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Upper Jurassic (Kimmeridgian–Tithonian) and Cretaceous (Berriasian–Barremian) strata of the Ukrainian part of the Carpathian Foredeep basement are rich, at least locally, in crinoid remains. Crinoids belonging to cyrtocrinids (Cyrtocrinida) are represented by whole cups, isolated remains of disarticulated cups, brachial plates and columnals. They are assigned to the following taxa: Cyrtocrinida indet., Eugeniacrinites cf. cariophilites (von Schlotheim), Lonchocrinus sp., Phyllocrinus stellaris Zaręczny, Ascidicrinus pentagonus (Jaekel), Gammarocrinites sp., Psalidocrinus armatus (Zittel), Psalidocrinus sp., and Hemibrachiocrinidae gen. indet. Cyrtocrinids are associated with other stalked (isocrinids, Isocrinida and millericrinids, Millericrinida) and stemless (saccocomids, Roveacrinida) crinoids. Columnals, pluricolumnals, brachial plates, and cirrals of isocrinids are assigned to Balanocrinus sp., Isocrinina fam. et subfam. indet., and columnals of millericrinids to Millericrinida indet. Free-living roveacrinids are assigned to Saccocoma sp. and Crassicoma sp. Knowledge on Jurassic and Cretaceous crinoids formerly described from Ukraine is discussed. Although majority of crinoids described herein seems to be allochthonous, autochthonous forms were also found with certainty in some intervals. These include some cyrtocrinids, which dominate in shallow-water environments of the Ukrainian Carpathian Foredeep basement. Isocrinids are also common in this shallow marine environment, whereas sessile saccocomids are assigned to low-energy, mud-supported bottom, open marine, outer-platform/upper slope, and relatively deep environments.  相似文献   

An unusual fossil assemblage dominated by superabundant rhynchonellid brachiopods in a stromatactis mud-mound is recorded from the Hăghimaş Mountains (Eastern Carpathians), Romania. The mound mainly consists of bioclastic wackestones to packstones with a very rich macrofauna including crinoids, sponges, juvenile ammonites, and echinoids. The brachiopods represent a low-diversity but high-abundance association, dominated by the rhynchonellids Lacunosella and Septaliphoria. The taphonomical features of the fossil assemblage indicate an autochthonous fauna, with successive generations of brachiopods in life position and complete well-preserved individuals in different growth stage alongside an accessory population of crinoids and sponges. Brachiopod-brachiopod endosymbiotic life strategy is documented for the first time from a post-Paleozoic brachiopod assemblage. The mound reveals abundant stromatactis, filled by radiaxial fibrous or drusy calcite cement and internal polymud sediments. This is the first Late Jurassic (Kimmeridgian) stromatactis mud-mound identified in the Eastern Carpathians.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2003,2(5):291-297
A new semionotid fish, Lepidotes buddhabutrensis n. sp., is described from the continental Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous Phu Kradung Formation, Phu Nam Jun, Kalasin Province. L. buddhabutrensis is characterized notably by the pattern of its cheek bones, by its short preorbital region, and by its numerous and well-developed premaxillary teeth. L. buddhabutrensis is provisionally placed in the genus Lepidotes; it shares, however, derived characters with other semionotids, such as Araripelepidotes and Pliodetes. To cite this article: L. Cavin et al., C. R. Palevol 2 (2003).  相似文献   

The Upper Jurassic complex of Zegarowe Rocks is situated on the Kraków–Wieluń Upland in southern Poland. The complex is dominated by massive limestones representing carbonate buildups. The successive stages of carbonate buildup development include: colonisation, aggradational growth and progradation phases. In the colonisation phase, on top of loose peloidal-ooid sands micritic peloidal thrombolites developed. Peloidal and agglutinated thrombolites and stromatolites proliferated during the aggradational growth phase, whereas the progradation phase was characterised by shallowing and related development of agglutinated stromatolites with coprolites. The latter were the effect of periodical stabilisation of detrital sediments by microbial mats. The Zegarowe Rocks complex developed upon an elevation of the Late Jurassic stable northern shelf of the Tethys. This elevation was formed due to local decrease in subsidence rate, induced by the presence of a Palaeozoic granitoid intrusion in the shelf substratum. The carbonate buildups of the Zegarowe Rocks complex, initially developing as sediment-starved mounds upon fault-controlled intraplatform highs under strongly restricted background sedimentation rate, were replaced by agglutinated microbial reefs.  相似文献   

