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A study on spatio-temporal distribution of microphytobhethos in intertidal zones of Tagus Estuary was carried out from 1990 to 1992. Near Lisbon, Portugal, Tagus Estuary is a shallow mesotidal estuary, covering an area of 320 km2. The intertidal area ranges from 20 to 40% off the total area and it is constituted mainly by mudflats. Intertidal flats are richly populated by microalgae, diatoms being the most important and ubiquitos group.Spatial variation of microphytobethos was studied in spring 1990, 21 different sites were sampled. Microphytobenthos biomass was evaluated as chlorophyll a content of the surface centimeter, ranging from 10 to 240 mg m–2. A Principal Component Analysis showed that 62% of the total variability found in intertidal flats of Tagus estuary could be attributed to two major factors: sediment type and tidal height. A hierarchical grouping defined 3 major groups of similar stations, each one representing a different strata of the ecosystem.One station from each group was chosen for the study of the temporal variation. A sampling, rogram took place from April 1991 to April 1992, with fortnightly sampling, the Chl a ranged from 20–300 mg m–2. No clear seasonal variation was found, and our results indicated that tidal height of sampledsite played an essential role in temporal biomass evolution, thus upper littoral sites were influenced by climatic parameters, whereas in lower sites action of tides mainly controlled microphytic biomass.
Résumé Une étude sur l'hétérogénéité spatio-temporelle du microphytobenthos dans les sédiments intertidaux de l'Estuaire du Tage a été accompli de 1990 á 1992.L'Estuaire du Tage, prés de Lisbonne (Portugal) est un estuaire peu profond, mesotidal, avec une aire total de 320 km2. L'aire intertidale est comprise entre 20 et 40% du total, et constituéé surtout par des vasiéres. Ces slikkes sont peuplées par une communauté assez riche de microalgues, ou les diatomées sont les plus abundantes.La variation spatialle du microphytobenthos était évalué au Printemps 1990, ou 21 différentes stations étaient échantillonnées. La biomasse était évalué par la concentration enchlorophylle a du premier centimétre de sédiment, qui a varié de 10 á 240 mg Chl a m–2. Une Analyse en Composants Principales a montré que 62% de la variabilité de la biomasse était lié á deux facteurs: le sédiment et l'hauteur vis-á-vis la marée. Une classification hiérarchique des stations par similitude a établi 3 groupes principaux, représantantles différents strates de écecosytéme.Une station de chaque groupement a été choisie pour l'étude de la variation temporelle, qui s'est deroulé d'avril 1991 á avril 1992, avec des prélévements deux fois par mois. Les valeurs de Chl a obtenus vont de 20 á 300 mg m–2. Les variations saisonniéres observées ne sont pas claires: nos résultats indiquent que l'hauteur de la station (m) joue un rôle essentiel dans l'évolution temporel de la biomasse, c'est á dire, la biomasse microalgal des sites du supra-littoral est influencié par les paramétres climatiques, tandis que dans l'infra-littoral c'est l'action des marées le facteur principal.

A predictive model, incorporating macroinvertebrate and environmental data, similar to that developed for Australian rivers (AUSRIVAS) and British rivers (RIVPACS) was constructed using a dataset collected from 23 reference (least altered) wetlands on the Swan Coastal Plain, Western Australia, sampled in summer and spring, 1989 and spring, 1990. Four main groups of reference wetlands were identified by UPGMA classification (using the Bray–Curtis dissimilarity measure). Distinguishing environmental variables identified by Stepwise Multiple Discriminant Function Analysis were: calcium, colour (gilvin), latitude, longitude, sodium and organic carbon. Observed to expected ratios of taxa with a >50% chance of occurrence (OE50) derived from the model for a suite of 23 test wetlands sampled in spring, 1997, were significantly correlated with pH and the depth of the sampling sites. Greater discrimination between the test wetlands was provided by the OE50 ratios than either raw richness (number of families) or a biotic index (SWAMPS). Results obtained for a subset of 11 test wetlands sampled with both a rapid bioassessment protocol (incorporating field picking of 200 invertebrates collected in 2 min sweeps from selected habitats) and a semi-quantitative protocol (incorporating laboratory picking of all invertebrates collected in sweeps along 10 m transects at randomly allocated sites) were not significantly different, indicating that the former could be used to reduce the time and costs associated with macroinvertebrate-based wetland monitoring programs. In addition to providing an objective method of assessing wetland condition, predictive modelling provides a list of taxa expected to occur under reference conditions, which can be used as a target in wetland restoration programs. The probable impediment to widespread adoption of predictive modelling for wetland bioassessment is the need to produce models tailored to specific geographic regions and specific climatic conditions. This may incur significant costs in countries, such as Australia, which span a wide range of climatic zones.  相似文献   

