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利用昆虫进行森林生态系统健康评价的研究中存在指示物选取、调查时间选择、取样和结果分析四个关键环节,本文对国内外此类研究中存在的相关问题进行总结和讨论。根据文献资料总结了选取昆虫指示物的标准;不同昆虫类群在选择调查时间的季节上要适当,调查时间长度要能够完整反映所研究昆虫类群的种群数量变动周期;取样时要重视林冠层;在结果分析中,要注意区分人为干扰和自然因素的作用。  相似文献   

The usefulness of tumor surveys in indicating the availability of carcinogenic contaminants in ecosystems hinges largely on decisions made during the planning process. Species used as indicator organisms for monitoring programs are best selected from those known to be susceptible to epizootics of neoplasms. Lesions which can be quickly located and preserved in the field and for which a data base exists to help interpretation include liver neoplasms and external neoplasms. Since tumor frequencies increase with age and may change from season to season, studies should hold these variables constant among locations. During the design of the study investigators should determine the number of fish they need to examine in order to achieve the degree of resolution desired. Finally the field crew must be familiar with fish anatomy and necropsy techniques as well as storage and handling of the chosen preservative.  相似文献   

The ability of animals to gather information about their social and physical environment is essential for their ecological function. Odour cues are an important component of this information gathering across taxa. Recent laboratory studies have revealed the importance of flexible chemical cues in facilitating social recognition of fishes. These cues are known to be mediated by recent habitat experience and fishes are attracted to individuals that smell like themselves. However, to be relevant to wild populations, where animals may move and forage freely, these cues would have to be temporally flexible and allow spatial resolution. Here, we present data from a study of social recognition in wild populations of three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Focal fish preferentially associated with conspecifics from the same habitat as themselves. These preferences were changed and updated following translocation of the focal fish to a different site. Further investigation revealed that association preferences changed after 3 h of exposure to different habitat cues. In addition to temporal flexibility, the cues also allowed a high degree of spatial resolution: fish taken from sites 200 m apart produced cues that were sufficiently different to enable the focal fish to discriminate and associate with fish captured near their own home site. The adaptive benefits of this social recognition mechanism remain unclear, though they may allow fish to orient within their social environment and gain current local information.  相似文献   

As a component of a large research program toevaluate the effects of contaminants on fish healthin the field, histopathological studies have beenconducted to help establish causal relationshipsbetween contaminant exposure and various biologicalresponses. Brown trout (Salmo trutta f. fario)and loach (Barbatula barbatula) were exposedto water diverted from polluted streams undersemi-field conditions at various times during theyear. The histopathological studies revealedseasonal differences in the types and severity oforgan lesions between fish of the two streams. Bothtoxicant-induced alterations and organ lesionsresulting from natural stressors (physicochemicaland limnological water parameters) and secondarystress effects of pollution (diseases) could bedetected. In evaluating the general health ofexperimental and control fish, the use ofhistopathological studies are recommended for makingmore reliable assessments of biochemical responsesin fish exposed to a variety of environmentalstressors. Stereological analysis providesquantitative data on pathological lesions whichhelps to establish correlation with other biomarkersthereby increasing the probability of identifyingcause (stressor) and effect (biomarker) relationships.  相似文献   

It is common practice to use microsatellites to detect parents and their offspring in wild and captive populations, in order to reconstruct a pedigree. However, correct inference is often constrained by a number of factors, including the absence of demographic data and ignorance regarding the completeness of parental sampling. Here we present a new Bayesian estimator that simultaneously estimates the pedigree and the size of the unsampled population. The method is robust to genotyping error, and can estimate pedigrees in the absence of demographic data. Using a large-scale microsatellite assay in four wild cichlid fish populations of Lake Tanganyika (1000 individuals in total), we assess the performance of the Bayesian estimator against the most popular assignment program, Cervus. We found small but significant pedigrees in each of the tested populations using the Bayesian procedure, but Cervus had very high type I error rates when the size of the unsampled population was assumed to be lower than what it was. The need of pedigree relationships to infer adaptive processes in natural populations places strong constraints on sampling design and identification of multigenerational pedigrees in natural populations.  相似文献   

