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Regardless of the morphological divergence among larval forms of marine bryozoans, the larval nervous system and its major effector organs (musculature and ciliary fields) are largely molded on the basis of functional demands of feeding, ciliary propulsion, phototactic behaviors, and substrate exploration. Previously published ultrastructural information and immunohistochemical reconstructions presented here indicate that neuronal pathways are largely ipsilateral, with more complex synaptic connections localized within the nerve nodule. Multiciliated sensory-motor neurons diversify structurally and functionally on the basis of their position along the axis of swimming largely due to the functional demands of photoklinotaxis and substrate exploration. Vesiculariform, buguliform, and ascophoran coronate larvae all have patches of sensory neurons bordering the pyriform organ's ciliated groove (juxtapapillary cells and border cells) that are active during substrate selection. Despite their simplified form, cyclostome larvae maintain swimming and probing behaviors with sensory-motor systems functionally similar to those of some parenchymella and planula larval types. Considering the evolutionary relationships among the morphological grades of marine bryozoans, particular lineages within the gymnolaemates have independently evolved larval traits that convey a greater range of sensory abilities and increased propulsive capacity. The larval nervous system of bryozoans may be evolutionarily derived from the pretrochal region of a trochophore-like larval form.  相似文献   

The ‘division of labour’ model of eye evolution is elaborated here. We propose that the evolution of complex, multicellular animal eyes started from a single, multi-functional cell type that existed in metazoan ancestors. This ancient cell type had at least three functions: light detection via a photoreceptive organelle, light shading by means of pigment granules and steering through locomotor cilia. Located around the circumference of swimming ciliated zooplankton larvae, these ancient cells were able to mediate phototaxis in the absence of a nervous system. This precursor then diversified, by cell-type functional segregation, into sister cell types that specialized in different subfunctions, evolving into separate photoreceptor cells, shading pigment cells (SPCs) or ciliated locomotor cells. Photoreceptor sensory cells and ciliated locomotor cells remained interconnected by newly evolving axons, giving rise to an early axonal circuit. In some evolutionary lines, residual functions prevailed in the specialized cell types that mirror the ancient multi-functionality, for instance, SPCs expressing an opsin as well as possessing rhabdomer-like microvilli, vestigial cilia and an axon. Functional segregation of cell types in eye evolution also explains the emergence of more elaborate photosensory–motor axonal circuits, with interneurons relaying the visual information.  相似文献   

From its numerical composition, the central nervous system (CNS) of the ascidian larva is one of the simplest known nervous systems having a chordate plan. Fewer than 350 cells together constitute a caudal nerve cord, an interposed visceral ganglion containing motor circuits for swimming and, rostrally, an expanded sensory vesicle containing major sensory and interneuron regions of the CNS. Some cells are ependymal, with ciliated surfaces lining the neural canal, while others are clearly either sensory receptors or motoneurons, but most are distinguishable only on cytological grounds. Although reassignments between categories are still being made, there is evidence for determinancy of total cell number. We have made three-dimensional cell maps either from serial semithin sections, or from confocal image stacks of whole-mounted embryos and larvae stained with nuclear markers. Comparisons between the maps of neural tubes in embryos of successive ages, that is, between cells in one map and their progeny in older maps, enable us to follow the line of mitotic descent through successive maps, at least for the caudal neural tube. Details are clear for the lateral cell rows in the neural tube, at least until the latter contains approximately 320 cells, and somewhat for the dorsal cell row, but the ventral row is more complex. In the hatched larva, serial-EM reconstructions of the visceral ganglion reveal two ventrolateral fibre bundles at the caudalmost end, each of 10-12 axons. These tracts include at least five pairs of presumed motor axons running into the caudal nerve cord. Two pairs of axons decussate. Complementing this vertebrate feature in the CNS of the larval form of Ciona, we confirm that synapses form upon the somata and dendrites of its neurons, and that its motor tracts are ventral.  相似文献   

