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Macedo MC Deschamps JC Lucia T Bordignon J Serret CG Rambo G Pivato I Schmitt E 《Animal reproduction science》2006,92(3-4):334-348
The present study consisted of two experiments. In the first one, ejaculates from four boars were used to compare in vitro penetration (IVP) rates of fresh and vitrified swine oocytes by homologous spermatozoa in four treatments: fresh oocytes in conventional incubation (CO2 incubator) (FC), vitrified oocytes in conventional incubation (VC), fresh oocytes in submarine (bag) incubation (FS) and vitrified oocytes in submarine incubation (VS). The IVP rates for FC, VC, FS and VS were 46.5, 44.3, 36.9 and 33.1%, respectively. Analysis through Chi-square tests identified no differences in IVP rates between FC and VC and between FS and VS (P > 0.05), but IVP rate for FC was greater (P < 0.05) than those for both FS and VS. Besides IVP rate for VC did not differ (P > 0.05) from those for FC and FS, but it was greater than that for VS (P < 0.05). Logistic regression analysis identified differential effects of treatments dependant on individual boars. The second experiment evaluated the influence of semen storage period on the semen quality of the two boars associated with greater IVP rate in the first experiment. Semen quality was estimated by IVP rate using the VC treatment and by the following methods: sperm motility, sperm morphology, hypoosmotic swelling test (HOST) and thermal stress test (TST). According to analysis using Chi-square tests, IVP rate did not differ (P > 0.05), for the first boar, between 0 (100.0%) and 24 h of semen storage (98.1%) nor after 48 and 72 h (66.0 and 59.3%, respectively), but IVP rates were greater during the 0-24 h period compared with the 48-72 h period (P < 0.05). For the second boar, IVP rate at 0 h (50.6%) was greater (P < 0.05) than at 24, 48 and 72 h of semen storage (34.3, 28.3 and 24.0%, respectively), with no further differences observed after 24 h (P > 0.05). Logistic regression analysis identified that the effect of storage on IVP rate was influenced by the effect of individual boars. No differences in semen quality during the storage period were identified by conventional methods of semen evaluation, for either boar (P > 0.05) using analysis of variance with repeated measures. These results indicate that IVP test can be used to estimate boar fertility, even when vitrified oocytes are used (if using conventional CO2 incubators) or using an alternative submarine incubation system (if using fresh oocytes). The IVP test was the only method of semen evaluation that identified the reduction in semen quality up to 72 h of storage. 相似文献
We examined the penetrability of pig, rat and bull spermatozoa into zona-free pig oocytes. Frozen-thawed boar spermatozoa penetrated into both zona-intact and zona-free oocytes with similar efficacy in a modified Tris-buffered medium (mTBM) supplemented with BSA and caffeine, but not in medium without caffeine. Rat epididymal spermatozoa did not readily penetrate into zona-free pig oocytes in mTBM with BSA. However, when a modified Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate solution was used, penetration rate varied with sperm concentrations at insemination: 79% of the oocytes were penetrated at 1.0 x 10(6) cells/ml, but very few at 0.1 x 10(6) and 10.0 x 10(6) cells/ml. In all oocytes penetrated, no activation was observed and the sperm nucleus was fully decondensed but did not transform into a male pronucleus. Frozen-thawed bull spermatozoa were also found to penetrate into zona-free pig oocytes in mTBM with BSA, caffeine and heparin: higher penetration rates were obtained with 1.0 x 106 and 10.0 x 10(6) spermatozoa/ml compared with 0.1 x 10(6) spermatozoa/ml. The penetration rate with 1.0 x 10(6) spermatozoa/ml was stable in five different bulls. All oocytes penetrated were activated and male pronuclear formation was observed in 57-79% of the penetrated oocytes. These results suggest that capacitation or the acrosome reaction is required for boar, rat, and possibly, bull spermatozoa to penetrate into zona-free pig oocytes. Bull spermatozoa can easily induce activation of pig oocytes and form male pronuclei, but rat spermatozoa cannot do so, indicating species differences in the ability of spermatozoa to activate pig oocytes and to transform to male pronuclei in the ooplasm. 相似文献
