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This study investigated the effect of forage type (grass or red clover) and harvesting time (primary growth or regrowth) of silage on energy and N utilisation by sheep fed at maintenance level. Specifically, the assumption of constant loss of energy of digestible organic matter from energy losses in urine and CH4 applied in evaluation of silage metabolisable energy (ME) was investigated. Urinary excretion of high-energy phenolic compounds related to solubilisation of lignin was assumed to affect urinary energy (UE) losses from sheep fed highly digestible grass silage (GS). A total of 25 primary growth and regrowth silages of timothy (Phleum pratense) and meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis) grass mixtures and red clover (Trifolium pratense) samples collected in digestibility trials with sheep, including faecal and urine samples, were used for energy and N determinations. Urinary concentration of monophenolic compounds and CH4 emissions in vitro were also analysed. Daily faecal N output, CH4 yield (MJ/kg DM intake), proportion of CH4 energy in digestible energy (DE) and proportion of UE in DE were greater (P ≤ 0.03) in sheep fed red clover silage (RCS) than GS. Furthermore, less (P = 0.01) energy was lost as UE of DE in sheep fed primary growth GS compared with the other treatments. The relationship between UE and silage N intake or urinary N output for both silage types (i.e. grass v. red clover) was strong, but the fit of the regressions was better for GS than RCS. The CH4/DE ratio decreased (P < 0.05) and the UE/DE ratio increased (P < 0.05) with increasing organic matter digestibility in RCS. These relationships were not significant (P < 0.05) for the GS diets. The regression coefficient was higher (P < 0.05) for GS than RCS when regressing ME concentration on digestible organic matter. The results of this study imply that ME/DE ratio is not constant across first-cut GS of different maturities. The ME production response may be smaller from highly digestible first-cut GS but could not be clearly related to urinary excretion of monophenols derived from solubilisation of lignin. Furthermore, energy lost in urine was not clearly defined for RCS and was much more predictable for GS from silage N concentration.  相似文献   

The investigation aimed at examining if the composition of grassland silage affects the microbial nitrogen assimilation in the rumen of sheep. The silages were made of vegetative summer re-growths consisting of 48% grasses, 28% legumes and 24% other forbs (GCF) or of pure grass (G). Silage GCF contained more intermediately degradable non-structural and less slowly degradable carbohydrates, more crude protein (CP), a narrower ratio between slow and very slow degradable nitrogen (N), and exhibited higher in situ degradability of organic matter and CP than Silage G. Four adult wethers equipped with rumen fistulae were used in a two factorial trial. Feed was offered either as silage alone or as a mixture of silage and barley (60:40). Microbial N was estimated using continuous intraruminal 15N infusion and measurement of 15N-enrichment in microbes isolated from rumen liquor samples. With the exception of trends for ruminal butyrate concentrations, no interactions were detected between silage and barley feeding. Sheep receiving Silage GCF exhibited larger diurnal fluctuations of ammonia, and produced more microbial N (p < 0.05) than sheep on Silage G. Feeding the silages with barley decreased ruminal pH and elevated the concentrations of butyrate (p < 0.05). The 15N incorporation into microbial N was reduced by barley feeding (p < 0.05) along with a trend to accelerated rumen fluid turnover, resulting in similar microbial N yields as found in sheep receiving silage without barley. It is concluded that the larger and better balanced amounts of intermediately degradable carbohydrate- and N-containing fractions favoured the ruminal microbial protein synthesis in sheep consuming Silage GCF instead of Silage G.  相似文献   

