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The aim of this work was to estimate the risk of radiation induced cancer following the Portuguese breast screening recommendations for Digital Mammography (DM) when applied to Digital Breast Tomosynthesis (DBT) and to evaluate how the risk to induce cancer could influence the energy used in breast diagnostic exams. The organ doses were calculated by Monte Carlo simulations using a female voxel phantom and considering the acquisition of 25 projection images. Single organ cancer incidence risks were calculated in order to assess the total effective radiation induced cancer risk. The screening strategy techniques considered were: DBT in Cranio-Caudal (CC) view and two-view DM (CC and Mediolateral Oblique (MLO)).The risk of cancer incidence following the Portuguese screening guidelines (screening every two years in the age range of 50–80 years) was calculated by assuming a single CC DBT acquisition view as standalone screening strategy and compared with two-view DM. The difference in the total effective risk between DBT and DM is quite low. Nevertheless in DBT an increase of risk for the lung is observed with respect to DM. The lung is also the organ that is mainly affected when non-optimal beam energy (in terms of image quality and absorbed dose) is used instead of an optimal one. The use of non-optimal energies could increase the risk of lung cancer incidence by a factor of about 2.  相似文献   

PurposeThe field of online monitoring of the beam range is one of the most researched topics in proton therapy over the last decade. The development of detectors that can be used for beam range verification under clinical conditions is a challenging task. One promising possible solution are modalities that record prompt-gamma radiation produced by the interactions of the proton beam with the target tissue. A good understanding of the energy spectra of the prompt gammas and the yields in certain energy regions is crucial for a successful design of a prompt-gamma detector. Monte-Carlo simulations are an important tool in development and testing of detector concepts, thus the proper modelling of the prompt-gamma emission in those simulations are of vital importance. In this paper, we confront a number of GEANT4 simulations of prompt-gamma emission, performed with different versions of the package and different physics lists, with experimental data obtained from a phantom irradiation with proton beams of four different energies in the range 70–230 MeV.MethodsThe comparison is made on different levels: features of the prompt-gamma energy spectrum, gamma emission depth profiles for discrete transitions and the width of the distal fall-off in those profiles.ResultsThe best agreement between the measurements and the simulations is found for the GEANT4 version 10.4.2 and the reference physics list QGSP_BIC_HP.ConclusionsModifications to prompt-gamma emission modelling in higher versions of the software increase the discrepancy between the simulation results and the experimental data.  相似文献   

The geometries, electronic structures, polarizabilities, and hyperpolarizabilities of organic dye sensitizer 4-Methylphthalonitrile was studied based on Hartree-Fock (HF) and density functional theory (DFT) using the hybrid functional B3LYP. Ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) spectrum was investigated by time dependent-density functional theory (TD-DFT). Features of the electronic absorption spectrum in the visible and near-UV regions were assigned based on TD-DFT calculations. The absorption bands are assigned to π → π* transitions. Calculated results suggest that three lowest energy excited states of 4-Methylphthalonitrile are due to photo induced electron transfer processes. The interfacial electron transfer between semiconductor TiO2 electrode and dye sensitizer 4-Methylphthalonitrile is due to an electron injection process from excited dye to the semiconductor’s conduction band. The role of cyanine and methyl group in 4-Methylphthalonitrile in geometries, electronic structures, and spectral properties were analyzed.  相似文献   

AimThe purpose of this study was to investigate the crosstalk effects between adjacent pixels in a thin silicon detector with 50 um thickness.BackgroundThere are some limitations in the applications of detectors in hadron therapy. So it is necessary to have a detector with concurrent excellent time and resolution. In this work, the GEANT4 toolkit was applied to estimate the best value for energy cutoff in the thin silicon detector in order to optimize the detector.Materials and MethodsGEANT4 toolkit was applied to simulate the transport and interactions of particles. Calculations were performed for a thin silicon detector (2 cm × 2 cm×0.005 cm) irradiated by proton and carbon ion beams. A two-dimensional array of silicon pixels in the x-y plane with 100 um × 100 um × 50 um dimensions build the whole detector. In the end, the ROOT package is used to interpret and analyze the resultsResultsIt is seen that by the presence of energy cutoff, pixels with small deposited energy are ignored. The best values for energy cutoff are 0.01 MeV and 0.7 MeV for proton and carbon ion beams, respectively. By applying these energy cutoff values, efficiency and purity values are maximized and also minimum output errors are achieved.ConclusionsThe results are reasonable, good and useful to optimize the geometry of future silicon detectors in order to be used as beam monitoring in hadron therapy applications.  相似文献   

The hydrolysis rates in a series of substituted N-acetylaminoacid methylesters with acylase I depend apparently on the binding strengths of the side chains to the enzyme surface. Using a truncated model of a possible enzyme binding site we calculate the binding energies for a series of straight chain substituents. Our calculations reveal a very good correlation between the calculated energies and the hydrolysis rates, indicating the value of our receptor model. We feel this to be another example of the validity of our receptor mapping using model interaction energy calculations based on the monopoles-bond polarizabilities method.  相似文献   