Gonadotropin exposure,salt storage and storage duration affect penetration of domestic cat oocytes by homologous spermatozoa 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Salt-stored domestic cat oocytes are routinely used to study sperm function in domestic and nondomestic felids. Our objectives were to assess the effects of in vitro maturation (IVM), salt storage and storage duration on penetration of domestic cat oocytes by homologous spermatozoa. In Experiment 1, domestic cat spermatozoa were coincubated with fresh immature oocytes, salt-stored (2-3 weeks) immature oocytes, or salt-stored (2-3 weeks) IVM oocytes matured in Minimum Essential Medium containing 0.1IU FSH and 0.1IU LH/ml (IVM1) or 0.5IU FSH and 2.2IULH/ml (IVM2). In Experiment 2, all oocytes were matured (IVM2) and inseminated fresh or after salt storage for 2-3 weeks, 2-3 months or 9 months. In Experiment 1, penetration of the outer zona pellucida (OZP) was greater (P<0.05) in salt-stored IVM2 oocytes than in salt-stored immature oocytes, whereas penetration of salt-stored IVM1 oocytes was intermediate (P>0.05). In Experiment 2, penetration of the OZP and inner zona pellucida (IZP) was higher (P<0.05) in fresh IVM2 oocytes than in salt-stored oocytes, and a higher (P<0.05) proportion of oocytes had IZP sperm after 2-3 weeks of storage than after 2-3 months. Penetration of the perivitelline space was higher (P<0.05) in fresh IVM2 oocytes than in oocytes stored for 2-3 weeks or 2-3 months. These results suggest that oocyte penetration is improved by IVM, but is impaired by exposure to salt-storage solution and prolonged storage duration. 相似文献
In vitro capacitation of golden hamster spermatozoa by homologous and heterologous blood sera 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
R Yanagimachi 《Biology of reproduction》1970,3(2):147-153
In vitro characteristics of canine spermatozoa subjected to two methods of cryopreservation 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The in vitro viability of canine spermatozoa was evaluated after freezing-thawing using the Andersen method, and the commercial CLONE method. These methods differ in the extenders used, number of dilution steps, and equilibration times as well as in both freezing and thawing techniques and rates. Insemination with semen frozen-thawed by either method gives high whelping rates in practice, implying that dog spermatozoa can retain their fertilizing ability after being subjected to widely different preservation methods. The in vitro viability of spermatozoa processed by these methods has not been previously evaluated in detail. Three ejaculates were collected from each of 5 fertile dogs. Each ejaculate was divided into 2 parts and frozen in medium straws according to the 2 methods. Two straws were thawed and examined from each freezing batch. Sperm motility was assessed in the undiluted semen, and in frozen-thawed semen immediately after thawing, and after storage for 3, 6 and 24 h at room temperature (Straw 1) or 1, 2 and 3 h at 37 degrees C (Straw 2, thermoresistance test). The integrity of the sperm plasma membrane was evaluated in undiluted, in equilibrated (diluted and chilled), and in frozen-thawed spermatozoa using fluorophore probes. The acrosome morphology of frozen-thawed spermatozoa was assessed using a commercial stain (Spermac). Motility immediately after thawing was significantly higher with the CLONE method (75.3% [SD = 4.0] for Straw 1 and 73.7% [SD = 3.2] for Straw 2) than with the Andersen method (70.0% [SD = 5.1] and 69.7% [SD = 3.2]). Motility decreased during storage after thawing. Spermatozoa frozen-thawed using the CLONE method showed a significantly lower thermoresistance. The proportion of spermatozoa with intact plasma membrane was not affected by the equilibration procedure used with either method but was significantly decreased (P < 0.001) after thawing with both methods. The percentage of spermatozoa exhibiting changes thought to represent different stages of acrosomal degradation, was 45.7% (SD = 5.3) using the Andersen method and 44.1% (SD = 9,4) using the CLONE method. Both cryopreservation methods thus resulted in high initial post-thaw sperm motility and membrane integrity but low thermoresistance, and under both methods a large proportion of sperm cells were undergoing acrosomal degradation. The methods differed significantly in terms of their effect on sperm motility but not on plasma membrane integrity or acrosomal morphology. 相似文献