The central nervous system (CNS) of a metamorphically competent larva of the caenogastropod Ilyanassa obsoleta contains a medial, unpaired apical ganglion (AG) of approximately 25 neurons that lies above the commissure connecting the paired cerebral ganglia. The AG, also known as the cephalic or apical sensory organ (ASO), contains numerous sensory neurons and innervates the ciliated velar lobes, the larval swimming and feeding structures. Before metamorphosis, the AG contains 5 serotonergic neurons and exogenous serotonin can induce metamorphosis in competent larvae. The AG appears to be a purely larval structure as it disappears within 3 days of metamorphic induction. In competent larvae, most neurons of the AG display nitric oxide synthase (NOS)-like immunoreactivity and inhibition of NOS activity can induce larval metamorphose. Because nitric oxide (NO) can prevent cells from undergoing apoptosis, a form of programmed cell death (PCD), we hypothesize that inhibition of NOS activity triggers the loss of the AG at the beginning of the metamorphic process. Within 24 hours of metamorphic induction, cellular changes that are typical of the early stages of PCD are visible in histological sections and results of a terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) assay in metamorphosing larvae show AG nuclei containing fragmented DNA, supporting our hypothesis.  相似文献   

Cell adhesion molecules belonging to the immunoglobulin superfamily (IgSF) control synaptic specificity through hetero- or homophilic interactions in different regions of the nervous system. In the developing spinal cord, monosynaptic connections of exquisite specificity form between proprioceptive sensory neurons and motor neurons, however, it is not known whether IgSF molecules participate in regulating this process. To determine whether IgSF molecules influence the establishment of synaptic specificity in sensory-motor circuits, we examined the expression of 157 IgSF genes in the developing dorsal root ganglion (DRG) and spinal cord by in situ hybridization assays. We find that many IgSF genes are expressed by sensory and motor neurons in the mouse developing DRG and spinal cord. For instance, Alcam, Mcam, and Ocam are expressed by a subset of motor neurons in the ventral spinal cord. Further analyses show that Ocam is expressed by obturator but not quadriceps motor neurons, suggesting that Ocam may regulate sensory-motor specificity in these sensory-motor reflex arcs. Electrophysiological analysis shows no obvious defects in synaptic specificity of monosynaptic sensory-motor connections involving obturator and quadriceps motor neurons in Ocam mutant mice. Since a subset of Ocam+ motor neurons also express Alcam, Alcam or other functionally redundant IgSF molecules may compensate for Ocam in controlling sensory-motor specificity. Taken together, these results reveal that IgSF molecules are broadly expressed by sensory and motor neurons during development, and that Ocam and other IgSF molecules may have redundant functions in controlling the specificity of sensory-motor circuits.  相似文献   

Cubomedusae, or box jellyfish, have the most elaborate visual system of all cnidarians. They have 24 eyes of four morphological types, distributed on four sensory structures called rhopalia. Box jellyfish also display complex, probably visually guided behaviors such as obstacle avoidance and fast directional swimming. Here we describe the strikingly complex and partially bilaterally symmetrical nervous system found in each rhopalium of the box jellyfish, Tripedalia cystophora, and present the rhopalial neuroanatomy in an atlas-like series of drawings. Discrete populations of neurons and commissures connecting the left and the right side along with two populations of nonneuronal cells were visualized using several different histochemical staining techniques and electron microscopy. The number of rhopalial nerve cells and their overall arrangement indicates that visual processing and integration at least partly happen within the rhopalia. The larger of the two nonneuronal cell populations comprises approximately 2,000 likely undifferentiated cells and may support a rapid cell turnover in the rhopalial nervous system.  相似文献   

Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is an autosomal recessive disorder leading to paralysis and early death due to reduced SMN protein. It is unclear why there is such a profound motor neuron loss, but recent evidence from fly and mouse studies indicate that cells comprising the whole sensory-motor circuit may contribute to motor neuron dysfunction and loss. Here, we used induced pluripotent stem cells derived from SMA patients to test whether sensory neurons directly contribute to motor neuron loss. We generated sensory neurons from SMA induced pluripotent stem cells and found no difference in neuron generation or survival, although there was a reduced calcium response to depolarizing stimuli. Using co-culture of SMA induced pluripotent stem cell derived sensory neurons with control induced pluripotent stem cell derived motor neurons, we found no significant reduction in motor neuron number or glutamate transporter boutons on motor neuron cell bodies or neurites. We conclude that SMA sensory neurons do not overtly contribute to motor neuron loss in this human stem cell system.  相似文献   

Sürmeli G  Akay T  Ippolito GC  Tucker PW  Jessell TM 《Cell》2011,147(3):653-665
Sensory-motor circuits in the spinal cord are constructed with a fine specificity that coordinates motor behavior, but the mechanisms that direct sensory connections with their motor neuron partners remain unclear. The dorsoventral settling position of motor pools in the spinal cord is known to match the distal-to-proximal position of their muscle targets in the limb, but the significance of invariant motor neuron positioning is unknown. An analysis of sensory-motor connectivity patterns in FoxP1 mutant mice, where motor neuron position has been scrambled, shows that the final pattern of sensory-motor connections is initiated by the projection of sensory axons to discrete dorsoventral domains of the spinal cord without regard for motor neuron subtype or, indeed, the presence of motor neurons. By implication, the clustering and dorsoventral settling position of motor neuron pools serve as a determinant of the pattern of sensory input specificity and thus motor coordination.  相似文献   

Phototaxis in the broadest sense means positive or negative displacement along a light gradient or vector. Prokaryotes most often use a biased random walk strategy, employing type I sensory rhodopsin photoreceptors and two-component signalling to regulate flagellar reversal. This strategy only allows phototaxis along steep light gradients, as found in microbial mats or sediments. Some filamentous cyanobacteria evolved the ability to steer towards a light vector. Even these cyanobacteria, however, can only navigate in two dimensions, gliding on a surface. In contrast, eukaryotes evolved the capacity to follow a light vector in three dimensions in open water. This strategy requires a polarized organism with a stable form, helical swimming with cilia and a shading or focusing body adjacent to a light sensor to allow for discrimination of light direction. Such arrangement and the ability of three-dimensional phototactic navigation evolved at least eight times independently in eukaryotes. The origin of three-dimensional phototaxis often followed a transition from a benthic to a pelagic lifestyle and the acquisition of chloroplasts either via primary or secondary endosymbiosis. Based on our understanding of the mechanism of phototaxis in single-celled eukaryotes and animal larvae, it is possible to define a series of elementary evolutionary steps, each of potential selective advantage, which can lead to pelagic phototactic navigation. We can conclude that it is relatively easy to evolve phototaxis once cell polarity, ciliary swimming and a stable cell shape are present.  相似文献   

Neuronal circuits underlying rhythmic behaviors (central pattern generators: CPGs) can generate rhythmic motor output without sensory input. However, sensory input is pivotal for generating behaviorally relevant CPG output. Here we discuss recent work in the decapod crustacean stomatogastric nervous system (STNS) identifying cellular and synaptic mechanisms whereby sensory inputs select particular motor outputs from CPG circuits. This includes several examples in which sensory neurons regulate the impact of descending projection neurons on CPG circuits. This level of analysis is possible in the STNS due to the relatively unique access to identified circuit, projection, and sensory neurons. These studies are also revealing additional degrees of freedom in sensorimotor integration that underlie the extensive flexibility intrinsic to rhythmic motor systems.  相似文献   