Artificial benthic collectors have been widely used for the assessment of settlement rates of decapod crustaceans. However, to date no consistent works have addressed spatial patterns of settlement in different estuarine habitats, and no specific studies targeted the interaction of artificial surfaces with the surrounding natural substrate. It may be expected that the artificial surface may produce a different thigmotactic response when compared to the natural substrate, which may limit the use of this technique for assessment of natural settlement rates. In this study the settlement rates of megalopae of the estuarine crab Carcinus maenas were addressed, specifically deploying artificial benthic collectors in different habitats both intertidal and subtidal in the lower Mira estuary. A number of experiments were performed concerning stratification and temporal fluctuations of settlement. Further, the interaction of collector surface with the surrounding substrate was investigated, by comparing settlement rates in natural and artificial substrates in different habitats. Results have shown significant differences in settlement between different estuarine habitats, both in spatially replicated experiments and in a high-resolution temporal experiment. However, comparison between settlement rates in artificial and natural substrates has shown that there is a strong interference between collectors and surrounding substrate, limiting interpretation of results concerning settlement rates in artificial substrate alone.  相似文献   

P. Moreno  M. Callisto 《Hydrobiologia》2006,560(1):311-321
The Ibirité watershed is subject to several forms of environmental degradation such as the presence of a petroleum refinery industry, urbanization of its surrounding landscape, and non treated domestic sewage from over 135,000 inhabitants. Benthic macroinvertebrates represent a useful tool in the evaluation of environmental quality through studies of the structure of communities and their relationship to anthropic activities within the watersheds. The objective of this study was to evaluate the environmental impact to the Ibirité reservoir caused by the petroleum refinery industry, urbanization, and sulphatation. Degradation of the watershed was measured by using the richness, diversity, evenness, and density of benthic macroinvertebrates. Twelve sampling stations were established as follows: five stations on Pintados and Ibirité streams (upstream from the reservoir), six in the reservoir and one station downstream from the reservoir. From 2002 to 2003, during both the dry and rainy seasons (in the tributaries) and the stratified and non-stratified periods (in the reservoir) were evaluated. A total of 289,777 organisms were collected and the most abundant organisms found in the streams were Oligochaeta (60%), Chironomidae (Chironomus, Goeldichironomus, Dicrotendipes, Cryptochironomus, Polypedilum, Parachironomus, Tanytarsus, Tribelos, Tanypus, Ablabesmyia, Cricotopus, Oliveriella) (38%) and Gastropoda (Biomphalaria straminea, Physa sp., Melanoides tuberculatus, Pomacea haustrum) (2%). In the reservoir, the most abundant specimens were Chaoboridae (46%) and Chironomidae larvae (Chironomus, Goeldichironomus, Tanypus, Coleotanypus, Labrundinia) (17%), in addition to Oligochaeta (24%) and Gastropoda (Melanoides tuberculatus) (13%). Evaluation of the structure and distribution of benthic communities showed a rapid environmental degradation process within the studied aquatic systems, in which low values of richness and diversity and high densities of tolerant organisms were observed. This environmental degradation is a result of the intense discharge of domestic sewage into the streams, reducing water quality and contributing to rapid artificial eutrophication.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of benthic (up to 0.05 m depth) and hyporheic (0.25 and 0.5 m depth) macroinvertebrates from downwelling zones at the heads of riffles and upwelling zones at the tails of riffles was examined in two studies on a 4th order chalk stream in Dorset, England. In the first study, differences in benthic and hyporheic macroinvertebrate community composition between the head and tail of a single riffle were investigated. In the second study, a replicated design involving eight riffles was used to compare benthic and hyporheic macroinvertebrate community composition both between heads and tails of the same riffles and between riffles. In the first (single riffle) study there were significantly higher mean numbers of benthic invertebrates and families at the riffle head (715 individuals and 13.8 families per 0.0225 m2) compared to the tail (192 individuals and 8.7 families). ANOSIM analysis also showed that the community structure of head and tail benthic samples was significantly different. In the second (replicated riffle) study, there were also significantly more benthic invertebrates at riffle heads ( = 594 per 0.0225 m2) compared to tails ( = 417 per 0.0225 m2), although this was not the case for families, and community structure also differed significantly between riffle heads and tails. In contrast, in the hyporheic zone, there were no significant differences between the total numbers of invertebrates in the riffle heads and tails, or between riffles, although a significant difference in family richness between riffle head and tail samples was identified in the first study. Community analysis revealed progressively poorer separation of riffle head and tail samples at 0.25 m and 0.5 m hyporheic depths. Whilst being able to identify clear differences in benthic communities from riffles heads and tails, the physically heterogeneous nature of the riffle habitats studied made it difficult to account for the consistent differences in macroinvertebrate communities observed with the physical variables measured.  相似文献   

