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We assessed the functional success of restored wetlands by determining if the patterns in dissolved oxygen (DO), temperature, and pH were similar to those conditions observed in natural wetlands. The Beaver Creek Wetlands Complex consists of dozens of marshes and ponds built in a former Licking River floodplain, in the hills of east Kentucky, USA. In natural wetland ecosystems, aquatic primary production is highest in emergent and submerged vegetations zones; where daybreak dissolved oxygen (DO) is often near zero, and DO may rise to well over 100% saturation past mid-day. Open-water areas, dominated by phytoplankton, have less dramatic diel DO fluctuations—often without pre-dawn anoxia. Compared to open water, temperatures fluctuate less dramatically in vascular vegetation, due to shading and suppression of wind and waves. Measurements of ecosystem metabolism (diel changes in DO and pH) in three aquatic habitats of the constructed wetlands (emergent vegetation, submerged vegetation, open water) were compared to these natural ideals. In Beaver Creek Wetlands, water temperature patterns were not as dramatic as in natural habitats, nor did they did follow a similar trend. Waters in emergent vegetation (29.5 °C) were warmest; submerged vegetation coolest (26.5 °C); open-water intermediate (27.4 °C). Diel DO and pH patterns were not similar to natural habitats. Highest net primary production (NPP) and gross primary production (GPP) were measured in emergent vegetation waters (mean GPP = 7.58 g m−2 d−1); lowest in submerged vegetation (mean GPP = 5.48 g m−2 d−1); and intermediate in open-water (mean GPP = 6.95 g m−2d−1). Diel pH changes were greatest in the highly productive emergent waters (median maximum daily difference of 0.36), and not as pronounced in submerged vegetation and open-water (median maximum change = 0.16 and 0.22, respectively). Water-column respiration was generally about double NPP. Like natural ecosystems, near anoxic DO concentrations were consistently measured in emergent and submerged plants before dawn; whereas open-water zones were generally >4 mg l−1. These restored wetland systems may need more time to be functionally equivalent to natural marshes.  相似文献   

Entrainment of sediment by flowing water affects topography, habitat suitability, and nutrient cycling in vegetated floodplains and wetlands, impacting ecosystem evolution and the success of restoration projects. Nonetheless, restoration managers lack simple decision-support tools for predicting shear stresses and sediment redistribution potential in different vegetation communities. Using a field-validated numerical model, we developed state-space diagrams that provide these predictions over a range of water-surface slopes, depths, and associated velocities in Everglades ridge and slough vegetation communities. Diminished bed shear stresses and a consequent decrease in bed sediment redistribution are hypothesized causes of a recent reduction in the topographic and vegetation heterogeneity of this ecosystem. Results confirmed the inability of present-day flows to entrain bed sediment. Further, our diagrams showed bed shear stresses to be highly sensitive to emergent vegetation density and water-surface slope but less sensitive to water depth and periphyton or floating vegetation abundance. These findings suggested that instituting a pulsing flow regime could be the most effective means to restore sediment redistribution to the Everglades. However, pulsing flows will not be sufficient to erode sediment from sloughs with abundant spikerush, unless spikerush density first decreases by natural or managed processes. Our methods provide a novel tool for identifying restoration parameters and performance measures in many types of vegetated aquatic environments where sediment erosion and deposition are involved.  相似文献   

Over the last one hundred years, compartmentalization and water management activities have reduced water flow to the ridge and slough landscape of the Everglades. As a result, the once corrugated landscape has become topographically and vegetationally uniform. The focus of this study was to quantify variation in surface flow in the ridge and slough landscape and to relate flow conditions to particulate transport and deposition. Over the 2002–2003 and 2003–2004 wet seasons, surface velocities and particulate accumulation were measured in upper Shark River Slough in Everglades National Park. Landscape characteristics such as elevation, plant density and biomass also were examined to determine their impact on flow characteristics and material transport. The results of this study demonstrate that the release of water during the wet season not only increases water levels, but also increased flow speeds and particulate transport and availability. Further, flow speeds were positively and significantly correlated with water level thereby enhancing particulate transport in sloughs relative to ridges especially during peak flow periods. Our results also indicate that the distribution of biomass in the water column, including floating plants and periphyton, affects velocity magnitude and shape of vertical profiles, especially in the sloughs where Utricularia spp. and periphyton mats are more abundant. Plot clearing experiments suggest that the presence of surface periphyton and Utricularia exert greater control over flow characteristics than the identity (i.e., sawgrass or spike rush) or density of emergent macrophytes, two parameters frequently incorporated into models describing flow through vegetated canopies. Based on these results, we suggest that future modeling efforts must take the presence of floating biomass, such as Utricularia, and presence of periphyton into consideration when describing particulate transport.  相似文献   

