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南京中山植物园春夏季节鸟类对植物种子的传播作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李新华  尹晓明 《生态学报》2004,24(7):1452-1458
2002年4月至8月,在南京中山植物园内收集了198份鸟粪样品,从中分离、鉴定出9 573粒结构完整的种子及果核,分别隶属于12科15属20种植物,另有1 6粒种子属于1未知种类.单份鸟粪样品中可含有1~4种种子,平均1.5±0.7种;但单份鸟粪样品中种子数量变化很大,约为1~583粒,平均48.4±70.7粒.鸟粪样品中出现频次较高的种类主要有构树(Broussonetia papyrifera)、蛇莓(Duchesnea indica)、桑树 (Morus alba)、山莓(Rubus corchorifolius)、日本珊瑚树(Viburnum awabuki)、蓬FDA1(Rubus hirsutus)和美洲商陆(Phytolacca americana)等7种,并且它们的种子数量也多达9 213粒,占种子总数的96.1%.鸟粪样品中种子出现频次的月份变化也在一定程度上间接地反映出植物果实的成熟期和鸟类对果实的取食频率.白头鹎(Pycn onotus sinensis)、乌鸫(Turdus merula)等鸟类则主要以呕出种子的方式传播桂花(Osmanthus fragrans)、白玉兰(Magnolia denudata)等体积较大的种子.此外,鸟类还以衔取果实的形式传播种子.2000~2002年,已经观察到8种鸟类取食18种植物的肉质果实,其中灰喜鹊(Cyanopica cyana)、乌鸫、白头鹎和山斑鸠(Streptope lia orientalis)等4种留鸟分别取食8~16种植物果实,是春夏季节植物园内取食果实种类数目较多的鸟类,并且也可能是重要的种子传播者.鸟类传播种子已经导致了阔叶十大功劳(Mahonia bealei)、樱桃(Cerasus pseudocerasus)、掌叶复盆子(Rubus chingi i)和桂花等栽培树种逸出植物园,使它们的实生苗及小树成功地侵入到植物园周围的自然生境中,促进了植物园内一些具肉质果实的栽培植物的自然更新.同时,鸟类传播种子也是导致美洲商陆等引种栽培植物逸生为外来杂草并迅速蔓延的重要原因之一.  相似文献   

鸟类传播种子对几种树篱中侵入植物多样性的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李新华  尹晓明  夏冰  李维林  李亚 《生态学报》2006,26(6):1657-1666
2001年4月至2003年11月,在南京中山植物园内调查了冬青卫矛(Euonymus japonicus)、日本珊瑚树(Viburnum awabuki)和溲疏(Deutzia scabra)3种树篱,以及位于不同生境的2个黄杨(Buxus microphyllavar.sinica)树篱中侵入生长的杂草及杂树种类,并选择3 km外南京农业大学实验楼周围的冬青卫茅树篱作为参照。在6个树篱类型中调查到侵入生长的种子植物共计1230株,分隶于42科57属70种植物。其中适应于鸟类传播的植物有55种1047株植物;适应于风力传播的植物有10种161株植物;传播媒介不明的植物有5种22株植物。各树篱类型中,适应于鸟类传播种子的侵入植物种类数目显著多于风力传播的植物种类(t=5.086,df=10,p<0.0001)和种子传播媒介不明的植物种类(t=8.446,df=10,p<0.0001),但各树篱中适应于风力传播的侵入植物与种子传播媒介不明的植物在种类数目上无显著差异(t=1.977,df=10,p=0.076)。南京中山植物园的5个树篱类型中,适应于鸟类传播的侵入植物物种多样性的Shannon-Wiener指数都较高,为2.151至2.917,平均2.671±0.306,并且种类数目也较多,为15~36种,平均25.6±8.1种。而南京农业大学内冬青卫茅树篱的物种多样性指数最低,为1.679,并且种类数目也最少,为12种。Bray-Curtis相似性指数的聚类分析结果显示,不同树篱类型中适应于鸟类传播种子的侵入植物组成的相似性主要受到树篱周围的种子源及其距离、食果鸟类、人为干扰活动等生境因子的影响,而非简单取决于树篱种类本身。鸟类传播种子增加了单一树种构成的树篱中的种子植物多样性,同时也对树篱的景观产生了一定的不利影响,不过人工对树篱的日常修剪等管护措施严格限制了这些侵入植物实生苗及小树的正常生长。研究结果反映出种子源、鸟类传播种子和灌丛在促进植物群落的发展和演替过程中具有重要的生态意义。  相似文献   

