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Aerial parts of plants curve towards the light (i.e. positive phototropism), and roots typically grow away from the light (i.e. negative phototropism). In addition, Arabidopsis roots exhibit positive phototropism relative to red light (RL), and this response is mediated by phytochromes A and B (phyA and phyB). Upon light stimulation, phyA and phyB interact with the phytochrome kinase substrate (PKS1) in the cytoplasm. In this study, we investigated the role of PKS1, along with phyA and phyB, in the positive phototropic responses to RL in roots. Using a high-resolution feedback system, we studied the phenotypic responses of roots of phyA, phyB, pks1, phyA pks1 and phyB pks1 null mutants as well as the PKS1-overexpressing line in response to RL. PKS1 emerged as an intermediary in the signalling pathways and appears to promote a negative curvature to RL in roots. In addition, phyA and phyB were both essential for a positive response to RL and act in a complementary fashion. However, either photoreceptor acting without the other results in negative curvature in response to red illumination so that the mode of action differs depending on whether phyA and phyB act independently or together. Our results suggest that PKS1 is part of a signalling pathway independent of phyA and phyB and that PKS1 modulates RL-based root phototropism.  相似文献   

The direction of root growth can be studied by analyzing the trajectories of roots growing in soil. Both the primary seminal root and nodal roots of maize attain a preferred, or liminal, angle of growth that deviates from the vertical. These roots are said to be plagiogravitropic. Experiments using plants grown in soil-filled boxes revealed that the primary seminal root is truly plagiogravitropic. It shows both positive and negative gravitropism in response to gravity stimuli and tends to maintain its direction even after growing around obstacles. These are experimental results suggesting that plagiogravitropic growth is controlled by internal factors. The orientation of the grain affects the establishment of the liminal angle of the primary seminal root, and both the position of their node of origin and the root diameter are closely related to the plagiogravitropic behaviour of nodal roots. Several external factors are also known to influence plagiogravitropism. Low soil water content causes a decrease in the angle of growth and soil mechanical resistance suppresses the gravitropic curvature. Plagiogravitropic behaviour of both seminal and nodal roots plays a significant role in shaping the root system.  相似文献   

Abastract Measurements of growth increments on the shaded and the irradiated sides of phototropically stimulated maize (Zea mays L.) coleoptiles, obtained over the entire fluence range of the first positive curvature, indicate that the curvature is induced by growth stimulation on the shaded side and compensating inhibition on the irradiated side (length increments on the coleoptile flanks were determined 100 min after 30 s phototropic induction with blue light). At high fluences of blue light, overall stimulation of growth takes place, but this tendency is largely eliminated when only the tip of the coleoptile is irradiated. Time courses for growth increments obtained for the maximum first positive response show that the growth stimulation on the shaded side and the growth inhibition on the irradiated side commence almost simultaneously 20-30 min after the phototropic induction. The growth on the irradiated side almost ceases, but the growth rate on the shaded side is doubled, relative to the control rate. The onset of differential growth migrates basipetally from the tip at a velocity similar to that for polar auxin transport. The first positive phototropic response of the coleoptile is concluded to be the consequence of lateral redistribution of growth, which is not necessarily accompanied by changes in the net growth. The results are consonant with the Cholodny-Went theory of tropisms, in which lateral redistribution of auxin is considered to be the cause of tropic responses.  相似文献   

Moritoshi Iino 《Planta》1988,176(2):183-188
The effects of pretreatments with red and blue light (RL, BL) on the fluence-response curve for the phototropism induced by a BL pulse (first positive curvature) were investigated with darkadapted maize (Zea mays L.) coleoptiles. A pulse of RL, giving a fluence sufficient to saturate phytochrome-mediated responses in this material, shifted the bell-shaped phototropic fluence-response curve to higher fluences and increased its peak height. A pulse of high-fluence BL given immediately prior to this RL treatment temporarily suppressed the phototropic fluence-response curve, and shifted the curve to higher fluences than induced by RL alone. The shift by BL progressed rapidly compared to that by RL. The results indicate (1) that first positive curvature is desensitized by both phytochrome and a BL system, (2) that desensitization by BL occurs with respect to both the maximal response and the quantum efficiency, and (3) that the desensitization responses mediated by phytochrome and the BL system can be induced simultaneously but develop following different kinetics. It is suggested that theses desensitization responses contribute to the induction of second positive curvature, a response induced by prolonged irradiation.Abbreviations BL blue light - RL red light CIW-DPB Publication No. 1001  相似文献   