Wetland restoration can mitigate aerobic decomposition of subsided organic soils, as well as re-establish conditions favorable for carbon storage. Rates of carbon storage result from the balance of inputs and losses, both of which are affected by wetland hydrology. We followed the effect of water depth (25 and 55 cm) on the plant community, primary production, and changes in two re-established wetlands in the Sacramento San-Joaquin River Delta, California for 9 years after flooding to determine how relatively small differences in water depth affect carbon storage rates over time. To estimate annual carbon inputs, plant species cover, standing above- and below-ground plant biomass, and annual biomass turnover rates were measured, and allometric biomass models for Schoenoplectus (Scirpus) acutus and Typha spp., the emergent marsh dominants, were developed. As the wetlands developed, environmental factors, including water temperature, depth, and pH were measured. Emergent marsh vegetation colonized the shallow wetland more rapidly than the deeper wetland. This is important to potential carbon storage because emergent marsh vegetation is more productive, and less labile, than submerged and floating vegetation. Primary production of emergent marsh vegetation ranged from 1.3 to 3.2 kg of carbon per square meter annually; and, mid-season standing live biomass represented about half of the annual primary production. Changes in species composition occurred in both submerged and emergent plant communities as the wetlands matured. Water depth, temperature, and pH were lower in areas with emergent marsh vegetation compared to submerged vegetation, all of which, in turn, can affect carbon cycling and storage rates.  相似文献   

1. Oxygen concentrations in shallow vegetated areas of aquatic systems can be extremely dynamic. In these waters, characterizing the average oxygen content or frequency of low oxygen events (hypoxia) may require high frequency measurements that span seasons and even years. In this study, moored sondes were used to collect 15‐min interval dissolved oxygen (DO) readings in an embayment of the tidal Hudson River with dense coverage by an invasive floating leaved plant (Trapa natans) and in adjacent open waters. Measurements were made from late spring to summer over a 2‐year period (2005, 2006). 2. Oxygen concentrations were far more dynamic in the vegetated embayment than in the adjacent open waters and while hypoxic conditions never occurred in the open waters, they occurred frequently in the vegetated site. Overall the vegetated site was hypoxic (DO < 2.5 mg L?1) 30% of the time and had an average oxygen concentration of 5.1 mg L?1. Oxygen concentration was significantly (P < 0.0001, anova ) related to season, year and tide. Low tide periods during summer of 2006 had the lowest average oxygen concentration and the highest frequency of hypoxia. 3. The greater hypoxia in summer than spring is related to changes in plant morphology. In the spring and early summer when plants are submersed hypoxia occurs at lower frequency and duration than in the summer when dense floating vegetation covers the water. The tidal pattern in oxygen is related to hydrologic exchange with the non‐vegetated open waters. Year‐to‐year variation may be related to relatively small changes in plant biomass between years. 4. Oxygen concentrations in aquatic systems can be critical to habitat quality and can have cascading impacts on redox sensitive nutrient and metal cycling. For some systems with dynamic oxygen patterns neither weekly spot sampling nor short‐duration, high‐frequency measurements may be sufficient to characterize oxygen conditions of the system.  相似文献   

Ecosystem restoration by rewetting of degraded fens led to the new formation of large-scale shallow lakes in the catchment of the River Peene in NE Germany. We analyzed the biomass and the nutrient stock of the submersed (Ceratophyllum demersum) and the floating macrophytes (Lemna minor and Spirodela polyrhiza) in order to assess their influence on temporal nutrient storage in water bodies compared to other freshwater systems. Ceratophyllum demersum displayed a significantly higher biomass production (0.86–1.19 t DM = dry matter ha−1) than the Lemnaceae (0.64–0.71 t DM ha−1). The nutrient stock of submersed macrophytes ranged between 28–44 kg N ha−1 and 8–12 kg P ha−1 and that of floating macrophytes between 14–19 kg N ha−1 and 4–5 kg P ha−1 which is in the range of waste water treatment plants. We found the N and P stock in the biomass of aquatic macrophytes being 20–900 times and up to eight times higher compared to the nutrient amount of the open water body in the shallow lakes of rewetted fens (average depth: 0.5 m). Thereafter, submersed and floating macrophytes accumulate substantial amounts of dissolved nutrients released from highly decomposed surface peat layers, moderating the nutrient load of the shallow lakes during the growing season from April to October. In addition, the risk of nutrient loss to adjacent surface waters becomes reduced during this period. The removal of submersed macrophytes in rewetted fens to accelerate the restoration of the low nutrient status is discussed.  相似文献   