鸟类取食中国沙棘果实的方式及其对种子的传播作用   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
2003年9月~2004年3月,定期观察取食中国沙棘果实的鸟类及其取食方式。共记录取食中国沙棘果实的鸟类18种,其取食果实的方式主要有:1)直接在树冠上吞食果实,有时候在吞食后将种子呕出;2)将果实从树上衔走后,在栖息处吞食或啄食;3)将果实啄落至地面,然后取食果肉和种子,留下果皮;4)啄破果皮,吸食果肉,留下果皮及种子;5)从顶端将果皮啄破后,仅取食里面的种子。不同的取食方式决定了它们对沙棘种子的传播作用不同。收集鸟粪便中的种子与完整的干果实及人工剥离果肉和内果皮的种子做萌发对比实验,结果表明,鸟类消化道过程对种子的萌发有一定影响,但萌发率仍较高。沙棘为多种鸟类提供食物,而鸟类则为沙棘传播种子,它们之间形成一种互利关系。  相似文献   

裸子植物的种子是否都是裸露的   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李新华 《生物学通报》2005,40(8):25-26,F0004
裸子植物的胚珠虽然在传粉时是裸露的,但在发育成种子的过程中,罗汉松科、三尖杉科、红豆杉科、买麻藤科、麻黄科及柏科的圆柏属(Sabina)和刺柏属(Juniperus)等类群的种子在成熟时常常为肉质的假种皮或种鳞等组织所包被。因此,并不是所有裸子植物类群的种子在成熟时都是裸露的。裸子植物种子与其周围肉质假种皮或种鳞等组织共同构成的繁殖结构,尽管在结构上与被子植物的果实具有根本的区别。但在吸引鸟类等食果动物传播种子的生态功能方面却与被子植物的肉质果实是相同的。  相似文献   

黄檗的更新特点及食果实鸟类对其种子的传播   总被引:20,自引:5,他引:15  
在帽儿山实验林场和哈尔滨实验林场 ,黄檗母树下没有幼苗分布 ,不能进行天然更新 ,需要靠食果实鸟类等将果实和种子传播至远离母树的其他林下。捕食黄檗果实的食果实鸟类有 9种。其中 6种是食果肉鸟类 ,吞入果实后 ,消化果肉 ,而种子完整地随粪便排出而得以传播。其余 3种是食种子鸟类 ,没有传播作用。果实在鸟类消化道内的滞留时间达 2 0~ 30min ,具有很长的潜在传播距离。将鸟类消化后的种子与完整果实和人为去果肉种子进行萌发对比实验 ,消化后种子的累计萌发率与其余二者之间均没有显著性差异 ,说明食果实鸟类的消化 (道 )过程对种子萌发没有明显影响 ,同时证明果肉对种子萌发率没有显著影响 ,果肉中不含萌发抑制物质。黄檗提供多种鸟类以食物 ,而鸟类也同时以多种肉质果植物为食物。因此食果实鸟类和肉质果植物 (包括黄檗 )之间形成了松散的互利共生关系  相似文献   

