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We evaluated effects of soil texture and disturbance size on the successional dynamics of a semiarid grassland dominated by the perennial bunchgrass, Bouteloua gracilis (H.B.K.) Lag. ex Griffiths. A spatially-explicit gap dynamics simulation model was used to evaluate recovery patterns. The model simulates establishment, growth, and mortality of individual plants on an array of small plots through time at an annual time step. Each simulated disturbance consisted of a grid of plots of the same soil texture interconnected by processes associated with dispersal of B. gracilis seeds. Soil texture was incorporated into the model as effects on seed germination, seedling establishment, and subsequent growth of B. gracilis. Five soil texture classes and five disturbance sizes were simulated.Soil texture was more important to recovery of B. gracilis than either size of a disturbance or location of plots within a disturbance. Constraints on recruitment of seedlings had a greater effect on recovery than constraints associated with plant growth. Fastest recovery occurred on soils with the largest silt content, the variable that affects seedling establishment. Disturbances with slowest recovery were on soils with low silt contents, and either high or low water-holding capacity, the variable that affects plant growth. Biomass and recovery decreased as disturbance size increased, and as distance from a disturbed plot to the edge of the disturbance increased. In most cases, important interactions between soil texture and disturbance size on recovery were not found.  相似文献   

Ten strains of lentil rhizobia (Rhizobium leguminosarum ) were evaluated for drought tolerance by exposing them to soil moisture potentials of −0·03, −1·0 and −1·5 MPa. Water availability, rhizobial strain and time of exposure to drought had a significant ( P ≤ 0·001) effect on the number of surviving rhizobia g−1 of soil. Highest cell counts were observed at −0·03 MPa, followed by soil maintained at −1·0 and −1·5 MPa. Five strains originating from saline areas showed significantly ( P ≤ 0·05) better survival under low water potential after 35 days. Two strains exhibited greatest survival under low water potential and produced viable cell counts of more than 107 rhizobia g−1 of soil. These strains could probably be used successfully as inoculants for lentil production in arid and semi-arid environments.  相似文献   

Anna Jakobsson  Ove Eriksson 《Oikos》2000,88(3):494-502
In this study we analyse relationships between seed number, seed size, seedling size and recruitment success in grassland plants. The often hypothesised trade-off between seed size and seed number was supported by a cross-species analysis and by an analysis of 35 phylogenetically independent contrasts, derived from a data-set of 72 species. Apart from among-species relatedness, we also controlled for possible confounding effect of plant size that may influence both seed size and seed number. A sowing experiment with 50 species was performed in the field. The seeds were sown in a grassland and subjected to two treatments, disturbance and undisturbed sward. Evidence for seed-limited recruitment was obtained for 45 of the species. Disturbance had a significant, or nearly significant, positive effect on recruitment for 16 of the 45 species. The relative recruitment in undisturbed sward increased with increased seed size, and both recruitment success and seedling size were positively related to seed size. We suggest that a trade-off between competitive ability and number of recruitment opportunities follows from the trade-off between seed size and seed number, through a causal chain from seed size via seedling size to recruitment success. The relationships between seed size, seed number and recruitment may be an important underlying mechanism for abundance and dynamics of plant species in grassland vegetation. This is an example of a direct link between evolutionary life-history theory, and theory of plant community structure.  相似文献   

Water availability is the primary constraint to aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) in many terrestrial biomes, and it is an ecosystem driver that will be strongly altered by future climate change. Global circulation models predict a shift in precipitation patterns to growing season rainfall events that are larger in size but fewer in number. This “repackaging” of rainfall into large events with long intervening dry intervals could be particularly important in semi-arid grasslands because it is in marked contrast to the frequent but small events that have historically defined this ecosystem. We investigated the effect of more extreme rainfall patterns on ANPP via the use of rainout shelters and paired this experimental manipulation with an investigation of long-term data for ANPP and precipitation. Experimental plots (n = 15) received the long-term (30-year) mean growing season precipitation quantity; however, this amount was distributed as 12, six, or four events applied manually according to seasonal patterns for May–September. The long-term mean (1940–2005) number of rain events in this shortgrass steppe was 14 events, with a minimum of nine events in years of average precipitation. Thus, our experimental treatments pushed this system beyond its recent historical range of variability. Plots receiving fewer, but larger rain events had the highest rates of ANPP (184 ± 38 g m−2), compared to plots receiving more frequent rainfall (105 ± 24 g m−2). ANPP in all experimental plots was greater than long-term mean ANPP for this system (97 g m−2), which may be explained in part by the more even distribution of applied rain events. Soil moisture data indicated that larger events led to greater soil water content and likely permitted moisture penetration to deeper in the soil profile. These results indicate that semi-arid grasslands are capable of responding immediately and substantially to forecast shifts to more extreme precipitation patterns.  相似文献   

