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Although many lake restoration projects have led to decreased nutrient loads and increased water transparency, the establishment or expansion of macrophytes does not immediately follow the improved abiotic conditions and it is often unclear whether vegetation with high macrophyte diversity will return. We provide an overview of the potential bottlenecks for restoration of submerged macrophyte vegetation with a high biodiversity and focus on the biotic factors, including the availability of propagules, herbivory, plant competition and the role of remnant populations. We found that the potential for restoration in many lakes is large when clear water conditions are met, even though the macrophyte community composition of the early 1900s, the start of human-induced large-scale eutrophication in Northwestern Europe, could not be restored. However, emerging charophytes and species rich vegetation are often lost due to competition with eutrophic species. Disturbances such as herbivory can limit dominance by eutrophic species and improve macrophyte diversity. We conclude that it is imperative to study the role of propagule availability more closely as well as the biotic interactions including herbivory and plant competition. After abiotic conditions are met, these will further determine macrophyte diversity and define what exactly can be restored and what not.  相似文献   

This study presents the role of specific terrigenous organic compounds as important vectors of mercury (Hg) transported from watersheds to lakes of the Canadian boreal forest. In order to differentiate the autochthonous from the allochthonous organic matter (OM), lignin derived biomarker signatures [Lambda, S/V, C/V, P/(V + S), 3,5-Bd/V and (Ad/Al)v] were used. Since lignin is exclusively produced by terrigenous plants, this approach can give a non equivocal picture of the watershed inputs to the lakes. Moreover, it allows a characterization of the source of OM and its state of degradation. The water column of six lakes from the Canadian Shield was sampled monthly between June and September 2005. Lake total dissolved Hg concentrations and Lambda were positively correlated, meaning that Hg and ligneous inputs are linked (dissolved OM r 2 = 0.62, p < 0.0001; particulate OM r 2 = 0.76, p < 0.0001). Ratios of P/(V + S) and 3,5-Bd/V from both dissolved OM and particulate OM of the water column suggest an inverse relationship between the progressive state of pedogenesis and maturation of the OM in soil before entering the lake, and the Hg concentrations in the water column. No relation was found between Hg levels in the lakes and the watershed flora composition—angiosperm versus gymnosperm or woody versus non-woody compounds. This study has significant implications for watershed management of ecosystems since limiting fresh terrestrial OM inputs should reduce Hg inputs to the aquatic systems. This is particularly the case for large-scale land-use impacts, such as deforestation, agriculture and urbanization, associated to large quantities of soil OM being transferred to aquatic systems.  相似文献   

新疆两典型微咸水湖水体免培养古菌多样性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
邓丽娟  娄恺  曾军  徐赢华  史应武  张煜星 《生态学报》2012,32(21):6811-6818
微咸水湖是湖泊演化过程中的一个重要中间状态,以新疆两典型微咸水湖-赛里木湖和柴窝堡湖水为研究对象,采用微孔滤膜收集菌体,SDS-酚-氯仿抽提法直接提取湖水总DNA,利用古菌16S rRNA基因通用引物进行PCR扩增,分别构建两湖古菌16S rRNA基因克隆文库。用限制性内切酶Hae Ⅲ对随机挑选的阳性克隆子进行酶切分型,分别得到7个和8个可操作分类单元(Operational Taxonomic Units, OTUs),两文库覆盖率均大于98%。BLAST比对和系统发育分析表明赛里木湖全部克隆子归属于泉古菌门(Crenarchaeota),97%的克隆子与不同环境免培养氨氧化泉古菌有较高的序列相似性(>97%)。柴窝堡湖水古菌归为3个门:Thaumarchaeota (81.2%)、广古菌门(Euryarchaeota)(13%)和泉古菌门(Crenarchaeota) (5.8%),81.2%的克隆子与具有氮代谢功能的氨氧化古菌纯培养物具有较高的序列相似性(97%-98%),13%的克隆子与已分离到的产甲烷古菌序列同源性大于97%。研究发现新疆微咸水湖可能存有大量新划分的古菌Thaumarchaeota门类群、可培养氨氧化及产甲烷古菌类群,两典型微咸水湖泊中古菌类群多样性较低且群落组成差异大。  相似文献   

