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Meiosis is essential for eukaryotic sexual reproduction and plant fertility, and crossovers (COs) are essential for meiosis and the formation of new allelic combinations in gametes. In this study, we report the isolation of a meiotic gene, OsSHOC1, and the identification of its partner, OsPTD1. Osshoc1 was sterile both in male and female gametophytes, and it showed a striking reduction in the number of meiotic COs, indicating that OsSHOC1 was required for normal CO formation. Further investigations showed that OsSHOC1 physically interacted with OsPTD1 and that the latter was also required for normal CO formation and plant fertility. Additionally, the expression profiles of both genes were consistent with their functions. Our results suggest that OsSHOC1 and OsPTD1 are essential for rice fertility and CO formation, possibly by stabilizing the recombinant intermediates during meiosis.  相似文献   

Yeast DMC1 is a meiosis-specific gene required for homologous chromosome pairing in meiosis. Using degenerate primers designed according to amino acid motifs conserved in yeast Dmc1 and Arabidopsis AtDmc1, we obtained full-length cDNA of a rice homologue of the DMC1 gene (OsDMC1) by RT-PCR and rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACEs). OsDmc1 exhibited 53% amino acid sequence identity to yeast Dmc1 and 81% to AtDmc1. OsDMC1 was expressed at high-levels in reproductive organs, low-levels in roots, and undetectable levels in leaves and seedlings. Southern blot analyses revealed that OsDMC1 is one of two DMC1 homologues present in rice. Received: 18 December 2000 / Accepted: 22 December 2000  相似文献   

COM1/SAE2 is a highly conserved gene from yeast to higher eukaryotes. Its orthologs, known to cooperate with the MRX complex (Mre11/Rad50/Xrs2), are required for meiotic DNA double‐strand break (DSB) ends resection and specific mitotic DSB repair events. Here, the rice (Oryza sativa, 2n = 2x = 24) COM1/SAE2 homolog was identified through positional cloning, termed OsCOM1. Four independent mutants of OsCOM1 were isolated and characterized. In Oscom1 mutants, synaptonemal complex (SC) formation, homologous pairing and recombination were severely inhibited, whereas aberrant non‐homologous chromosome entanglements occurred constantly. Several key meiotic proteins, including ZEP1 and OsMER3, were not loaded normally onto chromosomes in Oscom1 mutants, whereas the localization of OsREC8, PAIR2 and PAIR3 seemed to be normal. Moreover, OsCOM1 was loaded normally onto meiotic chromosomes in Osrec8, zep1 and Osmer3 mutants, but could not be properly loaded in Osam1, pair2 and OsSPO11‐1RNAi plants. These results provide direct evidence for the functions of OsCOM1 in promoting homologous synapsis and recombination in rice meiosis.  相似文献   

While many studies have provided significant insight into homolog pairing during meiosis, information on non-homologous pairing is much less abundant. In the present study, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) was used to investigate non-homologous pairing in haploid rice during meiosis. At pachytene, non-homologous chromosomes paired and formed synaptonemal complexes. FISH analysis data indicated that chromosome pairing could be grouped into three major types: (1) single chromosome paired fold-back as the univalent structure, (2) two non-homologous chromosomes paired as the bivalent structure, and (3) three or more non-homologous chromosomes paired as the multivalent structure. In the survey of 70 cells, 65 contained univalents, 45 contained bivalents, and 49 contained multivalent. Moreover, chromosomes 9 and 10 as well as chromosomes 11 and 12 formed non-homologous bivalents at a higher frequency than the other chromosomes. However, chiasma was always detected in the bivalent only between chromosomes 11 and 12 at diakinesis or metaphase I, indicating the pairing between these two chromosomes leads non-homologous recombination during meiosis. The synaptonemal complex formation between non-homologs was further proved by immunodetection of RCE8, PAIR2, and ZEP1. Especially, ZEP1 only loaded onto the paired chromosomes other than the un-paired chromosomes at pachytene in haploid.  相似文献   

Store-operated calcium entry (SOCE) channels composed of Stim and Orai proteins play a critical role in diverse biological processes. Upon endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-mediated calcium (Ca2+) depletion, Stim proteins oligomerize with Orai to initiate Ca2+ influx across the plasma membrane. The ubiquitin-like (UBL) and ubiquitin-associated (UBA) domains of ubiquilin 1 are involved in the degradation of presenilin and polyglutamine proteins. Through screening of Orai1 interaction partner(s) that might have an effect on SOCE, ubiquilin 1 was identified as a target of Orai1. However, the UBL and UBA domains of ubiquilin 1 were dispensable for this interaction. Additionally, ubiquilin 1 and Orai1 colocalized in the cytosolic compartment. Ubiquilin 1 increased the ubiquitination of Orai1, resulting in the formation of a high-molecular-weight form. MG132, a proteasome inhibitor, failed to block the degradation of Orai1, whereas bafilomycin A, a lysosome inhibitor, prevented Orai1 degradation. Confocal microscopy studies demonstrated that a fraction of Orai1 colocalized with ubiquilin 1 and the autophagosomal marker LC3. Because Orai1 is a constituent of SOCE, we determined the effect of ubiquilin 1 on Orai1-mediated Ca2+ influx. As we expected, intracellular Ca2+ mobilization, a process normally potentiated by Orai1, was downregulated by ubiquilin 1. Taken together, these findings suggest that ubiquilin 1 downregulates intracellular Ca2+ mobilization and its downstream signaling by promoting the ubiquitination and lysosomal degradation of Orai1.  相似文献   

