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《Current biology : CB》2020,30(11):2156-2165.e5
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目的 Ku70蛋白主要通过其DNA结合特性参与双链DNA断裂(DSB)的非同源端连接(NHEJ)修复,有报道称其具有RNA结合功能,本文探索Ku70是否具有RNA解旋酶活性并影响miRNA加工成熟。方法 利用RNA免疫共沉淀(RIP)测序结合生物信息学分析Ku蛋白结合的RNA;蛋白质印迹法(Western blot,WB)结合定量反转录PCR(qRT-PCR)检测Ku蛋白与miRNAs的表达关系;生物膜干涉技术(BLI)实验分析Ku蛋白与RNA的结合能力;电泳迁移率变动分析(EMSA)实验确定Ku70及Ku80的RNA解旋酶活性;形态学检测结合WB分析Ku70调节miR-124引起的神经细胞功能变化;免疫荧光结合形态学分析寨卡病毒(ZIKV)感染后Ku70及miR-124的变化与神经元分化关联。结果 研究发现,Ku70蛋白具有RNA解旋酶活性,并通过其RNA解旋酶活性影响miRNA加工成熟。Ku70缺失引起许多miRNAs上调,其中包括神经细胞特异的miR-124。在人神经前体细胞(hNPCs)和人神经母细胞瘤细胞(SH-SY5Y)中敲低Ku70可促进 miR-124的成熟,从而导致上述细胞向神经元分化。本文进一步发现,ZIKV感染影响了Ku70及miR-124的表达,导致细胞形态的分化。结论 本研究揭示了Ku70的一种新功能,即Ku70有可能参与miRNA的成熟调控和神经细胞的分化,并且可能是ZIKV病毒致小头症的原因之一。  相似文献   

Sleep is evolutionarily conserved and required for organism homeostasis and survival. Despite this importance, the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying sleep are not well understood. Caenorhabditis elegans exhibits sleep-like behavioral quiescence and thus provides a valuable, simple model system for the study of cellular and molecular regulators of this process. In C. elegans, epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) signaling is required in the neurosecretory neuron ALA to promote sleep-like behavioral quiescence after cellular stress. We describe a novel role for VAV-1, a conserved guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) for Rho-family GTPases, in regulation of sleep-like behavioral quiescence. VAV-1, in a GEF-dependent manner, acts in ALA to suppress locomotion and feeding during sleep-like behavioral quiescence in response to cellular stress. Additionally, VAV-1 activity is required for EGF-induced sleep-like quiescence and normal levels of EGFR and secretory dense core vesicles in ALA. Importantly, the role of VAV-1 in promoting cellular stress–induced behavioral quiescence is vital for organism health because VAV-1 is required for normal survival after cellular stress.  相似文献   

This study examined the efficacy of bilateral asymmetry in epiphyseal union as an indicator of environmental stress affecting the skeleton. We compared the extent of asymmetry in the postcranial skeleton between two cemetery samples excavated from Medieval Kulubnarti, Sudanese Nubia. Past studies have strongly suggested that these ancient Nubians experienced environmental stress-the early Christian period (550-750 AD) population to a greater extent than the late Christian period (750-1450 AD) population. We hypothesized that if bilateral asymmetry is a reflection of stress, then it should be present or greater in the more stressed population, the early Christian period population, while absent or found to a lesser extent in the less stressed population, the late Christian period population. We computed two mean values, representative of right-side and left-side epiphyseal union, for each individual in both cemetery samples, and tested for significant differences. Bilateral asymmetry was significant in the combined cemetery sample of 90 individuals (P < 0.019). When cemetery samples were tested separately, bilateral asymmetry was significant for the early Christian period sample (P < 0.001), but not for the late Christian period sample. There were no differences attributable to sex. Finally, we discuss why we conclude that environmental stress was favored over a biomechanic explanation as the cause for asymmetry. To the extent that our results support previous findings that early Christian period individuals were more affected by environmental stress than late Christian period individuals, it is reasonable to consider bilateral asymmetry in skeletal growth and maturation a good indicator of environmental stress.  相似文献   