肉质果植物通常依赖食果鸟类等取食果实后经消化道过程传播种子, 以完成种群的更新。红楠(Machilus thunbergii)是亚热带森林的代表性种类, 其果实具有依赖鸟类等动物取食后传播的特点。2012 年、2013 年在梅花山国家级自然保护区,研究了鸟类对红楠果实的取食及种子的传播作用。结果如下: 取食红楠种实的鸟类共计18 种, 其中整吞果实的鸟类12 种,啄取果肉的鸟类5 种, 啄食种子的鸟类1 种。整吞果实鸟类中4 种鹎科和2 种鸦科鸟类访问频次和取食量较大, 是主要的种子传播者。鸟类主要以呕吐方式传播种子。取食后初停栖点与母树距离及地面种子散布地点的分析结果表明, 鸟类可以远距离扩散种子。地面种实可被啮齿动物或蚁类再次捕食或搬运。研究表明, 红楠可以借助鸟类实现种子传播和种群更新。  相似文献   

槲寄生的生物学特征及鸟类对其种子的传播   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
鲁长虎 《生态学报》2003,23(4):834-839
2001年9月至2002年1月在黑龙江省尚志市帽儿山林场研究了槲寄生(Viscum coloratum)的生物学特征及鸟类对其种子的传播。槲寄生寄主共有9种阔叶树,杨树占比例最大,达73.3%。78.0%的槲寄生个体以杨树为寄主。多数槲寄生着生在杨树主干侧枝(43%)和细侧枝(42%)上,主干上仅l5%。寄主和槲寄生本身都呈聚集分布。槲寄生有两种色型果实,在量度上无明显差异。果实由果皮、果肉和种子构成,种子外面包裹一层胶质层。在帽儿山秋、冬季常见的7种食果实鸟类中,只有太平鸟(Bombycilla garrulus)在野外觅食槲寄生果实,斑鸫(Turdus naumanii)在笼养无其它食物时才食,其余5种鸟类拒食。太平鸟在11月以后觅食槲寄生果实频率增大。除根寄生果实外,太平鸟共可食帽儿山常见l7种肉质果中的12种。太平鸟在吞食果实后,种子外包胶质层随粪便排出,形成“种子线”粘在树枝上,槲寄生种子被传播到适宜的生境,在春天萌根生长。笼养太平鸟时,种子在消化道的滞留时间约11min,这意味着在野外很长的扩散距离。槲寄生和太平鸟之间形成了特定的互利互生系统。  相似文献   

南京灵谷寺森林中鸟类对湘楠种子的传播作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2003年9月—2005年11月,在位于南京市紫金山南麓的灵谷寺森林中,研究了鸟类对湘楠(Phoebe hunanensis)种子的取食与传播作用。乌鸫(Turdus merula)、黑脸噪鹛(Garrulax perspicillatus)、黑领噪鹛(G. pectoralis)、红嘴蓝鹊(Urocissa erythrorhyncha)和灰喜鹊(Cyanopica cyana)等5种鸟类取食湘楠的肉质核果后,主要以将果核呕出的方式传播种子。发芽试验显示,湘楠种子的萌发并不依赖于鸟类消化道的处理,但鸟类呕出种子的早期出苗率较高,且鸟类可以在较大空间范围内将其种子传播至一些适宜于种子萌发及幼苗定居的生境中。可能由于鸟类对湘楠种子的传播作用,1961年从外地引种栽培于灵谷寺森林边缘的27棵湘楠母树已经繁衍出数千棵实生苗及小树,并在母树周围约300 m范围内的天然落叶阔叶林及栽培的桂花林中成功地定居下来,既增加了灵谷寺森林中常绿树种种类,又促进了该地森林植物群落的演替和发展。  相似文献   