In an earlier study we reported on the fertilization of in vitro-matured bovine oocytes by ram spermatozoa. The present results extend those observations and demonstrate the penetration of bovine and ovine oocytes matured in culture by goat spermatozoa. Freshly ejaculated and in vitro capacitated goat spermatozoa penetrated 37.1% of bovine and 48.1% of ovine intact oocytes. Monospermic fertilization was detected in about 90% of the oocytes of both species, and the development of pronuclei followed a developmental pattern similar to that of homologous fertilization. 相似文献
Lucas X Martínez EA Roca J Vázquez JM Gil MA Pastor LM Alabart JL 《Theriogenology》2003,60(4):659-667
In order to improve the performance of homologous in vitro penetration (hIVP) assays using immature oocytes to assess the penetrating ability of boar sperm, the present study was designed to evaluate the influence of oocyte and follicle size on the penetrability of immature pig oocytes obtained from slaughterhouse ovaries. Nonatretic antral follicles were isolated, measured with a computerized image analysis system and grouped according to their diameter: Group 1 (0.40-0.99 mm), Group 2 (1.00-2.19 mm), Group 3 (2.20-2.79 mm), and Group 4 (2.80-6.50 mm). After sperm coincubation and before penetrability evaluation, the immature oocytes were classified into four size categories according to their diameter excluding zona pellucida: <105, 105-109, 110-114, and > or =115 microm. As regards follicle size, the highest viability and penetrability were obtained with oocytes from follicles >2.20 mm (P>0.05). Regarding oocyte size, significant differences (P<0.05) were observed for all parameters evaluated between oocytes with a diameter above or below 110 microm. However, our results revealed that such differences were due to follicle size rather than oocyte diameter, since oocytes with the same diameter but from different follicle size groups showed different penetration rates. With increasing follicle size, the percentage of penetrated oocytes increased (P<0.05). Finally, our results showed that the greater penetrability of immature oocytes from larger follicles is not due to variations in the thickness of the zona pellucida. There were no significant differences in zona pellucida thickness between oocytes from the four follicular size groups. In summary, these results indicate that follicle size directly affects the penetrability of immature pig oocytes used in hIVP. 相似文献
In-vitro penetration of pig oocytes matured in culture by frozen-thawed ejaculated spermatozoa. 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
Pig oocytes matured in culture were inseminated with frozen-thawed ejaculated spermatozoa without preincubation in modified tissue culture medium (TCM) 199. High penetration rates (85-89%) and increased incidence of polyspermy were obtained at 25-100 x 10(6) spermatozoa/ml. Wide variation in penetration rates (16-89%) was observed in oocytes inseminated in medium containing 5mM caffeine and at 25-50 x 10(6) spermatozoa/ml obtained from 6 boars, regardless of sperm motility. At 25-50 x 10(6) spermatozoa/ml, penetration rates of oocytes were dependent upon the concentration of caffeine in the medium: there was no penetration without caffeine, but penetration was highest (89%) with 5mM caffeine. None of the oocytes was penetrated in the medium supplemented with heparin at 5-40 micrograms/ml. When heparin was included in the medium with 5mM caffeine, it inhibited the efficacy of caffeine to promote sperm penetration of oocytes. 相似文献
