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The geometric mean length (GML) is proposed as a new statistic aimed at describing the evenness of character changes on a tree for a given set of character optimizations. It is the geometric mean of the number of steps on each branch of the tree, varying between a maximum value when all branch lengths are equal, and a minimum value when all branches but one have only one character step. It can be scaled according to its theoretical maximum value, thus indicating a relative GML that allows a comparison of the evenness of character steps between different tree topologies.  相似文献   

Covarion processes allow changes in evolutionary rates at sites along the branches of a phylogenetic tree. Covarion-like evolution is increasingly recognized as an important mode of protein evolution. Several recent reports suggest that maximum likelihood estimation employing covarion models may support different optimal topologies than estimation using standard rates-across-sites (RAS) models. However, it remains to be demonstrated that ignoring covarion evolution will generally result in topological misestimation. In this study we performed analytical and theoretical studies of limiting distances under the covarion model and four-taxon tree simulations to investigate the extent to which the covarion process impacts on phylogenetic estimation. In particular, we assessed the limits of an RAS model-based maximum likelihood method to recover the phylogenies when the sequence data were simulated under the covarion processes. We find that, when ignored, covarion processes can induce systematic errors in phylogeny reconstruction. Surprisingly, when sequences are evolved under a covarion process but an RAS model is used for estimation, we find that a long branch repel bias occurs.  相似文献   

Bayesian inference (BI) of phylogenetic relationships uses the same probabilistic models of evolution as its precursor maximum likelihood (ML), so BI has generally been assumed to share ML''s desirable statistical properties, such as largely unbiased inference of topology given an accurate model and increasingly reliable inferences as the amount of data increases. Here we show that BI, unlike ML, is biased in favor of topologies that group long branches together, even when the true model and prior distributions of evolutionary parameters over a group of phylogenies are known. Using experimental simulation studies and numerical and mathematical analyses, we show that this bias becomes more severe as more data are analyzed, causing BI to infer an incorrect tree as the maximum a posteriori phylogeny with asymptotically high support as sequence length approaches infinity. BI''s long branch attraction bias is relatively weak when the true model is simple but becomes pronounced when sequence sites evolve heterogeneously, even when this complexity is incorporated in the model. This bias—which is apparent under both controlled simulation conditions and in analyses of empirical sequence data—also makes BI less efficient and less robust to the use of an incorrect evolutionary model than ML. Surprisingly, BI''s bias is caused by one of the method''s stated advantages—that it incorporates uncertainty about branch lengths by integrating over a distribution of possible values instead of estimating them from the data, as ML does. Our findings suggest that trees inferred using BI should be interpreted with caution and that ML may be a more reliable framework for modern phylogenetic analysis.  相似文献   

The relative efficiencies of the maximum-likelihood (ML), neighbor- joining (NJ), and maximum-parsimony (MP) methods in obtaining the correct topology and in estimating the branch lengths for the case of four DNA sequences were studied by computer simulation, under the assumption either that there is variation in substitution rate among different nucleotide sites or that there is no variation. For the NJ method, several different distance measures (Jukes-Cantor, Kimura two- parameter, and gamma distances) were used, whereas for the ML method three different transition/transversion ratios (R) were used. For the MP method, both the standard unweighted parsimony and the dynamically weighted parsimony methods were used. The results obtained are as follows: (1) When the R value is high, dynamically weighted parsimony is more efficient than unweighted parsimony in obtaining the correct topology. (2) However, both weighted and unweighted parsimony methods are generally less efficient than the NJ and ML methods even in the case where the MP method gives a consistent tree. (3) When all the assumptions of the ML method are satisfied, this method is slightly more efficient than the NJ method. However, when the assumptions are not satisfied, the NJ method with gamma distances is slightly better in obtaining the correct topology than is the ML method. In general, the two methods show more or less the same performance. The NJ method may give a correct topology even when the distance measures used are not unbiased estimators of nucleotide substitutions. (4) Branch length estimates of a tree with the correct topology are affected more easily than topology by violation of the assumptions of the mathematical model used, for both the ML and the NJ methods. Under certain conditions, branch lengths are seriously overestimated or underestimated. The MP method often gives serious underestimates for certain branches. (5) Distance measures that generate the correct topology, with high probability, do not necessarily give good estimates of branch lengths. (6) The likelihood-ratio test and the confidence-limit test, in Felsenstein's DNAML, for examining the statistical of branch length estimates are quite sensitive to violation of the assumptions and are generally too liberal to be used for actual data. Rzhetsky and Nei's branch length test is less sensitive to violation of the assumptions than is Felsenstein's test. (7) When the extent of sequence divergence is < or = 5% and when > or = 1,000 nucleotides are used, all three methods show essentially the same efficiency in obtaining the correct topology and in estimating branch lengths.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)   相似文献   