Reliable assessment of the density and species richness of the viable seeds in the soil is essential to estimate the probability of successful restoration of a particular plant community. Since temperate calcareous grasslands contain several thermophilous species typical of fire prone habitats, heat shock can be expected to break dormancy of target species for calcareous grassland restoration. We tested the effect of heat shock on the estimated density and species richness of seeds in soil samples. Heat shock treatments between 70 and 110°C resulted in both a higher estimated seed density and estimated species richness, in particular of specialist calcareous grassland species. Moreover, 25 species germinated exclusively from the heat-treated samples. This indicates that several species would have been missed by handling soil seed bank samples following the standard germination protocol, resulting in an underestimation of the restoration potential.  相似文献   

Fieldwork in western Oaxaca and central Guerrero, in connection with the project to enumerate the flora of the Mixteca Alta region of Oaxaca, has resulted in the discovery of the following taxa:Psacaliopsis paneroi var.juxtlahuacensis, Roldana mixtecana (Senecioneae);Sinclairia ismaelis (Liabeae);Cosmos juxtlahuacensis, Tagetes arenicola, andVerbesina juxtlahuacensis (Heliantheae). All but the last are illustrated, and their distinctive morphological traits are discussed and compared to putative sister species.  相似文献   

Questions: 1. Do harvester ants (Messor barbarus) promote seed mortality in Mediterranean grassland?; 2. Is this effect greater in large‐seeded species? Location: Central Spain. Methods: We established an ant‐exclusion experiment of five circular (1.5 m diameter) plots from where ants were excluded during one year, along with ten control plots. We recorded the seed bank of all species in the plots both before and after the treatment. The effect of seed length and weight was analysed after transforming data into phylogenetically independent contrasts, and alternatively by dividing the species data set into morphological groups. Results: Longer and heavier seeded species significantly increased in the seed banks under the exclusion treatment, although ants did not significantly modify overall seed densities. Conclusions Although the ants do not collect large numbers of seeds, they differentially affect the composition of the seed banks by selecting the longest or heaviest seeds, or both. The persistence of this short‐term effect in the seed bank may result, over a number of years, in the system evolving towards a predominance of small‐seeded annuals, congruent with the species composition actually observed in Mediterranean grasslands.  相似文献   

Fungal attack under light reduces mechanical resistance of the testa of Opuntia seeds, making it easier for the embryo to emerge. However, the effect of fungi on Opuntia seed germination in darkness is unknown. We evaluated the combined effects of light and inoculation with Phoma medicaginis, Trichoderma harzianum, Trichoderma koningii, and Penicillium chrysogenum on germination of O. streptacantha, O. leucotricha, and O. robusta seeds, from central Mexico. We also evaluated the combined effects of seed age (2-, 3-, and 12-year-old seeds) and presence of fungi on the testa on O. streptacantha germination. All fungal species eroded the funicular envelope and promoted seed germination for O. leucotricha and O. streptacantha, but did more so in light than in darkness. For the latter species, younger seeds inoculated with fungi had lower germination than older ones. For O. robusta, we found that seeds inoculated with P. medicaginis and T. harzianum had similar germination in light and in darkness. Our results strongly indicate that deterioration of the testa by fungi is higher in light than in darkness.  相似文献   