Red clover and fish oil (FO) are known to alter ruminal lipid biohydrogenation leading to an increase in the polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) content of ruminant-derived foods, respectively. The potential to exploit these beneficial effects were examined using eight Hereford × Friesian steers fitted with rumen and duodenal cannulae. Treatments consisted of grass silage or red clover silage fed at 90% of ad libitum intake and FO supplementation at 0, 10, 20 or 30 g/kg diet dry matter (DM). The experiment was conducted with two animals per FO level and treatments formed extra-period Latin squares. Flows of fatty acids at the duodenum were assessed using ytterbium acetate and chromium ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid as indigestible markers. Intakes of DM were higher (P < 0.001) for red clover silage than grass silage (5.98 v. 5.09 kg/day). There was a linear interaction effect (P = 0.004) to FO with a reduction in DM intake in steers fed red clover silage supplemented with 30 g FO/kg diet DM. Apparent ruminal biohydrogenation of C18:2n-6 and C18:3n-3 were lower (P < 0.001) for red clover silage than grass silage (0.83 and 0.79 v. 0.87 and 0.87, respectively), whilst FO increased the extent of biohydrogenation on both diets. Ruminal biohydrogenation of C20:5n-3 and C22:6n-3 was extensive on both silage diets, averaging 0.94 and 0.97, respectively. Inclusion of FO in the diet enhanced the flow of total CLA leaving the rumen with an average across silages of 0.22, 0.31, 0.41 and 0.44 g/day for 0, 10, 20 or 30 g FO/kg, respectively, with a linear interaction effect between the two silages (P = 0.03). FO also showed a dose-dependent increase in the flow of trans-C18:1 intermediates at the duodenum from 4.6 to 15.0 g/day on grass silage and from 9.4 to 22.5 g/day for red clover silage. Concentrations of trans-C18:1 with double bonds from Δ4-16 in duodenal digesta were all elevated in response to FO in both diets, with trans-11 being the predominant isomer. FO inhibited the complete biohydrogenation of dietary PUFA on both diets, whilst red clover increased the flow of C18:2n-6 and C18:3n-3 compared with grass silage. In conclusion, supplementing red clover silage-based diets with FO represents a novel nutritional strategy for enhancing the concentrations of beneficial fatty acids in ruminant milk and meat.  相似文献   

Eight multiparous lactating Holstein-Friesian cows were used to evaluate the partitioning of dietary nitrogen (N) from diets based on mixtures of red clover and maize silages in comparison with diets based on ryegrass silage. All cows received 4 kg/day of a standard dairy concentrate with one of four forage treatments in an incomplete changeover design with three 4-week periods. Three treatments were based on mixtures of red clover and maize silage. N intake was altered both by varying the ratio of these silages (40/60 and 25/75 on a dry matter (DM) basis) and by an additional treatment for which the DM intake of the 40/60 mixture was restricted to the level achieved with grass silage. Rumen passage rates were estimated from faecal excretion curves following a pulse oral dose of Dysprosium-labeled silage and urinary excretion of purine derivatives (PD) was used as an index of rumen microbial protein synthesis. Red clover silage mixtures led to significantly increased feed intake (21.5, 20.7 and 15.2 kg DM/day for 40/60 and 25/75 red clover/maize silage mixtures and grass silage, respectively), milk production (25.8, 27.8 and 20.0 kg/day for the same treatments, respectively) and milk component yields, but were without effect on milk fat and protein concentrations. The large increase in the yield of milk (24.5 kg/day) and milk components for the restricted red clover/maize silage treatment, in comparison with the grass silage treatment, was proportionately greater than the increase in DM intake (16.6 kg DM/day). There were no significant treatment effects on diet digestibility, while the higher intakes of red clover silage mixtures were associated with higher rumen passage rates (5.82%, 6.24% and 4.55%/h, respectively). There were significant effects of both N intake and forage source on the partitioning of dietary N between milk and urine. When dietary protein was diluted by the inclusion of maize silage, red clover silage led to increased milk N and reduced urinary N in comparison with grass silage. Improvements in N utilisation may be related to increased dietary starch and/or rumen passage rates leading to increased microbial protein synthesis for these treatments. Urinary excretion of PD was significantly higher for all diets based on mixtures of red clover and maize silages, in comparison with grass silage. Urinary N output was close to literature predictions based on N intake for the diet based on ryegrass silage, but 40 to 80 g/day (25% to 30%) less than predicted for the diets based on the mixtures of red clover and maize silages.  相似文献   