This study was conducted to clarify the effects of sperm concentration and media during preincubation on fertilization and development of porcine oocytes fertilized in vitro (IVF). The effect of porcine oviduct epithelial cell aggregates (POECA) on in vitro development of IVF embryos was also examined. Oocytes matured in vitro for 48 to 50 h were inseminated with epididymal spermatozoa preincubated at 2 sperm concentrations (1 - 2 x 10(8)/ ml vs 4 - 5 x 10(8)/ ml) for 3 h in either Dulbecco's phosphate buffered saline (PBS) or Brackett and Oliphant medium (BO). For capacitation, spermatozoa were treated with heparin (100microg / ml) for 15 min at 38.5 degrees C under 5% CO(2) in air. Cleavage and development to the blastocyst stage were evaluated on Day 3 and Day 8 after culture with or without POECA. The effect of sperm concentration on preincubation did not affect the fertilization rate, but preincubation in PBS medium did result in a higher fertilization rate (P < 0.05) than did the BO medium. The proportion of embryos undergoing cleavage and development to the blastocyst stage was significantly higher (P < 0.05) in the POECA co-culture group than in the group without POECA co-culture. The present results indicate that PBS medium can be utilized as a simple preincubation medium for porcine spermatozoa and that the presence of POECA during in vitro culture improved the development of IVF oocytes to the blastocyst stage. 相似文献
Frozen-thawed spermatozoa from Friesian bulls held at stud in Ireland were used to assess the effect of ionophore on motility, acrosome reaction and heterologous in vitro fertilization. Bovine spermatozoa penetrated zone-free hamster oocytes following treatment with calcium ionophore in the absence of bovine serum albumin (BSA) and in the presence of 10 mM caffeine. Sperm velocity was stimulated in concentrations of caffeine <2.5 mM following dilution with medium containing BSA. Sperm attachment to the plasmalemma showed no association with penetration rates of zona-free hamster oocytes. Penetrated oocytes in regimens with >0.1 mM ionophore did not progress through Meiosis II. Increasing concentrations of ionophore induced the acrosome reaction more rapidly, although this was associated with reduced motility. Hyperactive motility was observed in calcium ionophore-treated spermatozoa which were capable of penetrating zona-free hamster oocytes. Sperm velocity remained unchanged. whereas the track:vector ratio, a measurement of curvilinear movement, was reduced. This work may have important implications for the assessment of bovine fertility and cytogenetic analysis of bovine sperm. 相似文献
Penetration in vitro of bovine oocytes during maturation by frozen-thawed spermatozoa 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Bovine immature oocytes cultured for various times in TC-199 medium were inseminated with frozen-thawed spermatozoa in Medium BO with caffeine (5 mM) and heparin (10 micrograms/ml). Very high penetration rates (95-100%) were obtained in all oocytes which had been cultured for 0-20 h. When oocytes cultured for 0 and 4 h were inseminated, 100% of them were penetrated and had a decondensing sperm head and most of the oocytes remained at the stage of condensed germinal vesicle (GV) to telophase-I 20-22 h after insemination. The formation of male and female pronuclei was first observed in oocytes inseminated 8 h after culture. The proportions of polyspermy and average number of spermatozoa in penetrated oocytes gradually decreased as oocyte maturation proceeded. Penetration of at least one spermatozoon with a decondensing head into oocytes at the GV stage (without culture) was almost completed up to 8 h after insemination and at that time most of the penetrated oocytes were still at the stage of GV or condensed GV. These results indicate that maturation of bovine oocytes is not required for sperm penetration into the vitellus or for sperm nuclear decondensation under the in-vitro conditions used. 相似文献