A vast ecosystem of wetlands and lakes once covered the Mesopotamian Plain of southern Iraq. Widespread drainage in the 1990s nearly obliterated both components of the landscape. This paper reports the results of a study undertaken in 1972–1975 on the vegetation of the wetlands prior to drainage and provides a unique baseline for gauging future restoration of the wetland ecosystems in Mesopotamia. Five representative study sites were used to assess the flora, three of which were wetlands. A total of 371 plant species were recorded in the five sites, of which approximately 40% represent obligate or facultative wetland species. The wetland vegetation was classified into five major physiognomic forms (submerged, floating, herbaceous tall emergent, herbaceous low emergent and woody low emergent), which was further subdivided into 24 fresh and halophytic communities. Water levels greatly fluctuated across the different types of wetlands, and mean surface water depth ranged from below to greater than 2 m above the sediment surface, reflecting permanently, seasonally or intermittently wet habitats. Aboveground biomass was also highly variable among the communities. The Phragmites australis community, which was the most extensive community type, had the greatest biomass with an average value of approximately 5,000 g m−2 in summer. Distribution and community composition were largely controlled by water levels and saline-freshwater gradients. Canonical correspondence analysis showed that salinity and water depth were the most important factors to explain species distribution. Environmental variables related to soil salinity separated halophytic species in woody low emergent and herbaceous low emergent forms (Tamarix galica, Cressa cretica, Alhagi mannifera, Aeluropus lagopoides, Juncus rigida, and Suaeda vermiculata) from other species. Their habitats were also the driest, and soil organic matter content was lower than those of other species. Habitats with deepest water were dominated by submerged aquatic and floating leaved species such as Nymphoides peltata, Ceratophyllum demersum, and Najas armata. Such diverse environmental conditions in the Mesopotamian wetland would be greatly affected by evapotranspiration, river water inputs from north, ground water inputs, local soil conditions, and a tide or seiche-controlled northward transgression of water from the Gulf. These environmental conditions should be considered in restoration plans if plant communities existed in the mid-1970s are to be part of the desired restoration goals. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Large common carp (Cyprinus carpio >30 cm) wereexcluded from a turbid, eutrophic coastal marsh of Lake Ontario with theconstruction of a fishway at the outlet. The marsh was sampledintensively for 2 seasons prior to (1993, 1994) and following (1997,1998) carp exclusion to study changes in water quality and shifts incommunity structure of phytoplankton and zooplankton. Samples werecollected from May to September in three habitats: open water, vegetated(cattail beds) and sewage lagoon. In the first year after carpexclusion, mean seasonal water turbidity decreased at all sites by49–80%; this was accompanied by growth of submergentplants in shallow, sheltered areas including the vicinity of cattails atthe vegetated site. This drop in turbidity was not significant in thesecond year after exclusion at the open water and lagoon sites, withturbidity levels declining by only 26–54% of1993–1994 values; only the vegetated site showed a sustaineddecrease in turbidity and persistent growth of submergent plants. At thevegetated site, increased clarity was concurrent with a significantreduction in edible algal biomass and an increased representation oflarge zooplankton grazers and substrate-associated cladocerans. At theopen water site, a spring clear-water phase was evident during the firstyear of exclusion and this coincided with the unusual appearance of alarge population of Daphnia. Compared to the other sites, thelagoon remained relatively turbid throughout the study. Results of thisstudy indicate that the response of lower trophic levels tobiomanipulation was variable from site-to-site and contributed to theco-existence of two alternative states in the marsh. In vegetated areas,water clarity was maintained by a positive feedback system betweenzooplankton and submergent macrophytes in the first 2 years followingexclusion. We suggest that both benthivore removal (to reducebioturbation) and planktivore reductions (to produce top down effects)were required to produce clear water and allow submersed macrophytegrowth. Although carp removal likely contributed to a 45%reduction in turbidity, an unusual climactic event in 1997, resulting indelayed fish spawning in the marsh, temporarily reduced zooplanktivoryand favoured zooplankton grazing-induced water clarity improvements.  相似文献   

