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The gene and haplotype frequencies of the HLA-A and -B locus antigens were determined in 502 unrelated individuals from Cantabria (middle North Spain). Our results were compared with those reported for other European and Spanish populations. The haplotypes with significant linkage disequilibrium were also analyzed in various Spanish population samples in order to establish possible relationships with geographic situation and historical events.  相似文献   


A phytosociological study of the urban woods of Rome is described. Six syntaxonomical types were identified: 1) Orno-Quercetum ilicis, an edaphic-xerophytic variant of the natural potential vegetation of the city (deciduous Quercus sp. pl. woods); 2) Aquifolio-Fagetum carpinetosum betuli, in the northern slopes of alluvial valleys; 3) Q. suber and Q. pubescens wood, ranked in Quercetalia pubescenti-petraeae order 4) Quercetum ilicis galloprovinciale suberetosum; 5) coppice of Q. cerris and Q. frainetto, which belongs to the Teucrio siculi-Quercion cerridis alliance; 6) mixed mesophile wood of Q. cerris and Ostrya carpinifolia which can be considered a transition between the Doronico-Fagion and the Teucrio siculi-Quercion cerridis alliances. All of these six woody vegetation types are characterised by the large penetration of Mediterranean species belonging to the Quercetea and Quercetalia ilicis and the middle-European ones of the Querco-Fagetea. This mosaic of species exemplifies the bioclimatic characteristics of Rome, which is situated in a Mediterranean transitional region.  相似文献   

The diversity of spatial patterns of 61 allele frequencies for 20 genetic systems (15 loci) in Italy is presented. Blood antigens, enzymes, and proteins were analyzed. The total number of data points over all systems and localities was 1119. We used homogeneity tests, one-dimensional and directional spatial correlograms, and SYMAP interpolated surfaces. The data matrices were reduced by clustering techniques to reveal the principal patterns. Only a few allele frequency surfaces are strongly correlated across loci. All systems but one (ADA) exhibit significant heterogeneity in allele frequencies among the localities. Significant spatial patterns are shown by 27 of the 61 surfaces. Only one pattern (cde; system 4.19) is clinal; another (PGM1) exhibits a pure isolation by distance pattern; the others show long-range differentiation in addition to the short-distance decline of autocorrelation expected under isolation by distance. There is a marked decline in overall genetic similarity with distance for most variables. The 27 spatially significant alleles in Italy are also significantly patterned in Europe, but in all but 2 cases the country-wide and continent-wide patterns differ. The Italian patterns are due to forces specific to Italy. Differential selection for alleles associated with malaria is still evident. Whereas short-range differentiation can with malaria is still evident. Whereas short-range differentiation can be explained by isolation by distance, long-range differentiation appears to be due to demographic changes in certain populations that may be maintained by physical and linguistic isolation.  相似文献   

Summary The red cell glutamic-pyruvic transaminase phenotype has been determined in 294 individuals from the region of the Po delta (Ferrara, Northern Italy). No correlation with past malarial morbidity has been detected. The gene frequencies found in this survey are similar to those reported for other Caucasian populations. One GPT 3 GPT 1 individual has been found.Supported by a grant of the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR).  相似文献   

The Kell gene frequencies, determined in Senegal are as follows: Our data enter the limits already known for black African populations.  相似文献   

For the first time in Rome, house-dust mite infestation was studied in 90 randomly selected houses. In each house, mite infestation was assessed in three sites: mattress, bedroom and living room. In total, 87.8% of the sampled houses were positive for dust mites. In the houses infested, 11.4% showed densities of >100 mites/g of dust, 15.2% registered densities between 50 and 99, and in the remaining houses (73.4%), the densities were between 1 and 49 mites/g dust. The percentages of infested houses were positively correlated with the relative humidity (RH) values (r=0.89,P=0.02). At the lowest range of RH (between 46 and 50), the infestation was 50% and at the highest range of RH (between 73 and 78) it was 100%. The mattress was significantly the most infested (71.1%) of the tested sites. Only wool and spring mattresses were infested, and they did not show any significant differences in mite concentrations.Dermatophagoides farinae was the most abundant species (53.1%), followed byGlycyphagus domesticus (34.5%),D. pteronyssinus (5.2%), andEuroglyphus maynei (0.2%);D. farinae was also the most frequent species (56.9%). The remaining specimens (7.0%) were predator species commonly found in houses. The prevalence ofD. farinae in Rome is discussed.  相似文献   