The method of evolutionary parsimony--or operator invariants--is a technique of nucleic acid sequence analysis related to parsimony analysis and explicitly designed for determining evolutionary relationships among four distantly related taxa. The method is independent of substitution rates because it is derived from consideration of the group properties of substitution operators rather than from an analysis of the probabilities of substitution in branches of a tree. In both parsimony and evolutionary parsimony, three patterns of nucleotide substitution are associated one-to-one with the three topologically linked trees for four taxa. In evolutionary parsimony, the three quantities are operator invariants. These invariants are the remnants of substitutions that have occurred in the interior branch of the tree and are analogous to the substitutions assigned to the central branch by parsimony. The two invariants associated with the incorrect trees must equal zero (statistically), whereas only the correct tree can have a nonzero invariant. The chi 2-test is used to ascertain the nonzero invariant and the statistically favored tree. Examples, obtained using data calculated with evolutionary rates and branchings designed to camouflage the true tree, show that the method accurately predicts the tree, even when substitution rates differ greatly in neighboring peripheral branches (conditions under which parsimony will consistently fail). As the number of substitutions in peripheral branches becomes fewer, the parsimony and the evolutionary-parsimony solutions converge. The method is robust and easy to use.   相似文献   

Branch length estimates play a central role in maximum-likelihood (ML) and minimum-evolution (ME) methods of phylogenetic inference. For various reasons, branch length estimates are not statistically independent under ML or ME. We studied the response of correlations among branch length estimates to the degree of among-branch length heterogeneity (BLH) in the model (true) tree. The frequency and magnitude of (especially negative) correlations among branch length estimates were both shown to increase as BLH increases under simulation and analytically. For ML, we used the correct model (Jukes–Cantor). For ME, we employed ordinary least-squares (OLS) branch lengths estimated under both simple p-distances and Jukes–Cantor distances, analyzed with and without an among-site rate heterogeneity parameter. The efficiency of ME and ML was also shown to decrease in response to increased BLH. We note that the shape of the true tree will in part determine BLH and represents a critical factor in the probability of recovering the correct topology. An important finding suggests that researchers cannot expect that different branches that were in fact the same length will have the same probability of being accurately reconstructed when BLH exists in the overall tree. We conclude that methods designed to minimize the interdependencies of branch length estimates (BLEs) may (1) reduce both the variance and the covariance associated with the estimates and (2) increase the efficiency of model-based optimality criteria. We speculate on possible ways to reduce the nonindependence of BLEs under OLS and ML. Received: 9 March 1999 / Accepted: 4 May 1999  相似文献   

Determining the phylogenetic relationships among the major lines of angiosperms is a long-standing problem, yet the uncertainty as to the phylogenetic affinity of these lines persists. While a number of studies have suggested that the ANITA (Amborella-Nymphaeales-Illiciales-Trimeniales-Aristolochiales) grade is basal within angiosperms, studies of complete chloroplast genome sequences also suggested an alternative tree, wherein the line leading to the grasses branches first among the angiosperms. To improve taxon sampling in the existing chloroplast genome data, we sequenced the chloroplast genome of the monocot Acorus calamus. We generated a concatenated alignment (89,436 positions for 15 taxa), encompassing almost all sequences usable for phylogeny reconstruction within spermatophytes. The data still contain support for both the ANITA-basal and grasses-basal hypotheses. Using simulations we can show that were the ANITA-basal hypothesis true, parsimony (and distance-based methods with many models) would be expected to fail to recover it. The self-evident explanation for this failure appears to be a long-branch attraction (LBA) between the clade of grasses and the out-group. However, this LBA cannot explain the discrepancies observed between tree topology recovered using the maximum likelihood (ML) method and the topologies recovered using the parsimony and distance-based methods when grasses are deleted. Furthermore, the fact that neither maximum parsimony nor distance methods consistently recover the ML tree, when according to the simulations they would be expected to, when the out-group (Pinus) is deleted, suggests that either the generating tree is not correct or the best symmetric model is misspecified (or both). We demonstrate that the tree recovered under ML is extremely sensitive to model specification and that the best symmetric model is misspecified. Hence, we remain agnostic regarding phylogenetic relationships among basal angiosperm lineages.  相似文献   