The lake number was used to describe the mixing condition forthree consecutive years (1992–1994) in Lake Tegel, Berlin,and compared to the successions of diatoms, dinoflagellatesand cyanobacteria, the main phytoplankton groups in the lake,as well as to diversity and similarity indices. Using both diversityand similarity indices in juxtaposition provides an indicationof the growth type of prevailing species (r- or K-strategists)and the degree of competition in the aqua-ecological system.A genera] pattern of these indices can be recognized as threephases: (i) high diversity—during spring, summer and autumn,interrupted by (ii) phases of low diversity during the latespring clear-water phase as the number of spring species plummeted,and (iii) during the late summer, climax populations of K-strategists.On a smaller time scale, similarity and diversity proved toreact sensitively to disturbances at frequencies intermediatein relation to the generation times of the phytoplankton. Thissupports the ‘intermediate disturbance hypothesis’,as proposed for phytoplankton by Padisak et al. [(eds) IntermediateDisturbance Hypothesis in Phytoplankton Ecology. Kluwer Academic,1993]. Diversity may remain quite high even for extended periodsduring summer climax situations, in conjunction with a highdegree of similarity, if deeper mixing of the epilimnion occursat time intervals of 2–3 weeks, as during the summer of1993. This enables the prevalence of ‘ruderal’ species,together with some motile K-strategists who actively seek optimaldepths for photosynthesis. During such summer situations describedby frequent occurrences of lower lake numbers, the epilimnionof Lake Tegel is mixed deeply enough to support ruderals, butnot too vigorously to counteract competitive advantages of motilespecies. Thus, vertical niche separation enhances diversity.  相似文献   

物种多样性测度是(群落的)总体参数,它们常常是未知的,需要通过抽样将它们估计出来,因此,必须了解估计量的抽样性质。本文对与一些多样性测度的均值、方差的估计和假设检验以及大、小样本分布等有关的问题作了综述。可以看出大多数多样性测度的抽样性质还不清楚,有些甚至根本就没有研究过。Pielou的合并样方法和刀切法是两个比较通用的方法,用它们可以解决其中的一些问题。但相比之下,刀切法更实用。  相似文献   

物种多样性测度是(群落的)总体参数,它们常常是未知的,需要通过抽样将它们估计出来,因此,必须了解估计量的抽样性质。本文对与一些多样性测度的均值、方差的估计和假设检验以及大、小样本分布等有关的问题作了综述。可以看出大多数多样性测度的抽样性质还不清楚,有些甚至根本就没有研究过。Pielou的合并样方法和刀切法是两个比较通用的方法,用它们可以解决其中的一些问题。但相比之下,刀切法更实用。  相似文献   

Understanding the mechanisms that allow for plant invasions is important for both ecologists and land managers, due to both the environmental and economic impacts of native biodiversity losses. We conducted an observational field study in 2008 to examine the relationship between native and non-native forest understory plant species and to investigate the influence of soil nitrogen (N) on plant community richness and diversity. In 2009, we conducted a companion fertilization experiment to investigate how various forms of N deposition (inorganic and organic) influenced native and non-native species richness and diversity. We found that native species richness and diversity were negatively correlated with 1) non-native species richness and diversity and 2) higher total soil inorganic N. In the deposition experiment, adding organic N fertilizers decreased native richness and diversity compared to inorganic N fertilizers. Together, these results indicate that increasing soil N can be detrimental to native species; however, native species richness and diversity may counteract the N-stimulation of non-native species. Furthermore, the negative effects of organic N deposition on native plants may be just as strong, if not stronger, than the effects of inorganic N deposition.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. A study of the diversity and stability of phytoplankton communities during one vegetation period (February-October 1984) was carried out in four small lakes in the Pfynwald region of Canton Valais, Switzerland: Kaminsee I, Kaminsee II, Grossee and Rosensee. The diversity was calculated according to Shannon & Weaver (1949). The change in diversity ΔH; and SIMI (similarity index according to Stander. 1970) were used as measures of stability. 2. On average, the diversity was highest in the oligotrophic Rosensee (annual mean 3.19) and least in the hypereutrophic Kaminsee I (annual mean 1.34). In Kaminsee I and Grossee, the diversity corresponded in the main to the relative frequency of Cryptomonas erosa Ehrenberg: i.e. the diversity was low when the relative frequency of C. erosa was high and vice versa (Kaminsee I: max. diversity 2.74; min. 0.13. Grossee: max. 3.62; min. 0.28; annual mean 2.21). Kaminsee II and Rosensee exhibited only slight variations in their phytoplankton community structure (Kaminsee II: max. diversity 2.83; min. 1.26; annual mean 2.10. Rosensee: max. 3.79; min. 2.81). High values of diversity, or increases in diversity, were a result of low nutrient availability and grazing pressure. Lower diversity values. or decreases in diversity, were a result of a plentiful nutrient supply, low grazing pressure and grazer selectivity with respect to food organisms. 3. Because values of the diversity index vary by different amounts during the course of a year depending on the water body, the characterization of a phytoplankton community on the basis of one value alone is unsatisfactory. It is suggested that the mean and either standard deviation or range of the diversity be cited in order to overcome this drawback at least partially. 4. No generally accepted measure exists for the calculation of stability. According to the measure of stability employed, a community may appear to be more or less stable. A statement concerning the stability of a community without mentioning the measure employed is therefore worthless. The factors determining the stability of a phytoplankton community do not have the same effect on all measures of stability. 5. The change in diversity ΔH’was influenced in the main by alterations  相似文献   

