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在野外调查和查阅文献资料的基础上,对宁镇山脉蕨类植物区系组成、分布区类型及生态类型进行了分析,并与邻近的7个蕨类植物区系相似性进行比较。结果表明:(1)宁镇山脉共有蕨类植物28科47属109种,主要科为鳞毛蕨科、金星蕨科及蹄盖蕨科,主要属为鳞毛蕨属、铁角蕨属及复叶耳蕨属,并有14种中国特有蕨类植物。(2)分布区类型以热带分布科、属为主,以东亚分布种为主,表明宁镇山脉蕨类植物区系具有亚热带向温带过渡的特征。(3)与邻近7个山区蕨类植物区系科、属、种相似性系数的比较表明,宁镇山脉与河南鸡公山亲缘关系最近,其次是浙江凤阳山和江西武夷山。(4)宁镇山脉蕨类植物可划分为湿生、石生及土生3种类型,其中石生类型有31种,湿生类型有8种,土生类型有70种。  相似文献   

柳州市行道树资源调查与结构特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该研究通过对柳州市区主要道路园林绿化全面踏勘,在四城区中筛选出68条道路行道树进行现场调查和综合评价。结果表明:(1)柳州市行道树共有28种,隶属于17科21属,常绿树种与落叶树种比例及乡土树种与外来树种比例合理。(2)柳州市行道树中小叶榕和黄葛榕在各城区应用频度较高,树种组成结构相对单一。(3)季相树种在各城区应用频度不均衡,部分城区春季景观营造效果显著,而夏秋冬季相景观效果不显著。(4)绿化达标率和林荫路推广率离国家生态园林城市还有较大差距,物种丰富度和多样性指数有待提高。建议加大乡土树种的应用与推广,提高各城区物种丰富度及季相树种的应用,营造城市道路特色季相景观。该研究成果提出了发展乡土树种、丰富树种多样性及季相景观营造的技术建议,对柳州市行道树树种规划和建设提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

沈阳城市绿化生态工程树种综合评价分级选择   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
开展城市绿化生态工程建设是保护城市生态环境、促进城市可持续发展的必由之路,对城市绿化树种生态适应性及生态功能性相结合的综合评价,是构建城市生态工程、合理应用选择城市绿化植物的科学依据,通过专家咨询评价的方法,从生态适应能力、绿化生态效益、美化效果、抗病虫害性、抗污染性、经济效益等方面全面系统地建立了沈阳市绿化树种生态功能与生态适应性评价应用的综合指标体系。并根据专家第一轮评价和沈阳市特定区域和范围,在对绿化树种的综合应用评价的基础上,选定耐寒性、耐旱性、耐瘠薄、抗病虫能力、抗污染能力、观赏性和生态效益7项评价指标为主要的评价指标因子。对沈阳常见的200种绿化树种进行了综合评判与分级,评价结果表明,综合效能为1级植物有58种;2级植物为93种;3级植物38种;4级植物11种。  相似文献   

佛教是我国的主要宗教之一, 佛教寺庙作为佛教文化的物质载体, 对区域生物多样性的保护具有重要意义。本研究收集了中国191座寺庙的树种名录, 分析了不同地区寺庙的树种组成、分布格局及影响因素, 以明确寺庙在生物多样性保护中的作用。结果表明: (1)全国191座寺庙共收集到树种1,059种, 隶属116科410属, 大多数树种(773种)仅出现在1-2座寺庙中; (2)寺庙树种中含有大量乡土植物, 并且保存了丰富的受威胁树种(94种), 具有较高的生物多样性保护价值; (3)不同气候带的佛教树种组成差异较大, 主要受气候因子限制; (4)佛教树种具有清晰的树种替代现象, 由南向北原始佛教树种逐渐由形态相似的本土物种(替代佛教树种)替代。以上结果表明中国寺庙中保存了非常丰富的植物资源, 有效地保护和利用寺庙植物资源对维持区域生物多样性和提升城市绿化水平具有积极作用。  相似文献   

沈阳城市森林常见树种的物候特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胡健波  徐文铎  陈玮  何兴元  闻华 《生态学杂志》2006,25(12):1455-1459
城市绿化树种的物候配置是城市园林的一个重要组成部分。本文以沈阳城市森林常见树种为对象,利用6年的物候观测数据,绘出了28种主要乔灌木的物候谱。分析各物候现象之间关系,将其划分成4大组:萌动展叶现象组、叶变色现象组、落叶现象组和花果现象组;并根据叶变色和开花早晚对其进行聚类分组,为城市森林树种选择、树种组成和效益评价,提供科学依据。  相似文献   

随着城市化建设进程的快速发展,城市绿化已成为城市建设的重要部分,目前在城市绿化中所选择的植物通常情况下引进的外来植物占有较大的比例,而相对于乡土植物则应用的比例相对较小。文中对当前城市绿化中乡土植物应用的现状进行了分析,并进一步对城市绿化中乡土植物应用的优势进行了具体的阐述。  相似文献   