The growth and metabolic capabilities of microorganisms depend on their interactions with the culture medium. Many media contain two or more key substrates, and an organism may have different preferences for the components. Microorganisms adjust their preferences according to the prevailing conditions so as to favor their own survival. Cybernetic modeling describes this evolutionary strategy by defining a goal that an organism tries to attain optimally at all times. The goal is often, but not always, maximization of growth, and it may require the cells to manipulate their metabolic processes in response to changing environmental conditions.

The cybernetic approach overcomes some of the limitations of metabolic control analysis (MCA), but it does not substitute MCA. Here we review the development of the cybernetic modeling of microbial metabolism, how it may be combined with MCA, and what improvements are needed to make it a viable technique for industrial fermentation processes.

IMTECH communication no.001/2001  相似文献   

Although bone morphogenic protein (BMP) signaling promotes chondrogenesis, it is not clear whether BMP-induced chondrocyte maturation is cell-autonomously terminated. Loss of function of Smpd3 in mice results in an increase in mature hypertrophic chondrocytes. Here, we report that in chondrocytes the Runx2-dependent expression of Smpd3 was increased by BMP-2 stimulation. Neutral sphingomyelinase 2 (nSMase2), encoded by the Smpd3 gene, was detected both in prehypertrophic and hypertrophic chondrocytes of mouse embryo bone cartilage. An siRNA for Smpd3, as well as the nSMase inhibitor GW4869, significantly enhanced BMP-2-induced differentiation and maturation of chondrocytes. Conversely, overexpression of Smpd3 or C2-ceramide, which mimics the function of nSMase2, inhibited chondrogenesis. Upon induction of Smpd3 siRNA or GW4869, phosphorylation of both Akt and S6 proteins was increased. The accelerated chondrogenesis induced by Smpd3 silencing was negated by application of the Akt inhibitor MK2206 or the mammalian target of rapamycin inhibitor rapamycin. Importantly, in mouse bone culture, GW4869 treatment significantly promoted BMP-2-induced hypertrophic maturation and calcification of chondrocytes, which subsequently was eliminated by C2-ceramide. Smpd3 knockdown decreased the apoptosis of terminally matured ATDC5 chondrocytes, probably as a result of decreased ceramide production. In addition, we found that expression of hyaluronan synthase 2 (Has2) was elevated by a loss of Smpd3, which was restored by MK2206. Indeed, expression of Has2 protein decreased in nSMase2-positive hypertrophic chondrocytes in the bones of mouse embryos. Our data suggest that the Smpd3/nSMase2-ceramide-Akt signaling axis negatively regulates BMP-induced chondrocyte maturation and Has2 expression to control the rate of endochondral ossification as a negative feedback mechanism.  相似文献   

Cox  Eileen J. 《Hydrobiologia》1993,(1):447-452
The observational and experimental approaches to ecological studies are outlined and contrasted. Most studies involving benthic diatoms are still at the observational stage. Community analyses are interpreted in relation to physico-chemical variables, but without reference to the intrinsic growth characteristics of the species or to biological interactions. By allowing separate investigation of the effects of chosen variables under controlled conditions, culture studies permit field predictions to be tested and our understanding of the constraints on growth of particular species to be improved.Results of culture experiments on four benthic diatom species grown under contrasting light, temperature, and pH regimes are presented and discussed in relation to their field distributions. Synedra ulna showed a positive response to both light and temperature; Meridion circulare was more sensitive to raised water temperature at higher light intensity; Pinnularia viridis and Eunotia exigua grew over wider ranges of temperature and pH than recorded from published data. The experimental results indicate that distribution data provide only partial information on ecological range; growth in the field may be constrained by one or more factors and their interactions.Whereas analysis of field data is a correlative exercise, an experimental approach allows investigation of the physiological responses contributing to the survival of species and the demonstration of causal relationships.  相似文献   

