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Hemojuvelin (HJV), encoded by the gene HFE2, is a critical upstream regulator of hepcidin expression. Hepcidin, the central iron regulatory hormone, is secreted from hepatocytes, whereas HFE2 is highly expressed in skeletal muscle and liver. Previous studies demonstrated that HJV is a GPI-anchored protein, binds the proteins neogenin and bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP2 and BMP4), and can be released from the cell membrane (shedding). In this study, we investigated the physiological significance and the underlying mechanism of HJV shedding. In acutely iron-deficient rats with markedly suppressed hepatic hepcidin expression, we detected an early phase increase of serum HJV with no significant change of either HFE2 mRNA or protein levels in gastrocnemius muscle. Studies in both C2C12 (a mouse myoblast cell line) and HepG2 (a human hepatoma cell line) cells showed active HJV shedding, implying that both skeletal muscle and liver could be the source of serum HJV. In agreement with the observations in iron-deficient rats, HJV shedding in these cell lines was down-regulated by holo-transferrin in a concentration-dependent manner. Our present study showing that knock-down of endogenous neogenin, a HJV receptor, in C2C12 cells suppresses HJV shedding and that overexpression of neogenin in HEK293 cells markedly enhances this process, suggests that membrane HJV shedding is mediated by neogenin. The finding that neither BMP4 nor its antagonist, noggin, was able to alter HJV shedding support the lack of involvement of BMP signaling pathway in this process.  相似文献   

Severe hemorrhage lowers arterial pressure by suppressing sympathetic activity. This study tested the hypothesis that the decompensatory phase of hemorrhage is mediated by the ventrolateral periaqueductal gray (vlPAG), a region importantly involved in the autonomic and behavioral responses to stress and trauma. Neuronal activity in the vlPAG was inhibited with either lidocaine or cobalt chloride 5 min before hemorrhage (2.5 ml/100 g body wt) was initiated in conscious, unrestrained rats. Bilateral injection of lidocaine (0.5 microl of a 2% or 1 microl of a 5% solution) into the caudal vlPAG delayed the onset and reduced the magnitude of the hypotension produced by hemorrhage significantly. In contrast, inactivation of the dorsolateral PAG with lidocaine was ineffective. Cobalt chloride (5 mM; 0.5 microl), which inhibits synaptic transmission but not axonal conductance, also attenuated hemorrhagic hypotension significantly. Microinjection of lidocaine or cobalt chloride into the vlPAG of normotensive, nonhemorrhaged rats did not influence cardiovascular function. These data indicate that the vlPAG plays an important role in the response to hemorrhage.  相似文献   

1. Noradrenaline stimulates gluconeogenesis through an alpha-adrenoceptor in renal cortical tubule fragments from fed rats incubated with 5 mM-lactate. 2. The selective alpha 1-adrenoreceptor agonist methoxamine stimulated gluconeogenesis, but the selective alpha 2-adrenoceptor agonist clonidine was ineffective. 3. The selective alpha 1-adrenoceptor antagonist thymoxamine blocked the stimulatory effects on gluconeogenesis of noradrenaline and of oxymetazoline (a synthetic alpha-agonist). The selective alpha 2-adrenoceptor antagonist yohimbine was ineffective in this respect. 4. It is concluded that noradrenaline and oxymetazoline stimulate gluconeogenesis in rat kidney via an alpha 1-rather than an alpha 2-type of adrenoceptor.  相似文献   

Papaya glutamine cyclase (PQC), a glycoprotein with a molecular mass of 32,980 Da, is a minor constituent of the papaya latex protein fraction. In neutral aqueous solutions, PQC adopts an all-beta conformation and exhibits high resistance to both proteolysis and denaturation. Complete unfolding of PQC requires a combination of an acidic medium and chemical denaturant such as urea or guanidine hydrochloride. The unfolding process takes place through formation of an intermediate A state that accumulates in the absence of chemical denaturants and displays all the features of a molten globule state. The different conformational states-N (native), A (acid-inactivated), and U (unfolded)-have been characterized by means of circular dichroism measurements, fluorescence spectroscopies, Stokes radii determinations, and 8-anilino-1-naphtalenesulfonic acid (ANS) binding characteristics. The unfolding pathways of the enzyme was further studied to estimate thermodynamic parameters characterizing both transitions N if A and A if U. In its A state, PQC is catalytically inefficient and highly susceptible to proteolysis. Also, its thermodynamic stability is decreased by some 3-5 kcal/mol. Conversion of the native to the A state involves digging up of five amino functions together with protonation of four to five acidic groups with pK(a)s, in the native state, around 2.7. It proceeds both cooperatively and reversibly although, in vitro, the refolding process is slow. Unfolding of the A state, on the other hand, occurs with a low degree of cooperativity. The intermediate A state thus seems to be only marginally more stable than the unfolded state. The role of suspected internal ion pairs in the stabilization of the native state of this enzyme is discussed.  相似文献   

