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An inherited amino acid transport deficiency results in low concentrations of glutathione (GSH) in the erythrocytes of certain sheep. Earlier studies based on phenotyping according to GSH concentrations indicated that the gene Tr H, which controls normal levels of GSH, behaves as if dominant or incompletely dominant to the allele Tr h, which controls the GSH deficiency. The present paper shows that when sheep are classified according to amino acid transport activity, the Tr H gene behaves as if codominant to Tr h. Erythrocytes from sheep homozygous for the Tr H gene exhibit rapid saturable l-alanine influx (apparent K m ,21.6mm; V max, 22.4 mmol/liter cells/hr). Cells from sheep homozygous for the Tr h gene exhibit slow nonsaturable l-alanine uptake (0.55 mmol/liter cells/hr at 50mm extracellular l-alanine). Cells from heterozygous sheep show saturable l-alanine uptake with a diminished V max (apparent K m, 19.1mm; V max, 12.7 mmol/liter cells/hr). These erythrocytes have a significantly lower GSH concentration than cells from Tr H, TrH sheep but similar intracellular levels of dibasic amino acids.The authors are grateful to the M.R.C. for a Project Grant.  相似文献   

Neutral amino acid transport was investigated in Leishmania promastigotes. Proline and alanine transport occur against their concentration gradient although there is a very rapid (40% at 30 min) conversion of proline to alanine. Uptake of these amino acids occurs by a sodium-independent route which is completely eliminated by addition of CCCP or KCN. Km values for proline and alanine are 80 μM and 63 μM with Vmax values of 6.4 and 7.2 nmol/min per mg dry weight, respectively. Countertransport of proline, alanine and phenylalanine was measured by loading the cells with a variety of neutral amino acids and proline analogs, followed by CCCP addition. The effect of aminooxyacetic acid, an inhibitor of alanine aminotransferase (EC, on proline and alanine countertransport was also examined. The results obtained are consistent with the presence of at least two systems for neutral amino acid transport in Leishmania promastigotes.  相似文献   

The transport of L-proline, L-lysine and L-glutamate in rat red blood cells has been studied. L-proline and L-lysine uptake were Na+-independent. When the concentration dependence was studied both showed a non-saturable uptake assimilable to a difussion-like process, with high Kd values (0.718 and 0.191 min–1 for L-proline and L-lysine respectively). Rat red blood cells showed high impermeability to L-glutamate. No sodium dependence was observed and the Kd value was low (0.067 min–1). Our results show firstly, that rat red blood cells do not have amino acid transport systems for anionic and cationic amino acids and secondly that erythrocytes show no sodium-dependent L-proline transport, and that these cells are very permeable to this amino acid.Abbreviations MeAIB methyl aminoisobutyric acid  相似文献   

(1) The active uptake of different amino acids by growing cells of Streptomyces hydrogenans was shown to be correlated with the physiological age of the cells. During the lag phase of growth the transport capacity increased and attained its highest level when the growth rate was maximum. During further growth the transport capacity declined progressively. The lowest transport activity was observed when the culture shifted into the stationary growth phase. (2) Such modulation of transport capacity was independent on the presence or absence of amino acids in the growth medium of the cells. (3) The size and the composition of the pool of free intracellular amino acids was also undergoing substantial variations during the growth cycle of the culture. In the lag phase, the levels of all amino acids decreased markedly and attained their lowest values at the end of this phase. During further growth the pool size was slowly replenished. (4) Removal of the pool resulted in a considerable gain of transport capacity. Therefore, it was concluded that active amino acid transport in growing Streptomyces hydrogenans is under feedback control by intracellular amino acids. (5) Quantitatively, the modulation of the pool size could not fully account for the variation of the transport capacity. Since a pool-independent stimulation of transport was found to be correlated with the increase of the growth rate of the cells, the possibility is discussed that the stimulation of transport is either due to increased levels of distinct RNA species, which might provide positive feedback signals for transport, or by increased rates of de novo synthesis of transport limiting proteins.List of Abbreviations AIB 2-aminoisobutyric acid - CM complete medium - MM mineral medium  相似文献   

