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The pyramidal inversion mechanism of simple sulfoxides was studied, employing ab initio and DFT methods. The convergence of the geometrical and energetic parameters of H2SO and DMSO with respect to the Hamiltonian and basis set was analyzed in order to determine a computational level suitable for methyl phenyl sulfoxide (3), methyl 4-cyanophenyl sulfoxide (4), diphenyl sulfoxide (5), 4,4'-dicyanodiphenyl sulfoxide (6), benzyl methyl sulfoxide (7) and benzyl phenyl sulfoxide (8). The DFT B3LYP/6-311G(d,p) level was chosen for further calculations of larger sulfoxides. The barriers DeltaE calculated for the pyramidal inversion mechanism of sulfoxides 3-8 are in the range of 38.7-47.1 kcal/mol. These values are in good agreement with the experimental barriers for racemization via the pyramidal inversion mechanism. A resonance effect of a phenyl ring selectively stabilizes the transition state conformations, decreasing the energy barrier for pyramidal inversion by about 3 kcal/mol, compared to a similar molecule without a phenyl substituent. Introducing electron withdrawing groups (cyano) at the para positions of the phenyl ring(s) causes a further decrease of the energy barrier.  相似文献   

A study of the conformational spaces of the chiral proton pump inhibitor (PPI) drug omeprazole by semiempirical, ab-initio, and DFT methods is described. In addition to the chiral center at the sulfinyl sulfur atom, the chiral axis at the pyridine ring (due to the hindered rotation of the 4-methoxy substituents) was considered. The results were analyzed in terms of the 5-methoxy and 6-methoxy tautomers and the two pairs of enantiomers (R,P)/(S,M) and (R,M)/(S,P). Five torsion angles were systematically explored: the backbone rotations defined by D1 (N3-C2-S10-O11), D2 (C2-S10-C12-C13), and D3 (S10-C12-C13-N14) and two methoxy rotations defined by D4 (C6-C5-O8-C9) and D5 (C16-C17-O19-C20). Significant energy differences were revealed between the 5- and 6-methoxy tautomers, the extended and folded conformations, and the (S,M) and (S,P) diastereomers. The "extended M" conformation of the 6-methoxy tautomer of (S)-omeprazole was found to be the most stable conformer.  相似文献   

The racemization mechanism of tert-butylphenylphosphido-borane is investigated experimentally and theoretically. Based on this converging approach, it is shown, first, that several phosphido-borane molecular species coexist at the time of the reaction and, second, that one particular of both initially assumed reactive routes most significantly contribute to the overall racemization process. From our converging modeling and experimental measurement, it comes out that the most probable species to be here encountered is a phosphido-borane-Li (THF)2 neutral solvate, whose P-stereogenic center monomolecular inversion through a Y-shaped transition structure (Δr: 81 kJ mol?1) brings the largest contribution to the racemization process.  相似文献   

Continuing our theoretical studies of glucosamine synthase catalysis, we have carried out MNDO and ab initio calculations of the first stage of the reaction, which involves the attack of a cysteine thiol group from the enzyme active site on the side chain carboxyamide group of glutamine, producing ammonia and thioester. The reactants were modelled by methyl mercaptate and acetamide, respectively. For two considered mechanisms of the reaction the energy surfaces were evaluated. Mechanism I, proposed by Chmara et al. (1985) involves the nucleophilic attack of a deprotonated thiol group on the carbonyl carbon atom. Mechanism II, postulated in our previous work (Tempczyk et al. 1989), assumes the concerted binding of the mercaptate sulphur to the carbonyl carbon and the sulfhydryl hydrogen to the amide nitrogen with simultaneous breaking of the S-H bond. The energy surface of mechanism I shows no minimum on the approach of the mercaptide anion towards the carbonyl carbon, which is also consistent with ab initio calculations in a 4-31 G basis set. Therefore, mechanism I seems to be unlikely. The same analysis of mechanism II shows that it leads to the desired products: methyl thioacetate and ammonia. The presence of a sulfhydryl hydrogen causes apparent pyramidicity of the amido nitrogen and lengthening of the C-N bond in the transition state, making conditions for the release of the ammonia molecule. The MNDO calculated energy barrier of the reaction is 50.1 kcal/mol and the approximate 4-31 G ab initio barrier (at the MNDO geometries of the substrate complex and the transition state) is 63 kcal/mol. The biggest energy contribution to the barrier comes from the breaking of the S-H bond, which also causes a large charge separation in the transition state. The latter affect may result in the stabilisation of the transition state in a real enzymatic environment when compared to the gas phase, e.g. by the interaction of the reacting center with a pair of oppositely charged amino acid side chains such as lysinium and glutamate (aspartate), which are present in the enzyme studied. To estimate the magnitude of this effect, molecular mechanics calculations were carried out on the reaction center at the transition state in our proposed model of the enzymatic active site. The site was supplemented by ammonium and acetate ion, which were to mimic the lysinium and glutamate/aspartate side chains. A transition state stabilization energy of 20 kcal/mol was obtained and this lowers the energy barrier to about 30 kcal/mol. This value is within the thermal energy range of an average protein and indicates that our mechanism is a possible route of glucosamine synthase catalysis. Offprint requests to: E. Borowski  相似文献   