Effects of plant maturity on apparent ruminal synthesis and post-ruminal supply of B vitamins were evaluated in two feeding trials. Diets containing alfalfa (Trial 1) or orchardgrass (Trial 2) silages harvested either (1) early cut, less mature (EC) or (2) late cut, more mature (LC) as the sole forage were offered to ruminally and duodenally cannulated lactating Holstein cows in crossover design experiments. In Trial 1, conducted with 16 cows (569±43 kg of empty BW (ruminal content removed) and 43.7±8.6 kg/day of 3.5% fat-corrected milk yield; mean±SD) in two 17-day treatment periods, both diets provided ~22% forage NDF and 27% total NDF, and the forage-to-concentrate ratios were 53 : 47 and 42 : 58 for EC and LC, respectively. In Trial 2, conducted with 13 cows (588±55 kg of empty BW and 43.7±7.7 kg/day of 3.5% fat-corrected milk yield; mean±SD) in two 18-day treatment periods, both diets provided ~25% forage NDF and 31% total NDF; the forage-to-concentrate ratios were 58 : 42 and 46 : 54 for EC and LC, respectively. Thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, folates and vitamin B12 were measured in feed and duodenal content. Apparent ruminal synthesis was calculated as the duodenal flow minus the intake. Diets based on EC alfalfa decreased the amounts of thiamin, niacin and folates reaching the duodenum, whereas diets based on EC orchardgrass increased riboflavin duodenal flow. Daily apparent ruminal synthesis of thiamin, riboflavin, niacin and vitamin B6 were correlated negatively with their intake, suggesting a microbial regulation of their concentration in the rumen. Vitamin B12 apparent ruminal synthesis was correlated negatively with total volatile fatty acids concentration, but positively with ruminal pH and microbial N duodenal flow.  相似文献   

The aim of this meta-analysis was to compare feed intake, milk production, milk composition and organic matter (OM) digestibility in dairy cows fed different grass and legume species. Data from the literature was collected and different data sets were made to compare families (grasses v. legumes, Data set 1), different legume species and grass family (Data set 2), and different grass and legume species (Data set 3+4). The first three data sets included diets where single species or family were fed as the sole forage, whereas the approach in the last data set differed by taking the proportion of single species in the forage part into account allowing diets consisting of both grasses and legumes to be included. The grass species included were perennial ryegrass, annual ryegrass, orchardgrass, timothy, meadow fescue, tall fescue and festulolium, and the legume species included were white clover, red clover, lucerne and birdsfoot trefoil. Overall, dry matter intake (DMI) and milk production were 1.3 and 1.6 kg/day higher, respectively, whereas milk protein and milk fat concentration were 0.5 and 1.4 g/kg lower, respectively, for legume-based diets compared with grass-based diets. When comparing individual legume species with grasses, only red clover resulted in a lower milk protein concentration than grasses. Cows fed white clover and birdsfoot trefoil yielded more milk than cows fed red clover and lucerne, probably caused by a higher OM digestibility of white clover and activity of condensed tannins in birdsfoot trefoil. None of the included grass species differed in DMI, milk production, milk composition or OM digestibility, indicating that different grass species have the same value for milk production, if OM digestibility is comparable. However, the comparison of different grass species relied on few observations, indicating that knowledge regarding feed intake and milk production potential of different grass species is scarce in the literature. In conclusion, different species within family similar in OM digestibility resulted in comparable DMI and milk production, but legumes increased both DMI and milk yield compared with grasses.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted with 30 dairy cows each, to study the preference for fresh (Experiment 1) and ensiled (Experiment 2) ryegrass, white and red clover. Both experiments consisted of three choice diets with white or red clover or both, offered with ryegrass, and two diets with ryegrass mixed with white or red clover (40% clover). Cows consumed diets with 37.7% fresh white and 45.9% red clover, and no preference was observed when the cows were offered all three forages. By contrast, cows preferred white and red clover silage (73.0 and 69.2%, respectively) over ryegrass silage (of lower nutritive quality). When offered three forages, cows preferred white (59.8%) over red clover (17.5%) and ryegrass (22.7%). Choice diets resulted in diets similar (fresh forages) or higher in nutrient content and digestibility (silages). Treatments did not affect feed intake and performance. Choices compared to mixed diets with red clover silage were preferable regarding the fatty acid composition of the milk fat. Obviously, only large differences in nutrient and energy concentration facilitate preferences for clovers over ryegrass, which could, depending on clover type, be beneficial in terms of the milk's fatty acid composition.  相似文献   