The relative efficiencies of different protein-coding genes of the mitochondrial genome and different tree-building methods in recovering a known vertebrate phylogeny (two whale species, cow, rat, mouse, opossum, chicken, frog, and three bony fish species) was evaluated. The tree-building methods examined were the neighbor joining (NJ), minimum evolution (ME), maximum parsimony (MP), and maximum likelihood (ML), and both nucleotide sequences and deduced amino acid sequences were analyzed. Generally speaking, amino acid sequences were better than nucleotide sequences in obtaining the true tree (topology) or trees close to the true tree. However, when only first and second codon positions data were used, nucleotide sequences produced reasonably good trees. Among the 13 genes examined, Nd5 produced the true tree in all tree-building methods or algorithms for both amino acid and nucleotide sequence data. Genes Cytb and Nd4 also produced the correct tree in most tree-building algorithms when amino acid sequence data were used. By contrast, Co2, Nd1, and Nd41 showed a poor performance. In general, large genes produced better results, and when the entire set of genes was used, all tree-building methods generated the true tree. In each tree-building method, several distance measures or algorithms were used, but all these distance measures or algorithms produced essentially the same results. The ME method, in which many different topologies are examined, was no better than the NJ method, which generates a single final tree. Similarly, an ML method, in which many topologies are examined, was no better than the ML star decomposition algorithm that generates a single final tree. In ML the best substitution model chosen by using the Akaike information criterion produced no better results than simpler substitution models. These results question the utility of the currently used optimization principles in phylogenetic construction. Relatively simple methods such as the NJ and ML star decomposition algorithms seem to produce as good results as those obtained by more sophisticated methods. The efficiencies of the NJ, ME, MP, and ML methods in obtaining the correct tree were nearly the same when amino acid sequence data were used. The most important factor in constructing reliable phylogenetic trees seems to be the number of amino acids or nucleotides used.   相似文献   

A phylogenetic method is a consistent estimator of phylogeny if and only if it is guaranteed to give the correct tree, given that sufficient (possibly infinite) independent data are examined. The following methods are examined for consistency: UPGMA (unweighted pair-group method, averages), NJ (neighbor joining), MF (modified Farris), and P (parsimony). A two-parameter model of nucleotide sequence substitution is used, and the expected distribution of character states is calculated. Without perfect correction for superimposed substitutions, all four methods may be inconsistent if there is but one branch evolving at a faster rate than the other branches. Partial correction of observed distances improves the robustness of the NJ method to rate variation, and perfect correction makes the NJ method a consistent estimator for all combinations of rates that were examined. The sensitivity of all the methods to unequal rates varies over a wide range, so relative-rate tests are unlikely to be a reliable guide for accepting or rejecting phylogenies based on parsimony analysis.  相似文献   

Abstract I show that three parametric-bootstrap (PB) applications that have been proposed for phylogenetic analysis, can be misleading as currently implemented. First, I show that simulating a topology estimated from preliminary data in order to determine the sequence length that should allow the best tree obtained from more extensive data to be correct with a desired probability, delivers an accurate estimate of this length only in topological situations in which most preliminary trees are expected to be both correct and statistically significant, i.e. when no further analysis would be needed. Otherwise, one obtains strong underestimates of the length or similarly biased values for incorrect trees. Second, I show that PB-based topology tests that use as null hypothesis the most likely tree congruent with a pre-specified topological relationship alternative to the unconstrained most likely tree, and simulate this tree for P value estimation, produce excessive type I error (from 50% to 600% and higher) when they are applied to null data generated by star-shaped or dichotomous four-taxon topologies. Simulating the most likely star topology for P value estimation results instead in correct type-I-error production even when the null data are generated by a dichotomous topology. This is a strong indication that the star topology is the correct default null hypothesis for phylogenies. Third, I show that PB-estimated confidence intervals (CIs) for the length of a tree branch are generally accurate, although in some situations they can be strongly over- or under-estimated relative to the “true” CI. Attempts to identify a biased CI through a further round of simulations were unsuccessful. Tracing the origin and propagation of parameter estimate error through the CI estimation exercise, showed that the sparseness of site-patterns which are crucial to the estimation of pivotal parameters, can allow homoplasy to bias these estimates and ultimately the PB-based CI estimation. Concluding, I stress that statistical techniques that simulate models estimated from limited data need to be carefully calibrated, and I defend the point that pattern-sparseness assessment will be the next frontier in the statistical analysis of phylogenies, an effort that will require taking advantage of the merits of black-box maximum-likelihood approaches and of insights from intuitive, site-pattern-oriented approaches like parsimony.  相似文献   