A pair of sheep twins each had two populations of red cells. Population 1 was positive for antigens Aa, Ma and Mb, was low-potassium type, possessed an amino acid transport system and was lysine-negative phenotype. Population 2 was negative for antigens Aa, and Mb, was high-potassium type, lacked the amino acid transport system and was lysine-positive phenotype. Population 2 disappeared from both sheep over a period of 8 years.  相似文献   

Summary We have confirmed previous demonstrations of sodium gradient-stimulated transport ofl-alanine, phenylalanine, proline, and -alanine, and in addition demonstrated transport of N-methylamino-isobutyric acid (MeAIB) and lysine in isolated rabbit kidney brush border vesicles. In order to probe the multiplicity of transport pathways available to each of these14C-amino acids, we measured the ability of test amino acids to inhibit tracer uptake. To obtain a rough estimate of nonspecific effects, e.g., dissipation of the transmembrane sodium electrochemical potential gradient, we measured the ability ofd-glucose to inhibit tracer uptake.l-alanine and phenylalanine were completely mutually inhibitory. Roughly 75% of the14C-l-alanine uptake could be inhibited by proline and -alanine, while lysine and MeAIB were no more effective thand-glucose. Roughly 50% of the14C-phenylalanine uptake could be inhibited by proline and -alanine; lysine was as effective as proline and -alanine, and the effects of pairs of these amino acids at 50mm each were not cumulative. MeAIB was no more effective thand-glucose. We conclude that three pathways mediate the uptake of neutral,l, -amino acids. One system is inaccessible to lysine, proline, and -alanine. The second system carries a major fraction of thel-alanine flux; it is sensitive to proline and -alanine, but not to lysine. The third system carries half the14C-phenylalanine flux, and it is sensitive to proline, lysine, and -alanine. Since the neutral,l, -amino acid fluxes are insensitive to MeAIB, we conclude that they are not mediated by the classicalA system, and since all of thel-alanine flux is inhibited by phenylalanine, we conclude that it is not mediated by the classicalASC system.l-alanine and phenylalanine completely inhibit uptake of lysine. MeAIB is no more effective thand-glucose in inhibiting lysine uptake, while proline and -alanine appear to inhibit a component of the lysine flux. We conclude that the14C-lysine fluxes are mediated by two systems, one, shared with phenylalanine, which is inhibited by proline, -alanine, andl-alanine, and one which is inhibited byl-alanine and phenylalanine but inaccessible to proline, -alanine, and MeAIB. Fluxes of14C-proline and14C-MeAIB are completely inhibited byl-alanine, phenylalanine, proline, and MeAIB, but they are insensitive to lysine. Proline and MeAIB, as well as alanine and phenylalanine, but not lysine, inhibit14C--alanine uptake. However, -alanine inhibits only 38% of the14C-proline uptake and 57% of the MeAIB uptake. We conclude that two systems mediate uptake of proline and MeAIB, and that one of these systems also transports -alanine.  相似文献   