In recent years, geographic information systems (GIS) have become a powerful tool for mapping and assessing the provision of ecosystem services within a landscape. GIS can help land managers and conservationists visualize spatial and temporal patterns and changes in ecosystem services and estimate the potential impact from projected changes in land use or management or climatic conditions on the provision of these services. The end-goal of ecosystem service assessment is usually to estimate marginal values of ecosystem services to inform decisions where trade-offs in ecosystem service provision will affect human well-being. Because our ability to estimate the provision of ecosystem services underlies our ability to estimate their societal values, the theoretical bases of GIS approaches and models for assessing ecosystem services need to be well understood before they are employed for decision-making purposes. This paper reviews GIS approaches and software developed for the assessment of ecosystem services and highlights their strengths and weaknesses in the context of different end uses.  相似文献   

The increase in reports of novel diseases in a wide range of ecosystems, both terrestrial and marine, has been linked to many factors including exposure to novel pathogens and changes in the global climate. Prevalence of skin cancer in particular has been found to be increasing in humans, but has not been reported in wild fish before. Here we report extensive melanosis and melanoma (skin cancer) in wild populations of an iconic, commercially-important marine fish, the coral trout Plectropomus leopardus. The syndrome reported here has strong similarities to previous studies associated with UV induced melanomas in the well-established laboratory fish model Xiphophorus. Relatively high prevalence rates of this syndrome (15%) were recorded at two offshore sites in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park (GBRMP). In the absence of microbial pathogens and given the strong similarities to the UV-induced melanomas, we conclude that the likely cause was environmental exposure to UV radiation. Further studies are needed to establish the large scale distribution of the syndrome and confirm that the lesions reported here are the same as the melanoma in Xiphophorus, by assessing mutation of the EGFR gene, Xmrk. Furthermore, research on the potential links of this syndrome to increases in UV radiation from stratospheric ozone depletion needs to be completed.  相似文献   

In order to verify the principal suitability of gill ultrastructure as a biomarker, semi-field studies with two endigoneous fish, trout (Salmo trutta f. fario) and loach (Barbatula barbatula), were performed. The fish were exposed in flow-through systems to one heavily polluted (K?rsch) and one lightly polluted small stream (Kr?henbach) in South-West Germany. Ultrastructural responses in gills were correlated with limnological and chemical data recorded over a 2 year period in each stream. After 8 weeks of exposure to the heavily polluted stream, fish showed ultrastructural changes in the gills, such as cell proliferation, dilation of the endoplasmic reticulum, hyperplasia, hypersecretion, and epithelial lifting in chloride, epithelial, and mucus cells. The results of the study demonstrate that ultrastructural reactions in the gills of fish kept under semi-field conditions are potentially useful biomarkers indicating small stream pollution.  相似文献   