Settlement behavior of molluscan veliger larvae prior to metamorphosis requires cessation of swimming, accomplished by arrest of prototrochal cilia on the margin of the velum (the larval swimming organ). Ciliary arrest in larvae of gastropods is mediated by an action potential that occurs synchronously across the velum as a consequence of electrical coupling between the prototrochal ciliated cells. We developed a preparation for extracellular recording of such ciliary arrest spikes from intact swimming and crawling veliger larvae of the caenogastropod Crepidula fornicata, using a fine wire electrode. Ciliary arrest spike rates during bouts of substrate crawling were significantly higher than those recorded during preceding swimming periods in larvae that were competent for metamorphosis, but not in precompetent larvae. Spike rates were similar on clean polystyrene substrates, and on substrates that had been coated with a natural cue for metamorphosis (mucus from conspecific adults). We used immunohistochemical methods to localize neuromodulators that might regulate the function of velar cilia. Labeled terminals for serotonin, FMRFamide, and tyrosine hydroxylase (an enzyme for catecholamine synthesis) were located in positions consistent with modulatory effects on the prototrochal ciliated cells. Prototrochal ciliary arrest spike rates and beat frequencies were measured in isolated velar lobes from competent larvae, which were exposed to serotonin, FMRFamide, and dopamine (10?5 mol L?1). Serotonin abolished arrest spiking and increased beat frequency; dopamine also increased beat frequency, and FMRFamide depressed it. Competent larvae tested in a small static water column swam to the top of the column when exposed to serotonin, but occupied lower positions than controls when in the presence of dopamine and FMRFamide. The larval nervous system appears to regulate velar functions that are critical for settlement behavior, and is likely to do so by integrating different sensory modalities in an age‐dependent manner.  相似文献   

The apical sensory organ in veliger larvae of a patellogastropod, a basal clade of gastropod molluscs, was studied using ultrastructural and immunohistochemical techniques. Immediately before veligers of Tectura scutum undergo ontogenetic torsion, the apical sensory organ consists of three large cells that generate a very long apical ciliary tuft, two cells that generate a bilateral pair of shorter ciliary tufts, and a neural ganglion (apical ganglion). Putative sensory neurons forming the ganglion give rise to dendrites that extend to the apical surface of the larva and to basal neurites that contribute to a neuropil. The ganglion includes only one ampullary neuron, a distinctive neuronal type found in the apical ganglion of other gastropod veligers. Serotonin immunoreactivity is expressed by a medial and two lateral neurons, all having an apical dendrite, and also by neurites within the neuropil and by peripheral neurites that run beneath the ciliated prototrochal cells that power larval swimming. The three cells generating the long apical ciliary tuft are lost soon after ontogenetic torsion, and the medial serotonergic cell stops expressing serotonin antigenicity in late-stage veligers. The lateral ciliary tuft cells of T. scutum may be homologs of lateral ciliary tuft cells in planktotrophic opisthobranch veligers. A tripartite arrangement of sensory dendrites, as described previously for veligers of other gastropod clades, can be recognized in T. scutum after loss of the apical ciliary tuft cells.  相似文献   

Han YG  Kwok BH  Kernan MJ 《Current biology : CB》2003,13(19):1679-1686
BACKGROUND: Intraflagellar transport (IFT) uses kinesin II to carry a multiprotein particle to the tips of eukaryotic cilia and flagella and a nonaxonemal dynein to return it to the cell body. IFT particle proteins and motors are conserved in ciliated eukaryotes, and IFT-deficient mutants in algae, nematodes, and mammals fail to extend or maintain cilia and flagella, including sensory cilia. In Drosophila, the only ciliated cells are sensory neurons and sperm. no mechanoreceptor potential (nomp) mutations have been isolated that affect the differentiation and function of ciliated sense organs. The nompB gene is here shown to encode an IFT protein. Its mutant phenotypes reveal the consequences of an IFT defect in an insect. RESULTS: Mechanosensory and olfactory neurons in nompB mutants have missing or defective cilia. nompB encodes the Drosophila homolog of the IFT complex B protein IFT88/Polaris/OSM-5. nompB is expressed in the ciliated sensory neurons, and a functional, tagged NOMPB protein is located in sensory cilia and around basal bodies. Surprisingly, nompB mutant males produce normally elongated, motile sperm. Neuronally restricted expression and male germline mosaic experiments show that nompB-deficient sperm are fully functional in transfer, competition, and fertilization. CONCLUSIONS: NOMPB, the Drosophila homolog of IFT88, is required for the assembly of sensory cilia but not for the extension or function of the sperm flagellum. Assembly of this extremely long axoneme is therefore independent of IFT.  相似文献   

