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Summary This study deals with the effects of two amphiphilic lipidosis-inducing drugs (chlorphentermine, iprindole) upon the ultrastructure of peripheral nerves of rats. After prolonged drug treatment the preterminal and terminal axoplasm of motor and sensory nerves within skeletal muscles contain numerous abnormal inclusions (osmiophilic conglomerates, autophagic vacuoles, lamellated bodies). By contrast, the axons within large peripheral nerves are little affected. The present observations are tentatively interpreted as resulting from interference with catabolic processes involved in the normal turnover of axoplasmic constituents at the nerve terminal. The exact pathogenesis and the functional significance of these alterations remain to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Histological, histochemical and ultrastructural examinations were performed on renal tissues of rats after prolonged oral administration of the anorectic drug chlorphentermine or of the tricyclic antidepressants iprindole, imipramine and clomipramine. All drugs caused the formation of multilamellated cytoplasmic inclusions throughout the nephron and the collecting duct system, and in interstitial cells. The cytological alterations were most prominent in the glomerular podocytes, in the proximal convoluted tubules, and in the collecting duct system. In view of the histochemical properties (staining with Baker's acid hematein) and the ultrastructural appearance of the cytoplasmic inclusions the cellular alterations are interpreted as a renal manifestation of a generalized lipidosis induced by drugs of amphiphilic character.  相似文献   

An electron-microscopic study was carried out on the inner ear of rats, which had been treated with the anorectic drug chlorphentermine and the antidepressant drug iprindole, two cationic amphiphilic compounds known to induce a generalized lipidosis. After chronic drug treatment the following vestibular and cochlear alterations were observed: a) numerous lamellated and crystalloid cytoplasmic inclusion bodies in various cell types, typical of drug-induced lipidosis; b) axonal balloonings predominantly affecting preterminal sensory endings which were filled with masses of coarse osmiophilic inclusions and autophagic vacuoles. With prolonged treatment degeneration of nerve fibers below the sensory epithelium was observed in increased numbers. Axonal changes are tentatively interpreted to result from drug-induced interference with certain catabolic processes involved in the normal degradation of axoplasmic constituents.  相似文献   

Summary The neurohypophyses (neural lobes of the pituitary) of young adult (3–6 months) and aged (12–30 months) male rats were studied by means of electron microscopy. Stereomorphometric analyses were performed to determine the size, number and relative volume of the hormone-containing vesicles. The principal observations included: 1) the conspicuous depletion in aged rats of the granular hormone-containing vesicles from the axon terminals and the Herring bodies, with a decrease in the relative volume fraction of the vesicles from 4.8 Vv % in the control animals to 1.1 Vv % in the aged rats; 2) a change in the size-distribution of the hormone vesicles; 3) an increase in the extracellular space around the nerve terminals, axons and capillaries; and 4) lipid accumulations and signs of activation in the pituicytes. The possible physiological significance of the findings is discussed in the light of several regulatory functions known to be altered during the process of ageing.  相似文献   

Summary Images have been obtained from freeze-etch replicas of neurohypophyses which are consistent with the view that orderly arranged aggregates of membrane particles occur in regions where fragments of membrane are being added to and taken away from the plasma membrane during secretion. Aggregates of particles included rosette-like and necklace-like patterns similar to those described by other authors at sites of exocytosis and endocytosis.Dedicated to Prof. W. Bargmann at the occasion of his 70th birthday. A short account has been presented at the 8th International Congress of Electron Microscopy (Dreifuss, Akert, Sandri and Moor, 1974).This work was supported by grants from the Swiss National Foundation for Scientific Research Nos. 3.257.74, 3.368.0.74, 3.774.72 and 3.045.73; the Hartmann-Müller Foundation for Medical Research in Zürich and the Dr. Eric Slack-Gyr Stiftung.  相似文献   

Summary An immunoelectronmicroscopic method for the specific localization of neurohypophyseal hormones was developed in neurohypophyses of Wistar and Brattleboro rats, the latter strain being homozygous for diabetes insipidus. If the proper precautions were omitted, a marked cross reactivity between antivasopressin and antioxytocin preparations was found. Cross reaction of an antivasopressin plasma with oxytocin, at a dilution of less than 11600, resulted in electron density of all granules within neurosecretory fibres of the Brattleboro and Wistar neurohypophyses. However, this cross reactivity could be eliminated either by sufficient dilution of the antiplasma, or by its purification. Purification of the antibodies was performed by absorption to agarose beads coated with the cross reacting component. Upon incubation with antivasopressin (diluted unpurified 11600 or purified 180) and unpurified antioxytocin (1400) plasma, sections of a Wistar neurohypophysis revealed two types of neurosecretory fibres, containing either electron dense or lucent granules. Oxytocin and vasopressin containing neurosecretory fibres were found as clusters in the neurohypophysis. The specificity of both unpurified antivasopressin (11600) and antioxytocin (1400) plasma was confirmed on serial sections of a Wistar neurohypophysis, alternately incubated with the solutions of the two antibodies.These data prove that the one-cell-one-hormone hypothesis holds true for the hypothalamic-neurohypophyseal system.The authors wish to thank Dr. L.A. Sternberger (Edgewood Arsenal, Md., U.S.A.) for the peroxidase-anti-peroxidase complex, Dr. J.G. Streefkerk (Free University, Amsterdam) and the members of our project group on neuroendocrinology for their suggestions and critical remarks, and Mrs. M. Mud, Mr. P. Wolters and Mrs. A. van der Velden for their skilful assistance  相似文献   