Short-term sediment deposition was studied at four salt marsh areas in the Tagus estuary. In areas covered with Sarcocornia perennis, Sarcocornia fruticosa, Halimione portulacoides and Spartina maritima and also in the non-vegetated areas, sedimentation was measured as the monthly accumulation of sediments on nylon filters anchored on the soil surface, from August 2000 to May 2001. Our experiments were used also to determine the influence of the different plant species in vertical accretion rates. Short-term sedimentation rates (from 2.8 to 272.3 g m−2 d−1) did show significant differences when the four salt marshes studied in the Tagus estuary were compared to each others. Salt marshes closer to the sediment sources had higher sedimentation rates. Our results suggest that the salt marsh type and surface cover may provide small-scale variations in sedimentation and also that sediment deposition values do change according to the position of the different plant species within the salt marsh. Sedimentation is an essential factor in salt marsh vertical accretion studies and our investigation may provide support to help forecast the adaptative response of the Tagus estuary wetlands to future sea level rise.  相似文献   

珠江口底栖动物生态学研究   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
采泥样调查所获底栖动物一般为体形较小,活动能力较弱的种类,往往是一些底层鱼类和虾类等良好的天然饵料。珠江口海域渔业资源丰富,是中国南海区的主要渔场之一,因此,对该海域饵料底栖动物进行研究有重要意义。通过1999年9月和2000年4月分别对珠江口底栖生物进行的两个航次的采泥样调查,分别鉴定出底栖动物15衙睡21种,共计32种。底栖动物的优势种,秋季为光滑河篮蛤Potamocorbula laevis(Hinds)(Y=0.387),春季为光滑河篮蛤(Y=0.464)和欧虫Owenia fusformis Delle Chiaje(Y=0.120)。平均个体数量和生物量,春季为591.7ind./m^2和26.7g/m^2,秋季为85.0ing./m^2和7.4g/m^2;而在各类群生物中,软体动物占绝大部分,其次为多毛类,其它各类群所占比例都不足5%。生物多样性,个体数量和生物量的分布均呈由北向南增加的趋势。另外,与近20a中的历史资料相比,珠江口底栖动物个体数量变化不大,除2000年春季较高为591.7ind./m^2外,其变化范围在72.4-128ing./m^2之间。春季生物量除1991年较高为27.0g/m^2外,变化不是很大,大约10g/m^2;但秋季生物量呈明显下降趋势,1980年为30.1g/m^2,1990年为27.8g/m^2,1999年秋季急剧下降至7.4g/m^2。此外,从底栖动物各大类群的百分组成变化情况来看,一般以软体动物个体数量(22.7%-83.2%)和生物量(57.9%-82.5%)都最高;多毛类的个体数量百分组成占第二倍,其范围是13.4%-52.3%;其它各类群的百分组成除个别时候所占比例较大外,一般都较小。  相似文献   