The study evaluated the effects of three different theoretical particle lengths (TPL) of grass silage on the distribution of particle fractions of the diet and the resulting effects on fermentation profile and concentrations of protozoa and mixed bacterial mass in the rumen of three lactating Holstein cows fed total mixed rations (45% grass silage, 5% grass hay and 50% concentrate) ad libitum. Decreasing TPL of grass silage (long, medium, short) reduced particles retained on the 19-mm sieve of the Penn State Particle Separator, while particle fractions from 8 mm to 19 mm and smaller than 8 mm were increased. Different TPL did not affect pH and the concentration of volatile fatty acids in the rumen. However, lowering the TPL from long to medium increased significantly the bicarbonate concentration, acetate proportion and protozoal number in the rumen, whereas the proportion of bacterial protein in ruminal digesta and its amino acid concentration were significantly increased by the short TPL. For the current feeding conditions, it can be concluded that increasing the fraction of particles between 8 and 19 mm and probably even the fraction below 8 mm by decreasing TPL of grass silage do not adversely affect rumen conditions and can be beneficial in terms of optimising concentration and activity of ruminal microbiota in high-yielding dairy cows.  相似文献   

The study evaluated the effects of three different theoretical particle lengths (TPL) of grass silage on the distribution of particle fractions of the diet and the resulting effects on fermentation profile and concentrations of protozoa and mixed bacterial mass in the rumen of three lactating Holstein cows fed total mixed rations (45% grass silage, 5% grass hay and 50% concentrate) ad libitum. Decreasing TPL of grass silage (long, medium, short) reduced particles retained on the 19-mm sieve of the Penn State Particle Separator, while particle fractions from 8 mm to 19 mm and smaller than 8 mm were increased. Different TPL did not affect pH and the concentration of volatile fatty acids in the rumen. However, lowering the TPL from long to medium increased significantly the bicarbonate concentration, acetate proportion and protozoal number in the rumen, whereas the proportion of bacterial protein in ruminal digesta and its amino acid concentration were significantly increased by the short TPL. For the current feeding conditions, it can be concluded that increasing the fraction of particles between 8 and 19 mm and probably even the fraction below 8 mm by decreasing TPL of grass silage do not adversely affect rumen conditions and can be beneficial in terms of optimising concentration and activity of ruminal microbiota in high-yielding dairy cows.  相似文献   

