacking an intact 3' splice site reveal that the 70 kd polypeptide can bind pre-mRNA after immobilization on nitrocellulose and that it shows a preference for sequences located between the 3' splice junction and the site of lariat formation. Cofractionation during chromatography and immunoprecipitation by anti-2,2,7-trimethylguanosine antibodies demonstrate that the 3' splice site binding component associates with small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles in low (1 mM) but not high (15 mM) Mg++ concentrations.  相似文献   

Summary The mammalian centrosome monoclonal antibody MPM-13 recognized component(s) of the well defined MTOC basal-body root complex in the green plantChlamydomonas. The antibody reaction coincided in location with the basal-body root complex and the cruciate nature of the staining pattern corresponded to the configuration of the root microtubules. During mitosis the behaviour of MPM-13 stained material mirrored the duplication, separation and migration to the spindle poles of the basal body-root complex. It is suggested that conserved MTOC components were recognized and that these may have retained a similar, perhaps universal, function in microtubule organization.Abbreviations BSA bovine serum albumin - DAPI 4,6-diamidine-2-phenylindole dihydrochloride - mt mating type - MT microtubule - MTOC microtubule organizing centre - PFA paraformaldehyde - PBS phosphate buffered saline  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody D51 recognizes the transferrin-receptor structure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
H J Gross 《Blut》1985,51(2):117-122
A monoclonal antibody D51 has been obtained during immunization against human fetal thymus. The antibody binds to a variety of leukemic cells. This is similar to the staining pattern of the mAb OKT9 and L 5.1, which recognize the transferrin receptor. However, there are some differences. The antibody immunoprecipitates a protein present on Molt-4 cells. Under reducing conditions this protein has a molecular weight of 90 K dalton. Under non-reducing conditions it has a molecular weight of 180 K dalton. This suggests a dimeric structure. The consecutive immunoprecipitation with D51 and OKT9, respectively, demonstrates that both antibodies recognize the structure of the transferrin receptor.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated that germinal vesicle of amphibian oocyte contains small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide C (SNRPC). In this study, a putative member of SNRPC was identified from Carassius auratus gibelio oocyte cDNA library. Its full-length cDNA has an open reading frame of 201 nt for encoding a peptide of 66 aa, a short 5'-UTR of 19 nt and a long 3'-UTR of 347 nt including a polyadenylation signal and poly- (A) tail, and the deduced amino acid sequence has 47% identity with the C-terminal of the zebrafish small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide C. Western blot analysis revealed its oocyte-specific expression. Immunofluorescence localization indicated that its gene product localized to numerous nucleoli within the oocytes and showed dynamic changes with the nucleoli during oocyte maturation. RT-PCR and Western blot analysis further revealed its constant presence in the oocytes and in the embryos until hatching. The data suggested that the newly identified CagOSNRPC might be a nucleolar protein.  相似文献   

The major small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs) U1, U2, U5 and U4/U6 participate in the splicing of pre-mRNA. U1, U2, U4 and U5 RNAs share a highly conserved sequence motif PuA(U)nGPu, termed the Sm site, which is normally flanked by two hairpin loops. The Sm site provides the major binding site for the group of common proteins, B', B, D1, D2, D3, E, F and G, which are shared by the spliceosomal snRNPs. We have investigated the ability of common snRNP proteins to recognize the Sm site of snRNA by using ultraviolet light-induced RNA-protein cross-linking within U1 snRNP particles. The U1 snRNP particles, reconstituted in vitro, contained U1 snRNA labelled with 32P. Cross-linking of protein to this U1 snRNA occurred only in the presence of the single-stranded stretch of snRNA that makes up the conserved Sm site. Characterization of the cross-linked protein by one and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis indicated that snRNP protein G had become cross-linked to the U1 snRNA. This was confirmed by specific immunoprecipitation of the cross-linked RNA-protein complex with an anti-G antiserum. The cross-link was located on the U1 snRNA by fingerprint analysis with RNases T1 and A; this demonstrated that the protein G has been cross-linked to the AAU stretch within the 5'-terminal half of the Sm site (AAUUUGUGG). These results suggest that the snRNP protein G may be involved in the direct recognition of the Sm site.  相似文献   

X3, a monoclonal antibody of unusual specificity, is described. This antibody reacts with one or more cytokeratin polypeptides and also reacts with an avian (chicken, quail) nuclear antigen that appears to be present in all cell types (chicken) tested, although with variable staining pattern and intensity. This antigen is distinct from the cytokeratins but does have an epitope in common with this class of proteins. It disappears from the nucleus during the early stages of cell division and reappears during anaphase as a granular cytoplasmic structure. In late telophase the antigen is relocated in the nucleus. This antigen, which we have designated as avian-specific nuclear antigen (AVNA), is not associated with chromatin or ribonucleoproteins. From immunoblotting experiments on chicken fibroblast nuclei, AVNA is probably a complex composed of one or several polypeptides, one of which has a molecular weight of approximately 60 kD. The proteins were identified as nuclear matrix proteins rather than pore complex-lamina proteins by immunoblotting experiments on the purified nuclear matrix of chicken erythrocytes. The major polypeptide had a molecular weight of 60 kD and the minor polypeptide a molecular weight of 69 kD.  相似文献   