Abstract. Soil seed bank and floristic diversity were studied in a forest of Quercus suber, a forest of Quercus canariensis and a grassland, forming a vegetation mosaic in Los Alcornocales Natural Park, southern Spain. The soil seed bank was estimated by the germination technique. In each community patch, diversity, woody species cover and herbaceous species frequency was measured. Three biodiversity components – species richness, endemism and taxonomic singularity – were considered in the vegetation and the seed bank. Forest patches had a soil seed bank of ca. 11 200–14 100 seed.m?2 and their composition had low resemblance to (epigeal) vegetation. The grassland patch had a more dense seed bank (ca. 31 800 seed.m?2) and a higher index of similarity with vegetation, compared with the forests nearby. The complete forest diversity was 71–78 species on 0.1 ha, including 12–15 species found only in the seed bank; the grassland species richness was higher (113 species on 0.1 ha). We discuss the role of soil seed banks in the vegetation dynamics and in the complete plant biodiversity of the mosaic landscape studied.  相似文献   

Future ecosystem properties of grasslands will be driven largely by belowground biomass responses to climate change, which are challenging to understand due to experimental and technical constraints. We used a multi-faceted approach to explore single and combined impacts of elevated CO2 and warming on root carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) dynamics in a temperate, semiarid, native grassland at the Prairie Heating and CO2 Enrichment experiment. To investigate the indirect, moisture mediated effects of elevated CO2, we included an irrigation treatment. We assessed root standing mass, morphology, residence time and seasonal appearance/disappearance of community-aggregated roots, as well as mass and N losses during decomposition of two dominant grass species (a C3 and a C4). In contrast to what is common in mesic grasslands, greater root standing mass under elevated CO2 resulted from increased production, unmatched by disappearance. Elevated CO2 plus warming produced roots that were longer, thinner and had greater surface area, which, together with greater standing biomass, could potentially alter root function and dynamics. Decomposition increased under environmental conditions generated by elevated CO2, but not those generated by warming, likely due to soil desiccation with warming. Elevated CO2, particularly under warming, slowed N release from C4—but not C3—roots, and consequently could indirectly affect N availability through treatment effects on species composition. Elevated CO2 and warming effects on root morphology and decomposition could offset increased C inputs from greater root biomass, thereby limiting future net C accrual in this semiarid grassland.  相似文献   

Soil water dynamics and vegetation patterns in a semiarid grassland   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Singh  J. S.  Milchunas  D. G.  Lauenroth  W. K. 《Plant Ecology》1998,134(1):77-89
Long-term (1985–1992) dynamics and spatial variations in soil water below the evaporative zone were evaluated for a shortgrass steppe with a low and variable precipitation regime. Each of a sandy loam, clay loam, and two sandy clay loam sites comprised a toposequence with upland, midslope and lowland positions. Soil water was monitored at 15 cm intervals providing estimates covering 22.5 to 97.5 cm depths.Soil water throughout the profile was highest in the clay loam site and lowest in the sandy loam site. However, stored soil water did not vary systematically among slope positions. Total vegetation cover was highest on the lowland in two sites, but was greatest on the midslope position in the other two. Total vegetation cover was greatest on the CL site, which was the wettest in terms of soil water. Soil water depletion was related to the depth-distribution of roots. There was an inverse relationship between aboveground production and soil water content of the 30, 45 and 60 cm layers during the growth period. Root distributions through the profile did not, however, vary with soil texture or with different soil water profiles controlled by texture. The less variable water content of deeper soil layers is a resource which potentially buffers the impact of pronounced variability in precipitation and thus contributes to vegetation stability of the shortgrass community.  相似文献   

The fungal loop model of semiarid ecosystems integrates microtopographic structures and pulse dynamics with key microbial processes. However limited data exist about the composition and structure of fungal communities in these ecosystems. The goal of this study was to characterize diversity and structure of soil fungal communities in a semiarid grassland. The effect of long-term nitrogen fertilization on fungi also was evaluated. Samples of rhizosphere (soil surrounding plant roots) and biological soil crust (BSC) were collected in central New Mexico, USA. DNA was amplified from the samples with fungal specific primers. Twelve clone libraries were generated with a total of 307 (78 operational taxonomic units, OTUs) and 324 sequences (67 OTUs) for BSC and rhizosphere respectively. Approximately 40% of soil OTUs were considered novel (less than 97% identity when compared to other sequences in NCBI using BLAST). The dominant organisms were dark-septate (melanized fungi) ascomycetes belonging to Pleosporales. Effects of N enrichment on fungi were not evident at the community level; however the abundance of unique sequences, sampling intensity and temporal variations may be uncovering the effect of N in composition and diversity of fungal communities. The fungal communities of rhizosphere soil and BSC overlapped substantially in composition, with a Jaccard abundance similarity index of 0.75. Further analyses are required to explore possible functions of the dominant species colonizing zones of semiarid grassland soils.  相似文献   

