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Studies in the effect of both splenin and spleen "protein-free extract" on the monolayer culture of chick hepatic embryos have revealed that small doses exert a stimulating effect on hepatocytes, while the large ones induce degenerative changes. Hepatotrophic characters of the "protein-free extract" are determined, while utilizing lower doses than those of splenin.  相似文献   

The chloramphenicol acetyltransferase activity is mainly localized in the membrane fraction of E. coli 103. Protamine hydrochloride, chlorhexidine, a cationic detergent, and to a less extent nitrofurans lowered the level of the antibiotic inactivation by this strain. Protamine hydrochloride decreased the enzyme activity in both the cell culture of E. coli 103 and the suspension of the membranes isolated from the cells, while chlorhexidine suppressed only induced biosynthesis of chloramphenicol acetyltransferase.  相似文献   

The functional activites of peritoneal macrophages, their morphology and metabolism under the effects of some metabolic inhibitors and various biological ngents were studied. A correlation between functions of macrophages (speading on glass, pinoctosis of virus particles), changes in their metabolism (RNA and protein synthesis; specific activity ofcreatinkinase and catepsin), properties of the macrophages plasma membrane, and the number of lysosomes, was found.  相似文献   

Neutrophils are the typical effector cells of the innate immune response because they are the first leukocytes to be recruited to an inflammatory site where they engulf invading microorganisms and destroy them by multiple oxidative and non-oxidative mechanisms. The destructive potential of neutrophils requires the tight control of their recruitment into tissue compartments and the production of inflammatory mediators such as reactive oxygen species. These oxidants can be highly toxic not only for infectious agents but also for neighbouring host tissues resulting in various autoimmune and inflammatory diseases. Thus, a significant attention in medicine is paid to approaches designed to modulate the metabolic activity of neutrophils. Synthetic steroid and non-steroid compounds with adverse side effects are commonly used for this purpose. The effects of natural substances which can modulate the metabolic activity of neutrophils and which simultaneously would not exert any significant unfavourable side effects have recently been investigated. Suitable candidates for this purpose might be compounds contained in herbs. These include especially polysaccharides and polyphenols, but also terpenes. The aim of the present paper is to summarize contemporary knowledge on the effects of compounds from herbs on the metabolic activity of mammalian neutrophils.  相似文献   

The effects of "splenic protein-free extract" and its fractions as well as splenin on the functional activity of the rat mast cells have been studied. It is established that this extract unlike splenin has no histamine-releasing activity, however it is able to inhibit histamine release from mast cels under the influence of specific liberator--substance 48/80. The found effect is associated with biologically active substances contained in fraction III of splenic protein-free extract.  相似文献   

The concept of the biological activity spectrum was introduced to describe the properties of biologically active substances. The PASS (prediction of activity spectra for substances) software product, which predicts more than 300 pharmacological effects and biochemical mechanisms on the basis of the structural formula of a substance, may be efficiently used to find new targets (mechanisms) for some ligands and, conversely, to reveal new ligands for some biological targets. We have developed a WWW interface for the PASS software. A WWW server for the on-line prediction of the biological activity spectra of substances has been constructed.  相似文献   

The role of biologically active substances in ultra-low doses (10(-15)-10(-27) mol/l) is discussed from the different points of view. The most detailed analysis of neurobiological effects produced by these doses can be studied on the preparate of completely isolated molluscan neurones. In this case the possibility arises to control the first modifications of action at the electrophysiological characteristics of neuronal activity. These changes of electrical activity can be regarded as a reaction to biologically active substance. The following characteristics were controlled: the level of membrane resting potential (MP), the electroexcitable membrane and pacemaker mechanism, chemical sensitivity of somatic membrane loci to neurotransmitter acetylcholine (Ach). Several substances were used in these experiments: two kinds of synthetic antioxidant, GABA, ethanol, serotonine, DSIP (delta-sleep inducing peptide), antibiotic ruboxil, nootrop GVS-111. The isolated neurones were placed into the special chamber. All these substances (0.35 ml) were added single dosing into this chamber with living physiological solution in concentration 10(-15)-10(-27) mol/l. The results demonstrated that all substances had initiated the development of prolonged neurophysiological responses. The intensities of neuronal reactions didn't depend in contact period on the concentration and on the type of substance. It is suggested that these data reveal the existence of unknown modes of regulation of neuronal functional states and presence of hidden channel for information transfer and receiving. This different way of regulation is extremely important influence living organisms.  相似文献   