Anti-Sm is an antibody specificity often associated with the autoimmune disease systemic lupus erythematosus. The polypeptides Sm-B'/B (estimated molecular mass 27 and 26 kDa, respectively) are primary targets of Sm antibodies. Sm-B'/B are part of the core polypeptides of small ribonucleoprotein particles (snRNP) involved in pre-mRNA splicing. Sm-B'/B share the same amino-terminal sequence as we determined by microsequence analyses of the purified polypeptides. Oligonucleotide probes based on that sequence were used to isolate seven clones from a human lymphoblastoid cDNA library in lambda gt10. The clones contained a single coding region for a protein of approximately 25 kDa. The predicted amino-terminal sequence was identical to that of the isolated Sm-B'/B polypeptides. In vitro translation experiments produced a protein immunoreactive with human polyclonal anti-Sm antibodies. The isolation of only one unique cDNA sequence suggests that Sm-B'/B may be post-translational variants encoded by a single message. The specific structural features which distinguish Sm-B' from Sm-B have yet to be determined. Northern blot analysis confirmed the diverse tissue and species distribution expected for these immunologically conserved polypeptides. The Sm-B'/B primary sequence is rich in proline (20%) and glycine (15%) residues. The prolines are concentrated in the carboxyl-terminal half of the protein and display a repetitive unit that is shared with other snRNP and nucleic acid binding proteins. Analysis of these arrays suggests an eight residue proline-rich consensus sequence with potential as either an RNA binding domain, or as a site of protein/protein interaction.  相似文献   

Metabolism of small molecular weight monodisperse nuclear RNA   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  

Using a protein blotting method for the detection of nucleic acid binding proteins, we have identified in HeLa cell nuclear extracts an intron binding protein (IBP) that selectively recognizes the 3' splice site region of mammalian pre-mRNAs. The binding site was accurately delineated using oligonucleotides complementary to human beta-globin pre-mRNA. It spans the 3' splice site AG dinucleotide and the crucial polypyrimidine stretch upstream, but includes neither the branchpoint nor the lariat structure. Although the technique used here shows that the binding specificity is an intrinsic property of IBP and does not depend on snRNA-pre-mRNA interactions, it comigrates with U5 snRNP and is immunoprecipitated by anti-Sm antibody. This strongly suggests that IBP belongs to U5 snRNP. We propose that it is involved in one of the earliest steps of the splicing reaction by mediating the interaction of U5 snRNP with the 3' splice site.  相似文献   

Injection of chicken gizzard actin into BALB/c mice resulted in the isolation of a smooth muscle-specific monoclonal antibody designated CGA7. When assayed on methanol-Carnoy's fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue, it bound to smooth muscle cells and myoepithelial cells, but failed to decorate striated muscle, endothelium, connective tissue, epithelium, or nerve. CGA7 recognized microfilament bundles in early passage cultures of rat aortic smooth muscle cells and human leiomyosarcoma cells but did not react with human fibroblasts. In Western blot experiments, CGA7 detected actin from chicken gizzard and monkey ileum, but not skeletal muscle or fibroblast actin. Immunoblots performed on two-dimensional gels demonstrated that CGA7 recognizes gamma-actin from chicken gizzard and alpha- and gamma-actin from rat colon muscularis. This antibody was an excellent tissue-specific smooth muscle marker.  相似文献   

Spliceosome assembly during pre-mRNA splicing requires the correct positioning of the U1, U2, U4/U6, and U5 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles (snRNPs) on the precursor mRNA. The structure and integrity of these snRNPs are maintained in part by the association of the snRNAs with core snRNP (Sm) proteins. The Sm proteins also play a pivotal role in metazoan snRNP biogenesis. We have characterized a Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene, SMD3, that encodes the core snRNP protein Smd3. The Smd3 protein is required for pre-mRNA splicing in vivo. Depletion of this protein from yeast cells affects the levels of U snRNAs and their cap modification, indicating that Smd3 is required for snRNP biogenesis. Smd3 is structurally and functionally distinct from the previously described yeast core polypeptide Smd1. Although Smd3 and Smd1 are both associated with the spliceosomal snRNPs, overexpression of one cannot compensate for the loss of the other. Thus, these two proteins have distinct functions. A pool of Smd3 exists in the yeast cytoplasm. This is consistent with the possibility that snRNP assembly in S. cerevisiae, as in metazoans, is initiated in the cytoplasm from a pool of RNA-free core snRNP protein complexes.  相似文献   