Effects of water flow velocityon nitrification, denitrification, andthe metabolism of dissolved oxygen andinorganic carbon in macrophyte-epiphytoncomplexes were investigated in the presentstudy. The metabolic rates were measured inmicrocosms containing shoots of Potamogeton pectinatus L. with epiphyticbiofilms in the light and dark with no flow orwith the flow velocities of 0.03 and 9 cms–1. Photosynthesis and respirationincreased with increasing water flow velocity.Rates of oxygen respiration were positivelycorrelated to the oxygen concentration of thewater. Nitrification was not significantlyaffected by flow velocity, but nitrificationwas higher in light than in dark at 0.03 cms–1, but not at 9 cm s–1.Denitrification was higher in stagnant waterand at 9 cm s–1 than at 0.03 cm s–1 inthe absence of oxygen, possibly due to complexeffects of water flow velocity on the supply oforganic matter to the denitrifying bacteria.Denitrification was always inhibited in light,and negatively correlated to the oxygenconcentration in dark. Epiphyticdenitrification occurred only at low oxygenconcentrations in flowing water, whereas instagnant water, denitrification was present inalmost oxygen saturated water. Therefore,because there are little of water movements andhigh oxygen consumption in dense stands ofsubmersed macrophytes, significant rates ofepiphytic denitrification can probably be foundwithin submersed vegetation despite high oxygenconcentrations in the surrounding water. Inconclusion, this study shows that the waterflow and oxygen metabolism within submersedvegetation have minor effects on nitrification,but significantly affect denitrification inbiofilms on submersed macrophytes.  相似文献   

Bacterial populations were sampled at 37 sites in Mississippi River Pool 19. Bacterial biomass was calculated from direct epifluorescent cell counts. Bacterial production was estimated by incubating cells in situ in predator-free water inside membrane chambers and the frequency of dividing cells. Bacterial biomass in the water column ranged from 0.05 to 1.13 mg C -1, biomass in the vegetated areas of the pool was significantly higher than that in other habitats (P < 0.05, ANOVA). Biomass in sediments (to a depth of 10 cm) ranged from 24 to 1,073 mg C m-2, biomass in muddy sediments was significantly higher (P < 0.05) than that in sandy sediments. Biomass on the submersed surfaces of hydrophytes was 0.06–4.90 mg bacterial C g-1 dry weight of plant material. The vegetated habitat (water column plus vegetation) contained approximately 45 times the concentration of bacterial carbon found in nonvegetated main channel border areas and more than 100 times the concentration in the main river channel.Bacterial production rates in the water column of a vegetated section of the pool ranged from 0.03 to 3.28 g C m -3 s d -1 ; production (m -3) in a vegetation bed was 5.5 times that in the adjacent nonvegetated channel border areas and approximately 50 times that in the main channel. Aquatic macrophytes and associated microorganisms may be capable of providing significant inputs of carbon to secondary consumers in the pool during the summer low flow.  相似文献   

The Everglades Nutrient Removal Project (ENRP) was one of the largest treatment wetlands ever built. In North America, it has been exceeded only by the Stormwater Treatment Areas, the designs for which it was developed to support. The five cells of the ENRP contained varying mixtures of submerged, emergent and floating vegetation, and produced concomitantly variable phosphorus (P) removal. The range of first–order settling rates for total P (TP) removal was from 12 to 73 m/year for the individual cells, compared to a range of 13–23 m/year for Boney Marsh, Water Conservation Area 2A, and Orlando Easterly Wetlands. The mean TP settling rate in the ENRP of 23 m/year compares well to a mean of 16 m/year for 77 other wetland systems. No seasonal trends were detected in the ENRP, but there was ±50% variability for outlet TP concentrations. The ENRP operated at the low end of the spectrum of P concentrations and loadings for treatment marshes in general, with a mean inlet TP of about 100 μg P/L, while producing 21 μg P/L in the effluent over a 6-year period of record. Consequently, vegetation density and P content were low compared to other wetland systems. The biogeochemical cycle in the ENRP resulted in accreting residuals that had about 1000 mg P/kg dry weight. The project was built economically, but large sums were spent on research. The regulatory concept of a TP 12-month rolling average was initiated for the first time. The project fulfilled its goal of confirming and refining the information from earlier prototype systems. In turn, much of the ENRP design has been replicated in the full-scale STAs, with moderate success.  相似文献   

