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The effect of maternal nutrient restriction on mTOR (mammalian target of rapamyosin) signaling and the ubiquitin system as well as their possible relation to growth of fetal muscle was determined. Ewes were fed to 50% (nutrient-restricted) or 100% (control-fed) of total digestible nutrients (National Research Council requirement) from Days 28 to 78 of gestation. Ewes were killed at Day 78 of gestation, and the fetal longissimus dorsi muscle was sampled for the measurement of mTOR, ribosomal protein S6, AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), calpastatin, and protein ubiquitylation. No difference was observed in the content of mTOR and ribosomal protein S6, but the phosphorylation of mTOR at Ser2448 and ribosomal protein S6 at Ser235/336 were reduced (P <0.05) in muscle from nutrient-restricted fetuses. Because phosphorylation of mTOR and ribosomal protein S6 up-regulates protein translation, these results show that nutrient restriction down-regulates protein synthesis in fetal muscle. No difference in AMPK activity was detected. The lack of difference in calpastatin and ubiquitylized protein content shows that nutrient restriction did not affect degradation of myofibrillar proteins in fetal muscle. Fetuses of nutrient-restricted ewes showed retarded development of muscles and skeleton. Muscle from nutrient-restricted fetuses contained fewer secondary myofibers than muscle from control fetuses, and the average area of fasciculi was smaller (P <0.05). The decreased number of secondary myofibers in nutrient-restricted fetuses may result from the decreased mTOR signaling. Lower activation of mTOR signaling in nutrient-restricted fetuses may reduce the proliferation of myoblasts and, thus, reduce the formation of secondary myofibers. This decrease in secondary myofibers in fetuses may predispose fetuses to metabolic diseases, such as diabetes and obesity, in their postnatal lives.  相似文献   

A link between intrauterine infection and premature labor is widely accepted, yet the fetal inflammatory responses to such infections are not well understood. Our aim was to use a sheep model in which an inflammatory state was induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) administration during pregnancy to the maternal systemic, intra-amniotic or extra-amniotic compartments. Fetal and maternal blood gases and uterine electromyographic activity along with fetal and maternal circulating concentrations of prostaglandins PGE2 and PGFM, cortisol, and interleukin-6 were determined. Maternal systemic LPS treatment resulted in mild maternal hypoxemia, a rise in temperature, greater fetal hypoxemia, and a marked rise in fetal cortisol and PGE2 concentrations that persisted for 48 h. Intra-amniotic administration of LPS at doses higher than those used systemically caused an increase in fetal cortisol and PGE2 concentrations as well as a rise in uterine activity, but these were lesser in magnitude. Extra-amniotic LPS administration caused no overt fetal or maternal inflammatory responses. We conclude that maternal LPS treatment markedly elevated fetal cortisol and PGE2 concentrations. This may be a potential protective mechanism that aids the fetus in the event of premature delivery. The attenuated fetal response to intra-amniotic LPS treatment, despite the much higher dose used, may support a role for the amniotic fluid in protecting the fetus from endotoxin exposure during pregnancy.  相似文献   

Numerous physiological and molecular changes accompany dietary restriction (DR), which has been a major impediment to elucidating the causal basis underlying DR's many health benefits. Two major metabolic responses to DR that potentially underlie many of these changes are the body temperature (T(b)) and body weight (BW) responses. These responses also represent an especially difficult challenge to uncouple during DR. We demonstrate in this study, using two recombinant inbred (RI) panels of mice (the LXS and LSXSS) that naturally occurring genetic variation serves as a powerful tool for modulating T(b) and BW independently during DR. The correlation coefficient between the two responses was essentially zero, with R = -0.04 in the LXS and -0.03 in the LSXSS, the latter averaged across replicate cohorts. This study is also the first to report that there is highly significant (P = 10(-10)) strain variation in the T(b) response to DR in the LXS (51 strains tested), with strain means ranging from 2 to 4 degrees C below normal. The results suggest that the strain variation in the T(b) response to DR is largely due to differences in the rate of heat loss rather than heat production (i.e., metabolic rate). This variation can thus be used to assess the long-term effects of lower T(b) independent of BW or metabolic rate, as well as independent of food intake and motor activity as previously shown. These results also suggest that murine genetic variation may be useful for uncoupling many more responses to DR.  相似文献   