Summary The development of the vascular system in the neurohypophysis of the rat shows three periods of structural differentiation. The first period lasts until the 17th fetal day. During this period the superficial and the border plexuses are formed, and rapid vascularization of the neural lobe anlage takes place. The end of this period is marked by the formation of the perivascular space. The second period lasts from the 18th fetal day until the 10th day after birth. Its initial phase is characterized by the appearance of the first endothelial pores. During this period the formation of the internal capillaries proceeds, together with the maturation of the previously formed vascular elements. The third period lasts from the 10th postnatal day until the end of the first month after birth. At the end of this period the vascular net of the neural lobe has attained its fully developed state. The results of this study, together with data from previous investigations, lead to the conclusion that at the 18th fetal day the neural lobe displays signs of functional activity, and that the maturation of the vascular network in the neural lobe occurs more rapidly than the maturation of its other structural components.Research fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. V. Becker, Department of Pathology, University of Erlangen, on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

Summary A study of the morphology of Herring bodies of the posterior pituitary lobe of rats treated with colchicine and/or exposed to low temperatures has been performed. After treatment with colchicine (20 g in distilled water injected intracisternally) a predominance of Herring bodies with a large number of small synaptic-like vesicles surrounded by neurosecretory granules is found. Exposures to low temperature (4–6° C) result in an increase in the neurosecretory material and the Herring bodies show many neurosecretory granules of different densities. After treatment with colchicine and subsequent exposure to low temperatures, the Herring bodies are characterized by having a great number of autophagic bodies which become more numerous as the length of the exposure is increased; later autophagic vacuoles and lamellar bodies become evident.  相似文献   

Summary The neurohypophysis of the South American lungfish Lepidosiren paradoxa has been studied with light and electron microscopy, including the Falck-Hillarp technique for catecholamines. The pars nervosa hypophyseos is a well-marked, dorsally located subdivision of the pituitary gland composed of lobes or follicles, each one constituted of a central core of ependymal cells, a subependymal hilar region made up of nerve fibers and a peripheric palisade zone of nerve endings which contact capillary vessels. Four types of neurosecretory axons can be distinguished under the electron microscope. Type I, the most common, contains spherical elementary granules of high electron density, 1500–1800 Å in diameter. The scarce type II axons contain irregularly-shaped elementary granules. Type III contains only small clear vesicles, 400–600 Å in diameter. Type IV, mostly present in regions of the gland contacting the pars intermedia, contain large granulated vesicles, 900–1000 Å in diameter. The Falck-Hillarp technique revealed axons with a positive reaction for catecholamines at sites corresponding approximately to the location of type IV of the electron microscope.Ependymal cells are of large size, linking the cerebrospinal fluid, the nerve endings and the blood vessels. A conspicuous membrane-bound, spherical dense material, 1400–2000 Å in diameter, is observed in both the apical and vascular processes of these cells. The ependymal processes which traverse the hilar and palisade regions contain structures resembling degenerated neurosecretory axons. These results are discussed in relation with the currently available information on the comparative anatomy of the pars nervosa. The possible functional significance of ependymal cells and of each type of axon are also discussed.This study was aided by the following grants: NIH NS 06953 to Prof. De Robertis, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas to Prof. Zambrano, Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas de la Provincia de Buenos Aires and Comisión de Investigaciones Cientificas de la Universidad Nacional de la Plata: to Prof. Iturriza.The authors are indebted to Prof. De Robertis for his generosity in granting us his laboratory facilities, and to Dr. F. J. J. Risso and Mr. A. Fernández (Resistencia, Chaco) who provided the specimens used in this study. The able microtechnical assistance of Miss L. Riboldazzi and Mrs. R. Raña and the photographic work of Mr. A. Saenz are much appreciated.Members of the Scientific Career, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Argentina.  相似文献   

Summary Substance-P immunoreactivity has been located in semithin sections of mouse hypothalami and pituitaries and compared with the distribution of other hypothalamic peptides. In the mouse, nerve fibres and terminals reacting with antibodies against substance P (SP) were detected both in the external zone of the median eminence (ME) and in the neural lobe of the pituitary. Immunoreactive SP (ISP) axons of the ME did not react with antibodies against other peptides, i.e. arginine-vasopressin (AVP), oxytocin (OT), somatostatin and enkephalin, and were also negative with an antibody to serotonin. In the neural lobe, SP immunostaining occurred in AVP but not in OT axons. In the hypothalamus, ISP axons were widespread but conspicuously lacking in areas containing AVP neurones, i. e. in the suprachiasmatic nucleus and the clusters of AVP cells in the SO and PV nuclei. In contrast, multiple ISP endings were seen in contact with OT neurones. Immunoreactive cell bodies, only detected after colchicine treatment, belonged to two distinct classes of neurones: 1) single AVP neurones of the SO and PV nuclei; 2) specific (staining only for SP) neurones, scattered or grouped in different areas of the hypothalamus, not showing relationship with any circumscribed nucleus. These results reinforce the opinion that SP can be released as a neurohormone into the vascular portal system and can directly affect the pars distalis. The presence of immunoreactive SP in the neural lobe, which has not been reported in species other than the mouse, may have a different physiological significance.  相似文献   