Mamani  A.  Koncurat  M. L.  Boveri  M. 《Hydrobiologia》2019,829(1):19-29

Whether macrophytes offer an effective refuge for zooplankton in all shallow lakes is subject to debate. To explore potential constraints between different predator threats and the related habitat choice by zooplankton, we conducted a mesocosm experiment in 12 large-sized pools mimicking the nearshore environment with part of its length being covered by submersed macrophytes (Egeria densa) and holding a mixed zooplankton community. Four treatments were used: (i) young zooplanktivorous fish (3 silverside, Odontesthes bonariensis) in the “open-water” zone; (ii) macroinvertebrate predator (31 grass shrimp, Palaemonetes argentinus) in the vegetated zone; (iii) both, fish in the open-water and shrimp in the vegetated zones; and (iv) control with no predators. Our results show specific effects of each predator on the abundance, composition, and size of cladocerans. Regarding distribution, in control and shrimp mesocosms, no differences were found between the two zones, while cladocerans were clearly more abundant in the vegetated side in the presence of fish. When both fish and shrimp were present, cladocerans preferred the vegetated zone too, but in a smaller proportion, and their abundance was less. The presence of predatory macroinvertebrates in vegetated littoral zone reduces the refuge value of this habitat, at least for cladocerans.


We collected quantitative data on macrophyte abundance and water quality in 319 mostly shallow, polymictic, Florida lakes to look for relationships between trophic state indicators and the biomasses of plankton algae, periphyton, and macrophytes. The lakes ranged from oligotrophic to hypereutrophic with total algal chlorophylls ranging from 1 to 241 mg m–3. There were strong positive correlations between planktonic chlorophylls and total phosphorus and total nitrogen, but there were weak inverse relationships between the densities of periphyton and the trophic state indicators total phosphorus, total nitrogen and algal chlorophyll and a positive relationship with Secchi depth. There was no predictable relationship between the abundance of emergent, floating-leaved, and submersed aquatic vegetation and the trophic state indicators. It was only at the highest levels of nutrient concentrations that submersed macrophytes were predictably absent and the lakes were algal dominated. Below these levels, macrophyte abundance could be high or low. The phosphorus–chlorophyll and phosphorus–Secchi depth relationships were not influenced by the amounts of aquatic vegetation present indicating that the role of macrophytes in clearing lakes may be primarily to reduce nutrient concentrations for a given level of loading. Rather than nutrient concentrations controlling macrophyte abundance, it seems that macrophytes acted to modify nutrient concentrations.  相似文献   

《Ecological Engineering》2005,24(4):379-389
Most lake restoration/rehabilitation schemes are biased toward vertical lake management practices generally applicable to deep lakes. Unfortunately, most schemes fail to or inadequately consider their actions within the context of horizontal lake management, an especially critical component when considering shallow lakes. Two Greek lakes, phytoplankton-dominated Koronia and macrophyte-dominated Chimaditida, are used to illustrate the importance of integrating vertical and horizontal considerations in the management of shallow lakes experiencing pronounced water level reduction. Attempting to manage the structure and function of fringing wetlands via vertical manipulations of the water column are doomed to failure without consideration of changes in physical and chemical aspects of the “memory” (sediments, soils). Fringing wetlands must not be considered as monotypic habitats interacting with lakes in direct proportion to their aerial extent. A predominately vertical lake management approach is probably valid for systems such as Lake Koronia without a history of significant submersed or emergent macrophytes. For those lakes embedded within significant wetlands like Lake Chimaditida, however, failure to consider horizontal lake management as a significant component of the overall system rehabilitation will likely diminish its successful outcome. Finally, definitions of wetlands currently used by Ramsar and aquatic scientists based primarily on structural aspects of ecosystems need to be modified to recognize the overriding importance of aerially differentiated functional aspects within vegetated communities as well as fundamental differences between vegetated and open-water habitats.  相似文献   

Long-term effects of within-basin tillage can constrain condition andfunction of prairie wetlands even after uplands are restored. Runoff wassignificantly greater to replicate wetlands within tilled basins with orwithoutvegetated buffer strips as compared to Conservation Reserve Program restorationcontrols with revegetated uplands (REST). However, mean water levels for nativeprairie reference sites were higher than for REST controls, becauseinfiltrationrates were lower for native prairie basins, which had no prior history oftillage. Nutrient dynamics changed more in response to changes in water leveland vegetation structure than to increased nutrient inputs in watershed runoff.Dissolved oxygen increased between dry and wet years except in basins or zoneswith dense vegetation. As sediment redox dropped, water-column phosphatedeclined as phosphate likely co-precipitated with iron on the sediment surfacewithin open-water or sparsely vegetated zones. In response, N:P ratios shiftedfrom a region indicating N limitation to P limitation. REST sites, with densevegetation and low DO, also maintained high DOC, which maintains phosphate insolution through chelation of iron and catalysis of photoreduction. Referencesites in native prairie and restored uplands diverged over the course of thewet-dry cycle, emphasizing the importance of considering climatic variation inplanning restoration efforts.  相似文献   

