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The prevalence of dementia dramatically increases during ageing, and this puts a serious strain on the optimism brought by the continuous increase in life expectancy observed in most industrialised countries. Diseases that produce dementia are numerous, and the cognitive deficit results from lesions of various regions and from different mechanisms. This modulates the possible prediction, prevention and cure of dementia. Emphasis is put on the necessity of, and prerequisite for, efficient research in the field of dementia. Three paradigmatic dementing disorders are reviewed. Subacute spongiform encephalopathies (prion diseases) constitute a biological enigma and a public health concern. In Alzheimer's disease and vascular or mixed dementia, the clinical diagnosis is still imperfect, and this hinders research. Distinguishing and accurately identifying the various types of dementia is essential for understanding their mechanism and for developing efficient therapeutic strategies, preventive and curative. For such objectives, the study of human brain tissue will remain mandatory until non-invasive markers and additional models are available. Ethical reasons banish the use of cerebral biopsy and favour the promotion of autopsy.  相似文献   

Complete cytochrome b gene sequences allows, for the first time, establishing a nearly complete phylogeny among the Praomys group sensu lato. The genera Praomys, Mastomys and Stenocephalemys appear paraphyletic. Myomys is polyphyletic and this genus name probably needs to be restricted to its type species, M. verreauxii. The genera Zelotomys and Colomys appear as sister groups. Mastomys pernanus and Malacomys verschureni nest within the Praomys group, but their generic assignation must be further clarified. The genus Heimyscus appears closest to Praomys than to Hylomyscus. The different lineages probably result from an adaptive radiation at the end of the Miocene.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural observations of the gills of the hydrothermal vent shrimp Rimicaris exoculata reveal that the epithelial cells contain numerous mitochondria clustered around unusual organelles (diameter of 0.7 to 2.5 microns) containing membrane stacks. These organelles were termed sulphide-oxidising bodies (SOBs) by structural analogy with organelles observed in the tissues of species adapted to sulphide-rich environments. Moreover, in the gills of R. exoculata, mitochondria display numerous electron-dense granules in their stroma. Such ultrastructural features suggest that sulphide detoxication may probably occur in the gills of R. exoculata. Comparable structures were also described in the gills of other hydrothermal vent species, as the alvinellid Pompeii worms that, as R. exoculata, are housing ectosymbiotic bacteria.  相似文献   

Nuclear medicine hybrid imaging is a technological evolution of gamma camera scintigraphy or positron emission tomography imaging methods that are now often coupled with an anatomical imaging device, essentially a CT scanner. Following a large demand from the nuclear physicians themselves, but also from the French Nuclear Safety Authority, this guide is intended for the entire nuclear medicine community to integrate both the aspects of radiation protection related to coupled CT and those related to the quality of the CT images according to the clinical context.  相似文献   

We address the phylogenetic relationships of ten passerine bird species representing the five presently supposed monarchine (family Monarchidae) genera (Terpsiphone, Hypothymis, Elminia, Trochocercus, Erythrocercus) from Asia and Africa, as well as three monarchs from Australasia, three representatives of the related genera Rhipidura and Dicrurus, and 20 representatives of 11 other oscine groups (including two Culicicapa flycatchers) and one sub-oscine, using two partial mitochondrial genes (cytochrome b and large sub-unit ribosomal 16S RNA). Molecular data corroborate ecological, ethological and morphological observations on the probable heterogeneity of Trochocercus and indicate that this genus is polyphyletic; two of its species are members of Monarchidae allied to Terpsiphone and Hypothymis; the others are more closely related to Elminia. Elminia is not a member of Monarchidae and is not related to any other sampled species, except Culicicapa. Erythrocercus is also outside the Monarchidae but inside a Sylvii-Pycnonotidae group. These results point once more to the need of a fully revised phylogeny of passerine birds.  相似文献   

Cupiennius salei (Ctenidae) individuals frequently live in association with tank bromeliads, including Aechmea bracteata, in Quintana Roo (Mexico). Whereas C. salei females without egg sacs hunt over their entire host plant, females carrying egg sacs settle above the A. bracteata reservoirs they have partially sealed with silk. There they avoid predators that use sight to detect their prey, as is known for many bird species. Furthermore, if a danger is more acute, these females dive with their egg sacs into the bromeliad reservoir. An experiment showed that this is not the case for males or females without egg sacs. In addition to the likely abundance of prey found therein, the potential of diving into the tank to protect offspring may explain the close association of this spider with bromeliads. These results show that, although arboreal, C. salei evolved a protective behavior using the water of tank bromeliads to protect offspring.  相似文献   

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