The effects of concentrate energy source on feed intake and rumen fermentation parameters of lactating dairy cattle, offered one of three grass silages differing in fermentation and intake characteristics, were evaluated in a partially balanced changeover design experiment involving four rumen fistulated dairy cows. Three silages were harvested using different management practices prior to and at ensiling. Silages A and C and silage B were harvested from primary or secondary regrowths either untreated or treated with a bacterial inoculant. For silages A, B and C, dry matter (DM) concentrations were 334, 197 and 183 g/kg (S.E. 3.1), pH values 4.00, 4.79 and 4.80 (S.E. 0.042) and ammonia nitrogen (N) concentrations were 123, 319 and 295 g/kg total N (S.E. 20.0), respectively. Two concentrates were formulated to contain similar crude protein, effective rumen degradable protein, digestible undegradable protein and metabolisable energy concentrations but using different carbohydrate sources to achieve a wide range of starch concentrations. For the low and high starch concentrates starch concentrations were 17 and 304 g/kg DM and acid detergent fibre concentrations were 170 and 80 g/kg DM, respectively. The silages were offered ad libitum, supplemented with 10 kg fresh concentrate daily. For silages A, B and C, DM intakes were 10.9, 7.2 and 8.6 kg/day and concentrate energy sources did not alter (P>0.05) intake. Increasing the level of starch in the concentrate decreased the molar concentration of acetate (P<0.05) and tended to increase the molar concentration of propionate (P<0.1). Silage type altered the molar concentration of acetate (P<0.01) and the acetate:propionate ratio (P<0.05). There were no silagetype×concentrate interactions (P>0.05) on silage intake or rumen fermentation parameters. It is concluded that when concentrate and silage form equal proportions of the diet, the composition of the silage has an over-riding influence on rumen fermentation parameters. Furthermore, the changes in milk fat concentration, observed in a concurrent production study, due to changes in silage and concentrate types can be accounted for by changes in the ratio of lipogenic to glucogenic precursors in the rumen fluid.  相似文献   

In total, 20 multiparous Holstein-Friesian dairy cows received one of four diets in each of four periods of 28-day duration in a Latin square design to test the hypothesis that the inclusion of lucerne in the ration of high-yielding dairy cows would improve animal performance and milk fatty acid (FA) composition. All dietary treatments contained 0.55 : 0.45 forage to concentrates (dry matter (DM) basis), and within the forage component the proportion of lucerne (Medicago sativa), grass (Lolium perenne) and maize silage (Zea mays) was varied (DM basis): control (C)=0.4 : 0.6 grass : maize silage; L20=0.2 : 0.2 : 0.6 lucerne : grass : maize silage; L40=0.4 : 0.6 lucerne : maize silage; and L60=0.6 : 0.4 lucerne : maize silage. Diets were formulated to contain a similar CP and metabolisable protein content, with the reduction of soya bean meal and feed grade urea with increasing content of lucerne. Intake averaged 24.3 kg DM/day and was lowest in cows when fed L60 (P<0.01), but there was no effect of treatment on milk yield, milk fat or protein content, or live weight change, which averaged 40.9 kg/day, 41.0, 30.9 g/kg and 0.16 kg/day, respectively. Milk fat content of 18:2 c9 c12 and 18:3 c9 c12 c15 was increased (P<0.05) with increasing proportion of lucerne in the ration. Milk fat content of total polyunsaturated fatty acids was increased by 0.26 g/100 g in L60 compared with C. Plasma urea and β-hydroxybutyrate concentrations averaged 3.54 and 0.52 mmol/l, respectively, and were highest (P<0.001) in cows when fed L60 and lowest in C, but plasma glucose and total protein was not affected (P>0.05) by dietary treatment. Digestibility of DM, organic matter, CP and fibre decreased (P<0.01) with increasing content of lucerne in the diet, although fibre digestibility was similar in L40 and L60. It is concluded that first cut grass silage can be replaced with first cut lucerne silage without any detrimental effect on performance and an improvement in the milk FA profile, although intake and digestibility was lowest and plasma urea concentrations highest in cows when fed the highest level of inclusion of lucerne.  相似文献   

Abstract Samples of rumen ingesta from two rumen-fistulated dairy cows fed grass silage-based diets were examined for numbers and types of bacteria that developed colonies on rumen fluid-agar media designated to support the growth of (a) a wide range of species, (b) cellulolytic bacteria, (c) lactate-fermenting bacteria, (d) non-fermentative bacteria. The most numerous species was Bacteroides ruminicola followed by Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens . The most abundant cellulolytic species were Eubacterium cellulosolvens and Ruminococcus flavefaciens. Megasphaera elsdenii and Selenomonas ruminantium were important lactate fermenters but an unidentified bacterium that grew poorly on maintenance medium was by far the most numerous among bacteria isolated from lactate-containing medium. One strain remained sufficiently viable to show that it fermented lactate to propionate and acetate.  相似文献   