M. Iino 《Planta》1987,171(1):110-126
Blue-light-induced phototropism of maize (Zea mays L.) coleoptiles was studied with a view to kinetic models. Red-light-grown plants were used to eliminate complication arising from the activation by blue light of phytochrome-mediated phototropism. In the first part, mathematical models were developed to explain the phototropic fluence-response data, which were obtained for the responses induced by a single unilateral pulse (30 s) and those induced by a unilateral pulse (30 s) given immediately after a bilateral pulse (30 s, fixed fluences). These data showed bell-shaped fluence-response curves, characteristic of first positive curvature. Modelling began with the assumptions that the light gradient plays a fundamental role in phototropism and that the magnitude of the response is determined by the gradient, or the concentration difference, in a photoproduct between the irradiated and the shaded sides of the tissue. Minimal mathematical models were then derived, by defining chemical kinetics of the photoreaction and introducing the minimum of parameters needed to correlate the incident fluencerate to the functional fluence-rates within the tissue, the functional fluence-rate to the rate constant of the photoreaction, and the photoproduct concentration difference to the curvature response. The models were tested using a curve-fitting computer program. The model obtained by assigning first-order kinetics to the photoreaction failed to explain the fluence-response data, whereas application of second-order kinetics led to a successful fit of the model to the data. In the second part, temporal aspects of the photosystem were examined. Experimental results showed that a high-fluence bilateral pulse eliminated the bell-shaped fluence-response curve for an immediate unilateral pulse, and that the curve gradually reappeared as the time for unilateral stimulation elapsed after the bilateral pulse. The model based on a second-order photoreaction could be extended to explain the results, with assumed changes in two components: the concentration of the reactant for the photoproduct, and the light-sensitivity of the reaction. The reactant concentration, computed with the curvefitting program, showed a gradual increase from zero to a saturation level. This increase was then modelled in terms of regeneration of the reactant from the photoproduct, with an estimated first-order rate constant of about 0.001·s-1. The computed value for the constant reflecting the light-sensitivity showed a sharp decline after the high-fluence pulse, followed by a gradual return to the initial level. From these analytical results, the appearance of second positive curvature was predicted.Abbreviations FPC first positive curvature - SPC second positive curvature CIW-DPB publication No. 884  相似文献   

Rates of diffusion into roots of maize   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

T. Nakamoto 《Plant and Soil》1993,152(2):261-267
The direction of root growth is an important factor that determines the spatial distribution of roots in the soil. The influence of soil water content on the direction of growth of maize nodal roots was studied both in the field and in the greenhouse. In the field experiment, the one plot was regularly irrigated (I-plot) and the other non-irrigated (N-plot). In the greenhouse experiment, three water treatments were conducted on plants grown in pots: continuously wet (CW), early drying (ED), and late drying (LD). The direction of root growth was quantified by the angle from the vertical, measured at 1 cm intervals for 10 cm from the first five internodes. Nodal roots grew more vertically in the N-plot and ED treatment than those in the I-plot and CW treatment. This was due to the decrease of the initial angle and/or the liminal angle. It is therefore thought that two events regulate the growth direction of nodal roots under dry soil conditions: gravitropic bending at root emergence from the stem and the later establishment of the angle of growth. Nodal roots appearing after rewatering in the ED treatment grew in a similar direction as those in the CW treatment. It follows from this that the water content of the surrounding soil has a direct effect on the direction of growth. Nodal roots that emerged in rapidly drying soil in the LD treatment ceased growing after showing negative gravitropism. The possible mechanisms determining the growth direction of nodal roots in drier soils are discussed.  相似文献   

The major site of photoperception for phytochrome-mediated phototropism of maize (Zea mays L.) mesocotyls was identified to be within the bending zone of the mesocotyl.Abbreviations FR far-red light - R red light C.I.W.-D.P.B. Publication No. 854  相似文献   