The pollen diagram from Stracciacappa (Sabatini volcanic complex, Rome) provides a record of vegetational and climatic change spanning the last 60000 years, which is the time since when volcanic activity in the crater came to an end. The chronological framework of the sediment core is set by five AMS and three conventional radiocarbon dates; the mean sedimentation rate obtained by radiocarbon measurements was used to extrapolate the age of the record beyond the reach of 14C dating. The sequence from Stracciacappa provides results of fundamental importance for the understanding of the vegetational changes which occurred during the last pleniglacial period in central Italy, and it can be considered as a reference pollen record for the regional biostratigraphic characterization of this period. The site shows a high climatic sensitivity, particularly highlighted by the development of some pleniglacial oscillations with woodland, which interrupted the succession of steppe and grassland vegetational formations typical of the glacial periods. Unfortunately, due to sedimentation problems and alteration of the top level sediments, the Holocene is only recorded in part. Only for one millennium, from ca. 8300 to 7200 uncalb.p., was a real forest expansion characterized by over 90% arboreal pollen found.  相似文献   

Using the polymerase chain reaction, we examined the allele frequencies and heterozygosities of six (CA)n markers of the dystrophin gene in Koreans. Allele frequencies of these markers were different from those reported for Caucasians. The heterozygosity values for these markers range from 29 to 86%. With the exception of the STR50 marker, these values were lower than those of Caucasians. However, all markers except for the 3'CA marker showed PIC values over 0.5, suggesting a high degree of polymorphism. Therefore, this study will be useful in linkage analysis for Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy families in the Korean population.  相似文献   

The relationship between geographic isolation and historical-demographic features and genetic structure and pattern of variation of genetic markers was analyzed in the population of Garfagnana, a semi-isolated mountainous area in the province of Lucca (Italy), taking into account hierarchical subdivisions. A random sample of unrelated individuals, whose parents were both born in this area, was typed for AB0, MN, Kell, Rh, AK, EsD, 6-PGD, AcP and ABH secretor status. The village samples were aggregated into larger population units: Two districts and six subdistricts. Comparisons were performed with population samples of the plain and the coastal area of the same province (Lucca). Phenotype and genetic differentiations among and within subdivisions were studied using G2, R statistic, Nei's method, Harpending & Ward's method and analysis of genetic distance and similarity matrices. The various parameters consistently show significant heterogeneity among the subdivisions, both at district and at subdistrict level. As expected, the gene diversity between and within subdivisions varies according to their distinctive features of isolation.  相似文献   

PON gene family includes at least three members termed PON1, PON2 and PON3, and it is mapped on human chromosome 7q21-q22. PON1 and PON3 gene products are constituents of high density lipoprotein (HDL) and have many enzymatic properties and antioxidant activity. PONs are proposed to participate in the prevention of low density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation. PON1 and PON2 genes have missense polymorphisms, but, to date, no missense variants are reported in PON3 gene. In this work we explored the existence of genetic variants within the PON3 coding sequences. Five point mutations were identified by direct sequencing of genomic DNA derived from 250 randomly selected DNA samples of 1143 blood donors living in southern Italy. Three were silent mutations, while two were missense mutations that give rise to amino acid substitutions at positions 311 (S>T) and 324 (G>D). The missense variations in the DNA of the 1143 samples had frequencies of 0.22% (5 out of 2286 alleles) for the S311T mutation, and 0.57% (13 out of 2286 alleles) for the G324D mutation. The effect of these variants on the metabolic activity of paraoxonase 3 remains to be further evaluated.  相似文献   