以广东省仁化至博罗高速公路(仁化至新丰段路)为例,通过对该路段沿线乡土植物调查,运用层次分析法(AHP)对388种乡土植物的环境适应性、培植特性、功能特性和经济效应进行评价和综合分析。结果表明,在一级指标中,环境适应性权重最大(0.5476);其次是功能特性(0.2051)。在选取的14个二级指标中, 耐贫瘠权重最大(0.1642),耐旱能力和耐寒性的权重相对也比较大,分别为0.1533、0.0916。根据AHP模型,对所调查的388种乡土植物进行评价,其中评分80分以上适宜高速公路绿化的有64种。结合观赏性、耐寒性评价和市场苗木供应情况最终筛选出20种乡土植物作为仁新高速沿线绿化的建议树种。  相似文献   

为探讨民族植物学在城市乡土挺水观赏植物筛选中的应用价值, 以江苏扬州为研究区域, 在对该地区挺水植物分布概况调查的基础上, 对该地区挺水植物的观赏价值进行评价, 以期筛选出具有较高观赏价值的乡土挺水植物来代替相应的外来观赏植物。结果发现扬州地区共有常见挺水植物93 种, 隶属于28 科, 62 属, 其中莎草科(Cyperaceae)、禾本科(Gramineae)和蓼科(Polygonaceae)植物种类数较丰富, 占总种数的50%。在综合利用价值评价结果的基础上应用民族植物学方法对20 种很少或尚未被应用的扬州乡土挺水植物的观赏价值进行了比较, 结果表明不同植物在群体水平和个体水平上的观赏价值存在差异, 在个体水平上观赏价值较高的为水烛(Typha angustifolia)、鸭舌草(Monochoria vaginalis)和毛草龙(Ludwigia octovalvis)等, 在群体水平上观赏价值较高的为蚕茧草(Polygonum japonicum)、水烛和水葱(Scirpus validus)等。  相似文献   

巫溪县红池坝地区于1972年采用炼山造林的生态恢复措施对退化森林植被进行了恢复与重建,现已形成了多种类型的华山松(Pinusarmandii)针阔混交林群落.采用Petraitis生态位普遍重叠和特定重叠指数,研究了巫溪县红池坝地区华山松群落中10个主要乔木种群的资源利用状况.结果表明,华山松与大多数乡土树种都具有较大的生态位宽度,种间普遍重叠值为0.728,表明种群能够充分、有效地占有和利用生境资源.华山松对乡土树种的种间特定重叠值很小,而乡土树种对华山松的特定重叠值大,华山松对资源利用和竞争能力不及乡土树种,在竞争中处于劣势.乡土阔叶树种间特定重叠值普遍很小,在资源利用上生态位分化有明显优势,因此,乡土树种的生态位特征应作为植被生态恢复与重建实施过程中的有益参照.另外,本文还对Petraitis的重叠测度指数的可用性和优缺点进行了初步探讨.  相似文献   

保护生物多样性不仅是国家战略,已上升为全球使命,而生物多样性保护离不开珍稀濒危植物的保护利用。楠木类树种为亚热带和热带树种,是组成常绿阔叶林的主要树种,亦是驰名中外的珍贵用材树种,以中国资源最为丰富。由于历代砍伐利用,致使这一丰富的森林资源近于枯竭,此类树种多数被列为珍贵树种和濒危植物,是典型的代表性珍稀濒危类树种。本文围绕楠木类树种,对其文化、生物学特性、资源现状、保护培育以及在园林绿化中的开发应用进行了总结归纳,并就其资源保护未来重点研究方向及在城市绿化中应用的机遇和挑战进行了阐述,以期对其更好地保护和挖掘利用,进一步做好其资源的保护和保育研究,推动楠木类珍贵树种在上海及其他地区的绿化应用,极力提高城市生物多样性。  相似文献   

Many alien invasive tree species were originally introduced to their non-native ranges for use in forestry and as urban trees. These alien species were selected for their fast growth and not necessarily for possessing mechanisms which deter browsing. Instead, many tree species native to semiarid areas of the world evolved mechanisms which deter browsing, presumably at the cost of slower growth. In a semiarid rangeland we observed that livestock exclusion greatly promoted the growth of juveniles of several alien species but not of native species, and we hypothesized that this increase in growth of aliens was due to livestock preference for alien and not native trees. With the objective of quantifying our observations and understanding the mechanism underlying the increased growth rates of alien juvenile trees under livestock exclusion, we assessed growth and browsing levels in juveniles of two alien invasive and four abundant native tree species within three parcels where livestock was excluded and three parcels with livestock at 0.20 cattle equivalents.ha?1. Alien species grew around four-fold faster under livestock exclusion than with livestock and, as predicted, received five times more browsing than natives. Instead, native species did not significantly increase their growth rate with livestock exclusion. The results support our hypothesis and the implications for management would be that stocking paddocks with livestock to browse existing alien juveniles and re-growth of felled adults should be effective in delaying invasions of trees used for forestry without significantly affecting the growth of the most abundant native trees.  相似文献   