Sensory integration is vital for motile organisms constantly exposed to changing surroundings. Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is a single-celled green alga found swimming in freshwater. In this type of alga, sensory input is first detected by membrane receptors located in the cell body, and then transduced to the beating cilia by membrane depolarization. Many components of the machinery associated with sensory integration in C. reinhardtii, such as chemoreceptors and repolarization-associated channels, are yet uncharacterized. TRP channels are known mediators for cellular sensing in animal cells and it has been suggested that the C. reinhardtii genome encodes for a set of TRP proteins. Here, by combining behavioral studies with electrophysiological experiments conducted on both population and single alga, we test whether TRP channel blockers affect algal swimming behavior. Our results suggest that a TRP conductance is associated to the repolarization that follows a depolarizing receptor potential, highlighting a primitive function of TRP proteins.  相似文献   

Serotonin (5-HT) induces a variety of physiological and behavioral effects in crustaceans. However, the mechanisms employed by 5-HT to effect behavorial changes are not fully understood. Among the mechanisms by which these changes might occur are alterations in synaptic drive and efficacy of sensory, interneurons and motor neurons, as well as direct effects on muscles. We investigated these aspects with the use of a defined sensory-motor system, which is entirely contained within a single abdominal segment and consists of a ‘cuticular sensory neurons–segmental ganglia–abdominal superficial flexor motor neurons–muscles’ circuit. Our studies address the role of 5-HT in altering (1) the activity of motor neurons induced by sensory stimulation; (2) the inherent excitability of superficial flexor motor neurons; (3) transmitter release properties of the motor nerve terminal and (4) input resistance of the muscle. Using en passant recordings from the motor nerve, with and without sensory stimulation, and intracellular recordings from the muscle, we show that 5-HT enhances sensory drive and output from the ventral nerve cord resulting in an increase in the firing frequency of the motor neurons. Also, 5-HT increases transmitter release at the neuromuscular junction, and alters input resistance of the muscle fibers  相似文献   

The tadpole larvae prosencephalon of the ascidian Ciona intestinalis contains a single large ventricle, along the inner walls of which lie two sensory organs: the otolith (a gravity-sensing organ) and the ocellus (a photo-sensing organ composed of a single cup-shaped pigment cell, about 20 photoreceptor cells, and three lens cells). Comparison has been drawn between the morphology and physiology of photoreceptor cells in the ascidian ocellus and the vertebrate eye. The development of vertebrate and invertebrate eyes requires the activity of several conserved genes and it is regulated by precise expression patterns and cell fate decisions common to several species. We have isolated a Ciona homeobox gene (Ci-Rx) that belongs to the paired-like class of homeobox genes. Rx genes have been identified from a variety of organisms and have been demonstrated to have a role in vertebrate eye formation. Ci-Rx is expressed in the anterior neural plate in the middle tailbud stage and subsequently in the larval stage in the sensory vesicle around the ocellus. Loss of Ci-Rx function leads to an ocellus-less phenotype that shows a loss of photosensitive swimming behavior, suggesting the important role played by Ci-Rx in basal chordate photoreceptor cell differentiation and ocellus formation. Furthermore, studies on Ci-Rx regulatory elements electroporated into Ciona embryos using LacZ or GFP as reporter genes indicate the presence of Ci-Rx in pigment cells, photoreceptors, and neurons surrounding the sensory vesicle. In Ci-Rx knocked-down larvae, neither basal swimming activity nor shadow responses develop. Thus, Rx has a role not only in pigment cells and photoreceptor formation but also in the correct development of the neuronal circuit that controls larval photosensitivity and swimming behavior. The results suggest that a Ci-Rx "retinal" territory exists, which consists of pigment cells, photoreceptors, and neurons involved in transducing the photoreceptor signals.  相似文献   