Growth analysis presently uses destructive samples to detect temporal variations in biomass. The destructive nature of the measurements, their cost, and statistical considerations limit the application of growth studies in many domains of crop science. In contrast radiation interception data are cheap and easy to obtain without destruction of experimental material. Biomass may be modelled as the product of cumulative radiation intercepted by the crop [ΣI] and a radiation use efficiency coefficient [e]. Therefore, in theory, an alternative to destructive samples is provided by measurement of I at intervals during growth and e. The success of this approach depends on the validity of the value of e and its constancy through time. With measurement of I at intervals the mean radiation use efficiency [Σ] can be estimated from the seasonal ΣI and the final harvest data. The Σ can then be used with the time series data for ΣI to estimate the biomass for that plot for any date. To test this approach model-derived biomass data were compared with data from destructive samples at seven dates for six groundnut germplasm lines grown in water limiting and fully irrigated conditions. The model-derived data was consistently less than destructively obtained data when the plants were small. This bias was an artifact of the interception measurement technique used not being accurate for small plants. Once plants were tall enough for fractional interception to be measured without substantial error, the nondestructive method effectively described the growth of the well-watered crops. For the drought treatments, it was less effective. However, by dealing with the phases of growth separately, good correlation between the two methods was achieved. An important assumption in the method is that the final harvest biomass is a realistic reflection of the preceding growth, since the model method forces the estimates of growth to that point. In one germplasm line this assumption was not valid and the model-based method did not match the sampled biomass data.  相似文献   

Several individuals of the Caribbean Zamia clade and other cycad genera were used to identify single‐copy nuclear genes for phylogeographic and phylogenetic studies in Cycadales. Two strategies were employed to select target loci: (i) a tblastX search of Arabidopsis conserved ortholog sequence (COS) set and (ii) a tblastX search of Arabidopsis‐Populus‐Vitis‐Oryza Shared Single‐Copy genes (APVO SSC) against the EST Zamia databases in GenBank. From the first strategy, 30 loci were selected, and from the second, 16 loci. In both cases, the matching GenBank accessions of Zamia were used as a query for retrieving highly similar sequences from Cycas, Picea, Pinus species or Ginkgo biloba. After retrieving and aligning all the sequences in each locus, intron predictions were completed to assist in primer design. PCR was carried out in three rounds to detect paralogous loci. A total of 29 loci were successfully amplified as a single band of which 20 were likely single‐copy loci. These loci showed different diversity and divergence levels. A preliminary screening allowed us to select 8 promising loci (40S, ATG2, BG, GroES, GTP, LiSH, PEX4 and TR) for the Zamia pumila complex and 4 loci (COS26, GroES, GTP and HTS) for all other cycad genera.  相似文献   


Nanotechnology has been proposed as an important tool and strategy for applying new products in agriculture at the nanometer scale in order to improve the food crop at sustainability and productivity levels for contributing with the agriculture security. Nanoparticles (NPs) have been planted as an intelligent material with a large contact surface per unit mass respect to bulk-products, allowing its effect to be exerted with greater efficiency in a specific point on a plant target. Currently, NPs have been studied to be applied to various species of monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plants. Some NPs properties such as concentration, shape, size, composition and surface functionality have the ability to regulate the NPs growth effects on the plant during germination and seedling stages under controlled and field conditions. Furthermore, several studies have tried to explain the mechanism of uptake, translocation and accumulation of NPs inside the plant at the organ and cell level, but further studies are needed to determine specific mechanisms and exact action. Nevertheless, evaluation of the toxicity effects of NPs on physiological indexes of the plant is needed to determine the effective dose without producing adverse effects on the plant and food chain. It is noteworthy that studies have indicated that nanoparticles, regardless of their nature, can be efficient inducers of plant growth. However, a series of laboratory tests are required to optimize their application conditions and their specific physiological impact on plants. In this review, we summarize the knowledge about NPs application to induce plant growth to direct future studies in order to propose NPs for technological innovation.  相似文献   