We have recently shown that a peptide (residues 35-47) from a functional region of the ras p21 protein, thought to be involved in the binding of p21 to GTPase activating protein, the antibiotic azatyrosine, known to induce the ras-recision gene, and the selective protein kinase C inhibitor, CGP 41,251, all inhibit oncogenic p21 protein-induced maturation of oocytes in a dose-dependent manner. We now show that these three agents only partially inhibit insulin-induced oocyte maturation, known to be dependent on activation of cellular p21 protein. On the other hand, the anti-p21 protein antibody Y13-259 completely inhibits both insulin- and oncogenic p21 protein-induced maturation as does a tetrapeptide, CVIM, known to block the enzyme farnesyl transferase which covalently attaches the farnesyl moiety to the p21 protein allowing it to attach to the cell membrane. Our results suggest that while the oncogenic and insulin-activated normal p21 proteins share certain elements of their signal transduction pathways in common, these pathways diverge and allow for selective inhibition of the oncogenic pathway.  相似文献   

Inhibition of PHA stimulation of hamster lymph node cells by theophylline, DBcAMP, or indomethacin or PHA stimulation of thymocytes by theophylline or DBcAMP was partially reversed by addition of 10 mM LiCl to the cultures. Addition of LiCl to Con A-stimulated lymphoid cells treated with the same reagents did not alter the inhibition. In contrast, addition of 10 mM LiCl to Con A-stimulated cultures enhanced the inhibition induced by the Na,K ATPase inhibitor, ouabain. Like LiCl, this latter inhibitor was found to be effective in modulating stimulation only if added early in the culture.These data support the hypothesis that LiCl can modulate lymphocyte responsiveness at the level of cyclic nucleotide metabolism, as exemplified by PHA stimulation, or at the level of the Na,K ATPase, exemplified by Con A stimulation. The site of involvement of Li+ ion would appear to be dependent on the biochemical nature of the stimulating signal.  相似文献   

Orexin-A is a neuropeptide consisting of 33 amino acids with two intrachain disulfide bonds, namely Cys6-Cys12 and Cys7-Cys14, and is a potent stimulator of food consumption and gastric acid secretion. In contrast, orexin-B, a peptide containing 28 amino acids without disulfide bond, which has no stimulatory action of gastric acid. The objective of the present study was to characterize the receptor-mediated mechanism of orexin-A-induced stimulation of gastric acid secretion using orexin-A-related peptides with modification of disulfide bonds. Intracisternal injection of orexin-A, but not orexin-B or orexin-A (15-33), that does not contain both disulfide bonds stimulated gastric acid secretion in pylorus-ligated conscious rats. The ability of the stimulation of gastric acid output was less in three alanine-substituted orexin-A, [Ala(6,12)]orexin-A, [Ala(7,14)]orexin-A, and [Ala(6,7,12,14)]orexin-A, than orexin-A. Orexins-induced calcium increase was measured in CHO-K1 cells expressing OX1R or OX2R. Orexin-A induced a transient increase in [Ca(2+)]i in CHO-K1/OX1R cells in a dose-dependent manner. EC50 values for OX1R of orexin-A, orexin-B, or orexin-A (15-33) was 0.068, 0.69 or 4.1 nM, respectively, suggesting that peptides containing no disulfide bonds have lower potency for the receptor. Agonistic activity for OX1R of the three orexin-A analogues with modification of one or both disulfide bonds was significantly reduced as compared with that of orexin-A. EC50 values for OX2R of orexin-A and orexin-B was almost equal but potency for the receptor of orexin-A (15-33) and three alanine substituted orexin-A was less than that of orexin-A. A significant inverse relationship between gastric acid output and EC50 values for OX1R, but not OX2R, was observed. These results suggested that the orexin-A-induced acid stimulation requires OX1R activation and that disulfide bonds in orexin-A may have a key role in the receptor activation.  相似文献   