1-Deoxy-2-xylulose-5-phosphate (DOXP) reductoisomerase is a novel target for developing anti-malaria drugs. The determination of structural and electronic properties of the inhibitor molecules is of crucial importance for analyzing the interactions between DOXP-reductoisomerase and its inhibitors. Geometry-optimizations and single point calculations at the B3LYP/3-21G*//B3LYP/3-21G** and B3LYP/3-21G*//MP2/3-21G** levels were performed to determine the structures and charge distributions of an enzyme substrate (1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate) and the two inhibitors (fosmidomycin and FR-900098). The theoretically derived bond lengths are in excellent agreement with the corresponding experimental values reported for similar structures. Partial charges and dipole moments are assigned using the Mulliken and natural population analyses. The calculated structures and partial charge distributions can readily be used for the further development of biologically active inhibitors of DOXP-reductoisomerase as well as parameters for docking experiments.Electronic Supplementary Material available.  相似文献   

Lysine residues with one, two, or three methyl groups substituted on the ?-nitrogen atom are found in many proteins. To evaluate the effect of the posttranslational methylation on ion-pair formation we have performed semiempirical and ab initio molecular orbital calculations, using the AMI method and the 6-31G* basis set, respectively. Combinations of various methylated forms of methylamine and ethylamine with formate, acetate, and dimethyl phosphate were studied as model compounds. This approach allowed us to obtain information relevant to the interaction of the modified Lys residues with carboxylate groups of proteins, and the backbone of nucleic acids. We have found that the interaction energy decreases with an increasing number of methyl groups. Inclusion of a solvent reaction field in the semiempirical calculations gave reasonable values for the interaction energy in aqueous solution, when formate and acetate were the counterions. These studies suggest that, in addition to other factors, a weakening of ionic interactions contributes to the various physiological effects of lysine methylation. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Chiral distinction in the proton pump inhibitor drugs omeprazole and in its chiral‐switch esomeprazole magnesium was studied employing the Density Functional Theory (DFT) method. At B3LYP/6‐311G(d,p), the 6‐methoxy???6‐methoxy and 5‐methoxy???5‐methoxy homochiral and heterochiral dimers were calculated. The chiral distinction free energies (ΔΔG298,(RS‐SS)) between the cyclic C2‐(S,S)‐ and Ci‐(R,S)‐dimers with two intermolecular hydrogen bonds are 3.8, 1.9 (with BSSE counterpoise correction), and –6.9 (with D3 dispersion and BSSE counterpoise corrections) kJ/mol. Adding water as an implicit solvent (polarized continuum model [PCM] model) resulted in a chiral distinction energy of –3.3 kJ/mol, indicating a reversal of the order of the relative stabilities of C2‐(S,S)‐ and Ci‐(R,S)‐dimers. The chiral distinction free energies between the corresponding (less stable) C1‐dimers with one intermolecular hydrogen bond are –9.3, –5.8 (with BSSE CC), 17.6 (D3 + BSSE CC), and –3.2 (H2O) kJ/mol. The results highlight the contention that omeprazole is not just a superposition of its enantiomer constituents. They are consistent with the pharmacological evidence of enantiomer–enantiomer interactions in omeprazole versus esomeprazole and the differences between the drugs omeprazole and esomeprazole magnesium and support the lodged application for regulatory supplementary protection certificate (SPC) exclusivity for the esomeprazole‐related combination drug Vimovo. Chirality 26:214–227, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The enzyme topoisomerase I (topo I), which is essential for cell replication, transiently causes a DNA single strand break and makes a complex with it. The anti-cancer agent camptothecin (CPT) binds to the topo I–DNA complex and stabilizes it, preventing resealing of the broken DNA strand and cell growth. Considering the structural factors of CPT that are believed to be involved in stabilizing the topo I–DNA complex via hydrogen bonding and stacking interactions, designs of two new analogues of CPT (topo I inhibitors) have been suggested. The molecular geometries of CPT, two of its analogues and certain other related molecules included in the study were fully optimized in both gas phase and aqueous media at the B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p) level of density functional theory. Solvation effects of aqueous media were treated using the polarizable continuum model (PCM). Net CHelpG charges and surface molecular electrostatic potentials (MEP) near the atomic sites of the molecules were studied. Structural analogy and surface MEP values suggests that the two new CPT analogues studied here would be potent topoisomerase I inhibitors. Figure Optimized structures of CPT and two of its new analogues, 10 and 11.  相似文献   