Previous work from this laboratory demonstrated that the elevation of maternal plasma corticosteroid concentrations during pregnancy is important for the support of fetal development. Reducing ovine maternal plasma cortisol concentrations to nonpregnant levels stimulates homeostatic responses that defend fetal blood volume. The present study was designed to test the hypothesis that chronic decreases or increases in maternal plasma cortisol concentration alter uterine and placental blood flow and morphology. Three groups of pregnant ewes and their fetuses were chronically catheterized and studied: ewes infused with cortisol (1 mg.kg(-1).day(-1); high cortisol), ewes adrenalectomized and underreplaced with cortisol (0.5 mg.kg(-1).day(-1); low cortisol), and control ewes. The normal increment in uterine blood flow between 120 and 130 days was eliminated in the low-cortisol ewes; conversely, uterine blood flow was increased in the high-cortisol group compared with the control group. Fetal arterial blood pressure was increased in the high-cortisol group compared with controls, but there was no increase in fetal arterial pressure from 120 to 130 days of gestation in the low-cortisol group. The fetuses of both low-cortisol and high-cortisol groups had altered placental morphology, with increased proportions of type B placentomes, and overall reduced fetal placental blood flow. The rate of fetal somatic growth was impaired in both low-cortisol and high-cortisol groups compared with the fetuses in the intact group. The results of this study demonstrate that maternal plasma cortisol during pregnancy is an important contributor to the maternal environment supporting optimal conditions for fetal homeostasis and somatic growth.  相似文献   

The effects of dipyridamole infusion on fetal arterial plasma adenosine level, [ADO], and the systemic cardiovascular system were studied in 10 fetal sheep at 130-135 days gestational age. Dipyridamole (0.25 mg/kg) was infused into the fetuses intravenously during normoxia and hypoxia. Plasma [ADO] was measured using high-performance liquid chromatography, (HPLC), and fetal heart rate and arterial blood pressure were monitored throughout the study. These studies were performed in the absence and presence of theophylline, an adenosine receptor antagonist. During normoxia (PO2, 23.8 +/- 2.0 Torr), dipyridamole infusion increased fetal plasma [ADO] from 0.82 +/- 0.10 microM to 1.41 +/- 0.16 microM within 1 min (P < 0.01) and fetal heart rate from 157 +/- 6 bpm to 174 +/- 7 bpm (P < 0.01), but did not change mean blood pressure. Fetal plasma [ADO] and fetal heart rate returned to basal levels quickly. Treatment with theophylline did not alter the elevation of plasma [ADO] after dipyridamole infusion, but abolished responses of fetal heart rate to dipyridamole infusion. After 15 min of hypoxia with an average arterial PO2 of 15.4 +/- 1.1 Torr, fetal plasma [ADO] increased to 1.15 +/- 0.14 microM (P < 0.01). Dipyridamole infusion then further raised fetal plasma [ADO] to 1.67 +/- 0.27 microM (P < 0.01). The duration of the increase of fetal plasma [ADO] after dipyridamole infusion was no longer in hypoxia than in normoxia, however there was no significant change in the pattern of transient fetal bradycardia and persistent hypertension.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Metabolic and hormonal responses to cooling the fetal sheep in utero   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The metabolic and hormonal effects of cooling 10 fetal sheep in utero (115-142 days of gestation) for 2h were studied. The fetal core temperature fell by 2.81 +/- 0.14 degrees C while the maternal temperature fell 0.86 +/- 0.15 degrees C. This hypothermia caused a significant rise in the fetal and maternal plasma glucose concentrations (P less than 0.001) and a fall in the fetal insulin concentrations (P less than 0.01). The fetal plasma lactate and cortisol concentrations rose rapidly (P less than 0.01) while the growth hormone fell (P less than 0.01) and remained low until cooling ceased when a rapid rebound occurred. There was no significant change in any of the fetal iodothyronines and no elevation of nonesterified free fatty acid concentrations, in contrast to the rapid rise (P less than 0.01) which occurred when newborn lambs were cooled. These observations demonstrate that appropriate glucose, insulin, lactate and cortisol responses to hypothermia have differentiated by 120 days of gestation. However, neither a thyroid hormone response nor an elevation in free fatty acid levels was observed. Thus not all components of the thermogenic response to hypothermia can be demonstrated in the late gestation fetail sheep in utero.  相似文献   

