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Ultrastructural localization of nucleozidphosphatases (5'-nucleotidase, adenosin triphosphatase (ATPase) and beta-glicerophosphatase) in antral follicles of the guinea-pig ovary has been studied. Certain heterogeneity has been found in distribution of the enzymes: the cells in the follicular tunic possess the greatest 5'-nucleotidase and ATPase activity. When 5'-adenosin monophosphate (5'-AMP) is used as a substrate, the lead phosphate residue is mainly revealed in the external surface of plasmolemma and as "caps" in the margical zone of nucleoplasm. ATPase activity is chiefly observed in nucleoli of granular cells and in those of the external follicular tunic cells. Histochemical reaction with 5'-AMP proceeds most intensively in the lucid tunic and in processes of the granular cells contacting with the oocyte. A possibility is discussed on participation of the metabolic enzymes, that localize in these structures, in the mechanisms controlling the oocyte maturation.  相似文献   

Summary In the present study we have localized neutral phosphatase, acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase and 5 nucleotidase in the sinusoidal cells of rat liver using enzyme cytochemistry at light and electron microscopical level.Neutral phosphatase was present in the endoplasmic reticulum and nuclear envelope of parenchymal cells and of sinusoidal endothelial, Kupffer and fat-storing cells. The intensity of the neutral phosphatase reaction was stronger in sinusoidal than in parenchymal cells. Sinusoidal cells were devoid of cytochemically demonstrable alkaline phosphatase. Abundant acid phosphatase was present in the many lysosomes of endothelial and Kupffer cells. Substanually less acid phosphatase-positive lysosomes were found in fat-storing cells. 5 nucleotidase was present on the cell membrane of fat-storing cells, on 90% of all Kupffer cells and on the microvilli of parenchymal cells.We have further shown that combined staining for 5 nucleotidase and for endogenous peroxidase, offers a histochemical tool to discriminate between the three main sinusoidal cell types in normal rat liver.  相似文献   

Localization of phytochrome in oats by electron microscopy   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Phytochrome was localized by immunoelectron microscopy in cells of the coleoptile tip of etiolated and irradiated oat (Avena sativa L., cv. Konata) seedlings. By using ultrathin frozen sections and immunopurified, monospecific antibodies, both the sensitivity and resolution of the immunocytochemical assay were increased. The results with etiolated plants agree with and extend previously published data. A brief red light illumination caused the redistribution of phytochrome from a diffuse to a more particulate appearance. Areas that accumulated phytochrome were identified as small vacuoles into which phytochrome was sequestered following illumination. In seedlings illuminated for several hours and in normal light-grown plants, the cellular distribution of phytochrome is qualitatively similar to that of nonirradiated, dark-grown material, except that in green plants the nucleus shows a positive immunocytochemical reaction.  相似文献   

Phospholamban, the putative regulator of the Ca2+-ATPase in cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum, was immunolocalized in canine visceral and vascular smooth muscle. Gently disrupted tissues were labeled with an affinity-purified phospholamban polyclonal antibody and indirect immunogold, using preembedding techniques. The sarcoplasmic reticulum of smooth muscle cells was specifically labeled with patches of immunogold distributed in a nonuniform fashion, while the sarcolemma did not appear to contain any phospholamban. The outer nuclear envelopes were also observed to be heavily labeled with the affinity-purified phospholamban polyclonal antibody. These findings suggest that phospholamban may play a role in the regulation of cytoplasmic and intranuclear calcium levels in smooth muscle cells.  相似文献   

Localization of erythrocyte membrane antigens by immune electron microscopy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Torus (T) protein was prepared by differential centrifugation of hemoglobin-free membranes after freezing, thawing and dialysis against water. Ferritin-labeled antibody to T protein failed to agglutinate erythrocytes or to sensitize them to complement lysis. Anti-T bound specifically to the internal aspect of ghosts and to the exterior of inverted vesicles prepared from them. The findings lend further support to the supposition that native T protein exists only on the inner aspect of intact erythrocyte membranes; its possible relation to spectrin is uncertain. In contrast, ferritin-labeled antibody to purified erythrocyte glycoprotein (virus receptor substance, VRS) agglutinated erythrocytes, sensitized them to complement lysis and by its specific reactivity with surface antigen afforded a basis for the electron microscopic quantitation of receptor sites on plasma membranes examined in thin section as well as with freeze-etching.  相似文献   