Summary The organization of the system of perivascular space around the capillaries in the neurohypophysis was studied in the adult and developing laboratory mouse by the use of histological silver impregnation and electron microscopical techniques.In the median eminence short and long extensions, arising mainly from the shallow space around capillary loops of the primary plexus of the portal system, formed radiations into the adjacent neural tissue of the external zone. The tissue of the neural lobe was separable into non-vascular regions dominated by undilated portions of neurosecretory nerve fibres and pituicytes, and neurovascular regions with perivascular space extensions forming an extensive system of connections between neighbouring capillaries.In the median eminence, the system of extensions of the perivascular space was estimated to increase the neurovascular contact surface area by at least 50%, implying an increased efficiency of the organ without a notable increase of its volume. The possibility that the ramifications of the perivascular space imply an enhanced uptake rate into the bloodstream and a subsequent increased concentration of the neurohormones in the portal blood, was discussed.During development of the median eminence, differentiation of perivascular space extensions of the adult type started in the juvenile of about three weeks of age, when shallow capillary loops had been formed. In the neural lobe, perivascular space ramifications were already present when the internal capillaries were formed and were fairly frequent in ten-day young. At the age of three to four weeks the organization of the system was similar to that of the adult animal.  相似文献   

Summary Neural lobes of rats subjected to severe acute haemorrhage under sodium pentobarbitone anaesthesia were examined electron microscopically and the ultrastructure compared with that in anaesthetised and unanaesthetised controls. Changes in the localisation and numerical distribution of elementary granules and small vesicles in the neurohypophysial nerve endings of bled rats were consistent with the occurrence of exocytosis. The occurrence of exocytotic profiles was observed more frequently in freeze-etched tissue samples as compared with the material fixed for conventional electron microscopy. The ratio of small vesicles: elementary granules was shown to be significantly increased (P<0.005) in the nerve endings of neural lobes from bled rats. Equally, the numbers of exocytotic profiles related to 1000 m2 of neurohypophysial tissue area were significantly greater (P<0.005) in bled rats.The study was supported by Medical Research Council of Canada. The authors are grateful to Dr. W. Costerton, Biology Department, The University of Calgary, for use of facilities for freeze-etching, and to Miss Y. Carter for technical assistance.Research Associate, Consejo Nacional de Investigationes Cientificas y Tecnicas, Argentina.Associate, Medical Research Council of Canada.  相似文献   

Summary Neurosecretory axons in the neurohypophysis of the hagfish, Eptatretus burgeri, were statistically classified into six types according to the size of secretory granules. These types are comparable with those in higher vertebrates. The concentration of each axon type is different in three regions: anterior dorsal wall, posterior dorsal wall, and ventral wall. The regional differences of the hagfish neurohypophysis are discussed in relation to the regional differentiation of the tetrapod neurohypophysis into the median eminence and the pars nervosa.We wish to express our appreciation to Professor Hideshi Kobayashi for the guidance of this study. It was aided by grants from the Ford Foundation and the Ministry of Education to Professor H. Kobayashi, and also by grants from the Population Council, New York and the Ministry of Education to Professor S. Ishii.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) was studied by light-microscopic immunocytochemistry in the hypothalamo-pituitary complex of humans, monkeys, ferrets, bats, and rats. LHRH-immunoreactive fibers were identified in the median eminence of all these species, but the precise location of these fibers varied. In rats, the vast majority of LHRH fibers in the median eminence was confined to the external zone. In contrast, in bats, most of the LHRH fibers were located in the internal zone. While these two species represent opposite extremes in distribution of LHRH fibers within the median eminence, intermediate conditions were found in humans, monkeys, and ferrets, as considerable numbers of fibers occurred in both internal and external zones. In addition to fibers in the median eminence, large numbers of LHRH-immunoreactive fibers were identified traversing the infundibular stalk and entering the neural lobe of the pituitary in all species examined except the rat. In rats, only occasional fibers were observed in the infundibular stalk, and they did not project into the neural lobe. However, in humans, monkeys, ferrets, and bats, groups of LHRH-immunoreactive fibers extended well into the substance of the posterior pituitary. Most of these fibers appeared to terminate near the adenohypophysis, but others coursed away from the anterior lobe and penetrated deeper portions of the neural lobe. These observations, made in several mammalian species, indicate that multiple routes may exist in the median eminence/stalk/pituitary complex for the delivery of LHRH to the anterior pituitary.  相似文献   

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