动物对花楸树种实的取食与传播   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
花楸树是我国东北林区重要的非木质资源树种,其种实既有自然散布方式,也有动物散布方式.本文通过对花楸树种实散布过程中动物活动特点的研究,探索动物取食和传播花楸树种实的规律及其对花楸树天然更新的影响.在2008和2009年花楸树果实成熟期,通过定期观察取食花楸树果实的鸟类及其取食方式,确定对花楸树果实有拜访行为的鸟类有8种,其中食果肉鸟类斑鸫、灰喜鹊和白背啄木鸟对花楸树种实有传播作用,它们对花楸树果实的拜访频率分别为54%、12%和7%,取食后第一落点集中于距离母树5~10 m之间(占68.2%),其次为距离母树5 m以内(占27.3%),距离母树10 m以外的比例很小(占4.5%).果实在鸟类消化道内的滞留时间可达20 min,表明潜在传播距离会很长.人工摆放果实和种子试验表明,在不同生境地面摆放的果实6~7 d内全部消失,果实的取食者主要是啮齿类和地面取食的鸟类,取食率均较高(50%~70%);种子的取食者为啮齿类、地面取食的鸟类和蚁类,取食率均较低(1%~5%).花楸树为多种动物提供食物,而动物为花楸树传播种子,动物的取食对花楸树的天然更新有重要影响.  相似文献   

在香港石鼓洲生物多样性调查的基础上,对该岛的324种植物的果实类型和种子的传播方式进行了统计和分析。该岛植物的果实类型可划分为13类,主要是核果、浆果、蒴果和荚果四类,分别占总数的19.75%、18.83%、16.98%和11.11%。岛上植物种子传播的类型主要有4种,即动物传播(含鸟类传播和其它动物传播)、风传播、人力传播和水流传播,分别有植物233种、74种、39种及22种,动物传播中鸟类传播的有139种,其它动物传播的有156种。有86种植物有2种以上的自然传播方式(不包括人力传播)。此外,还对石鼓洲植物种子传播方式与植被次生形成之间的关系进行了初步探讨,认为石鼓洲火烧之后岛上残存植物物种是目前植被的基础,鸟类和其它动物的传播作用对岛上的植被的次生形成具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

Pre-dispersal seed predation by granivorous birds has potential to limit fruit removal and subsequent seed dispersal by legitimate avian seed dispersers in bird-dispersed plants, especially when the birds form flocks. We monitored pre-dispersal seed predation by the Japanese grosbeak, Eophona personata, of two bird-dispersed hackberry species (Cannabaceae), Celtis biondii (four trees) and Celtis sinensis (10 trees), for 3 years (2005, 2007 and 2008) in a fragmented forest in temperate Japan. Throughout the 3 years, predation was more intense on C. biondii, which, as a consequence, lost a larger part of its fruit crop. Grosbeaks preferred C. biondii seeds that had a comparatively lower energy content and lower hardness than C. sinensis, suggesting an association between seed hardness and selective foraging by grosbeaks. In C. biondii, intensive predation markedly reduced fruit duration and strongly limited fruit removal by seed dispersers, especially in 2007 and 2008. In C. sinensis, seed dispersers consumed fruits throughout the fruiting seasons in all 3 years. In C. biondii, variation in the timing of grosbeak migration among years was associated with annual variation in this bird's effects on fruit removal. Our results demonstrate that seed predation by flocks of granivorous birds can dramatically disrupt seed dispersal in fleshy-fruited plants and suggest the importance of understanding their flocking behaviour.  相似文献   

The interaction between frugivorous birds and trees producing bird-dispersed seeds in devastated areas has been considered to be weak, owing to the paucity of avifauna and/or food resources for birds. Here, we present evidence that strong interactions between birds and plants may promote the enlargement of tree distribution on harsh environments. The summit of Mount Koma, northern Japan, was denuded by the 1929 volcanic eruption. Vegetation cover gradually decreases from the bottom (secondary forest) to the top (bareground) of the mountain. We recorded 48 bird species in the four seasons of 2001, along a 5-km line transect on the southwestern slope of the mountain. Birds faeces collected along the transect contained seeds of more than 14 plant taxa. Five of the 14 taxa were bird-dispersal tree species ( Rhus trichocarpa , Sorbus commixta , Prunus ssiori , Prunus maximowiczii and Prunus sargentii ) and were established in the summit area. Most faeces were derived from Corvus spp. (mostly C . macrorhynchos ) and Turdus naumanni . In particular, the seeds of R . trichocarpa were found mostly from the faeces of Corvus spp. and the seeds of Gaultheria miqueriana , a shrub species, were only from T . naumanni . Rhus trichocarpa retained fruits on the canopy at all times of the year, and crows could feed on them even when food resources were poor in winter. Rhus trichocarpa seedlings established well near rock at higher elevation, while they occurred mostly under the larch canopy of larches at lower elevation. Crows mostly utilized tree canopies and rocks as perches in respective habitats. Therefore, seedlings should be abundant in specific habitats at different elevations. Size-class distribution of seedlings suggested that seedling mortality was lower at higher elevation where open sites were more abundant. These findings indicate that strong mutual advantages for C . macrorhynchos and R . trichocarpa on denuded areas play an important role on revegetation.  相似文献   