Twenty-four Central Amazonian Várzea and Ria lakes, lateral to the Rio Negro and the Rio Solimões, were studied for a year and are classified here in terms of physical, chemical and microbiological characteristics. White water (W), mixed water (M) and black water (B) lakes are ranked according to bacterial densities, electrical conductivity, pH, DO, POC, Fe, Si02 and PO4 consumption in the following order W > M > B. The range of Vmax decreased as net primary production increased. Further differentiation among the three lake types is made on the basis of dominant algal species and species diversity.  相似文献   

Microbial diversity and biogeochemical cycling in soda lakes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Soda lakes contain high concentrations of sodium carbonates resulting in a stable elevated pH, which provide a unique habitat to a rich diversity of haloalkaliphilic bacteria and archaea. Both cultivation-dependent and -independent methods have aided the identification of key processes and genes in the microbially mediated carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur biogeochemical cycles in soda lakes. In order to survive in this extreme environment, haloalkaliphiles have developed various bioenergetic and structural adaptations to maintain pH homeostasis and intracellular osmotic pressure. The cultivation of a handful of strains has led to the isolation of a number of extremozymes, which allow the cell to perform enzymatic reactions at these extreme conditions. These enzymes potentially contribute to biotechnological applications. In addition, microbial species active in the sulfur cycle can be used for sulfur remediation purposes. Future research should combine both innovative culture methods and state-of-the-art ‘meta-omic’ techniques to gain a comprehensive understanding of the microbes that flourish in these extreme environments and the processes they mediate. Coupling the biogeochemical C, N, and S cycles and identifying where each process takes place on a spatial and temporal scale could unravel the interspecies relationships and thereby reveal more about the ecosystem dynamics of these enigmatic extreme environments.  相似文献   

This study examines the seasonal variation in the underwater spectral distribution of light in a mesotrophic (Lake Cromwell) and an oligo-mesotrophic (Lake Croche) temperate lake. Gilvin is primarily responsible for the strong selective attenuation of blue light in both lakes. As a result of differing gilvin concentrations light transmission maxima of downwelling and upwelling spectra are near 615 nm in Lake Cromwell and 599 nm in Lake Croche. With increases in depth both upwelling and downwelling radiance fluxes decrease, are shifted to longer wavelengths and become more monochromatic. The greatest penetration of light occurs in the summer and spring after which a gradual decrease occurs through fall to a minimum value in winter. Under the winter cover the P 50 of downwelling light shifts 10 to 20 nm towards shorter wavelengths. Seasonal changes in downwelling irradiance are related to solar altitude, concentration of suspended particles, phytoplankton populations, amount of gilvin, mixing and winter cover. The brownish colouration of these lakes is explained by reflectance of spectrally impure orangish-red light.  相似文献   