Much of the historical Everglades has been either lost or degraded as a result of human activities. Among the aquatic habitats that comprise the Everglades landscape mosaic, open-water sloughs support critical ecological functions and appear especially sensitive to both hydrologic and water-quality perturbations. We used a combination of remote sensing and on-the-ground sampling to document spatial changes in the extent and vegetative composition of sloughs along a phosphorus (P) gradient in the northern Everglades. Increasing levels of water and soil P were associated with a decline in slough coverage, loss of the abundant native periphyton community, and a shift in dominant macrophyte species. The characteristic slough macrophyte species Eleocharis cellulosa and Nymphaea odorata exhibited different sensitivities to P enrichment, but both species declined with enrichment as slough habitats were invaded by Typha domingensis, a species that is known to expand aggressively in response to enrichment. A limited amount of open-water habitat occurred in highly enriched areas, but these habitats were maintained largely as a result of airboat disturbance and did not contain characteristic slough vegetation. Many changes in slough coverage and composition occurred in areas where water and soil P concentrations were only marginally higher than background levels. Our findings support the need for Everglades hydrologic restoration efforts to adhere to strict water-quality standards for P to avoid further degradation of this key landscape feature. Handling editor: L. M. Bini  相似文献   

Patches of submerged vegetation can be important sites of primary production and habitat for organisms in many aquatic ecosystems. In the tidal freshwater Hudson River they make up about 6% of the river bottom area. Direct sampling of water masses passing through patches of vegetation and week-long continuous monitoring of water characteristics were used to determine plant effects on dissolved oxygen and suspended sediments. Vegetated areas could have dissolved oxygen concentrations substantially higher than in the main channel and suspended sediments and turbidity were frequently higher in vegetated areas. Patches of Vallisneria americana had variable capacity to maintain super-saturated oxygen concentrations; patch size accounted for some of the variability whereas larger-scale differences in main-channel influent water also contributed. Differences in turbidity among sites were harder to account for; width of plant beds and abundance of neighboring vegetated areas contributed weakly to predictions of local turbidity. Functional heterogeneity within ecosystems is common and attempts to explain variability may require understanding different controlling factors for different functions and appreciating that factors operate at multiple scales.  相似文献   

Radioisotope techniques were used to compare photosynthetic CO2 fixation, activities of carboxylating enzymes, and the composition of photosynthates in 42 species of aquatic plants (emergent, floating, and submersed hydrophytes) collected from rivers Sysert' and Iset' in Sverdlovsk oblast (Russia). The submersed leaves, in comparison with the emergent and floating leaves, featured lower rates of potential photosynthesis (by 2.2 mg CO2/(dm2 h) on average), low content of the fraction I protein, and low activity of Rubisco and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC). The averaged activities of Rubisco and PEPC were diminished in submersed leaves by 10 and 1 mg/(dm2 h), respectively. Different hydrophyte groups showed similar composition of assimilates accumulated after 5-min photosynthesis and did not differ in this respect from terrestrial plants. However, the incorporation of 14C into sucrose and starch in submersed leaves (30 and 9% of total labeling, respectively) was lower than in emergent and floating leaves (45 and 15%, respectively). At the same time, the incorporation of 14C into C4 acids (malate and aspartate) was 1.5 times higher in submersed leaves than in other leaf types. Analysis of leaf differentiation, the Rubisco/PEPC activity ratio, the PEPC activity, and the composition of primary photosynthates in the pulse–chase experiments revealed no evidence of the C4 effect in the submersed hydrophytes examined. The adaptation of hydatophytes to specific conditions of an aquatic environment was structurally manifested in the reduction (by a factor of 3–5) in the number of chloroplasts per 1 cm2 leaf area. This small number of chloroplasts was responsible for low photosynthetic rates in submersed leaves, although metabolic activities of individual chloroplasts were similar for all three hydrophyte groups.  相似文献   

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