The estuarine food habits of the European eel, Anguilla anguilla (L.), in the upper zone of the Tagus estuary have been studied through the analysis of 210 specimens collected during 1988. Eels, measuring from 136 to 627 mm in total length, fed on prey organisms ranging from 2.0 to 76.0 mm in length. Amphipods and the shore crab, Carcinus maenas (L.), were the most important food items found. In more saline muddy bottom areas polychaetes, bivalves and shrimp increased their importance as prey, replacing the amphipods as preferential food. Fish were always a secondary, although significant, prey item. The occurrence of seasonal variations in eels' diet could be attributed to fluctuations in prey densities. There was evidence of a close relationship between the quantity of prey organisms in the benthos and the composition of eels' stomach contents, but a certain degree of food selection based on size, concealment capacity and motility of prey, was found.  相似文献   

A total of thirty taxa of benthic macroinvertebrates were collected from Lake Naini Tal (area = 48 ha, mean depth = 16.2 m) situated 1937 m above sea-level in the Kumaun Region of the Himalaya. Of these, Chironomus plumosus and Tubifex tubifex were numerically dominant, while Viviparus bengalensis (Mollusca) was the most abundant species in terms of biomass. The seasonality was characterised by two peaks (May and December) both in density and biomass. The population density as well as biomass declined with progressive water depth up to 7 m. Beyond 7 m water depth not even a single individual was found.  相似文献   

A numerical model to simulate the transport of suspended sediment in tidal estuaries is presented. The model is applied to the two large European estuaries the Tagus (Portugal) and the Scheldt (Belgium-The Netherlands). Calculated suspended sediment concentrations compare favourably with observations in the Tagus (r=0.84) and in the Scheldt (r=0.73). The parametrization scheme indicates that the bottom content of fine sediment is correlated with depth in the Tagus; but a different relationship is used in the Scheldt. Because of tidal range differences, average suspended sediment concentrations are lower in the Tagus (80 mg l−1) than in the Scheldt (130 mg l−1), but a larger relative variation between spring and neap tide concentrations may occur in the Tagus.  相似文献   

Among the stomach contents of 609 individuals of Solea solea and 1104 of S. senegalensis the main food items of S. solea were Corophium spp. and Hediste diversicolor, and of S. senegalensis were Corophium spp., H. diversicolor and Scrobicularia plana. For both species, the importance of larger prey items in the diet, namely H. diversicolor and Crangon crangon, increased with fish size. Feeding activity of S. solea and S. senegalensis increased in spring and summer. Short-term variations were particularly related to the tidal cycle and the two species fed in intertidal areas. Dietary dierences between the two nursery areas reflected prey availability mainly. Although intra- and interspecific length classes overlapped in diet, potential interspecific competition was probably minimized by a dierential habitat use pattern.  相似文献   

Temporal and spatial changes of epibenthic macroinvertebrates (EMI) were described from a ten-year (1985–1995) trawl study on the San Pedro Shelf, California. Community measures including number of species, individuals, biomass, dominance (DI), evenness (J'), and diversity (H' and SR) per trawl were computed for eight trawl stations representing four isobaths. Two reference stations and a test station (located at an ocean outfall) were featured in statistical analyses examining whether the outfall had any effect on EMI. During the ten-year period 127,389 individuals provided 106 EMI taxa. Water depth was the most important factor affecting EMI composition. Although some statistically significant differences in EMI community measures among trawl stations were found. differences between the outfall and both reference stations were either insignificant or inconsistent, providing no obvious ecological impacts attributable to the outfall.  相似文献   

The use of scale inspection as a means of age-determination in Pomatoschistus microps and Pomatoschistus minutus in the Tagus estuary is confirmed, but annulus formation pattern is different from that described for P. microps in the area of the British Isles (Miller, 1975). In Britain, two annuli are laid down on the scales each year, but in the Tagus, only one annulus is formed. One possible reason for this difference is the fact that in the Tagus the peak breeding season and the lowest water temperatures coincide. Therefore, the two causes of annulus formation coexist at the same time of year.
Population structure in both species is dominated by the 0-group, which appears earlier (April/May) than reported for other areas. Maximum age seems not to exceed 26 months in P. microps and 32 months in P. minutus .  相似文献   