To verify the important role of nitrogen in detoxifying plants from heavy metals in Populus, the influence of nitrogen and cadmium on growth, chlorophyll (Chl) synthesis, and the expression of the Glutamine synthetase gene (GS2) were studied in poplar plants. Experiments were carried out in potted plants treated with (NH4)2CO3, Cd(NO3)2, CdCl2 and CdCl2 plus (NH4)2CO3. After treatment, plant height, biomass, chlorophyll content, the precursors content and GS2 were investigated. Results showed that the plants treated with cadmium showed toxicity symptoms, decrease in growth and Chl content. Cd inhibited Chl synthesis seriously by blocking the site located on the steps between UrogenIII and Coprogen III. However, the plants treated with cadmium and nitrogen grew well without any toxicity symptoms. Nitrogen supplement can alleviate Cd inhibition on chlorophyll synthesis by unblocking the pathway. The results indicated that nitrogen can effectively alleviate cadmium toxicity to poplar plants.  相似文献   

《Chronobiology international》2013,30(10):1312-1328
Robustness is a fundamental property of biological timing systems that is likely to ensure their efficient functioning under a wide range of environmental conditions. Here we report the findings of our study aimed at examining robustness of circadian clocks in fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster populations selected to emerge as adults within a narrow window of time. Previously, we have reported that such flies display enhanced synchrony, accuracy, and precision in their adult emergence and activity/rest rhythms. Since it is expected that accurate and precise circadian clocks may confer enhanced stability in circadian time-keeping, we decided to examine robustness in circadian rhythms of flies from the selected populations by subjecting them to a variety of environmental conditions comprising of a range of photoperiods, light intensities, ambient temperatures, and constant darkness. The results revealed that adult emergence and activity/rest rhythms of flies from the selected stocks were more robust than controls, as they displayed enhanced stability under a wide variety of environmental conditions. These results suggest that selection for adult emergence within a narrow window of time results in the evolution of robustness in circadian timing systems of the fruit fly D. melanogaster. (Author correspondence: or )  相似文献   

Growth of plants or plant organs towards more light is commonly interpreted as an adaptation to low light conditions. Here, we show for the first time, in a study of charophyte branches, a growth-based orientation towards light functioning as a mechanism to protect the plant from excessive light. Two Chara species were exposed to five different intensities of photosynthetically active radiation and species traits and pigmentation were measured. Branches of plants exposed to higher light intensities were convergent and pointed steeply upwards, whereas those exposed to lower light intensities grew nearly straight and were less inclined. Only branches that increased in length during the experiments reacted to differences in light intensity. This indicates that branch orientation is determined by a light-dependent growth reaction. Orientation of charophyte branches towards light is accompanied by a decrease in chlorophyll a (Chla) content and a lower Chla : carotenoid ratio, which clearly indicates that the plant is taking protective measures against potentially damaging excess light conditions. We suggest that the growth-based orientation of Chara branches towards light may protect sexual organs, which grow on adaxial branch sides, from light damage. In addition, the upward orientation of branches might lead to increased light transmission within dense charophyte beds, thus enabling an enhanced gross production.  相似文献   