Question: What is the importance of the seed bank in the maintenance of the restoration potential of a 60‐year‐old abandoned calcareous grassland overgrown by Pinus trees? Location: ‘Les Pairées’, province of Luxembourg, Belgium. Methods: The seed bank and the above‐ground vegetation were surveyed in three adjacent stands, previously forming a unique calcareous grassland: a 60‐year‐old Pinus forest, a four‐year‐old clear‐cutting and a typical calcareous grassland. Floristic diversity was compared among stands and between vegetation and seed bank. Results: The species richness of the vegetation and the seed bank was significantly lower in the Pinus forest. More floristic similarities were found between the clear‐cutting and the calcareous grassland. Seed bank was essentially transient, dominated by annual species. Its correspondence with the above‐ground vegetation was weak. Conclusion: Very few calcareous grassland species have persisted in the Pinus stand. Four years after clear‐cutting, the stand was nearing restoration towards a calcareous grassland. Seed longevity in the soil was not the most explicative factor. Dispersal of propagules from adjacent sources was also important.  相似文献   

The role of wind in changing the spatial heterogeneity of soil resources in erosion-dominated semiarid ecosystems is well known. Yet the effect of windblown sediment deposition on soil nutrient distribution and ecosystem dynamics at local and landscape scales has received little attention. We examined the effects of enhanced sediment deposition on the spatial distribution of soil nutrients at the Jornada Experimental Range, southern New Mexico. Enhanced sediment deposition was obtained as a result of grass cover reduction in the upwind portion of the experiment in two sites co-dominated by mesquite and one of two grass species with different morphologies. The spatial characteristics of soil available nitrogen (including ammonium, nitrite, and nitrate), phosphate, potassium, and calcium were quantified using a variety of traditional and geostatistical analyses. Our results showed that enhanced deposition led to considerable reduction in both mean soil nutrient concentrations and coefficients of variation over a two-year period (2004–2006). Given the observed increase in the scale of spatial dependence for available nitrogen, but not for potassium, phosphate, and calcium following enhanced sediment deposition, we suggest that soil available nitrogen may be particularly responsive to increased aeolian activities due to livestock grazing and other anthropogenic activities that remove vegetation. Our study further suggests that soil particles deposited in the downwind area may be “nutrient-imbalanced.” Specifically, the lower-than-normal available nitrogen concentrations in the wind-deposited soils may inhibit the growth of grasses and the germination of seeds. For wind-erodible ecosystems found in southern New Mexico, structures of Bouteloua-dominated communities may be particularly susceptible to change under enhanced soil erosion conditions.  相似文献   

Genetic analyses were performed on the progeny of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) sampled in natural redds of three rivers flowing into the Bay of Biscay, the Nivelle, the Mandeo and the Sella. These rivers are at the southern limit of the European distribution of the species and their populations are small and endangered by human activities. Nine variable number of tandem repeat (VNTR) loci (five minisatellites and four microsatellites) were used for parentage analysis. Multiple male participation was recognized in the fertilization of eggs. A large proportion was fertilized by precociously mature parr. We demonstrate that multiple paternity derived from mature parr is crucial for the conservation of genetic variability in small populations of Atlantic salmon.  相似文献   

