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We provide the first atomic resolution (<1.20 A) structure of a copper protein, nitrite reductase, and of a mutant of the catalytically important Asp92 residue (D92E). The atomic resolution where carbon-carbon bonds of the peptide become clearly resolved, remains a key goal of structural analysis. Despite much effort and technological progress, still very few structures are known at such resolution. For example, in the Protein Data Bank (PDB) there are some 200 structures of copper proteins but the highest resolution structure is that of amicyanin, a small (12 kDa) protein, which has been resolved to 1.30 A. Here, we present the structures of wild-type copper nitrite reductase (wtNiR) from Alcaligenes xylosoxidans (36.5 kDa monomer), the "half-apo" recombinant native protein and the D92E mutant at 1.04, 1.15 and 1.12A resolutions, respectively. These structures provide the basis from which to build a detailed mechanism of this important enzyme.  相似文献   

We present high-resolution crystal structures and functional analysis of T1Cu centre mutants of nitrite reductase that perturb the redox potential and the Cys130-His129 "hard-wired" bridge through which electron transfer to the catalytic T2Cu centre occurs. These data provide insight into how activity can be altered through mutational manipulation of the electron delivery centre (T1Cu). The alteration of Cys to Ala results in loss of T1Cu and enzyme inactivation with azurin as electron donor despite the mutant enzyme retaining full nitrite-binding capacity. These data establish unequivocally that no direct transfer of electrons occurs from azurin to the catalytic type 2 Cu centre. The mutation of the axial ligand Met144 to Leu increases both the redox potential and catalytic activity, establishing that the rate-determining step of catalysis is the intermolecular electron transfer from azurin to nitrite reductase.  相似文献   

Cu-containing nitrite reductases (NiRs) perform the reduction of nitrite to NO via an ordered mechanism in which the delivery of a proton and an electron to the catalytic type 2 Cu site is highly orchestrated. Electron transfer from a redox partner protein, azurin or pseudoazurin, to the type 1 Cu site is assumed to occur through the formation of a protein-protein complex. We report here a new crystal form in space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) of the Met144Leu mutant of NiR from Alcaligenes xylosoxidans (AxNiR), revealing a head-to-head packing motif involving residues around the hydrophobic patch of domain 1. Superposition of the structure of azurin II with that of domain 1 of one of the Met144Leu molecules provides the first glimpse of an azurin II-NiR protein-protein complex. Mutations of two of the residues of AxNiR, Trp138His (Barrett et al. in Biochemistry 43:16311-16319, 2004) and Met87Leu, highlighted in the AxNiR-azurin complex, results in substantially decreased activity when azurin is used as the electron donor instead of methyl viologen, providing direct evidence for the importance of this region for complex formation.  相似文献   

Nitrite reductases are key enzymes that perform the first committed step in the denitrification process and reduce nitrite to nitric oxide. In copper nitrite reductases, an electron is delivered from the type 1 copper (T1Cu) centre to the type 2 copper (T2Cu) centre where catalysis occurs. Despite significant structural and mechanistic studies, it remains controversial whether the substrates, nitrite, electron and proton are utilised in an ordered or random manner. We have used crystallography, together with online X-ray absorption spectroscopy and optical spectroscopy, to show that X-rays rapidly and selectively photoreduce the T1Cu centre, but that the T2Cu centre does not photoreduce directly over a typical crystallographic data collection time. Furthermore, internal electron transfer between the T1Cu and T2Cu centres does not occur, and the T2Cu centre remains oxidised. These data unambiguously demonstrate an ‘ordered’ mechanism in which electron transfer is gated by binding of nitrite to the T2Cu. Furthermore, the use of online multiple spectroscopic techniques shows their value in assessing radiation-induced redox changes at different metal sites and demonstrates the importance of ensuring the correct status of redox centres in a crystal structure determination. Here, optical spectroscopy has shown a very high sensitivity for detecting the change in T1Cu redox state, while X-ray absorption spectroscopy has reported on the redox status of the T2Cu site, as this centre has no detectable optical absorption.  相似文献   