The rate of evolutionary change associated with a character determines its utility for the reconstruction of phylogenetic history. For a given age of lineage splits, we examine the information content of a character to assess the magnitude and range of an optimal rate of substitution. On the one hand an optimal transition rate must provide sufficiently many character changes to distinguish subclades, whereas on the other hand changes must be sufficiently rare that reversals on a single branch (and hence homoplasy) are uncommon. In this study, we evolve binary characters over three tree topologies with fixed branch lengths, while varying transition rate as a parameter. We use the character state distribution obtained to measure the "information content" of a character given a transition rate. This is done with respect to several criteria-the probability of obtaining the correct tree using parsimony, the probability of infering the correct ancestral state, and Shannon-Weaver and Fisher information measures on the configuration of probability distributions. All of the information measures suggest the intuitive result of the existence of optimal rates for phylogeny reconstruction. This nonzero optimum is less pronounced if one conditions on there having been a change, in which case the parsimony-based results of minimum change being the most informative tends to hold.  相似文献   

Abstract New inference techniques, such as supertrees, have improved the construction of large phylogenies, helping to reveal the tree of life. In addition, these large phylogenies have enhanced the study of other evolutionary questions, such as whether traits have evolved in a neutral or adaptive way, or what factors have influenced diversification. However, supertrees usually lack branch lengths, which are necessary for all these issues to be investigated. Here, divergence times within the largest family of flowering plants, namely the Asteraceae, are reviewed to estimate time‐calibrated branch lengths in the supertree of this lineage. An inconsistency between estimated dates of basal branching events and the earliest asteraceous fossil pollen record was detected. In addition, the impact of different methods of branch length assignment on the total number of transitions between states in the reconstruction of sexual system evolution in Asteraceae was investigated. At least for this dataset, different branch length assignation approaches influenced maximum likelihood (ML) reconstructions only and not Bayesian ones. Therefore, the selection of different branch length information is not arbitrary and should be carefully assessed, at least when ML approaches are being used. The reviewed divergence times and the estimated time‐calibrated branch lengths provide a useful tool for future phylogenetic comparative and macroevolutionary studies of Asteraceae.  相似文献   