Cell envelope vesicles prepared from H. halobium contain bacteriorhodopsin and upon illumination protons are ejected. Coupled to the proton motive force is the efflux of Na+. Measurements of 22Na flux, exterior pH change, and membrane potential, ΔΨ (with the dye 3,3′-dipentyloxadicarbocyanine) indicate that the means of Na+ transport is sodium/proton exchange. The kinetics of the pH changes and other evidence suggests that the antiport is electrogenic (H+/Na+ > 1). The resulting large chemical gradient for Na+ (outside > inside), as well as the membrane potential, will drive the transport of 18 amino acids. The 19th, glutamate, is unique in that its accumulation is indifferent to ΔΨ: this amino acid is transported only when a chemical gradient for Na+ is present. Thus, when more and more NaCl is included in the vesicles glutamate transport proceeds with longer and longer lags. After illumination the gradient of H+ collapses within 1 min, while the large Na+ gradient and glutamate transporting activity persists for 10–15 min, indicating that proton motive force is not necessary for transport. A chemical gradient of Na+, arranged by suspending vesicles loaded with KCl in NaCl, drives glutamate transport in the dark without other sources of energy, with Vmax and Km comparable to light-induced transport. These and other lines of evidence suggest that the transport of glutamate is facilitated by symport with Na+, in an electrically neutral fashion, so that only the chemical component of the Na+ gradient is a driving force. The transport of all amino acids but glutamate is bidirectional. Actively driven efflux can be obtained with reversed Na+ gradients (inside > outside), and passive efflux is considerably enhanced by intravesicle Na+. These results suggest that the transport carriers are functionally symmetrical. On the other hand, noncompetitive inhibition of transport by cysteine (a specific inhibitor of several of the carriers) is only obtained from the vesicle exterior and only for influx: these results suggest that in some respects the carriers are asymmetrical. A protein fraction which binds glutamate has been found in cholate-solubilized H. halobium membranes, with an apparent molecular weight of 50,000. When this fraction (but not the others eluted from an Agarose column) is reconstituted with soybean lipids to yield lipoprotein vesicles, facilitated transport activity is regained. Neither binding nor reconstituted transport depend on the presence of Na+. The kinetics of the transport and of the competitive inhibition by glutamate analogs suggest that the protein fraction responsible is derived from the intact transport system.  相似文献   

The absorption of lysine, arginine, phenylalanine and methionine by Taenia crassiceps larvae is linear with respect to time for at least 2 min. Arginine uptake occurs by a mediated system and diffusion, and arginine, lysine and ornithine (in order of decreasing affinity) are completely competitive inhibitors of arginine uptake. The basic amino acid transport system has a higher affinity for l-amino acids than d-amino acids, and blocking the α-amino group of an amino acid destroys its inhibitory action. Phenylalanine uptake by T. crassiceps larvae is inhibited in a completely competitive fashion by serine, leucine, alanine, methionine, histidine, phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan (in order of increasing affinity). Methionine apparently binds non-productively to the phenylalanine (aromatic amino acid-preferring) transport system. l-methionine uptake by larvae is inhibited more by d-alanine and d-valine than by their respective l-isomers, while d- and l-methionine inhibit l-methionine uptake equally well. The presence of an unsubstituted α-amino group is essential for an inhibitor to have a high affinity for the methionine transport system. Uptake of arginine, phenylalanine and methionine is Na+-insensitive, and both phenylalanine and methionine are accumulated by larvae against a concentration difference in the presence or absence of Na+. Arginine accumulation is precluded by its rapid metabolism to proline, ornithine and an unidentified compound.  相似文献   

AIMS: To examine the effect of alpha-ketoglutaric acid (alpha-KG) on the utilization and catabolism of amino acids by strains of nonstarter lactobacilli isolated from Cheddar cheese. METHODS AND RESULTS: The effect of alpha-KG in the growth medium of nonstarter lactobacilli on amino acid metabolism, catabolite levels, peptide hydrolase and aminotransferase activities was examined. The pattern of amino acid utilization, catabolite formation and aminotransferase activity was affected by keto acid. CONCLUSIONS: Amino acid conversion into cheese aroma and flavour compounds by nonstarter lactobacilli is enhanced in the presence of alpha-ketoglutarate. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Increasing the availability of alpha-ketoglutarate in cheese offers a possible method of reducing the maturation period by accelerating the rate of character compound formation from amino acids by the nonstarter lactobacilli.  相似文献   

The regulation of the uptake of the amino acid analog α-aminoisobutyric acid was studied in diced mammary glands from pregnant mice. Stimulation of uptake by insulin was not prevented by inhibitors of protein synthesis; protein synthesis inhibitors decreased uptake by 20%; this response occurred more promptly in insulintreated tissues. Elimination of extracellular amino acids led to a substantial increase in transport which was not abolished by inhibitors of protein synthesis. These results indicate that insulin does not increase amino acid transport in this system by altering synthesis and degradation of transport protein. They are consistent with a model in which the activity of the existing amino acid transport protein is subject to negative feedback regulation from the intracellular amino acid pool.  相似文献   