Cell-to-cell chemical signaling plays multiple roles in coordinating the activity of the functional elements of an organism, with these elements ranging from a three-neuron reflex circuit to the entire animal. In recent years, single-cell mass spectrometry (MS) has enabled the discovery of cell-to-cell signaling molecules from the nervous system of a number of invertebrates. We describe a protocol for analyzing individual cells from rat pituitary using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization MS. Each step in the sample preparation process, including cell stabilization, isolation, sample preparation, signal acquisition and data interpretation, is detailed here. Although we employ this method to investigate peptides in individual pituitary cells, it can be adapted to other cell types and even subcellular sections from a range of animals. This protocol allows one to obtain 20-30 individual cell samples and acquire mass spectra from them in a single day.  相似文献   


To predict the biological effects of ionising radiation, the quantity of biological dose is introduced instead of the physical absorbed dose. In proton therapy, a constant relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of 1.1 is usually applied clinically as recommended by the International Commission of Radiation Units and Measurements. This study presents a new model, based on the modified microdosimetric kinetic model (MMKM), for calculating variable RBE values based on experimental data on the induction of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) within cells. The MMKM was proposed based on experimental data for the yield of DSBs in mammalian cells, which allows modification of the yield of primary lesions in the MKM. In this approach, a unique function named f(LET), which describes the relation between RBE and linear energy transfer (LET), was considered for charged particles. In the presented model (DMMKM), the MMKM approach was developed further by considering different f(LET)s for different relevant ions involved in energy deposition events in proton therapy. Although experimental data represent the dependence of the yield of primary lesions on the ion species, the DSB yield (assumed as the main primary lesion) is assumed independent of the ion species in the MMKM. In the DMMKM, by considering the yield of primary lesions as a function of the ion species, the α and β values are in better agreement with the experimental data as compared to those of the MKM and MMKM approaches. The biological dose in the DMMKM is predicted to be lower than that in the MMKM. Further, in the proposed model, the variation of the β parameter is higher than the constant value assumed in the MKM, at the distal end of the spread-out Bragg peak (SOBP). Moreover, the level of cell death estimated by the MMKM at the SOBP region is higher than that obtained based on the DMMKM. It is concluded that considering modified f(LET)s in the model developed here is more consistent with experimental results than when MMKM and MKM approaches are considered. The DMMKM examines the biological effects with full detail and will, therefore, be effective in improving proton therapy.


Preclinical studies represent an important step towards a deep understanding of the biological response to ionizing radiations. The effectiveness of proton therapy is higher than photons and, for clinical purposes, a fixed value of 1.1 is used for the relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of protons considered 1.1. Recent in vitro studies have reported that the RBE along the spread-out Bragg peak (SOBP) is not constant and, in particular, the RBE value increases on the distal part of SOBP. The present work has been carried-out in the perspective of a preclinical hadrontherapy facility at LNS-INFN and was focused on the experimental preparation of an in vivo study concerning the RBE variation along the SOBP. The main purpose of this work was to determine, using GEANT4-based Monte Carlo simulations, the best configuration for small animal treatments. The developed GEANT4 application simulates the proton-therapy beam line of LNS-INFN (CATANA facility) and allows to import the DICOM-CT images as targets. The RBE will be evaluated using a deterministic radiation damage like myelopathy as end-point. In fact, the dose at which the 50% of animals will show the myelopathy is supposed to be LET-dependent. In this work, we studied different treatment configurations in order to choose the best two that maximize the LET difference reducing as much as possible the dose released to healthy tissue. The results will be useful to plan hadrontherapy treatments for preclinical in vivo studies and, in particular, for the future in vivo RBE studies.  相似文献   

The calculations presented compared the performances of two Monte Carlo codes used for the estimation of microdosimetric quantities: Positive Ion Track Structure code (PITS) and a main user code based on the PENetration and Energy Loss of Positrons and Electrons code (PENELOPE-2000). Event-by-event track structure codes like PITS are believed to be superior for microdosimetric applications, and they are written for this purpose. PITS tracks electrons in water down to 10 eV. PENELOPE is one of the few general-purpose codes that can simulate random electron-photon showers in any material for energies from 100 eV to 1 GeV. The model used in the comparison is a water cylinder with an internal scoring geometry made of spheres 1 microm in diameter where the scoring quantities are calculated. The source is a 25 keV electron pencil beam impinging normally on the sphere surface. This work shows only the lineal energy y and spectra graphical presentation as a function of y since for microdosimetry and biology applications, and for discussion of radiation quality in general, these results are more appropriate. The computed PENELOPE results are in agreement with those obtained with the PITS code and published previously in this journal. This paper demonstrates PENELOPE's usefulness at low energies and for small geometries. What is still needed are experimental results to confirm these analyses.  相似文献   