The distribution and activity of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) in the water column of the alpine meromictic Gek-Gel lake were studied. Apart from traditional microbiological methods based on cultivation and on measuring the process rates with radioactive labels, in situ fluorescent hybridization (FISH) was used, which enables identification and quantification without cultivating organisms. The peak rate of sulfate reduction, 0.486 microg S/(l day), was found in the chemocline at 33 m. The peak SRB number of 2.5 x 106 cells/ml, as determined by the end-point dilutions method on selective media, was found at the same depth. The phylogenetic position of the SRB, as determined by FISH, revealed the predominance of the Desulfovibrio spp., Desulfobulbus spp., and Desulfoarculus spp./Desulfomonile spp. groups. The numbers of spore-forming Desulfotomaculum spp. increased with depth. The low measured rates of sulfate reduction accompanied with high SRB numbers and the predominance of the groups capable of reducing a wide range of substrates permit us to propose utilization of electron acceptors other than sulfate as the main activity of the SRB in the water column.  相似文献   

The distribution and activity of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) in the water column of the alpine meromictic Gek-Gel lake were studied. Apart from traditional microbiological methods based on cultivation and on measuring the process rates with radioactive labels, in situ fluorescent hybridization (FISH) was used, which enables identification and quantification without cultivating organisms. The peak rate of sulfate reduction, 0.486 μg S 1−1 day−1, was found in the chemocline at 33 m. The peak SRB number of 2.5×106 cells/ml, as determined by the most probable number method on selective media, was found at the same depth. The phylogenetic affiliation of the SRB, as determined by FISH, revealed the predominance of the Desulfovibrio spp., Desulfobulbus spp., and Desulfoarculus spp./Desulfomonile spp. groups. The numbers of spore-forming Desulfotomaculum spp. increased with depth. The low measured rates of sulfate reduction accompanied by high SRB numbers and the predominance of the groups capable of reducing a wide range of substrates permit us to assume utilization of electron acceptors other than sulfate as the main activity of the SRB in the water column. Original Russian Text ? O.V. Karnachuk, N.V. Pimenov, S.K. Yusupov, Yu.A. Frank, Ya.A. Puhakka, M.V. Ivanov, 2006, published in Mikrobiologiya, 2006, Vol. 75, No. 1, pp. 101–109.  相似文献   

The diversification of macro‐organisms over the last 500 million years often coincided with the development of new environmental niches. Microbial diversification over the last 4 billion years likely followed similar patterns. However, linkages between environmental settings and microbial ecology have so far not been described from the ancient rock record. In this study, we investigated carbon, nitrogen, and molybdenum isotopes, and iron speciation in five non‐marine stratigraphic units of the Neoarchean Fortescue Group, Western Australia, that are similar in age (2.78–2.72 Ga) but differ in their hydro‐geologic setting. Our data suggest that the felsic‐dominated and hydrologically open lakes of the Bellary and Hardey formations were probably dominated by methanogenesis (δ13Corg = ?38.7 ± 4.2‰) and biologic N2 fixation (δ15Nbulk =?0.6 ± 1.0‰), whereas the Mt. Roe, Tumbiana and Kylena Formations, with more mafic siliciclastic sediments, preserve evidence of methanotrophy (δ13Corg as low as ?57.4‰, δ13Ccarb as low as ?9.2‰) and NH3 loss under alkaline conditions. Evidence of oxygenic photosynthesis is recorded only in the closed evaporitic Tumbiana lakes marked by abundant stromatolites, limited evidence of Fe and S cycling, fractionated Mo isotopes (δ98/95Mo = +0.4 ± 0.4‰), and the widest range in δ13Corg (?57‰ to ?15‰), suggesting oxidative processes and multiple carbon fixation pathways. Methanotrophy in the three mafic settings was probably coupled to a combination of oxidants, including O2 and SO42‐. Overall, our results may indicate that early microbial evolution on the Precambrian Earth was in part influenced by geological parameters. We speculate that expanding habitats, such as those linked to continental growth, may have been an important factor in the evolution of life.  相似文献   

