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Certain virulence region operons of the Agrobacterium tumefaciens Ti plasmid promoted conjugative Ti plasmid transfer. Mutations in the vir region of pTiC58 inhibited conjugative plasmid transfer between A. tumefaciens strains. Mutations in virA, virG, 5' virB, and virE had the greatest effect on plasmid transfer, and mutations in virC had no effect. Transfer inhibition in vir mutants occurred in the presence or absence of acetosyringone.  相似文献   

The product of the Escherichia coli F plasmid traI gene is required for DNA transfer via bacterial conjugation. This bifunctional protein catalyzes the unwinding of duplex DNA and is a sequence-specific DNA transesterase. The latter activity provides the site- and strand-specific nick required to initiate DNA transfer. To address the role of the TraI helicase activity in conjugative DNA transfer traI mutants were constructed and their function in DNA transfer was evaluated using genetic and biochemical methods. A traI deletion/insertion mutant was transfer-defective as expected. A traI C-terminal deletion that removed the helicase-associated motifs was also transfer-defective despite the fact that the region of traI encoding the transesterase activity was intact. Biochemical studies demonstrated that the N-terminal domain was sufficient to catalyze oriT-dependent transesterase activity. Thus, a functional transesterase was not sufficient to support DNA transfer. Finally, a point mutant, TraI-K998M, that lacked detectable helicase activity was characterized. This protein catalyzed oriT-dependent transesterase activity in vitro and in vivo but failed to complement a traI deletion strain in conjugative DNA transfer assays. Thus, both the transesterase and helicase activities of TraI are essential for DNA strand transfer.  相似文献   

Agrobacterium rhizogenes strain LBA9402 was used to transformPinus halepensis embryos, seedlings and shoots. Mature embryos exhibited susceptibility to the agrobacterium as monitored by -glucurortidase (GUS) expression, with more than 85% showing considerable transient GUS expression in the radicle. GUS expression was also observed in cotyledons, but at a lower rate of about 24% of the embryos (1–5 spots/embryo). Stable transformation was evidenced by the regeneration of GUS-expressing roots and calli from infectedP. halepensis seedlings. Inoculum injections into intact seedling hypocotyls induced callus and root formation at the wound sites in 64% of the seedlings. Dipping seedling cuttings in a bacterial suspension resulted in adventitious root formation in 7I% of the seedling cuttings, all of which expressed GUS activity. Adventitious shoots, that were induced on 2.5-year-old seedlings by pruning and spraying with 6-benzylaminopurine, were infected by injecting of bacterial suspension into their basal side. Two months later, adventitious roots and root primordia regenerated in 74% and 40% of 2- and 5-month-old shoots, respectively. Non-transformed shoots, either without or with auxin application, failed to form roots. Polymerase chain reaction and Southern blot analyses confirmed theuidA-transgenic nature of the root and callus, as well as the presence ofrolC androlB genes in roots from infectedP. halepensis seedlings.Abbreviations BA 6-benzylaminopurine - NOS nopaline synthase - PCR polymerise chain reaction - EtOH ethanol - GUS -glucuronidase - NPTII neomycin phosphotransferase II - CaMV cauliflower mosaic virus - X-gluc 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl -D-glucuronic acid  相似文献   

N conjugative transfer system of plasmid pCU1.   总被引:10,自引:7,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文

The requirement for host factors in the transmission of integrative and conjugative elements (ICEs) has not been extensively explored. Here we tested whether integration host factor (IHF) or Fis, two host-encoded nucleoid proteins, are required for transfer of SXT, a Vibrio cholerae-derived ICE that can be transmitted to many gram-negative species. Fis did not influence the transfer of SXT to or from V. cholerae. In contrast, IHF proved to be required for V. cholerae to act as an SXT donor. In the absence of IHF, V. cholerae displayed a modest defect for serving as an SXT recipient. Surprisingly, SXT integration into or excision from the V. cholerae chromosome, which requires an SXT-encoded integrase related to lambda integrase, did not require IHF. Therefore, the defect in SXT transmission in the V. cholerae IHF mutant is probably not related to IHF's ability to promote DNA recombination. The V. cholerae IHF mutant was also highly impaired as a donor of RP4, a broad-host-range conjugative plasmid. Thus, the V. cholerae IHF mutant appears to have a general defect in conjugation. Escherichia coli IHF mutants were not impaired as donors or recipients of SXT or RP4, indicating that IHF is a V. cholerae-specific conjugation factor.  相似文献   