Phosphatase activity in Trypanosoma rhodesiense has been examined histochemically by light and electron microscopy and by enzymatic assay in homogenate fractions. Using a method with lead as capture ion, acid phosphatase was found in lysosome-like vesicles and in the flagellar pocket. No alkaline adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) was detectable by this method. Direct assay of p-nitrophenylphosphatase activity in homogenate fractions showed that acid phosphatase activity was strongly membrane-bound, but that activity at pH 9 was minimal in both soluble and particulate fractions. "Endogenous" ATPase activity was localized specifically and reproducibly in the mitochondrial membranes and under the plasma membrane of he flagellum. This nonenzymic reaction product could not be eradicated by glycerol extraction or glucose depletion. Unlike the membrane staining, which was manifest only after lead treatment, heat-resistant electron-dense material was found in the matrix of lysosomal vesicles in trypanosomes fixed in glutaraldehyde only and not subjected to further treatment with heavy metal reagents. X-ray emission analysis showed the presence of calcium and phosphorus, indicating that the matrix might have a phosphate storage function.  相似文献   

Growth of Escherichia coli B/r ATCC 12407 (doubling time, 65 to 70 min) in the presence of 500 mug of ampicillin per ml for 15 to 20 min induces a sphere alongside the cell. The position was determined with respect to the length axis of the cell by electron microscopy. Although spheres may be found anywhere, some prominent sites do occur. In the shortest cells, which have a length of about 1.5 mum, they are found at the presumed new cell pole. In slightly older cells (length, about 1.8 mum), the position of the sphere is not well defined. Later on spheres occur predominantly at the cell center. In dividing cells (average length, 2.5 mum) a sphere may also occur at about one-quarter of the cell length. The position of the spheres bears resemblance to sites where a pulse of 3H-labeled diaminopimelic acid is incorporated into the peptidoglycan, as has been found by others.  相似文献   

Although water soluble tracers have been used to localize intercellular permeability barriers with the transmission electron microscope, there is the possibility of translocation or loss of the tracer during processing. This study compares the localization of lanthanum tracer in keratinized oral epithelium after routine processing with lanthanum seen after using freeze drying to avoid aqueous fixation and dehydration. The electron probe was used to identify the lanthanum tracer in the tissue and to distinguish it from other electron-dense material. After incubating small biopsies of rat palate mucosa in 1% lanthanum nitrate, specimens were either routinely processed for electron microscopy or quick frozen, dehydrated, fixed in osmium vapour and infiltrated with epoxy resin. Examination in the transmission electron microscope indicated that preservation of the freeze dried tissue did not compare favourably with that of normally processed tissue, but the distribution of the electron-dense tracer in the intercellular spaces and the extent of the penetration through the epithelia was similar in the two types of preparations. Confirmation of the tracer as lanthanum was obtained by wavelength dispersive X-ray analysis with the electron probe. The results indicate that no appreciable shift in the localization of the tracer is introduced by routine aqueous fixation and dehydration for electron microscopic examination.  相似文献   

Proteoglycan in foetal- and adult-rat tail tendon and adult-rabbit achilles tendon was stained for electron microscopy with a cationic phthalocyanin-like dye, based on cinchomeronic acid, in a 'critical electrolyte concentration' method [Scott (1973) Biochem. Soc. Trans. 1, 787-806). Provided that the tissue was fixed with glutaraldehyde or formaldehyde, regular orthogonal perifibrillar arrays of filamentous material (proteoglycan) were observed, but no intra-fibrillar proteoglycan was seen. Specific proteoglycan-collagen interactions are inferred, and a model is proposed. Without fixation, the filamentous arrays disaggregated in the MgCl2 solutions (0.3 M) used during staining. End-to-end proteoglycan aggregation is implied. Tendon and cartilage are compared. Problems of electron-histochemical localization of extended space-filling polyanions by the use of cationic electron-dense precipitants are discussed, particularly polyanion-domain collapse, specificity of staining and fixation. A two-stage staining procedure that markedly enhances contrast is described, based on the multivalent nature of the dye, and the consequent anion-exchange properties of the dye-polyanion complex.  相似文献   