Time-dependent phototropism (TDP), sometimes called second positive curvature, occurs when the duration of phototropic stimulation with blue light (B) exceeds a few minutes. TDP was characterized in maize (Zea mays L.) coleoptiles raised under continuous red light (R). Subsequently, coleoptiles adapted to darkness were used to investigate the effect of R on TDP. It was found that TDP, which is induced in R-grown coleoptiles, does not occur in dark-adapted coleoptiles and that dark-adapted coleoptiles begin to show TDP after treatment with R. The TDP responsiveness became maximal 1-2 h after treatment with a R pulse and decreased during the next few hours. At least 10 min was required after a short pulse of R before the coleoptile began to respond to B for the induction of TDP. The effect of R in establishing the TDP responsiveness was totally suppressed by a pulse of far-red light given immediately after an inductive pulse of R. It is concluded that the mechanism of TDP requires for its establishment a R signal perceived by phytochrome. The TDP of R-grown and R-pretreated coleoptiles showed relationships to stimulation times and fluence rates that are similar to those reported for oat coleoptiles, except that TDP of maize showed a sharp increase in its magnitude within a narrow range of stimulation times as short as 5-10 min.  相似文献   

Iino  Moritoshi  Briggs  Winslow R.  Schäfer  Eberhard 《Planta》1984,160(1):41-51
Unilateral irradiation with red light (R) or blue light (BL) elicits positive curvature of the mesocotyl of maize (Zea mays L.) seedlings raised under R for 2 d from sowing and kept in the dark for 1 d prior to curvature induction. The fluenceresponse curve for R-induced mesocotyl curvature, obtained by measuring curvature 100 min after phototropic induction, shows peaks in two fluence ranges, designated first positive range (from the threshold to the trough), and second positive range (above the trough). The fluence-response curve for BL is similar to that for R but shifted two orders of magnitude to higher fluences. Blue light elicits the classical first positive curvature of the coleoptile, whereas this response is not found with R. Positive mesocotyl curvature induced by either R or BL is eliminated by R given from above just before the unilateral irradiation, whereas BL-induced coleoptile curvature is not eliminated. The above results collectively offer evidence that phototropic curvature of the mesocotyl is induced by R-sensitive photosystem(s). Mesocotyl curvature in the second positive range is reduced by vertical far-red light (FR) applied after phototropic induction with R, but is not affected by FR applied before R. Unilateral irradiation with FR following vertical irradiation with a high R fluence leads to negative curvature of the mesocotyl. It is concluded that mesocotyl curvature in the second positive range results from a gradient in the amount of the FR-absorbing form of phytochrome (Pfr) established across the plant axis. Mesocotyl curvature in the first positive range is inhibited by vertical FR given either before or after phototropic induction with R. Since the FR used here is likely to produce more Pfr than the very low fluences of R eliciting the mesocotyl curvature in the first positive range, it is assumed that FR reduces the response in this case by adding Pfr at both sides of the plant axis. By rotating seedlings on a clinostat with its axis horizontal, the kinetics of mesocotyl curvature can be studied in the absence of a counteracting gravitropic response. On the clinostat, the R-induced mesocotyl curvature develops after a lag, through two successive phases having different curvature rates, the late phase is slower than the early phase. Negative curvature of the coleoptile can be induced by either R or BL; the BL-induced negative curvature is found at fluences higher than those giving positive curvature. The clinostat experiments show that the negative coleoptile curvature induced by either R or BL is a gravitropic compensation for positive mesocotyl curvature.Abbreviations BL blue light - FR far-red light - Pfr phytochrome in the far-red-absorbing form - Pr phytochrome in the red-absorbing form - R red light C.I.W.-D.P.B. Publication No. 824  相似文献   

Quantitative analyses of indol-3yl-acetic acid (I aa ) in Zea mays L. (cv. LG 11) root segments cultured in vitro were performed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring. The root extracts were first purified by highperformance liquid chromatography. Root primordia initiation in intact and decapitated roots showed different patterns: decapitation strongly enhanced primordia initiation in their first 10 mm. During the culture (5 days), I aa content decreased in both intact and decapitated roots. No correlation was found between the level of endogenous auxin and the numher of root primordia initiated from either intact or decapitated maize root segments.  相似文献   