The primary parasitoid Aphidius uzbekistanicus Luzhetski and its host, the cereal aphid Sitobion avenae (F.) both showed specific bands for the enzyme malate dehydrogenase (MDH), thereby allowing clear detection of parasitism. The specific profiles of MDH activities remained recognizable through all post-embryonal life-stages, but the intensity of staining depended on the instar and morph subjected to analysis. A calibrated equation, representing the relationship between percentage parasitoid-specific MDH activity and percentage parasitism, was elaborated for third instar S. avenae. This equation was, however, not applicable to field-collected material. Reasons for this failure and the possible use of isolectric focusing (IEF) for other parasitoid: host relationships are discussed.
Zusammenfassung Die herkömmlichen Methoden zur Bestimmung der Parasitierungsrate bei Blattläusen sind zeit- und arbeitsaufwendig, so daß sich meist nur ein geringer Stichprobenumfang bearbeiten läßt. Wir haben daher untersucht, ob die Parasitierung größerer Blattlauskollektive mittels der isoelektrischen Fokussierung (IEF) schnell und verläßlich zu ermitteln ist, wobei wir die Malatdehydrogenase (MDH) als Enzymsystem wählten.Die Modellpopulationen (der Parasitoid Aphidius uzbekistanicus und die Wirtsblattlaus Sitobion avenae) zeigten in allen Stadien und Morphen spezifische Bandenprofile, die ein Erkennen parasitierter Blattläuse eindeutig ermöglichten. Die Intensität der Färbung hing aber von den untersuchten Larvenstadien ab, d.h. ältere, größere Tiere ergaben quantitativ bedeutendere Enzymaktivitäten als jüngere, kleinere.Bei S. avenae wurde dieser Sachverhalt noch von der jeweiligen Morphenzugehörigkeit überlagert: alatiforme Stadien bewirkten stärkere Färbungsintensitäten als apteriforme. Dieses ist wahrscheinlich auf die Anhäufung von MDH-reichen Mitochondrien in der Flugmuskulatur zurückzuführen.Durch eine densitometerische Auswertung war es uns möglich, den relativen Anteil des parasitoidenspezifischen Peaks einer Probe mit dem jeweiligen (bekannten) Parasitierungsgrad in Beziehung zu setzen. Zwischen dem kleinsten und größten Larvenstadium des Parasitoiden ergab sich dabei eine bestimmte Spanne für einen gegebenen Parasitierungsgrad.Mit diesen Werten haben wir eine auf Feldbedingungen ausgerichtete, simulierte Gleichung errechnet, die wir auf Freilandblattläuse mit bekanntem Parasitierungsgrad anwendeten. Um den Einfluß der Stadienzugehörigkeit auszuschalten, wurden nur Blattläuse im dritten Stadium untersucht.Die Verteilung der Larvenstadien der Parasitoiden erwies sich aber als zu heterogen, so daß die errechneten Werte nur in zwei von neun Proben mit den durch Zuchtansätze ermittelten Werten übereinstimmten. In anderen Wirt-Parasitoid-Systemen mit ausgeprägter Stadienspezifität und demzufolge synchroner Entwicklung könnte die IEF aber durchaus von großem Nutzen sein.

Six methods are described for detecting mortality due to parasitic infections in natural fish populations. They are: (a) through autopsies; (b) by determining the frequency of infections known to be eventually lethal; (c) by observing a decrease in the prevalence of a long-lived parasite (or permanent scar from a parasite) with host age; (d) by observing a decrease in the variance/mean ratio for the parasites with host age; (e) by comparing the observed frequency of a combination of two independent events with the calculated probability of their occurrence; and finally (f) by comparing the observed frequency distribution of the parasite, with a projected frequency based on data from lightly infected fish. In this technique, negative binomials are fitted to the data and truncated at various points. Some advantages and disadvantages of the different methods are given, together with examples. The methods do not necessarily provide definitive answers, but they are indicative of whether or not significant parasite-related mortality may be occurring, and in some cases provide an estimate of its probable magnitude in terms of the total host mortality rate.  相似文献   

Ciliated protists are important components of marine and freshwater ecosystems. As such, their usefulness as indicators of aquatic ecosystem health has been recognized. Two major technical approaches have been employed: (1) community assessment, and (2) toxicological tests. Community assessment of an aquatic ecosystem must at least include comparisons to either baseline data on the ecosystem under study or to pristine ecosystems, since abundance, diversity, and biomass of ciliates are correlated with ecosystem trophic status. Common sampling approaches include sampling of populations and colonization rate determination. The first method may involve nets, bottles, pumps, or integrating samplers. Samples are either counted live or fixed. The choice of fixative may influence estimates of abundance, diversity, and biomass. Colonization rates are determined using polyurethane foam units (PFU's), microscope slides, coverslips, plastic films or petri plates. Live counts are routine with this approach, but undoubtedly give less precise estimates of diversity. Toxicological tests have been devised using a number of indicators of ecosystem health, including respiration rates, growth rates, and chemotactic responses.  相似文献   

The status of a fish population is a reflection of the overall condition of the aquatic environment in which that population resides. As such, fish population characteristics can be used as indicators of environmental health. Simple and inexpensive methods to follow fish population responses to environmental degradation are lacking. This paper outlines a protocol whereby environmental impacts on fish populations are classified by five patterns based on characteristics such as mean age, fecundity and condition factor. The patterns summarize population changes and describe responses to exploitation, recruitment failure, the presence of multiple stressors, food limitation and niche shifts. Classification is best based on the selection, and appropriate sampling, of a comparable reference population. Population characteristics can be used to examine ecosystems exposed to stressors for evidence of long-term damage, and when used with biochemical indicators, can be a powerful tool for ecosystem health assessment. The five responses are illustrated using published data on a number of species challenged by increased predation pressure, acidification, eutrophication, mine waste and reservoir impoundment. Application of this scheme will aid in directing and focusing research efforts on crucial aspects impacted by changing conditions.  相似文献   