Summary Using electron microscope cytochemistry and cells separated on Ficoll-Hypaque, Mg2+-dependent ATPase, ADPase and 5-nucleotidase were predominantly localized as ectoenzymes on normal human granulocytes. Large deposits of ATPase final reaction product and more finely granular deposits of 5-nucleotidase final reaction product were firmly attached to the outer surface of cell plasma membranes. The final reaction product from ecto-ADPase was, however, only loosely associated with the plasma membrane. In addition, finer deposits of ADPase final reaction product were seen in specific granules and in background cytoplasm. No nucleotidase phosphatase activity was localized to the alkaline phosphatase-containing granules (phosphasomes) recently described by Rustinet al.In granulocytes from patients with chronic granulocytic leukaemia, ecto-ATPase had a patchy distribution on the plasma membranes. There was considerable heterogeneity between cells with regard to ADPase and 5-nucleotidase localization. In some cells, ADPase was seen only as an ectoenzyme and in a few it was present in specific granules, but in others it was seen at both sites, while in some cells no activity was detected. 5-Nucleotidase localization was normal in some cells but lacking from many. No correlation was found between enzyme heterogeneity and the degree of morphological cell maturity.  相似文献   

The fracture surface of human submandibular gland analyzed by scanning electron microscopy is studied here. Acini showed spherical granules of 0.7 +/- 0.28 micron diameter, their most distinctive feature. Some empty, septate cavities found contiguous to serous acini were considered to be mucous acini. Striated ducts had a circular lumen, with microvilli forming prominences. Blebs, some intact and others ruptured, were interpreted as apocrine secretion. The 'separating zone' of the striated cells was distinguishable from the rest of the cell because the structure of the cell was granular whereas the 'separating zone' was fibrillar.  相似文献   

Summary Scanning electron microscopy and cryofracture technique were applied to study neuronal architecture and synaptic connections of the human cerebellum. Samples were processed according to the technique of Humphreys et al. (1975) with minor modifications. The granule cells exhibit unbranched filiform axons and coniform dendritic processes. The latter show typical claw-like endings making gearing type synaptic contacts with mossy fiber rosettes. The unattached mossy rosettes appear as solid club-like structures. Some fractographs show individual granule cells, Golgi neurons and glomerular islands. The climbing fibers and their Scheibel's collaterals were also characterized. In the Purkinje layer the surface fracture was produced at the level of the Bergmann glial cells, which are selectively removed, allowing us to visualize the rough surface of Purkinje cells and the supra- and infraganglionic plexuses of basket cell axons which appeared as entangled threads. In the molecular layer the three-dimensional configuration of the Purkinje secondary and tertiary dendritic branches was obtained. The filiform parallel fibers make cruciform synaptic contacts with the Purkinje dendritic spines. The appearance of stellate neuronal somata closely resembled that of the granule cells. The subpial terminals of Bergmann fibers appeared attached to the exterior of the folia forming the rough surfaced external glial limiting membrane.  相似文献   

Synchronized human lymphocytes were exposed to 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine (BrdUrd) for incorporation in either G-or R-bands. The substituted bands were revealed by monoclonal anti-BrdUrd antibodies disclosed with either gold-labeled antibodies or with the protein A-gold complex. Sharp G-or R-banding, specific for electron microscopy (EM), was obtained. These banding patterns, referred to as GB-AAu (G-bands by BrdUrd using Antibodies and gold [Au]) and RB-AAu (R-bands by BrdUrd using Antibodies and gold [Au]), resemble dynamic band patterns (GBG and RBG) much more than they do morphologic band patterns (GTG and RHG). The G- and R- band patterns allow accurate chromosome identification and karyotyping. An actual karyotype of human GB-AAu-banded chromosomes at the 750 band level, photographed in the EM, is presented. The method produces excellent band separation and band contrast. Variations in band staining intensities were noted and correlated with BrdUrd enrichment. The C-band regions were positively stained after GB-AAu banding while they were negatively stained after RB-AAu banding. Telomeres appeared heterogeneous after GB-AAu banding suggesting that part of the telomeric bands might be late replicating.  相似文献   

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