Yuan ZY  Li LH  Han XG  Chen SP  Wang ZW  Chen QS  Bai WM 《Oecologia》2006,148(4):564-572
The concept of nutrient use efficiency is central to understanding ecosystem functioning because it is the step in which plants can influence the return of nutrients to the soil pool and the quality of the litter. Theory suggests that nutrient efficiency increases unimodally with declining soil resources, but this has not been tested empirically for N and water in grassland ecosystems, where plant growth in these ecosystems is generally thought to be limited by soil N and moisture. In this paper, we tested the N uptake and the N use efficiency (NUE) of two Stipa species (S. grandis and S. krylovii) from 20 sites in the Inner Mongolia grassland by measuring the N content of net primary productivity (NPP). NUE is defined as the total net primary production per unit N absorbed. We further distinguished NUE from N response efficiency (NRE; production per unit N available). We found that NPP increased with soil N and water availability. Efficiency of whole-plant N use, uptake, and response increased monotonically with decreasing soil N and water, being higher on infertile (dry) habitats than on fertile (wet) habitats. We further considered NUE as the product of the N productivity (NP the rate of biomass increase per unit N in the plant) and the mean residence time (MRT; the ratio between the average N pool and the annual N uptake or loss). The NP and NUE of S. grandis growing usually in dry and N-poor habitats exceeded those of S. krylovii abundant in wet and N-rich habitats. NUE differed among sites, and was often affected by the evolutionary trade-off between NP and MRT, where plants and communities had adapted in a way to maximize either NP or MRT, but not both concurrently. Soil N availability and moisture influenced the community-level N uptake efficiency and ultimately the NRE, though the response to N was dependent on the plant community examined. These results show that soil N and water had exerted a great impact on the N efficiency in Stipa species. The intraspecific differences in N efficiency within both Stipa species along soil resource availability gradient may explain the differences in plant productivity on various soils, which will be conducive to our general understanding of the N cycling and vegetation dynamics in northern Chinese grasslands.  相似文献   

Drought and freezing are both known to limit desert plant distributions, but the interaction of these stressors is poorly understood. Drought may increase freezing tolerance in leaves while decreasing it in the xylem, potentially creating a mismatch between water supply and demand. To test this hypothesis, we subjected Larrea tridentata juveniles grown in a greenhouse under well‐watered or drought conditions to minimum temperatures ranging from ?8 to ?24 °C. We measured survival, leaf retention, gas exchange, cell death, freezing point depression and leaf‐specific xylem hydraulic conductance (kl). Drought‐exposed plants exhibited smaller decreases in gas exchange after exposure to ?8 °C compared to well‐watered plants. Drought also conferred a significant positive effect on leaf, xylem and whole‐plant function following exposure to ?15 °C; drought‐exposed plants exhibited less cell death, greater leaf retention, higher kl and higher rates of gas exchange than well‐watered plants. Both drought‐exposed and well‐watered plants experienced 100% mortality following exposure to ?24 °C. By documenting the combined effects of drought and freezing stress, our data provide insight into the mechanisms determining plant survival and performance following freezing and the potential for shifts in L. tridentata abundance and range in the face of changing temperature and precipitation regimes.  相似文献   

Fieldwork in connection with the project to document the flora of the Mixteca Alta region, northwestern Oaxaca, Mexico, has resulted in the discovery of the following taxa: Verbesina calzadae and Viguiera grammatoglossa var. huajuapana (Heliantheae); Sinclairia manriquei (Liabeae); and Psacalium schillingii (Senecioneae).  相似文献   

We evaluated the combined effects of fire after drought on the seed bank composition and its role in the postfire recovery of NW Patagonia grasslands. During three years, we monitored the seed bank and the aboveground vegetation. Species were arranged in functional groups and Detrended Correspondence Analysis was used to separate sites according to species and functional groups. Similarity between aboveground vegetation and seed bank was calculated with SØrensen Index. In the first year, the seed density was similar in the control and burned sites and was lower than following years in all the sites. The species that survived the high temperatures were all annuals with the exception of the perennial species Fabiana imbricata and Rumex acetosella. In the second postfire year, the diversity and seed density increased due to the contribution of fugitive species (rare in the community) and exotic annual species. Seed bank of perennial species was the most affected by fire and just recovered in the third year. Drought did not affect the similarity between the seed bank and vegetation. Fire had low impact on the total seed bank, probably due to the heat buffering nature of the soil, whereas drought reduced significantly seed bank size and richness. Seed bank contributes to grassland richness maintenance.  相似文献   

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