We have obtained a hybridoma clone, JLJ5a, which secretes monospecific antibody directed against a 110-kdalton protein of gerbil fibroma cells, Rat-1 fibroblasts, and L6 myoblasts. It appears to be localized in the Golgi apparatus by the following criteria: (a) In double- staining experiments the localization of the 110-kdalton protein by the JLJ5a monoclonal antibody was coincident with the reaction products of thiamine pyrophosphatase (one of the enzyme markers of the Golgi apparatus; Novikoff and Goldfischer, 1961, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 47:802-810) in the same cells. (b) The staining pattern of the JLJ5a monoclonal antibody became fragmented and dispersed into vacuoles after pretreatment of the cells with Colcemid or monensin.  相似文献   

We recently determined the crystal structure of the RNP domain of the U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein A and identified Arg and Lys residues involved in U1 RNA binding. These residues are clustered around the two highly conserved segments, RNP1 and RNP2, located in the central two beta strands. We have now studied the U1 RNA binding of mutants where potentially hydrogen bonding residues on the RNA binding surface were replaced by non-hydrogen bonding residues. In the RNP2 segment, the Thr11----Val and Asn15----Val mutations completely abolished, and the Tyr13----Phe and Asn16----Val mutations substantially reduced the U1 RNA binding, suggesting that these residues form hydrogen bonds with the RNA. In the RNP1 segment Arg52----Gln abolished, but Arg52----Lys only slightly affected U1 RNA binding, suggesting that Arg52 may form a salt bridge with phosphates of U1 RNA. Ethylation protection experiments of U1 RNA show that the backbone phosphates of the 3' two-thirds of loop II and the 5' stem are in contact with the U1 A protein. The U1 A protein-U1 RNA binding constant is substantially reduced by A----G and G----A replacements in loop II, but not by C----U or U----C replacements. Based on these biochemical data we propose a structure for the complex between the U1 A ribonucleoprotein and U1 RNA.  相似文献   

The properties of the antigen recognized by monoclonal antibody FH6 have been analyzed. FH6 was originally generated against a glycolipid, i.e. a difucoganglioside isolated from human colonic adenocarcinoma, and specifically reacts with sialyl Lex-i determinant. Several culture supernatants of human carcinoma cell line cells were found to have high levels of FH6-reactive antigen, and PC-9, a human lung carcinoma cell line was used for the analysis. A solid-phase sandwich radioimmunoassay was performed to detect the antigen. The antigenic activity was extractable in 0.6 M PCA or 7% TCA, and was sensitive to mild alkaline treatment and to Pronase digestion. Most of the antigen was eluted in the void volume of a Sepharose CL-2B column, which indicates that its molecular weight is greater than several million. It was eluted from a DEAE-cellulose column at a NaCl concentration in the range of 0.2-0.25 M. The immunoaffinity-purified antigen has a high carbohydrate content of more than 80%. These data indicate that the antigen recognized by FH6 in the culture supernatant of PC-9 is not a glycolipid, but a high molecular weight glycoprotein which could be referred to as a mucin, or a proteoglycan, which contains keratan-sulfate like glycosaminoglycan chains, as judged from the results of the glycosidase treatments.  相似文献   

Most of the pre-mRNAs in the eukaryotic cell are comprised of protein-coding exons and non-protein-coding introns. The introns are removed and the exons are ligated together, or spliced, by a large, macromolecular complex known as the spliceosome. This RNA-protein assembly is made up of five uridine-rich small nuclear RNAs (U1-, U2-, U4-, U5- and U6-snRNA) as well over 300 proteins, which form small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles (snRNPs). Initial recognition of the 5′ exon/intron splice site is mediated by the U1 snRNP, which is composed of the U1 snRNA as well as at least ten proteins. By combining structural informatics tools with the available biochemical and crystallographic data, we attempted to simulate a complete, three dimensional U1 snRNP from the silk moth, Bombyx mori. Comparison of our model with empirically derived crystal structures and electron micrographs pinpoints both the strengths and weaknesses in the in silico determination of macromolecular complexes. One of the most striking differences between our model and experimentally generated structures is in the positioning of the U1 snRNA stem-loops. This highlights the continuing difficulties in generating reliable, complex RNA structures; however, three-dimensional modeling of individual protein subunits by threading provided models of biological significance and the use of both automated and manual docking strategies generated a complex that closely reflects the assembly found in nature. Yet, without utilizing experimentally-derived contacts to select the most likely docking scenario, ab initio docking would fall short of providing a reliable model. Our work shows that the combination of experimental data with structural informatics tools can result in generation of near-native macromolecular complexes.  相似文献   