Besides the well-documented integration of DNA flanked by the transfer DNA borders, occasional insertion of fragments from the tumor-inducing plasmid into plant genomes has also been reported during Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation. We demonstrate that large (up to approximately 18 kb) gene-bearing fragments of Agrobacterium chromosomal DNA (AchrDNA) can be integrated into Arabidopsis thaliana genomic DNA during transformation. One in every 250 transgenic plants may carry AchrDNA fragments. This has implications for horizontal gene transfer and indicates a need for greater scrutiny of transgenic plants for undesired bacterial DNA.  相似文献   

Bacteria expand their genetic diversity, spread antibiotic resistance genes, and obtain virulence factors through the highly coordinated process of conjugative plasmid transfer (CPT). A plasmid-encoded relaxase enzyme initiates and terminates CPT by nicking and religating the transferred plasmid in a sequence-specific manner. We solved the 2.3 Å crystal structure of the relaxase responsible for the spread of the resistance plasmid pCU1 and determined its DNA binding and nicking capabilities. The overall fold of the pCU1 relaxase is similar to that of the F plasmid and plasmid R388 relaxases. However, in the pCU1 structure, the conserved tyrosine residues (Y18,19,26,27) that are required for DNA nicking and religation were displaced up to 14 Å out of the relaxase active site, revealing a high degree of mobility in this region of the enzyme. In spite of this flexibility, the tyrosines still cleaved the nic site of the plasmid’s origin of transfer, and did so in a sequence-specific, metal-dependent manner. Unexpectedly, the pCU1 relaxase lacked the sequence-specific DNA binding previously reported for the homologous F and R388 relaxase enzymes, despite its high sequence and structural similarity with both proteins. In summary, our work outlines novel structural and functional aspects of the relaxase-mediated conjugative transfer of plasmid pCU1.  相似文献   

Yamada Masao  Hirota Yukinori 《Gene》1982,20(3):471-475
Hybrid plasmids consisting of a non-mobilized plasmid, pBR322, and a segment of chromosomal DNA of Escherichia coli could be transferred from an Hfr donor to recipient cells by a bacterial mating. When the chromosomal DNA in the plasmid corresponded to the early transfer region of the Hfr, the frequency of the transfer was high. The recA function of both donor and recipient cells was required in the transfer. The physical association of the hybrid plasmid with the transferring Hfr chromosome through the homologous sequences may mediate the transfer of the non-mobilized plasmid. This phenomenon is useful for the determination of the chromosomal location of an unidentified fragment cloned in a non-mobilized plasmid.  相似文献   

Agrobacterium tumefaciens can transfer oncogenic T-DNA into plant cells; T-DNA transfer is mechanistically similar to a conjugation process. VirD2 is the pilot protein that guides the transfer, because it is covalently associated with single-stranded T-DNA to form the transfer substrate T-complex. We used the VirD2 protein as an affinity ligand to isolate VirD2-binding proteins (VBPs). By pull-down assays and peptide-mass-fingerprint matching, we identified an A. tumefaciens protein designated VBP1 that could bind VirD2 directly. Genome-wide sequence analysis showed that A. tumefaciens has two additional genes encoding proteins highly similar to VBP1, designated vbp2 and vbp3. Like VBP1, both VBP2 and VBP3 also could bind VirD2; all three VBPs contain a putative nucleotidyltransferase motif. Mutational analysis of vbp demonstrated that the three vbp genes could functionally complement each other. Consequently, only inactivation of all three vbp genes highly attenuated the bacterial ability to cause tumors on plants. Although vbp1 is harbored on the megaplasmid pAtC58, vbp2 and vbp3 reside on the linear chromosome. The vbp genes are clustered with conjugative transfer genes, suggesting linkage between the conjugation and virulence factor. The three VBPs appear to contain C-terminal positively charged residues, often present in the transfer substrate proteins of type IV secretion systems. Inactivation of the three vbp genes did not affect the T-strand production. Our data indicate that VBP is a newly identified virulence factor that may affect the transfer process subsequent to T-DNA production.  相似文献   

F plasmid TraM, an autoregulatory homotetramer, is essential for F plasmid bacterial conjugative transfer, one of the major mechanisms for horizontal gene dissemination. TraM cooperatively binds to three sites (sbmA, -B, and -C) near the origin of transfer in the F plasmid. To examine whether or not tetramerization of TraM is required for autoregulation and F conjugation, we used a two-plasmid system to screen for autoregulation-defective traM mutants generated by random PCR mutagenesis. A total of 72 missense mutations in TraM affecting autoregulation were selected, all of which also resulted in a loss of TraM function during F conjugation. Mutational analysis of TraM defined three regions important for F conjugation, including residues 3-10 (region I), 31-53 (region II), and 80-121 (region III); in addition, residues 3-47 were also important for the immunoreactivity of TraM. Biochemical analysis of mutant proteins indicated that region I defined a DNA binding domain that was not involved in tetramerization, whereas regions II and III were important for both tetramerization and efficient DNA binding. Mutations in region III affected the cooperativity of binding of TraM to sbmA, -B, and -C. Our results suggest that tetramerization is important for specific DNA binding, which, in turn, is essential for traM autoregulation and F conjugation. These findings support the hypothesis that TraM functions as a "signaling" factor that triggers DNA transport during F conjugation.  相似文献   