The North Fork Holston River (NFHR) was examined in fall 2005 to determine the potential impact of a brine discharge on benthic macroinvertebrates. Conductivity of the discharge ranged from 5900 to 10,930 μ S/cm with a highest measurement of 18,000 μ S/cm. During normal flow, conductivity dissipates rapidly downstream of the discharge; however, low-flow conditions in 2005 hindered dissipation. Benthic macroinvertebrate surveys determined statistically significant differences (p = .05) in all metrices between sites excluding taxa richness. Hydropsychid caddisflies were the predominant taxa at the first two sites below the brine discharge, accounting for 74.3 and 68.8% of the organisms collected. Therefore, Ephemeroptera-Plecoptera-Trichoptera (EPT) abundance minus Hydropsychidae [EPT-H] was the most predictive parameter measured. When hydropsychids were removed from statistical analyses, mean EPT abundance was highest at upstream reference sites 1 and 2 (256 and 297, respectively) and reduced at all downstream sites, ranging from 24 to 52 EPT organisms. Virginia Stream Condition Index (SCI) scores indicated impairment downstream of the discharge with scores of 46.9, 41.8, and 55.8, well below the impairment threshold of 61. These results suggest subchronic, intermittent toxicity occurs under low-flow and may contribute to altered benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages downstream of the brine discharge for approximately 26 miles.  相似文献   

The diet of Alosafallax was studied by means of the frequency of occurrence of prey items. In the Tagus Estuary, shads feed preferentially on fish, with mysids, shrimp, isopods and insects occurring as secondary prey.  相似文献   

The effect of light, temperature and ammonium on inorganic nitrogen uptake by phytoplankton was investigated from June 1994 through December 1995 at three sites in the Tagus estuary (Portugal), during high tide of neap tides. Ammonium concentrations higher than 10 M reduced nitrate uptake down to 24% but never prevented it. Below this threshold concentration, nitrate uptake was neither inhibited nor changed. Uptake of both nitrate and ammonium as a function of light intensity exhibited a saturation response. Uptake reduction occurred in the near bottom phytoplankton populations, particularly for nitrate. The ammonium uptake system was less limited by light than the nitrate uptake system, indicating the importance of ammonium as a nitrogen source for the phytoplankton which is likely to experience high changes in light in the well-mixed water column of this estuarine environment. Ammonium uptake was exponentially related to temperature in the upper estuary whereas in the mid and lower estuary this relationship was linear. The effect of temperature on nitrate uptake was linear but far less marked than for ammonium uptake.  相似文献   

The benthic (zoobenthos and microphytobenthos) and physical characteristics of intertidal sediments were studied in April and September 1997 on 10 locations, differing in elevation and exposure to tidal currents, situated on three mudflats in the mesohaline part of the Schelde estuary. Sediment characteristics were spatially and temporally relatively homogeneous among the sampling locations, all characterized by a high proportion of mud. It emerged that the nature of the sediment (in terms of granulometric characterization, organic matter) did not fully explain the substantial spatial and temporal (seasonal) variability in the benthos (pigment contents and benthic fauna), but that other environmental conditions explained the observed variability. Chlorophyll a and fucoxanthin contents in the top layer (0–0.5 cm) of the sediment were about 7 times higher in April than in September, but a large spatial variation was observed, especially in April, which was mainly attributed to a difference in elevation of the mudflats. The high pigment contents in April were accompanied by a relative low abundance of the benthic fauna. In April sub-surface deposit feeders, mainly Oligochaeta, were numerically most important in the 1000 and 500 m fraction of the zoobenthos, and Nematodes in the 250 m fraction. The surface deposit feeders Manayunkia aestuarina and Copepoda were locally very abundant, showing a strong positive correlation with elevation and pigment contents. The critical shear stress for erosion, measured in situ with the SedErode device, varied between 0.26 and 0.43 N m–2 in April. The critical shear stress for erosion was lower in September when pigment contents were significantly lower and benthic fauna abundance was higher. In September Corophium volutator, Heteromastus filiformis, Nereis diversicolor and Macoma balthica dominated the 1000 m fraction, Oligochaeta and C. volutator the 500 m fraction, and Nematodes, M. aestuarina, Oligochaeta and Copepoda the 250 m fraction. It is argued that in estuarine systems with high seasonal variability in river flow rate and therefore salinity, the upper-middle estuarine fauna may switch each year between an oligohaline and a mesohaline fauna, which result in communities that seldom progress beyond early benthic-community succession. The majority of the benthic infauna was found in the upper 3 cm in both seasons, with surface deposit feeders (e.g. C. volutator, M. aestuarina) mainly occurring in the top 1 cm of the sediment, showing a strong correlation with both elevation and pigment contents and sub-surface deposit feeders (e.g. H. filiformis, Oligochaeta) occurring deeper in the sediment, showing a positive correlation with the mud content of the sediment.  相似文献   