In experiments on the isolated strips of Taenia coli of guinea pigs it was shown that compound D-600 depressed the acetylcholine (5-10(-6), histamine (2-10(-6) and bradykinin (10(-5) gl/ml)-induced contractile response of depolarized smooth muscle. Along with depression of the drug-induced response, compound D-600 depressed the "potassium contracture". It is supposed that the mentioned agents activated the inward flow of Ca2+ ions through the membrane, but not the release of these ions from the sarcoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

Nine out of seventeen strains of bacteria with a pronounced effect on seed germination and on seedling growth, isolated from root surfaces and rhizosphere soil of maize, were selected for a study on the formation of biologically active substances. β-Indole acetic acid (45–72 μg/1.000 ml) was produced by four strains, gibberelline-like substances (1.0–60.0 μg/1.000ml) by all strains, biotin and pantothenic acid by the majority of strains and nicotinic acid by five strains. Amino acids were formed by all strains but in low amounts. Four strains produced growth inhibitors. The highest amounts of biologically active substances were found in cultures ofPseudomonas fluorescens andBacillus brevis. The various cultures ofPseudomonas fluorescens differed in their capability to produce biologically active substances. The majority of bacterial cultures or their supernatants significantly stimulated the germination of seeds and some of them significantly affected the growth of plants. Inoculation of maize seeds with strainsPseudomonas fluorescens andChromobacterium violaceum significantly increased the yield of dry matter of plants.  相似文献   

Novel biologically active substances were obtained from nonpathogenic for humans and free-living protozoa: Crithidia oncopelti, Trypanosoma lewisi, and Astasia longa. There were studied conditions of biosynthesis, composition and biological activity of the total lipid fraction from the protozoa species, sucrose ethers and fatty acids, the latter were isolated from A. longa--(astazilide preparation), reserve beta-1,3 glucan from A. longa (astazian preparation), and fraction of surface glycophospholipids and peptides from Crithidia oncopelti (GLP preparation). Two of three preparations studied (astazilide and GLP) are the complexes of natural substances with certain composition. Conditions of the protozoa cultivation were developed to provide standardization of the complex composition. Division of the complexes into separate components decreased or abolished the biological activity. It was established that the substances studied modify biological reactions, that is exert a systemic effect. They may be used for inhibiting the growth of experimental tumors and preventing the metastatic spreading in tumor-carrier animals. The substances obtained belong to the group of nonspecific stimulators for cellular immunity which can be used in medicine, veterinary medicine, food industry, pharmacologic industry and cosmetology.  相似文献   

The results of studies on the detection of biologically active substances (BAS) in biomass dilutions and culture fluid of Spirulina platensi and algae (Chlorella, Fucus, Laminaria) by the agar diffusion method are presented. After the sterilization of the solutions with chloroform (CF) a substance with lysozyme-like activity and 2 substances with antagonistic activity deep in agar and on its surface were detected with the use of the micrococcal indicator strain. After CF treatment, depending on the concentration of S. platensis strains, a compound stimulating the growth of bacteria and sensitive to heat treatment was detected. BAS were also detected with the use of other indicator cultures.  相似文献   

The effect of carnosine on post-radioactive changes in lipid peroxidation (LPO) products in blood serum and cytochrome P-450 content in liver microsomes has been studied. Per os administration of carnosine 24 hours prior to irradiation in a minimal lethal dose (7 Gr) markedly decreases the post-radioactive accumulation of LPO products in rat blood serum one hour after irradiation and fully restores the post-radioactive decrease in the cytochrome P-450 content in rat liver microsomes on day 5 after irradiation. Besides, the ability of carnosine to prevent the post-radioactive decline in the activity of UDP-glucuronyl transferase. Another key enzyme of the liver detoxifying system, has been demonstrated. The data obtained testify to the ability of carnosine to provide effective protection against post-radioactive intensification of LPO in irradiated organisms.  相似文献   

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