Frugivorous birds play an important role in the distribution of those plants on whose fruits they feed and affect species composition of plant communities. The fruiting phenology of Sambucus chinensis Lindl. in Wuhan area ranges from July to November, while abundant fruits are available in July and August. Although other seven species of frugivores were found in the study area, only Pycnonotus sinensis (Gmelin), a resident bird endemic to China, was observed foraging in the fruits of this plant for the field. Pycnonotus sinensis shifts from eating fruits of Broussonetia papyrifera (L.) Vent. to those of S. chinensis from July to August. Identification of seeds in a total of 658 feces disseminated by P. sinensis which were collected in the field showed that most of the seeds came from S. chinensis and B. papyrifera. Seeds in those feces collected at the end of August were all of S. chinensis. Field investigation of the associations of S. chinensis shows that its frequent companion species are B. papyrifera, Cinnamomum camphora, Ligustrum lucidum and Rubus biflorus, whose fruits are also preferred by this frugivore in different seasons. The distribution of Pycnonotus sinensis is limited to the south of Qinling Mountain in China. The distribution of S. chinensis is basically consistent with that of Pycnonotus sinensis. The result indicates that seed dispersal of S. chinensis depends on the foraging of this frugivore. Likewise, the fruits of S. chinensis are the primary food for this frugivore in autumn. As the result suggests, conservationists and restoration biologists should highlight the study of plant-disperser mutualism in the future work.  相似文献   

Western chokecherry (Prunus virginiana var. demissa, Rosaceae) is dispersed by frugivorous birds and carnivores, but it has large seeds that are potentially attractive to rodents that could act as seed predators and dispersers. Here, we quantify the benefits of primary dispersal by birds and secondary dispersal by scatter-hoarding rodents. In the fall, avian frugivores (mostly American robins, Turdus migratorius, and cedar waxwings, Bombycilla cedrorum) consumed 87% of the fruit crop and dispersed 67% of the fruit crop away from parent plants. Rodents removed 89% of seeds that simulated bird-dispersed seed rain from transects in riparian zones and 58% from transects in upland habitats. Rodents scatter-hoarded 91.6% of the seeds they removed, burying most in small caches (two to eight seeds) 8?C25?mm deep. About 39% of the seeds in spring caches produced seedlings. Inside rodent-proof exclosures, 52.1% of seeds buried to simulate rodent caches produced seedlings, 29.7% of which were still alive after 1?year. In contrast, only 3.8% of seeds placed on the soil surface, simulating dispersal by avian frugivores, produced seedlings. Seed dispersal by frugivorous birds likely contributes to colonization of unoccupied habitat through long-range dispersal and to escape from distance-dependent seed mortality near the parent plant. Despite seed losses, rodents offer short-range seed dispersal and bury seeds in more favorable sites for germination, improving seedling emergence and establishment. The combined mechanisms of seed dispersal significantly enhanced chokecherry seedling recruitment by providing more dispersal-related benefits than either frugivorous bird or scatter-hoarding rodents could provide alone.  相似文献   