In order to study the extent to which rumen soluble nitrogen can contribute to the intestinal flow, a study was carried out to simultaneously assess the dynamics of protein disappearance from dacron bags placed in the rumen and the amount of various N products in the rumen fluid (total nitrogen (tN), ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N), non-ammonia nitrogen (NAN)). The measurements were carried out on 4 sheep fed successively various red clover forages. These forages included the initial growth of fresh red clover (50% bud, first flower, and full flower). In addition, one silage and one wrapped big bale at the first flower stage and two wrapped big bales (harvested at 51% and 71% dry matter) at the full flower stage were given. The effective degradability of nitrogen (DegN) for a fresh forage estimated from the nylon bag procedure did not vary (p > 0.05) with the vegetation stage (0.727 for the bud stage, 0.694 at the first flower, 0.706 at the full flower). The DegN of the silage was higher (p < 0.05; 0.735) and the DegN of the wrapped big bale was markedly lower (p < 0.05; 0.660), than the original fresh forage at the first flower. The DegN of the wrapped big bales made at 51 and 71% DM, respectively, were 0.625 and 0.604 against 0.706 for fresh forage at the full flower stage. The concentrations of tN and NAN in the rumen fluid were low, highest 1 h to 2 h after feeding, and then decreasing up to 7 h after feeding whatever the growth stage and conservation mode. A part of the solubilised nitrogen remained as protein 1 h after feeding for fresh red clover harvested at various growth stages, while minimal protein could be seen in the rumen fluid after the sheep were fed silage or wrapped big bales. The part of NAN escaping rumen degradation and transiting with the rumen fluid was between 7 and 13% of the nitrogen disappearing from the nylon bags (NAN/CP x DegN) placed in the rumen. There was only a small difference for forages at different stages of growth, or modes of conservation. This fraction was higher for wrapped big bales and particularly for the late stage forage (wrapped big bale, 71% DM, harvested at the full flower stage).  相似文献   

The aim of this experiment was to, under typical Swedish production conditions, evaluate the effects of grass silages subjected to different N-fertilisation regimes fed to dairy cows on the fatty acid (FA) composition of their milk, and to compare the grass silages in this respect to red clover-dominated silage. Grass silages made from first year Phleum pratense L. leys subjected to three N-fertilisation regimes (30, 90 and 120 kg N/ha, designated G-30, G-90 and G-120, respectively) and a mixed red clover–grass silage (Trifolium pratense L. and P. pratense L.; 60/40 on dry matter (DM) basis, designated RC–G) were produced. The experiment was conducted as a change-over design, including 24 primiparous and multiparous dairy cows of the Swedish Red breed, each of which was allocated to three of the four diets. The cows were offered 11 kg DM of silage and 7 kg concentrates. The silages had similar DM and energy concentrations. The CP concentration increased with increase in N-fertilisation level. There was a linear increase in DM intake of the different silages with increased N fertilisation. There were also differences in concentrations of both individual and total FAs amongst silages. The daily milk production (kg/day) did not significantly differ between treatments, but G-30 silage resulted in higher concentrations of 18:2n-6 in the milk compared with the other two grass silages. The highest concentrations of 18:3n-3 and cis-9, trans-11 18:2 were found in milk from cows offered the RC–G silage. The G-30 diet resulted in higher concentration of 18:2n-6 and the same concentration of 18:3n-3 in the milk as the other grass silages, despite lower intake levels of these FAs. The apparent recoveries of 18:3n-3 from feed to milk were 5.74%, 4.27%, 4.10% and 5.31% for G-30, G-90, G-120 and RC–G, respectively. A higher recovery when red clover is included in the diet confirms previous reports. The higher apparent recovery of 18:3n-3 on the G-30 treatment may be related to the lower silage DM intake, which led to a higher relative proportion of ingested FAs originating from concentrates compared with the G-90 and G-120 diets. With the rates and types of concentrates used in this study, the achieved differences in FA composition among the silages were not enough to influence the concentrations of unsaturated FAs in milk.  相似文献   