The 9.5kb virB operon is the largest of the six major operons in the Ti plasmid vir region. This operon contains eleven genes, the largest of which is virB4. This gene encodes an 84kDa protein whose function has not been identified. Its roles in conferring virulence on Agrobacterium tumefaciens and in the T-DNA transfer process were determined by generating non-polar mutants by using the Tn5pvirB transposon in which the virB promoter is transcribed downstream of its position of insertion. Several independent mutants were isolated and each insertion site in virB4 was confirmed by nucleotide sequence analysis. These mutants were tested for T-DNA transfer ability by agroinfection and for tumorigenicity by inoculation in Brassica and Datura. All mutants were agroinfection- and tumorigenicity-negative. These data strongly suggest that virB4 is essential for both the interkingdom transfer of the T-DNA and virulence. Furthermore, by using anti-VirB4 serum, the protein product of virB4 was localized to the inner-membrane fraction of A. tumefaciens. Purified VirB4 protein hydrolyses ATP and this activity was quenched by the anti-VirB4 serum. The energy generated by VirB4 ATPase therefore may be used to transfer T-DNA or to assemble the T-DNA transfer apparatus on the bacterial membrane. Protein sequence analyses revealed striking similarities between VirB4 protein and the proteins required for conjugative transfer, which include TraC, TrwK, and TrbE of plasmids F, R388, and RP4, repectively. These findings suggest that VirB proteins play a direct role in the assembly of a conjugative transfer apparatus required for the transfer of the T-DNA from A. tumefaciens to plant cells.  相似文献   

Direction of conjugative transfer of IncI1 plasmid ColIb-P9.   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The origin-of-transfer region of ColIb-P9 was inserted into a lambda prophage to give a bacterial chromosome mobilizable by the parental conjugative plasmid. The polarity of mobilization of chromosomal genes indicated that ColIb-P9 transfer is unidirectional, such that the transfer genes adjacent to oriT enter the recipient cell last.  相似文献   

Relaxases are DNA strand transferases that catalyze the initial and final stages of DNA processing during conjugative cell-to-cell DNA transfer. Upon binding to the origin of transfer (oriT) DNA, relaxase TrwC melts the double helix. The three-dimensional structure of the relaxase domain of TrwC in complex with its cognate DNA at oriT shows a fold built on a two-layer alpha/beta sandwich, with a deep narrow cleft that houses the active site. The DNA includes one arm of an extruded cruciform, an essential feature for specific recognition. This arm is firmly embraced by the protein through a beta-ribbon positioned in the DNA major groove and a loop occupying the minor groove. It is followed by a single-stranded DNA segment that enters the active site, after a sharp U-turn forming a hydrophobic cage that traps the N-terminal methionine. Structural analysis combined with site-directed mutagenesis defines the architecture of the active site.  相似文献   

SMC1 coordinates DNA double-strand break repair pathways   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The SMC1/SMC3 heterodimer acts in sister chromatid cohesion, and recent data indicate a function in DNA double-strand break repair (DSBR). Since this role of SMC proteins has remained largely elusive, we explored interactions between SMC1 and the homologous recombination (HR) or non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) pathways for DSBR in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Analysis of conditional single- and double mutants of smc1-2 with rad52Δ, rad54Δ, rad50Δ or dnl4Δ illustrates a significant contribution of SMC1 to the overall capacity of cells to repair DSBs. smc1 but not smc2 mutants show increased hypersensitivity of HR mutants to ionizing irradiation and to the DNA crosslinking agent cis-platin. Haploid, but not diploid smc1-2 mutants were severely affected in repairing multiple genomic DNA breaks, suggesting a selective role of SMC1 in sister chromatid recombination. smc1-2 mutants were also 15-fold less efficient and highly error-prone in plasmid end-joining through the NHEJ pathway. Strikingly, inactivation of RAD52 or RAD54 fully rescued efficiency and accuracy of NHEJ in the smc1 background. Therefore, we propose coordination of HR and NHEJ processes by Smc1p through interaction with the RAD52 pathway.  相似文献   