Summary In the maximum likelihood (ML) method for estimating a molecular phylogenetic tree, the pattern of nucleotide substitutions for computing likelihood values is assumed to be simpler than that of the actual evolutionary process, simply because the process, considered to be quite devious, is unknown. The problem, however, is that there has been no guarantee to endorse the simplification.To study this problem, we first evaluated the robustness of the ML method in the estimation of molecular trees against different nucleotide substitution patterns, including Jukes and Cantor's, the simplest ever proposed. Namely, we conducted computer simulations in which we could set up various evolutionary models of a hypothetical gene, and define a true tree to which an estimated tree by the ML method was to be compared. The results show that topology estimation by the ML method is considerably robust against different ratios of transitions to transversions and different GC contents, but branch length estimation is not so. The ML tree estimation based on Jukes and Cantor's model is also revealed to be resistant to GC content, but rather sensitive to the ratio of transitions to transversions.We then applied the ML method with different substitution patterns to nucleotide sequence data ontax gene from T-cell leukemia viruses whose evolutionary process must have been more complicated than that of the hypothetical gene. The results are in accordance with those from the simulation study, showing that Jukes and Cantor's model is as useful as a more complicated one for making inferences about molecular phylogeny of the viruses.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of temporal (among different branches of a phylogeny) and spatial (among different nucleotide sites within a gene) nonuniformities of nucleotide substitution rates on the construction of phylogenetic trees from nucleotide sequences are addressed. Spatial nonuniformity may be estimated by using Shannon's (1948) entropy formula to measure the Relative Nucleotide Variability (RNV) at each nucleotide site in an aligned set of sequences; this is demonstrated by a comparative analysis of 5S rRNAs. New methods of constructing phylogenetic trees are proposed that augment the Unweighted Pair-Group Using Arithmetic Averages (UPGMA) algorithm by estimating and compensating for both spatial and temporal nonuniformity in substitution rates. These methods are evaluated by computer simulations of 5S rRNA evolution that include both kinds of nonuniformities. It was found that the proposed Reference Ratio Method improved both the ability to reconstruct the correct topology of a tree and also the estimation of branch lengths as compared to UPGMA. A previous method (Farris et al. 1970; Klotz et al. 1979; Li 1981) was found to be less successful in reconstructing topologies when there is high probability of multiple mutations at some sites. Phylogenetic analyses of 5S rRNA sequences support the endosymbiotic origins of both chloroplasts and mitochondria, even though the latter exhibit an accelerated rate of nucleotide substitution. Phylogenetic trees also reveal an adaptive radiation within the eubacteria and another within the eukaryotes for the origins of most major phyla within each group during the Precambrian era.  相似文献   

Bootstrap method of interior-branch test for phylogenetic trees   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
Statistical properties of the bootstrap test of interior branch lengths of phylogenetic trees have been studied and compared with those of the standard interior-branch test in computer simulations. Examination of the properties of the tests under the null hypothesis showed that both tests for an interior branch of a predetermined topology are quite reliable when the distribution of the branch length estimate approaches a normal distribution. Unlike the standard interior-branch test, the bootstrap test appears to retain this property even when the substitution rate varies among sites. In this case, the distribution of the branch length estimate deviates from a normal distribution, and the standard interior-branch test gives conservative confidence probability values. A simple correction method was developed for both interior- branch tests to be applied for testing the reliability of tree topologies estimated from sequence data. This correction for the standard interior-branch test appears to be as effective as that obtained in our previous study, though it is much simpler. The bootstrap and standard interior-branch tests for estimated topologies become conservative as the number of sequence groups in a star-like tree increases.   相似文献   

Consequences of recombination on traditional phylogenetic analysis   总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38  
Schierup MH  Hein J 《Genetics》2000,156(2):879-891
We investigate the shape of a phylogenetic tree reconstructed from sequences evolving under the coalescent with recombination. The motivation is that evolutionary inferences are often made from phylogenetic trees reconstructed from population data even though recombination may well occur (mtDNA or viral sequences) or does occur (nuclear sequences). We investigate the size and direction of biases when a single tree is reconstructed ignoring recombination. Standard software (PHYLIP) was used to construct the best phylogenetic tree from sequences simulated under the coalescent with recombination. With recombination present, the length of terminal branches and the total branch length are larger, and the time to the most recent common ancestor smaller, than for a tree reconstructed from sequences evolving with no recombination. The effects are pronounced even for small levels of recombination that may not be immediately detectable in a data set. The phylogenies when recombination is present superficially resemble phylogenies for sequences from an exponentially growing population. However, exponential growth has a different effect on statistics such as Tajima's D. Furthermore, ignoring recombination leads to a large overestimation of the substitution rate heterogeneity and the loss of the molecular clock. These results are discussed in relation to viral and mtDNA data sets.  相似文献   

The neighbor-joining (NJ) method is widely used in reconstructing large phylogenies because of its computational speed and the high accuracy in phylogenetic inference as revealed in computer simulation studies. However, most computer simulation studies have quantified the overall performance of the NJ method in terms of the percentage of branches inferred correctly or the percentage of replications in which the correct tree is recovered. We have examined other aspects of its performance, such as the relative efficiency in correctly reconstructing shallow (close to the external branches of the tree) and deep branches in large phylogenies; the contribution of zero-length branches to topological errors in the inferred trees; and the influence of increasing the tree size (number of sequences), evolutionary rate, and sequence length on the efficiency of the NJ method. Results show that the correct reconstruction of deep branches is no more difficult than that of shallower branches. The presence of zero-length branches in realized trees contributes significantly to the overall error observed in the NJ tree, especially in large phylogenies or slowly evolving genes. Furthermore, the tree size does not influence the efficiency of NJ in reconstructing shallow and deep branches in our simulation study, in which the evolutionary process is assumed to be homogeneous in all lineages. Received: 7 March 2000 / Accepted: 2 August 2000  相似文献   