The paper reports five species of Aciculidae from calcareous intercalations within lignite units of the opencast brown coal mine in Belchatów. Two of them,Acicula schlickumi (Schütt 1967) andRenea pretiosa (Andreae 1904) were only poorly known on the basis of some incomplete shells, whileAcicula crassistoma is described as a new species.  相似文献   

A new ornithopod dinosaur is described here under the name of Draconyx loureiroi n. gen., n. sp. on teeth, caudal vertebrae, forelimb, hindlimb, and foot material that were found in association in the Late Jurassic-Tithonian of Lourinhã, Portugal. Draconyx is a Camptosauridae related to Camptosaurus.  相似文献   

Planktothtrix agardhii (Oscillatoriales) is a filamentous cyanobacterium, which frequently forms blooms in shallow, polymictic and eutrophicated waters. This species is also a rich source of unique linear and cyclic peptides. In the current study, the profile of the peptides in samples from the P. agardhii-dominated Siemianówka Dam Reservoir (SDR) (northeast Poland) was analyzed for four subsequent years (2009–2012). The LC–MS/MS analyses revealed the presence of 33 peptides. Twelve of the most abundant ones, including five microcystins, five anabaenopeptins, one aeruginosin and one planktocyclin, were present in all field samples collected during the study. The detection of different peptides in two P. agardhii isolates indicated that the SDR population was composed of several chemotypes, characterized by different peptide patterns. The total concentration of microcystins (MCs) positively correlated with the biomass of P. agardhii. Between subsequent years, the changes in the ratio of the total MCs concentration to the biomass of P. agardhii were noticed, but they were less than threefold. This is the first study on the production of different classes of non-ribosomal peptides by freshwater cyanobacteria in Poland.  相似文献   

András Galácz 《Geobios》2012,45(3):285-295
On the basis of an evaluation of data from the literature and a systematic study of rich material from the Stephanoceras humphriesianum and Strenoceras niortense Zones of the Bakony Mountains (Transdanubian Hungary), it is supported that leptosphinctids, the earliest Perisphinctidae s.str., most probably originated from Western Tethyan Stephanoceratidae. This descent is documented here with stephanoceratids very close to earliest leptosphinctids (Phaulostephanus exilis nov. sp. and Ph. apertus nov. sp.) and with very early leptosphinctids showing mixed stephanoceratid and perisphinctid characters. This latter group is represented by species described previously elsewhere plus new species (Stephanosphinctes tuberculatus nov. sp., a macroconch, and Leptosphinctes (Cleistosphinctes) umbilicatus nov. sp., a microconch). Possible migration routes of early perisphinctids are discussed and the Hispanic Corridor is suggested as the most probable.  相似文献   

A pollen record was obtained from a coring site at La Correntina mire (54°33′S, 66°59′W, 206 m a.s.l.) to the east of Lago Fagnano, centre of Tierra del Fuego. The results indicate that the valley bottom was free of ice shortly before 15,400 cal bp. Pioneer vegetation included dwarf shrub heaths, grasses and herbs with sparsely distributed Nothofagus trees, indicative of dry conditions. Nothofagus expanded by 10,000 cal bp and the forest-steppe ecotone was established by 9,400 cal bp, implying warm conditions and an increase in available moisture. After ca. 5,000 cal bp, the development of a closed-canopy forest is interpreted as the result of wetter and colder conditions. After 3,000 cal bp, Nothofagus forest became more open, and by about 400 cal bp there was a further decline of the forest. A closed-canopy Nothofagus forest re-established after 400 cal bp.  相似文献   

Doklady Biological Sciences - The dynamics of the taxonomic diversity of the birds of Cuba during the Late Pleistocene–Holocene is assessed for the first time using material from El...  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2016,15(5):501-514
Bats (Chiroptera, Mammalia) are a valuable and independent source of palaeoenvironmental information in Quaternary sites because bat assemblages are not necessarily produced by the same processes as those of other small mammals. Here, we report a small collection of bats (MNI 15) from a cave infill of the Aguilón P7 (AGP-7) site (Zaragoza, Spain) dated Late Pleistocene (MIS 3). This is one of the rare localities south of the Ebro River (right bank) with Neanderthal tracks; therefore, the palaeoenvironmental data provided here may help us to understand Neanderthal history. Nine bat taxa were identified, viz. Rhinolophus ferumequinum, Rhipposideros, Myotis gr. myotis/blythii, M. cf. bechsteinii, Memarginatus, Mdaubentonii, Plecotus gr. auritus/austriacus, Hipsugo savii vel. Pipistrellus kuhlii/nathusii, and Miniopterus schreibersii. The presence of a high number of yearlings of the former four species suggests the presence of breeding colonies. The surprisingly high diversity of the sample indicates a variegated vegetation cover and relatively high humidity for the MIS 3 stage in the region.  相似文献   