The effect of liquid storage and cryopreservation of boar spermatozoa on sperm motility, acrosomal integrity, and the penetration of zona-free hamster (ZFH) ova was examined. The sperm penetration assay (SPA) provides valuable information on specific events of fertilization and is a potentially useful indicator of sperm fertility. Ejaculated semen from 4 boars was subjected to 3 treatments: fresh (FRE, no storage), liquid-stored (LIS, stored at 18°C for 3 days), and frozen (FRO, frozen by pellet method and stored at ?196°C for 3 days). A highly motile sperm population was isolated by the swim-up procedure (1 hr). FRE and LIS were incubated an additional 3 hr at 39°C in a Tris-buffered medium to elicit capacitation and the acrosome reaction. Sperm motility and acrosomal integrity were assessed before and after incubation. For the SPA, sperm and eggs were incubated at 39°C for 3 hr in Hams F-10 medium. Each egg was assessed for sperm penetration, sperm binding, and stage of development. Percentages of sperm motility and sperm with a normal apical ridge (NAR) prior to incubation were 78 and 78 (FRE), 75 and 69 (LIS), and 28 and 50 (FRO). After incubation, percentages of motility, NAR, and acrosome-reacted sperm were 34, 10, and 73 (FRE); 43, 24, and 51 (LIS); and 18, 13, and 59 (FRO). A somewhat higher (P < .05) percentage of ZFH ova was penetrated by FRE (45.8) than by LIS (42.0). Penetration of ZFH ova by FRO was markedly (P < .05) reduced (30.2). Sperm penetration was not significantly correlated with motility or acrosomal integrity before or after incubation, regardless of treatment. These data suggest that the SPA can be used in conjunction with conventional measures of semen analysis in assessing the potential fertilizing capacity of boar sperm and that liquid storage is superior to frozen storage with respect to preserving sperm fertility. 相似文献
In vitro matured adult (Experiment 1) and prepubertal (Experiment 2) ewe oocytes were co-incubated with unsorted or sex-sorted frozen-thawed spermatozoa for 2 to 3 h (short) or 18 to 20 h (long) to determine the effects of reducing the gamete co-incubation time during IVF on subsequent embryonic development in vitro. For oocytes derived from adult ewes, there were no differences in oocyte fertilization and cleavage at 24 h post insemination (hpi) between types of spermatozoa or co-incubation times (P > 0.05). By 48 hpi, oocyte cleavage was higher after a short (390/602, 64.8%) compared with a long (381/617, 61.7%) co-incubation (P < 0.05), and was not significantly different for unsorted (266/372, 71.5%) and sex-sorted (505/849, 59.9%) spermatozoa. Blastocyst formation from cleaved oocytes was similar for unsorted (150/266, 56.4%) and sex-sorted (295/505, 58.4%) spermatozoa, but was higher after a short (240/390, 61.5%) than long (205/381, 53.8%) co-incubation (P < 0.05). Oocyte development to the blastocyst stage was not different for unsorted (150/372; 40.3%) and sex-sorted (295/847; 34.8%) spermatozoa but was significantly increased by a short (240/602, 39.9%) compared with a long (205/617, 33.2%) co-incubation. Fertilization of oocytes from prepubertal ewes was similar for types of spermatozoa and for duration of co-incubation. Oocyte cleavage (48 hpi) was similar for a short (241/377, 63.9%) and long (226/349, 64.8%) co-incubation with unsorted spermatozoa, but was increased (P < 0.05) by a long co-incubation (286/500, 57.2% versus 163/517, 31.5%) with sex-sorted spermatozoa. Blastocyst formation from cleaved oocytes was similar for unsorted (230/467, 49.3%) and sex-sorted (186/449, 41.4%) spermatozoa, and a short (200/404, 49.5%) or long (216/512, 42.1%) co-incubation. However, oocyte development to the blastocyst stage was higher (P < 0.05) after IVF with unsorted (230/726, 37.1%) than sex-sorted (186/1017, 18.3%) spermatozoa. Reducing the duration of gamete co-incubation did not deleteriously affect the in vitro development of adult and prepubertal ewe derived oocytes after IVF with unsorted and sex-sorted spermatozoa. In general, sex-sorting had no substantial influence on fertilization and embryo development rates. 相似文献
Somfai T Ozawa M Noguchi J Kaneko H Karja NW Fahrudin M Nakai M Maedomari N Dinnyés A Nagai T Kikuchi K 《Animal reproduction science》2008,107(1-2):131-147