Starch biosynthesis in gravity-sensing tissues of rice shoot determines the magnitude of rice shoot gravitropism and thus tiller angle. However, the molecular mechanism underlying starch biosynthesis in rice gravity-sensing tissues is still unclear. We characterized a novel tiller angle gene LAZY3 (LA3) in rice through map-based cloning. Biochemical, molecular and genetic studies further demonstrated the essential roles of LA3 in gravity perception of rice shoot and tiller angle control. The shoot gravitropism and lateral auxin transport were defective in la3 mutant upon gravistimulation. We showed that LA3 encodes a chloroplast-localized tryptophan-rich protein associated with starch granules via Tryptophan-rich region (TRR) domain. Moreover, LA3 could interact with the starch biosynthesis regulator LA2, determining starch granule formation in shoot gravity-sensing tissues. LA3 and LA2 negatively regulate tiller angle in the same pathway acting upstream of LA1 to mediate asymmetric distribution of auxin. Our study defined LA3 as an indispensable factor of starch biosynthesis in rice gravity-sensing tissues that greatly broadens current understanding in the molecular mechanisms underlying the starch granule formation in gravity-sensing tissues, and provides new insights into the regulatory mechanism of shoot gravitropism and rice tiller angle.  相似文献   

In bioequivalence trials, one often considers two or more generic products with the original one. The 3 x 3 crossover design can be adopted to evaluate the two generic candidates with a brand name drug, rather than conducting two separate 2 x 2 crossover trials. Dropouts, however, are more likely to occur due to various administrative reasons when we consider a higher order crossover design. A modified method, which was originally given by Chow and Shao (1997), is extended to compare two generic products with a reference in the incomplete 3 x 3 crossover design. A simulation study and discussion are also presented.  相似文献   

During sequential stages of meiosis, numerous cytoplasmic and nuclear events take place in which many germline and non‐germline genes involved. It is demonstrated that the germline gene Stra8 and synaptonemal complex protein 3 (Scp3) play an important role in the meiosis. Recently, studies showed Msx1, a DNA‐binding protein taking part in the skeletal development, also having a functional attractive factor to Stra8 and Scp3 in the meiosis. In this study, we cloned the gene Msx1 then transfected the Msx1 constructed recombination plasmid, pMsx1‐Ires2‐AcGFP, into the dairy goat germline stem cells (male germline stem cells) and analysed the effects of Msx1 on the expression of Stra8 and Scp3. The results showed that Msx1 could enhance the expression of Stra8 and Scp3 and promote the meiosis in goat testicular cells. Bmp4 activated the expression of Msx1 and Stra8. This study suggests that Msx1 plays an important role in spermatogenesis and meiosis. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Mammalian eggs remain arrested at metaphase of the second meiotic division (metII) for an indeterminate time before fertilization. During this period, which can last several hours, the continued attachment of sister chromatids is thought to be achieved by inhibition of the protease separase. Separase is known to be inhibited by binding either securin or Maturation (M-Phase)-Promoting Factor, a heterodimer of CDK1/cyclin B1. However, the relative contribution of securin and CDK/cyclin B1 to sister chromatid attachment during metII arrest has not been assessed. Although there are conditions in which either CDK1/cyclinB1 activity or securin can prevent sister chromatid disjunction, principally by overexpression of non-degradable cyclin B1 or securin, we find here that separase activity is primarily regulated by securin and not CDK1/cyclin B1. Thus the CDK1 inhibitor roscovitine and an antibody we designed to block the interaction of CDK1/cyclin B1 with separase, both failed to induce sister disjunction. In contrast, securin morpholino knockdown specifically induced loss of sister attachment, that could be restored by securin cRNA rescue. During metII arrest separase appears primarily regulated by securin binding, not CDK1/cyclin B1.  相似文献   

DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are highly hazardous for genome integrity, but meiotic cells deliberately introduce them into their genome in order to initiate homologous recombination, which ensures proper homologous chromosome segregation. To minimize the risk of deleterious effects, meiotic DSB formation, processing and repair are tightly regulated in order to occur only at the right time and place. Furthermore, a highly conserved signal-transduction pathway, called meiotic recombination checkpoint, coordinates DSB repair with meiotic progression and promotes meiotic recombination.  相似文献   