In adults, the responses to acute haemorrhage vary greatly depending on the amount of blood lost. While many studies have documented fetal responses to mild haemorrhage, fetal responses to severe haemorrhage are not known. In this study we examined the effect of acute, severe haemorrhage in fetal lambs. Despite the severity of haemorrhage, we found that mean arterial blood pressure was restored within 2 min, and heart rate was restored within 30 min. This restoration of blood pressure and heart rate was facilitated by an increase in peripheral vascular resistance mediated in part by secretion of catecholamines and plasma renin. In addition, about 40% of the shed blood volume was restored within 30 min by fluid from either the fetal interstitium or placenta. The PO2 of umbilical venous blood increased from 33 +/- 9 mmHg to 49 +/- 17 mmHg 2 min post-haemorrhage, and to 47 +/- 15 mmHg 30 min post-haemorrhage. However, this increase was not sufficient to offset the fall in both haemoglobin concentration and umbilical-placental blood flow, so that oxygen delivery decreased from 21.1 +/- 5.5 ml/min per kg to 9.1 +/- 5.2 ml/min per kg 2 min post-haemorrhage, and 14.1 +/- 9.2 ml/min per kg 30 min post-haemorrhage. Because of this decrease in oxygen delivery, oxygen consumption fell and a metabolic acidemia ensued. Nevertheless, oxygen delivery to the heart and brain was maintained because hepatic vasoconstriction diverted more of the well oxygenated umbilical venous return through the ductus venosus. Although the fetus was able to tolerate acute loss of 40% of blood volume, larger volumes of haemorrhage resulted in fetal death.  相似文献   

Chronically catheterised fetal sheep (117-134 days) were cooled in utero via a tubing coil placed around the fetal trunk through which cold water was circulated for one hour. The fetal core temperature was reduced by 5.51 +/- 0.61 degrees C. This hypothermia was associated with tachycardia (P less than 0.001) and hypertension (P less than 0.001) (n = 12). The tachycardia was abolished by treatment with propranolol (n = 4) and the hypertension by treatment with phentolamine (n = 5). Blood flow in the left umbilical artery was measured by an electromagnetic flow probe in 4 fetuses and rose (P less than 0.001) with fetal cooling. The increase in blood flow was abolished by treatment with either phentolamine or propranolol. These observations are consistent with a redistribution of fetal blood flow from peripheral tissues to placental and thermogenic tissues during cooling. Fetal plasma adrenaline and noradrenaline concentrations rose (P less than 0.01) during fetal cooling (n = 5). These studies demonstrate that catecholamine and cardiovascular responses to environmental hypothermia have differentiated prior to birth in the sheep fetus.  相似文献   

The dietary phosphorus (P) requirement for large fish is difficult to estimate because of insensitivities of known P status indicators. We examined dietary P requirement of large rainbow trout (mean body weight 278 g) using recently identified P-responsive genes (mRNA abundances) as well as conventional serum P and bone P. Fish were fed six diets (varied P contents), and the tissues of intestine, pyloric caeca (PC), kidney, serum and bone were collected at varying time intervals. Serum P responded clearly to dietary P by day 2, but the estimated P requirement based on this variable changed as feeding duration continued. Bone P did not respond clearly until week 7. Among P-responsive genes studied, Na/Pi cotransporter in PC (PC-NaPi) was the most sensitive, and responded in 2 days. Fish-to-fish (within treatment) variance was larger in mRNA than in serum P and bone P levels. Estimated dietary P requirements (%P in dry diet) were 0.45 (based on serum P), 0.45 (based on bone P), 0.36 (based on PC-NaPi), 0.33 (based on intestinal NaPi), 0.71 (based on renal NaPi), and 0.33 (based on mitochondrial Pi carrier). This study is the first to evaluate the potential of genomic approaches in determining nutrient requirements of fish.  相似文献   

We administered tracer quantities of biologically active 125I-labelled recombinant human erythropoietin by intravenous bolus injection to seven late gestation pregnant ewes. Maternal and fetal blood was sampled over the subsequent six hours and assayed for erythropoietin-specific radioactivity. Despite the expected increase in maternal plasma immunoprecipitable 125I-labelled erythropoietin radioactivity, fetal plasma levels remained unchanged throughout the study. In addition, erythropoietin receptors were not detected in ovine and human placental tissue. We conclude that biologically active 125I-labelled erythropoietin does not cross the placenta from mother to fetus in measurable quantities in sheep, and likely in humans. Thus, these data indicate the levels of erythropoietin measured in fetal plasma are reflective of fetal, and not maternal, erythropoietin production and elimination.  相似文献   



The onset of ventilation at birth decreases pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) resulting in a large increase in pulmonary blood flow (PBF). As the large cross sectional area of the pulmonary vascular bed develops late in gestation, we have investigated whether the ventilation-induced increase in PBF is reduced in immature lungs.