应用生物完整性指数评价水生态系统健康的研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
生物完整性指数(IBI)法是评价水生态系统健康的一种重要且被广泛应用的方法.本文综述了生物完整性指数的指示物种选择原因、构建方法以及在水生态系统健康评价中的应用,并总结了现阶段生态系统评估常用的鱼类完整性指数(FIBI)、底栖无脊椎动物完整性指数(BIBI)和着生藻类完整性指数(PIBI)中候选生物状况参数指标,提出了使用微生物完整性指数(MIBI)评价水生态系统健康的可行性和必要性.  相似文献   

Garant D  Kruuk LE 《Molecular ecology》2005,14(7):1843-1859
Estimating the genetic basis of phenotypic traits and the selection pressures acting on them are central to our understanding of the evolution and conservation of wild populations. However, obtaining such evolutionary-related parameters is not an easy task as it requires accurate information on both relatedness among individuals and their breeding success. Polymorphic molecular markers are very useful in estimating relatedness between individuals and parentage analyses are now extensively used in most taxa. The next step in the application of molecular data to wild populations is to use them to derive estimates of evolutionary-related parameters for quantitative traits, such as quantitative genetic parameters (e.g. heritability, genetic correlations) and measures of selection (e.g. selection gradients). Despite their great appeal and potential, the optimal use of molecular tools is still debated and it remains unclear how they should best be used to obtain reliable estimates of evolutionary parameters in the wild. Here, we review the methods available for estimating quantitative genetic and selection parameters and discuss their merits and shortcomings, to provide a tool that summarizes the potential uses of molecular data to obtain such parameters in wild populations.  相似文献   

1. Pathogens have been proposed as potentially important drivers of population dynamics, but while a few studies have investigated the impact of specific pathogens, the wealth of information provided by general indices of health has hardly been exploited. By evaluating haematological parameters in wild populations, our knowledge of the dynamics of health and infection may be better understood. 2. Here, haematological dynamics in natural populations of field voles are investigated to determine environmental and host factors associated with indicators of inflammatory response (counts of monocytes and neutrophils) and of condition: measures of immunological investment (lymphocyte counts) and aerobic capacity (red blood cell counts). 3. Individuals from three field vole populations were sampled monthly for 2 years. Comparisons with individuals kept under controlled conditions facilitated interpretation of field data. Mixed effects models were developed for each cell type to evaluate separately the effects of various factors on post-juvenile voles and mature breeding females. 4. There were three well-characterized 'physiological' seasons. The immunological investment appeared lowest in winter (lowest lymphocyte counts), but red blood cells were at their highest levels and indices of inflammatory response at their lowest. Spring was characterized by a fall in red blood cell counts and peaks in indicators of inflammatory response. During the course of summer-autumn, red blood cell counts recovered, the immunological investment increased and the indicators of inflammatory response decreased. 5. Poor body condition appeared to affect the inflammatory response (lower neutrophil and monocyte peaks) and the immunological investment (lower lymphocyte counts), providing evidence that the capacity to fight infection is dependent upon host condition. 6. Breeding early in the year was most likely in females in better condition (high lymphocyte and red blood cell counts). 7. All the haematological parameters were affected adversely by high population densities.  相似文献   