Several genes for vacuolar amino acid transport were reported in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, but have not well been investigated. We characterized AVT1, a member of the AVT vacuolar transporter family, which is reported to be involved in lifespan of yeast. ATP-dependent uptake of isoleucine and histidine by the vacuolar vesicles of an AVT exporter mutant was lost by introducing avt1? mutation. Uptake activity was inhibited by the V-ATPase inhibitor: concanamycin A and a protonophore. Isoleucine uptake was inhibited by various neutral amino acids and histidine, but not by γ-aminobutyric acid, glutamate, and aspartate. V-ATPase-dependent acidification of the vesicles was declined by the addition of isoleucine or histidine, depending upon Avt1p. Taken together with the data of the amino acid contents of vacuolar fractions in cells, the results suggested that Avt1p is a proton/amino acid antiporter important for vacuolar compartmentalization of various amino acids.  相似文献   

Summary It is shown that the axoplasmic composition of acidic and neutral amino acids can be controlled effectively by the method of internal dialysis. Direct assay for specific binding and measurement of diffusion coefficients in axoplasm show that there is no significant binding or compartmentalization of amino acids. The dependence of amino acid efflux on substrate concentration can be measured under well-defined, true steady-state conditions. The taurine efflux-concentration relation in theMyxicola giant axon conforms to a second-order Hill equation. This fact is consistent with either a cooperative process or a mechanism in which membrane translocation is not the rate-controlling step. The effluxes of taurine and glycine from squid axon are an order of magnitude smaller than inMyxicola. The efflux-concentration relations are essentially linear up to 200mm substrate concentration. This result may be produced by specific transporters which have very high asymmetry, or by simple diffusive leak in the absence of specific transporters.  相似文献   

Summary Fluorescence of 1-anilinonaphthalene-8-sulfonate in yeast membranes appears to be caused predominantly by binding to lipids (ANSproteinANSlipid120) as indicated by the fluorescence lifetime, degree of polarization, and excitation spectra. It was insensitive to short-circuiting the membrane potential. Fluorescence intensity increased as cells (especially after pretreatment with energy donors such as glucose) were exposed to some amino acids, in particular, aspartic and glutamic acids. The character of fluorescence shifted to that of protein-bound ANS, suggesting an exposure of new protein sites accessible to the probe. This shift could be prevented by inhibitors of energy transduction as well as of transport. TheK 1/2 of the shift was at 2.5mm aspartic acid.  相似文献   

The existence of an electrogenic Na+ pump in Ehrlich cells which substantially contributes to the membrane potential, previously derived from the distribution of the lipid soluble cation tetraphenylphosphonium (TPP+), could be confirmed by an independent method based on the quenching of fluorescence of a cyanine dye derivative, after the mitochondrial respiration had been suppressed by appropriate inhibitors. The mitochondrial membrane potential, by adding to the overall potential as measured in this way is likely to cause an overestimation of the membrane potential difference (p.d.). But since this error tends to diminish with increasing pump activity, the true p.d. of the plasma membrane should easily account for the driving force to drive the active accumulation of amino acids in the absence of an adequate Na+ concentration gradient. Accordingly, the F2-aminoisobutyric acid (AIB) uptake rises linearly with the distribution of TPP+ at constant Na+ concentrations, suggesting that each responds directly to membrane potential. There is evidence that the electrogenic (free) movement of Cl? is slow, at least at normal p.d., whereas a major part of the Cl? movement across the cellular membrane appears to occur by an electrically silent Cl?-base exchange mechanism. By such a mode Cl?, together with an almost stoichiometric amount of K+, may under certain conditions move into the cell against a high adverse electrical potential difference. This “paradoxical” movement of K+Cl? contributing to the deviation of the Cl? distribution from the electrochemical equilibrium distribution, is not completely understood. It is insensitive towards ouabain but can almost specifically be inhibited by furosemide. As a likely explanation a H+–K+ exchange pump was previously offered, even though unequivocal evidence of such a pump is so far lacking. According to available evidence the electrogenic movement of free Cl? is too small, at least at normal orientation of the p.d., to significantly shunt the electrogenic pump potential so that the establishment of such a potential is plausible. The evidence presented is considered strong in favor of the gradient hypothesis since even in the absence of an adequate Na+ concentration gradient, the electrogenic Na+ pump will contribute sufficient extra driving force to actively transport amino acid into the cells.  相似文献   

