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Several variants of the serotonin 5-HT4 receptor are known to be produced by alternative splicing. To survey the existence and usage of exons in humans, we cloned the human 5-HT4 gene. Based on sequence analysis seven C-terminal variants (a-g) and one internal splice variant (h) were found. We concentrated in this study on the functional characterization of the novel splice variant h, which leads to the insertion of 14 amino acids into the second extracellular loop of the receptor. The h variant was cloned as a splice combination with the C-terminal b variant; therefore, we call this receptor 5-HT4(hb). This novel receptor variant was expressed transiently in COS-7 cells, and its pharmacological profile was compared with those of the previously cloned 5-HT4(a) and 5-HT4(b) isoforms, with the latter being the primary reference for the h variant. In competition binding experiments using reference 5-HT4 ligands, no significant differences were detected. However, the broadly used 5-HT4 antagonist GR113808 discriminated functionally among the receptor variants investigated. As expected, it was an antagonist on the 5-HT4(a) and 5-HT4(b) variant but showed partial agonistic activity on the 5-HT4(hb) variant. These data emphasize the importance of variations introduced by splicing for receptor pharmacology and may help in the understanding of conflicting results seen with 5-HT4 ligands in different model systems.  相似文献   

Serotonin has been shown to be a neuromodulator in the Aplysia californica CNS. The diversity of serotonin actions is due to the existence of several different receptor subtypes. In this study we report the cloning of a full-length cDNA, coding for a novel serotonin receptor (5-HTap2). The receptor protein bears the characteristics of G protein-coupled receptors. It shares 68% and 34% of its amino acid sequence identity with the 5-HTlym receptor from Lymnaea stagnalis and the mammalian 5-HT1A receptor, respectively. When transfected in HEK 293 cells, 5-HTap2 was negatively coupled to adenylate cyclase. Ligand binding analysis indicated that the order of potencies of various drugs for the inhibition of [3H]LSD binding was: methiothepin > metergoline > 5-CT > PAPP > 5-HT > ketanserin > NAN-190 > 8-OH-DPAT > clozapine. RT-PCR amplification of RNA isolated from different tissues indicated that this receptor is expressed in the CNS and in bag cells. The expression of 5-HTap2 restricted to the CNS suggests an important role for this receptor in the modulation of neuronal functions in Aplysia. Moreover, the high expression of 5-HTap2 in the bag cells, associated with its pharmacological profile, suggests that this receptor may be implicated in modulating the afterdischarge during the egg-laying behavior.  相似文献   

Several pharmacogenetic studies are focused on the investigation of the relation between the efficacy of various antipsychotic agents (e.g., clozapine) and the genetic profile of the patient with an emphasis on genes that code for neurotransmitter receptors such as histamine, serotonin, and adrenergic receptors. We report a high-throughput method for genotyping of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within the genes of histamine H2 receptor (HRH2), serotonin receptor (HTR2A1 and HTR2A2), and β3 adrenergic receptor (ADRB3). The method combines the high specificity of allele discrimination by oligonucleotide ligation reaction (OLR) and the superior sensitivity and simplicity of chemiluminometric detection in a microtiter well assay configuration. The genomic region that spans the locus of interest is first amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Subsequently, an oligonucleotide ligation reaction is performed using a biotinylated common probe and two allele-specific probes that are labeled at the 3′ end with digoxigenin and fluorescein. The ligation products are immobilized in polystyrene wells via biotin-streptavidin interaction, and the hybrids are denatured. Detection is accomplished by the addition of alkaline phosphatase-conjugated anti-digoxigenin or anti-fluorescein antibodies in combination with a chemiluminogenic substrate. The ratio of the luminescence signals obtained from digoxigenin and fluorescein indicates the genotype of the sample. The method was applied successfully to the genotyping of 23 blood samples for all four SNPs. The results were in concordance with both PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis and sequencing.  相似文献   

Summary Human 5-HT3 receptors expressed in HEK 293 cells were studied using patch-clamp techniques. The permeability ratios of cations to Na+ were Li+, 1.16; K+, 1.04; Rb+, 1.11; Cs+ 1.11; NMDG+, 0.04; Ca2+, 0.49, and Mg2+, 0.37. The permeability sequence of the alkali metal cations was Li+ > Rb+ = Cs+ > K+ > Na+. Increased external concentrations of Ca2+ or Mg2+ decreased 5-HT-induced currents at all potentials tested in a voltage-independent manner. The single-channel conductance of human 5-HT3 receptors measured by fluctuation analysis of whole-cell currents was 790 ± 100fS. Differences in the basic properties of 5-HT3 receptors between species may explain interspecies differences in pharmacological properties.  相似文献   

Serotonin 2A receptor (5-HT2A) gene was implicated to be associated with both schizophrenia and suicidal behavior due to its role of key neurotransmitter in many physiologic processes. Association studies were reported in different populations, however, a great number of subsequent studies have produced contrary results, possibly reflecting inadequate statistical power. With the cumulative data in recent years in both European and Asian populations, particularly in Asian populations, it was necessary to carry out a comprehensive analysis of previous findings. The meta-analysis, therefore, combined all English and Chinese studies using multiple research methods published up to July 2005 to give a new picture of the role of the 5-HT2A gene. Compared with significant results reported previously, the current large samples (73 studies in all) failed to find significant association of the T102C polymorphism with either schizophrenia or suicidal behavior. Evidence of significant association was only detected between A-1438G and suicidal behavior. The current study did not support the association of the 5-HT2A gene with either schizophrenia or suicidal behavior.  相似文献   