v-Src-induced increases in diglyceride are derived from phosphatidylcholine via a type D phospholipase (PLD) and a phosphatidic acid phosphatase. v-Src-induced PLD activity, as measured by PLD-catalyzed transphosphatidylation of phosphatidylcholine to phosphatidylethanol, is inhibited by GDP beta S, which inhibits G-protein-mediated intracellular signals. Similarly, v-Src-induced increases in diglyceride are also blocked by GDP beta S. In contrast to the PLD activity induced by v-Src, PLD activity induced by the protein kinase C agonist, 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA), was insensitive to GDP beta S. Consistent with the involvement of a G protein in the activation of PLD activity by v-Src, GTP gamma S, a nonhydrolyzable analog of GTP that potentiates G-protein-mediated signals, strongly enhanced PLD activity in v-Src-transformed cells relative to that in parental BALB/c 3T3 cells. The effect of GTP gamma S on PLD activity in v-Src-transformed cells was observed only when cells were prelabeled with [3H]myristate, which is incorporated exclusively into phosphatidylcholine, the substrate for the v-Src-induced PLD. There was no difference in the effect of GTP gamma S-induced PLD activity on v-Src-transformed and BALB/c 3T3 cells when the cells were prelabeled with [3H]arachidonate, which is not incorporated into phospholipids that are substrates for the v-Src-induced PLD. Similarly, GDP beta S inhibited PLD activity in v-Src-transformed cells much more strongly than in BALB/c 3T3 cells when [3H]myristate was used to prelabel the cells. The GTP-dependent activation of PLD by v-Src was dependent upon the presence of ATP but was unaffected by either cholera or pertussis toxin. These data suggest that v-Src induces PLD activity through a phosphorylation event and is mediated by a cholera and pertussis toxin-insensitive G protein.  相似文献   

We have recently shown that a peptide (residues 35–47) from a functional region of the ras p21 protein, thought to be involved in the binding of p21 to GTPase activating protein, the antibiotic azatyrosine, known to induce the ras-recision gene, and the selective protein kinase C inhibitor, CGP 41 251, all inhibit oncogenic p21 protein-induced maturation of oocytes in a dose-dependent manner. We now show that these three agents only partially inhibit insulin-induced oocyte maturation, known to be dependent on activation of cellular p21 protein. On the other hand, the anti-p21 protein antibody Y13–259 completely inhibits both insulin- and oncogenic p21 protein-induced maturation as does a tetrapeptide, CVIM, known to block the enzyme farnesyl transferase which covalently attaches the farnesyl moiety to the p21 protein allowing it to attach to the cell membrane. Our results suggest that while the oncogenic and insulin-activated normal p21 proteins share certain elements of their signal transduction pathways in common, these pathways diverge and allow for selective inhibition of the oncogenic pathway.  相似文献   

G Weskamp  L F Reichardt 《Neuron》1991,6(4):649-663
Trophic factors, such as NGF, regulate survival and differentiation of many classes of neurons by binding specific receptors. Two types of NGF receptors have been identified, which bind NGF with low and high affinity. The latter mediates the major biological actions of NGF. To determine the relationship between these two receptor types, polyclonal antibodies to the low affinity receptor have been prepared and used in ligand-binding, ligand-cross-linking, and biological assays. These antibodies eliminated binding of NGF to low affinity receptors and to one class of high affinity receptors, but did not prevent binding to a second class of high affinity receptors. The same antibodies did not inhibit NGF-stimulated neuronal survival or neurite outgrowth. Thus, a biologically important class of high affinity NGF receptors is antigenically distinct from the low affinity receptor and may be encoded by a novel gene.  相似文献   

Phosphoinositide metabolism is known to be associated with neuronal or humoral stimulation of excitable cells. The present study examined whether the phosphoinositide response is involved in such events using isolated rat papillary muscles labeled with [3H]inositol. It was found that neither increase in the stimulation frequencies (0-2 Hz) nor prolongation of the pulse duration (10-70 msec) altered the labeling of phosphoinositides and the accumulation of [3H]inositol phosphates in this preparation. However, phenylephrine, a known alpha 1-agonist, was capable of provoking the breakdown of phosphoinositides associated with a positive inotropic effect in this preparation. We report the evidence that phosphoinositide response is mediated by alpha 1-adrenoceptor stimulation, but not linked with excitation-contraction coupling in cardiac muscle.  相似文献   