玉米初生根向水性诱导优化试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了研究湿度梯度对根系向水性反应的影响,采用Takahashi and Scott于1993年创建的方法,设置以下3个试验:1)向水性诱导物不同倾斜角试验;2)根系距向水性诱导物不同距离试验;3)根尖距底部饱和K2CO3溶液不同距离试验。同时,还研究了根长和根系延伸速率对根系向水性弯曲的影响。结果表明,用饱和K2CO3溶液控制湿度时根系的向水性弯曲度明显大于纯水。随着诱导物倾斜角的增大,向水性弯曲增强。与距诱导物3 mm和6 mm相比,根系直接接触诱导物时表现出最大的向水性反应。与根尖距底部盐溶液6 cm相比,相距4 cm时向水性弯曲度增大,这些与根尖周围的湿度梯度增大有关。当根长为1.0、1.5、2.0、2.5、3.0 cm时,短根比长根表现出更大的向水性反应,这可能与其较慢的延伸速率为根系对湿度梯度的反应提供了更充足的时间有关。为了验证这个假说,用相同长度的根系、通过控制不同温度进行试验,结果表明根系的向水性弯曲随温度升高而降低。可见,玉米初生根的向水性反应受环境和根系发育阶段两方面影响。当根系相距诱导物较近、根系周围的湿度梯度较大时,根系向水性反应更强。而且,具有较小延伸速率根系的向水性反应更大。考虑到干旱条件下根系伸长慢、且土壤中湿度梯度大,因而可以认为干旱条件下根系的向水性生长在玉米吸收水分中有重要作用。同时,对根系向水性诱导方法的优化有助于其生理机制的进一步研究。  相似文献   

The curvature of roots in response to gravity is attributed to the development of a differential concentration gradient of IAA in the top and bottom of the elongation region of roots. The development of the IAA gradient has been attributed to the redistribution of IAA from the stele to cortical tissues in the elongation region. The gravistimulated redistribution of IAA was investigated by applying [3H]IAA to the cut surface of 5 mm apical primary root segments. The movement of label from the stele-associated [3H]IAA into the root, tip, root cap, and cortical tissues on the top and bottom of the elongation region was determined in vertically growing roots and gravistimulated roots. Label from the stele moved into the region of cell differentiation (root tip) prior to accumulating in the elongation region. Little label was observed in the root cap. Gravistimulation did not increase the amount of label moving from the stele; but gravistimulation did increase the amount of label accumulating in cortical tissues on the lower side of the elongation region, and decreased the amount of label accumulating in cortical tissues on the upper side of the elongation region. Removal of the cap prior to or immediately following gravity stimulation rendered the roots partially insensitive to gravity and also prevented gravity-induced asymmetric redistribution of label. However, removal of the root cap following 30 min of gravistimulation did not alter root curvature or the establishment of an IAA asymmetry across the region of root elongation. These results suggest that a signal originating in the root cap directs auxin redistribution in tissues behind the root cap, leading to the development of an asymmetry of IAA concentration in the elongation region that in turn causes the differential growth rate in the elongation region of a graviresponding root.  相似文献   

The rheological properties of corn (Zea mays L. cv. Garant) root elongation zones were investigated by means of a computer-controlled extensiometer. Creep closely followed a logarithmic time function, which was used to quantify creep activity. Pretreatment with auxin, which inhibits extension growth in roots, lowered the creep activity and the apparent plastic extensibility. While the time course of the inhibition of apparent plastic extensibility lagged behind the cessation of elongation growth, the drop in creep activity matched the growth inhibition more closely. Creep activity and apparent plastic extensibility were not significantly affected by pH. These data support the view that the auxin-induced cell wall stiffening (e.g. by cross-linking processes), while causal for the growth inhibition, is not brought about by a cell wall alkalinization. Received: 10 December 1996 / Accepted: 19 August 1997  相似文献   

Abstract. Re-analysis of published data on the gecocurvature and nutation of the primary root of maize is presented. This analysis demonstrates clear evidence of nutalional oscillations occurring during georesponse. The importance of this evidence in relation to theories of nutation mechanism is discussed.  相似文献   