This study evaluated variation in expression of 11 genes within and among six wild populations of the black-chinned tilapia Sarotherodon melanotheron distributed along a salinity gradient from 0 to 100. Previous laboratory studies had shown that expression of these genes was sensitive to water salinity; the current study confirmed that a number of them also varied in expression in wild populations along the salinity gradient. Principal component analysis (PCA) first distinguished two, not mutually exclusive, sets of genes: trade-off genes that were highly expressed at one or other extreme of the salinity gradient and stress genes that were up-regulated at the two salinity extremes (i.e. a U-shaped expression pattern). The PCA clearly partitioned the populations into three groups based on their gene expression patterns and their position along the salinity gradient: a freshwater (GL; 0) population, four brackish and seawater (GB, HB, SM, SF; ranging from 20 to 50) populations and a hypersaline (SK, 100) population. Individual variation in gene expression was significantly greater within the populations at the extreme compared to intermediate salinities. These results reveal phenotypically plastic regulation of gene expression in S. melanotheron, and greater osmoregulatory and plasticity costs at extreme salinities, where fitness-related traits are known to be altered.  相似文献   

Theoretical links between fluctuating asymmetry (FA) and fitness have led many to use FA as a proxy for average fitness. However, studies examining whether asymmetry actually correlates with individual fitness in wild populations are relatively rare and often use simple measures of association (e.g., correlation coefficients). Consequently, the pattern of selection on asymmetry in the wild is seldom clear. We examined selection on FA of pectoral fin morphology in two wild populations of a marine fish (the kelp perch; Brachyistius frenatus). As expected, variance in signed FA in each initial sample was significantly greater than that found in the surviving population, indicating selection against FA. Our estimate of the fitness surface confirmed perfect symmetry as the phenotypic optimum and indicated strong, nonlinear selection against asymmetry. No difference in the form of selection was detected between populations. However, the level of FA in the initial samples varied among populations, leading to an overall difference in the level of selective mortality. Our results suggest that selection on asymmetry in wild populations may be strongly nonlinear, and indicate that the demographic costs of asymmetry may play a substantial role in the dynamics of populations.  相似文献   


The intensity and timing of infestation events of caligid copepods in wild or cultured fish populations may be predicted from previous local production of nauplius I of the parasite. However, this relationship is not well established, the spatial scales over which it operates are unclear, and the role of host reactions to the invading copepodid is unknown. Rate of development (and population structure), generation time and rate and actual reproductive output are temperature-dependent. In Ireland between five and seven generations of Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Krøyer) can develop annually and generation time varies from over 120 days in winter to 23 days in summer. Host reactions may affect the rate of development of the parasite but are less important than temperature. Host reactions may also cause parasite mortality, but this effect is specific for individual host parasite associations. The distribution of L. salmonis in cultured host populations is typically normal but is very over-dispersed in wild populations with heavy infestations. Parasiteinduced morphological damage to the host is correlated with physiological impacts. Physiological effects are present even when morphological damage is slight and so intermittent chemotherapeutic control of infestations cannot prevent some parasite impact from occurring.  相似文献   

森林生态系统健康与野生动植物资源的可持续利用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
徐燕  张彩虹  吴钢 《生态学报》2005,25(2):380-387
研究了森林生态系统健康与野生动植物资源之间的关系,以及人类活动对森林生态系统健康的影响,提出了以下三个论点:(1)野生动植物资源是构成森林生态系统的基本物质内容。野生动植物资源对森林生态系统具有不可估量的影响和作用。(2)野生动植物资源的减少是森林生态系统健康状况下降的“显示器”。森林生态系统健康状况的下降或衰退,会导致野生动植物资源数量或种类的减少甚至种群灭绝。(3)森林生态系统是野生动植物资源与人类活动关系的集合体和反映体。人类与野生动植物资源是对立又统一的矛盾综合体,而森林生态系统健康与否就取决于这二者的关系。如果人类对野生动植物资源在保护的基础上进行合理的利用,就能保证森林生态系统的结构的完整和功能的良好,因此森林生态系统处于健康的状态;但若人类对野生动植物资源过度利用而不加保护,那么随着野生动植物资源的逐渐衰竭,森林生态系统将逐渐失去某些功能且变得支离破碎,也就无法保持健康的状态。提出了维持森林生态系统健康并实现野生动植物资源可持续利用的解决途径:(1)实行森林的可持续经营。森林可持续经营是指长期保持森林的生产力和可再生性,以及森林生态系统的物种和生物多样性。(2)发展“接近自然的林业”。近自然林业是在服从自然规律的前提下为人类的木材及林产品利用目的而设计的容许有一点偏离自然的森林模式,以森林生态健康为目标的建设方法。  相似文献   

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