This is the first study concerning the features of the reproduction process of the karyologically identified spined loach C. taenia (2n=48). The histology of 71 ovaries, and gonadosomatic index (GSI) of karyologically identified spined loach Cobitis taenia L. from Lake Klawój (Northern Poland) were examined. The absolute and relative fecundity of 25 females was estimated by gravimetric method. The age of fish was determined according to the annual increments of otholits. The spawning of C. taenia from Lake Klawój took place from May to July, at a water temperature exceeding 18.5 degrees C. The GSI values at the beginning of the reproduction period ranged from 7 to 19%. The average absolute fecundity of females was 2078 eggs, with the number ranging from 869 to 3371 eggs. High individual variability in the gonad histology and the GSI values during the reproductive period was observed. Such variability could be the result of beginning the reproduction process in the fish at various times and, probably, due to the various numbers of batches laid and various numbers of eggs per batch.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Rhizostoma pulmo, Aurelia aurita and Actinia equina, the most widespread representatives of Coelenterata in Black Sea have been analysed and the occurrence of 20 sterols has been found.
  • 2.2. Dinosterol and demethyldinosterol as well as a number of short side chain sterols have been found in Scyphozoa for the first time.
  • 3.3. The occurrence of coprostanol in marine invertebrates has been shown for the first time.
  • 4.4. Five groups of sterol esters were found, containing fatty acids with different polarity.

From exceptionally rich and mostly well-preserved Lower Bajocian ammonite assemblages, eight lytoceratid species are described and discussed in detail. They belong to four genera (Lytoceras, Megalytoceras, Alocolytoceras and Nannolytoceras) and include some stratigraphically important forms. Thus the material yielded the hitherto known youngest (Lower Bajocian Otoites sauzei Zone) representative of genus Alocolytoceras (A.?isztimeri n. sp.). On the basis of here-identified forms, the range of Lytoceras subfrancisci could be extended up into the Otoites sauzei Zone. A new species (Nannolytoceras gibbosum n. sp.) from the Witchellia laeviuscula/Otoites sauzei zonal boundary interval suggests that the origin of Nannolytoceras could have been earlier than previously recorded. The faunal compositions of the assemblages reflect a typical Tethyan character, with lytoceratids representing only the third most numerous ammonite group behind Phylloceratina and Ammonitina.  相似文献   

From January 2010 to December 2011, a total of 138 cases of ticks feeding on humans were reported from 11 locations in central Panama. Five of these locations were situated in forest environments, three in rural landscapes and three in urban areas. The ticks were submitted to the Gorgas Memorial Institute, where nine species were identified among 65 specimens: Amblyomma cajennense s.l., A. dissimile, A. naponense, A. oblongoguttatum, A. ovale, A. sabanerae, A. tapirellum, Haemaphysalis juxtakochi and Rhipicephalus sanguineus s.l. The remaining 73 specimens consisted of unidentified immature ticks, all belonging to the genus of Amblyomma. Rhipicephalus sanguineus s.l. was the species most frequently associated with humans, particularly in urban environments. In rural landscapes, tick bites were most often caused by A. cajennense s.l., whereas A. tapirellum was the species most often found parasitizing humans in forest environments. These data provide information on the tick species most commonly associated with humans in forested environments, rural areas and cities around the Panama Canal.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2014,13(5):421-441
The paralic flora and fauna from the Late Jurassic of Chassiron (Oléron Island, western France) are described. The Tithonian-aged bonebeds of Purbeck facies of this locality have yielded a rich and diverse vertebrate assemblage including fishes, amphibians, reptiles and mammals, alongside numerous plant and invertebrate remains. The Chassiron locality thus appears as a peculiar Konzentrat-Lagerstätte in which most of the palaeoecosystem's biological components (both aquatic and terrestrial) have been preserved. The depositional environment was probably subject to salinity fluctuations, as indicated by the co-occurrence of freshwater and euryhaline organisms. This is one of the richest localities and the first mammal-bearing site known from the Jurassic of France.  相似文献   

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