Larvae of the nudibranch mollusc Phestilla sibogae metamorphose in response to a small organic compound released into seawater by their adult prey, the scleractinian coral Porites compressa. The transformations that occur during metamorphosis, including loss of the ciliated velum (swimming organ), evacuation of the shell, and bodily elongation, are thought to be controlled by a combination of neuronal and neuroendocrine activities. Activation of peripheral chemosensory neurons by the metamorphosis-inducing compound should therefore elicit changes within the central nervous system. We used extracellular recording techniques in an attempt to detect responses of neurons within the larval central ganglia to seawater conditioned by P. compressa, to seawater conditioned by the weakly inductive coral Pocillopora damicornis, and to non-inductive seawater controls. The activity patterns within the nervous systems of semi-intact larvae changed in response to both types of coral exudates. Changes took place in two size classes of action potentials, one of which is known to be associated with velar ciliary arrests.  相似文献   

A widely distributed antigen developmentally regulated in the nervous system   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
We have identified a glycoprotein (BEN) of 95-100 x 10(3) Mr using a monoclonal antibody. This protein is transiently expressed at the cell surface of the peripherally projecting neurons, i.e. motoneurons of the spinal cord and cranial nuclei, sensory neurons of the dorsal root and cranial sensory ganglia and sympathetic, parasympathetic and enteric neurons. In vitro cultures of dorsal root and sympathetic ganglia have shown that BEN is expressed on neurons but not on glial cells. On motor and sensory neurons, BEN first appears at the level of the cell body just after withdrawal from the cell cycle. Soon afterwards, expression of the antigen extends to the elongating axon. After a few days, BEN is no longer expressed by the motor and sensory neurons, disappearing first from the cell body and then progressively from the fibres. The loss of expression is concomitant with the onset of intense proliferation of satellite and Schwann cells. This modulated expression within the nervous system is unlike that of any surface glycoprotein so far described in vertebrates. Preliminary biochemical analysis indicates that, although it bears the adhesion-associated epitope HNK-1, BEN does not share characteristics with any previously described axonal glycoprotein. Consequently, we speculate that this glycoprotein might be a novel molecule implicated in selective adhesion phenomena, such as axonal fasciculation.  相似文献   

The central nervous system of paralysed Xenopus laevis embryos can generate a motor output pattern suitable for swimming locomotion. By recording motor root activity in paralysed embryos with transected nervous systems we have shown that: (a) the spinal cord is capable of swimming pattern generation; (b) swimming pattern generator capability in the hindbrain and spinal cord is distributed; (c) caudal hindbrain is necessary for sustained swimming output after discrete stimulation. By recording similarly from embryos whose central nervous system was divided longitudinally into left and right sides, we have shown that: (a) each side can generate rhythmic motor output with cycle periods like those in swimming; (b) during this activity cycle period increases within an episode, and there is the usual rostrocaudal delay found in swimming; (c) this activity is influenced by sensory stimuli in the same way as swimming activity; (d) normal phase coupling of the left and right sides can be established by the ventral commissure in the spinal cord. We conclude that interactions between the antagonistic (left and right) motor systems are not necessary for swimming rhythm generation and present a model for swimming pattern generation where autonomous rhythm generators on each side of the nervous system drive the motoneurons. Alternation is achieved by reciprocal inhibition, and activity is initiated and maintained by tonic excitation from the hindbrain.  相似文献   

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