Body size, coupled with abundance and taxonomy, may help to understand the mechanisms shaping community structure. Since the body size of fish is closely related to their trophic niche, size diversity (based on individual body size) of fish communities may capture intraspecific variations in fish trophic niches that are not detected by species diversity. Thus, the relationship between size diversity and species diversity may help to integrate variation at both intraspecific and interspecific levels. We studied the relationship between species diversity and size diversity as a measure of the degree of overlap in size among species and thereby the potential overlap in niches in a community. We hypothesized that the relationship between size diversity and species would be different across the European continent due to different levels of size overlap in fish communities. The data were derived from samplings of fish communities using standardised benthic gill nets in 363 lakes. At the continental scale, size diversity increased with species diversity; at the ecoregion scale, the slope of the relation changed across the continent, with the greatest mismatch occurring in northern Europe where communities comprised only one or a few species, but each of which exhibited a great range in size. There was an increase in slope towards the south with significant relations for four out of six ecoregions. The steeper size diversity‐species diversity slope at lower latitudes is attributable to a lower overlap in fish size and thus likely to finer niche separation. Our results also suggest that size diversity is not a strong surrogate for species diversity in European lake fish communities. Thus, particularly in fish communities composed of few species, measuring size diversity may help to detect potential functional variation which may be neglected by measuring species diversity alone.  相似文献   

The responses of macroinvertebrate communities to pollution by sewage effluent in the River Trent system (UK) were investigated using a variety of multivariate approaches, biotic indices and diversity indices. It was found that multivariate analyses clearly illuminated the change of community structure along the pollution gradient. CY Dissimilarity Measure (CYD)-based Non-Metric Multidimensional Scaling (NMDS) appeared to perform better than DCA and clustering. Species richness, the BMWP, BMWP-ASPT, the Chandler Score, Chandler-ASPT could detect the effects of major pollution. However, these indices showed varying sensitivity to different ranges of pollution, for example, Chandler-ASPT and BMWP-ASPT are more sensitive to the change in clean/slightly polluted range than in the moderate/very polluted range. The diversity indices were the least informative. The advantages and disadvantages of the various approaches were discussed.  相似文献   

The functional gene amoA was used to compare the diversity of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) in the water column and sediment-water interface of the two freshwater lakes Plusssee and Sch?hsee and the Baltic Sea. Nested amplifications were used to increase the sensitivity of amoA detection, and to amplify a 789-bp fragment from which clone libraries were prepared. The larger part of the sequences was only distantly related to any of the cultured AOB and is considered to represent new clusters of AOB within the Nitrosomonas/Nitrosospira group. Almost all sequences from the water column of the Baltic Sea and from 1-m depth of Sch?hsee were related to different Nitrosospira clusters 0 and 2, respectively. The majority of sequences from Plusssee and Sch?hsee were associated with sequences from Chesapeake Bay, from a previous study of Plusssee and from rice roots in Nitrosospira-like cluster A, which lacks sequences from Baltic Sea. Two groups of sequences from Baltic Sea sediment were related to clonal sequences from other brackish/marine habitats in the purely environmental Nitrosospira-like cluster B and the Nitrosomonas-like cluster. This confirms previous results from 16S rRNA gene libraries that indicated the existence of hitherto uncultivated AOB in lake and Baltic Sea samples, and showed a differential distribution of AOB along the water column and sediment of these environments.  相似文献   

Species richness is the most commonly used metric to quantify biodiversity. However, examining dark diversity, the group of missing species which can potentially inhabit a site, can provide a more thorough understanding of the processes influencing observed biodiversity and help evaluate the restoration potential of local habitats. So far, dark diversity has mainly been studied for specific habitats or large‐scale landscapes, while less attention has been given to variation across broad environmental gradients or as a result of local conditions and biotic interactions. In this study, we investigate the importance of local environmental conditions in determining dark diversity and observed richness in plant communities across broad environmental gradients. Using the ecospace concept, we investigate how these biodiversity measures relate to abiotic gradients (defined as position), availability of biotic resources (defined as expansion), spatiotemporal extent of habitats (defined as continuity), and species interactions through competition. Position variables were important for both observed diversity and dark diversity, some with quadratic relationships, for example, plant richness showing a unimodal response to soil fertility corresponding to the intermediate productivity hypothesis. Interspecific competition represented by community mean Grime C had a negative effect on plant species richness. Besides position‐related variables, organic carbon was the most important variable for dark diversity, indicating that in late‐succession habitats such as forests and shrubs, dark diversity is generally low. The importance of highly competitive species indicates that intermediate disturbance, such as grazing, may facilitate higher species richness and lower dark diversity.  相似文献   

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