Embryo development during in vitro culture of polyspermic porcine oocytes was investigated in the present study. After in vitro fertilization (IVF) of in vitro matured oocytes, putative zygotes were centrifuged to visualize pronuclei. Two pronuclear (2PN) and poly-pronuclear (PPN) zygotes were selected and cultured in vitro. Their development to the blastocyst stage and total cell numbers, dead cell rates and ploidy at the blastocyst stage and morphology of resultant embryos after first cleavage were compared. A cleavage rate of PPN embryos was lower than that of 2PN (61.3% and 82.2%, respectively), however, the ability of cleaved embryos to develop to the blastocyst stage did not differ between the PPN and the 2PN groups (22.4% and 32.9%, respectively). Also there was no difference in total cell numbers and rates of dead cells between PPN and 2PN blastocysts. The majority of blastocysts in 2PN group were found to be diploid. In contrast, blastocysts in PPN group showed heterogeneous status in their ploidy including polyploidy and mixoploidy, whereas a remarkable proportion (31.3%) of them was found to be diploid. After the first cleavage (at 36 h after IVF), there was no difference in the number of nuclei/embryo between the two groups, nevertheless embryos in PPN group had significantly higher numbers of blastomeres than that of embryos in 2PN group, mainly due to an increased frequency of anuclear blastomeres. The present results indicate that correction of embryo ploidy in polyspermic embryos can occur during IVC. Nevertheless the frequency of partial fragmentation in polyspermic embryos is increased. 相似文献
Capacitation of stallion spermatozoa in Tyrode's calcium-free (TCF) medium was assessed. Twelve gel-free ejaculates were collected. After removal from the seminal plasma, cells were washed three times with 0.85% saline containing 0.1% bovine serum albumin (BSA) and resuspended in TCF. Both washing and incubation media were adjusted to pH 8 and 300 to 310 mOsm. Final sperm concentration during incubation was 2 x 10(6) cells/ml. The diluted ejaculates were incubated for 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 h at 37 degrees C in an atmosphere containing 5% CO(2). Acrosomes were stained with naphthol yellow and erythrocin B initially and after each incubation period and evaluated microscopically. Transmission electron microscopy was used to verify whether normal acrosome reaction was occurring or if cells were degenerating. Penetration of zona-free hamster oocytes was evaluated using 10(3) to 10(4) sperm/ml suspension and coincubating eggs for 3.5 to 4 h with sperm. Penetration tests were done for wash and incubation treatments and recorded positive when swollen sperm heads or male pronuclei were present. Incubation time affected acrosome integrity (P<0.001). Incubation for 8 to 10 h significantly improved acrosome reaction (P<0.001) and the percentage of reacted acrosomes increased sharply after 6 h of incubation (P<0.001). None of the washed sperm penetrated zona-free eggs at zero time, but sperm from all incubation treatments penetrated eggs. A peak penetration rate of 29.9% was observed at 8 h (P<0.001). Results indicate that under the conditions used, the requirement for Ca(++) in the medium for the process of capacitation and acrosome reaction can be substituted for by elevated pH. 相似文献
Regulation of in vitro penetration of frozen-thawed boar spermatozoa by caffeine and adenosine 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Effects of caffeine and adenosine on the function and in vitro penetration of frozen-thawed boar spermatozoa were examined. First, the effect on sperm function was determined by the chlortetracycline fluorescence assessment. Both caffeine and adenosine stimulated capacitation of spermatozoa. However, adenosine, but not caffeine, inhibited spontaneous acrosome loss. Second, sperm penetration into in vitro matured oocytes was compared among spermatozoa cultured in the absence or presence of caffeine or adenosine. Both caffeine and adenosine increased the penetration rate (99.1 +/- 0.9% in caffeine, 72.4 +/- 2.0% in adenosine vs. 54.8 +/- 5.1% in controls) but only caffeine decreased drastically the monospermic penetration rate (8.0 +/- 2.3% in caffeine vs. 75.4 +/- 4.8% in adenosine and 78.6 +/- 4.8% in controls). When oocytes were cocultured in various sperm concentrations, the proportion of monospermy changed in inverse proportion to sperm concentration in the presence of caffeine, but did not change in the presence of adenosine. A relatively high number of spermatozoa at the early stage of spontaneous acrosome reaction in the presence of caffeine may be one of the main causes of polyspermic penetration in porcine IVF system. These results indicate that replacement of caffeine with adenosine in fertilization medium improves monospermic penetration by frozen-thawed boar spermatozoa. 相似文献