Protein phosphorylation is one of the major signal transduction mechanisms for controlling and regulating intracellular processes. Phosphorylation of specific hydroxylated amino acid side chains (Ser, Thr, Tyr) by protein kinases can activate numerous enzymes; this effect can be reversed by the action of protein phosphatases. Here we report ab initio (HF/6-31G* and Becke3LYP/6-31G*) and semiempirical (PM3) molecular orbital calculations pertinent to the ion pair formation of the phosphorylated amino acids with the basic side chains of Lys and Arg. Methyl-, ethyl-, and phenylphosphate, as well as methylamine and methylguanidinium were used as model compounds for the phosphorylated and basic amino acids, respectively. Phosphorylated amino acids were calculated as mono- and divalent anions. Our results indicate that the PSer/PThr ion pair interaction energies are stronger than those with PTyr. Moreover, the interaction energies with the amino group of Lys are generally more favorable than with the guanidinium group of Arg. The Lys amino groups form stable bifurcated hydrogen bonded structures; while the Arg guanidinium group can form a bidentate hydrogen bonded structure. Reasonable values for the interaction free energies in aqueous solution were obtained for some complexes by the inclusion of a solvent reaction field in the computation (PM3-SM3).  相似文献   

Vibrational absorption and vibrational circular dichroism (VCD) spectra of valinomycin are measured, in different solvents, in the ester and amide carbonyl stretching regions. The influence of cations, namely Li(+), Na(+), K(+), and Cs(+), in methanol-d(4) solvent is also investigated. Ab initio quantum mechanical calculations using density functional theory and 6-31G* basis set are used to predict the absorption and VCD spectra. A bracelet-type structure for valinomycin that reproduces the experimental absorption and VCD spectra in inert solvents is identified. For the structure of valinomycin in polar solvents, a propeller-type structure was optimized, but further investigations are required to confirm this structure. A symmetric octahedral environment for the ester carbonyl groups in the valinomycin-K(+) complex is supported by the experimental VCD spectra. The results obtained in the present study demonstrate that even for large macrocyclic peptides, such as valinomycin, VCD can be used as an independent structural tool for the study of conformations in solution.  相似文献   

Bottoni A  Miscione GP  De Vivo M 《Proteins》2005,60(1):118-130
To test the occurrence of local particularities during the unfolding of Ca2+-loaded goat alpha-lactalbumin (GLA) we replaced Trp60 and -118, either one or both, by Phe. In contrast with alternative studies, our recombinant alpha-lactalbumins are expressed in Pichia pastoris and do not contain the extra N-terminal methionine. The substitution of Trp60 leads to a reduction of the global stability. The effect of the Trp118Phe substitution on the conformation and stability of the mutant, however, is negligible. Comparison of the fluorescence spectra of these mutants makes clear that Trp60 and -118 are strongly quenched in the native state. They both contribute to the quenching of Trp26 and -104 emission. By the interplay of these quenching effects, the fluorescence intensity changes upon thermal unfolding of the mutants behave very differently. This is the reason for a discrepancy of the apparent transition temperatures derived from the shift of the emission maxima (Tm,Fl lambda) and those derived from DSC (Tm,DSC). However, the transition temperatures derived from fluorescence intensity (Tm,Fl int) and from DSC (Tm,DSC), respectively, are quite similar, and thus, no local rearrangements are observed upon heat-induced unfolding. At room temperature, the occurrence of specific local rearrangements upon GdnHCl-induced denaturation of the different mutants is deduced from the apparent free energies of their transition state obtained from stopped-flow fluorescence measurements. By phi-value analysis it appears that, while the surroundings of Trp118 are exposed in the kinetic transition state, the surroundings of Trp60 remain native.  相似文献   