为了评价长江口滨岸潮滩沉积物中重金属锌对底栖动物的影响,进行了底栖动物泥螺的24h急性毒理学试验研究.结果表明:泥螺的半致死剂量为0.133g/L,全致死剂量为1g/L:对泥螺体内重金属累集量的分析表明:泥螺体内Zn的含量随试验组浓度的增高而增多,试验组的Zn浓度和泥螺累积的Zn含量符合Cubic三次函数:Zn的增加对泥螺富集Pb、Cr、Ni的影响是在浓度为1g/L、4g/L时出现两个峰值:Zn含量的增加对泥螺富集Cu的影响是在Zn浓度为0.5g/L、1g/L时泥螺对Cu富集量有所升高.这说明底栖动物对重金属的富集是个动态的过程,底栖动物富集的重金属元素间具有一定的协同作用.  相似文献   

The paper describes the local, national, European and wider-area framework, statutes, and formal and voluntary mechanisms for managing European estuaries. These aspects are discussed in relation to two large and representative estuarine systems, the Tagus, Portugal, and the Humber, on the English North Sea coast As estuaries are sites of many activities and uses, most of which are encouraged or at least condoned, management has the role of preventing and resolving conflicts between those uses and users. Accepted uses of estuaries include the discharge and dumping of waste materials, fin and shell-fisheries, conservation, land reclamation, natural usage, abstraction by industry, and recreation. Estuarine management is now being carried out within the constraints of local and regional government planning, planning and activities of water pollution control bodies, fisheries control bodies, and navigation and port authorities The Tagus and Humber estuaries support all of the above activities and uses, and have controls within a European legislative framework but have differing histories of management and planning in order to resolve conflicts. In addition the Humber is subject to controls placed on North Sea areas. The paper discusses the relevant national and European legislation (Directives) and accepted practices for management. Furthermore, the paper discusses the formulation and practice of estuarine management plans as used by various bodies (nature conservation, water quality and regional authority). It is of particular note that the lessons from these two estuaries are relevant to many other European estuaries.  相似文献   

Estuarine intertidal soft-bottom macrobenthic infauna of the Tagus estuary was characterised using different mesh size sieves and sediment sampling depth. The study sampled 105 sites using a hand held 0.01 m2 corer. The top layer (0–5 cm) was sieved through nested 1.0 and 0.5 mm meshes whereas the bottom layer (5–20 cm) was through a 1 mm mesh. The total survey took 26 taxa of more than 5800 individuals and a total wet weight biomass of over 650 g. The top layer, using both sieves, gathered 23 taxa (92% of the total), more than 5600 specimens (96%) but less than 8 g of biomass (1%) whereas the 1.0 mm sieve retained 21 taxa (91%), more than 1700 specimens (31%) and almost 7 g of biomass (1%). Abundance was dominated by small annelids, of which Streblospio shrubsolii was 68%, whereas biomass was dominated by molluscs, with the bivalve Scrobicularia plana representing 98%. Multivariate analyses showed an abundance pattern where the top layer data was very similar to that obtained with both layers. The bottom layer data were needed to accurately represent the total biomass pattern. The macrofaunal spatial pattern identified with the 0.5 mm sieve data differed from that identified by the 1.0 mm and was essential to discriminate a faunal assemblage located along the upper part of the shore. It was concluded that in order to characterize the macrofauna community structure, based on the presence/absence of taxa, the top layer and a 1.0 mm sieve would be sufficient. An abundance-based characterization requires the top layer and a 0.5 mm sieve whereas a biomass-based characterization requires data for both layers but it is sufficient to use the 1.0 mm sieve. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

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