We tested the effect of conditioning time of Pinus sylvestris litter on food consumption and growth of laboratory‐reared Sericostoma vittatum larvae. In all cases, larval mass was positively correlated with consumption rates but negatively with growth rates and gross production efficiencies. Conditioning time (4, 8 or 30 weeks) had an effect on feeding rates: they were lowest for the least conditioned pine litter, but no effect of conditioning time on growth rates was observed. Contrary to previous reports on conifer litter use by aquatic detritivores, our results indicate that S.vittatum larvae were able to transform the highly refractory pine litter into secondary production even when it was conditioned for only 4 weeks. (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Summary The effects of two water regimes: Continuous flooding and flooding with soil drying on iron toxicity to rice in an acid sulfate soil was studied by continuously growing 7 crops of IR-32 rice in pots under the two water treatments. There was no plant growth upto the second crop under both water treatments due to iron toxicity. But there was good growth of rice under the continuous water regime from third cropping onwards, however, there was no growth of rice in the flooding with soil drying treatment even upto the seventh crop due to iron toxicity.The results of the study bring out that keeping an acid sulfate soil flooded for a few weeks and then planting rice when iron in soil solution has dropped below toxicity level may be a possible management practice for lowland rice culture on such soils. Drying and reflooding an acid sulfate soil on the other hand aggravates soil acidity and keeps iron in solution in high amounts to be toxic to rice plant.  相似文献   

《Cell reports》2020,30(8):2644-2654.e3
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Sclerochronological studies based on hard structures of marine organisms are valuable tools—both for reconstructing past climate conditions and for predicting future impacts of environmental changes on marine resources. Existing archives, which house millions of fish otoliths (ear stones) constitute an excellent basis for such research; but, they remain underutilized. The objective of this project was to identify the factors that influence the annual growth patterns of the European flounder (Platichthys flesus) based on an analysis of otolith increments. We applied linear mixed models to develop a 74-year long chronology that reflects the inter-annual variations in flounder growth rates using otolith samples collected from 1957 to 2016 in the southern part of the Baltic Sea, which is considered to be highly vulnerable to global climate change. By analyzing the widths of otolith increments we revealed the existence of common environmental factors that influence fish growth. Using a mixed modeling framework, we incorporated a recent method to identify the optimal time window for climatic factors and showed that the most significant effect of the mean Baltic Sea Index occurs during August–December, while mean sea surface temperature is most significant from April–June. Change point analysis on the developed chronology identified major alterations occurred in flounder growth in 1988, 1992 and 2006. This result is in accord with published studies on regime shifts in the Baltic Sea ecosystem. This paper reports information concerning the response of the commercially important European flounder to the changing environment that may support future ecosystem-based management of fish stocks. Moreover, the results also highlight the potential for applying biochronological techniques to identify rapid regime shifts in marine ecosystems.  相似文献   

Aims UV-B radiation is known to affect plant physiology and growth rate in ways that can influence community species composition and structure. Nevertheless, comparatively little is known about how UV-B radiation induced changes in the performance of individual species cascades to affect overall community properties. Because foliage leaves are primarily responsible for photosynthesis and carbon gain and are the major organ that senses and responds to UV-B radiation, we hypothesized that, under reduced UV-B radiation, species with larger leaf areas per plant would manifest higher growth rates and hence tend to improve their community status compared to species with smaller leaf areas per plant in herbaceous plant communities.Methods We tested this hypothesis by examining plant traits (leaf area per plant and plant height), plant growth rate (aboveground biomass per plant and plant biomass per area) and community status (species within-community relative biomass) for 19 common species in a two-year field experiment in an alpine meadow on Tibetan Plateau.Important findings Aboveground biomass per plant, as well as per area, progressively increased in a 39% reduced (relative to ambient) UV-B treatment during the experimental period. At the second year, 11 out of 19 species significantly or marginally significantly increased their plant height, leaf area per plant and aboveground biomass per plant. No species was negatively affected by reducing UV-B. As hypothesized, the increase in aboveground biomass per plant increased with increasing leaf area per plant, as indicated by cross-species regression analysis. Moreover, the change in species within-community status increased with increasing leaf area per plant. Our study demonstrates that UV-B radiation has differential effects on plant growth rate across species and hence significantly affects species composition and plant community structure. We suggest that UV-B radiation is an ecological factor structuring plant communities particularly in alpine and polar areas.  相似文献   

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