Gaucher disease: gene frequencies in the Ashkenazi Jewish population.   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
DNA from over 2,000 Ashkenazi Jewish subjects has been examined for the four most common Jewish Gaucher disease mutations, which collectively account for about 96% of the disease-producing alleles in Jewish patients. This population survey has made possible the estimation of gene frequencies for these alleles. Eighty-seven of 1,528 individuals were heterozygous for the 1226G (N370S) mutation, and four presumably well persons were homozygous for this mutation. The gene frequency for the 1226G allele was calculated to be .0311, and when these data were pooled with those obtained previously from another 593 Jewish subjects, a gene frequency of .032 with a standard error of .004 was found. Among 2,305 normal subjects, 10 were found to be heterozygous for the 84GG allele, giving a gene frequency of .00217 with a standard error of .00096. No examples of the IVS2(+1) mutation were found among 1,256 samples screened, and no 1448C (L444P) mutations were found among 1,528 samples examined. Examination of the distribution of Gaucher disease gene frequencies in the general population shows that the ratio of 1226G mutations to 84GG mutations is higher than that in the patient population. This is presumed to be due to the fact that homozygotes for the 1226G mutation often have late-onset disease or no significant clinical manifestations at all. To bring the gene frequency in the patient population into conformity with the gene frequency in the general population, nearly two-thirds of persons with a Gaucher disease genotype would be missing from the patient population, presumably because their clinical manifestations were very mild.  相似文献   

The genetic structure of six populations of Iran (Turks, Kurds, Lurs, Zabolis, Baluchis and Zoroastrians) was examined using data on blood groups, serum proteins and cell enzymes. Our results show conclusively that there are genetic differences among the six populations and the analysis of superimposed R and S matrices defined by Harpending & Jenkins (1973) show that the dispersion of some of the alleles correspond to the dispersion of the populations. The FST estimates are not large enough to favour selection on any of the loci studied. The FIT and FIS estimates are positive and moderately high suggesting that the genetic differentiation to some extent is influenced by inbreeding.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to present the genetic distribution at the HLA-A, B and C loci in the Galician population (Spain). A random sample of 264 unrelated individuals from the autochtonous population were tested. The gene frequencies observed at the three loci are within the respective variability ranges found in European populations. The linkage disequilibrium value, D, was calculated using the phenotype frequencies at the A-B, A-C and B-C loci; the most frequent haplotype combinations were A1-B8 and A2-B44, A2-Cw7 and A1-Cw7, and B7-Cw7 and B35-Cw4, respectively.  相似文献   

Summary Genetic polymorphism of S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase (SAHH) was investigated in a total of 214 red blood cell samples from unrelated Japanese using the starch gel electrophoresis and the enzyme-specific staining procedures. Three common phenotypes were observed which corresponded to SAHH 1, SAHH 2-1, and SAHH 2, controlled by two alleles, SAHH*1 and SAHH*2. The estimated gene frequencies of SAHH*1 and SAHH*2 in Japanese were 0.953 and 0.047, respectively. This result was not different from European samples reported by Bissbort et al. (1983).  相似文献   

RFLPs of mtDNA for HpaI, BamHI, HaeII, MspI, AvaII and HincII were analyzed in 100 individuals from 15 Albanian villages of the Cosenza province (Calabria, Southern Italy). Thirteen mtDNA types were identified, one of which is new and is due to an AvaII morph (AvaII 27Alb) never described before. Other two types (15-2 and 40-2) previously unfound in Italians were detected in one and two individuals respectively. The intra-group homogeneity (F=.49) resulted to be the highest found among the Italian groups examined so far. It is however very similar to that of a control sample of the Calabria population (F=.46). On the whole no important differences have emerged in the comparison between Albanians and not Albanians from Calabria. These results can indicate either that the markers we examined are not discriminative or that genetic admixture has occurred at least by immigration of Calabrian women into the Albanian group.  相似文献   

This work provides an overview of plant diversity in the municipality of Rome (Italy) through an assessment of the flora in urban and suburban sectors of the city. It is aimed at providing the knowledge required to support proactive action for plant conservation. On the basis of a literature-derived catalogue and of an extensive survey campaign, the flora was investigated in terms of conservation interest; habitat types and locations that require protection measures were identified according to the occurrence of valuable native plants. Valuable species exclusive of the urban sector are threatened by the compaction trend affecting the urban fabric. Such species occur mainly in ruderal environments and fallows of archaeological sites and urban parks, near river courses and in remnants of natural forests. Valuable species exclusive of the suburban sector are threatened by urban sprawl. They occur prevalently in wet environments of the subcoastal strip and in coastal sands, Mediterranean maquis, tuffaceous gorges, sulphur springs and archaeological sites. The results highlight the need to preserve the complexity of the land mosaic, especially within the urban matrix, and to strengthen the existing environmental protection tools in the suburban area against foreseeable land cover changes.  相似文献   

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