In vitro penetration of pig oocytes in a modified Tris-buffered medium: effect of BSA, caffeine and calcium 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
The effect of BSA, caffeine and calcium was studied on the penetration of pig oocytes by frozen-thawed spermatozoa in a modified Tris-buffered medium (mTBM) without added bicarbonate. Pig cumulus-oocyte complexes (COC) were cultured in BSA-free NCSU 23 medium containing porcine follicular fluid (10%), cysteine (0.1 mg/ml) and hormonal supplements (eCG and hCG: 10 IU/ml each) for 22 h. The COC were then cultured in the same medium but without hormonal supplements for an additional 22 h. After culture, cumulus cells were removed and oocytes were co-incubated with spermatozoa for 6 h in mTBM containing caffeine (5 mM) and 0.1 or 0.4% BSA (Experiment 1). In Experiment 2, oocytes were inseminated in mTBM containing 0.1% BSA and various concentrations of caffeine (0 to 5 mM). In Experiment 3, insemination was carried out in mTBM containing 0.1% BSA, 1 mM caffeine and various concentrations of Ca(2+) (0.5 to 10 mM). Supplementation of mTBM with either 0.1 or 0.4% BSA resulted a high penetration rate with a high polyspermy rate. However, the mean number of spermatozoa per oocyte was significantly higher at 0.4% than at 0.1% BSA. The penetration rate, polyspermy rate and mean number of spermatozoa per oocyte were all significantly higher when 1 to 5 mM caffeine were added to the medium than in caffeine-free medium. No penetration was observed in the presence of 0.5 mM Ca(2+). The penetration rate was significantly increased from 12 to 92% at 2.5 to 10 mM Ca(2+). The mean number of spermatozoa per oocyte did not differ between 2.5 and 5 mM Ca(2+) but increased significantly at 7.5 and 10 mM. These results show the successful in vitro penetration of pig oocytes in a chemically semidefined medium without added bicarbonate. Although BSA and caffeine can modulate the rate of sperm penetration, calcium seems to be an important regulatory ion. 相似文献
We had previously developed a porcine IVF system using a chemically defined medium, i.e., porcine gamete medium supplemented with theophylline, adenosine, and cysteine (PGMtac). In the present study, we investigated the utility of this IVF system using different types of semen: (1) cryopreserved ejaculated (n = 8); (2) cryopreserved epididymal (n = 4); and (3) liquid-stored ejaculated (n = 5). Cryopreserved spermatozoa were prepared by three methods. In vitro-matured porcine oocytes were fertilized for 20 h in PGMtac using each type of semen, and the presumptive zygotes were cultured in porcine zygote medium (PZM)-4 for 5 days. In the case of frozen-thawed spermatozoa, the number of spermatozoa per penetrated oocyte (1.1-1.7), rate of blastocyst formation (26-56%), and total number of cells per blastocyst (34-49) differed (P < 0.05) among freezing methods. However, blastocysts were produced using all types of cryopreserved spermatozoa (14-75%). When spermatozoa were liquid-stored for 1-14 days after semen collection, the rate of sperm penetration (P < 0.05) decreased as storage time increased, although there was no significant reduction in sperm motility during storage. In all groups, semen that had been stored within 10 days after collection enabled blastocyst production in vitro (20-48%). In conclusion, this IVF system, which uses a chemically defined medium, had widespread utility with both frozen-thawed and liquid-stored spermatozoa. 相似文献
Goat epididymal and ejaculated spermatozoa were incubated in Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate buffer containing pyruvate and lactate as energy source. A 3 hr incubation for epididymal and 4 hr for ejaculated spermatozoa was required for the capacitation and acrosome reaction to take place. Calcium is an essential requirement which was needed for motility maintenance/activation and for the initiation of acrosome reaction. A 2-fold increase in cAMP content was measured over 3 hr period of incubation of goat epididymal spermatozoa which was not seen when calcium ions were either omitted or chelated with EGTA. There is thus a definite involvement of Ca2+ ions and cAMP in capacitation and acrosome reaction of goat spermatozoa. 相似文献