Diffusing alpha-emitter radiation therapy (DaRT) is a proposed new form of brachytherapy using α particles to treat solid tumors. The method relies on implantable 22?Ra-loaded sources that continually release short-lived α-particle-emitting atoms that spread inside the tumor over a few millimeters. This treatment was demonstrated to have a significant effect on tumor growth in murine and human-derived models, but the degree of tumor response varied across cell lines. Tumor response was found to correlate with the degree of radionuclide spread inside the tumor. In this work we examined the radiosensitivity of individual cells to determine its relationship to tumor response. Cells were irradiated in vitro by α particles using a 22?Th irradiator, with the mean lethal dose, D?, estimated from survival curves generated by standard methods. The results were further analyzed by microdosimetric tools to calculate z?, the specific energy resulting in a survival probability of 1/e for a single cell, which is considered to better represent the intrinsic radiosensitivity of individual cells. The results of the study demonstrate that, as a rule, tumors that respond more favorably to the DaRT treatment are also characterized by higher intrinsic cellular radiosensitivities, with D? ranging from 0.7 Gy to 1.5 Gy for the extreme cases and z? following the same trend.  相似文献   

目的:观察早期帕金森病(PD)大鼠脑内胶质细胞的免疫反应活性改变。方法:采用6-羟多巴胺(6-OHDA)制备PD早期大鼠模型,实验动物分为早期PD组和对照组。实验动物进行阿朴吗啡诱发旋转运动测试后,进行迈步实验的测试。免疫组织化学观察早期PD发病大鼠脑内星形胶质细胞和小胶质细胞的免疫反应活性改变。结果:早期PD动物在30 min内旋转次数小于7r/min,迈步实验中,与对照组相比,早期PD动物在左前肢从开始迈步至返回鼠笼所需要的总时间和所迈的步数没有明显差异;PD早期大鼠脑内星形胶质细胞和小胶质细胞的免疫反应活性明显增高。结论:早期PD大鼠尽管行为学上没有明显异常改变,但其脑内星形胶质细胞和小胶质细胞出现异常改变,这可能参与早期PD大鼠发病过程。  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DCs) respond to chemotactic signals to migrate from sites of infection to secondary lymphoid organs where they initiate the adaptive immune response. The key chemokines directing their migration are CCL19, CCL21, and CXCL12, but how signals from these chemokines are integrated by migrating cells is poorly understood. Using a microfluidic device, we presented single and competing chemokine gradients to murine bone-marrow derived DCs in a controlled, time-invariant microenvironment. Experiments performed with counter-gradients revealed that CCL19 is 10-100-fold more potent than CCL21 or CXCL12. Interestingly, when the chemoattractive potencies of opposing gradients are matched, cells home to a central region in which the signals from multiple chemokines are balanced; in this region, cells are motile but display no net displacement. Actin and myosin inhibitors affected the speed of crawling but not directed motion, whereas pertussis toxin inhibited directed motion but not speed. These results provide fundamental insight into the processes that DCs use to migrate toward and position themselves within secondary lymphoid organs.  相似文献   

Anthocyanin accumulation in strawberry (Fragaria ananassa) cells cultured on a solid medium was monitored using an image-processing system that did not require direct sampling or destruction of the cells. Because of the intercellular heterogeneity of secondary metabolite production in plant cell cultures, the maximum metabolite concentration in individual cells is often more than 10 times higher than that of the average concentration. An image-processing based method enabled the growth and the pigmentation behavior of individual cells to be traced. Changes in the time courses of the anthocyanin content of individual cells differed from each other, although the average anthocyanin contents increased gradually with time in a batch culture. However, these various changing patterns in the anthocyanin content of each cell were independent of the cell cycle. In addition, image analysis revealed that the two cells just after cell division were almost identical to each other both in size and anthocyanin content. The proposed method which uses an image-processing system provides a useful tool for analyzing the secondary metabolism in individual cultured plant cells.  相似文献   

The cell envelope of gram-negative bacteria is responsible for many important biological functions: it plays a structural role, it accommodates the selective transfer of material across the cell wall, it undergoes changes made necessary by growth and division, and it transfers information about the environment into the cell. Thus, an accurate quantification of cell mechanical properties is required not only to understand physiological processes but also to help elucidate the relationship between cell surface structure and function. We have used a novel, atomic force microscopy (AFM)-based approach to probe the mechanical properties of single bacterial cells by applying a constant compressive force to the cell under fluid conditions while measuring the time-dependent displacement (creep) of the AFM tip due to the viscoelastic properties of the cell. For these experiments, we chose a representative gram-negative bacterium, Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1, and we used regular V-shaped AFM cantilevers with pyramid-shaped and colloidal tips. We find that the cell response is well described by a three-element mechanical model which describes an effective cell spring constant, k(1), and an effective time constant, tau, for the creep deformation. Adding glutaraldehyde, an agent that increases the covalent bonding of the cell surface, produced a significant increase in k(1) together with a significant decrease in tau. This work represents a new attempt toward the understanding of the nanomechanical properties of single bacteria while they are under fluid conditions, which could be of practical value for elucidating, for instance, the biomechanical effects of drugs (such as antibiotics) on pathogens.  相似文献   

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