Surgery was performed in fetal sheep at 105 d GA (n = 7; term ~147 d) to insert an endotracheal tube, which was connected to a neonatal ventilation circuit, and a transonic flow probe was placed around the left pulmonary artery. At 110 d GA, fetuses (n = 7) were ventilated in utero (IUV) for 12 hrs while continuous measurements of PBF were made, fetuses were allowed to develop in utero for a further 7 days following ventilation.


PBF changes were highly variable between animals, increasing from 12.2 ± 6.6 mL/min to a maximum of 78.1 ± 23.1 mL/min in four fetuses after 10 minutes of ventilation. In the remaining three fetuses, little change in PBF was measured in response to IUV. The increases in PBF measured in responding fetuses were not sustained throughout the ventilation period and by 2 hrs of IUV had returned to pre-IUV control values.

Discussion and conclusion

Ventilation of very immature fetal sheep in utero increased PBF in 57% of fetuses but this increase was not sustained for more than 2 hrs, despite continuing ventilation. Immature lungs can increase PBF during ventilation, however, the present studies show these changes are transient and highly variable.  相似文献   

Responses to K(+), endothelin-1 (ET-1), and acetylcholine (ACh) of isolated adrenal, femoral, middle cerebral, and renal arteries from fetal [110--145 days gestational age (dGA, term approximately 148 dGA)] and 0- to 24-h newborn (NB) lambs were evaluated using the technique of wire myography. Responses at distinct developmental ages for each vascular bed were compared. In all arteries sensitivity to K(+)-induced vasoconstriction was similar at all fetal age points examined. In contrast, sensitivity to ET-1 increased with increasing fetal age in arteries from all vascular beds. The magnitude of the maximal vasoconstriction was positively correlated with GA for K(+) in adrenal, femoral, and cerebral arteries and for ET-1 in femoral, cerebral, and renal arteries. Cerebral arteries showed a greater sensitivity when compared with the other systemic arteries to K(+) and ET-1 at all fetal ages and to K(+) in NB. ACh evoked relaxatory responses in fetal and NB femoral and adrenal arteries. However, renal arteries relaxed comparatively less in response to ACh, and no vasodilation was noted in middle cerebral arteries at any age points examined. For femoral arteries ACh-induced vasorelaxation decreased with increasing GA but was restored in arteries from NB lambs. In summary, the responsiveness of isolated resistance arteries varies with developmental age in the fetal and perinatal sheep and these effects are both agonist and vascular bed specific. The augmented sensitivity in response to ET-1 of middle cerebral compared with other systemic arteries may reflect the importance of cerebral blood flow control during this critical developmental period.  相似文献   

On day 14 of pregnancy, rats were injected i.p. with 9.5 mg/kg of chlorambucil. At term, all the fetuses were stunted and had obvious skeletal malformations. From days 15-20 of gestation there was a steady progression of cell death and histologic derangement in long bone formation. This began on day 15, the day following exposure to chlorambucil, with extensive cell death of chondroblasts in the long bone primordia. By day 16, dead or dying cells were located in the cartilage model and became associated with a higher than normal matrix to cell ratio. In day 17 limbs, many cells of the cartilage model were irregular in size and shape so that the normally precise cellular arrangement was lacking. On day 18, periosteal and enchondrial calcification was delayed and scanty. The fibular hemimelia observed in all drug-treated term fetuses stained with alizarin appeared to result from lack of development of the proximal half of the cartilage model. The observed alterations, particularly bowing of the ulna, in the teratogen-treated fetuses appeared to result primarily from specific cell death and formation of aberrant cell types but abnormal cell products may also play a role.  相似文献   