5-HT2 receptor stimulation alters temporal differentiation in free-operant timing schedules. The anatomical location of the receptor population responsible for this effect is unknown. We examined the effect of a 5-HT2 receptor agonist and antagonists, injected systemically and into the dorsal striatum, a region that is believed to play a major role in interval timing. Rats were trained under the free-operant psychophysical procedure to press levers A and B in 50s trials in which reinforcement was provided intermittently for responding on A in the first half, and B in the second half of the trial. Percent responding on B (%B) was recorded in successive 5s epochs of the trials; logistic functions were fitted to the data from each rat to derive timing indices (T50: time corresponding to %B = 50; Weber fraction: [T75-T25]/2T50, where T75 and T25 are the times corresponding to %B = 75 and %B = 25). Systemic treatment with the 5-HT(2A/2C) receptor agonist 2,5,-dimethoxy-4-iodo-amphetamine (DOI) (0.25 mg/kg, s.c.) reduced T50; the 5-HT2A receptor antagonist MDL-100907 (0.5 mg/kg, i.p.) did not affect performance, but completely blocked the effect of DOI. DOI (1 and 3 microg) injected bilaterally into the dorsal striatum did not alter T50. The effect of systemic treatment with DOI (0.25 mg/kg, s.c.) was not altered by intra-striatal injection of MDL-100907 (0.3 microg) or the 5-HT2C receptor antagonist RS-102221 (0.15 microg). The ability of systemically administered MDL-100907 to reverse DOI's effect on T50 confirms the sensitivity of temporal differentiation to 5-HT2A receptor stimulation. The failure of intra-striatal MDL-100907 to antagonize the effects of DOI suggests that 5-HT2A receptors in the dorsal striatum are unlikely to be primarily responsible for DOI's effects on timing. Furthermore, the results provide no evidence for a role of striatal 5-HT2C receptors in DOI's effect on timing.  相似文献   

Intrathecal (IT) administration of pilocarpine to mice produces a vigorous and dose-related reciprocal hindlimb scratching (RHS) response (ED50 = 0.6 microgram) that is potently blocked by simultaneous IT administration of atropine (ID50 = 0.002 microgram). We now report that RHS is (1) also elicited by the more selective M1 agonist McN-A-343-11 (ED50 = 11.6 micrograms), (2) blocked by the selective M1 antagonist pirenzepine (ID50 = 0.001 microgram), and (3) is not blocked by the selective M2 antagonist AF-DX 116 BS at a dose up to 100 times the ID50 dose of pirenzepine. These results extend our earlier findings and suggest that the RHS elicited in mice by IT injection of muscarinic agonists is mediated through pirenzepine-sensitive (presumably M1) receptors and that RHS may be a convenient in vivo centrally mediated M1 endpoint.  相似文献   

Prolactin (PRL) playsa central role in the freshwater osmoregulation of teleost fish,including the tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus). Consistentwith this action, PRL release from the tilapia pituitary increases asextracellular osmolality is reduced both in vitro and in vivo.Dispersed tilapia PRL cells were incubated in a perfusion chamber thatallowed simultaneous measurements of cell volume and PRL release.Intracellular Ca2+ concentrations were measured from fura2-loaded PRL cells treated in a similar way. Gadolinium(Gd3+), known to block stretch-activated cation channels,inhibited hyposmotically induced PRL release in a dose-related mannerwithout preventing cell swelling. Nifedipine, an L-typeCa2+ channel blocker, did not prevent the increase in PRLrelease during hyposmotic stimulation. A high, depolarizingconcentration of KCl induced a transient and marked increase ofintracellular Ca2+ and release of PRL but did not preventthe rise in intracellular Ca2+ and PRL release evoked byexposure to hyposmotic medium. These findings suggest that a decreasein extracellular osmolality stimulates PRL release through the openingof stretch-activated ion channels, which allow extracellularCa2+ to enter the cell when it swells.


This study examined the effect of dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) that were supplemented with vitamin E on lipid peroxidation, glutathione-dependent detoxifying enzyme system activity, and lipogenic fatty acid synthase (FAS) expression in rat liver. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were fed semipurified diets containing either 1% (w/w) corn oil or 10% each of beef tallow, corn oil, perilla oil, and fish oil for 4 wk. Alpha-tocopherol was supplemented in perilla oil (0.015%) and fish oil (0.019%). Hepatic thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, an estimate of lipid peroxidation, were not significantly different among the dietary groups. The glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase, and glutathione S-transferase activities were all elevated by the polyunsaturated fats, especially fish oil. The activity of FAS was reduced in the polyunsaturated fat-fed groups in the order of fish oil, perilla oil, and corn oil. The mRNA contents decreased in rats that were fed the 10% fat diets, particularly polyunsaturated fats, compared with the rats that were fed the 1% corn oil diet. Similarly, the inhibitory effect was the greatest in fish oil. These results suggest that lipid peroxidation can be minimized by vitamin E; PUFA in itself has a suppressive effect on lipogenic enzyme.  相似文献   

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