The gene of the Achromobacter xylosoxidans (DSM 2402) blue copper-containing nitrite reductase was amplified using the polymerase chain reaction. DNA sequence analysis reveals that the amino acid sequence is identical to those of the GIFU1051 and the NCIMB11015 A. xylosoxidans nitrite reductases. The gene encoding the mature coding region for DSM 2402 nitrite reductase was cloned into a pET-vector, overexpressed in the cytoplasm of Escherichia coli BL21(DE3), and the expressed holoprotein was purified to apparent homogeneity by cation-exchange chromatography. The recombinant blue copper-containing nitrite reductase was obtained in high yields of 70mgL(-1) of culture. The specific catalytic activity as well as the electronic absorption and electron paramagnetic resonance spectra agree with corresponding data for the native protein. Mass spectroscopic analysis of the recombinant nitrite reductase gave a molecular weight of 36659.1Da for the apo-protein monomer, in agreement with the expected molecular mass based on the amino acid sequence.  相似文献   

Cyanide binding to fully reduced Pseudomonas aeruginosa cd(1) nitrite reductase (Pa cd(1) NiR) has been investigated for the wild-type enzyme and a site-directed mutant in which the active-site His369 was replaced by Ala. This mutation reduces the affinity toward cyanide (by approximately 13-fold) and especially decreases the rate of binding of cyanide to the reduced d(1) heme (by approximately 100-fold). The crystal structure of wild-type reduced Pa cd(1) NiR saturated with cyanide was determined to a resolution of 2.7 A. Cyanide binds to the iron of the d(1) heme, with an Fe-C-N angle of 168 degrees for both subunits of the dimer and only His369 is within hydrogen bonding distance of the nitrogen atom of the ligand. These results suggest that in Pa cd(1) NiR the invariant distal residue His369 plays a dominant role in controlling the binding of anionic ligands and allow the discussion of the mechanism of cyanide binding to the wild-type enzyme.  相似文献   

The flavin reductase ActVB is involved in the last step of actinorhodin biosynthesis in Streptomyces coelicolor. Although ActVB can be isolated with some FMN bound, this form was not involved in the flavin reductase activity. By studying the ferric reductase activity of ActVB, we show that its FMN-bound form exhibits a proper enzymatic activity of reduction of iron complexes by NADH. This shows that ActVB active site exhibits a dual property with regard to the FMN. It can use it as a substrate that goes in and off the active site or as a cofactor to provide an electron transferase activity to the polypeptide.  相似文献   

Assimilatory nitrite reductase (aNiR) reduces nitrite to an ammonium ion and has siroheme and a [Fe(4)S(4)] cluster as prosthetic groups. A reaction mechanism for Nii3, an aNiR from tobacco, is proposed based on high resolution X-ray structures and UV-Vis (ultraviolet-visible) microspectroscopy of Nii3-ligand complexes. Analysis of UV-Vis spectral changes in Nii3 crystals with increasing X-ray exposure showed prosthetic group reductions. In Nii3-NO2(-) structures, X-ray irradiation enhanced the progress of the reduction reaction, and cleavage of the N-O bond was observed when X-ray doses were increased. Crystal structures of Nii3 with other bound ligands, such as Nii3-NO and Nii3-NH(2)OH, were also determined. Further, by combining information from these Nii3 ligand-bound structures, including that of Nii3-NO2(-), with UV-Vis microspectral data obtained using different X-ray doses, a reaction mechanism for aNiR was suggested. Cleavage of the two N-O bonds of nitrite was envisaged as a two-step process: first, the N-O bond close to Lys224 was cleaved, followed by cleavage of the N-O bond close to Arg109. X-ray structures also indicated that aNiR-catalyzed nitrite reduction proceeded without the need for conformation changes in active site residues. Geometrical changes in the ligand molecules and the placement of neighboring water molecules appeared to be important to the stability of the active site residue interactions (Arg109, Arg179, and Lys224) and the ligand molecule. These interactions may contribute to the efficiency of aNiR reduction reactions.  相似文献   