Induction of Ti plasmid virulence (vir) genes during early stages of the genetic transformation of plant cells by Agrobacterium tumefaciens results in several molecular events that are involved in generating a transferable T-DNA copy. These events include site-specific nicking at the T-DNA borders and synthesis of free, unipolar, linear, single-stranded copies of the T-DNA (T-strands). Here E. coli was used as a heterologous cell to assay the requirements for T-strand synthesis. Cells of E. coli harbored two compatible plasmids, one containing coding sequences overlapping the virC and virD regions of the nopaline Ti plasmid, and a second plasmid containing a T-DNA region. The amount of vir proteins produced was varied by placing their expression under the control of either native Agrobacterium, tac, or T7 promoters. The data show that VirD1 and VirD2 proteins are absolutely essential for T-strand production in E. coli, and the relative amounts of these polypeptides produced correlate with the amounts of T-strand observed. When VirD1 and VirD2 products are limiting, the VirC1 protein increases T-strand production. The yield of T-strands also varies as a function of the plasmid vector used to clone the T-DNA region substrate; the same T-DNA cloned into pLAFR1 produces more T-strands than that cloned into the higher copy number plasmid pACYC184. In summary, VirD1 and VirD2 proteins are the minimal requirements for T-strand production; however, other factors such as VirC1, the relative concentration of VirD1, VirD2, and the T-DNA substrate, and possibly additional functions (e.g., those specified by pLAFR1) influence the efficiency of T-strand production. Additional results regarding the requirements for expression of VirD1 and VirD2 polypeptides are presented.  相似文献   

Summary Kanamycin resistant callus was produced from leaf disc or hypocotyl expiants of green bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) when cultured on a defined medium containing 50 mg/l kanamycin after 4 days of co-cultivation with Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain EHA101 containing the binary vector pKYLX71GUS. The presence of neomycin phosphotransferase II (NPT-II) in crude cellular extracts from the kanamycin resistant callus was confirmed by ELISA. The expression of the ß-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene was confirmed by histochemical and fluorimetric analyses. Southern blot border analysis confirmed the integration of the foreign DNA. In addition to the evidence obtained from Southern analysis, the absence of Agrobacterium in the transformed callus cultures was confirmed by microscopic observation and through test cultures. Using the above protocol, bean callus cultures were also transformed with a bean chalcone synthase promoter-GUS fusion. These cultures, when treated with the elicitor glutathione, showed higher levels of GUS expression than the unelicited callus clumps.  相似文献   

The F-plasmid-encoded TraI protein, also known as DNA helicase I, is a bifunctional protein required for conjugative DNA transfer. The enzyme catalyzes two distinct but functionally related reactions required for the DNA processing events associated with conjugation: the site- and strand-specific transesterification (relaxase) reaction that provides the nick required to initiate strand transfer and a processive 5'-to-3' helicase reaction that provides the motive force for strand transfer. Previous studies have identified the relaxase domain, which encompasses the first approximately 310 amino acids of the protein. The helicase-associated motifs lie between amino acids 990 and 1450. The function of the region between amino acids 310 and 990 and the region from amino acid 1450 to the C-terminal end is unknown. A protein lacking the C-terminal 252 amino acids (TraIDelta252) was constructed and shown to have essentially wild-type levels of transesterase and helicase activity. In addition, the protein was capable of a functional interaction with other components of the minimal relaxosome. However, TraIDelta252 was not able to support conjugative DNA transfer in genetic complementation experiments. We conclude that TraIDelta252 lacks an essential C-terminal domain that is required for DNA transfer. We speculate this domain may be involved in essential protein-protein interactions with other components of the DNA transfer machinery.  相似文献   

F-like plasmids require a number of genes for conjugation, including tra operon genes and genes traM and traJ, which lie outside the tra operon. We now establish that a gene in the "leading region," gene 19, provides an important function during conjugation and RNA phage infection. Mutational inactivation of gene 19 on plasmid R1-16 by introduction of two nonpolar stop codons results in a 10-fold decrease in the conjugation frequency. Furthermore, infection studies with the male-specific bacteriophage R17 revealed that the phage is not able to form clear plaques in Escherichia coli cells carrying an R1-16 plasmid with the defective copy of gene 19. The total number of cells infected by phage R17 is reduced by a factor of 10. Both the conjugation- and infection-attenuated phenotypes caused by the defective gene 19 can be complemented in trans by introducing gene 19 alleles encoding the wild-type protein. Restoration of the normal phenotypes is also possible by introduction of the pilT gene encoded by the unrelated IncI plasmid R64. Our functional studies and similarities of protein 19 to proteins encoded by other DNA transfer systems, as well as the presence of a conserved motif in all of these proteins (indicative for a putative muramidase activity) suggest that protein 19 of plasmid R1 facilitates the passage of DNA during conjugation and entry of RNA during phage infection.  相似文献   

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