Several in situ studies have been conducted on maize silages to determine the effect of individual factors such as maturity stage, chop length and ensiling of maize crop on the rumen degradation but the information on the relationship between chemical composition and in situ rumen degradation characteristics remains scarce. The objectives of this study were to determine and describe relationships between the chemical composition and the rumen degradation characteristics of dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), CP, starch and aNDFom (NDF assayed with a heat stable amylase and expressed exclusive of residual ash) of maize silages. In all, 75 maize silage samples were selected, with a broad range in chemical composition and quality parameters. The samples were incubated in the rumen for 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 72 and 336 h, using the nylon bag technique. Large range was found in the rumen degradable fractions of DM, OM, CP, starch and aNDFom because of the broad range in chemical composition and quality parameters. The new database with in situ rumen degradation characteristics of DM, OM, CP, starch and aNDFom of the maize silages was obtained under uniform experimental conditions; same cows, same incubation protocol and same chemical analysis procedures. Regression equations were developed with significant predictors (P<0.05) describing moderate and weak relationships between the chemical composition and the washout fraction, rumen undegradable fraction, potentially rumen degradable fraction, fractional degradation rate and effective rumen degradable fraction of DM, OM, CP, starch and aNDFom.  相似文献   

The effect of two feeding systems (indoors and at pasture) on intake and digestion of fresh grass was studied at two stages of regrowth (21 and 35 days of regrowth) in two parallel experiments. In Experiment 1, 10 adult Martinik rams weighing, on average, 50.5 (±0.9) kg, including four fitted with rumen cannula, were randomly allocated to two groups according to a 2 × 2 Latin Square design. These rams consumed a 21-day regrowth of Digitaria decumbens grass diet during two successive 28-day periods, indoors (five rams) or at pasture (five tethered rams). In Experiment 2, 10 other Martinik rams weighing, on average, 45.5 (±0.9) kg, including four fitted with rumen cannula, were randomly allocated to two groups according to a 2 × 2 Latin Square design. These rams consumed a 35-day regrowth of D. decumbens grass diet during two successive 28-day periods, either indoors (five rams) or at pasture (five tethered rams). For the indoors groups, in vivo organic matter digestibility (OMD) was measured by total collection of feces. In addition, OMD was estimated indoors and at pasture using the fecal CP (CPf) method (OMDCPf). Organic matter intake (OMI) was then estimated using OMDCPf and fecal organic matter output (OMICPf). Correlations of 0.49 and 0.77 were found between in vivo OMD and OMDCPf (P < 0.05) and between OMI and OMICPf (P < 0.001), respectively. OMDCPf was 1.8% (P < 0.05) and 2.7% (P < 0.01) lower indoors than at pasture at 21 and 35 days of regrowth, respectively, whereas OMICPf indoors was 1.1 and 1.16 times that registered at pasture at 21 and 35 days of regrowth, respectively. The higher OMDCPf at pasture was linked to the higher selective behavior of rams at pasture, whereas the differences in OMICPf between the two feeding systems were linked to differences in the total bulk density of the grass. These studies show that differences in OMDCPf and OMICPf exist between animals fed indoors and at pasture with the same forage and that these differences may vary according to the stage of regrowth of the grass offered.  相似文献   