The crystal structures of copper-containing nitrite reductase (CuNiR) from the thermophilic Gram-positive bacterium Geobacillus kaustophilus HTA426 and the amino (N)-terminal 68 residue-deleted mutant were determined at resolutions of 1.3 Å and 1.8 Å, respectively. Both structures show a striking resemblance with the overall structure of the well-known CuNiRs composed of two Greek key β-barrel domains; however, a remarkable structural difference was found in the N-terminal region. The unique region has one β-strand and one α-helix extended to the northern surface of the type-1 copper site. The superposition of the Geobacillus CuNiR model on the electron-transfer complex structure of CuNiR with the redox partner cytochrome c551 in other denitrifier system led us to infer that this region contributes to the transient binding with the partner protein during the interprotein electron transfer reaction in the Geobacillus system. Furthermore, electron-transfer kinetics experiments using N-terminal residue-deleted mutant and the redox partner, Geobacillus cytochrome c551, were carried out. These structural and kinetics studies demonstrate that the region is directly involved in the specific partner recognition.  相似文献   

Bacterial tRNA-guanine transglycosylase (Tgt) catalyses the exchange of guanine in the wobble position of particular tRNAs by the modified base preQ1. In vitro, however, the enzyme is also able to insert the immediate biosynthetic precursor, preQ0, into those tRNAs. This substrate promiscuity is based on a peptide switch in the active site, gated by the general acid/base Glu235. The switch alters the properties of the binding pocket to allow either the accommodation of guanine or preQ1. The peptide conformer recognising guanine, however, is also able to bind preQ0. To investigate selectivity regulation, kinetic data for Zymomonas mobilis Tgt were recorded. They show that selectivity in favour of the actual substrate preQ1 over preQ0 is not achieved by a difference in affinity but via a higher turnover rate. Moreover, a Tgt(Glu235Gln) variant was constructed. The mutation was intended to stabilise the peptide switch in the conformation favouring guanine and preQ0 binding. Kinetic characterisation of the mutated enzyme revealed that the Glu235Gln exchange has, with respect to all substrate bases, no significant influence on kcat. In contrast, KM(preQ1) is drastically increased, while KM(preQ0) seems to be decreased. Hence, regarding kcat/KM as an indicator for catalytic efficiency, selectivity of Tgt in favour of preQ1 is abolished or even inverted in favour of preQ0 for Tgt(Glu235Gln). Crystal structures of the mutated enzyme confirm that the mutation strongly favours the binding pocket conformation required for the accommodation of guanine and preQ0. The way this is achieved, however, significantly differs from that predicted based on crystal structures of wild-type Tgt.  相似文献   

Phosphoglycerate mutases catalyze the isomerization of 2 and 3-phosphoglycerates, and are essential for glucose metabolism in most organisms. Here, we further characterize the 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate-independent phosphoglycerate mutase (iPGM) from Bacillus stearothermophilus by determination of a high-resolution (1.4A) crystal structure of the wild-type enzyme and the crystal structure of its S62A mutant. The mutant structure surprisingly showed the replacement of one of the two catalytically essential manganese ions with a water molecule, offering an additional possible explanation for its lack of catalytic activity. Crystal structures invariably show substrate phosphoglycerate to be entirely buried in a deep cleft between the two iPGM domains. Flexibility analyses were therefore employed to reveal the likely route of substrate access to the catalytic site through an aperture created in the enzyme's surface during certain stages of the catalytic process. Several conserved residues lining this aperture may contribute to orientation of the substrate as it enters. Factors responsible for the retention of glycerate within the phosphoenzyme structure in the proposed mechanism are identified by molecular modeling of the glycerate complex of the phosphoenzyme. Taken together, these results allow for a better understanding of the mechanism of action of iPGMs. Many of the results are relevant to a series of evolutionarily related enzymes. These studies will facilitate the development of iPGM inhibitors which, due to the demonstrated importance of this enzyme in many bacteria, would be of great potential clinical significance.  相似文献   

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