The use of parameter-rich substitution models in molecular phylogenetics has been criticized on the basis that these models can cause a reduction both in accuracy and in the ability to discriminate among competing topologies. We have explored the relationship between nucleotide substitution model complexity and nonparametric bootstrap support under maximum likelihood (ML) for six data sets for which the true relationships are known with a high degree of certainty. We also performed equally weighted maximum parsimony analyses in order to assess the effects of ignoring branch length information during tree selection. We observed that maximum parsimony gave the lowest mean estimate of bootstrap support for the correct set of nodes relative to the ML models for every data set except one. For several data sets, we established that the exact distribution used to model among-site rate variation was critical for a successful phylogenetic analysis. Site-specific rate models were shown to perform very poorly relative to gamma and invariable sites models for several of the data sets most likely because of the gross underestimation of branch lengths. The invariable sites model also performed poorly for several data sets where this model had a poor fit to the data, suggesting that addition of the gamma distribution can be critical. Estimates of bootstrap support for the correct nodes often increased under gamma and invariable sites models relative to equal rates models. Our observations are contrary to the prediction that such models cause reduced confidence in phylogenetic hypotheses. Our results raise several issues regarding the process of model selection, and we briefly discuss model selection uncertainty and the role of sensitivity analyses in molecular phylogenetics.  相似文献   

Murphy and colleagues reported that the mammalian phylogeny was resolved by Bayesian phylogenetics. However, the DNA sequences they used had many alignment gaps and undetermined nucleotide sites. We therefore reanalyzed their data by minimizing unshared nucleotide sites and retaining as many species as possible (13 species). In constructing phylogenetic trees, we used the Bayesian, maximum likelihood (ML), maximum parsimony (MP), and neighbor-joining (NJ) methods with different substitution models. These trees were constructed by using both protein and DNA sequences. The results showed that the posterior probabilities for Bayesian trees were generally much higher than the bootstrap values for ML, MP, and NJ trees. Two different Bayesian topologies for the same set of species were sometimes supported by high posterior probabilities, implying that two different topologies can be judged to be correct by Bayesian phylogenetics. This suggests that the posterior probability in Bayesian analysis can be excessively high as an indication of statistical confidence and therefore Murphy et al.'s tree, which largely depends on Bayesian posterior probability, may not be correct.  相似文献   

In phylogenetic inference by maximum-parsimony (MP), minimum-evolution (ME), and maximum-likelihood (ML) methods, it is customary to conduct extensive heuristic searches of MP, ME, and ML trees, examining a large number of different topologies. However, these extensive searches tend to give incorrect tree topologies. Here we show by extensive computer simulation that when the number of nucleotide sequences (m) is large and the number of nucleotides used (n) is relatively small, the simple MP or ML tree search algorithms such as the stepwise addition (SA) plus nearest neighbor interchange (NNI) search and the SA plus subtree pruning regrafting (SPR) search are as efficient as the extensive search algorithms such as the SA plus tree bisection-reconnection (TBR) search in inferring the true tree. In the case of ME methods, the simple neighbor-joining (NJ) algorithm is as efficient as or more efficient than the extensive NJ+TBR search. We show that when ME methods are used, the simple p distance generally gives better results in phylogenetic inference than more complicated distance measures such as the Hasegawa-Kishino-Yano (HKY) distance, even when nucleotide substitution follows the HKY model. When ML methods are used, the simple Jukes-Cantor (JC) model of phylogenetic inference generally shows a better performance than the HKY model even if the likelihood value for the HKY model is much higher than that for the JC model. This indicates that at least in the present case, selecting of a substitution model by using the likelihood ratio test or the AIC index is not appropriate. When n is small relative to m and the extent of sequence divergence is high, the NJ method with p distance often shows a better performance than ML methods with the JC model. However, when the level of sequence divergence is low, this is not the case.  相似文献   

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