湛江市城市森林树种结构分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
调查湛江市道路、公园和附属三类绿地159个单位的100 452株乔木,比较其物种多样性特征、物种组成特性、相对多度、物种重要值。结果表明:(1)湛江城市森林有52科204种乔木,物种多样性较丰富,树种结构受绿地类型、生境与人文等因素影响;(2)物种组成反映出热带季雨林地带性特色,外来种有96种,应用丰富,但乡土植物开发不足;(3)在调查的植株中,少数优势种占很大比例,其中,道路绿地前25种植物相对多度高达89.66,公园有最多的非常见种;(4)物种重要值SI>1的有26种,7种基调树种反映了湛江城市森林的基本特色。  相似文献   

Figs have been regarded as keystone plant resources that support diverse tropical vertebrate frugivore communities. Planting or conserving large fig trees, such as stranglers, have therefore been proposed for enhancing urban biodiversity. We compared the diversity and community structure of bird assemblages on strangler figs with non‐fig urban trees as well as between the fruiting and non‐fruiting fig trees in an urban setting in Singapore. The total bird abundance across all the fig trees when in fruit was 4.5‐fold higher than on non‐fig trees and 3.5‐fold higher than when the same fig trees were not fruiting, but only attracted two more species. On individual trees, after accounting for the presence of mistletoes, tree height, the area covered by buildings, road lane density, and the distance to natural vegetation, mean diversity was not different between non‐fig trees and fig trees when they were not in fruit. On the other hand, when fruiting, each fig tree on average had 1.4 more species, 3 more counts of non‐native birds, and 1.6 more counts of insectivorous birds than when not fruiting. There was significant compositional turnover between non‐fig trees and non‐fruiting fig trees, while community dispersion was significantly lower among fig trees in fruit. Our results demonstrate that fig trees provide fruit and non‐fruit resources for birds in an urban landscape but do not necessarily support more diverse total bird assemblages than non‐fig trees. Instead, bird communities on fruiting urban figs would be highly homogeneous and dominated by a few species. Abstract in Malay is available with online material.  相似文献   

明确城市森林树种组成是城市森林建设与管理的基础。以往研究多局限在特定城市或区域,难以准确揭示其普遍规律。本研究基于百度街景选取全国35个主要城市,共设置88 632个样点。并根据地理区域将这些城市划分为北方、南方、青藏和西北城市,比较不同区域城市行道树树种组成差异。结果表明:①基于街景调查我国常用行道树共99种,最常见的是杨树(Populus spp.)、柳树(Salix spp.)、香樟(Cinnamomum camphora)、雪松(Cedrus deodara)和国槐(Sophora japonica);②我国南方城市行道树种多选用阔叶树如香樟,北方和西北城市行道树则以杨树、柳树和槐树为主,青藏地区行道树以杨树和针叶树为主;③依据10/20/30经验法则,仅有昆明和桂林城市行道树在种的水平上配置较为合理,其他城市植物配置均不合理,尤其克拉玛依市的杨树相对多度高达61.2%,长沙市和杭州市的樟树比例超过树种总数的50%,单个树种优势明显,4个区域行道树树种水平上配置均不合理。今后在行道树种选择时北方、西北和青藏区域城市应减少杨树、柳树、松树和槐树等的利用,南方地区应增加适宜本土生长的其他树木种类。本研究为我国合理规划城市行道树,系统开展多城市对比和综合提升生态服务功能提供了重要参数。  相似文献   

Creating, restoring, and sustaining forests in urban areas are complicated by habitat fragmentation, invasive species, and degraded soils. Although there is some research on the outcomes of urban reforestation plantings during the first 5 years, there is little research on longer term outcomes. Here, we compare the successional trajectories of restored and unrestored forest sites 20 years after initiating restoration. The sites are located within the Rodman's Neck area of Pelham Bay Park, in the northeast corner of the Bronx in New York City (NYC), U.S.A. Compared with unrestored sites, we saw improvements in species diversity, greater forest structure complexity, and evidence of the regeneration and retention of native tree species in restored sites. In addition, we found differences in restoration outcomes depending on the level of intervention: clearing exotic shrubs and vines and planting native trees and shrubs improved tree diversity and canopy closure to a greater extent than clearing exotics alone, and the mechanical removal of invasive plants after the native plantings further improved some measures of restoration, such as tree species diversity and native tree regeneration. The results of this study suggest that the goal of a sustainable forest ecosystem dominated by native trees and other plant species may not be achievable without continued human intervention on site. In addition, these results indicate that the restoration approach adopted by NYC's reforestation practitioners is moving the site toward a more desirable vegetative community dominated by native species.  相似文献   