The paper describes the synthesis and chiroptical properties of (-)-1,2,3,3a,8,8a,-hexahydro-1,3a-dimethyl-pyrrolo[2,3-b]indole, (-)-1, one of the monomeric units of many flexible polypyrroloindoline alkaloids and (-)-chimonanthine, (-)-2. The aim of this investigation is to show that, under certain circumstances, namely, with molecules for which the sign and order of magnitude of [alpha](D) are determined by the lowest-energy valence-shell transitions (referred to as class (a) molecules), a small basis set calculation of chiroptical properties provides reliable results, and that such a treatment can be employed for absolute configurational assignment of larger oligomers, for which the increased flexibility renders the analysis as formidable task. Actually, as the aforementioned two molecules belong to class (a) systems, a TDDFT/B3LYP/6-31G* calculation of the ECD and ORD spectra gives rise to a more than satisfactory simulation of these data, assuming the reported absolute configurations. In other words, the use of the TDDFT/B3LYP method with the small 6-31G* basis set enables one to treat large and flexible molecules such as (-)-2 (52 atoms and 6 conformers) by usage of a simple PC in about 2 weeks. This protocol demonstrates that an ab initio prediction of ECD/ORD spectra results in reliable assignments of absolute configuration of even relatively large natural products, thus economizing computation time.  相似文献   

The catalytic mechanism of triosephosphate isomerase (TIM) was investigated with ab initio quantum mechanical calculations. Electrostatic interactions between the quantum mechanical active site and the protein and solvent environment were modeled using the finite difference Poission-Boltzman method. The complexes of TIM with the substrate dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP), five possible intermediates and the product glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (GAP) were optimized in the active-site model at the 3-21G(*) level and energy profile for the proton abstraction from DHAP by the active-site Glu167 was calculated at the MP2/3-21G(*)//3-21G(*) level. Calculated energetics of the enzyme reaction were found to be in reasonable agreement with the experimental findings. Calculations revealed that an enediol of the substrate is a probable intermediate in the enzyme reaction. It was suggested that the proton abstracted from the substrate by the active-site glutamate goes to the carbonyl oxygen of the substrate producing enediol intermediate either directly or after it is exchanged with solvent. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of the electrostatic properties in the catalytic site of papain (EC, an archetype enzyme of the C1 cysteine proteinase family, and we investigate their possible role in the formation, stabilization and regulation of the Cys25((-))...His159((+)) catalytic ion pair. The electrostatic properties were computed using a reassociation method based in multicentered multipolar expansions obtained from ab initio quantum calculations of overlapping protein fragments. Solvent effects were introduced by coupling the use of multicentered multipolar expansions to two continuum boundary element methods to solve the Poisson and the linearized Poisson-Boltzmann equations. The electrostatic profile found in the proton transfer region of papain showed that this enzyme has a well-defined electrostatic environment to favor the formation and stabilization of the catalytic ion pair. The papain catalytic site electrostatic profile can be considered as an electrostatic fingerprint of the papain family with the following characteristics: (i) the presence of a net electric field highly aligned in the (Cys25)-SG-->(His159)-ND1 direction; (ii) the electrostatic profile has a saddle-point character; (iii) it is basically a local environmental effect. Furthermore, our analysis describes a possible regulatory mechanism (the E(SG-->ND1) attenuation effect) controlling the ion pair reactivity and permits to infer the Asp57 acidic residue as the most probable candidate to act as the electrostatic modulator.  相似文献   