The uptake of various amino acids into Streptomyces hydrogenans grown in chemostatically and turbidostatically controlled steady state cultures has been investigated. A close correlation between transport capacity and the growth rates of the cells was found. As shown by kinetic analysis, the increased transport is due to elevated maximum uptake rates, the apparent Michaelis constants remaining unchanged. Analysis of the unidirectional fluxes of cycloleucine revealed that not only the influx is raised as the growth rate is increased but also the efflux. Hence, the conclusion is drawn that the growth-rate dependent modulation of transport capacity is, at least, partially due to the variation of the concentration of active transport components. Since the cells were grown in the absence of external amino acids the results suggest that amino acid transport into S. hydrogenans is under the control of endogenous effectors.List of Abbreviations AIB 2-aminoisobutyric acid - Cycloleucine 1-aminocyclopentane-1-carboxylic acid  相似文献   

In the presence of somatostatin-14 or some of its receptorial agonists, the uptake of large neutral amino acids by isolated brain microvessels was found to be inhibited up to 50%, no other transport system being affected. Although the luminal and abluminal sides of brain endothelial cells are both capable of taking up large neutral amino acids, only uptake from the abluminal side appears to be inhibited by somatostatin. The involvement of a type-2 somatostatin receptor was suggested by assays with a series of receptor-specific somatostatin agonists, and was confirmed by the release of inhibition caused by a specific type-2 receptor antagonist. A type-2-specific mRNA was indeed shown to be present in both bovine brain microvessels ex vivo and primary cultures of endothelial cells from rat brain microvessels.  相似文献   

Bilateral lesion of the nucleus basalis with ibotenic acid infusions in young and aged rats results in the degeneration of cholinergic neurons which innervate the cortex. As expected, high-affinity uptake of choline was decreased in the frontal cortex subsequent to the lesion. Twenty one days after surgery there was a significantly decrease of the transport rate of GABA, glutamate and glycine in the frontal cortex of young rats, but those activities showed a recovery six months after lesion. On the contrary, 12-month old rats lesioned with the same experimental protocol showed no recovery of the transport rates in the frontal cortex. Uptake of choline, GABA, glutamate and glycine has also been studied in other areas of the brain, namely, hippocampus, olfactory bulb and cerebellum. The present results suggest that lesioning the nucleus basalis of rats led to a more effective and permanent impairment of some biochemical functions of the brain, when compared to young lesioned animals, and also suggest a functional relationship between the nucleus basalis and other areas of the brain.  相似文献   

Data from 838 Finnish Landrace or Finnish Landrace crossbred sheep showed a highly significant correlation between phenotypes of the C blood group system and erythrocyte amino acid transport variants. Erythrocytes with normal amino acid transport properties (GSH high, Ly- type) were Cb-positive or Cb-negative. Erythrocytes with the amino acid transport lesion (GSH low, Ly +) were never Cb-negative. Sheep erythrocytes homozygous for Cbshowed stronger lysis reactions with anti-Cb than heterozygous cells. Ly + sheep were nearly always homozygous for Cb, whereas most Ly- sheep were heterozygous or Cb-negative. Inheritance studies provided strong evidence that this association is due to close genetic linkage.  相似文献   

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