Nuclear RNA-protein complexes containing small molecular weight RNAs were isolated from hepatic nuclei of Rana catesbeiana tadpoles and frogs according to a procedure normally used for the isolation of heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein complexes from other eukaryotic tissues. Preliminary characterization of the tadpole nuclear RNP indicated a particle size of 50--70 S in sucrose density gradients and a buoyant density of 1.40 gm/ml in CsCl gradients. When analyzed on SDS-polyacrylamide gels, this complex was observed to contain at least 40 polypeptides ranging in molecular weight from 15,000 to 200,000. Nuclear RNA-protein complexes were also isolated from adult frog hepatic nuclei by the same protocol and the RNA moiety which had been purified from the frog complex was compared with the nuclear RNA isolated from the tadpole particles. Electrophoretic analysis of the nuclear RNA-protein-associated RNA revealed minor qualitative and quantitive differences in the more than 25 discrete bands (4--9 S) associated with each particle. Base analysis of tadpole and frog nuclear RNA revealed a nucleotide composition of approximately 50% adenosine plus uridine nucleotides, with an unusually high content of cytosine residues (approximately 30%). Comparison of the two RNA samples demonstrated a large increase in the adenosine content of frog unclear RNA, and the presence of a minor base in frog nuclear RNA which was absent in the tadpole sample. These results indicated that changes in the RNA content of the amphibian nuclear RNP complex had occurred during bullfrog development.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody (MAB 10), obtained from mice infected with Trypanosoma cruzi, was found to recognize a superficial antigen in living or fixed parasites. It reacted more strongly with T. cruzi than with related parasites such as T. brucei and Leishmania. In immunoblots it recognized a single trypanosoma polypeptide and also brain tubulin, both of which had the same electrophoretic mobility. Further analysis suggested that the alpha-tubulin subunit contained the epitope recognized by MAB 10. These results suggest that a surface tubulin-like protein is present is T. cruzi.  相似文献   

A cloned complementary DNA, termed pS2, was isolated from a human fibroblast cDNA library in the bacteriophage expression vector lambda gt11 after screening with a patient's serum containing a high titer of anti-ribonucleoprotein (RNP) antibodies. A reasonable amount of cro-beta-galactosidase fusion protein (pS2EX) was obtained through subcloning of the pS2 insert into a plasmid expression vector pEX-2. Antibody against pS2EX (anti-pS2EX) was purified from this patient's serum by Sepharose 4B conjugated with pS2EX. Immunofluorescent staining of HeLa cells with anti-pS2EX antibody exhibited a typical speckled pattern in the interphase nuclei. In the immunoblot analysis, the anti-pS2EX antibody recognized the 22 kDa protein. Using immunoprecipitation of cell lysate and subsequent RNA analysis, anti-pS2EX antibody was shown to precipitate U1 RNP only. The reactivities of various anti-RNP sera to pS2EX correlated well with the positive reaction to C polypeptide in the immunoblot. These findings indicate that pS2 is a cDNA for C polypeptide of U1 snRNP. In the Northern blot using human RNA and radiolabeled pS2, a single band about 800 base was observed. The nucleotide sequence of pS2 showed no significant homologies to known proteins.  相似文献   

Autoantibody response against the small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (snRNP) complex is a characteristic feature of systemic lupus erythematosus. The current investigation was undertaken to determine whether activation of SmD-reactive T cells by synthetic peptides harboring T cell epitopes can initiate a B cell epitope spreading cascade within the snRNP complex. T cell epitopes on SmD were mapped in A/J mice and were localized to three regions on SmD, within aa 26-55, 52-69, and 86-115. Immunization with synthetic peptides SmD(31-45), SmD(52-66), and SmD(91-110) induced T and B cell responses to the peptides, with SmD(31-45) inducing the strongest response. However, only SmD(52-66) immunization induced T cells capable of reacting with SmD. Analysis of sera by immunoprecipitation assays showed that intermolecular B cell epitope spreading to U1RNA-associated A ribonucleoprotein and SmB was consistently observed only in the SmD(52-66)-immunized mice. Surprisingly, in these mice, Ab responses to SmD were at low levels and transient. In addition, the sera did not react with other regions on SmD, indicating a lack of intramolecular B cell epitope spreading within SmD. Our study demonstrates that T cell responses to dominant epitope on a protein within a multiantigenic complex are capable of inducing B cell responses to other proteins within the complex. This effect can happen without generating a good Ab response to the protein from which the T epitope was derived. Thus caution must be taken in the identification of Ags responsible for initiating autoimmune responses based solely on serological analysis of patients and animals with systemic autoimmune disorders.  相似文献   

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