The ab initio and DFT calculations (structural parameters, electron localization function (ELF)) on 3-silaoxetane 3,3-dimethyl-2,2,4,4-tetraphenyl-1-oxa-3-silacyclobutane (1) and 3-silathietane 3,3-dimethyl-2,2,4,4-tetraphenyl-1-sila-3-thiacyclobutane (2) show the cyclobutane ring in 2 as being non-planar with a C-Si-C angle of 89.2° and a C-S-C angle of 93.3°, whereas the cyclobutane ring in 1 is planar with an unusual small bond angle at the silicon atom of 74.7°, which can only be explained by bent bonds. Since the synthesis was performed in water, small bent angles cannot be indicative for high reactivity. The Raman spectra of 1 and 2 were then recorded and analyzed in the 1800-200 cm−1 spectral region at various temperatures (300-10 K) with the help of the DFT calculation results (harmonic vibrational wavenumbers, Raman scattering activities). Although the wavenumber shifts are quite small, the subtle changes in the spectral features of the 3-silaoxetane and phenyl rings vibrational modes may indicate a loss of symmetry in 1 (between 200 and 150 K) and a possible phase transition in 2 (at about 200 K). Furthermore, the Raman spectra of 1 and 2 confirmed the ELF calculation results, excluding any bond interaction between the silicon and the oxygen or sulfur atom.  相似文献   

This report presents the study of ab initio electronic structure and properties of pure and transition metal (TM = Ti, Zr and Hf)-doped silicon clusters, TM@Si(n), by using density functional theory with a polarised basis set (LanL2DZ) within the spin-polarised generalised gradient approximation for different values of n varying from 8 to 20. As the first step of the study, different optimised geometries of pure and doped clusters are calculated. These optimised clusters are then used to calculate different structural and physical parameters of the clusters, like binding energy, Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital – Lowest Unoccupied Molecular Orbital (HOMO–LUMO) gap, charge transfer, etc. In order to check the stability of the clusters, the second-order difference in the energy of the optimised structures is calculated. To study the optical behaviour of the clusters, infrared and Raman spectra are also calculated. Further calculations are also done on cation and anion clusters of both pure and doped nanoclusters to obtain their ionisation potential, electron affinity and chemical potential. An effort has been made to correlate the variation of different calculated parameters with the size of the clusters to explain the real existence and stabilities of different TM-doped clusters.  相似文献   

The present paper describes a theoretical approach to the catalytic reaction mechanism involved in the conversion of 5-androstene-3,17-dione to 4-androstene-3,17-dione. The model incorporates the side chains of the residues tyrosine (Tyr(14)), aspartate (Asp(38)) and aspartic acid (Asp(99)) of the enzyme Delta(5)-3-ketosteroid isomerase (KSI; EC The reaction involves two steps: first, Asp(38) acts as a base, abstracting the 4beta-H atom (proton) from C-4 of the steroid to form a dienolate as the intermediate; next, the intermediate is reketonized by proton transfer to the 6beta-position. Each step goes through its own transition state. Functional groups of the Tyr(14) and Asp(99) side chains act as hydrogen bond donors to the O1 atom of the steroid, providing stability along the reaction coordinate. Calculations were assessed at high level Hartree-Fock theory, using the 6-31G(*) basis set and the most important physicochemical properties involved in each step of the reaction, such as total energy, hardness, and dipole moment. Likewise, to explain the mechanism of reaction, highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) and lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO), atomic orbital contributions to frontier orbitals formation, encoded electrostatic potentials, and atomic charges were used. Energy minima and transition state geometries were confirmed by vibrational frequency analysis. The mechanism described herein accounts for all of the properties, as well as the flow of atomic charges, explaining both catalytic mechanism and proficiency of KSI.  相似文献   

A theoretical study of the ruthenium(III) complex [RuCl2(pz2CHSO3)(en)] and of its nitrosyl-substituted product [Ru(NO)Cl(pz2CHSO3)(en)]+ is presented, based on density functional calculations. Several isomers of each compound differing in the position of the anionic tail of a bis(3,4-dimethyl-1-yl)methanesulfonate scorpionate ligand, pz2CHSO3, relative to the monodentate ligands have been optimized. A two-step mechanism is proposed for the ligand substitution reaction that is consistent with the computational results and the weak coordination of the sulfonate group.  相似文献   

This article outlines theory and practice of the comparison of calculated and experimental electronic circular dichroism (ECD) curves to determine the absolute configuration of chiral molecules. The focus is on the evaluation of excited-state calculations giving hints at the identification of the correct bandwidth and the application of the so-called “UV shift” as a correction factor. A similarity factor is introduced, which helps to quantify the degree of matching of curves. In addition, a few common errors are described that can be made during the measurements of ECD and UV spectra―and advice is given of how to avoid these mistakes. All equations mentioned in the article are implemented in our SpecDis software, which has been developed to rapidly compare calculated ECD and UV curves with experimental ones, and to produce graphics in publication quality. Chirality 25:243–249, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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