Deforestation is a global process that has strongly affected the Atlantic Forest in South America, which has been recognised as a threatened biodiversity hotspot. An important proportion of deforested areas were converted to forest plantations. Araucaria angustifolia is a native tree to the Atlantic Forest, which has been largely exploited for wood production and is currently cultivated in commercial plantations. An important question is to what extent such native tree plantations can be managed to reduce biodiversity loss in a highly diverse and vulnerable forest region . We evaluated the effect of stand age, stand basal area, as a measure of stand density, and time since last logging on the density and richness of native tree regeneration in planted araucaria stands that were successively logged over 60 years, as well as the differences between successional groups in the response of plant density to stand variables. We also compared native tree species richness in planted araucaria stands to neighbouring native forest. Species richness was 71 in the planted stands (27 ha sampled) and 82 in native forest (18 ha sampled) which approximate the range of variation in species richness found in the native forests of the study area. The total abundance and species richness of native trees increased with stand age and time since last logging, but ecological groups differed in their response to such variables. Early secondary trees increased in abundance with stand age 3–8 times faster than climax or late secondary trees. Thus, the change in species composition is expected to continue for a long term. The difference in species richness between native forest and planted stands might be mainly explained by the difference in plant density. Therefore, species richness in plantations can contribute to local native tree diversity if practices that increase native tree density are implemented.  相似文献   

We evaluated palatability of winter dormant tree twigs to the mountain hare Lepus tunidus and the grey-sided vote Clethrionomys rufocanus with captive animals We tested differences among trees within sites, among sites, and between two tree species (the mountain birch Betula pubescens ssp czerepanovii and the tea-leaved willow Salix phylicifolia ) In one of the sites, we also measured growth rates of autumnal moth Epirrita autumnata larvae on the same trees that were used m preference trials with the hares and voles The differences m palatability to hares and voles were greatest at the level of tree Species, both hares and voles preferred birches over willows, but with the hare there was some overlap in palatability between the tree species There were also large and significant differences among sites and among trees within sites Within sites, variation in tree palatability seemed to be larger among willows than among birches Hares and voles may select willows at least partly on the same basis, but there was no correlation between palatability of the trees to the mammals and the growth rate of the larvae of the autumnal moth on the same trees Variation in twig palatability to the hares and voles was so large at all levels (among trees within sites, among sites and between tree species) that we suggest it also has implications for food selection of these mammalian herbivores under natural conditions  相似文献   

Conflicting values: ecosystem services and invasive tree management   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tree species have been planted widely beyond their native ranges to provide or enhance ecosystem services such as timber and fibre production, erosion control, and aesthetic or amenity benefits. At the same time, non-native tree species can have strongly negative impacts on ecosystem services when they naturalize and subsequently become invasive and disrupt or transform communities and ecosystems. The dichotomy between positive and negative effects on ecosystem services has led to significant conflicts over the removal of non-native invasive tree species worldwide. These conflicts are often viewed in only a local context but we suggest that a global synthesis sheds important light on the dimensions of the phenomenon. We collated examples of conflict surrounding the control or management of tree invasions where conflict has caused delay, increased cost, or cessation of projects aimed at invasive tree removal. We found that conflicts span a diverse range of taxa, systems and countries, and that most conflicts emerge around three areas: urban and near-urban trees; trees that provide direct economic benefits; and invasive trees that are used by native species for habitat or food. We suggest that such conflict should be seen as a normal occurrence in invasive tree removal. Assessing both positive and negative effects of invasive species on multiple ecosystem services may provide a useful framework for the resolution of conflicts.  相似文献   

Invasion by alien organisms is a common worldwide phenomenon, and many alien species invade native communities. Invasion by alien species is especially likely to occur on oceanic islands. To determine how alien species become integrated into island plant–insect associations, we analyzed the structure of tree–beetle associations using host plant records for larval feeding by wood-feeding beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) on the oceanic Ogasawara Islands in the northwestern Pacific Ocean. The host plant records comprised 109 associations among 28 tree (including 8 alien) and 26 cerambycid (including 5 alien) species. Of these associations, 41.3% involved at least one alien species. Most native cerambycid species feed on host trees that have recently died. Alien trees were used by as many native cerambycid species (but by significantly more alien cerambycid species) as were native trees. Native cerambycid species used as many alien tree species (but significantly more native tree species) as did alien cerambycids. Thus, we observed many types of interactions among native and alien species. A network analysis revealed a significant nested structure in tree–cerambycid associations regardless of whether alien species were excluded from the analysis. The original nested associations on the Ogasawara Islands may thus have accepted alien species.  相似文献   

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