The localization of nitrate reductase (NR; EC in cells of root tissues ofZea mays L. (W64A W182L) was determined using post-embedding immunogold labeling at the electron-microscopy level and using silver enhancement of the colloidal-gold signal for light microscopy. Nitrate reductase is located in the cytoplasm of root epidermal and cortical cells, and in the cells of the parenchyma and pericycle within the vascular cylinder. A weaker signal was also obtained in parenchymal cells of the pith lying next to the xylem. A positive signal for NR protein was seen in the chloroplast fraction of maize leaves and in the plastid fraction of roots. This signal was lost when affinity-purified antibodies were used. Sections of Lowicryl-embedded tissue were found to be suitable for the localization of the non-abundant NR protein when adequate controls and signal-enhancement procedures were used.Abbreviations IgG immunoglobulin G - NR nitrate reductase - PEPCase phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase This research was funded by Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada grants ISE0125461 (AO), OGP0106265 (JSG) and an NSERC Visiting Scientist Award to E.F.  相似文献   

The effects of excess Cd on the contents of free cysteine, total glutathione and phytochelatin (PC) were measured in roots of intact maize seedlings. Exposure to 3 /tmM Cd for 15 min caused PCs to appe substrates for formation of longer PCs. Total glutathione levels declined with PC synthesis, free cysteine contents changed little. The reactions to excess Cd differed along the length of roots. In the 1 cm apical region a high production of PCs occurred with a moderate loss of total glutathione. In the mature region, PC content was 2.5-fold less than in apices, several unidentified thiols accumulated, and total glutathione levels declined drastically. Exposure to 0.05 μM Cd for 24 h induced PCs, the contents rose as Cd concentrations were increased. The roots produced PCs in excess of that required to chelate the Cd present, as if some PCs were compartmentalized or had not yet formed Cd-PC complexes. Phytochelatin formation was stimulated most effectively by Cd, less by Zn and Cu and negligibly by Ni. Total glutathione declined with Cd and Zn exposure, however, with excess Cu the roots contained 45% more total glutathione than did the controls.  相似文献   

Dark-adapted coleoptiles of maize (Zea mays L.) were treated with red light (3min at 10.5 μmol m?2S?1) and were Stimulated, after a dark interval, with a pulse of unilateral blue light to induce phototropism. Phototropic fluence-response curves were obtained in this way for different dark intervals. It was confirmed that the bell-shaped fluence-response curve for the first pulse-induced positive phototropism (FPIPP) shifts to higher fluences following the red-light treatment, the maximal shift being achieved at a dark interval of 2h. We found, however, that the two arms of the Fluence-response curve do not shift synchronously. The shift of the descending arm to higher fluences began at 15 min. The ascending arm showed a slight shift to lower fluences before a greater shift to higher flucnces. the change of the shift direction occurring at 30–40min. Accordingly, the fluence-response curve obtained for a 30 min dark interval was comparatively wide. Although dark-adapted coleoptiles showed only fPIPP, another bell-shaped fluence-response curve, representing the second pulse-induced positive phototropism (sPIPP), appeared gradually after the red-light treatment. These changes of the phototropic fluence– respnse curve following exposure to red light are likely to have adaptive values because they favour phototropism under brighter light.  相似文献   

The crown roots in the coleoptilar node of maize emerge asymmetrically: emergence at the dorsal flank of the node (opposite to the caryopsis) precedes emergence at the ventral flank (facing the caryopsis). This asymmetry can be altered by phototropic stimulation: emergence of crown roots is delayed in the lighted flank and promoted in the shaded flank causing an inversion of the endogenous asymmetry. The curvature induced by the phototropic stimulation is transient, the effect on crown root emergence, in contrast, persists. This stable effect is not a consequence of curvature per se and becomes irreversibly fixed between one and two hours after stimulation. The emergence of crown roots depends on directional signalling from the coleoptile to the node. The data are discussed in terms of a stable blue light induced transverse polarity of the coleoptile that can imprint a stable asymmetry upon the coleoptilar node guiding the emergence of crown roots.  相似文献   

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