豆科植物蛋白中含硫氨基酸尤其是蛋氨酸含量低,影响其蛋白质的营养价值。为开发出更高甲硫氨酸含量蛋白质基因资源,采用酸水解法,对我国亚热带常见的119种森林植物种子的蛋氨酸含量进行了测定。结果表明:93%以上植物种子的蛋氨酸含量较低,只有八仙花、榕叶冬青、山苍子、锌树、龙葵、栾树、商陆和盐肤木的蛋氨酸含量在10.00mg/g以上,其中盐肤木的蛋氨酸含量为119种植物中最高,达36.89mg/g,可以作为进一步开发的新型高蛋氨酸蛋白基因资源。  相似文献   

食果鸟类在红豆杉天然种群形成中的作用   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
朱琼琼  鲁长虎 《生态学杂志》2007,26(8):1238-1243
2005年10月初至2006年2月,在南京中山植物园研究了红豆杉(Taxus chinensis)天然更新种群的分布格局,野外定点观察了鸟类对红豆杉种子的取食行为,记录了红豆杉落果的命运,分析了食果鸟类在红豆杉种群形成中的作用。结果表明:红豆杉天然更新种群集中分布于距母树群10m以外面积约0.5hm2的山坡上,全部红豆杉幼苗、幼树共213株,主要分布在中下坡;幼苗和幼树的空间水平格局符合聚集分布特征。"果实"成熟后,一部分被鸟类直接在树上取食,一部分掉落母树下地面。经过对结实母树的定点、连续观察,记录到4种鸟类取食红豆杉"果实",其中红嘴蓝鹊(Urocissa erythrorhyncha)和白头鹎(Pyc-nonotus sinensis)为主要的取食者和传播者。食果鸟类整吞"果实",消化果肉(假种皮)后,种子经消化道随粪便排出,以此过程传播种子。在取食完红豆杉"果实"后,食果鸟类多飞向坡上。坡上排水良好,有适量的荫蔽,生境适宜红豆杉种子萌发和幼苗的成长。因此,食果鸟类将种子传播至适宜萌发和生长的环境中,对该红豆杉种群的天然更新起主要作用。同时,鸟类传播对于红豆杉种群扩散、占据新的生境也有着特殊的意义。  相似文献   

An hypothesized advantage of seed dispersal is avoidance of high per capita mortality (i.e. density-dependent mortality) associated with dense populations of seeds and seedlings beneath parent trees. This hypothesis, inherent in nearly all seed dispersal studies, assumes that density effects are species-specific. Yet because many tree species exhibit overlapping fruiting phenologies and share dispersers, seeds may be deposited preferentially under synchronously fruiting heterospecific trees, another location where they may be particularly vulnerable to mortality, in this case by generalist seed predators. We demonstrate that frugivores disperse higher densities of Cornus florida seeds under fruiting (female) Ilex opaca trees than under non-fruiting (male) Ilex trees in temperate hardwood forest settings in South Carolina, USA. To determine if density of Cornus and/or Ilex seeds influences survivorship of dispersed Cornus seeds, we followed the fates of experimentally dispersed Cornus seeds in neighborhoods of differing, manipulated background densities of Cornus and Ilex seeds. We found that the probability of predation on dispersed Cornus seeds was a function of both Cornus and Ilex background seed densities. Higher densities of Ilex seeds negatively affected Cornus seed survivorship, and this was particularly evident as background densities of dispersed Cornus seeds increased. These results illustrate the importance of viewing seed dispersal and predation in a community context, as the pattern and intensity of density-dependent mortality may not be solely a function of conspecific densities.  相似文献   