The potassium sensitive magnesium absorption through the rumen wall may be influenced by additional dietary properties, such as diet type, forage type or forage to concentrate ratio. These properties are likely associated to rumen passage kinetics modified by dietary fibre content. The study aimed to assess the effects of rumen passage kinetics on apparent Mg absorption and retention in lactating dairy cows fed modified levels of fibre. Six lactating Red-Holstein and Holstein cows, including four fitted with ruminal cannulas were randomly assigned to a 3 × 3 cross-over design. The experimental diets consisted of early harvested low NDF (341 g NDF/kg DM) and late harvested high NDF (572 g NDF/kg DM) grass silage (80% DM) and of concentrates (20% of DM). As the low-fibre diet was excessive in protein, a third high-fibre diet was formulated to be balanced in digestible protein with the low-fibre diet to avoid any eventual confounding effects of NDF and protein excess. All diets were formulated to contain iso-Ca, -P, -Mg, -K and -Na. Passage kinetics of solid and liquid phase of rumen digesta were evaluated using ruminal marker disappearance profiles. Cows fed the low-fibre diet had compared to the other diets, an up to 40% lower solid and 26% lower liquid phase volume of rumen digesta and a 10% numerically higher fractional rumen liquid passage rate. Rumen pH lost 0.6 units and Mg concentration in the rumen liquid phase tripled when cows were fed the low-fibre diet. Faecal Mg excretion was up to 14% higher in cows fed the low-fibre diet and Mg absorbability was 12% compared to up to 19% in other diets. Urinary Mg excretion in cows fed the low-fibre diet was half of the ones in the other treatments, but Mg retention was not affected. Dietary protein excess neither affected rumen passage kinetics nor Mg absorption and retention. Absorption of Mg was correlated with rumen liquid volume which both decreased with decreasing daily NDF intake (NDFi, 11.8 ± 2.4 l/kg NDFi). Consequently, daily Mg absorption decreased by 1.32 ± 0.28 g/kg decreasing NDFi. To conclude, in addition to the known antagonistic effect of dietary K, the present data indicate that Mg absorption was dependent from NDFi which modified rumen liquid volume, but was independent of dietary protein excess likely associated to low NDF herbages.  相似文献   

The physical structure value of conserved grass/clover forages of spring harvest was evaluated by assessing effects of harvest time, conservation method, iNDF/NDF ratio and NDF intake (NDFI) per kg BW on chewing activity and fecal particle size in dairy heifers. A mixed sward consisting of ryegrass (Lolium perenne), red clover (Trifolium pratense) and white clover (Trifolium repens) was harvested in 2009 on May 9 (early) and 25 (late), and both cuts were conserved as silage and hay. The early silage, early hay, late silage and late hay contained dry matter (DM) of 454, 842, 250 and 828 g/kg, and NDF of 315, 436, 414 and 503 g/kg DM, respectively. Forages were fed as sole feed to four Jersey heifers of 435±30 kg BW in a 4×4 Latin square experiment. Feeding level was 90% of individual ad libitum intake, divided equally across two daily meals offered at 0800 and 1530 h. Chewing activity was estimated from recorded jaw movements (JM) oscillations continuously logged for 96 h and summarized per 24 h as mean effective rumination time and eating time. Eating behavior was further observed during four 20-min test meals. Weight proportion of large feces particles (>1.0 mm) and geometric mean fecal particle size (GPS) were calculated. Potentially indigestible NDF (iNDF) was estimated by incubation for 288 h in situ. The daily DM intake (DMI) decreased with progressing maturity at harvest (P<0.001) while daily NDFI was unaffected by harvest time (P>0.05). Earlier harvest led to less rumination per kg NDFI (P<0.01), similar eating time per kg NDFI (P>0.05) and similar proportion of large particles (P>0.01) compared with later harvest. Rumination time per kg NDFI decreased with higher NDFI per kg BW (P<0.001) and with lower iNDF/NDF ratio (P<0.01). Content and potential digestibility of NDF was greater in hay than in silage from the same harvest probably due to field loss and therefore confounded effects of conservation method. This study of high digestibility grass/clover silage and hay showed that NDF content and NDFI per kg BW affect fecal particle size and rumination time per kg NDF, and suggests implementation of NDFI per kg BW in systems evaluating physical structure in diets.  相似文献   

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