The chorioamnionitis associated with preterm delivery is often polymicrobial with ureaplasma being the most common isolate. To evaluate interactions between the different proinflammatory mediators, we hypothesized that ureaplasma exposure would increase fetal responsiveness to LPS. Fetal sheep were given intra-amniotic (IA) injections of media (control) or Ureaplasma parvum serovar 3 either 7 or 70 d before preterm delivery. Another group received an IA injection of Escherichia coli LPS 2 d prior to delivery. To test for interactions, IA U. parvum-exposed animals were challenged with IA LPS and delivered 2 d later. All animals were delivered at 124 ± 1-d gestation (term = 150 d). Compared with the 2-d LPS exposure group, the U. parvum 70 d + LPS group had 1) decreased lung pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokine expression and 2) fewer CD3(+) T lymphocytes, CCL2(+), myeloperoxidase(+), and PU.1(+) cells in the lung. Interestingly, exposure to U. parvum for 7 d did not change responses to a subsequent IA LPS challenge, and exposure to IA U. parvum alone induced mild lung inflammation. Exposure to U. parvum increased pulmonary TGF-β1 expression but did not change mRNA expression of either the receptor TLR4 or some of the downstream mediators in the lung. Monocytes from fetal blood and lung isolated from U. parvum 70 d + LPS but not U. parvum 7 d + LPS animals had decreased in vitro responsiveness to LPS. These results are consistent with the novel finding of downregulation of LPS responses by chronic but not acute fetal exposures to U. parvum. The findings increase our understanding of how chorioamnionitis-exposed preterm infants may respond to lung injury and postnatal nosocomial infections.  相似文献   

Daily variation in maternal and fetal weight gain was measured in hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) and in mice (Mus musculus, C57Bl) with free access to food or under restricted feeding schedules. Pregnant hamsters with free access to food and water were weighed twice a day and fetuses were collected twice a day from 10.5 to 14.5 days after fertilization. In three experiments, pregnant mice were given free access to food and water or were allowed food for 12 hours a day or for 6 hours a day. Pregnant mice were weighed twice a day and in the restricted feeding experiments, fetuses were collected every 6 hours from 12.0 to 14.5 days after fertilization. Pregnant mice and hamsters with free access to food showed a daily rhythm in weight gain with greater gain at night. There was no evidence of a daily rhythm in the weight gain with greater gain at night. There was no evidence of a daily rhythm in the weight gain of hamster fetuses. Mouse fetuses showed greater weight gain during two 6-hour intervals each day, the second half of each night and the second half of each day. The 12-hour variation was seen in both wet and dry fetal weight. A 24-hour rhythm in fetal growth was previously described in rats (Barr: Teratology, 7:283-288, 1973). Results in rats and mice indicate that fetal growth is modulated on a daily basis. The different periodicity observed in rats and mice might be related to the different ages of the fetuses examined.  相似文献   

Early gestation is critical for placentomal growth, differentiation, and vascularization, as well as fetal organogenesis. The fetal origins of adult disease hypothesis proposes that alterations in fetal nutrition and endocrine status result in developmental adaptations that permanently change structure, physiology, and metabolism, thereby predisposing individuals to cardiovascular, metabolic, and endocrine disease in adult life. Multiparous ewes were fed to 50% (nutrient restricted) or 100% (control fed) of total digestible nutrients from Days 28 to 78 of gestation. All ewes were weighed weekly and diets adjusted for individual weight loss or gain. Ewes were killed on Day 78 of gestation and gravid uteri recovered. Fetal body and organ weights were determined, and numbers, morphologies, diameters, and weights of all placentomes were obtained. From Day 28 to Day 78, restricted ewes lost 7.4% of body weight, while control ewes gained 7.5%. Maternal and fetal blood glucose concentrations were reduced in restricted versus control pregnancies. Fetuses were markedly smaller in the restricted group than in the control group. Further, restricted fetuses exhibited greater right- and left-ventricular and liver weights per unit fetal weight than control fetuses. No treatment differences were observed in any gross placentomal measurement. However, caruncular vascularity was enhanced in conceptuses from nutrient-restricted ewes but only in twin pregnancies. While these alterations in fetal/placental development may be beneficial to early fetal survival in the face of a nutrient restriction, their effects later in gestation as well as in postnatal life need further investigation.  相似文献   

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