南京老山国家森林公园朴树种群结构与分布格局研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
高邦权  张光富 《广西植物》2005,25(5):406-412
采用每木调查法、时空互代法和相邻格子样方法对南京老山国家森林公园朴树种群的结构和动态进行研究。(1)大小级结构分析表明:朴树种群以Ⅱ级(幼树)数量最多,Ⅰ级(幼苗)、Ⅲ级(小树)、Ⅳ级(中树)和V级(大树)数量很少或缺失,个别样地内甚至存在2个大小级缺失的情况。朴树种群处于活跃演替阶段的群落中,为不稳定的间歇型种群。(2)对于不同的生境,Ⅰ级数量缺乏甚至缺失基于不同的原因:山坡生境条件下,Ⅰ级缺乏或缺失是由于草本层盖度大,加上朴树幼苗生长缓慢,在激烈的生存竞争中处于不利地位,导致Ⅰ级死亡率高,因而数量较少或缺失;沟谷生境条件下,岩石裸露,土层瘠薄,在雨期受流水冲洗更为严重,影响朴树种子的停留和生根,不合适朴树幼苗生长,导致Ⅰ级缺乏或缺失。(3)生存曲线分析表明:自Ⅱ级向Ⅲ级、Ⅳ级与Ⅴ级的发育过程中,死亡率逐渐降低。(4)朴树的分布格局多为集群分布,在不同生长发育阶段的分布格局不同,朴树种群基本呈现扩散趋势。  相似文献   

对采自贵州毕节地区的11种植物的种子萌发特性进行了初步研究,结果表明:①盐肤木、火棘、化香、云贵金丝桃与白栎种子在4周之内能够萌发;除云贵鹅耳枥胚坏死之外(萌发实验前后对种子进行解剖),其他5种植物的种子都未萌发,处于不同的休眠状态。②盐肤木、化香、云贵金丝桃的种子光照时的萌发率远高于黑暗时的萌发率,具有显著差异,尤其是云贵金丝桃,因此3种植物种子均属于喜光性种子;而火棘与白栎种子有无光照都可以萌发,而且萌发率没显著差异,因此属于光不敏感或光中性种子。③盐肤木、云贵金丝桃的种子在30℃较高温条件下萌发最好;白栎、火棘种子在15℃、20℃低温条件下萌发更好;化香种子萌发温度既不能低于20℃也不能高于25℃。④刺异叶花椒种子吸水率高达85%,胚包埋在胚乳之中非常微小、未分化,因此可以初步判定属于形态休眠或者形态生理休眠;而平枝荀子、西域旌节花、云南旌节花种子吸水率都在20%以上,胚长/种子长都超多1/2,并且胚已发育完全,应属于生理休眠;小果蔷薇种子吸水率约27%,胚长/种子长都达2/3,并且通过对种子的解剖发现胚还未发育,应属于形态生理休眠。  相似文献   

Seed dispersal by frugivores in tropical rain forests is important for maintaining viable tree populations. Over the years, vertebrate assemblages in tropical forests have been altered by anthropogenic disturbances, leading to concerns about the ability of remnant vertebrates to substitute for the lost or declining vertebrate populations. We compared vertebrate composition and frugivore visitation rates as an indirect measure of rate of seed dispersal in three tropical rain forests in Uganda, namely Mabira, Budongo and Kibale Forests. Mabira is highly disturbed, Kibale is little and Budongo is intermediate. The aim was to determine whether vertebrate assemblages in differentially disturbed forests had comparable abilities to disperse seeds and whether tree species were equally vulnerable to loss of seed dispersers. Assemblages of forest generalist species were similar in all forests, but specialists were less abundant in the heavily disturbed forest. Remnant frugivores in the heavily disturbed forest were mainly small-bodied species that spat seeds beneath fruiting trees compared to large-bodied species observed in the less disturbed forests that ingested and carried away the seeds. We postulate that the quantity of seeds dispersed in heavily disturbed forests is much reduced due to low visitation rates of frugivores and the absence of large frugivores that consume large quantities of fruit. The quality of seed dispersal is affected as well by the distance over which seeds are moved. Assessment of vulnerability of trees shows no evidence for disperser substitution for trees producing large fruits. Fruit trees with low nutritional contents and digestibility were least visited in frugivore-impoverished forests. The loss of large specialist frugivores is likely to affect recruitment of many trees, especially of species that cannot establish beneath adult conspecifics.  相似文献   

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