Blood vessel tubulogenesis requires the formation of stable cell-to-cell contacts and the establishment of apicobasal polarity of vascular endothelial cells. Cell polarity is regulated by highly conserved cell polarity protein complexes such as the Par3-aPKC-Par6 complex and the CRB3-Pals1-PATJ complex, which are expressed by many different cell types and regulate various aspects of cell polarity. Here we describe a functional interaction of VE-cadherin with the cell polarity protein Pals1. Pals1 directly interacts with VE-cadherin through a membrane-proximal motif in the cytoplasmic domain of VE-cadherin. VE-cadherin clusters Pals1 at cell–cell junctions. Mutating the Pals1-binding motif in VE-cadherin abrogates the ability of VE-cadherin to regulate apicobasal polarity and vascular lumen formation. In a similar way, deletion of the Par3-binding motif at the C-terminus of VE-cadherin impairs apicobasal polarity and vascular lumen formation. Our findings indicate that the biological activity of VE-cadherin in regulating endothelial polarity and vascular lumen formation is mediated through its interaction with the two cell polarity proteins Pals1 and Par3.  相似文献   

We present the characteristics of the Csm1 (Spo86) protein of Saccharomyces cerevisiae that are important for meiotic division. The level of Csm1p does not change throughout the cell cycle, but this protein is absent in mature spores. Deletion of CSM1 causes incorrect spore formation and meiotic chromosome missegregation together with increased sensitivity of vegetative cells to benomyl and manganese. In a two-hybrid analysis with Csm1p as bait, we detected interactions with three members of the Mcm2-7 family of proteins involved in the initiation of DNA replication, and with Clf1p also implicated in replication. The Csm1p-Mcm3, Mcm5 and Mcm7p interactions were confirmed by co-immunoprecipitation. Three other interacting proteins, Mgs1p, Ulp2, and Plp2, participate in chromosome assembling and segregation, whereas the function of two others has not been established. Genetic experiments showed that the two-hybrid isolates MGS1, CLF1, MCM3, 5, 7 (CDC47), and YDL089w, when overexpressed, partially suppress the csm1Delta/csm1Delta sporulation defect. We propose that, besides its other functions, Csm1p may be involved in premeiotic DNA replication.  相似文献   

Shugoshin is a conserved protein in eukaryotes that protects the centromeric cohesin of sister chromatids from cleavage by separase during meiosis. In this study, we identify the rice (Oryza sativa, 2n=2x=24) homolog of ZmSGO1 in maize (Zea mays), named OsSGO1. During both mitosis and meiosis, OsSGO1 is recruited from nucleoli onto centromeres at the onset of prophase. In the Tos17-insertional Ossgo1-1 mutant, centromeres of sister chromatids separate precociously from each other from metaphase I, which causes unequal chromosome segregation during meiosis II. Moreover, the release of OsSGO1 from nucleoli is completely blocked in Ossgo1-1, which leads to the absence of OsSGO1 in centromeric regions after the onset of mitosis and meiosis. Furthermore, the timely assembly and maintenance of synaptonemal complexes during early prophase I are affected in Ossgo1 mutants. Finally, we found that the centromeric localization of OsSGO1 depends on OsAM1, not other meiotic proteins such as OsREC8, PAIR2, OsMER3, or ZEP1.  相似文献   

The early secretory pathway and autophagy are two essential and evolutionarily conserved endomembrane processes that are finely interlinked. Although growing evidence suggests that intracellular trafficking is important for autophagosome biogenesis, the molecular regulatory network involved is still not fully defined. In this study, we demonstrate a crucial effect of the COPII vesicle‐related protein TFG (Trk‐fused gene) on ULK1 puncta number and localization during autophagy induction. This, in turn, affects formation of the isolation membrane, as well as the correct dynamics of association between LC3B and early ATG proteins, leading to the proper formation of both omegasomes and autophagosomes. Consistently, fibroblasts derived from a hereditary spastic paraparesis (HSP) patient carrying mutated TFG (R106C) show defects in both autophagy and ULK1 puncta accumulation. In addition, we demonstrate that TFG activity in autophagy depends on its interaction with the ATG8 protein LC3C through a canonical LIR motif, thereby favouring LC3C‐ULK1 binding. Altogether, our results uncover a link between TFG and autophagy and identify TFG as a molecular scaffold linking the early secretion pathway to autophagy.  相似文献   

Meiosis is essential for eukaryotic sexual reproduction and important for genetic diversity among individuals. Although a number of genes regulating homologous chromosome pairing and synapsis have been identified in the plant kingdom, their molecular basis remains poorly understood. In this study, we identified a novel gene, PAIR3 ( HOMOLOGOUS PAIRING ABERRATION IN RICE MEIOSIS 3 ), required for homologous chromosome pairing and synapsis in rice. Two independent alleles, designated pair3-1 and pair3-2 , were identified in our T-DNA insertional mutant library which could not form bivalents due to failure of homologous chromosome pairing and synapsis at diakinesis, resulting in sterility in both male and female gametes. Suppression of PAIR3 by RNAi produced similar results to the T-DNA insertion lines. PAIR3 encodes a protein that contains putative coiled-coil motifs, but does not have any close homologs in other organisms. PAIR3 is preferentially expressed in reproductive organs, especially in pollen mother cells and the ovule tissues during meiosis. Our results suggest that PAIR3 plays a crucial role in homologous chromosome pairing and synapsis in meiosis.  相似文献   

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