PAF decreases cardiac contractility and blood pressure. To characterize the cardiac PAF receptor, we screened a human ventricular cDNA library in a low stringency condition, using a PCR product derived from guinea pig lung PAF receptor as a probe. Four clones were obtained and named HV1-4. In Xenopus oocytes injected with cRNA derived from HV3 or 4 but not from HV1 or 2, PAF elicited a Ca(2+)-activated Cl- current. HV3 and HV4 were duplicate clones, encoding a 342 amino-acid polypeptide which was identical to that of the human leukocyte PAF receptor. However, a portion of the 5' untranslated region of HV3 (or 4) was different from that of the leukocyte receptor cDNA. Northern blotting of human ventricles and atria using the HV3 insert showed a single band of approximately 4 kb. These results suggest a tissue-specific translational mechanism responsible for regulation of the expression of the PAF receptor mRNA in these tissues.  相似文献   

Serotonin [5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)] modulates feeding activity, egg-laying, and mating behavior in the free-living nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans. We have cloned a novel receptor cDNA from C. elegans (5-HT2Ce) that has high sequence homology with 5-HT2 receptors from other species. When transiently expressed in COS-7 cells, 5-HT2Ce exhibited 5-HT binding activity and activated Ca2+-mediated signaling in a manner analogous to other 5-HT2 receptors. However, 5-HT2Ce displayed unusual pharmacological properties, which resembled both 5-HT2 and 5-HT1-like receptors but did not correlate well with any of the known 5-HT2 subtypes. Two splice variants of 5-HT2Ce that differ by 48 N-terminal amino acids were identified. The two isoforms were found to have virtually identical binding and signaling properties but differed in their levels of mRNA expression, with the longer variant being four times more abundant than the shorter species in all developmental stages tested. Taken together, the results describe two variants of a novel C. elegans 5-HT receptor, which has some of the properties of the 5-HT2 family but whose pharmacological profile does not conform to any known class of receptor.  相似文献   

The complete cDNA sequence of macrophage expressed gene (saMpeg1), a perforin-like molecule, was isolated from small abalone (Haliotis diversicolor supertexta) by homology cloning and rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE). The full-length cDNA of saMpeg1 was 2781 bp, consisting of a 5'-terminal untranslated region (UTR) of 252 bp, a 3'-terminal UTR of 342 bp with a signal sequence TAA and a poly (A) tail, and an open reading frame of 2184 bp. The deduced protein (saMpeg1) was composed of 728 amino acids, and contains the cytolytic "helix-turn-helix" domain of perforin (residues 171-218), of which the alpha-helices are amphipathic as are those of perforin. A putative single transmembrane domain is located at residues 667-689, and a modified furin cleavage site (KRRRK; residues 689-693) immediately follows. The result of real time quantitative PCR showed that saMpeg1 was highly expressed at 8h and 96 h post-injection of the Gram-negative bacterium Vibrio parahaemolyticus, but there was no change after TBT exposure. The structural similarity to mammalian perforin and the different gene expression level to bacterial infection and TBT exposure suggest that saMpeg1 may play a role in the immune response against microorganisms in small abalone.  相似文献   

【目的】昆虫血清素(5-羟色胺)受体已知有5个亚型。本文旨在系统分析昆虫5-羟色胺受体亚型蛋白的结构和进化关系。【方法】首先对文献报道已明确亚型7种昆虫的5-羟色胺受体(23个亚型序列)进行生物信息学分析,然后采用多序列比对和进化树构建的方法对NCBI数据库中推测可能为昆虫5-羟色胺受体蛋白序列进行分析。【结果】发现47个推测是昆虫5-羟色胺受体的蛋白序列中,有40个蛋白序列属于昆虫5-羟色胺受体,其余7个未能确认的昆虫5-羟色胺受体的蛋白序列都具有7个跨膜区域,属于G蛋白偶联受体家族,但不一定为5-羟色胺受体。【结论】本文对昆虫5-羟色胺受体蛋白的系统进化树分析,间接地证明了本文确认的昆虫5-羟色胺受体亚型注释信息的准确性,发现分类上同属一个目的昆虫5-HT受体序列的亲缘性较近。本研究为昆虫5-羟色胺受体的结构和功能分析提供基础。  相似文献   

The raphe-hippocampal serotonin (5-HT) system is involved in the regulation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis. The purpose of this study was to determine and compare the roles of 5-HT in the regulation of glucocorticoid receptor (GR) binding in the raphe nuclei and in the hippocampus. The effects of 5-HT, 5-HT agonists, and the 5-HT reuptake inhibitor citalopram on GR binding sites were studied in primary cultures of the fetal raphe nuclei and the hippocampus. Exposure of hippocampal cells to 5-HT, (+/-)-2,5-dimethoxy-4-iodoamphetamine (DOI; a 5-HT2 agonist), or citalopram resulted in an increase in number of GR binding sites. The effect of DOI was blocked by ketanserin (a 5-HT2 antagonist). Specific and saturable GR binding was found in raphe cells. Exposure of raphe cells to 5-HT, (+/-)-8 hydroxy-2-(di-n-propylamino)tetralin (8-OH-DPAT; a 5-HT1A agonist), or citalopram induced a significant decrease in number of GR binding sites. The effect of 8-OH-DPAT was reversed by WAY 100135 [N-tert-butyl-3-[1-[1-(2-methoxy)phenyl]piperazinyl]-1-phenylpropiona mide; a 5-HT1A antagonist]. These results show that the regulation of GRs during fetal life is structure-dependent and involves different 5-HT receptor subtypes. Moreover, the regulation of hippocampal GRs by citalopram suggests an action of antidepressants independent of their effects on monoamines.  相似文献   

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